B vitamins in tablets. The best multivitamin complex: name, description, composition, reviews

Dear friends, good day!

I’ve been preparing for this conversation (mentally) for a long time, and now I’ve finally made up my mind. Today we will talk about vitamins, which occupy more than one shelf in pharmacy windows. I can imagine how difficult it is for you to choose the most suitable complex of vitamins and minerals among them when you are approached with such a request.

Moreover, recently our citizens have been captured by a real vitamin boom. Spring has come - you need to take vitamins. Autumn has arrived - it's time to support yourself before the cold season. In winter we eat few vegetables and fruits, which means we need to take vitamins. And some take them all year round, because the environment is “not the same,” the products are “not the same,” we live “wrong,” etc., etc.

Therefore, an endless stream of young and old, sick and healthy, come to your pharmacy in order to once again blow your mind with their question:

“What vitamins do you recommend?”

Having studied the information on the Internet and passed it through myself, I will now express MY opinion, and, as always happens on, I will sketch out an algorithm for when to recommend which vitamins and minerals.

But first, let's very briefly recall the basics.

What are vitamins?

Vitamins (from the Latin “vita” - life) are VITAL amines, that is, nitrogen-containing compounds.

With a few exceptions, they are not synthesized in the body, which means they must get there from the outside.

Normal full life without them is impossible, since they are biocatalysts, that is, they regulate metabolic processes occurring in the body. Vitamins activate the work of enzymes that trigger amazing chemical processes in our body. Thanks to this, we can breathe, blink, move our fingers, pick our nose, think, in general, LIVE!

Vitamins are also necessary for the synthesis of hormones that regulate a variety of body functions.

They are divided into fat-soluble (A, D, E, K) and water-soluble (all others).

Water-soluble vitamins are quickly excreted, so they rarely cause hypervitaminosis.

Fat-soluble ones are dangerous because in case of an overdose they can accumulate in the body, causing severe disorders. Vitamins A and D were especially distinguished for this.

Vitamin A in large doses has a teratogenic effect. And given that it can accumulate in the body, after finishing taking it, it is recommended to become pregnant only after 6-12 months.

Another important fact. Some researchers argue that vitamin A should not be taken by smokers because it increases their risk of developing oncological diseases, interacting with some components cigarette smoke.

How are problems of compatibility of vitamins and minerals solved in modern complexes?

Vitamins and microelements can “help” each other in work, or they can hinder. To solve the compatibility problem, manufacturing companies resort to various tricks:

  1. Physically separate components by different tablets, such as in vitamin and mineral complexes Alphabet, Duovit.
  2. They use microencapsulation technology, when each component is placed in its own microcapsule, protecting it from antagonists.
  3. Uses controlled release technology with at different times release of the active substance.

This is in response to buyers’ remarks that there is the good old Undevit, which costs several times less, and at the same time “is no worse.”

However, the question arises: how are the above technologies used in syrups? I don't think so.

To drink or not to drink vitamins?

So, where should vitamins come from?

Here, as you understand, there are two sources: food and ready-made vitamin complexes.

I don't know where it came from popular opinion that vitamins are found exclusively in vegetables and fruits. And supposedly that’s why you need to lean on them in the summer and autumn in order to “stock up” on them right up to the summer. This is nonsense!

Firstly, most of them are eliminated within 5-6 hours.

Secondly, in order not to experience a lack of vitamins, a person should eat 6 types of food all year round: meat, fish, dairy products, cereals, vegetables, fruits.

Do you think the average person eats this?

More likely yes than no. And even if he doesn’t eat, for example, beef liver, then he probably eats something from this set: carrots, herbs, butter, eggs, milk, tomatoes, peppers. And therefore, he receives his daily requirement of vitamin A. The same situation applies to other vitamins.

Therefore, in most cases, even Internet workaholics like me do not experience any particular lack of vitamins. 🙂

Therapists also confirm this. Have you ever been diagnosed with “hypovitaminosis of such and such” or even worse: “vitaminosis”?

I highly doubt it. Most often, the reasons for loss of strength, insomnia, and irritability are much more commonplace. And we mistake them for a lack of vitamins and run to the pharmacy for magic pills to bring ourselves to our senses. But no miracle happens. And, despite this, we stupidly continue to drink multivitamins and feed them to our family, firmly believing that we care about our health and the health of our loved ones.

In preparation for this conversation, I read a lot of articles and saw that pundits were divided on synthetic vitamins. Some say that modern complexes vitamins and minerals are identical to natural ones, and you need to drink them almost all year round. Others believe that synthetic vitamins have completely different molecules and are therefore useless. My intuition tells me that the latter are more right.

So, to drink or not to drink a vitamin-mineral complex? Here's my opinion:

If a person feels well, eats normally, and nothing bothers him, there is no need to take vitamins.

But I understand perfectly well that the dialogue:

-Please advise some vitamins!

- I don’t recommend them to you at all...

It will look, to put it mildly, ridiculous.

So I continue:

Additional vitamin intake is necessary in the following cases:

  • With a monotonous and inadequate diet in a frantic pace of life, when in the morning there is coffee with a sandwich, in the afternoon - tea with candy or cookies (5 times), and a normal dinner only in the evening, and only if you have enough strength. This also includes hunger strikes, called a beautiful word"diet".
  • After illnesses.
  • For severe chronic diseases.
  • If the work involves increased physical activity.
  • After treatment with antibiotics.
  • For chronic stress.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • For hypo- and avitaminosis confirmed by tests.
  • If a person smokes. The need of smokers, for example, for vitamin C is 40% higher than that of non-smokers.

In this regard, I came up with an algorithm for selecting vitamins.

7 questions for a buyer purchasing a complex of vitamins and minerals

  1. Who are you taking it for: an adult or a child?
  2. Age of the child (adult)?
  3. Man or woman?
  4. To a smoker or not?
  5. Are there any diseases? thyroid gland?
  6. For what purpose are you taking it?
  7. Do you take any other vitamins?

Now let me explain.

On the first point everything is clear.

2. Age of the child (adult)?

Everything is clear with children too.

Two words about complexes for adults.

Alphabet 50+ contains increased doses of calcium, as well as lutein and lycopene to prevent retinal diseases. Caution: contains iodine!

Vitrum Centuri. Includes: high doses some vitamins and more minerals than any other complex. Do Russians need them?

Complement for women 45+. Contains motherwort and black cohosh extract, which reduces the symptoms of menopause. I also like that there is no iodine in this complex. You never know, what if you have a thyroid disease when iodine is contraindicated?

