Stages of alcoholism. Formation of physiological alcohol dependence

Alcohol addiction is a progressive, systematic use and irresistible craving for alcoholic substances. People suffering from alcoholism are unable to control their desire to drink. They will continue to drink even when the habit begins to cause problems.

Like all diseases, alcohol addiction can affect people of any gender, race, social status and demographic location. Difficult to define the right reason appearance of the disease. According to experts, alcohol addiction is the result of a combination of genetic, environmental and behavioral factors. Those who suffer from this disease become physically dependent on alcohol. This happens because alcohol affects neurochemicals in the brain. Individual attempts to stop cause alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

Alcohol and drug addictions are very common. They are a serious problem in modern world. 50% of deaths from accidents, homicides and suicides are somehow related to alcohol or drug use. Often teenagers experiment with certain types of substances out of curiosity or for company. Many of them do not attach importance to the fact that the dosage and frequency of use are gradually increasing. Ultimately, addiction develops.

What happens when alcohol enters the body?

When a person drinks, the alcohol enters the bloodstream and flows through the body, reaching the brain, heart, muscles and other tissues. As the concentration of alcohol in the blood increases, alcohol intoxication occurs. Due to the influence on the central nervous system, the response to stimuli gradually decreases and changes in behavior occur.

  1. Euphoria. This state is characterized by the appearance of a feeling of happiness and fun. Usually occurs immediately after taking the first dose of alcohol. At this stage, concentration decreases, reactions slow down, and a feeling of confidence and liberation appears. A person may begin to do and say things and words that are unusual for him.
  2. Losing control. This is the stage at which a person begins to perceive information more difficult, the reaction is slow, and vision may become blurred. At this stage, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain balance, and a feeling of drowsiness appears.
  3. Confusion. At this moment, the ability to correctly perceive color, shape, size and movement disappears. Muscle coordination is impaired, which can lead to loss of balance and falling. Speech becomes incoherent and emotionality increases.
  4. Stupor. At this stage of alcohol intoxication, total loss motor functions. Vomiting, loss of bowel control and bladder.
  5. Coma. Loss of consciousness occurs. Body temperature may rise or fall sharply. Sometimes there are problems with breathing and circulation.
  6. Death. Respiration stops and death occurs.

It seems obvious that a person should stop drinking as soon as the euphoria stage occurs. But in reality this happens very rarely. The problem is that as the mind weakens, the ability to make rational decisions disappears. How more people drinks, the more he wants.

Symptoms of alcoholism

Alcohol addiction can manifest itself in different ways. Signs and symptoms of the disease vary greatly between people. For example, some drink alcohol on a daily basis. While others drink periodically, thereby effectively hiding their condition from loved ones, friends and colleagues.

People who struggle with alcohol addiction feel that they cannot exist without alcohol. Drinking is a high priority in their lives.

Below are some general symptoms, indicating a problem with alcohol use:

  • A constant desire to drink that distracts you from daily activities.
  • Lack of control and willpower. A person starts drinking every day and cannot stop.
  • Increased tolerance to ethanol.
  • Drinking alcohol at any time of the day. The first thing a person does when he wakes up is reach for the bottle.
  • Drinking alcohol in situations where it is inappropriate, irresponsible or dangerous.
  • Lack of interest in work, any other activity, family.
  • Negation. A person who suffers from alcohol addiction does not see this as a problem.
  • Lie. Hiding the fact of drinking.
  • Detoxification. When you stop drinking alcohol, withdrawal symptoms occur. Irritability, unsteadiness, trembling, nausea, restlessness, fatigue and insomnia appear.
  • Changing social circle. The appearance of drinking buddies among friends.

How does alcoholism develop?

Alcohol and drug addiction is a problem with many causes. For some patients, psychological traits such as impulsivity, low self-esteem, and a need for approval lead them to use stimulants. Some people drink to cope emotional problems.

Social and environmental factors, such as peer pressure, easy availability of alcohol, may play a role key role. Poverty and physical or sexual abuse also increase the chances of developing alcohol addiction.

