How to take Yox spray according to instructions. Yox is a broad-spectrum antiseptic antimicrobial drug

Each 30 ml bottle contains: povidone-iodine 2.55 g, allantoin 0.03 g;

excipients: levomenthol, citric acid monohydrate, sodium dihydrogen citrate, ethanol 96%, propylene glycol, purified water.


Transparent, slightly opalescent liquid of red-brown color, indefinitely miscible with water.

Pharmacological action"type="checkbox">

Pharmacological action

Indications for use

Disinfection of the oral cavity and pharynx for inflammatory and infectious diseases - tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, glossitis, aphthae; when preparing a patient for surgery and postoperative period; for the treatment of oral infections arising during chemotherapy, as an additional agent to antibiotic therapy for sore throats caused by streptococci, in influenza conditions in the prodromal period.


The drug is contraindicated in hypersensitivity to iodine or other components of the drug, with hyperfunction thyroid gland, with decompensated heart failure, with renal failure, it is contraindicated to use the drug 2 weeks before and after studies or radioactive iodine therapy.

The active substance penetrates the placental barrier and enters mother's milk, therefore the drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Yox spray is contraindicated in children under 8 years of age.

Pregnancy and lactation


There is no experience with the topical use of povidone-iodine in the oral cavity of pregnant women. At vaginal use povidone-iodine, or when applied topically to the skin during pregnancy or during childbirth, congenital hyperthyroidism or struma was found in newborns, therefore the use of Yox during pregnancy is not recommended.


Iodine passes into mother's milk. It was found several times in the blood and urine of newborns more iodine than their mothers who used povidone-iodine. High concentration in serum can cause hypothyroidism in newborns. For this reason, Yox is contraindicated for use during lactation.

Directions for use and doses

Adults and children over 8 years of age:

Usually applied 2-4 times a day, if necessary, more often (every 4 hours): 1-3 injections into the right and left side oral cavity or directly to the affected area. The interval between individual applications of the drug should be at least 4 hours. The drug can be used a maximum of 6 times per day. The dose of the drug is determined by the attending physician. Do not inhale or swallow the sprayed solution!

Remove the protective cap and install the applicator. Press the applicator 2-3 times so that the solution enters the sprayer and sprays after pressing. After this, place the applicator tube 2-3 cm into the oral cavity, hold your breath and press the cap twice so that one irrigation is carried out to the right, and the second to the left. The applicator is washed before and after use hot water.

Side effect"type="checkbox">

Side effect

The drug is well tolerated.

IN in some cases hypersensitivity reactions to the drug are observed, a local manifestation of an allergic reaction to iodine (itching, hyperemia, urticaria) is possible, which requires discontinuation of the drug. Rarely, mainly in children, a short-term burning sensation or a feeling of dryness in the mouth appeared at the application site.


There is no experience of overdose with proper local use in the mouth or pharynx.

When using iodine solution internally, acute iodine poisoning is possible.

Symptoms: At first, patients notice a metallic taste in the mouth, vomiting, pain in the stomach and stool disorders. Within 1 - 2 days, anuria, swelling of the glottis leading to asphyxia, aspiration pneumonia or pulmonary edema manifests itself. In some cases, vascular insufficiency was observed.

Treatment is purely symptomatic; first, standard measures are taken to stop absorption from gastrointestinal tract. The victim is given milk and boiled starch. If the esophagus is not affected, then gastric lavage can be performed. Then activated carbon and 1% or 5% sodium thiosulfate solution are prescribed, which reduces iodine to iodide. The elimination of absorbed substances can be accelerated by osmotic diuresis. Experience in dialysis similar situations not described in the literature.

Interaction with other drugs

It is not advisable to use simultaneous preparations fn Yox with other antiseptics, intended for local O use in the mouth and throat, especially those containing hydrogen peroxide.

The use of Iox leads to false-positive results of stool analysis for occult blood. When studying the function of the thyroid gland, the amount of protein-bound iodine may increase.

Features of application

For laryngitis, the drug can be used only if absolutely necessary.