3. Are you buying for a man or a woman?

The need for vitamins and minerals is different for men and women.

In vitamins Duovit for men more antioxidants, B vitamins, magnesium, and in vitamins Duovit for women more iron, and this is logical, because a woman loses a certain amount of blood every month.

Do you remember the “trick” of these vitamins? The vitamins and minerals are separated into different tablets to ensure they don't conflict with each other.

And if life is associated with constant stress, overwork, lack of sleep, business trips, then vitamin and mineral complexes for men and women from Pharmamed are suitable "More than a multivitamin."

4. To a smoker or not?

Smokers have a significantly higher need for vitamins. The body functions in extreme mode, because the toxic substances contained in tobacco smoke, absorbed into the blood, penetrate every cell. In this regard, vitamins are consumed faster, and a new portion is needed.

Therefore, regular vitamins are not enough.

Previously, I remember, there were special vitamins for Vitamkur smokers. I don't see them now. It's a pity. They did not contain vitamin A, which is dangerous for smokers, and the dosages of other vitamins were the most appropriate.

After looking at the composition of several vitamins, I settled on. There is less vitamin A than in other complexes, the content of antioxidants C, E, selenium, B vitamins, magnesium, which is necessary for maintaining the cardiovascular and nervous systems, is increased.

In second place I would put Supradin.

But I would abstain from vitamins containing ginseng, eleutherococcus, and lemongrass, since the blood vessels of smokers are in a chronically narrowed state, which can lead to increased blood pressure. Why raise it even more?

5. Do you have thyroid disease?

(with hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, iodine is contraindicated).

6. For what purpose will you take vitamins?

"For prevention":

  • Alphabet(contains iodine).
  • Multi-tabs Classic(contains iodine).
  • Complivit(no iodine).
  • Bio-Max(no iodine).
  • Duovit(“unisex” - no iodine).

After suffering from a cold, taking antibiotics.

Multi-tabs Immuno Plus(contains iodine) – contains lactobacilli, so it also intestinal microflora restores.

For physical fatigue or tiredness:

  • (there is iodine).
  • Supradin(no iodine).
  • Alphabet Energy contains extracts of lemongrass, eleutherococcus, succinic acid(there is iodine).
  • Gerimaks Energy(no iodine) contains ginseng extract.
  • Dynamisan(contains iodine) contains ginseng extract, amino acids arginine, glutamine to improve memory and performance.
  • Vitrum Performance(contains ginseng, iodine).

The last four drugs are contraindicated in high blood pressure, insomnia. Ask about this and warn!

With an active lifestyle (sports, fitness, hiking, etc.)

  • Alphabet Effect(there is iodine).
  • Supradin(no iodine).

Hair is dull, nails are peeling, etc.

  • Vitrum beauty(18-30 years old).
  • Vitrum Beauty Elite(over 30 years old).
  • Vitrum Beauty Luke s (over 45 years old).
  • Alphabet Cosmetics

All contain iodine.


  • Vitrum superstress(no iodine).
  • Complivit Antistress. Contains Ginkgo Biloba extract, improves cerebral circulation and memory. There is no iodine.

For diabetics

  • Complivit Diabetes(no iodine).
  • Alphabet Diabetes(contains iodine).

7. Do you take any other vitamins?

We ask this question to prevent an overdose of vitamins. If the answer is “yes,” tell us about a possible overdose of vitamins and advise taking a new complex only after the old one has been “eaten.”

This is the questionnaire I came up with.

Of course, it is impossible to consider all complexes of vitamins and minerals here. There are too many of them.

But my opinion is this:

If you take vitamins for preventive purposes,

It is better to choose a complex with a lower vitamin content.

That's why I Vitrum And Centrum don't like it. There is a lot mixed into them, and some components are in increased dosages. Is this necessary? I even thought, maybe they were created specifically for those who don’t eat anything at all?

In addition, the vitamin needs of residents of different countries are different. Therefore, I believe that Russian vitamins are the best for us.

But still, any synthetic vitamin is a serious burden on the liver, and vitamins containing high doses of vitamin C also put a strain on the kidneys.

In addition, most vitamins contain a lot excipients, and these chemical names make you sick.

And one last thing.

How long should I take them?

In MY opinion, it will be quite enough to take them for 1 month, 2 times a year.

But, honestly, it’s better to eat normally than to stuff yourself with artificial vitamins.

What do YOU ​​think about this? Write, share, comment, complement.

With love to you, Marina Kuznetsova


What side effects are possible with a lack of vitamins A, B, C, D, E. How to take each of these elements correctly.

Throughout its existence, humanity has been in search of the elixir of eternal youth. People dream of living long, being healthy and beautiful. Unfortunately, so miracle cure not yet, but with the help of vitamins A, B, C, D, E it is possible to slow down the process of approaching old age and improve health.

It is important that useful elements arrive in a timely manner and in sufficient quantities. If there is a deficiency, the following side effects are possible:

  • weakness;
  • increased fatigue(mental and physical);
  • deterioration of attention and memory;
  • weakening immune system;
  • increased irritability;
  • slowing down the formation of new cells;
  • problems with the formation of new teeth and bones.

This list of problems faced by a person in case of deficiency useful substances, far from complete. In the article we will pay attention to the key elements for the body - vitamins A, B, C, D, E, which are involved in many vital functions. important processes and promoting health.

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble substance that occurs naturally exists in two forms:

  • Retinol is a ready-made vitamin A. It enters the body along with animal products.
  • Carotene (provitamin A) is a substance that, after entering the blood, reacts with carotinase and is converted into retinol.


  • Slowing down the aging process of the body, which is reflected in improving the condition of the skin and maintaining youth for a long time.
  • Accelerating the growth of teeth, hair and bones, as well as ensuring their normal formation.
  • Normalization of redox processes.
  • Preventing the development of “night blindness” due to the presence of substances in the retina that provide visual functions. It is retinol that ensures rapid adaptation of the eyes to darkness.
  • Strengthening the immune and cardiovascular system.
  • Increasing the amount of good cholesterol in the blood and reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
  • Increasing resistance to cancer and other diseases.

Main sign of deficiency - « night blindness", which manifests itself sharp deterioration vision with sudden changes in illumination. The eyes take longer to prepare for changes in light brightness. If the dark adaptation time exceeds 15-20 seconds, it is recommended to consult a doctor for advice. During the intake process, it is important to avoid another risk - the toxic effect of an overdose.

Sources include parsley, carrots, spinach, tomato and peach. A large amount of retinol is found in green peas, rowan and sorrel. The diet should include apples, rose hips, red peppers, potatoes and green onions.

