List of the most harmful and healthiest foods. The healthiest food products TOP10 Tasty and healthy foods

Have you ever wondered what food product is the most beneficial for our health and longevity? But there is not such a single product, there is a great variety of them. Nature took care of this. And that's great! Therefore, it is important to maintain a balanced and varied diet; simply put, you need to eat a little of everything.

Yes, nature gave it to us, but we people managed to pervert everything and, out of goodness, do... harm) Because of our food addictions, we kill the benefits of foods, eat a lot of useless and harmful food. Although in our time it is generally difficult to maintain proper and healthy nutrition. The reason for this is the environment, the lack natural products, quite often the presence of chemical additives.

What is healthy to eat?

And yet, let’s try to figure out, from all the variety of products given to us by nature, plus everything that we ourselves have learned to produce, what should we prefer in our diet for health? It is important to know these points at least theoretically.

I will try to build a rating of products based solely on my knowledge in the field of nutrition, using the experience of centenarians, nutritionists, vegetarians, Ayurveda, which is close to me in spirit, and, of course, without discounting opinion official medicine. Everything is in descending order by level of usefulness.

Fresh vegetables

So first place unconditionally, both official and non-traditional dietetics fresh vegetables and herbs: carrots, beets, zucchini, all types of cabbage (high dose of antioxidants), onions, sweet and bitter peppers, tomatoes, especially yellow and orange in color (as a source of lutein and lycopene - a fighter against certain types of cancer cells), (inulin) melons (pumpkin) and so on are the leaders of this line.

So Marva Ohanyan, a doctor, naturopath, biologist, recommends a tomato diet for one day and eating only these fruits, which are better in orange or yellow. In addition, we already know that even heat-treated tomatoes are healthy.

We also include all dill here on Olympus. The abundance of vitamins, chlorophyll, a source of microelements, fiber - makes greens desirable on our table. So you can eat greens unlimitedly! It’s a pity that you can’t eat much, after all, we are not cows and our digestion is slightly different.

Boiled vegetables are also useful, but less so; it is very important to cook them correctly. The best way is baking in the oven. Roasted vegetables, just what we love, lose their benefits. You can't fry on vegetable oil, it is better to use animal fat (lard, ghee) to prevent the release of carcinogens during frying.

All plant gifts of nature green super useful:

  1. They are a storehouse of vitamins,
  2. A lot of chlorophyll is the green blood of plants, a magical healer and a source of life for people.
  3. Low calorie content,
  4. No sugars, harmful salts,
  5. Easy to digest.

All this is living food that gives us the energy of the earth and the sun. Salads, vegetable juices, smoothies, fresh juices - super healthy food, the path to health, strength, and!


In second place we place fresh fruits and berries, only the presence of sugars lowers them a little bit below vegetables and herbs. Fruits grown in the area where people live: green apples are better (a source of pectin, vitamins, iron), plums, pears, apricots (potassium), peaches, medlar (iodine), persimmons, citrus fruits (as a source of vitamins C), especially lemon (as alkalizing organism).

Transcarpathian centenarian, who lived for 104 years, Andrey Voron, gives a special place to wild forest apples and pears, and not to those bred during selection.

Here, in the second place of honor, we will place berries, all without exception: currants, strawberries, raspberries, especially field and forest ones. Northern berries, environmentally friendly: blueberries, lingonberries, cloudberries are a super source of health, not causing allergies. Dark grape varieties as a source of antioxidants and flavonoids. The same sugar in the berries slightly spoils the picture of goodness. But if you don’t go overboard with them, in moderation, fruits and berries along with vegetables are leaders in our diet.

Cereals and legumes

The third step goes to grains and legumes. Porridge made from unpolished grains, especially buckwheat, millet (a source of potassium), corn (of course, if you are sure that it is non-GMO), although oatmeal has been found to contain gluten, it is still important on our table. Rice is healthy, but it is better unpolished and in moderation.

Thus, in the course of a large-scale 20-year study conducted by American scientists from National Institute cancer in Rockwell (USA) over 400 thousand patients, it was found that cereal porridge has the most favorable effect on humans.

Porridge lovers have the greatest resistance to disease and the ability to live to old age in good health. Among the most useful were porridges made from unprocessed whole grain, rich in fiber. This is brown rice, buckwheat, oatmeal.

They have unprecedented benefits, This is true magic for all diseases. But you must admit, there are hardly many lovers of such food. You can at least occasionally add sprouts to your diet in early spring.

And although cereals are recognized as the most useful product, there is still the fact that porridge is a boiled product, that is, some of the beneficial substances are lost during heat treatment. That’s why porridge still goes down a notch.

Legumes- an invaluable product, rich in protein, vitamins, fiber, which can heal the human body. However, the same heat treatment still deprives them of super usefulness.

Honey and nuts in nutrition

Nuts will also share fourth place
, I don’t even know which is more useful. Natural, real honey is an invaluable gift of nature, not only an important product for nutrition, but also healing for a number of diseases, as a preventative measure. He who loves honey lives long. Here! 🙂

I would even elevate honey to the very Olympus of usefulness, but still it can only be an additive to our food; due to its high sugar content and high calorie content, we place it a little lower.

