Ascorbic acid will save you from a hangover. Glucose against hangover: why it helps and how to achieve the desired effect

Is vitamin C effective for hangovers and how quickly can it help a person recover? What vitamins do positive action on human body after alcohol poisoning, not everyone knows. Alcohol has a detrimental effect on many body systems; it also destroys vitamins that maintain the necessary balance. Therefore, it is important to replenish their supply in the morning after a rich feast. What kind of medications should be taken in order to quickly get rid of this unpleasant condition and its consequences will be discussed further.

Types of anti-hangover vitamins

May also help relieve general condition the victim freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and fruits, since they contain large number vitamins Various herbal teas have a beneficial effect on the body.

Sometimes taking vitamins can help you sober up faster. This can be used when a person is very drunk, and due to some circumstances, he needs to quickly come to his senses.

You can quickly get rid of a hangover in the following way:

  1. Should be cleaned in an accessible way or rinse your stomach.
  2. Smell any liquid with pungent odor(ammonia).
  3. Drink a solution of vitamin C (2.5 g per 80 kg of body weight).
  4. After 10-12 minutes, take drug B 1 (not less than 10 ml).
  5. You can take a glucose solution.

You can often hear advice that vitamin C can be taken as a preliminary aid for a hangover, namely, drinking it before the feast begins, which will help alleviate possible further intoxication. This is true.

Still, the most important thing to remember is that reasonable abstinence from drinking alcohol will help avoid unpleasant consequences.

A hangover is actually alcohol poisoning that has negative impact on the functioning of many systems and organs (liver, kidneys, heart and blood vessels, pancreas and central nervous system), which can be fatal.

The clinical severity of a hangover depends on three main factors:

  • age (the older the victim, the smaller the dose of alcohol that causes a hangover and the more severe it is);
  • weight (the greater the dose of alcohol consumed per 1 kg of body weight, the more severe the hangover);
  • individual characteristics (heredity or congenital inclination).

Hangover symptoms

The first symptoms of a hangover appear differently for everyone. For some, they appear within 4-5 hours, while for others it will take 10-12 hours (most often, high dosage alcohol causes inhibition of the central nervous system, and the victim falls asleep). The main symptoms of a hangover appear after waking up. A hangover sufferer may experience:

  • headache(caused by tissue swelling);
  • feeling of heaviness in the head;
  • dizziness;
  • dry mouth and thirst;
  • nausea;
  • gastrointestinal upset (belching, heartburn, bloating, stomach pain, possibly vomiting and diarrhea);
  • increased sensitivity to bright light and various sounds;
  • irritability and pessimism;
  • palpitations (caused by an increase in blood viscosity as a result of dehydration and general intoxication of the body);
  • loss of strength (weakness), feeling of weakness;
  • tremor (shaking);
  • uneven gait;
  • remorse is possible.

For complete cleansing the body will need from 2 to 4 days from alcohol, and during this time the victim’s well-being leaves much to be desired. This condition can be alleviated with folk remedies and medications, but before you talk about them and their correct use, you should warn about what not to do.

What not to do during a hangover

To protect yourself from all kinds of problems, we advise you to listen to the recommendations of what you should not do when you are hungover:

  1. Get behind the wheel of a vehicle.
  2. Getting hung up on alcohol is dangerous myth, which will only increase intoxication and damage to the liver, brain cells, heart and blood vessels. Similar method Suitable only for alcoholics, since they can no longer shoot with anything else.
  3. It is not recommended to drink strong coffee - this will only worsen existing dehydration.
  4. You should not take analgesics for headaches. Headache in in this case caused by intoxication, and in this case there is no need to swallow even the most seemingly safe drugs.
  5. Refuse to call an ambulance if measures taken first aid for a hangover were ineffective or worsened the victim’s condition.

How to provide first aid for a hangover

To cleanse the body of alcohol residues, the most effective way would be to induce vomiting. This natural mechanism quickly removes everything from the body harmful substances. The next stage in the fight against a hangover will be a rehabilitation course - restoring the body's performance, and for this we use all available means available in the house.

Where to start and how to get rid of a hangover?

