Nurofen and no spa at temperature. Simultaneous use of no-shpa, suprastin and nurofen

No-spa is a strong and long-lasting antispasmodic. The drug reduces the peristalsis of the intestinal walls, relaxes the spasmodic smooth muscles of the internal organs and dilates the vessels of the circulatory system. When administered intravenously, No-Spa begins to act within 2-3 minutes, and when taken orally, after 10-15.

Action of Nurofen

Nurofen effectively reduces pain sensitivity and fever, and has anti-inflammatory properties. The drug best relieves pain symptoms of an inflammatory nature. Rectal suppositories begin to act after 10 minutes, capsules and effervescent tablets after 15, and plain tablets after 20.

Is it possible to take No-shpa and Nurofen at the same time?

No-spa and Nurofen are drugs for different purposes, which, when used together, do not reduce or change the functionality of each other. In some situations, they complement each other, effectively solving the problem.

Indications for simultaneous use

The combination of No-shpa with Nurofen is prescribed for “white” (or “pale”) fever. This is a condition in which, despite an increase in temperature, a person shudders and his hands and feet become cold. The skin turns pale, sometimes becoming marble-like due to increased vascular patterns. Blue lips and skin under the nose may appear.

This condition is explained by vasospasm, therefore, in addition to the antipyretic, you need to give an antispasmodic.

Contraindications to the use of No-shpa and Nurofen

An absolute contraindication is hypersensitivity to the active ingredients of the drugs - drotaverine hydrochloride and ibuprofen.

These medications should not be used if you have kidney, liver or heart failure. No-shpa can be used during pregnancy, but only if the doctor decides that the potential benefit is higher than the possible risk, and Nurofen is completely prohibited in the third trimester.

Although the list of contraindications for No-shpa includes children under 6 years of age, if necessary, this drug is prescribed starting from 1 year of age, but only a doctor should make a decision and calculate the dosage.

How to take No-shpa and Nurofen

For “white” fever, the temperature is reduced starting from 38°C, and if the child has chronic diseases or has previously had cases of seizures, then from 37.5°C.

Medicines are taken in stages. First, vascular spasm is relieved. 10-20 minutes after taking the tablet (or 5-10 minutes after the injection), your limbs will begin to warm up. After this, you can give Nurofen. Simultaneous administration of drugs is allowed, but in this case the antipyretic effect will not be as high.

To expand the spectrum of action, triad is used. Most often, antihistamines (for example, Suprastin or Tavegil) are added to the composition to prevent the development of allergies and eliminate swelling.

The drug No-shpa is a pharmacological medication belonging to the group of antispasmodics. The main indications for the use of Noshpa are gastrointestinal diseases, muscle spasms, kidney pathologies, as well as gynecological ailments. In addition, No-shpa is used at high temperatures in toddlers. We will further clarify the question of how to properly use No-shpu for fever in children.

Indications for use of the drug

Initially, it is necessary to consider the question of whether No-shpa can be given to the child, and in what cases it is indicated. This is a valid question, since very often parents give their children medications without thinking about whether it is possible to do so. Before resorting to the use of no-shpa, you should understand in what cases it is permitted. Treatment of children with no-shpa is permitted in the presence of the following diseases:

  1. Diseases of the genitourinary system. In frequent cases, babies get colds in the genitourinary organs, resulting in pain. You can relieve pain in a baby using No-shpa.
  2. Gastrointestinal diseases. You can eliminate pain in diseases such as gastritis, colitis and enteritis with the help of drotaverine (the main active ingredient of the drug No-shpa).
  3. With the development of severe pain. You can give children No-shpa if the baby complains of a headache.
  4. At high temperatures, No-Spa helps to dilate blood vessels, which improves the baby’s well-being.
  5. Spasms of peripheral vessels.

It is important to note that after the child’s pain has been relieved, parents will definitely need to go to the hospital for examination.

Important to know! This drug is an antispasmodic, but not a drug, so the improvement in well-being after using the drug is temporary while the active substance has an effect.