And of course, the measure that is important here is that the product is allergenic. And even today, due to poor ecology and unscrupulous entrepreneurs, it is very difficult to find high-quality honey.

All nuts, without exception, are very useful: hazelnuts, cashews, almonds, pistachios, Brazilian nuts, pine nuts as a source of vitamins, vegetable protein, iodine, and enzymes. They are in no way inferior to honey, and can even act as an independent food.

M. Bircher-Berger - a Swiss doctor called walnuts

“The healthiest food for humans is natural living food, saturated with the energy of the sun. You can basically eat nuts alone.”

And Hippocrates believed that nuts could relieve diseases of the heart, brain, stomach, liver, kidneys, and liver.

Vladimir Levi ( famous psychologist) praised the walnut and called it “a holiday for the brain.” It is indispensable for brain activity and memory..

Michurin called the walnut “the bread of the future.”

However, you should not eat a lot of nuts due to their high calorie content. possible allergies for a product that is difficult to digest, so it is important to take moderation.

Fish and seafood

Well, further, the fifth most useful product is sea fish, seafood, seaweed- as a source of saturated Omega-3 fatty acids, animal protein, phosphorus, and group vitamins. Particularly useful for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. People who eat a lot of fish do not have heart attacks or strokes.

That's all. The unconditional benefit of everything else is very debatable. And yes, vegetable oils are very useful. But we use them as an additive to dishes.

Vegetable oils

This category of products is also very necessary for a person to have proper metabolism. Unrefined vegetable oils, especially pumpkin, sesame, flaxseed, olive, as an additive to the diet, due to polyunsaturated and fatty organic acids, are perfectly absorbed by the body. But only in finished form, you cannot fry in vegetable oil, which we all do and always do almost everywhere. The resulting carcinogens are harmful to our health.

Dairy products

Dairy products, ghee, properly prepared, as a source of animal protein, milk fat, micro-macroelements. Let us remember how healthy ghee is. And lactic acid products: kefir, yogurt, ayran, live yoghurts without preservatives, even whey have great benefits.


Recently they have been widely promoted. Yes, if fresh and if in moderation, they are useful and even cure a number of diseases.

That, perhaps, is all that should be in our diet. But there are quite a few healthy and tasty products. I did not include bread in the list due to very large attacks due to the use of incorrect yeast, due to the refining of grain, poor quality flour. Large-grain bread with the addition of yeast-free bran is recommended by nutritionists.


Meat has long been recognized as a harmful product for health by medicine (causes colon cancer), nutritionists, not to mention naturopaths. Red meat is especially harmful; according to research results, it is ranked third in terms of the degree of harm to health after tobacco and alcohol.

Most people love meat because of its taste, its content of animal protein, imino acids and iron; children are fed it from early childhood. Therefore, it is difficult to reconsider your views on this product; without meat, the majority of the world’s population would be nowhere.

Those who can not eat it easily give up; those who cannot or do not want, then it is better and preferable to eat beef, rabbit meat, lamb, turkey, quail or white chicken breast meat. Don't eat pork, but thin plastic

We studied the beneficial properties of foods known to mankind and selected the 50 most delicious and healthy. For example, nutritionists recommend having ginger, eggs and beans on your table.

Vegetables and greens

Asparagus. It is valued for its low level of carbohydrates and calories, easy digestibility and a whole range of vitamins (K, B1, B2, B9, C, E, A, PP) and macro- and microelements (zinc, potassium, magnesium and iron).

Sweet pepper. Or, as we are used to calling it, bell pepper. Not only is it a bright, crunchy and slightly sweet vegetable, but it is also an excellent source of antioxidants and vitamin C.

Broccoli. These dark green inflorescences are useful both in fresh, and frozen: they can easily outperform many vegetables in terms of protein, fiber and vitamins K and C.

Carrot. The main source of carotene, necessary for human cell growth and healthy skin, mucous membranes and eyes.

Cauliflower. Contains more protein and vitamin C than regular cabbage. Vitamins A, B, PP, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and fiber have a positive effect on intestinal microflora and can protect the gastrointestinal tract from ulcers and cancerous tumors.

Cucumbers. They are almost 95% water, making them one of the lowest calorie vegetables. Contains little fat, protein and carbohydrates. Despite this, cucumbers contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients(especially potassium).

Oleg Iryshkin

We all know that vegetables need to be eaten daily, because they contain vitamins and fiber (such food is considered healthy). Downside is the quality of the products. For example, many vegetables accumulate pesticides and excess nitrates. Therefore, it is better to remove the skin from tomatoes and cucumbers before eating. The second pitfall is the incorrect cooking time. For example, grains should be cooked until al dente, but many people overcook them, thereby destroying the chemical structure of the product.

Garlic. An indispensable vegetable in the fight against colds. When garlic cells are destroyed, allicin is formed - one of the strongest antioxidants, which has a bactericidal and fungicidal (destroys fungus) effect.