Start off resuscitation measures should begin with quenching thirst, since by the time of the hangover the body is already experiencing acute shortage liquids (about 1.5 liters). But do not rush to drink all one and a half liters at once - this will only provoke vomiting. It will be better if you distribute this amount of liquid over an hour and a half; this will reduce the concentration of toxins in the body and remove them through the urine.

People with a hangover usually gravitate towards mineral water (especially alkaline water), and this is no coincidence. The best ones in this case are: Esentuki4, Esentuki17, Borjomi, Arzni. Try to drink 0.5-1.5 liters of mineral water during the day - this will improve your well-being.

The next step will also be aimed at removing toxins from the body. AND the best remedy there will be a bathhouse or sauna - they call profuse sweating, and then a lot of toxins come out. However, it should be noted that the Russian steam bath is not recommended in this case, since it puts too much stress on the cardiovascular system.

If it is not possible to visit the bathhouse, then, although with less effect, an ordinary shower (20 minutes after drinking water) will help - warm, up to 50 ° C, or better, a contrast one. If this procedure is combined with hydromassage, then restoration of metabolic processes and sweating are guaranteed, and you will soon feel relief and improved well-being.

After water procedures it is necessary to replenish the loss of electrolytes - potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium. For this you can use medicines(2-3 tablets of “Asparkam” or “Panangin”) or eat foods rich in essential substances (bread kvass, sauerkraut and cucumber pickle).

Alcohol destroys vitamins in the body, so during a hangover it is important to replenish their reserves, especially vitamin C - 500 mg (it actively binds and then neutralizes toxic agents). To do this, you can eat several dragees or ascorbic acid tablets.

Folk remedies for hangover

Traditional medicine knows a lot. IN different countries the world is treating him in various ways and methods. So, for example, the Chinese treat themselves with strong green tea; Romanians and Mexicans improve their health with fatty soup cooked with offal and seasoned with sour cream and garlic sauce. Americans drink when they're hungover raw eggs, tucked tomato juice or ketchup with vinegar sauce. The Japanese prefer to “treat” themselves with pickled plums, and the Germans prefer pickled herring with onions. The most exotic hangover cure among the Mongols is sheep's eyes marinated in tomato juice.

Slavic traditional medicine offers his recipes:

  • Cabbage or cucumber pickle.
  • Cold kvass.
  • Water with honey and lemon juice.
  • Weak tea with ginger, chamomile and willow bark. You can brew mint and lemon balm.
  • Drink rosehip decoction.
  • Cup cold water with 5 drops of ammonia.
  • On an empty stomach in the morning, drink sour milk, kefir, yogurt or ayran.
  • Helps with headaches raw potatoes- cut into round pieces and apply to your temples.
  • A glass of cold water and 20 drops of mint alcohol.
  • Rubbing your ears with your palms.
  • Place mustard plasters on your calves and apply ice to your head.
  • If none of the above remedies help, then you will have to do exercises. Physical activity relieves hangover: force yourself to go for a run fresh air or clean the house.

Hangover medications

To relieve hangover syndrome, narcologists use drugs such as Asparkam and Panangin (intravenously). You can take 1-2 tablets in the morning, and if your health does not improve, take another tablet in the afternoon.

Among others medications For hangovers, the most famous are Alco-Seltzer, Alcaprim and Antipohmelin (they should be taken according to the instructions).

If this is your first time experiencing a hangover, then you may not find any special medications for this illness in your medicine cabinet. In the absence of such, you can use what is usually found in home first aid kits. Good effect Aspirin (preferably soluble) with vitamin C can provide relief. You can also drink Citramon - 2 tablets, preferably after meals. The condition of the liver will be alleviated by No-Spa.

As sorbents that bind toxins in the gastrointestinal tract and quickly remove them, you can use “Polipefan” or regular activated carbon (at the rate of 1 tablet for every 10 kg of weight - crush and pour into a glass of water).

When to call an ambulance?

It also happens that you have already tried everything folk remedies, took advantage of what you have medications, but the victim does not get better, and at the same time he experiences:

  • severe headache;
  • severe abdominal pain;
  • chest pain;
  • strong heartbeat;
  • general weakness;
  • fear of death;
  • high blood pressure;
  • hand trembling;
  • vomiting with bile;
  • cold sweat.