Stages of alcoholism

There are three in total:

  • In the first stage, people develop psychological dependence, alcohol is perceived as a solution psychological problem. Drinking fills the void, helps you forget negative situations for a while and relieve the stress associated with them. Psychological addiction is not the result of chemical changes in the brain. An addict drinks alcohol on a regular basis for withdrawal. emotional stress. The first stage of the disease is characterized by an increase in doses and frequency of ethanol intake. Psychological dependence is manifested by a feeling of dissatisfaction in a sober state, constant thoughts about alcohol, and raising the mood before drinking alcohol. The stage lasts from one to 5 years.

  • At the second stage, people who feel the need to drink for pleasure, emotional pleasure, have a physical alcohol dependence. Even the sight, thought, or smell of alcohol can trigger feelings of pleasure. This occurs due to chemical changes in the brain. Over time, the body gets used to the systematic intake of alcohol. Amount drunk to achieve desired effect pleasure increases. When trying to stop, a person experiences intense withdrawal symptoms (withdrawal). Alcoholism of the second stage has a progression period from 5 to 15 years.

  • At the third stage, alcohol tolerance decreases, intoxication occurs after taking small doses of alcohol. Observed long binges, decrease intellectual abilities and mental degradation. The stage lasts 5-10 years and most often ends in death.

Causes of alcoholism

Alcohol addiction is a disease. The reasons for the abuse are still unknown. The cravings experienced by an alcoholic can be as strong as the need to eat food or drink water. There are a number of factors that can lead to alcohol dependence in a person:


Alcohol addiction has Negative influence on a person's body and mind, his appearance, and his personal and professional relationships. Most importantly, alcohol addiction kills. Those who suffer from addiction may die painfully and extremely in unpleasant ways. These could be infections, bleeding, accidents. Below are some of the consequences of alcohol abuse:

1. The impact of alcoholism on appearance:

2. The effect of alcohol on the body. Health problems that can be caused by alcohol abuse:

3. Impact on consciousness. Alcoholism not only affects appearance and physical health, but can also cause serious harm to the mind. Alcoholism is believed to increase the risk of the following symptoms:

  • depression,
  • dementia,
  • hallucinations,
  • personality disorder,
  • memory loss,
  • loss of consciousness,
  • mood swings,
  • decreased libido,
  • the appearance of suicidal thoughts,
  • suicide.

4. The influence of alcohol on relationships. Addiction is extremely strong. It is incredibly difficult for relatives and friends to deal with bad habit. Patients often deny their addiction, which makes treatment even more difficult.

Female alcoholism

About 12% of women drink alcohol heavily, compared to 20% of men. Research also shows that this gap is gradually closing. This trend is due to the fact that it is developing faster. Alcohol-related problems, such as brain atrophy or liver damage, also occur more often in the fairer sex.

Women are more vulnerable due to some biological factors. First, they tend to weigh less than men. Women's bodies contain less water and more fatty tissue, which retains alcohol. Secondly, women are more emotional, have a harder time dealing with stress and are more prone to depression.

Treatment of alcoholism

There are many ways to overcome alcohol addiction. Treatment tactics are selected individually, depending on the stage and duration of alcohol abuse. Currently, there are many of them: “Esperal”, “Colme”, “Proproten-100”. The first two make drinking alcohol extremely unpleasant after drinking. This leads to a reflexive aversion to the taste and smell of alcoholic beverages. "Proproten-100" - homeopathic medicine to reduce cravings for alcohol. Also along with drug therapy psychological support is important aspect treatment.


The first step to recovery is recognizing the problem. People struggling with alcohol abuse can easily convince themselves that they don't have a problem. Or that they are doing everything possible to combat this disease. But these thinking models are fundamentally wrong.