Ginger. Ginger root has a complex composition with a large number of useful substances, including vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, fatty acids, and essential oils. Ginger improves digestion and also has detoxifying and immunostimulating properties.

Anna Ivashkevich

private nutritionist

The chemical composition of ginger root is unique: vitamins B, C, A, E, K, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, selenium. It stimulates the digestive system and brain activity, fights inflammatory diseases well, and can even reduce toxicosis during pregnancy.

Curly cabbage (kale). This species undeservedly remains in the shadow of broccoli, cauliflower and white cabbage. Grunkol, or kale (as curly cabbage is also called) contains all the necessary amino acids, vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. If these arguments are not enough for you, then we will simply add that in terms of nutrient density it has no equal among all green leafy vegetables.

Onion. Like garlic, it is primarily valued for its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. It is rich in iron and potassium, which have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, vitamins B and C and many minerals. Onions retain almost all their beneficial properties even after cooking.

Tomatoes. The eternal debate about whether a tomato is a berry, a vegetable or a fruit seems to have been resolved in favor of the latter. Be that as it may, Senor tomato contains not only vitamins A, B2, B6, E, K and various microelements, but also a powerful antioxidant - lycoline, which has an anti-cancer effect.

Sweet potato. Sweet potatoes despite high level glucose is recommended for diabetics because it can stabilize blood sugar levels. Sweet potatoes contain no fat at all, and their proteins and carbohydrates are better absorbed than regular potatoes.

Green beans. Unlike bean seeds, these green beans are not as rich in protein, but they do contain many vitamins, folic acid, fiber, magnesium and potassium. Thanks to this, they improve digestion and can reduce blood sugar levels and the risk of heart attack.

Fruits and berries

Apples. A fruit that you can always take with you for a quick snack at any time, wherever you are. They are valued for their high fiber, vitamin C and antioxidant content.

Avocado. They differ from other fruits in that they consist of 77% healthy fats. Despite this, they are not only tender and tasty, but also healthy: they contain potassium, fiber and vitamin C - available.

Bananas. Not only is it one of the world's most popular berries (yes, banana is a berry, not a fruit) and a favorite post-workout food, but it's also the best source of potassium, as well as fiber and vitamin B6.

Blueberry. One of the most powerful sources of antioxidants of any food. And you probably have known about the benefits of blueberries for vision since childhood.

Oranges. All citrus fruits have long had a reputation as the main supplier of vitamin C to the body. In addition, like other fruits, oranges are rich in fiber and antioxidants.

Strawberry. It is beneficial for the body not only due to its low carbohydrate and calorie content, but also due to vitamin C, fiber and manganese.


Lentils. A very tasty and filling variety of legumes, one of the best sources of plant-based protein, vitamins and fiber.

Oleg Iryshkin

PhD, doctor sports medicine and sports nutrition, nutritionist at the federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit

Lentils are the oldest crop. She's rich vegetable proteins And complex carbohydrates, which can provide satiety for several hours. Lentils are rich in vitamins: C, B₁, B₂, B₃, B6, B₁₂, as well as many minerals. Plus, lentils contain fiber, which improves intestinal function and serves as food for beneficial microflora.

Beans. In terms of the quantity and digestibility of proteins, it can be compared with meat and fish. Due to the huge amount of vitamins, macro- and microelements, this product is recommended for dietary nutrition for heart failure and diseases of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Brown rice Thanks to minimal processing, brown rice contains more fiber, magnesium and vitamin B1 than regular rice. Doctors often classify it as a dietary product and note positive influence on blood sugar levels, blood pressure and prevention of colon and pancreatic cancer.

Oats. This cereal, in addition to the numerous minerals and vitamins that are included in its composition, is valued for its high level of fiber (over 30%) and beta-glucans, which reduce the level of " bad cholesterol».

Quinoa. Does not contain a single gram of gluten, only healthy fiber, magnesium and plant-based protein. Quinoa is an incredibly filling food that can be one of your best allies in the fight against extra pounds.

Nuts and seeds

Almond. These nuts are full of vitamin E, antioxidants, magnesium and fiber. Nutritionists say that almonds help in the fight against overweight and speeds up metabolism.

Chia seeds. Favorite product of the ancient Aztecs recent years became popular among vegetarians. Chia seeds are incredibly nutritious and very healthy: 100 g of seeds contain 40 g of fiber and the required daily dose of magnesium, manganese, calcium and other nutrients.

Coconut. Coconut pulp is a source of not only fiber, but also medium fatty acids that will help you lose weight.

Macadamia. Not the most popular nut in Russia, it differs from its fellows in its high level of monounsaturated fats (the healthiest) and low levels of omega-6 fatty acids (not the healthiest). It costs no more than hazelnuts and is sold in large supermarkets; you just need to carefully inspect the shelves.

Walnuts. Just 7 nuts a day (no more, they are very high in calories) can improve human immunity and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. They contain almost all the vitamins, minerals, organic acids and fiber necessary for the body.

