Clotrimazole cream 1 instructions for use. Clotrimazole cream - instructions for use

The drug Clotrimazole cream is used for pathologies caused by fungus, for example, vaginal candidiasis or thrush. The main active substance of the product destroys fungal membranes and has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms. Thanks to its low price and positive reviews, this anti-fungal medication is one of the leaders in the pharmacological market.

What is Clotrimazole cream

For fungal diseases of the skin, nails, and vaginal candidiasis (thrush), drug therapy with the antibacterial ointment Clotrimazole is prescribed. The drug has a strong antifungal effect on pathogens of erythrasma, fungal psoriasis and other common mycotic diseases. The doctor can prescribe an ointment at the first symptoms of infection, to prevent mycosis in the layers of the skin and on the vaginal mucosa.

The drug inhibits the growth, development and division of fungal cells. In addition, the drug is widely used for genital tract infections (for example, vaginal mycosis of the vaginal lining). To treat candidiasis, ointment is prescribed to both sexual partners. In this case, it is recommended to apply the cream both before and immediately after sexual intercourse.

The medicine in the form of a cream is a mass of pale yellow color, the consistency of fatty sour cream, packaged in an aluminum tube and cardboard packaging with an annotation for the medicine, instructions for using the antifungal drug. Clotrimazole ointment is freely available in pharmacies and online stores without a doctor's prescription.


The drug is available in several dosage forms: vaginal tablets, suppositories, ointment, cream for external use. The latter has the following composition:

  1. The main active ingredient is clotrimazole 10 mg.
  2. Additional substances - ethyl alcohol, petroleum jelly, glycerol, distilled water, solid fat.

Pharmacological action

The drug disrupts the synthesis of ergosterol, which is part of the fungal cell membrane. Clotrimazole inhibits the cell division processes of pathogenic microorganisms and is one of the most effective antifungal agents, since it has a wide spectrum of action. The drug has a detrimental effect against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Doctors recommend starting therapy at the first signs of infection.

What is Clotrimazole for?

Clotrimazole cream has the following indications for use:

  • fungal diseases of the skin;
  • mycoses of the feet, palms, skin folds;
  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • thrush;
  • erythrasma;
  • superficial and deep candidiasis.

Instructions for use Clotrimazole cream

The medicine Clotrimazole is used for external application for antifungal therapy. The medication, according to the instructions, is applied in a thin layer 2-3 times a day. on clean and dry areas of skin with affected epidermis. If the skin has serious lesions and ulcers, to achieve the best effect, it is recommended to use compresses with cream for several days so that the medicine is absorbed in high concentrations. The duration of the course of therapy depends on the severity of the disease, localization of the pathology, and effectiveness.

For women

A medicine with antifungal activity, Clotrimazole, is used for women suffering from frequent exacerbations of thrush, vaginitis and other bacterial lesions of the vagina. The duration of treatment is from 5 to 10 days, depending on the severity of the disease. Clotrimazole is recommended for the prevention of exacerbations of candidiasis during colds and a decrease in general immunity. The drug should be used with caution during menstruation.

For men

Clotrimazole cream for men is used mainly for the treatment of chronic and acute forms of candidiasis of the genital skin. Treatment of fungal diseases in men lasts from 4 to 7 days. It is better to start using the cream when the first signs of the disease appear: severe itching, burning, redness, pain when urinating. Good genital hygiene also helps. The cream should not be used if you are hypersensitive to the components of the drug.

Drug interactions

Some drugs (Amphotericin B, Nystatin) significantly reduce the effectiveness of Clotrimazole during simultaneous drug therapy, so they do not need to be used together. When using the medication, no negative interactions with other drugs were identified as a result of clinical studies. Caution should be used when using the cream simultaneously with other antibiotic ointments, since the combination of different groups of antifungal drugs can lead to allergies.

Side effects and overdose

When using a cream with Clotrimazole, local adverse reactions are often observed: itching, burning, redness of the skin at the sites where the drug is applied. In some cases, blisters, erythema, swelling and peeling of the skin appear. Individual intolerance to the drug is manifested by urticaria. The use of the drug in high doses does not cause life-threatening or health-threatening conditions.