Often parents give the drug to children when symptoms of cough and runny nose develop. It should be understood that no-spa for children with such indications is not advisable. This is due to the fact that the product does not have a positive effect on the muscles of the upper respiratory tract, so it is absolutely useless.

Important to know! The ideal option for using No-shpa for children is after preliminary consultation with your doctor.

Age dosages for children

If parents resort to using no-shpa, then they should know that the drug can be used from the age of one. Why, because for children under 1 year of age, the use and prescription of the drug is strictly contraindicated, as it negatively affects the nervous and cardiovascular systems. No-spa is not recommended for use by children older than one year, but its use in children under one year should be categorically excluded, since the consequences of its use can cause serious and irreversible consequences. Let's look at what dosages are recommended for children of different ages.

Children from 1 year to 6 years

For fever, children under 6 years of age are better off using antipyretic drugs that have a soothing effect, such as Nurofen, Ibuprofen or Paracetamol. Why do they resort to using No-shpa for children at such an early age? This is due to the fact that No-Spa gives a longer-lasting effect and also eliminates painful spasms of smooth muscles, while the above components only provide elimination of fever symptoms for 4-6 hours. For children from 1 year to 6 years old, the dosage of no-shpa is from 40 to 120 mg. In tablet equivalent, this is from 1 to 3 pieces 2-3 times a day.

You should check with your doctor about how much medication you can give your baby. It is strictly prohibited to give the drug in the form of whole tablets to children aged 1 to 5 years. The baby cannot swallow the tablet, so there is a risk that the tablet will simply get stuck in the larynx. In addition, the tablets taste bitter, so children are reluctant to swallow them. At such an early age, the tablets can be crushed, after which the resulting powder can be mixed with syrup and given to the baby to take. Pediatricians recommend that if it is not possible to bring down the baby’s high temperature, especially with cold extremities, when symptoms of febrile spasms develop, 1/3 or ½ tablets of No-Spa should be given along with Paracetamol. After this, the fever will decrease and return to normal after a short time.

Important to know! If the baby has ice-cold arms and legs, then this precedes the development of vascular spasm. To prevent further development of complications, give your baby ½ tablet of no-shpa. For children from one to 3 years old, one-fourth tablet should be given.

Children from 6 to 12 years old

From the age of 6 years, you can give No-shpa without fear, but be sure to follow the correct dosage. The daily dose for children of this age category ranges from 80 to 200 mg. As with younger children, No-shpa should be used if the baby develops complications that manifest as vasospasm. At this age, the risk of developing vascular spasm is quite low if the child does not have pathologies of the cardiovascular or nervous system.

When the temperature rises, No-shpa should be given to the baby along with Paracetamol, which will increase the effectiveness of the drug. At this age, the dosage is ½ tablet or one whole tablet. Parents are advised to check with their doctor about the dosage to use.

Important to know! Despite the fact that a child over 6 years of age is already more independent, parents should still consult a doctor about the need and rationality of using No-shpa.

Children over 12 years old

The dosage of no-shpa for children over the age of 12 is close to adult doses. The daily dosage is 120-240 mg or 4 to 6 tablets per day. This dosage is recommended for children who develop smooth muscle spasms. At high temperatures, when the child has cold feet, 1-2 tablets should be given along with Paracetamol.

Important to know! It is prohibited to lower the temperature with no-shpa for several days, as the body gets used to the active ingredient of the drug.


It is not recommended to use no-shpa for children unless absolutely necessary. Doctors recommend that parents use this drug only if the baby develops the first signs of vasospasm.

The main contraindications for this drug are as follows:

  1. Use for children under one year of age is strictly prohibited.
  2. For pathologies of the kidneys and liver, the use of the drug is strictly prohibited.
  3. If children have pathological disorders of the cardiovascular system, as well as low blood pressure, then using the product is prohibited.
  4. The drug is contraindicated for asthma.

When taking no-shpa, it should be taken into account that the baby may become intolerant to the components of the drug. The consequence of this phenomenon may be the development of allergic symptoms, so the first use of the drug should be carried out with caution.