Interesting facts about carrots, which are a supplier of carotene:

  • Studies have shown that regular intake of retinol in sufficient quantities reduces the risk of macular degeneration.
  • The presence of carrots in the diet reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors of the colon and lungs. In addition, this product is natural antiseptic, stopping development infectious diseases. It is enough to apply a cut raw vegetable to the wound to stop the development of infection.
  • According to scientists, people who eat 5-6 carrots a day suffer less from strokes.

The vitamin activity of carotene is three times lower when compared with retinol. For this reason, vitamin-containing foods plant origin should be in the diet three times more than animal food with retinol.

B vitamins

From the “trinity” of vitamins A, B and E, scientists often isolate substances belonging to group B. Their advantages are a multifaceted effect on the body, namely strengthening the central nervous system, improving skin condition, normalizing metabolic processes. The main representatives of this group include:

  • Thiamine(B1) - a substance involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Its intake normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system and cardiovascular system. Thiamine is also involved in improving blood circulation and removing toxins and poisonous substances from the body. Thiamine is often recommended for use to protect against the negative effects of cigarette smoke and alcohol. B1 has a positive effect on body growth, muscle tone and appetite.
  • Riboflavin(B2) - an element that guarantees stable cell renewal. The substance is part of most enzymes and is involved in the breakdown of BZHU. Riboflavin is recommended for people whose activities involve frequent stress, as well as athletes for whom the formation of a sufficient amount of energy is key. Riboflavin is also involved in the conversion of carbohydrates into energy.
  • Nicotinic acid(niacin, vitamin B3). Medicine has long classified this substance as a drug. Taking niacin guarantees normalization of blood cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of depression, and improving attention. The positive effect of nicotinic acid on joint mobility has been proven.
  • Pantothenic acid and (B5) is a substance that quickly and effectively fights inflammation in the body. B5 is often taken for weight loss, participates in fat burning, and optimizes metabolic processes. Regular supply of the substance guarantees the production of a sufficient amount of energy, positive influence on brain activity, protection against depression and forgetfulness.
  • Pyridoxine(B6) - element playing key role for athletes involved in strength sports. It participates in metabolic processes and regulates the process of protein absorption. The main thing is to combine the intake of B6 with B2, without which pyridoxine has 4 times less value. The additive is involved in the creation of red blood cells, and in addition to protein, it participates in fat and carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Folic acid(B9) - a substance involved in the production of red blood cells. B9 improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, improves activity nervous system and CNS. Taking folic acid improves mood, ensures better absorption of other vitamins and reduces the risk of heart problems. Folic acid is also important in preparation for childbirth and during pregnancy.
  • Cyanocobalamin(B12) is an element that plays a key role in the restoration of the central nervous system, cell growth and hematopoiesis. The main sources of cyanocobalamin are products of animal origin (most of the substance is in the liver). The element is most useful for athletes who engage in strength sports and aim for rapid muscle growth.

Ascorbic acid

Vitamins A, C, E are considered the main elements that guarantee the strengthening of the immune system, as well as protection against infectious and other diseases. At the same time main role plays ascorbic acid, which is involved in many vital processes. The element was discovered in 1747 by a young student medical university. He noticed that eating citrus fruits reduced the risk of scurvy, a disease that killed thousands of sailors during that period. It turned out that 10 mg of ascorbic acid per day is enough to avoid the onset of a fatal disease. In this case, the daily norm is covered by eating two apples, 250 mg of grapes or one boiled potato.

Main functions:

  • Blocks toxic substances and protects against infections.
  • Participation in the course of redox and metabolic processes.
  • Strengthening blood vessels.
  • Acceleration of the wound healing process.
  • Improving metabolic processes.
  • Optimization of fat processing, which helps in achieving slimness.

Ascorbic acid deficiency appears as follows:

  • The appearance of red lines on the bottom of the tongue.
  • The appearance of red spots on the shoulders.
  • Sleep disturbance and increased fatigue of the body, which becomes more noticeable with a decrease in vitamin intake.
  • Hair loss.
  • Bleeding gums.

As for overdose, if ascorbic acid is obtained from products of plant origin, it is rare. Side effects include:

  • decrease in capillary permeability;
  • adrenal atrophy;
  • blurred vision.

The leader in vitamin A content is considered to be rose hips, 100 grams of which contain 0.55 g of ascorbic acid. Next on the conventional “pedestal” are parsley (about 200 mg) and sea buckthorn berries (300-600 mg). In addition, ascorbic acid is present in sufficient quantity in black currant, strawberry, horseradish and banana.

Please note that during the heat treatment, vitamin C is destroyed, so it is almost absent in cooked foods. The volume also decreases when frozen, pickled or salted. When storing greens in the refrigerator, the volume of ascorbic acid in the composition decreases after just one day. by 10-20 percent. The content of the element in products depends on culinary processing. Almost destroyed in water 2/3 vitamin, and in case of steaming - only 10-12 percent. In general, it is recommended to store vitamin-containing foods in an acidic environment. This way it is possible to preserve ascorbic acid in the greatest volume.

Vitamin D

Vitamins A, D, E are reliable helpers in improving metabolic processes and maintaining youthful skin. One of the main functions is performed by vitamin D. In medicine, this drug is known as the main medicine in the treatment of rickets. Main feature D is that it comes only from food and is not able to be synthesized by the human body. The main source of the useful element is the sun's rays.

Regular sunbathing eliminates deficiency. At the same time must be taken into account the following conditions:

  • It is best to sunbathe in the morning, immediately after sunrise, or in the evening, when the sun's disk has set below the horizon. During this period, vitamin production occurs most actively.
  • People with fair skin produce more of the beneficial substance.
  • Gradual aging of the body leads to deterioration in digestibility.
  • Dust, gas pollution and emissions from enterprises eliminate the negative effects of sunlight.

It is worth considering that sunbathing should be taken in moderation while simultaneously taking in beneficial elements. Thus, vitamins A, E, D in special supplements reduce the carcinogenic effect of sunlight and protect the skin. The formation of vitamin D is promoted following procedures:

  • water baths;
  • massage;
  • air baths.

All this guarantees a high-quality massage, which accelerates cell renewal and normalizes the functioning of the glands.

Effect on the body:

  • Helps the body absorb calcium, which improves the formation of teeth and bones.
  • Participation in the regulation of cell reproduction.
  • Strengthening muscle fibers and normalization of metabolic processes.
  • Increasing the body's resistance to heart and vascular diseases.