The second important step is to detoxify the body. Usually for this the patient must be on inpatient treatment. To cleanse the body and relieve hangover syndrome, detoxification therapy is carried out. It consists of several stages:


The next step in treatment for abuse is choosing an alcohol rehab center. In such institutions, an individual approach is provided to everyone, appropriate therapy, diet, special physical exercise, control and monitoring of the patient. While in rehabilitation center Due to alcohol addiction, the patient is away from his usual company, and drinking alcohol-containing drinks is excluded. In a word, there is no temptation. This is a definite advantage in addiction treatment.


Coding for alcohol addiction is also widely popular as a method of treatment. This method involves psychological or physical influence on a person. Coding can be carried out by a specialist both at home and in a hospital. The following methods are distinguished:

  • psychotherapeutic (hypnosis),
  • block,
  • intravenous,
  • intramuscular,
  • laser technique.

Solving the problem at home

Alcoholism is a tragedy both for a person and for his loved ones. Is it possible to get rid of alcohol addiction at home? Can. It is worth noting that not all people who decide to give up addiction forever achieve results. Most often, after a short period of abstinence, a breakdown follows, after which the person begins to drink even more heavily. As a rule, the problem lies in an illiterate choice. The most important thing in treatment is the desire and willpower of the patient. Help and support from loved ones also plays a role important role in the fight against abuse.

To treat alcohol addiction at home, you must first stop communicating and meeting with drinking buddies.

An important feature in the treatment of alcohol addiction is the lack of free time a person has. To do this, you need to devote yourself to some hobby, such as drawing, reading, horse riding.


How to get rid of alcohol addiction at home? To treat cravings for alcohol, you can try using methods traditional medicine. It can be various tinctures, decoctions, tea. They have diuretic and tonic properties, which is additional support in the fight against alcoholism. Below are a few recipes for alcohol addiction:

  • Bearberry decoction. Required ingredients: 2 tbsp. l. bearberry, 200 ml water. Pour water over the leaves of the plant and bring to a boil. After 15 minutes, the decoction is ready for use. Take a tablespoon daily.
  • Herbal tincture. For preparation you will need plants such as yarrow, wormwood and thyme. Mix all ingredients. Pour boiling water over it. Leave for a couple of hours. Take the strained broth 4 times a day. The duration of treatment is 2 months.
  • Herbal tea. You need to take 20 grams of the necessary ingredients. These are wormwood, St. John's wort, yarrow, caraway, angelica, mint. Pour boiling water over the plant mixture and let it brew.


What can you do to reduce your risk of becoming addicted to alcohol or drugs? Tips for preventing alcohol addiction are given below:

  1. Avoid drinking alcohol. Don't be afraid negative reaction friends or strangers.
  2. Choose the right social circle.
  3. Be able to enjoy life without the influence of alcohol or other stimulants.
  4. Know the enemy by sight. Have an accurate understanding of the consequences harmful influence alcohol or drugs on the body.
  5. Be smart, have your own opinion and control your life. Do not be influenced by other individuals.

Alcohol addiction. Reviews

Alcohol has serious effects on the health of both young and old people. Timely treatment and support from loved ones reduce the risk of relapse into addiction.

According to reviews, the fight against alcohol addiction is a long and difficult process. Self-medication may not only not bring positive result, but also prove dangerous for the patient. Former alcoholics claim that the most effective way to recover is rehabilitation in specialized centers for alcohol addiction.


Alcohol addiction is a terrible tragedy of the 21st century. According to statistics, about 4 percent of the population suffers from addiction to alcohol.

Alcohol abuse can have Negative consequences not only for human health, but also for the overall quality of life. Independent struggle dealing with alcoholism is quite difficult due to the widespread and easy availability of alcohol. However, there are proven treatments. They will help you manage, combat, and regain control of your life.

Regardless of the chosen treatment tactics, you must adhere to the right image life, not only until the results are obtained, but throughout life.

The mechanism of development of alcoholism. Signs of male, female and adolescent disease. Description and features of all stages, from zero to third.

Second stage of alcoholism

At this stage, physical dependence also joins mental dependence. It is observed in 90% of all patients undergoing treatment in drug treatment centers. It is characterized by increased resistance to alcoholic beverages. As a result, hangovers, nausea and headaches almost disappear or do not occur. As a result, the patient increases the dose and can drink about 500 ml of vodka, 3 liters of beer or other drinks per day.