Often, by raising body temperature, the child’s body protects itself from viruses or bacteria. And therefore, it is usually not recommended to “bring down” a fever to +38 degrees. If the number on the thermometer is much higher, they resort to antipyretic drugs, for example, giving the baby Paracetamol or Nurofen.

But sometimes you have to use several medications at once. This mixture of drugs, called lytic or “triadic”, effectively and quickly helps with very high and dangerous temperatures. One of its ingredients may be No-shpa. Why is such a medicine included in the lytic mixture and in what dose is it used for fever in children?

In what form is it produced?

No-spa is presented in pharmacies in two forms - solid (these are yellow tablets with a green or orange tint, round in shape) and liquid (this is a transparent solution of the same color that is injected into muscle tissue or a vein). Tabletized No-shpa is packaged in blisters or plastic jars and sold from 6 to 100 pieces in one package. The injection form is presented in ampoules of 2 ml, which are placed in trays and are produced in 5-25 ampoules in one box.

Is it used in children?

Although the annotation for No-shpe in tablets contains contraindications for children under 6 years of age, and the instructions included with the ampoules state that this medication is not used in childhood, No-shpe is given to children over 1 year of age at fever. At the same time, the advisability of using such a medicine and including it in the “triad” should be determined by the doctor.

In addition to high fever, indications for the use of No-shpa in children are:

  • Bladder spasms or cystitis.
  • Biliary colic, inflammation of the gallbladder, cholangitis or other diseases of the biliary tract.
  • Headache.
  • Intestinal colic, enteritis and other intestinal pathologies.
  • Toothache.
  • Gastritis or other stomach disease.
  • Spasmodic constipation.
  • Dry cough.

Why and when is it used in temperature?

By acting on the vessels of the extremities, No-spa eliminates their spasm, as a result of which they expand. This leads to increased blood supply and heat transfer, which is especially important if the child has so-called “white” fever. This increase in temperature is manifested by pale skin, the child is lethargic, and his hands and feet are cool to the touch. With this type of fever, No-Spa effectively eliminates the spasm, due to which the patient’s condition quickly improves and the temperature drops.

The drug can be used at fever and in the following cases:

  • If the thermometer shows more than +39 degrees.
  • If the child does not tolerate high temperatures.
  • If there is a high risk of developing seizures (febrile).

However, it is important to note that No-shpa is never the only medicine given to a child with a fever.

This drug does not have an antipyretic effect, so if they decide to use it in a child with hyperthermia, then only in combination with one of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

What medications are combined with fever?

In addition to No-shpa, the lytic mixture includes:

  1. Febrifuge, which is most often represented by Analgin. It can also be replaced by ibuprofen or paracetamol-based medications. This component of the “triad” reduces temperature and has an analgesic effect.
  2. Antihistamine, which is usually used Suprastin or Diphenhydramine. This medicine is added to the lytic mixture to eliminate swelling, have a hypnotic and sedative effect, and also to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction. Corvalol can also be used for a sedative and antispasmodic effect.

Such medications are prescribed both as injections and as tablets.

Danger and contraindications

No-shpa should not be used together with other medications for fever if:

  • The child has been found to be intolerant to any of the ingredients of such products.
  • The baby was diagnosed with a hematopoiesis disorder.
  • A young patient has serious liver disease.
  • The child began to experience bronchospasm.
  • The baby developed kidney failure.
  • The child has low blood pressure.

It is not recommended to give pills or inject the “troika” even if there is severe abdominal pain, because they can signal dangerous surgical diseases, for example, appendicitis. If such pain and fever are combined, you should first call a doctor to determine the cause of these symptoms. If you hesitate and treat the baby at home yourself, in such a situation serious complications can develop that pose a danger to the life of the little patient.

No-Spa is generally well tolerated, but in rare cases it can cause allergies, decreased blood pressure, nausea, constipation, insomnia, headaches and other symptoms. If at least one of these side effects occurs after using the medicine, you should immediately inform your doctor.

As for overdose, exceeding the dose of No-shpa poses a danger to the patient’s cardiovascular system.

If you accidentally give a child a drug in a higher dosage, it will worsen conduction and disrupt the rhythm of heart contractions, and sometimes can provoke cardiac arrest.