Call immediately Ambulance"! In such cases, one cannot do without the qualified help of narcologists who will relieve intoxication with the help of medicines (saline solutions with various vitamins), administered intravenously and bringing fast recovery. At the same time, the metabolic process is normalized, and accelerated elimination of breakdown products begins. ethyl alcohol.

Do not neglect the help of doctors (even if you feel burning shame), because as a result of alcohol poisoning you can get anaphylactic shock, and narcologists will help avoid such complications, and even save lives.

It would not be superfluous to carry out then additional examination in a hospital setting: may be detected serious illnesses, which appeared in the background overuse alcohol.

No matter how strange it may sound, if a hangover does not occur in bitter drunkards or alcoholics, then doctors treat this condition quite leniently and even positively, because this subsequently forces a person to control his desire to drink. But for some, the lesson benefits, while others continue to tempt fate.

To avoid hangover syndrome, doctors advise adhering to some rules of the feast:

  1. Do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach or when extreme fatigue- this will provoke instant intoxication.
  2. If you have low blood pressure, then drink a cup of strong coffee before the feast, otherwise the very first glass will result in health problems.
  3. Before drinking alcohol, it is useful to eat a sandwich with butter and caviar - these products contain a lot of fats, which will cover the walls of the stomach with a thin film, thereby creating temporary protection from the aggressive environment of alcohol.
  4. Have a snack during the feast fatty foods(pork, fatty cheeses, salads), salted nuts - this will help avoid rapid intoxication.
  5. Never mix different drinks!
  6. Do not dilute or drink alcohol with carbonated drinks - gas bubbles accelerate the absorption of alcohol.
  7. Freshly squeezed lemon juice(sour fruit drinks or juices) neutralizes alcohol.
  8. Conduct any feast in a well-ventilated area: stagnant air provokes nausea, rapid intoxication and headaches.
  9. Control your actions and desires (don’t drink glass after glass, have a snack!) - don’t get drunk until you pass out!
  10. For quick fix consequences excessive consumption alcohol, approximately the following regimen for taking medications is recommended - once, before bedtime: 1 Aspirin tablet, 6-8 tablets activated carbon and 2 tablets of “No-shpa”. Usually the next morning there is no hangover syndrome.

In cases of a hangover, proceed as follows:

Fluid recovery:

  • 1.5 liters of liquid in the first 2 hours (except for synthetic carbonated drinks). Sour juices (orange, grapefruit, tomato) will be useful; fruit drinks are both liquid and vitamins at the same time.
  • Take a diuretic drug (Furosemide) or a decoction.
  • Drink more fluids throughout the day.

Restoration of acid-base balance:

  • And during the first 2 hours take 3-5 g baking soda, dissolved in water.
  • Drink alkaline mineral waters(take into account the total volume of liquid drunk).

Hydrotherapy (bath or shower).

Restoring electrolyte balance:

  • Take 2-3 tablets of “Asparkam” or “Panangin” in the first 2-3 hours, dissolving them in water.
  • If the above drugs are not available, drink cucumber or cabbage pickle or solution table salt(3-4 g per 100 ml of water).
  • Have a hearty breakfast, including foods rich in potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus in the menu. These are seafood, fish, dried apricots, potatoes, vegetables, pickled or seaweed, lean meat, jellied meat or low-fat broth, fermented milk products. Avoid fried, salty and fatty foods.

It will also be useful to do:

  • Take multivitamins or ascorbic acid, tincture of Eleutherococcus.
  • Temporarily replace sugar with honey.
  • Take 1-2 tablets of “Glycine” - it will improve the condition of the nervous system.
  • Take a nap for an hour or two.

In order not to suffer from a hangover the next morning, while reaping all the “delights” of an unbridled feast, follow some simple tips and know the limit of alcohol.

Today, there are a great many known mechanisms for depleting the body’s vitamin reserves, which “turn on” against the background of alcoholic excesses, but there is a single concept that explains the leakage of vital necessary elements has never been created - despite the powerful developments being carried out by biochemists in this direction. One thing is clear - alcohol poisoning and, later, intoxication with ethanol oxidation products - what we call withdrawal syndrome, – is accompanied by an active release of vitamins from the corresponding depots of the body and an increase in their excretion (removal) in the urine.