Yox is a long-known, but undeservedly forgotten cure for many diseases of the ENT organs. Iodine-based preparations have long been used as effective antiseptics in medicine and everyday life. The scope of application of Yox is various kinds tonsillitis (follicular, catarrhal, lacunar; caused by streptococci), acute and chronic tonsillitis, laryngitis, glossitis, stomatitis, symptomatic therapy with ARVI.

For many, judging by the reviews, Yox is the first cough medicine. How did he earn the trust of his patients? The main remaining components of this drug are povidone-iodine and allantoin, which provide effective anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects...

Before you continue reading: If you are looking effective method getting rid of constant colds and diseases of the nose, throat, lungs, then be sure to look into section of the site "Book" after reading this article. This information is based on personal experience author and has helped many people, we hope it will help you too. NOT advertising! So, now back to the article.

To understand exactly how Yox works, you should study the characteristics of these substances and the mechanism of their action in combination and separately. So, povidone-iodine. It is a combination of iodine and iodophor, forming a polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) complex. In this compound, the iodine concentration can vary from 0.1% to 1%. Getting on the affected mucous membranes of the respiratory system, active iodine is released and binds to the cells of pathogenic microorganisms, blocks them and causes death. This process happens quickly, so bactericidal effect attacks viruses, bacteria and fungi instantly. Iodine in the form of PVP is more effective than in the usual form for many alcohol solution and less toxic. Iodine not only has a pathogenic effect on microbes, but also has a weak immunostimulating effect and helps to increase the mucolytic effect by stimulating mucus production. In addition to treating oral diseases, povidone-iodine is used to disinfect wounds, infectious diseases skin, hand hygiene and surgical instruments etc.

Allantoin is a strong anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial astringent drug for external use. Helps soften mucous membranes, relieves microinflammation and renews damaged cells and tissues. But first of all, it enhances the work of povidone-iodine - this is its main task.

In combination, allantoin and povidone-iodine have a rapid antibacterial effect which continues for a long time. Yox, thanks to its composition, has become an effective antiseptic, antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal drug.

In addition to the substances described above, Yox also includes levomenthol, citric acid, sodium citrate dihydrate, ethanol 95%, propylene glycol and purified water.

What contraindications does Yox have?

Each medicine has contraindications, ranging from hypersensitivity to the drug and ending certain diseases. Indications for refusing to use Yox are disorders of the thyroid gland, heart failure, taking radioactive iodine, dermatitis herpetiformis, allergy to any of the components of the drug. Yox should not be used as a medicine by children under 6 (8) years of age.

When rinsing or irrigating the mouth, it is not advisable to swallow Yox. This is a drug for external use. It should be explained why Yox is undesirable for thyroid diseases. Once in the patient’s body, iodine is released from the drug and, after performing its functions, can be excreted through the affected mucous membranes, with feces, saliva and sweat. And it can break down into iodides and accumulate in the thyroid gland, which negatively affects the functioning of this gland, especially if problems with it already exist.

Can it be used during pregnancy and lactation?

Another group for which Yox is contraindicated are pregnant and lactating women. This is mainly due to the high toxicity of iodine. The body of a pregnant woman may react too strongly even to a microdose of this substance that is acceptable for others. As a result, headaches, coughs, runny noses, problems with the lungs, eyes, and heart appear.

A similar picture can happen to a small child during breastfeeding by a mother using Yox to treat a cold. These negative aspects may appear because iodine in the form of iodides perfectly penetrates through the placenta and mammary ducts into the baby’s body.

Spray Yox - description

Yox spray is available in 30 (45) ml bottles, in which active substances contains: povidone-iodine 2.550 g, allantoin 0.030 g. This is a transparent or translucent reddish-brown liquid, highly soluble in water. The package contains a special convenient applicator for irrigating the throat cavity. The spray is used for infectious inflammatory diseases oral cavity and pharynx (including tonsillitis, tonsillitis, tonsillopharyngitis, glossitis, stomatitis, aphthae). They are used to treat mucous membranes before and after surgical operations on respiratory tract And oral cavity. Effective against influenza.