The use of Clotrimazole is strictly contraindicated if the patient has a history of:

  • insufficiency of the kidneys or the urinary system as a whole;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • liver failure;
  • open wounds on the skin;
  • allergic reactions.

Special instructions

The antibiotic Clotrimazole is intended strictly for external use for fungal infections and other skin diseases. The drug is not suitable for use in ophthalmic practice; contact of the cream with the eyes and the skin around them should be avoided. The drug should be used with caution in children under 5 years of age. Do not allow the cream to get into open wounds or damaged mucous membranes. When the first signs of an allergic reaction appear, drug therapy with the drug must be stopped.

Pregnancy and lactation

No toxic effects of the drug on the fetus have been identified; use is relatively safe at all stages of pregnancy. Therapeutic doses of the drug do not affect fetal development. It is recommended to use Clotrimazole for the prevention of fungal infections for women in the first trimester of pregnancy who have an unfavorable permanent environment (for example, if a girl works in a kindergarten or medical institution). Use during breastfeeding is not prohibited if the cream does not come into contact with the mammary glands.


The pharmacological market offers a large number of drugs that are similar in action to Clotrimazole, but differ in release form, price, and composition. Some may cause fewer side effects or work faster. The main analogues of Clotrimazole are:

  1. Candide. An antifungal medication that has a wide spectrum of action against fungal microorganisms. The main active substance of Candida, clotrimazole, is a form of the substance imidazole. Due to the fact that the drug damages the membranes of fungal cells, according to reviews, it is considered one of the best antifungal agents. The cost of the medicine is about 80 rubles.
  2. Kanizon. The drug has fungistatic and fungicidal effects, the manifestation of which depends on the doses of the drug used. The following groups of fungi are sensitive to the drug Kanizon: dermatophytes, moldy fungi, blastomycetes and dysmorphic fungi, actinomycetes. The active component inhibits the synthesis of molecules of the substance ergosterol, which is necessary for the formation of cell walls of pathogenic microorganisms. The price of the medicine is on average 75 rubles per package.


Before purchasing the drug, it is advisable to find out how much Clotrimazole costs, compare prices, and choose the lowest one. You can order the drug in the online store using the proposed catalog. The cost of Clotrimazole depends on several factors:

  • percentage of active ingredient;
  • Clotrimazole concentrations;
  • the nature and quality of additional ingredients;
  • manufacturing company.


Release form


clotrimazole 1 g Excipients: benzyl alcohol - 1 g, cetostearyl alcohol - 11.5 g, octyldodecanol - 10 g, polysorbate 60 - 1.5 g, sorbitan stearate - 2 g, synthetic spermaceti - 3 g, water - 71 g.

Pharmacological effect

Clotrimazole is a broad-spectrum antifungal agent for topical use. The antimycotic effect of the active substance (imidazole derivative) is associated with disruption of the synthesis of ergosterol, which is part of the cell membrane of fungi, which changes the permeability of the membrane and causes subsequent cell lysis. In small concentrations it has a fungistatic effect, and in large concentrations it has a fungicidal effect, and not only on proliferating cells. At fungicidal concentrations, it interacts with mitochondrial and peroxidase enzymes, resulting in an increase in the concentration of hydrogen peroxide to a toxic level, which also contributes to the destruction of fungal cells. Effective against dermatophytes, yeast-like and mold fungi, as well as the causative agent of pityriasis versicolor (Malazessia furfur) and the causative agent of erythrasma. It has an antimicrobial effect against gram-positive (staphylococci, streptococci) and gram-negative bacteria (Bacteroides, Gardnerella vaginalis), as well as against Trichomonas vaginalis.


Clotrimazole is poorly absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes and has virtually no systemic effect. The concentration in the deep layers of the epidermis is higher than the minimum inhibitory concentration for dermatophytes. When applied externally, the concentration of clotrimazole in the epidermis is higher than in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue.


fungal diseases of the skin, mycoses of the skin folds, feet; pityriasis versicolor, erythrasma, superficial kaididosis caused by dermatophytes, yeast (including the genus Candida), mold and other fungi and pathogens sensitive to clotrimazole; mycoses complicated by secondary pyoderma.