A classic example is the depletion of ascorbic acid reserves - vitamin C, the need for which after a massive alcohol intoxication increases several times. It is known that in drug treatment hospitals ascorbic acid is simply added to the compote, and in case of emergency medical care sufferers are given it intravenously in large doses.

Unfortunately, we are not able to describe in detail the mechanisms for replenishing the depots of vitamins of all groups involved in “working” on the consequences of alcohol poisoning - this would require a separate publication - therefore we offer you a concise listing of the properties of life amines (this is how their name is literally translated). We will consider the main groups of vitamins, the loss of which is compensated first and gives the most pronounced positive effect.

Vitamin B1(thiamine)– is a means of preventing and treating neurological complications of alcoholism, is used in the development alcoholic psychoses and convulsive conditions, often occurring during abstinence. Large doses of vitamin B1 psychiatric hospitals treat so-called alcoholic encephalopathies - the most severe consequences, consisting in irreversible damage to brain structures.

Under the names “thiamine chloride” and “thiamine bromide”, the pharmaceutical industry produces vitamin B1 not only in the form of standard tablet forms, but also in the form of a sterile solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration(ampoules of 1 ml of 5% solution). Note that the use of increased doses of vitamin B1 is fraught with a variety of allergic complications - up to the development of shock; It is administered intravenously with great caution. However, taking it as part of a multivitamin (or, more rationally, eating foods with known high content vitamin B1) is not dangerous, especially if you adhere to the dosages given at the end of the section.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)– used to normalize metabolism in the central and peripheral nervous system, improves protein and lipid (fat) metabolism, distorted by alcohol intoxication. Vitamin B6 is indicated for alcoholic lesions of the peripheral nervous system - so-called polyneuropathies.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)– stimulates metabolic processes in the body and, very importantly, restores liver functions impaired by alcohol poisoning.

Vitamin PP( nicotinic acid, niacin)– has a beneficial effect on the restoration of liver function. Nicotinic acid, like its derivative nicotinamide, actively participate in the processes of biological oxidation of ethyl alcohol - accordingly, the use of vitamin PP is advisable for alcohol poisoning (intoxication) and for the treatment of withdrawal symptoms. Sometimes nicotinic acid is poorly tolerated - dizziness, feeling of heat, redness of the skin, falling blood pressure. In these cases, nicotinamide is prescribed, which is similar in action and does not cause unwanted vascular reactions.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)– has high biological activity, is involved in hematopoiesis, the synthesis of essential amino acids (structural elements of proteins), and has a beneficial effect on the functions of the liver and nervous system.

Calcium pantothenate- takes part in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. It has a detoxifying effect in a state of intoxication and alcohol withdrawal, restores the acid-base balance of the body by eliminating acidosis (as you remember, this is the name for the excessive accumulation of certain acids and their equivalents in the tissues). Calcium pantothenate is used to treat alcoholic polyneuritis and various allergic conditions. The drug is well tolerated during long-term treatment.

Vitamin C( ascorbic acid) – is widely used for the treatment of alcohol poisoning and withdrawal states, since prolonged and massive ethanol intoxication leads to depletion of vitamin C reserves in the body. In patients with alcoholism, the need for ascorbic acid is significantly increased.

Other means affecting metabolic processes:

Glutamic acid- takes part in the neutralization of ammonia that accumulates in the body due to protein metabolism disturbed by intoxication; the drug is prescribed at the stage acute poisoning for detoxification, after alcoholic psychoses and for maintenance therapy - with a decline in nutrition, prolonged asthenic (“asthenia” in Greek “powerlessness”) and depressive states.

Methionine- amino acid, has a so-called hypotropic effect on the liver: it prevents the “deposition” of neutral fat in its tissue, which is characteristic of long-term alcohol intoxication and occurs due to a violation of fat (lipid) metabolism.

Similar condition liver disease is called alcoholic steatosis, and it is the first in the “chain” of changes in the liver tissue, the outcome of which is alcoholic cirrhosis.