In combination with antibiotics, Yox spray is used to treat complex sore throat (streptococcal). I would like to note that many reviews of Yox spray characterize it as an instant-acting drug. Even with severe cough, sore throat, relief of these symptoms begins immediately after irrigation of the mucous membranes. Some Internet users in their reviews of the spray note that if you start using the drug when the first signs of a sore throat appear, additional treatment antibiotics can be avoided.

Treatment methods, dosage and contraindications

Yox throat spray (aerosol) should be used to irrigate the inflamed and infected mouth and throat 2 to 4 times a day. In particularly difficult cases this procedure should be repeated every 4 hours. To do this, you need to remove the protective cap, put on the applicator, make 2-3 control presses to fill the applicator with the solution...

...Next, insert the applicator into the oral cavity, close your mouth, hold your breath and make 2-3 presses on the right and left sides of the pharynx. After use, the applicator should be rinsed thoroughly under running hot water.

As with all other forms of the drug Yox, contraindications are childhood up to 8 years, pregnancy, lactation, thyroid disease, heart failure, kidney disease, use of radioactive iodine before taking the drug.

Side effects, time of use and overdose

This drug may cause an allergic reaction due to hypersensitivity to any of the components. Itching, urticaria, dry mucous membranes and a burning sensation in the area of ​​application may occur. With prolonged use of Yox, signs of excess iodine may be observed: a metallic taste in the mouth, swelling of the eyelids and larynx, increased salivation.

If any of the above or other signs of an abnormal condition of the body appear, you should stop using the drug and consult a doctor for rehabilitation therapy.

Using Yox as an external medicine is possible long time. But if there is no improvement from taking the drug within three days, it should be replaced with another more effective one.

Overdose with correct use there is no drug available. Since Yox spray (aerosol) is applied topically, an overdose can really be excluded. If the patient swallows or inhales the drug, which is extremely unacceptable, of course, some signs of poisoning may appear (described above).

Interaction with other drugs

The use of Yox spray with other antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agents for external use is undesirable. Especially if they contain hydrogen peroxide or other antimicrobial substances.

Judging by the reviews, add this drug other typical actions make no sense at all. One is enough. Substitution should be made only in case of ineffectiveness or intolerance.

Yox solution - description

The composition of the Yox solution includes the already known povidone-iodine, allantoin and propylene glycol. Usually sold in 50 ml bottles. 1 ml of solution contains povidone-iodine 85 mg, allantoin 1 mg. The composition may also include levomenthol, monohydrate citric acid, sodium dihydrogen citrate, ethanol 96%, purified water. The drug is a transparent or translucent liquid, red-brown, with the odor of iodine. The solution is used for rinsing the mouth for inflammatory and infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract: sore throat, ARVI, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, glossitis, etc.

To prepare a rinse solution, you need to dissolve half or one teaspoon of the solution in 100 ml of boiled warm water. Rinse no more frequently than every 4 hours. Do not swallow the solution! If an involuntary swallowing movement occurs, you can take several tablets activated carbon(for preventive purposes). If the patient suffers from laryngitis, then Yox solution should be used for rinsing in case of urgent need. The solution is also used to rinse the nasopharynx and tonsils for adenoids and chronic tonsillitis.

Contraindications, period of use and interactions

Yox solution should not be used in cases of hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, decompensated heart failure, or Dühring's herpetiformin dermatitis. During pregnancy, Yox is contraindicated in any form. During lactation (breastfeeding) the drug is also prohibited. Children under 6 years of age should use other drugs as an antiseptic.

A person’s allergy or sensitivity to the composition of the drug is also a reason to stop taking it. Since the composition contains alcohol, it is not advisable to use it for serious illnesses liver and alcohol addiction. Yox solution for rinsing does not need to be supplemented with others antimicrobials outdoor use. It itself is very effective. Treatment of complex diseases of the ENT organs is supplemented by the use of antibiotics. Usually 5-7 days of using the drug are enough to improve the patient’s condition or complete recovery.

Yox and children: a few nuances you need to know

There is no special form of Yox for children; there is an option to use Yox solution for the treatment of diseases of the ENT organs in children, starting from the age of 6, and a spray from the age of 8. You should take into account the fact that not every child knows how to hold his breath while spraying and control swallowing movements while rinsing. If the parents are confident that the child will cope, then treatment with the drug can begin. The spray for children, as for adults, is effective against many pathogens, viruses, bacteria, fungi...