That is why the dose of the medicine should always be checked with a doctor, and if an overdose occurs, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Instructions for use

If medications in tablets are chosen to “bring down” the temperature, then the dosage of No-shpa will be:

  • For a child 1-6 years old – a quarter/half tablet.
  • For a child 6-12 years old – a whole tablet.
  • For a child over 12 years old – one or two tablets.

When the drug is administered by injection, its dosage ranges from 0.5 to 1 ml for young patients 1-6 years old and 1 ml for children over 6 years old. To perform the injection, use a sterile syringe, and the injection site is wiped with alcohol. After warming the ampoules a little in your hands, they are opened and the medications are drawn into one syringe.

The drugs should be injected deep into the muscle tissue, as contact with the skin will lead to inflammation or irritation. To eliminate the danger to the child, the injection of the lytic mixture should be performed by a doctor.

How to buy and store?

Tabletted No-shpa is an over-the-counter drug and is sold in pharmacies for an average of 60 rubles for 6 tablets or 220 rubles for 100 tablets. To buy No-shpa in ampoules, you must have a prescription from your doctor. The average price of five ampoules is 100 rubles.

The medicine should be stored at home at a temperature below +25 degrees. The storage location should be hidden from children and sunlight. The shelf life of the drug, depending on its packaging, is 3 years or 5 years.

One of the questions that almost all parents have if their beloved child gets sick is: “Is No-shpa prescribed to children with fever?” This is largely due to the fact that the drug is considered to be a life-giving elixir that helps against almost any sore. But remember: this is only an antispasmodic drug designed to block muscle spasms. Additionally, active ingredients reduce the tone of internal muscles and dilate blood vessels. But No-Spa is not a remedy for fever, cough, flu or colds.

Effective when taken as directed

The medication is known for its strong positive effect. This is largely why parents are convinced that No-Spa will be useful for children with fever.

The drug is better than Papaverine and more effective than any analogue. Accustomed to treating everything with it, from a runny nose to severe chronology, the older generation harms not only themselves, but also their children.

Positive aspects

It is no secret that the key positive feature of No-shpa is the absence of harmful effects on the nervous system. Thanks to this, taking the drug is possible for various diseases; it is prescribed even to pregnant and lactating women.

By the way, the medication helps reduce the tone of the uterus, which reduces the risk of miscarriage. The specificity of the active substance is such that the drug does not penetrate the placenta and does not harm the fetus. But when the baby is born, the parents, out of habit, try to literally “stuff themselves and the baby” with “No-shpa” in case of any disease in order to get rid of the unpleasant manifestations of health problems.

Breastfeeding and medications

Is No-Spa given to children with fever, if we are talking about newborns? At this age, babies have weak immunity, due to which there is a high probability of intestinal colic, during which their general well-being worsens, and the bar on the thermometer steadily creeps up. Young mothers who want to finally get some sleep often don’t even think about whether they can give No-shpa and in what dose, so they simply measure out the medicine “by eye.”

As doctors say, in some cases the drug can indeed be used, but in a strictly limited amount.

Be careful!

Infants have a very weak stomach and intestinal system, since the microflora has not yet formed, and the fermentation system is imperfect. Absorption and digestion of food occurs with difficulty and is fully formed during adulthood. For this reason, infants suffer from gases and fermentation, pain and fever. The baby is worried, spits up, and suffers from belching.

In the case of colic, No-Spa can only be prescribed to children with fever by a doctor. Typically, pediatricians try to make do with gentle means:

  • massages;
  • infusions;
  • decoctions;
  • gas outlet pipes.

Only when all of the above methods are useless does the time for medication come. "No-spa", like some other drugs, is capable of dissolving intestinal gases, which is why it is prescribed to children. But the medication depresses the heart and is recommended as a last resort when no more suitable medications are at hand.

In infancy, "No-spa" in case of high fever in a child, provoked by stomach pain, is permissible per day in the amount of one eighth of a tablet or a quarter.