Peanut. These beans (which many people mistakenly think of as nuts) are rich in antioxidants, nutrients, and can help you shed a few extra pounds. The main thing is not to replace whole peanuts with peanut butter, otherwise everything will turn out exactly the opposite. However, you should also not get carried away with roasted peanuts under any circumstances.

Sweets, baked goods and dressings

Dark chocolate. The sweetest item on our list contains half of the daily requirement of iron, magnesium, manganese and antioxidants required by the human body. Recommended for people with high blood pressure.

Oleg Iryshkin

Ph.D., doctor of sports medicine and sports nutrition, nutritionist of the federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit

The most beneficial is dark chocolate with high content cocoa beans and minimal sugar content. Thus, cocoa beans contain antioxidants that eliminate the harmful effects of free radicals. However, when including chocolate in your diet, you need to know when to stop and not consume this product in excess quantities that go beyond the calculated biological balance of nutritional components and individual daily caloric intake.

Anna Ivashkevich

private nutritionist

The simpler the composition of dark chocolate, the better. Ideally, it should contain cocoa mass, cocoa butter and powdered sugar. The percentage of dark chocolate depends on the amount of cocoa mass, for example, 99% is the largest amount of cocoa. This product is rich in potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and contains small quantity vitamins B and E. Its consumption helps stabilize cholesterol levels and improves mood (due to reduced cortisol production). The average daily serving of dark chocolate should not exceed 25 grams.

Multigrain bread. Western nutritionists advise eating bread made from sprouted wheat grains with the addition of legumes. It will be difficult to find it in our stores, so we offer regular multigrain bread as an alternative.

Homemade bread. If you want to eat healthy bread, you have to make it yourself. But homemade bread will definitely not contain gluten, and the amount of carbohydrates will not be as high as in regular bread.

Apple cider vinegar. Indispensable not only when preparing salad, but also when dieting: apple cider vinegar dulls appetite and allows you to feel full for much longer. It will also help lower blood sugar levels.

Olive oil. The most healthy oil in the world contains powerful antioxidants that can strengthen the immune system and reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the blood.

Coconut oil. Like coconut pulp, the oil consists of medium fatty acids (90%), which will help you cope with extra pounds. And recent studies have confirmed that it can improve the condition of people suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

Dairy products and meat

Cheese. One slice of cheese contains as much calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B12 and other minerals and amino acids as a whole glass of milk, and it contains even more protein than meat or fish.

Yogurt. The fermented milk product retains all the positive properties of regular milk, and due to the content of beneficial bacteria, it also improves digestion.

Butter. Natural farm butter contains not only the saturated fatty acids that our body desperately needs, but also many nutrients and vitamins A and K2.

Whole milk. One of the best sources of calcium, vitamins, minerals, animal protein and healthy fats - my mother told us about this. True, in other words.

Salmon. This fatty red fish is rich in protein, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, essential for improving memory and the proper functioning and nutrition of the human brain.

Sardines. Small but very healthy sea fish that can provide the body with 2 times more calories than white fish. In addition, they contain large amounts of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and other minerals and vitamins A, D and B complex. saturated fats Sardines are considered healthier than saturated animal fats.

Shellfish. Mussels, snails and oysters occupy one of the first places among all products in terms of nutrients. These dietary seafood with easily digestible protein can completely replace meat in the human diet. But yes, it's expensive. And you can hardly find decent oysters anywhere - except perhaps on Sakhalin and Vladivostok.

Shrimps. This seafood delicacy contains very little fat and calories, but a large amount healthy protein, protein and omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, they contain a whole range of nutrients, including selenium, potassium, zinc, calcium and vitamin B12.

Trout. An interesting fact that says a lot about this fish: it lives only in clean water. In terms of the content of nutrients, trout can be compared to salmon: a lot of vitamins A, D, B, E and omega-3 fatty acids.

Tuna. In terms of protein content (more than 22%), it easily outperforms all other fish and can be compared with the caviar of some commercial species. Vitamins B, A, E, PP, two dozen micro- and macroelements and omega-3 fatty acids improve eye and brain function and halve the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

We have long been accustomed to the fact that, thanks to a wide range of products in stores and available information, we have the opportunity not just to choose any food, but food that is good for our health.

Much has been written about the numerous positive properties that spinach consumption has on the human body. And this is true. This is one of those foods that contains greatest number useful nutrients.

And quite a few more important point– this plant can be easily bought at any market and in almost any store affordable price. Spinach can be bought fresh in the fruit and vegetable department. You can also buy it frozen.

Spinach can even be found in canned form. The only thing we can do is remember to regularly eat this product in order to really feel the maximum positive effect on our health.

Benefits of eating spinach

Spinach begins to work almost immediately, providing energy to the body and helping to fill your stomach without increasing the number of calories you consume throughout the day. Phytonutrients (called phytonutrients) should be taken into account.

The importance and benefits of these plant-derived biocomponents in the fight against free radicals that cause cell aging are difficult to overestimate. Thus, by consuming spinach, you nourish your body cellular level, adding energy that helps you lose weight without extra effort.