At the St. Petersburg Research Institute, studies were conducted to determine the effectiveness of Yox for childhood diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In the case of sore throat, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and throat inflammation due to ARVI, Yox spray for children was used 2 times a day.

The maximum number of days of treatment was a week. Some children noted a cessation of itching after 1 use. The condition was formalized and within 3 days all symptoms disappeared. Only 2% of children experienced a burning sensation in the area of ​​spray irrigation, which indicates hypersensitivity and possible allergies. The test data became a “guide to action” for many parents whose children get sick especially often. Yox is an effective antiseptic of synthetic origin, used without fear in pediatric patients from 6 (8) years of age.

Best before date

Yox in the form of a spray (aerosol) should be stored for no more than 3 years. Yox solution has a long shelf life of 4 years. Both forms of the drug must be kept in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.

Price range

Prices for the drug vary from 82 to 149 rubles. Yox can also be purchased at a special price of no more than 74 rubles. The price depends on the manufacturer and release form.


Iveks A.S. (Czech Republic), Galena A.S. (Czech Republic), Lance-Pharm LLC (Russia), Moskhimfarmpreparaty FSUE im. N.A. Semashko (Russia), Teva (international company with a representative office in Moscow).

Instructions for use

Yox-teva 30ml spray instructions for use

Dosage form

Spray for topical use in the form of a transparent or slightly opalescent red-brown liquid, indefinitely miscible with water.


in 1 bottle povidone-iodine 2.55 g, allantoin 30 mg, Excipients: levomenthol - 0.3 g, citric acid monohydrate - 0.06 g, sodium citrate dihydrate - 0.06 g, ethanol 96% - 6 g, propylene glycol - 9 g, purified water - up to 30 ml


A drug with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects for topical use in diseases of the oral cavity and in ENT practice. Releases iodine upon contact with skin. Has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action. Active against bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa


Data on the pharmacokinetics of the drug Yox® are not provided.

Side effects

In some cases: hypersensitivity reactions to the drug, local manifestations of an allergic reaction to iodine (itching, hyperemia), which may require discontinuation of the drug.

At long-term use(more than 7-10 days) symptoms of iodism are possible (including a metallic taste in the mouth, increased salivation, swelling of the eyes and larynx).

Selling Features

Available without a prescription

Special conditions

The patient should be warned about the need to stop taking the drug and consult a doctor if signs of iodism appear.

This medicine is not for oral use and should not be inhaled or swallowed.


Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx, incl. tonsillitis, tonsillitis, tonsillopharyngitis, glossitis, stomatitis, aphthae;

For treatment of the oral cavity and pharynx during surgical interventions on the respiratory tract and oral cavity and in the postoperative period;

For the treatment of mouth and throat infections caused by chemotherapy;

For streptococcal sore throats it is used as additional remedy when treated with antibiotics


Thyroid dysfunction (hyperthyroidism);

Heart failure;

Dühring's dermatitis herpetiformis;

Simultaneous use of radioactive iodine;

Children under 8 years of age;


Lactation period of breastfeeding);

Hypersensitivity to iodine and other components of the drug

Drug interactions

The simultaneous use of Yox® with other antiseptic agents for topical use in the mouth and pharynx, especially those containing hydrogen peroxide, is not advisable due to inactivation of the drug.

Directions for use


The drug is used 2-4 times a day, one injection to the right and left into the oral cavity and pharynx. If necessary, the drug can be used more frequently, every 4 hours.

Before use, remove the protective cap and install the applicator. Press the applicator 2-3 times so that the solution enters the sprayer and sprays after pressing. After this, place the applicator tube 2-3 cm into the oral cavity, hold your breath and press the cap 2 times so that one irrigation is done to the right, and the second to the left. The applicator is washed with hot water before and after use.

Instructions for use of the Yox spray tell about the product of high molecular weight chemistry. It is created on the basis of the well-known halogen (iodine). During cold periods, the percentage of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, and acute respiratory infections increases. Appear first unpleasant symptoms: sore and sore throat. The patient is looking for a way to improve his condition. "Yox" easily destroys annoying signs.