For greater effect and better absorption recommended simultaneous administration vitamin D and E.

Insufficient vitamin D intake increases the risk of developing the following diseases:

  • arthritis;
  • diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis.

When exposed to the sun for 15-20 minutes a day, the body receives half the daily requirement. The dosage largely depends on the level physical activity, age, physical condition and a number of other factors. When taking vitamin complexes, it is recommended to control the dosage, because increased consumption of the substance over a long period leads to similar effects (one of them is softening of bones).

The main sources of the substance are butter, milk, meat and egg yolk. It is recommended to include other foods in the diet, including sour cream, tuna, mackerel and herring.

Tocopherol: beneficial effects, how to take

Vitamin E (tocopherol) is a substance that is known in medicine for its beneficial effect on the functioning of the gonads and reproductive functions. At the beginning of the 20th century, there were a lot of misconceptions about this vitamin. At the same time, many believed that taking it interfered with the absorption of vitamins C and D. Later studies completely refute this misconception.

Action of tocopherol:

  • Prevention of development malignant tumors.
  • Strengthening blood vessels and accelerating wound healing.
  • Protecting the body from the negative effects of free radicals.
  • Protecting the skin from UV, as well as improving the transport of beneficial elements to the body tissues.
  • Prevents the formation of blood clots.
  • Prevention of atherosclerosis, “inhibition” of the disease.
  • Normalization of the muscular system.

Tocopherol does not have an immediate effect. So, in the presence of kidney inflammation, thrombosis or rheumatism, it begins to work in 5-10 days. At the same time, your health will only improve in 1-1.5 months.

In case of acute vitamin E deficiency, the following consequences are possible:

  • Impaired sperm production.
  • Disruptions in the menstrual cycle.
  • Deterioration of sexual desire.

Long-term overdose leads to weakening of the immune system, disruption of digestive processes and bleeding. An increase is also possible blood pressure, weakening of the immune system and disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract.

Tocopherol is mostly found in foods of natural origin - vegetable oils, nuts, cabbage, tomatoes and others. Yes, one spoon sunflower oil or 6-7 nuts are enough to cover the daily requirement. The vitamin is also present in animal products - shrimp, beef, cheese, eggs and others.

The issue of taking tocopherol in the form of supplements deserves special attention. It is important to figure out how to take vitamin E - before or after meals. Regardless of the type of element, it applies to everyone general rule- taken in the morning and after meals. It is forbidden to drink tocopherol on an empty stomach 30-60 minutes before the start of a meal.

A prerequisite for normal digestibility of tocopherol- the presence of sufficient fat in the stomach. This is why eating nuts, sunflower seeds or other foods for breakfast is recommended. A tablet is taken 30 minutes after finishing the meal. It is allowed to drink it with water only - drinking juices, coffee, milk or soda as a liquid is excluded.

When deciding how to take vitamin E (before or after meals), it is worth considering the fact of taking other medicines. Combining tocopherol with antibiotics or other medications not recommended. Before using the supplement, it is recommended to carefully read the instructions. Tablets should not be swallowed or bitten due to the risk of destruction of the vitamin in the oral cavity. For greater effect, it is recommended to take ascorbic acid, vitamin E, and vitamin D.

Saturating the body with vitamins and microelements is a guarantee of good health. It is important that the substances come from food, and only if there is a deficiency - from special supplements.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 10 minutes


For beauty and preservation of youth, a woman needs not only positive emotions and good mood. Vitamins are indispensable in this matter. With their deficiency, problems appear such as dry lips, brittle nails, peeling skin, and this list can be continued endlessly. Natural sources of vitamins are fresh food, fruits, vegetables, meat and fish products.

But the vitamins they contain are not always enough to maintain the internal strength of the body. Therefore, doctors all over the world advise periodically making and taking vitamin complexes for beauty, health and youth.

What vitamins are necessary for a woman’s health and beauty?

It has been scientifically proven that there is several main vitamins that ensure the beauty of hair, nails and skin elasticity.

  • Vitamin E is an antioxidant - it is associated with the aging process and the emergence of malignant tumors. This substance supports the functioning of the female reproductive glands, increasing the amount of estrogen hormones. Without tocopherol, the female figure gradually becomes masculine.
  • Vitamin C - beauty vitamin. It also has antioxidant effects. In addition, ascorbic acid regulates the formation and destruction of melanin. Therefore, if there is a lack of it in large quantities freckles appear age spots and moles.
  • Vitamin A found in carrots, apricots, pumpkin, as well as fish meat, animal by-products and chicken eggs. The lack of this substance leads to the formation of cracks on the feet and palms. At the same time, the skin of the hands becomes as if parchment-like, and ulcers appear in the corners of the lips - jams.
  • B vitamins affect the functioning of the nervous system. With their deficiency, fatigue, drowsiness, frequent depression and nervous breakdowns. Vision deteriorates, burning sensation in the eyes and redness of the skin of the eyelids appear. Vitamin B5 prevents hair loss, and vitamin B9 is necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system.
  • Vitamin H necessary for beautiful skin and healthy mucous membranes. This vitamin is found in brewer's yeast, peanut kernels and liver.
  • Vitamin D is responsible for the hardness of bones, whiteness and health of teeth, as well as the beauty of nails and hair.

9 best vitamin complexes for a woman’s health and youth – choosing beauty vitamins

You can avoid taking vitamins at all and use only natural sources of life substances. Can you periodically take a course of vitamin supplementation? complex vitamins. Such prevention will allow the body to be in full “combat” readiness, to resist dangerous viruses and bacteria, as well as aggressive environmental conditions.

But modern pharmacies are oversaturated with various vitamin complexes. And how to choose the best one in such a variety?

  1. Vitamin complex Velnatal. Every day a woman faces different situations, in which she needs the support of the body. These situations can be called, in one word, “stress”. We are not talking about emotional shock, but about what can happen day after day! We play sports, go on a diet, submit reports, get sick. In all these situations, we need vitamin support for the body. And sometimes it’s quite difficult to find. Why is the confusion around the shelves with vitamins worth it? Some are for hair and nails, the second are for mood, for vigor, for
    leather, etc. As a result, every time there is a complete torment of choice, or even worse - the first one that comes along, or even nothing at all.
    With Velnatal you do not have to select a vitamin complex for each situation. This complex is balanced in such a way as to support a woman with vitamin deficiency associated with absolutely different situations, from diet to pregnancy. Which, of course, speaks not only about the correct combination of components in the composition, but also the selection of dosages. Velnatal contains two types of omega 3, biotin, 400 mcg of folic acid, selenium 55 mcg, iron, B vitamins, which, being in balance with other vitamins and minerals, will support female body and you won’t have to think again about which complex is better to choose now.
  2. Anti-aging complex Famvital. Thanks to “smart” capsules, its active components enter the woman’s body taking into account daily biorhythms.
    The 16 components included in the complex - antioxidants, microelements and vitamins - are optimally combined with each other and help prevent premature aging, help improve the structure and appearance skin, hair and nails, help slow down the appearance of wrinkles, increase thermogenesis and enhance calorie burning, helping to maintain normal body weight.