The second stage occurs with regular binges, from which a person can “come out” for days. This entails his falling out of his previous way of life, disruption of relations with society, problems at work and, possibly, dismissal. It is during this period that most addicts experience difficulties in the family, often ending in divorce.

At this stage, mental and physiological symptoms. Sudden changes moods, depression, anger, memory loss - all this is just part of possible problems.

The body ceases to function fully: the functioning of the kidneys and liver is disrupted, it becomes depleted and intoxicated, and an unnatural shine appears in the eyes. Here, there is still often a desire to say goodbye to a drunken lifestyle, but physical level it is no longer possible to do this without the intervention of doctors.

Third stage of alcoholism

This The final stage, where patient treatment is the most difficult and lengthy. Here we're talking about usually about chronic alcoholism. Changes in a person’s life are noticeable to those around him: he drinks every day, most often does not work, and has health problems (cirrhosis, impaired functioning of the kidneys and heart). The process of personality degradation and mental disorders is clearly expressed here.

The third stage can be confirmed with the following problems:

  1. Constant drinking bouts. Alcohol is consumed every (or almost) day, and this does not necessarily require company.
  2. Weight loss. Drinking alcohol leads to a deterioration in appetite and digestibility nutrients. The person constantly feels sick and vomits. All this naturally affects body weight.
  3. Delirium tremens. Increasingly, the patient experiences manic attacks, is not himself, and is visited by thoughts of suicide. Usually no one believes in such a person, his intelligence decreases significantly, and it seems to him that he is being persecuted.
  4. Serious illnesses. In the end, the patient almost always faces myocardial infarction and stroke without treatment, which poses significant risks to life. If nothing is done in time, brain cells will gradually die, leading to a fatal outcome.
What are the symptoms of alcoholism - watch the video:

Alcoholism is a very terrible disease that slowly but surely destroys your entire personality and health from the inside. So is it worth it to “kill” yourself with your own hands, because life can be truly bright and fulfilling without alcoholic beverages!

When a person is constantly intoxicated, he begins to have health problems, his ability to work, his mood, and his well-being deteriorate.

Alcoholism can also be characterized by the fact that a person becomes dependent on alcohol. Therefore, when an alcoholic does not have the opportunity to drink, he begins to suffer greatly and tries to do everything to find at least a glass of alcohol, and this happens day after day.

The stages of alcoholism and their signs are completely different, and if alcoholism reaches the last stage it can already be considered chronic disease. If the disease is detected in time, that is, early stage, then severe complications are cured and prevented.

Alcohol is a universal poison that destroys the human body as a whole. Alcoholics lose their sense of proportion and self-control more and more every day. As a result, the central nervous system begins to suffer, and then psychosis and neuritis develop.

People are divided into the following groups

  • - people who do not drink alcohol at all;
  • - people who drink alcohol in moderation;
  • - persons who abuse alcohol.

People belonging to the third group are divided into three classes

  • - patients with alcoholism;
  • — people who have begun to show the first signs of chronic alcoholism;
  • - people who already have a diagnosis of chronic alcoholism, and in a pronounced form.

Symptoms and signs of alcoholism

As was written above, the stages of alcoholism and their signs are different, but every person should know about at least some of them in order to provide help to the patient when faced with such a situation. People suffering from alcoholism are, first of all, dependent, first psychologically and then physically.

External signs of alcoholism

  1. alcoholics have low social level, since they lack the desire, as well as the opportunity to earn cash with your own hands;
  2. alcoholics often go on binges, that is, they constantly drink alcohol, and for a long time;
  3. in patients with alcoholism, the body does not reject alcohol at all, they do not vomit, even if a huge dose of alcohol is taken;
  4. Alcoholics have increased tolerance to ethyl alcohol;
  5. withdrawal symptoms (hangover) increase;
  6. External pathologies appear, that is, the skin ages, the veins increase in volume, and small bruises appear as microrupture of the capillaries occurs.