"Yox" was created by a group of pharmacists from the Teva company. Otolaryngologists prescribe treatment with a drug to suppress inflammation resulting from harmful fungi, bacteria and viruses. The product has an original composition:

  • levomenthol;
  • ethanol;
  • citric acid monohydrate;
  • sodium citrate dihydrate;
  • propylene glycol;
  • povidone iodine (main active ingredient);
  • allantoin;
  • purified water.

Upon contact with the inflamed mucous membrane of the throat or mouth, the product has a disinfecting, healing and softening effect.

Dosage form of the drug

"Yox" is available in several versions. The consumer has the opportunity to choose the appropriate treatment.


The composition has a characteristic dark brown color with a reddish tint. The solution is absolutely transparent. When sprayed, a tart, astringent taste is felt.

The drug is poured into a vial of elastic plastic. The bottle has a sprayer, a protective cap against accidental injection and a lever for turning. Control protection for the first opening is provided. The bottle is placed in a cardboard box with the company logo.

Rinse solution

The second version of the drug is intended for preparing a solution for gargling or gargling. "Yox" easily dissolves in water of any temperature. The product is poured into a bottle made of dark opaque glass. The drug is supplied in a cardboard box.

Medicinal properties and therapeutic effect

Medicine - result high technology. Povidone iodine is a component of high molecular weight chemistry. Sharp toxic effect halogen is softened by povidone.

Upon contact with the affected mucous membrane, free iodine is released. It disinfects the mouth and throat, soothes and softens. Iodine partially penetrates the body and is converted into iodides. They are safe for the patient.

The compounds are concentrated in thyroid gland, are excreted along with urine and the remainder with feces and sweat.

Allantoin and povidone soothe, soften and disinfect the affected mucous membrane.

Instructions for use

When treating the throat or mouth by rinsing, the following sequence of actions must be followed:

  • prepare 100 ml of warm boiled (or filtered) water;
  • Pour Yox into the measuring cup to one of the marks (2.5 ml or 5 ml);
  • pour into water and stir until a homogeneous solution is obtained.
  • screw the sprayer onto the spout of the bottle;
  • make a test injection into the air;
  • insert the tip into the oral cavity 3 cm;
  • hold your breath;
  • inject the drug to the left side;
  • re-inject into right side mouth

It is important to keep the sprayer clean: after use, it must be rinsed with hot water and baking soda..

Do not swallow the solution when rinsing or irrigating the mouth and throat. It is also undesirable to inhale Yoxa vapors.


When treating with Yox, you must strictly adhere to dosages.

For adults

Adults are allowed to use both forms of the medicine. For the throat, it is recommended to use the spray 2-6 times a day with a minimum interval of 4 hours. When treating affected mucous membranes by rinsing, carry out the procedure as prescribed by the doctor: from 2 to 6 times a day. The minimum interval between procedures is 4 hours.

For children

For children, treatment with Yox can be carried out after reaching 8 years of age. The treatment regimen must be determined by the doctor. But maximum quantity procedures - 3 per day. When prescribed by a doctor, the duration should be observed: self-prolongation will lead to iodism.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

During treatment, the active ingredients may pass into the milk. Nursing mothers are advised to choose another product.

Povidone iodine penetrates the barrier established by the placenta. Treatment is contraindicated for women expecting a baby.

What to do in case of overdose

Clinical trials have not revealed cases of overdose when the instructions are followed. But excessively long-term use leads to iodism. It is characterized by:

  • increased salivation;
  • swelling of the larynx;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • metallic sensation in the mouth.

You should stop treatment immediately and consult a doctor.

Side effects and contraindications

IN in rare cases treatment with Yox causes unpleasant symptoms:

  • dryness, burning in the mouth;
  • hives;
  • hyperemia;
  • swelling.

In these cases, Yox is discontinued and treatment is continued with another drug. The medicine is never prescribed for:

  • heart failure;
  • Dühring's dermatitis;
  • renal failure;
  • using radioactive isotopes together with Yox;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding.