Pale fever

It is permissible to use the medication under the supervision of a doctor in the case of rare, exotic diseases. For example, to bring down a child’s temperature, “No-spa” can be used if a diagnosis of “pale fever” is made. This is a specific disease in which:

  • the skin turns pale;
  • the temperature rises;
  • extremities are cold;
  • there is a sharp chill.

Since the cause of the disease is vascular spasms, therapy that combines:

  • antipyretics;
  • antispasmodic medications.

Prescribe from a fifth to half a tablet in combination with Analgin and Paracetamol. The specific dosage is chosen based on the age and weight of the baby. "No-spa" dilates blood vessels, thereby lowering the temperature.

Cough and fever

Increasingly in recent years, doctors have noticed in young patients:

  • laryngospasms;
  • bronchial spasms.

In this case, No-Spa is not recommended for children with fever (the dosage is selected depending on age and weight). The drug does not affect the muscles of the respiratory system, so there will be no direct benefit from taking it. It is possible to relieve symptoms due to the side effects of the drug, but the positive effect is offset by the load on the heart, liver and kidneys.

Constipation and fever

In case of problems with the gastrointestinal tract at the age of 6 years and older, No-Spa is prescribed to children with fever. Dosage per day is from one fifth of a tablet to half. The specific volume should be chosen by the doctor based on the general parameters of the body, weight and age of the patient.

The drug eliminates spasms in the intestines, due to which the symptoms of constipation go away. However, the medication does not affect the cause of the problem in any way.

What does the instruction say?

If it is not possible to urgently visit a doctor, parents should decide whether to use the medication based on the recommendations specified in the instructions for the product.

The manufacturer advises using the medicine for:

  • muscle spasms;
  • constipation;
  • colitis;
  • tenesmus;
  • proctitis;
  • ulcer;
  • gastroduodenitis;
  • pylorospasm;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • arterial spasms.

The medication is necessary in preparation for certain types of studies. "No-spa" is recommended if cholecystography is planned.

General information about the drug

The effectiveness is due to the active substance on which the drug is based. The main component of No-shpa is drotaverine.

The medicine is available for sale in the following form:

  • capsules;
  • solutions;
  • tablets.

It is unacceptable to use the drug if a person is hypersensitive to any substance present in the drug. In addition, contraindications are:

  • kidney and liver failure;
  • hypotension;
  • cardiogenic shock.

How much can you drink?

Dosage of "No-shpa" for children under six years of age:

  • single dose - 10-20 mg;
  • per day no more than 120 mg.

At the age of 6 to 12, you can drink up to 20 mg of medication at one time, and take no more than 200 mg per day.

As a rule, "No-shpu" is drunk once a day, maximum - two.

If Paracetamol and No-Spa were prescribed for a child’s fever, then the initial effect after taking the drugs will only have to wait a couple of minutes. But the maximum effect is achieved after half an hour.

Similar actions

Possible negative effects when taking medications include:

  • dizziness;
  • sweating;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • allergy;
  • rapid heartbeat.

When taking a very large dose of the drug, atrioventricular conduction sharply decreases, and cardiac arrest is possible. Respiratory paralysis is possible.

How to use?

When “No-spa” and “Analgin” are prescribed for a child’s fever, the doctor must give recommendations on taking the medications.

Remember, if “No-spa” is prescribed intravenously, intramuscularly, after administering the drug you need to lie down for some time. This is due to the increased blood pressure and weakness that accompany taking the medicine.

It should also be taken into account that “No-Spa” does not reduce fever, and to reduce temperature (except those provoked by spasms) it must be combined with antipyretic medications.

To cure a child at elevated temperatures, it is recommended to additionally take:

  • "Ibuklin";
  • "Nurofen".

If "Analgin" and "No-spa" are taken in combination for fever, for children the dosage per day is from 40 to 160 mg. This volume is distributed into 2-4 doses. Without the supervision of a pediatrician, the product is used for no longer than two days. If pain, cramps, or fever do not go away, you must urgently make an appointment with a doctor. If "No-spa" is an auxiliary medicine, therapy is extended to four days.

What can you combine with?