The one who suffers the most advanced stage alcoholism, is applied to the bottle every day, so it is not common for such people to know what sobriety is, and social value and personal worldview are naturally lost.

Stages of alcoholism

IN modern medicine Alcoholism is considered a disease that consists of several stages of varying complexity. For example, alcoholism last stages, or rather the third and fourth, is a kind of irreversible point, that is, if an alcoholic reaches this point, he will never be able to independently return to life without alcohol.

Stage 1 of alcoholism:

The first stage of alcoholism is manifested by the fact that alcoholics begin to develop a weak psychological dependence. If, for example, such people do not have the opportunity to drink, their dependence goes to zero, but if extra funds, they will definitely take a glass of strong drink, and maybe more.

Visible physical pathologies at this stage of the disease are practically not observed, accompanied by the first mild stage addiction to drinking, that is, there is a desire to drink another glass on the weekend, chat with friends over a glass of beer.

In order for the patient to come out of the first stage of alcoholism, loved ones should first of all give him attention, care and distract him from alcohol. IN in this case psychological dependence will disappear, and very quickly. But if no measures are taken, the patient will become more dependent on alcohol.

Stage 2 of alcoholism:

The second stage can be characterized as an obsessive desire to drink alcohol. Psychological dependence begins to acquire an inescapable character, that is, even when a person is at work or engaged in some activity, he will always think about how to quickly drink something intoxicating.

Increased tolerance to alcoholic drinks, that is, even if a person drinks more alcohol than prescribed, he will no longer experience natural nausea. Alcoholism will disappear bad attitude, alcoholic drinks are included daily life as it should be. If the manifestation of alcoholism at the second stage is not stopped in time, the patient will quickly move on to the third, the so-called severe stage of alcoholism.

Stage 3 of alcoholism:

Despite the fact that the stages of alcoholism and their signs are different, the third stage is very easy to determine. At this stage the patient exhibits withdrawal syndrome, that is, psychological dependence turns into physical. The dose of alcohol taken helps block the production of natural hormones, which forces the patient to drink daily and hourly. At the third stage, alcoholics reach a plateau of tolerance to alcoholic beverages; they can take ethanol in huge doses without vomiting.

In the morning to eliminate hangover syndrome Alcoholics at this stage drink alcohol again, which means alcoholism turns into binge drinking, which greatly harms the body. In this case, pathologies begin to appear, nervous tissues change, the liver turns into connective tissue and cirrhosis begins.

If the patient is forced to stop drinking, symptoms that resemble drug withdrawal will begin to appear and are characterized by a withdrawal syndrome. At this stage of alcoholism, violence, unpredictability and aggression are manifested.

Stage 4 of alcoholism:

The fourth stage of alcoholism is manifested by a sharp decrease in tolerance to alcoholic beverages, which is accompanied by dysfunction of vital functions. important organs. Changes due to pathology blood vessels, digestive system and the liver begins to suffer from the formation of malignant tumors.

An alcoholic at this stage loses interest in life; all he sees in front of him is only a bottle of strong drinks. Often such patients become indiscriminate when it comes to alcohol, so they don’t care what they drink, alcohol, windshield cleaner or cologne. Physical dependence becomes so strong that if a patient with alcoholism is forcibly removed from binge drinking, he can die.

A person who is in the fourth stage of alcoholism begins to speak incoherently, his coordination of movements is impaired, and he dries out. muscle, such people are simply deprived of reason and meaning in life. Such alcoholics do not need reproductive function human body. Basically, the fourth stage of alcoholism ends in painful fatal, that is, a cerebral hemorrhage or a heart attack occurs.

The stages of alcoholism and their signs will help to recognize the danger a person dependent on alcohol is in and will make it possible to pull the person out of alcohol dependence as quickly as possible.