In addition, methionine has the property of neutralizing toxic substances, including intermediate oxidation products of ethanol, and activates hormones and vitamins (vitamin B12, vitamin C). The use of methionine is advisable at all stages of treatment, especially against the background of alcoholic liver damage in the form of steatosis, hepatitis (toxic) in its chronic and acute forms, fibrosis and cirrhosis.

Calcium glycerophosphate- refers to phosphorus preparations and is used at all stages of treatment of alcohol intoxication; the compound has the ability to stimulate the body's metabolic processes. Depression that develops during alcoholism phosphorus metabolism(hypophosphatemia - literally “decreased phosphorus in the blood”), in addition to the central brain effect, manifested by weakening of attention, concentration and comprehension, causes many other negative consequences– a decrease in the activity of enzymes (including liver enzymes), depletion of tissues in oxygen (phosphates take part in tissue respiration), decreased contractility muscle tissue and myocardium. In addition, calcium glycerophosphate is used as a general strengthening and tonic for low nutrition, exhaustion of the nervous system and fatigue.

Every physician, rehabilitation specialist and narcologist knows about the healing effects of vitamins on an alcohol-poisoned body. But not everyone who likes to abuse it knows that vitamin C and a hangover are, in some cases, compatible concepts. Because it is the replenishment of the balance of vitamins in the body saturated with alcohol that helps it recover many times faster. We will discuss below how vitamins help with a hangover and which ones you should take.

Effects of vitamins on the body: general definition

During alcohol intoxication, all the body’s forces are aimed at neutralizing ethanol molecules. It is during such reactions that the entire vitamin reserve simply disappears. That’s why it’s so important to saturate all body systems with vitamins. In particular, water-soluble B vitamins and vitamin C. It is worth knowing here that all B vitamins regulate the digestion process, which means they regulate the functioning of the alcohol-laden liver, pancreas and intestines. This vitamin boost makes the body cope with the elimination of alcohol toxins more easily and better. And vitamin C (ascorbic acid) significantly speeds up the process of regaining consciousness when sufficiently intoxicated.

Important: however, it is worth remembering that vitamins are not instant help. Their action is longer, but no less reliable. At the same time, it’s worth knowing what to take for a hangover. multivitamin complexes there's no point. Especially when it comes to fat-soluble vitamins A, E, K and D. Moreover, there is no point in eating handfuls vitamin preparations, daily norm of which there will be noticeably more. IN best case scenario an excess of useful components will simply be washed out of the body along with urine, and in the worst case, it will settle in the tissues.

Types of anti-hangover vitamins

So, in particular, B1 and B6 help the body cope with intoxication. It is advisable to administer these beneficial substances by infusion (through a dropper). IN as a last resort you can take them in liquid form. Standard methods will help improve the effect of cleansing the body and speeding up its recovery. physical methods detoxification - washing the stomach and intestines. Here it is worth knowing that in addition to the beneficial effect of vitamin B6 on liver function, this component also stimulates the immune system, has an antidepressant effect and relieves inflammation.

As for ascorbic acid, it binds toxins that have entered the body as quickly and effectively as possible. In this form, they are eliminated from the body faster, also thanks to ascorbic acid. In addition, it is this element that actively participates in the processes carbohydrate metabolism and tones the body, and also helps the body synthesize protein and hormones necessary for rapid restoration of strength.

Rules for taking vitamins before drinking

If a person knows that a vitamin supplement helps cope with a hangover, then you need to know the basic rules for taking it:

  • So, pyridoxine (B6) can be taken 2-6 hours before drinking alcohol. Preferably in liquid form. This component activates the liver's production of certain enzymes responsible for neutralizing alcohol. Thus, the hangover in the morning will be easier due to reduced negative impact alcohol on the body. You can take vitamin B6 as part of the preparations “Pitsian”, “Neurogamma”, “Neuromultivit”, “B-complex”.
  • After drinking alcohol at night, you can take vitamin B1. It is acceptable to take it as part of the same medications.
  • Vitamin C can be taken both before and after drinking.