Nutritional value of spinach per 250 grams of product (fresh green leaves):

Benefits of eating goji berries

Thanks to these berries, our immune system receives some support even from one serving of this product. Goji berries help actively fight the spread of free radicals, the number of which increases due to external aggressive influences.

The amount of free radicals is also affected by the consumption of processed foods that do not supply nutrients to the body. The ability of goji berries to cope with overwork will be very valuable for many.

It's not surprising that modern world requires us to work hard. Therefore, eating foods such as goji berries allows us, figuratively speaking, to increase the time during which the body wears out.

Nutritional value of goji berries per 30 grams of product ( dried berries– most popular product):

Vitamin A – 170% of the required daily value.

Vitamin C – 20% (not as much as in citrus fruits, but not bad either).

Protein – 4 g – a surprising amount of protein for a berry.

3. Salmon

Many people also prefer the subtle (not so fishy!) flavor of salmon, which sets it apart from other types of fish. One can only envy those regions where salmon is an absolutely familiar and common everyday part of the diet.

However, as they say, not all salmon is created equal! It is definitely worth limiting the consumption of smoked salmon, since fish prepared in this way contains fewer nutrients when compared, for example, with freshly baked salmon.

Benefits of eating salmon

For those of you who devote a lot of time to sports activity, salmon is an indispensable product that supplies muscle tissue with the necessary protein. An equally important point for all people is the presence of Omega-3 acids.

The importance of these acids lies in the fact that they provide vital support to our cardiovascular system in general and the heart in particular. And here is another obvious benefit - Omega-3 significantly improves brain activity and memory.

The main benefit here is not so much that it will now be easier for you to remember poetry (although that too!), but that Omega-3s reduce the likelihood of developing such a degenerative disease as Alzheimer's disease. In addition, these acids improve the appearance of your skin and hair.

Nutritional value of salmon per 100 grams of product:

Vitamin A – 9% of daily value.

Vitamin B 1 – 13% of the required daily value (very good for the heart).

Protein – 20 g – an excellent source of protein even for those athletes who lift weights.

Vitamin PP – 42% of the required daily value (very good for skin and hair health).

The healthiest food

If you haven't yet forced yourself to join the army of avocado lovers, you should do it quickly - you've already wasted a lot of time! Lately this product is becoming more accessible and popular in the fruit and vegetable department.

Avocados are of particular value (in fact, irreplaceable) for those who are truly obsessed with healthy eating. By the way, for beginners it can be somewhat difficult to choose the right avocado (and it must be eaten before the fruit spoils).

However, you don’t have to eat an avocado every single day for your body to feel the benefits of this product. If you start adding avocados to your menu twice a week (yes, at least once to start!), this will be enough to get you off to a great start.

Benefits of eating avocado

One of the most obvious benefits of eating avocados (the one most cited by avocado lovers) is that the fruit is an excellent source of healthy monounsaturated fats.

It is very important to remember that this fruit contains a large amount of vegetable fats (unlike other fruits, where there is much less fat or no fat at all). These fats will be an excellent help for those who are determined to fight excess weight.

Avocados also keep us feeling fuller longer (not the fullness and fat levels we get from eating a cheeseburger). High carotenoid levels have a positive effect on eye health. In addition, avocado regulates glucose levels, which helps avoid critical changes in one direction or another.

Nutritional value of avocado per 100 grams of product (raw):

Monounsaturated fat – 10g – This means that approximately 10% of the avocado is so-called healthy fat.

Vitamin B 6 – 16% of what you need daily to maintain normal metabolism.

Folic acid salt – 22% of the required daily value (excellent prevention of heart disease).

5. Quinoa

Quinoa, a long-time favorite grain among vegetarians, is gaining popularity as one of the healthiest and tastiest foods around. Quinoa often becomes a component of various dishes, and sometimes acts as an independent dish.

And even people who prefer whole grains often turn their attention to quinoa (although this crop is not very popular with those who have completely eliminated grains from their diet).

Until recently, not many people understood how to prepare this product, since it could not be bought everywhere. But now you have a great opportunity to learn how to cook quinoa, since it can already be found in many supermarkets.

Benefits of eating quinoa

By eating quinoa, our body receives quality protein without cholesterol and fats, which “penetrate” our body with animal products. At the same time, we get so-called smart carbohydrates, which do not lead to a significant increase in the glycemic index.

Thanks to this, our body is able to absorb these carbohydrates gradually, which does not subsequently lead to the formation of fat. Finally, this product is, in principle, quite moderate in fat content.

So, you can include quinoa in your diet even when you are actively pursuing a weight loss plan. On top of that, quinoa is a great way to stay within your calorie intake, as long as you're careful about that too.

Nutritional value of quinoa per 250 grams of product:

Fat – 1.9 g – Low fat and calorie levels make quinoa a leader among dietary products nutrition.

Folic acid salt - 10% of the required daily value (beneficial for maintaining heart health).