  3. Imedin.
    This is not just one of many vitamin complexes that are primarily needed by other organs - the heart, lungs, and nervous system. This is a complex containing biologically active substances that work directly in skin cells.
    IMEDIN® complexes include the exclusive Biomarine Complex®. It is rich in proteins similar in composition to the components of human skin, and biologically active substances that stimulate the production of collagen, the main protein that maintains skin elasticity.
  4. Supradin . Comes in many forms: gummies, water-soluble tablets, regular tablets and syrup. This complex contains the necessary vitamin C, vitamin A, B6, B12, B9, Vitamin E and C, as well as coenzyme Q10. Supradin should be taken 1 tablet or candy twice a day for 1 month. Prevention should be repeated no more than twice a year. Preferably in spring and autumn. The price of 10 tablets is 250 rubles. 25 candies – 200 rubles
  5. Alphabet Cosmetics - a series designed to care for female beauty. Contains all the necessary vitamins for healthy skin, eyes, hair, nails - vitamin A, E, C, vitamin D and coenzyme Q10. Features of the intake are that all substances are divided into three groups. Pills different colors, which need to be taken one after another in the morning, lunch and evening. This sequence will allow prevention to be more effective. The course of taking Alphabet is no more than two weeks. The dose should be repeated no more than twice a year. Price for a package of 60 tablets – 320 rubles.
  6. Vitamin complex Vitrum Beauty is a popular brand among modern consumers. It is recommended by about 57% of therapists, which reinforces confidence in the Vitrum brand. It contains a huge amount of essential vitamins and microelements: vitamin C, A, E, D, K, H, B vitamins, as well as bioflavonoids and antioxidants. This list is supplemented by iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, iron, boron, selenium. This complex is suitable only for young women. For more mature ladies, Vitrum produces Antioxidant, Beauty Lusk and Beauty Elite complexes. The price of a package of 30 tablets is 610 rubles.
  7. Complivit. This brand produces a huge number of vitamin complexes. For female beauty The “Shine” formula was specially invented. It contains beauty vitamins A, E, C, B vitamins, folic acid, nicotinamide, copper, zinc, selenium, magnesium and flavone glycosides. This composition allows you to support collagen production, regeneration of skin cells, protect them from the harmful effects of UV rays, and increase the body's resistance to aggressive influences environment. Complivit should be taken one tablet per day for a month. The price of a package of 30 tablets is 271 rubles.
  8. Laura from Evalar company . This is a biologically active food supplement. It contains a minimum of all the necessary vitamins that are needed for beauty. The main trump card of this drug is hyaluronic acid, which is supplemented with vitamins E and C. Thanks to this composition, skin hydration and collagen production are improved, as a result of which the facial skin acquires an even color and a natural blush, wrinkles disappear and are reduced. The price of such a product in 36 tablets is 271 rubles.
  9. Perfectil from the English company Vitabiotics . This product serves as a powerful prevention of aging. It is also prescribed for dermatological diseases in order to improve the body's resistance to viruses or bacteria. The gelatin capsule of Profektil contains vitamins A, E, C, B5, B6, B12, biotin, as well as iron, zinc, magnesium, manganese, silicon and chromium. The price for a package containing 30 capsules is 420 rubles.
  10. Elite Spanish product Revidox does not contain pure synthetic vitamins. It consists of a squeeze plant extracts– sources of vitamins: grape extract and pomegranate seeds. This composition boasts a powerful dose of antioxidants that slow down aging, improve complexion and skin elasticity. The price of this complex of 30 tablets is about 2100 rubles.

9. Biocomplex Lady’s formula “Menopause” Strengthened formula»

The problem of hormonal changes in the delicate female body has ceased to be a problem with the advent of the biocomplex Lady’s formula “Menopause Strengthened Formula”. This drug has already won the trust of the fair half of humanity, since it is designed to have a comprehensive effect on the entire body as a whole without any side effects.

All doctors in the world warn that you should not take vitamin complexes constantly. Also, before each course you need to consult a doctor for any contraindications. In this case, you will not harm your health and will successfully increase your beauty.

Every body needs vitamins for normal development and functioning. In the modern rhythm of life, people do not always have time to eat properly and nutritiously, which causes a deficiency of vitamins in the body.

In this case, you should resort to taking vitamin complexes; many people think that the fundamental factor in choosing vitamins is the price, that the more expensive the product, the better it is.

But this is far from true; there are a lot of individual cheap pharmacy vitamins and multivitamins that are affordable and effective.

So, meet: effective inexpensive vitamins(complexes and complex supplements, effervescent tablets)!

Cheap and effective

For hair

What cheap vitamins will be effective for hair growth? The main and cheapest vitamins for the growth of strong, healthy and beautiful hair, as well as against hair loss, are A and E. They can not only be taken orally in the form of capsules, but it is also advisable to apply them directly to the scalp.

Since they are available in the form gelatin capsules, inside of which there is liquid oily content, these same capsules can be pierced and applied to scalp heads instead of a mask. Vitamins E and A are involved in awakening sleepers hair follicles, stimulate hair growth, strengthen, nourish and restore damaged structure.

What good vitamins for hair growth can you buy at a pharmacy at a good price:

    Alphabet Cosmetics

    Effective and inexpensive complex drug, which is intended to improve skin condition, strengthen and grow nails and combat hair loss. effective vitamins. This is a good combination of vitamins and minerals that are quickly absorbed.

    The special feature of this complex is three types of tablets of different colors and with different components: green - calcium D3+, yellow - antioxidants+, orange - iron+. They should be taken according to color: 1 tablet in the morning, at lunch and in the evening.

    Price— 110 rub.


    Quite cheap vitamins against hair loss. This complex combines vitamins and amino acids, helps accelerate hair growth and prevents hair loss. Does not cause side effects. Release form: capsules. Dosage - 1 tablet three times a day. Contains B vitamins, iron, copper and zinc.

    Price - 400 rub.