Hypersensitivity to clotrimazole or excipients, first trimester of pregnancy. With caution - lactation period. Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding Clinical and experimental studies have not found that the use of the drug during pregnancy or breastfeeding has a negative effect on the health of the woman or fetus (child). However, the question of the advisability of prescribing the drug should be decided individually after consulting a doctor. Application of the drug directly to the lactating mammary gland is contraindicated.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to clotrimazole or excipients, first trimester of pregnancy. With caution - lactation period.

Directions for use and doses

Externally. The cream is applied in a thin layer 2-3 times a day to previously cleansed (using soap with a neutral pH value) and dry affected areas of the skin and gently rubbed in. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease, the localization of pathological changes and the effectiveness of therapy. Treatment of dermatomycosis is carried out at least 4 weeks, pityriasis versicolor - 1-3 weeks. For fungal diseases of foot ruts, it is recommended to continue therapy for at least 2 weeks after the symptoms of the disease have eliminated.

Side effects

Itching, burning, tingling in areas where the cream is applied, the appearance of erythema, blisters, swelling, irritation and peeling of the skin. Allergic reactions (itching, urticaria).


The use of the cream in high doses does not cause any reactions or life-threatening conditions.

Interaction with other drugs

Amphotericin B, nystatin, natamycin reduce the effectiveness of clotrimazole when used simultaneously. When using the cream, negative interactions with other drugs are not known and should not be expected, because The resorption capacity of clotrimazole is very low.

Special instructions

It is not recommended to apply the drug to the skin in the eye area. In patients with liver failure, the functional state of the liver should be periodically monitored. If signs of hypersensitivity or irritation appear, treatment is stopped. If there is no effect within 4 weeks, the diagnosis should be confirmed.

Clotrimazole 1 is an antifungal drug with a 1% concentration of the active component clotrimazole. It is widely used for various diseases associated with bacterial or fungal microflora.

Release form and composition

Clotrimazole is produced in several dosage forms - solution for external use, ointment, cream, vaginal tablets, suppositories, etc. All of them contain the main active ingredient - clotrimazole and auxiliary components, which differ for each dosage form of the drug.

Clotrimazole belongs to the group of antifungal drugs and actively fights against many types of pathogens - viruses, bacteria, molds, dermatophytes. In addition to disinfection, the substance relieves inflammation, itching, redness and pain, accelerates tissue regeneration at the cellular level, which promotes rapid healing of skin damage.

Clotrimazole 1 is an antifungal drug with a 1% concentration of the active component clotrimazole.

Vaginal tablets

Used for intravaginal use. In addition to clotrimazole, the composition includes:

  • lactose;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • potato starch;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • citric acid.

Vaginal suppositories

In addition to the main component, suppositories use solid fat of vegetable or animal origin to form a suppository.


The cream contains clotrimazole and excipients - benzyl alcohol, cetasteryl alcohol, polysorbate 60, synthetic olbrot (synthetic spermaceti), purified water.


The gel is available in tubes of 20 and 40 g. It differs from cream or ointment in its light and watery structure. That is, it is not greasy, because it consists of clotrimazole, water and starch, and does not leave marks on the skin or clothes.


The ointment consists of clotrimazole and is available in tubes of 20 g. The following additional components are used: sodium benzoate, castor oil, paraffin, water, propylene glycol. The ointment is a white substance with a greasy consistency without a characteristic odor.


The solution for external use is available in glass bottles of 25 mg. The main component is clotrimazole, additional components are medical alcohol, propylene glycol and propyethylene glycol.

Pharmacological action

Clotrimazole belongs to the group of broad-spectrum antifungal drugs. The active substance clotrimazole is a derivative of imidazole and is used for the local treatment of fungal, viral, and bacterial infections. It has an antimicrobial effect.

Upon contact with a pathogenic microorganism, clotrimazole penetrates its structure and destroys membrane cells, due to which the organisms cannot reproduce and die in entire colonies. To be effective, the course of treatment must last at least 5 days to avoid relapse.

When applied topically, the drug is practically not absorbed into the blood, and if it is absorbed, its concentration is insignificant.