Protein – 4.4 g – relatively high protein level for a cereal.

Broccoli, as an integral part of a healthy diet, is increasingly appearing on our menus. Sometimes it is used to literally “healthy” each specific meal.

Broccoli has an excellent ability to retain its beneficial properties, provided, of course, that you do not fry it in oil or dip it in lard. It must be doused with boiling water so that this product retains its nutritional value as much as possible.

And if you have an idea to buy broccoli, then the options in what form this is sold useful plant, not so much: most often you can buy it raw in the fruit and vegetable section or frozen.

Benefits of eating broccoli

The fiber found in broccoli has an extremely beneficial effect on our digestive system. In addition, broccoli is an excellent alternative to dairy products in terms of calcium content necessary for the body.

As for vitamin C, just one serving of broccoli is enough to give you your daily requirement of this substance. And this is great news, because it is thanks to this that we have a chance to strengthen our immunity, avoiding many diseases.

Broccoli also contains some vitamin K. It may not be so much that it plays a key role in strengthening our bones. But it is quite enough for our eyes and hearts. Moreover, he plays important role in the prevention of cancer.

Nutritional value of broccoli per 100 grams of product:

Vitamin C – 150% of our daily value, meaning you don’t have to worry about other sources of this vitamin.

Vitamin B 6 – 10% of what is needed to regulate metabolism during the day.

Fiber - 2.6 grams - perhaps not so much, but this is already a tenth of the daily value.

The healthiest nut

Let's start with the fact that almonds are an excellent food for snacking between meals. It makes you feel full and also energizes you. This product is especially useful in the morning when you need a jump-start of energy to start the day.

When choosing almonds, it is very important to buy a "clean" product; in other words, never buy almonds that have been added a certain amount salt, or which has been fried with the addition of oil.

Almonds should be dried in a dry frying pan or baking tray. Raw nuts are also beneficial. But here it is very important not to overeat this product, since it is really very tasty and satisfying. When you start eating almonds, the “seed effect” may set in and make it hard to put down.

Benefits of eating almonds

Almonds are often recommended for those who are involved in fitness or just go to the gym. These nuts are a great way to nourish your muscle tissue. There are also a number of other beneficial properties due to which almonds should become part of the daily menu.

Almonds have an excellent and pronounced preventive effect, reducing the likelihood of a heart attack. This wonderful product can significantly reduce the level of low-density cholesterol (bad cholesterol) produced by the body.

On top of that, almonds are an excellent source of so-called healthy fats. Thanks to this, almonds are able to have a beneficial effect on the functioning of our brain. This product is also useful for strengthening teeth and bone tissue.

Nutritional value of almonds per 100 grams of product (raw almonds):

Protein – 21 g – perfectly promotes the growth of so-called lean muscles.

Vitamin B 2 – 59% of what you need during the day to replenish your energy reserves.

What could be simpler than beets? Meanwhile, beets are a unique product, since they contain substances that are contained in it and only in it! First of all we're talking about about red beets, and not the kind that are sold in pickled form, used for the classic Greek salad.

There is one nuance that stops many from eating beets often. The fact is that red beets take quite a long time to cook, and this is very inconvenient, considering modern trend to reduce the time spent on cooking. And in principle, people consider beets more as an ingredient rather than a separate dish.

In fact, everything is not so scary - the beets don’t take so long to cook, and a lot of various recipes exists (you can easily find them on the Internet - visual and useful). In other words, the health benefits of beets are worth your time and effort!

Benefits of eating beets

Did you know that boron, which is found in red beets, can significantly boost your sexuality, as it affects testosterone and estrogen levels. And in principle, this element gives a feeling of vivacity and an influx of energy.

By eating beets regularly, you're doing your brain a huge favor—and not just because it provides essential nutrients. The fact is that beets play an important role in regulating blood pressure.

Beets contain a wide range of vitamins and minerals. That is why from this vegetable crop It is recommended to make vegetable smoothies. Consuming them on an ongoing basis will allow you to always maintain the required level of nutrients in the body, without excess fat and calories.

Nutritional value of beets per 250 grams of product:

Folic acid is 27% of what we need daily to prevent cancer and heart disease.

Magnesium – 6% of what the body requires daily to maintain the required level of energy.

Vitamin C is 8% of the daily requirement, and therefore it is necessary to consume other products from this list to compensate for the need for this substance.

9. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a very useful forage crop that has an ancient global history of consumption among many peoples of the world (although it is believed that they came to us from Peru and Colombia).

The first thing housewives love about it is its ease of preparation. And even if you don’t know how to cook at all, you can definitely cook the tubers of this plant (even if it’s an experiment). In addition, it is very filling and contains a lot of vitamins.

Sweet potatoes are also a source of fiber, which is considered essential for normal digestion. Sweet potatoes can be added to other dishes; You can eat it raw, make porridge, jam and many other dishes from it.

Benefits of eating sweet potatoes

Beneficial properties of sweet potatoes for human body quite a few, but the most well-known are the following characteristics: sweet potatoes reduce the risk of heart attack, allow you to maintain youth skin.