In some cases, the following combination is prescribed: "Analgin", "Suprastin", "No-shpa". This complex of drugs helps to get rid of a child’s fever not only effectively, but also without negative effects. "Suprastin" eliminates possible allergic manifestations, "No-shpa" removes spasms and pain, and "Analgin" reduces the temperature. Together, the drugs affect the blood vessels, dilating them, thereby activating the functioning of the circulatory system. But such a complex can only be prescribed by a doctor, having previously analyzed the patient’s condition and assessed the possible risks. All medications individually are quite toxic to the liver and kidneys, and also have a strong effect on the heart, so using them together may be too stressful for the child’s body.

Another common combination of drugs: “Analgin”, “Paracetamol”, “No-shpa”. This option effectively helps children with fever using Paracetamol. Additionally, "Analgin" eliminates pain, and "No-shpa" relieves spasms.

When is the drug prescribed by doctors?

Usually "No-shpu" is prescribed if the baby suffers from:

  • flatulence;
  • headaches;
  • cystitis;
  • colitis.

The drug is prescribed by a doctor, so you cannot use it yourself. The doctor monitors the child’s condition, both before and after taking the medication. If there is a complication, there is a high probability that the baby will have to go to hospital, so treatment without medical supervision is impossible.

When should you lower the temperature?

If your child has a fever, do not rush to get medicine. When the temperature reaches 38 degrees, there is no need to treat anything. The exception is age under three months and febrile seizures. If we are talking about a cold, then give the body the opportunity to cope with the disease on its own.

But if the temperature has risen to 38-39 degrees, it’s time to help with pharmaceutical drugs.

Be careful

Of the common childhood diseases associated with high fever, pale fever is considered the most dangerous. "No-spa" helps well in its treatment, but it is important not to start the process. To avoid this, call a doctor at the first sign of illness. He will prescribe optimal therapy, select the appropriate dose and recommend which drugs to combine drotaverine with, based on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Often, a child’s high temperature can be reduced without medication. But sometimes this is not enough and you need an antipyretic for children. Dr. Elena Antsiferova talks about what medications are needed for high fever, and about the common mistakes of parents.

3 groups of medications (antipyretics) to reduce a child’s temperature

All mothers and fathers are worried about what medicine to give their child for fever.

All antipyretics for children can be divided into 3 groups. The active substance, that is, the substance that reduces high fever, is the same for the drugs in each group. But prices for drugs may differ by 2-3 times. This is a chance to save money, just keep in mind that in cheap fever medicines for children, sweeteners and other additives are also cheap and less safe. If a child is prone to, it is better to choose a proven, popular drug from a well-known brand.

Antipyretic for children: Paracetamol

The first group of fever medications for children. The active ingredient is the well-known paracetamol. Panadol, Calpol, Efferalgan are all the same paracetamol in the form of syrup or suppositories. They say that paracetamol destroys the liver. Yes, in large doses it is toxic to the liver, brain (more than 60 mg/kg per day) and even leads to death, but in recommended doses it is safe. Unfortunately, at very high temperatures, paracetamol does not always cope.

Antipyretic for children: Ibuprofen

If a child has a very high temperature, medications from group 2, based on ibuprofen (Nurofen, etc.), will help bring it down.

Antipyretics for children: Nimesulide

Medicines from the third group - based on nimesulide (Nimulid and Nise) - are also not the most useful, and many are confused by their Indian origin. Agree! But these drugs perfectly reduce the temperature (often to 36.6) and often after them the temperature race stops altogether. The only thing is that Nimulid is not suitable as an emergency remedy, since it does not begin to act immediately, but after 2 hours.

Medicines that reduce a child’s temperature usually keep it under control for about 4 hours. Then, especially in the first days of illness, it jumps up again. Therefore, you must clearly record what time and what kind of fever-reducing medicine you gave. This way you will know how long to wait for the next rise. Since the temperature can jump to 40 very sharply, literally in 15 minutes, and it will be very, very difficult to bring it down.