Indications for use

Clotrimazole in any of the dosage forms is used for the following pathologies:

  • all types of mycoses, lichen, ringworm, eczema (it is recommended to use a solution, cream, ointment);
  • genital infections and inflammations, for example, herpes, thrush and other pathologies caused by the pathogen candida albicans (vaginal suppositories and tablets are used);
  • suppositories are used before and after childbirth to cleanse and disinfect the birth canal;
  • erythrasmas;
  • bakvaginosis.

Clotrimazole alone is not always enough for complete treatment. It would be more effective to take antifungal tablets orally and apply a solution, ointment, cream, etc. to the damage.

With complex effects, the chances of a quick recovery without relapse and consequences increase.


The use of this drug has some contraindications:

  • individual sensitivity to the components of the composition;
  • menstruation (for using suppositories or tablets);
  • during lactation - only as prescribed by a doctor;
  • 1st trimester of pregnancy;
  • liver failure.

Directions for use and dosage regimen

Gel, ointment and cream are used 1-3 times a day for 7-10 days for skin lesions. Apply to cleansed skin with gentle movements.

The solution is used for nail fungus and mycoses. Apply with a cotton swab to the affected areas 2 times a day - morning and evening.

For thrush or other sexually transmitted diseases, the partner should use suppositories or tablets 1-2 times a day for a week. A man needs to use a form of cream or ointment to treat the genitals. With such pathologies, both partners should be treated, even if one of them does not experience any symptoms.

After unprotected sexual intercourse, the drug can be used by both partners as a prophylaxis.

Side effects

If you are intolerant or use the drug incorrectly, it can cause adverse reactions:

  • allergic reactions manifest themselves in the form of itching and rash, swelling, irritation, redness of the eyes, and shortness of breath may occur;
  • from the subcutaneous tissue, redness of the skin may occur, in men there is a strong burning sensation in the penis, a feeling of dryness.

If these symptoms occur, you should stop using this medicine and consult a doctor.


In case of excessive external use, an allergy may occur, which will subside when the dose is restored or the drug is discontinued.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms

The substance is not absorbed into the blood and does not in any way affect the organs of vision or the functioning of the central nervous system. Therefore, you can drive or operate automatic mechanisms.

Drug interactions Clotrimazole 1

Before taking, you need to carefully read the instructions for drug interactions, so as not to cause harm to your health.

With other drugs

Alcohol compatibility

When used topically as a solution, gel, cream or ointment, Clotrimazole does not penetrate into the blood and does not interact with ethyl alcohol. When using suppositories or vaginal tablets, it is better to abstain from alcohol during treatment.

Features of the use of Clotrimazole 1

  • You can use the medicine only after consulting a doctor;
  • with long-term use, it is recommended to monitor liver and kidney activity;
  • If a side effect occurs, stop using;
  • do not apply under the eyes;
  • with long-term therapy (6 months, 1 year), you need to take breaks of 1-2 weeks;
  • do not use orally.

During pregnancy and lactation

Only under the supervision of a doctor from the second trimester. When used during lactation, do not apply the product to the nipples.

In childhood

Studies on children have not been conducted for contraindications and adverse reactions, therefore in pediatrics this drug is used only as prescribed by a doctor, when the possible benefits outweigh the risks.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

You do not need a prescription from a doctor to purchase an antifungal agent. Clotrimazole is sold in every pharmacy, because... This is a popular and effective drug.

Is it sold without a prescription?


The cost of the medicine depends on the form of release:

  • cream (Akrikhin) 30 g – 170-190 rubles;
  • ointment 15 g – 50 rubles;
  • solution 15 ml – 250 rubles;
  • tablets No. 6 – 60 rubles;
  • gel 20 g – 40 rubles.

Conditions and periods of storage of Clotrimazole 1

The drug can be stored at room temperature, candles - in the refrigerator. Shelf life – 3 years from the date of production. Do not use the drug after the expiration date. For safety reasons, keep away from children.

Suction and distribution

Pharmacokinetic studies have shown that clotrimazole is practically not absorbed into the systemic circulation when the drug is applied to intact or inflamed areas of the skin. Clotrimazole serum concentrations were below the detection limit (0.001 μg/ml), confirming that topical clotrimazole does not lead to clinically significant systemic effects or side effects.