    This drug significantly improves the condition of the scalp and fights the manifestations of seborrhea. The drug is completely absorbed by the body, the result of use is noticeable within a month after the start of use. Daily dose- 1 capsule. Ingredients: vitamins B, E, C, D3, iron, magnesium, zinc, manganese and boron.

    Price— 500 rub.

    Complivit Shine

    The complex contains beauty vitamins such as: E, A, C, group B, nicotinamide, copper, selenium, zinc, magnesium, boron and folic acid. This combination allows you to maintain and stimulate the production of natural hair keratin, as well as protect your hair from aggressive environmental factors and weather conditions: direct sunlight, strong wind and severe frost.

    Price packages (30 pcs) - 271 rub.


    This drug Available in several forms: soluble effervescent tablets, capsules, syrup and chewable lozenges. It contains vitamins: A, B9, B12, B6, C, E, as well as coenzyme Q10. This vitamin complex is an indispensable attribute of every woman’s hair beauty. After all, the substances it contains not only accelerate the growth of curls, but also provide them with unsurpassed radiance, shine and a well-groomed appearance.

    Price for 10 tablets - 250 rub.

    Merz Beauty

    Recovery drug damaged hair. Contains L-cysteine, zinc and methionine. In combination, these substances replenish the hair structure and promote its reconstruction during cellular level.

    Price— 700 rub.

For nails

The main signs of vitamin deficiency (which are noticeable by the external condition of the nail plate) are:

  • fragility (deficiency of vitamins C and D);
  • thinness (insufficient amount of zinc, iodine and B vitamins);
  • fragility (lack of protein);
  • white stripes on the nail plate (lack of iron and folic acid).

For strong, durable and beautiful nails, you should consume the following effective vitamins and minerals daily:

  • vitamin D(strengthens the nail plate);
  • calcium(makes nails elastic, prevents brittleness);
  • (thickens the nail layer);
  • iodine(prevents the appearance of yellow spots on nails);
  • iron(gives nails an even color);
  • vitamin C(regulates the production and destruction of melanin).

For skin

Essential vitamins for skin are the following:

    A(improves the body’s defense against the influence of natural factors, adds elasticity, prevents premature aging, nourishes and moisturizes, maintains the natural water-fat balance of the skin).

    E(restores the natural water-fat balance of the skin, prevents peeling, roughening and cracking).

These vitamins are sold separately at any pharmacy and cost pennies (within 30 rubles). By the way, these cheap vitamins are suitable for the skin of the face, hair and nails! But you can buy them already in the form of a ready-made complex:

For immunity

  • lactating and pregnant women;
  • children;
  • athletes;
  • elderly people;
  • women and men with high workload and difficult working conditions;
  • people who already have chronic diseases.

Weak immunity is a favorable environment for viruses and bacteria to attack. Therefore, it should be strengthened by taking pharmaceutical vitamins. The very first signals from the body that it lacks vitamins are:

  • hair loss and fragility (indicates a lack of vitamins B2, PP and B6);
  • dryness skin and cracks (lack of vitamins A, C, P);
  • bleeding gums (deficiency of vitamins P, folic acid, nicotinamide and C).

First of all, you should resort to enhanced nutrition (increase daily ration, diversify it with new ones healthy products). The best natural sources vitamins for immunity are: red fish, caviar, carrots, legumes, nuts, veal, garlic, spices, citrus fruits, strawberries and other berries, apples, kiwi, persimmons and pomegranate.

However, if you don’t have time to prepare dishes, you can buy ready-made pharmacy complexes vitamins Immune protection The body is supported by the following components:

  • B1 (thiamine)- processes fats and carbohydrates, converting them into energy;
  • B2 (riboflavin)— normalizes the condition of the mucous membranes, skin, participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin;
  • B3 (nicotinic acid)— ensures the synthesis of fats and proteins;
  • B4 (choline)— helps with weight loss, normalizes fat metabolism;
  • B5 ( pantothenic acid) - releases food energy;
  • B6 (pyridoxine)- promotes normal thermoregulation;
  • B9 (folic acid)- promotes the formation of red blood cells;
  • B12 (cobalamin)- stimulates the functioning of the nervous system;
  • C (ascorbic acid)- natural antioxidant - strengthens the immune system, accelerates the healing process, affects the synthesis of hormones, participates in the growth of tissues and cells;
  • R- prevents aging of the body;
  • RR- responsible for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

For adults

Here is a list of the most effective and good, and most importantly cheap vitamins for the immune system of adults with prices:

For children

Effective and good, and most importantly cheap, vitamins for children and their immunity and growth should be selected according to age: suspensions and syrups are suitable for the little ones, after a year you can try water soluble vitamins- powders, and after 3 - chewing lozenges in the form of bears. There are also vitamin complexes for schoolchildren and teenagers, but in the form of tablets and capsules.

IMPORTANT! You should not buy adult vitamins for children, because their dose is not designed for the child’s weight and can lead to hypervitaminosis.

    Alphabet “Our Baby” is a children's mineral and vitamin complex, which is divided into consumer groups focused on age categories: from one to three. It is available in powder form and contains calcium and vitamin D3, which are essential substances in the prevention of rickets.

    Price— 397 rub.

    VitaMishki Multi+— made in the form of gummy bears, they contain iodine and choline, which help strengthen memory, concentrate attention and stimulate brain activity. Suitable for children from 3 to 7 years old.

    Price— 750 rub.

  1. Multi-tabs Junior— have the form of chewable lozenges with fruit flavor, they are intended for children under 12 years of age. They support the immune system, increase adaptive capabilities in the team, and supplement irregular and poor nutrition. Contains B vitamins, iron, calcium, vitamins D3 and C.
    Price— 290 rub.
  2. Pikovit(composition: vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus) - form the density of the walls of blood vessels, stimulate increased immunity, are responsible for the growth and strengthening of bones, teeth and hair. Price— 270 rub.


Ultra D 3

Vitamins “Ultra D3” cost about 750 rubles per package. This is a decent price and, of course, many people want to find a healthy and high-quality analogue. Some had to make a lot of effort to find it in their city.

All drugs must contain the active ingredient “(Colecalciferol)” and the price is not important!

Names of cheap analogues expensive drug D3 or D in pharmacies:

    Aquadetrim. A drug that regulates the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. Price - 180 rub.

    Vigantol. Replenishes vitamin D3 deficiency. Enhances calcium absorption in the intestines. Price - 180 rub.

    Vitamin D3. Oily solution for oral administration. Price - from 40 rub.