In addition, this product is an excellent help for normalizing the functioning of the immune system, and is also able to charge our body with vigor and energy when consumed regularly.

Sweet potato provides the human body with various antioxidants, which help in avoiding numerous health problems caused by increased free radicals. This is why sweet potatoes are consistently included in such lists, regardless of country or climate.

Nutritional value of sweet potatoes per 100 grams of product:

Vitamin A – 384% – almost four times the recommended daily value!

Vitamin C – 33% of the amount of this powerful antioxidant necessary for our body.

Protein – 2 g – an excellent source of vegetable protein.

The healthiest vegetable

There is no point in disputing the fact that most people are aware of the beneficial properties of tomato for the health of the human body. And the more research is carried out in the world aimed at studying this vegetable, the higher the tomato’s rating among the healthiest foods becomes.

It is impossible to name just one reason why you should eat tomatoes, since all the available reasons are equally important for our health. Among other things, it is a very convenient food product that has found wide use in cooking.

Tomatoes can be put in salads and various sauces can be prepared from them; you can even just throw the tomatoes into a blender and then make a fruit or vegetable smoothie. But you should refrain from eating ketchups, despite the fact that they also contain tomatoes.

Benefits of eating tomatoes

The reason why the tomato is so respected in the culinary world of most countries, and is also constantly recommended by nutritionists, is more than compelling. Let's start with the fact that a tomato is prophylactic from cancer.

Regular consumption of tomatoes, thanks to the combination of minerals and vitamins, is also an excellent help in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Tomatoes also contain a whole range of phytonutrients most in demand by our bodies.

One of the main antioxidants in tomato, which is believed to play a key role in fighting the development of cancer, is lycopene. Its peculiarity is that lycopene becomes even more beneficial in cooked tomatoes than in raw vegetables.

Nutritional value of tomatoes per 100 grams of product:

Vitamin A – 17% of the daily value of this effective antioxidant.

Vitamin C – 23% of daily value.

Vitamin B 6 - 5% of the daily value of this substance, which helps digest food.

11. Brauncolle (kale or kale)

For a long time, people didn't make much of a distinction in terms of health benefits between kale and spinach. However, brauncol definitely deserves a special place in the list of the healthiest foods on the planet.

Although this kale is not as common as spinach, kale is gradually becoming a very popular crop everywhere due to its beneficial properties. In some parts of the world, kale is considered the most important food product in terms of health benefits.

Kale can be used as a side dish, much like spinach. Thanks to wide range vitamins contained in cabbage, this product is often recommended as a component of smoothies. And some even prefer kale to all other greens because they like the taste of this non-heading cabbage.

Benefits of eating kale

One of the important reasons why kale is gaining widespread popularity in cooking is that this product is perfectly satiating without any extra calories or fat (kale is worth paying attention to those who are trying to lose weight!).

Brauncol contains sufficient quantity fiber, iron and vitamin K. Thanks to the presence of the latter antioxidant, kale can often be recommended in food to provide an anti-inflammatory effect.

At the same time, we are not only talking about a preventive effect - kale helps to significantly reduce the symptoms accompanying various inflammations. This product directly counteracts a number of different diseases, and also helps restore and maintain the necessary level of alkali in the body.

Nutritional value of kale per 100 grams of product (raw):

Vitamin A – 206% – double the daily value.

Vitamin C – 134% – twice as much as needed during the day.

Protein – 4.3 g – an excellent source of vegetable protein.

Berries are generally an excellent source of antioxidants, but raspberries are prized most due to their high concentration. In addition, it is perfectly preserved throughout the year if you freeze this product.

Raspberries can also be an important participant in various culinary ensembles. This berry can be eaten separately, or you can make it a constant ingredient in your smoothies, since raspberries are simply a storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

Children adore raspberries, but in some regions it is quite difficult to find these berries at a reasonable price even in season (not to mention imported colored raspberries!). However, the benefits of this product are so great that it makes sense not to skimp on your health.

Benefits of eating raspberries

For those who jealously monitor the deviation of the needle on their scales, raspberries are an indispensable product due to their low fat content and high fiber content. In this case, nothing special is required to change in the diet.

But even if you are not particularly concerned about the problem of excess weight (perhaps due to the lack of it), eating raspberries is an excellent way to deliver various antioxidants to the body, which help resist free radicals.

Raspberries, as a healthy food product, support the normal state of the body as a whole. This berry can be especially recommended for those who suffer from arthritis, since regular consumption of it helps fight inflammatory processes.

Nutritional value of raspberries per 100 grams of product:

Vitamin C – 44% of our daily value. Only one raspberry can help provide the daily requirement of this substance.

Calcium is only 2% of the daily value (but you can eat less milk).

Iron – 4% – not much, but it can be compensated with the help of other products from this list.

Healthy food

13. Hyacinth beans

Hyacinth beans (also called dolichos or simply black beans) are the only legume worthy of inclusion on this list of the healthiest foods on the planet. This is one of the oldest types of this culture.