Metabolism and excretion

Clotrimazole breaks down in the liver to inactive substances that are excreted from the body through the kidneys and intestines.


Symptoms: if the drug is accidentally taken orally, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting may occur.

Treatment: in case of accidental ingestion of the cream, symptomatic treatment should be carried out. When using the drug externally, an overdose is unlikely.

Storage conditions

The drug should be kept out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C. Do not freeze.

Interaction with other drugs

Amphotericin B, nystatin, natamycin reduce the effectiveness of clotrimazole when used simultaneously.

When using the ointment, negative interactions with other agents are unknown and should not be expected, because The resorption capacity of clotrimazole is very low.

Side effect

The adverse events presented below are listed according to the damage to organs and organ systems and the frequency of occurrence. The frequency of occurrence is defined as follows: very often (≥1/10), often (≥1/100 and
From the immune system: unknown - allergic reaction (manifested by urticaria, fainting, arterial hypotension, shortness of breath).

From the skin and subcutaneous tissues: unknown - rash, itching, blistering rashes, peeling, pain or discomfort, swelling, burning, irritation.


clotrimazole 10 mg

Excipients: cetyl alcohol, petroleum jelly, glycerol, Tween-80, nipagin, distilled water.

Directions for use and doses

For external use. The cream should be applied to the affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day.

To prevent relapse, treatment should be continued for at least two weeks after all symptoms of infection have disappeared.

The cream should be applied to clean, dry areas of affected skin (washed with neutral pH soap), and on the feet the cream should be applied between the toes.

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease, its location, and the effectiveness of treatment.

Duration of treatment: ringworm - 3-4 weeks; erythrasma - 2-4 weeks; lichen versicolor - 1-3 weeks; candidal vulvitis and balanitis - 1-2 weeks.

The duration of treatment may vary according to individual characteristics, but a treatment duration of less than 3 weeks is not recommended. To prevent recurrence of infection, use of the drug should be continued for 1-2 weeks after all symptoms of the disease have disappeared. If after 7 days of treatment there is no improvement in symptoms, you should consult your doctor.

Product Description

Cream for external use 1% in the form of a homogeneous mass from white to white-yellowish in color.

Special instructions

Avoid contact of the cream with the mucous membrane of the eyes. Do not swallow.

All infected areas should be treated at the same time.

The drug Clotrimazole contains cetostearyl alcohol, which can cause local skin reactions (for example, contact dermatitis).

If symptoms of hypersensitivity or irritation appear, stop treatment.

Laboratory data indicate that the use of latex-containing contraceptives may cause contraceptive damage when used concomitantly with clotrimazole. Consequently, the effectiveness of such contraceptives may be reduced. Patients should be advised to use alternative methods of contraception for at least 5 days after using clotrimazole.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

The effect of clotrimazole on the ability to drive vehicles and machines has not been reported.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The use of Clotrimazole during pregnancy is allowed only if, in the opinion of the doctor, the potential benefit of using the cream for the mother outweighs the possible risk to the fetus.

Epidemiological studies have not revealed any adverse events related to pregnancy or fetal health when using the drug Clotrimazole.

The use of the drug Clotrimazole in women during breastfeeding is allowed only if, in the opinion of the doctor, the potential benefit of using the cream for the mother outweighs the possible risk for the child.


No data available.

Release form

Cream for external use 1% in the form of a homogeneous mass from white to white-yellowish in color.
1 g
clotrimazole 10 mg
Excipients: cetyl alcohol, petroleum jelly, glycerol, Tween-80, nipagin, distilled water.
20 g - aluminum tubes

Expiration date from date of manufacture

Indications for use

For external treatment of fungal skin diseases caused by dermatophytes, yeast-like fungi, molds, as well as pathogens sensitive to clotrimazole:

Mycoses of the feet, hands, torso, skin folds;

Candidiasis vulvitis, candidiasis balanitis;

Lichen versicolor, erythrasma;

Fungal infections of the outer ear.