Of course, measuring a child’s temperature every 10-15 minutes is tiring. Therefore, I recommend finding out what the child’s temperature is using an infrared thermometer. Just point it at the body, press the button and in a few seconds you will get the result. Convenient, you don’t have to irritate your child with frequent measurements or disturb him during sleep. It may not measure the child’s temperature quite accurately, but something else is important to us here—the dynamics of the temperature in order to catch the beginning of its growth.

But suddenly you missed a sharp rise in temperature and, suppose, the child’s temperature is already high - 39.4 or even 40. In such a situation, many mothers and grandmothers literally panic. Remember, your fear is passed on to your children as an impulse!

Fear and anxiety paralyze the forces so necessary to defeat the virus. Try not to worry, or at least don’t show your baby that you are worried. This doesn't mean you have to walk around with a forced smile. Try to be calm, convince your baby that everything will be fine and you will soon overcome the disease. Remember: nothing bad will happen if you give medicines that bring down the child’s temperature in a timely manner.

When and how quickly should a child's fever drop? Parents' mistakes

Let me give you an example of a common mistake parents make: the child’s temperature is 39.1. Mom responsibly gives him Nurofen, covers him with a warm blanket (note!) and goes about her business. After 15 minutes, by chance, passing by the nursery, she hears some sounds, runs up, and the child begins to have febrile convulsions.

Many people, when they give medications to lower a child’s temperature, think that the temperature will immediately go down as if by magic. But the medications are not a toggle switch, like, for example, a light switch, they clicked and turned off the child’s high fever. This is a complex biochemical process.

The temperature, like a car accelerating to high speed, cannot immediately slow down, but can still creep up for some time and only after 30 minutes, or even an hour and a half, will it begin to descend. And during this hour and a half, many parents begin to tear out their hair and cut off the emergency phone number. But you need to calm down and analyze the situation and your mistakes.

Antipyretic dosage for children

The most common mistake is a small dose of antipyretic for children. Many parents give the same Nurofen according to the instructions for the drug and think that everything is fine. In fact, the average dose for a specific age range is indicated there. But it happens that one child at five years old weighs three years, and another weighs 25 kilograms, like many primary schoolchildren. Therefore, pediatricians recommend calculating the dose of fever-reducing medications based on the child’s weight.

White fever at high temperature: Nurofen, No-Shpa, Suprastin

But this is not all about fever: children often have chills or so-called white fever. At the same time, there is a paradox: the child’s temperature rises to 39-40, but he is cold, shaking, his hands and feet are icy, cyanotic, and there is a high risk of seizures.

In this case, you can warm the baby up: give him a warm drink, cover him with a blanket, put a heating pad on his feet. And immediately quickly give Nurofen (maximum dose), as well as age-specific doses of No-Shpa and Suprastin. After 5 minutes, No-Spa will relieve the chill, after which you can safely remove all the heating pads and blankets, strip the child naked and help with physical cooling methods.

By the way, remember these three drugs: Nurofen, No-Shpa, Suprastin! They, like the three heroes, are great for helping with high temperatures with chills and reducing the likelihood of seizures. It turns out something like a lytic injection, which is given by emergency doctors at a high temperature. But this combination does not contain dangerous analgin, and sometimes diphenhydramine.

Extremely rarely (for example, with the flu) there are such cases: you did everything correctly, undressed, gave you something to drink, gave the right dose of the drug, 1.5 hours or even more have passed, but the high temperature does not go down. It's not the end of the world! In these cases, you can add another third to half a dose of a second antipyretic for children. In this case, the child should be observed by a doctor who will decide on possible treatment in the hospital.

What is the safe dosage of medications to reduce a child’s fever?

Are you afraid to give your child chemical medications that reduce fever over and over again because you are afraid of overloading his kidneys and liver? Even in such a situation, the main thing is to relax and calm down.

Maximum doses of antipyretics for children

Per day you are allowed to give:

  • up to 4 times Paracetamol,
  • up to 3 times Nurofen
  • up to 2-3 times Nimulid

Usually during the day, while you are on guard, we give a weaker antipyretic - Paracetamol, and save Nurofen for the night, when the child’s temperature is higher and the parents are sleepy.