The drug is not used in children under 8 years of age.

Among drugs for the treatment of diseases of the ENT organs, Yox spray deserves special attention. It belongs to iodine-containing medicines. Iodine, as an effective antiseptic, is actively used in medical field and in everyday life.

Yox is effective for combating various types of colds and infectious diseases accompanied by sore throats, tonsillitis, and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. Available in the form of a solution and spray. The drug is often labeled TEVA.

The product has a proven effect thanks to the following main and auxiliary components:

Povidone iodine is known as a substance used as an iodine carrier. It softens the aggressive effects of the latter on the body. Iodine is present in it at a concentration of 1%. Excipients serve to complement the action of the main ones and have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Yox contains no synthetic antiseptic components. It is characterized by an iodine flavor, has the smell of menthol and alcohol, and has a red-brown tint.

The product has a pronounced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, it is indicated for local application. Effectively suppresses viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa. Microorganisms do not have resistance (resistance) to its active substances.

Indications and contraindications

The drug is effective in the development of infections of the oral mucosa, if it is necessary to carry out preoperative and postoperative treatment of the oral cavity and pharynx. The use of Yoxa Teva is possible during the treatment of infectious diseases that develop during chemotherapy.

Due to the likelihood of adverse reactions organism to the drug, there are restrictions on its use. According to the instructions for use of Yox spray, the contraindications are:

Yox instructions prohibit the use of the drug in parallel with other iodine-containing products. It is contraindicated in pregnant women early stages, during breastfeeding, with individual intolerance to the components. Contrary to this, Yox is often prescribed by specialists during pregnancy. This is due to the small doses of iodine entering the body and the insignificant risk of oversaturation with it.

Instructions for use for children allow the use of a spray, but provide certain restrictions for this category of patients.

Side effects and likelihood of overdose

Among the probable side effects possible development allergic reactions and hypersensitivity to the main components. Appearance local manifestations in the form of itching or hyperemia requires discontinuation of the use of Yoxa Teva.

Long-term use of the drug is fraught with the development of iodism. It is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • nausea, vomiting and diarrhea;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • swelling of the eyes and larynx

Topical application rarely leads to overdose. There is a risk if the solution gets ingested. In this case, signs appear acute poisoning. To alleviate the condition, the patient needs to undergo gastric lavage and take an effective enterosorbent.

Application diagram

Teva spray goes on sale in the form of a glass or plastic bottle with a removable applicator. Before using the drug, you should thoroughly wash your hands, remove the protective cap from the bottle and attach the applicator to the sprayer. During the procedure, the bottle must be held vertically.

The sprayer is carefully inserted into the mouth. While holding your breath, press the spray applicator in the desired direction. One or two clicks are enough. After completing the treatment, the applicator must be rinsed in warm water. Irrigation is carried out during the day from 2 to 5 times.

The throat spray can be equipped with a non-removable sprayer. In this case, the processing principle does not change.

Yox solution is no less effective. It is used to rinse the mouth in the presence of the above diseases. The rinse solution is very easy to prepare: half or a whole teaspoon of the product is diluted in boiled warm water. The volume of water must be at least 100 ml. Rinsing is carried out with a frequency of once every 4 hours. Avoid getting the solution inside.

When carrying out both types of procedures, you should be attentive and careful, since getting the product on clothing leaves traces that are difficult to remove.

Important information! Reviews from patients indicate that significant relief occurs 2-3 days after the start of the treatment course. Especially good effect gives alternating irrigation with rinsing.

Analogues, cost and storage conditions

There are 2 analogues of Yox, the use of which is advisable for ENT diseases - aerosols Lugol and Iodinol. Both of them have a similar composition to Yox. Lugol contains glycerol, which gently envelops the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. Iodinol is produced in the form of an aqueous-alcoholic solution of iodine. Lugol is good analogue, while its cost is lower.

Pharmacies are allowed to dispense the drug without a doctor's prescription. The spray is sold in 30 ml polyethylene bottles, the solution is sold in 50 or 100 ml glass bottles. The price of the drug ranges from 188 to 270 rubles. Regular promotions in online pharmacies allow you to buy Yox profitably using promotional codes .