Hypersensitivity to clotrimazole or other components of the drug.

Pharmacological action

Clotrimazole inhibits the growth and division of microorganisms and, depending on the concentration, can have a fungistatic (inhibiting and stopping the growth of fungal cells) or fungicidal (leading to the death of fungi) effect. Clotrimazole inhibits the synthesis of ergosterol and binds to phospholipids of the fungal cell membrane, which leads to a change in the permeability of cell membranes.

At higher concentrations, clotrimazole causes damage to cell membranes by mechanisms independent of sterol synthesis.

Clotrimazole also disrupts the vital processes in the fungal cell, suppressing the formation of components necessary for the construction of vital cellular structures (proteins, fats, DNA, polysaccharides), damages nucleic acids and increases the excretion of potassium.

Ultimately, the effect of clotrimazole on fungal cells leads to their death.

Clotrimazole is characterized by a wide spectrum of antifungal and antibacterial activity: dermatophytes (Epidermophyton floccosum, Microsporum canis, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Trichophyton rubrum), yeasts (Candida spp., Cryptococcus neoformans), dimorphic fungi (Coccidioides immitis, Histoplasma capsulatum, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis), (Trichomonas vaginalis).

It is also active against some gram-positive bacteria.

When studying the effectiveness of clotrimazole in laboratory conditions outside the human body (in vitro), a wide range of its fungistatic and fungicidal activity was revealed. It acts on the mycelium of dermatophytes (Trichophyton, Microsporum, Epidermophyton) in a similar way to griseofulvin, and its effect on budding fungi (Candida) is similar to the effect of polyenes (amphotericin B and nystatin).

At concentrations less than 1 mcg/ml, clotrimazole inhibits the development of most strains of pathogenic fungi belonging to Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Epidermophyton floccosum, Microsporum canis.

At a concentration of 3 μg/ml, clotrimazole inhibits the development of most other bacteria: Pityrosporum orbiculare, Aspergillus fumigatus, the genus Candida, incl. Candida albicans, some strains of Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, as well as some strains of Proteus vulgaris and Salmonella. Clotrimazole is active against Sporothrix, Cryptococcus, Cephalosporium, Fusarium.

At concentrations greater than 100 μg/ml, it is effective against Trichomonas vaginalis.

Fungi resistant to clotrimazole are extremely rare; There is data only on individual strains of Candida guilliermondii.

The development of resistance in clotrimazole-sensitive fungi following passage of Candida albicans and Trichophyton mentagrophytes has not been reported. There have been no cases of the development of resistance to clotrimazole in Candida albicans strains resistant to polyene antibiotics due to a chemical mutation.

Antifungal, antibacterial, antiprotozoal, trichomonacid. Dermatomycoses, lichen versicolor, erythrasma, vulvovaginal candidiasis or balanitis. Apply a thin layer 2-3 times a day to previously cleansed (using soap with a neutral pH value) and dry affected areas of the skin.