When the temperature is very high, you can alternate Paracetamol with Nurofen during the day. If the child has been feverish for 2-3 days, the temperature does not decrease at all from Paracetamol, and Nurofen alone is not enough for 24 hours, then add Nimulid. If you are at the dacha and have only one medicine with you that lowers the temperature, then give it and stretch the time between doses using physical cooling methods.

By the way, the child’s temperature takes a lot of energy; it burns his supply of nutrients. Therefore, do not forget to eat light food, and what he has not eaten should be drunk (slightly sweet compotes, light herbal teas). It’s easy to check whether you are giving your baby enough to drink: he will pee a lot of light-colored urine.

We need to stop the spread of infection

Simply bringing down a child’s fever is not enough. We need to stop the spread of infection as quickly as possible

In the first hours of the disease, antiviral drugs are especially effective. There are now dozens of types, they vary greatly both in price and in their mechanism of action.

Mistakes in treating colds in children


A typical mistake is when parents immediately start giving strong medications for any cold in their children, without consulting a doctor. For example, without indications, some mothers, even with a very modest cold, resolutely begin to insert Viferon or even Kipferon suppositories, spray Hexoral or Bioparox into the throat, dissolve Gramicidin, drip Isofra, Derinat into the nose, and so on.

In case of illness, be sure to call a doctor and treat your child’s cold according to his recommendations and under his supervision. Of course, you can argue that doctors may be young and inexperienced, inattentive, and therefore you live by the principle: “Saving drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves!”

But you may know 20 symptoms of a cold or think that such and such a drug is suitable for your child, but the doctor knows 200, 1000 symptoms, he knows exceptions to the rules, the peculiarities of the action of drugs, and other diseases with similar symptoms.


The next favorite mistake of parents (and some doctors) when treating colds in children: in the first days of ARVI, immediately give medications with an antibiotic. These are not only antibiotics in the mouth, but also in the form of drops in the nose, ears, and eyes.

Typical example

The baby has had a very high temperature of 39.6 for 3 days now, it is not going down well, but there are no particular symptoms. This kind of fever is very unpleasant, it gets on your nerves, and it’s scary for your mother. Then the doctor comes and he doesn’t like it either. Therefore, after thinking, he prescribes an antibiotic, most often Amoxiclav. And, the next day after the antibiotic, the baby’s temperature drops, everything seems to be fine, the antibiotic has an effect, but at the same time a rash appears all over the body. Most people think that the antibiotic helped, and the rash is an allergy to it. That's it, the penicillin group of antibiotics has been put to rest for many years, if not for life. It’s a pity, this antibiotic could have helped a lot someday...

What happened? From these and some other symptoms, we understand that it was not an allergy to an antibiotic at all, but an enterovirus, in which the temperature itself drops by 4-5 days, and after the temperature drops, a rash appears all over the body. This is such an interesting virus. And, as you know, antibiotics do not work on viruses.

To prescribe antibiotics there must be indications, namely the addition of a bacterial infection. But how to determine its beginning? The surest way is to take general blood and urine tests and show the results to your doctor.

Alas, this is not always possible. Then we focus on external signs. Even if a child has a high fever for several days, but after taking an antipyretic he becomes cheerful, energetic, his eyes sparkle, and his hands reach out to toys - most likely this is a viral disease! And if, even at a low temperature, the baby is lethargic, does not leave the crib and looks at you with a clouded gaze, most likely a bacterial infection has set in. In this case, you really can’t do without antibiotics.

Don't overdo it with care

Be attentive to your sick child. But don't overdo it with care!

A classic picture: a child has a mild cold, they left him at home and... they created a paradise at home: sweets, gingerbread, cartoons all day, a tablet and grandma reading fairy tales.. Why fight an infection when it’s so pleasant to be sick? You can take a break from the garden or school.

Take this question philosophically - maybe your baby is overloaded and this is his only chance to officially take a break, a timeout, a break from heavy constant overload? Think about it, evaluate the situation in your family. After all, the roots of many diseases, including high fever in children, lie in psychology. Therefore, do not rush to give antipyretics to children, but consult with your doctor and weigh the pros and cons.