With calcium and magnesium for the heart

Most cheap way getting calcium: eating chicken shells or quail eggs. Quail has 2 times more calcium, zinc, and phosphorus. You can prepare it like this: wash 2 quail egg shells, let them dry, grind them into powder and pour for 1-2 minutes lemon juice. It will start bubbling, don’t be alarmed: calcium carbonate will form.

By the way, in pharmacies such a potion will cost from 400 to 600 rubles!

And as a source of magnesium, your best friend for the heart (and also the most inexpensive) is, of course, Asparkam!

Its advantage, besides the fact that it is a very cheap drug, is that active ingredients they are in a form that allows the body to absorb them almost 100%. These vitamins have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and muscle tissue, and relieve cramps. Price - 60 Russian rubles.

Almost all reviews about Asparkam (more than 95%) are positive! This supplement really improves your overall condition and solves problems caused by a lack of magnesium and calcium!

Groups B

What cheap complexes of group B (b) in tablets or capsules can be purchased in pharmacies - names and prices are attached:

Analogues of Supradin

Which cheap analogue of effervescent supradin should you choose:

    Additive "Multivitamin with minerals"

    The drug contains a complex of minerals and vitamins (vitamin E, PP, C, D, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus and potassium), which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. The components have a beneficial effect on collagen biosynthesis, act as an antioxidant, prevent the development of atherosclerosis and protect the cardiovascular system.

    Price— 200 rub.

    Berocca "Calcium and Magnesium"

    Also effervescent vitamins. The components of the complex provide transmission nerve impulses into muscles, take part in enzymatic reactions, and participate in the development of bones and teeth. Calcium and magnesium as part of this complex take part in cellular metabolism, optimize the functioning of organs and systems, reduce nervous excitability. And vitamin C increases blood circulation and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

    Price— 230 rub.


    The composition is supplemented with B vitamins (nicotinic acid, folic acid, cyanocobalamin and riboflavin), amino acids and minerals, which together participate in carbohydrate metabolism, stabilize intestinal function, stimulate blood circulation, and also participate in the formation of membranes nerve cells, promote cell regeneration processes.

    Price— 210 rub.

For women

Based on age, the body's needs for vitamins and minerals change. So with the transition to mature age, the female body may not receive enough calcium, silicon, zinc, selenium, as well as vitamins D3 and E from foods (especially in winter period).

These vitamin and mineral complexes for women in tablets will be cheap, effective and good:

    Beresh "Calcium + D3"- vitamins prevent tooth decay, strengthen the musculoskeletal system, prevent nervous stress and depression.

    NUTRILITE "Calcium and Magnesium vitamin D+"- helps maintain bone health, muscle and nervous system functioning, and increases blood clotting.

    Doppelhertz Active Magnesium B6 is a complex that increases the supporting forces of the body as a whole, increases performance, prevents headaches, and stabilizes blood glucose levels.

    BioTech "ONE-A-DAY"- activates metabolic processes in the body, strengthens the immune system, improves hair and nail growth, increases protective functions body.

When planning a pregnancy

Folic acid (vitamin B9)- this is the main component that is necessary for full women's health. This substance prevents the formation of tumors and cysts, normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and participates in the synthesis of amino acids.

This vitamin is necessary for hematopoiesis, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, improves mood and performance. It is worth taking it based on the gynecologist’s prescription. Folic acid is a very cheap drug (price - 40 rubles for 20 tablets).

ADVICE! You can first take a blood test to understand what problems are in the body and what vitamins it needs.

For pregnant women

Even the cheapest vitamins for pregnant women are selected exclusively by trimester:

    First trimester: The child’s body is just beginning to form, it needs various substances, especially folic acid. This is the only vitamin that gynecologists prescribe at the beginning of pregnancy.

    This prenatal vitamin is very good, but inexpensive. It is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin and prevents the development of anemia. You can start taking folic acid long before planning a pregnancy and take it during the first three months of expecting a baby. The dosage is selected by the attending physician.

    In the second trimester the emphasis is on calcium, because during this period there is a process of active growth little man and mother’s supplies may not be enough. The intake of folic acid is not canceled; vitamins A, E, C and group B are added.

    Third trimester- increased need of the body for vitamins C, A, D and iron. These elements in tandem are an excellent prevention of anemia; they eliminate tone in the uterus and participate in the development of the child’s cardiovascular system.

    In addition, it is worth preparing for the birth of a child; the body must receive all the necessary substances that are included in multivitamin complexes so that the delivery process goes smoothly.

For nursing mothers

The lactating organism is susceptible external change(hair splits and falls out, nails peel, teeth crumble). To protect yourself from this, you need to fully provide your body with necessary vitamins(PP, B9, B6, B2, B1, E, C, A, D) and trace elements (magnesium, calcium, zinc, silicon, potassium, boron, copper and iron).

It is impossible to do during the period of bearing a baby without folic acid, because it is she who participates in the structure of the placenta and reduces the risk of hypoxia. It can be taken even before pregnancy, because this vitamin accumulates in the body and promotes fertilization. The best ready-made complexes for expectant mothers are:

  1. Elevit pronatal.
  2. Pregnavit.
  3. Vitrum Prenatal forte.
  4. Alphabet - Mom's health.
  5. Complivit - Mom.

During menopause

During menopause, a woman’s body changes significantly and needs support with multivitamins, because it is attacked by hot flashes, hormonal changes, mood changes, and the risk of cancer increases.

To prevent this from happening, you should focus on the following vitamins: D, E, C, A, group B (especially folic acid) and minerals: iron, calcium and magnesium.

Cheap Russian vitamin complexes during menopause can be bought at a pharmacy:

For men

Men welcome good vitamins simply necessary, because with their physical and emotional stress it is difficult to keep yourself in good shape. Vitamin complexes should contain the following substances: vitamins E, C, groups B, A, D, as well as microelements: magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, calcium and iron.

The whole picture is supplemented with amino acids: L-cysteine. Multivitamin complexes stimulate growth muscle mass, promote weight gain, increase the body's resistance to all kinds of infections and viruses, in addition, they increase libido and increase sexual interest.

Cheap Supplements for Men:

List of top 5 cheapest in the pharmacy

Expensive does not necessarily mean good. There are several multivitamins that are inexpensive, but include all the necessary substances for the normal functioning of the body. These vitamins are suitable for everyone: teenagers, girls, men, women over 30, 40 and 50 years old - their advantage is accessibility and versatility!

We present a list of the 5 most famous domestic vitamins:


    A fairly good vitamin complex, which includes vitamin C, A, E and group B. Suitable for adults and children over 12 years old. Increases immunity and body resistance to viral and bacterial infections. Improves blood circulation, improves mood, and prevents premature aging of the body.