Clotrimazole inhibits the growth and division of microorganisms and, depending on the concentration, can have a fungistatic (delaying and stopping the growth of fungal cells) or fungicidal (leading to the death of fungi) effect. Clotrimazole inhibits the synthesis of ergosterol and binds to phospholipids of the fungal cell membrane, which leads to a change in the permeability of cell membranes. At higher concentrations, clotrimazole causes damage to cell membranes by mechanisms independent of sterol synthesis. Clotrimazole also disrupts the vital processes in the fungal cell, suppressing the formation of components necessary for the construction of vital cellular structures (proteins, fats, DNA, polysaccharides), damages nucleic acids and increases the excretion of potassium. Ultimately, the effect of clotrimazole on fungal cells leads to their death. Clotrimazole is characterized by a wide spectrum antifungal and antibacterial activity: dermatophytes (Epidermophyton floccosum, Microsporum canis, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Trichophyton rubrum), yeast (Candida spp., Cryptococcus neoformans), dimorphic fungi (Coccidioides immitis, Histoplasma capsulatum, Paracoccidioides brasiliensis), protozoa (Trichomonas vaginalis). He also active regarding some gram-positive bacteria. When studying the effectiveness of clotrimazole in laboratory conditions outside the human body (in vitro), a wide range of its fungistatic and fungicidal activity was revealed. It acts on the mycelium of dermatophytes (Trichophyton, Microsporum, Epidermophyton) in a similar way to griseofulvin, and its effect on budding fungi (Candida) is similar to the effect of polyenes (amphotericin B and nystatin). At concentrations less than 1 mcg/ml, clotrimazole inhibits the development of most strains of pathogenic fungi belonging to Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Epidermophyton floccosum, Microsporum canis. At a concentration of 3 μg/ml, clotrimazole inhibits the development of most other bacteria: Pityrosporum orbiculare, Aspergillus fumigatus, the genus Candida, incl. Candida albicans, some strains of Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, as well as some strains of Proteus vulgaris and Salmonella. Clotrimazole is active against Sporothrix, Cryptococcus, Cephalosporium, Fusarium. At concentrations greater than 100 μg/ml, it is effective against Trichomonas vaginalis. Fungi resistant to clotrimazole are extremely rare; There is data only on individual strains of Candida guilliermondii. The development of resistance in clotrimazole-sensitive fungi following passage of Candida albicans and Trichophyton mentagrophytes has not been reported. There have been no cases of the development of resistance to clotrimazole in Candida albicans strains resistant to polyene antibiotics due to a chemical mutation.

For external treatment of fungal skin diseases caused by dermatophytes, yeast-like fungi, molds, as well as pathogens sensitive to clotrimazole: - mycoses of the feet, hands, torso, skin folds; — candidal vulvitis, candidal balanitis; - lichen versicolor, erythrasma; - fungal infections of the outer ear.

For external use. The cream should be applied to the affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day. For relapse prevention Treatment should be continued for at least two weeks after all symptoms of infection have disappeared. The cream should be applied to clean, dry areas of affected skin (washed with neutral pH soap), and on the feet the cream should be applied between the toes. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease, its location, and the effectiveness of treatment. Duration of treatment: ringworm - 3-4 weeks; erythrasma - 2-4 weeks; lichen versicolor - 1-3 weeks; candidal vulvitis and balanitis - 1-2 weeks. The duration of treatment may vary according to individual characteristics, but a treatment duration of less than 3 weeks is not recommended. To prevent recurrence of infection, use of the drug should be continued for 1-2 weeks after all symptoms of the disease have disappeared. If after 7 days of treatment there is no improvement in symptoms, you should consult your doctor.

The adverse events presented below are listed according to the damage to organs and organ systems and the frequency of occurrence. The frequency of occurrence is defined as follows: very often (≥1/10), often (≥1/100 and< 1/10), нечасто (≥1/1000 и < 1/100), редко (≥1/10 000 и < 1/1 000), очень редко (< 1/10 000, включая отдельные случаи), неизвестно (частота не может быть оценена по имеющимся на настоящий момент данным). Категории частоты были сформированы на основании пострегистрационного наблюдения. From the immune system: unknown - allergic reaction (manifested by urticaria, fainting, arterial hypotension, shortness of breath). For the skin and subcutaneous tissues: unknown - rash, itching, blistering rashes, peeling, pain or discomfort, swelling, burning, irritation.

- hypersensitivity to clotrimazole or other components of the drug.

Symptoms: If the drug is accidentally taken orally, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting may occur. Treatment: In case of accidental ingestion of the cream, symptomatic treatment should be carried out. When using the drug externally, an overdose is unlikely.

Avoid contact of the cream with the mucous membrane of the eyes. Do not swallow. All infected areas should be treated at the same time. The drug Clotrimazole contains cetostearyl alcohol, which can cause local skin reactions (for example, contact dermatitis). If symptoms of hypersensitivity or irritation appear, stop treatment. Laboratory data indicate that the use of latex-containing contraceptives may cause contraceptive damage when used concomitantly with clotrimazole. Consequently, the effectiveness of such contraceptives may be reduced. Patients should be advised to use alternative methods of contraception for at least 5 days after using clotrimazole. Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery The effect of clotrimazole on the ability to drive vehicles and machines has not been reported.

Not studied.

The drug should be kept out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C. Do not freeze. Shelf life - 3 years.