If you need to sober up quickly

Emergency sobering up care can also be organized thanks to these vitamins. However, they must be used in combination. Such therapy will bring a person into a state of relative sobriety for half an hour. To do this, it is necessary to carry out a set of measures:

  • Let a drunk person smell ammonia;
  • Rinse the stomach a large number water or water with 5 drops of ammonia added to it;
  • Give a drunk vitamin C at the rate of 2.5 mg per 70 kg of body weight;
  • After 15 minutes, you can give the drunk thiamine (B1) 5%. The dose should be 10 ml. B1 can be either drunk or administered as an injection (ampoules are sold at the pharmacy).

Vitamins for treating binge drinking

If a person is taken out of a binge, then it is worth considering that the longer the binge was, the more useful substances lost his body. Or rather, after a binge, there is a total shortage of them. In this case, it is necessary to intensively saturate all systems with B vitamins and vitamin C.

In particular, you can offer a person products containing the necessary components. These are cottage cheese, meat, eggs, vegetables, fruits. The use of multivitamin complexes is also indicated to restore the nervous system, which suffers greatly under the influence of alcohol. The best option The drug “Complivit” is considered. It is especially advisable to take it in the first 5-12 days after quitting binge drinking. Sometimes binge alcoholics are offered the drug Animal Pak, which is a sports vitamin complex. In addition to the necessary components, it contains ginseng root, necessary enzymes and trace elements.

Vitamins in foods

You can replenish the supply of vitamins lost during drinking not only with complex pills, but also with the help of certain products. So, in particular, to quickly restore the body, you can and should eat the following foods:

  • Fermented milk products. Ayran, tan, kefir, and kumiss are especially relevant. In addition to protein, they contain B components, protein and minerals. They, in turn, take an active part in metabolic processes and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it is these drinks that restore the body’s protective barrier and remove toxins from it as quickly as possible. During the day, if you have a hangover, you can drink up to 600 ml of fermented milk products.
  • Non-alcoholic energy drinks. They are rich in B vitamins, which stimulate the breakdown of ethanol molecules. If you drink this drink along with clean water, then the hangover syndrome will go away faster.
  • Tea. This drink is rich in B1. Best to drink green tea or herbal pharmacy.
  • Homemade kvass. Also includes high concentration thiamine (B1), which helps to cope with a hangover quickly.
  • Rose hip. A storehouse of vitamin C. In addition, it has a strong diuretic effect on the body. In addition, additional components of rose hips also have a choleretic effect, which improves the digestion process in humans.

Important: in order not to lose the valuable properties of rose hips, it is better to brew it as tea, rather than boil it.

  • Rowan. This berry also contains a high concentration of C, P-components and carotene. It is also advisable to brew rowan, but not boil it.
  • Oatmeal and its decoction. Healthy dietary porridge and oatmeal jelly supply the body with vitamin B, which improves liver function.

Important: but whatever valuable properties vitamins and fortified foods, it is still better to take them as balanced diet when conducting healthy image life. And it is better to control the amount of alcohol consumed during the holidays so as not to experience a hangover in the morning.

Holidays other than vivid impressions and emotions, positivity and carefree joy often have not always pleasant consequences, for example, in the form hangover syndrome, manifested by nausea, headache, dizziness, shortness of breath, weakness, pallor, sweating and other symptoms. This condition is usually caused by the dehydrating effect of alcohol on the body, water balance, poisoning with alcohol breakdown products and acidosis.

There are many known ways to get rid of hangover symptoms. Let's take a look most effective of them. All of them have been tested many times and are quite simple.


At the same time, the lack of fluid lost by the body is replenished, the volume of circulating blood is normalized, and swelling is eliminated. Drinks are best consumed warm.

Particularly effective:

MINERAL WATER with potassium and sodium salts(Borjomi, Essentuki);

JUICES - orange, tomato, grapefruit, lemon (citric acid enhances processing processes nutrients and alcohol breakdown products);

HERBAL DRINKS - cranberry juice, decoction of rose hips, decoction of lingonberry leaves (diuretic and vitaminizing effect);

BRINE - cucumber or sour cabbage (restores the loss of salts and electrolytes) - no more than 1 glass;

STRONG TEA (COFFEE) - replenishes the deficiency of vitamin B1, due to caffeine it has a constricting effect on the blood vessels of the brain and reduces headaches;

WARM MILK - drink 1 s on an empty stomachtakan.