    Price at the pharmacy 40 rubles/


    A complex of vitamins that can compensate for the lack of nutrients during increased mental and physical stress. These cheap tablets contain vitamin C in a pleasant amount!

    In addition, the tablet in the package comes in two colors - the red one contains vitamins: D, A, C, B1, B2, B6, B12 - they help reduce the risk of anemia and osteoporosis, and the blue tablet contains microelements: manganese, copper, magnesium, iron, calcium, sodium - help protect body cells from oxidative processes and premature aging.

    Price— 150 rub.


    Prophylactic against ARVI, strengthens the human immune system. Contains B vitamins (B1, B2) - normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, C - increases blood clotting and accelerates the absorption of riboflavin into the blood, A - maintains carbohydrate and protein balance. The complex also protects the body against vitamin deficiency.

    Price— 35 rub.

    Magnesium SupraVit.

    Delicious effervescent and inexpensive vitamins. Suitable for apathy, depression, fatigue and laziness. Increases heart rate, enhances blood circulation, helps with insomnia, normalizes metabolism and restores appetite. Contains magnesium, calcium, B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, cyanocobalamin), A, PP and C.

    Price— 110 rub.

    Doppelhertz Active.

    Contains folic acid, B vitamins and magnesium, as well as vitamins D, A, PP, K, E and polyunsaturated fatty acids. These substances maintain hydro-lipid balance, strengthen the heart muscle, restore damaged areas of cells, increase performance, improve mood, promote metabolism, and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Price— 175 rub.

Useful video


There are a huge number of vitamin and mineral complexes, they are all effective in their own way, cope with the task and fit any budget. During periods of physical activity and irregular nutrition, taking multivitamins is mandatory so that the body does not work for wear. Share your comments about the presented vitamins: who tried which ones, did you like them, is there any result expected from taking them?

And minerals for daily proper functioning. The absence of any vitamin can lead to serious consequences from weakened immunity to the development of severe chronic diseases. The lack of vitamins is especially acute during the cold season. When we are less and less spoiled by the bright rays of the sun, summer fruits and vegetables are gradually disappearing from store shelves, and instead of walking in the fresh air, we want to quickly crawl under a warm blanket with a mug of hot tea. During this period, doctors recommend taking. Any such complex necessarily includes vitamins A and E. What are these vitamins for, and how can their deficiency affect human health?

The benefits of vitamins A and E

Vitamin A is responsible for normal metabolism in the body. And also correct work immune system, which helps prevent many viral and infectious diseases. Supports the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Vitamin A is one of the first helpers for your eyes. And it is worth mentioning the beneficial effects on skin, hair, bones and teeth. In addition, scientists have proven that vitamin A prevents the development cancer cells in the human body.
The main effect of vitamin E is to maintain the level of antioxidants throughout the body, which prevents skin aging. Like vitamin A, vitamin E supports, thereby protecting against colds and flu. In addition, it actively participates in cell nutrition and strengthening the walls of blood vessels. Vitamin E is indispensable for the beauty and health of hair and skin.
Vitamins A and E are recommended to be taken together for a reason. The fact is that vitamin E prevents the destruction of vitamin A, while maintaining the vitamin balance in the body.
A deficiency of vitamins A and E may result in the following consequences:
  • premature skin aging;
  • development of cancer of the skin, mammary glands, lungs, etc.;
  • various diseases gastrointestinal tract(, colitis, cholelithiasis, etc.);
  • hair problems (hair loss, dry scalp, itching);
  • skin problems (wrinkles, seborrheic dermatitis, various forms of acne);
  • destruction of tooth enamel;
  • various eye diseases (“night blindness”, dry eye mucosa, redness, burning);
  • chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract(tonsillitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, etc.);
  • diseases of the female reproductive system (endocervicitis, polyps, adenomatosis, leukoplakia, miscarriage);
  • problems with the male reproductive system (weakened erection, accelerated ejaculation).
And it's not full list possible consequences, because Vitamins A and E have an effect on all organ systems, and deficiency can affect at any time and be expressed in various manifestations.

Replenishment of vitamin A and E deficiency

How to properly use vitamins A and E to avoid their deficiency? First of all, you need to include foods containing these vitamins in your diet.
Vitamin A contains:
  • liver;
  • fatty sea ​​fish;
  • butter;
  • egg yolk;
  • dairy products;
  • bell pepper;
  • carrots (especially red varieties);
  • apricots;
  • parsley;
  • dill greens;
  • pumpkin;
  • rose hip;
  • prunes.
Vitamin E contains: If there is a lack of these products in the daily diet or a severe deficiency of vitamins A and E, it is recommended additional dose inside in the form of capsules with an oil solution. These capsules can be purchased at any pharmacy. They are called “Aevit” (vitamin A and E together), “Retinol acetate” (vitamin A) and “α-tocopherol acetate” (vitamin E). Doses are set depending on age, weight and daily requirement body. To prevent deficiency, the following are mainly prescribed:
  • for children – 0.5-1 mg;
  • for adults – 1.5 mg;
  • for pregnant and lactating women – 2-2.5 mg.
There are also liquid solutions of these vitamins and drops on sale. But mainly they are intended for local application. For example, for wounds or cuts, it is recommended to lubricate the area of ​​skin damage with a solution of vitamins A and E, diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.
To prevent sagging of the skin of the face and neck, and simply for a beautiful and even skin color, add 1 drop of vitamin solution to.
Also, liquid solutions of vitamins A and E are widely used as components of nourishing or restorative masks for hair and scalp. I offer readers of MirSovetov several recipes for masks for damaged and weakened hair using vitamins A and E:
  1. Mix 1 tablespoon burdock oil and jojoba oil, add ½ teaspoon of vitamin A and E in the oil. Mix thoroughly, apply to the entire length of the hair, cover the head with polyethylene, wrap in a towel and leave for 30-40 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly. Use once a week for 2 months.
  2. Mix one egg yolk with 1 tablespoon honey and 1 tablespoon sea ​​buckthorn oil. Add half a teaspoon oil solution vitamins A and E. With regular use for a month, the hair becomes soft and shiny.
  3. Mix 1 tablespoon each of olive and burdock oil. Add ¼ teaspoon Dimexide (sold at the pharmacy), ¼ teaspoon vitamin A, ¼ teaspoon vitamin E. This mask is very effective for.
Vitamins A and E are indispensable for beauty and health. Remember to regularly consume foods containing these vitamins.