The diagnosis of alcoholism in Russia is determined by the presence of the following symptoms in the patient:

  • lack of gag reflex when taking large quantity alcohol;
  • loss of control over the amount of drinking;
  • partial retrograde amnesia: the patient does not remember what happened the day before, during or after drinking alcohol;
  • presence of a morning hangover;

Stages of alcoholism


Prodrome - zero stage of alcoholism, in which there is no disease yet, but everyday drunkenness is present. A person drinks alcohol according to the situation, usually with friends, does not get drunk to the point of loss of memory or other severe consequences. As long as the prodrome stage has not turned into alcoholism, a person can easily stop drinking alcohol for any time.

In the prodrome stage, a person often indifferent to whether there will be drinking in the near future or not. Having drunk in company, a person usually does not require continuation and then does not drink on its own i>. But, with daily drinking, as a rule, after 6-12 months the prodrome stage passes into the first stage of alcoholism.

First stage of alcoholism

First stage of alcoholism characterized by a change in the body's sensitivity to alcohol (development of alcohol tolerance). A person starts using large quantity alcohol.

The main signs of the first stage of alcoholism:

  • The gag reflex disappears. The patient switches to drinking alcohol alone (in the evenings, on weekends, “before dinner”). The attraction to alcohol becomes obsessive, sometimes at the most inopportune moment - at night or on the road. The type of intoxication changes - when drinking a significant amount of alcohol, memory loss appears.
  • At the first stage, scandals often arise in the family, problems at work, loss of interest in various aspects of life: politics, literature, hobbies, etc. If it is impossible to drink alcohol, the craving for alcohol temporarily goes away, but if you drink alcohol, control over the amount of alcohol consumed becomes dulled.

Second stage of alcoholism

Second stage of alcoholism: endurance (tolerance) to alcohol increases significantly; a person discovers that, unexpectedly, he can take very large doses of alcohol. Even after consuming a small dose of alcohol, the patient ceases to control the amount of alcohol consumed. When drunk, he often behaves unpredictably, pretentiously, and sometimes even dangerously for himself and others.

Symptoms of the second stage of alcoholism:

  • When the second stage of alcoholism occurs, a hangover appears: in the morning after drinking alcohol the day before, you feel sick, there is definitely a physiological dependence. The desire to drink becomes more and more noticeable and obsessive. A person is aware of the harm, but does not fight, submits to desire. There is a loss of control, and cases of pathological intoxication may occur.
  • A hangover in the second stage is accompanied by an irresistible urge to drink alcohol in any way. This occurs against the background of a gloomy, tense and depressive mood combined with nausea, increased blood pressure, rapid heart rate, increased body temperature, trembling of the limbs (tremor) and a painful hostility to any external stimuli, even to light.
  • The second stage of alcoholism is characteristic change in a person's personality: the patient becomes deceitful, sometimes disinterested in his social status. Hot temper, anger, assault appear, and signs of decreased intelligence are noted. In a state of intoxication, self-control is lost, there is no feeling of shame, embarrassment for what has been done, and poisoning with alcohol substitutes is possible due to loss of active attention.

Third stage of alcoholism

Third stage of alcoholism:- this is the binge stage of alcoholism, in which endurance for alcohol decreases, drinking alcohol becomes almost daily.

Signs of alcoholism in the third stage:

In the third stage, binges with a certain rhythm begin to appear. Visible personality degradation and mental changes often occur.

All of the above is accompanied by diseases of the liver (alcoholic hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver), stomach (alcoholic gastritis), pancreas (alcoholic indurative pancreatitis), heart (alcoholic cardiomyopathy), brain (alcoholic encephalopathy), peripheral nervous system (alcoholic neuropathy), etc. . Violations by internal organs grow and may become irreversible. Occur frequently irreversible changes V nervous system leading to paresis and paralysis, to conditions where hallucinations last long time(Kandinsky-Clerambault syndrome).

In the third stage, such complications are observed alcoholic illness, such as alcoholic delirium of jealousy and alcoholic delirium, the so-called “delirium tremens”. Delirium ends with dementia or even the death of a person. Alcohol is especially dangerous if you have diabetes. Take care of your family and friends!