2 . HONEY:

100 g natural honey consume in 2 doses with warm water (honey neutralizes the effects of alcohol, and also due to the content of trace elements and minerals, improves metabolism).


ACTIVATED CHARCOAL (on the day of a hangover, take 10-12 tablets at once).

ENTEROSGEL - binds and removes ethanol and acetaldehyde, prevents liver damage, promotes mucosal restoration gastrointestinal tract, prevents dysbiosis. Take - after the feast - 3 tbsp. with water, in case of poisoning - also at least 3 tbsp. with water(the gel is diluted in water, the paste is not).

POLYPHEPAN - absorbs alcohol and toxins, it is more effective than coal. Reception - 3 tbsp. with 1.5 glasses of water, 2 times with an interval of 2 hours.

After taking adsorbents, do not eat for 1.5 hours.


Kefir and others fermented milk drinks(buttermilk, yogurt, kumiss, etc.) provide the body with proteins, vitamins and minerals, improve intestinal microflora, have a laxative effect, lactic acid bacteria remove toxins, protect the liver.

Drink on an empty stomach in small sips. 0.5 liters of kefir per dose is enough.


Not recommended widely used for use ASPIRIN(irritates the gastrointestinal mucosa and can cause stomach bleeding) And PARACETAMOL(overloads the liver). Accordingly, drugs containing these substances (ASCOFEN, CITRAMON, COFICIL, etc.) are also undesirable for relieving hangover syndrome. They film for a short time painful sensations, but do not eliminate the causes of the problem being solved.

VITAMINS B6 and B1 , which are usually found to be deficient in alcohol poisoning, are administered intravenously or ingested 2 ampoules of vitamin B6 diluted in half a glass of water.

succinic acid (or LIMONTAR With citric acid) help to detoxify from acetaldehyde. Take immediately before drinking alcohol and in the morning after a hangover. 1 tablet every hour, but not more than 6 times. Contraindicated for peptic ulcer stomach.

GLYCINE (reduces toxic effect alcohol) - take 2 tablets every hour, 5 times, under the tongue or behind the cheek.

Special hangover remedies - ANTIPOHMELIN , ALKA-SELTZER, ALKA-PRIM, ZOREX etc.

ASPARKAM (PANANGIN) - replenishes the lack of potassium and magnesium. Take - 1-2 tablets after meals. Used as prescribed by a doctor.

MAGNESIUM SULPHATE - laxative, anticonvulsant, diuretic, antiarrhythmic, choleretic effect. Reception: dissolve a sachet (10 g) in half a glass of water. Drink every hour (3 times).



BATH improves blood circulation and metabolism, which contributes to the rapid processing of toxic products.

Caution for shortness of breath and impairment heart rate because of increased load on the heart.

1. ACTIVATED CARBON - Drink 2-4 tablets 15 minutes before the first drink (adsorbs alcohol, prevents absorption), then take 2 tablets every hour or drink 1-2 sachets of SMEKTA, diluted in half a glass of water. At night, drink 8 charcoal tablets with plenty of water.

It is possible to take at night: 6 tablets of charcoal, 2 tablets of no-shpa, 1 tablet of aspirin.

2. WARM MILK (1 GLASS) before drinking alcohol and at night (replenishes the lack of trypotophan, which affects the formation of serotonin and melatonin). Not recommended for pancreatic diseases.

3. STRONG GREEN TEA - immediately after the feast, 2-3 cups.

4. Drink during the feast ONE TYPE OF ALCOHOL or in increasing degrees.

5. GOOD SNACK - a controversial option, because fats increase the load on the liver. Hearty snack slows down the onset of intoxication, but does not prevent it.

It’s good to eat a plate half an hour before drinking PORRIDGE (buckwheat, oatmeal).

Well, these are the tips that can be given to prevent and eliminate the painful consequences of cheerful feasts. Although it is easier to avoid these problems by observing moderation when drinking alcohol. As you know, it is better to underdrink than to overdrink.

Health to you and measures in everything!