Black beans have been used in Mexican and Spanish cuisine for hundreds of years. Despite this, only relatively recently the whole world discovered the beneficial properties of hyacinth beans.

Now dolichos are a popular dish in many restaurants. Use hyacinth beans in your diet, as this will help you not only diversify your menu, but also eliminate less healthy products nutrition.

Benefits of eating hyacinth beans

It is considered natural that fruits and vegetables are a source of antioxidants. However, the fact that black beans also contain a lot of these substances is surprising. Dolichos, in principle, can become part of any diet as a source of “correct” carbohydrates.

These carbohydrates are digested more slowly, so you feel fuller longer. As a result, this product helps stabilize blood sugar levels. This is a very important point for those people who suffer from diabetic disease.

Among other things, hyacinth beans are an indispensable food product for those who are struggling with excess weight. Dolichos also contain fiber, which helps regulate processes that normalize the functioning of our digestive system.

Nutritional value of hyacinth beans per 100 grams of product:

Calcium – 6% - an alternative source of calcium to dairy products.

Protein – 8.2 g – Another way to replenish your protein supply is with plant-based proteins.

Fats – 0.3 g – low fat content will be useful for those who are forced to control their weight.

It's usually not that easy to meet someone who doesn't like watermelon at all; This annual plant, the morphological similarity of which to the berry is noted by scientists, is usually liked by almost everyone, especially children.

But who would have thought that this summer-autumn delicacy is one of the healthiest foods in the world? After all, this is not always the case when it comes to sweet-tasting things. However, watermelon contains a huge amount of useful substances (it's easier to say what's not there!).

And yet: when eating watermelon, it is very important not to overdo it. And not at all because of the load on the bladder, but because of the content of easily digestible sugars. Large quantity Eating ripe watermelon can negatively affect insulin levels in your blood.

Benefits of eating watermelon

Considering the craze for watermelons during their ripening season, we can confidently believe that this is a truly healthy product. But what is so good about it for our health? In case you didn't know, watermelons have higher lycopene levels than tomatoes.

This fact already makes watermelon a powerful weapon against the risk of developing heart disease and cancer. In addition, watermelon is a source of many other vitamins that effectively prevent the rapid aging of body cells.

Watermelon contains virtually no fat, so you can eat it guilt-free even on the most restrictive diet (noting the warning about sugars stated earlier). Watermelons also contain calcium, magnesium, sodium and other trace elements.

Nutritional value of watermelons per 100 grams of product:

Vitamin A – 11% – a quite noticeable amount that should not be neglected.

Vitamin C – 14%.

Fats – 0.1 g – practically “low-fat” vegetable dessert.

Grapefruit has almost always been valued as an element healthy diet nutrition, for which this type of citrus fruit was included in the list of food products recommended for people who have undergone heart surgery.

But this fruit has many other beneficial properties, because of which it can be safely used in your menu not only as a specific dessert, but also as an element of a full breakfast, and even as a snack between main meals.

Grapefruits are not only healthy. They are freely sold in markets and supermarkets along with other fruits. They go well with other fruits, which, despite not being included in this list, also bring known benefits body.

Benefits of eating grapefruits

High levels of vitamin C and carotenoids - for this alone, grapefruits are worth the money we pay for them. The reason why these citrus fruits are considered a great breakfast item is because they counteract all the free radicals that are present in us.

If grapefruits become a regular part daily diet nutrition, the chances of resisting the development of various cardiovascular diseases are significantly increased. Eat them every day, and then you can resist various degenerative diseases and the occurrence of cancerous tumors.

Nutritional value of grapefruits per 100 grams of product:

Vitamin A – 23%.

Vitamin C - 52% - almost half the daily value of this useful antioxidant.

Fiber – 1.6 g – is considered a very good source of fiber that is beneficial for digestion.

Asparagus is a perennial plant. Young shoots of this vegetable crop, which are characterized by a significant content of useful minerals and vitamins, are eaten. It is thanks to them that asparagus simply must appear regularly on your table.

Asparagus is an excellent side dish that complements any type of meat (by the way, we recommend lean varieties) and fish. The taste of this product is reminiscent of green peas, and therefore is familiar to many of our conservative eaters.

The best way to cook asparagus while retaining all the nutrients is to steam it. It is also added to soups, salads and many dietary dishes. Asparagus is sold raw but is also available frozen.

Benefits of eating asparagus

Asparagus is a wonderful food product that can neutralize various toxins accumulated by the body. In addition, asparagus has a diuretic effect, which also helps remove toxins and excess liquid from the body.

Thanks to the variety of vitamins and minerals contained in asparagus, this product has a beneficial effect that can slow down the aging of the body - but only if you eat it on a regular basis.

Nutritional value of asparagus per 100 grams of product:

Vitamin A – 20%.

Protein – 2.4 g – a good source of vegetable protein.

Fiber – 2 g – it doesn’t seem like much, but this shouldn’t be neglected (especially compared to other useful components).

The healthiest food

Many people cannot stand seaweed until they try this product, which has extremely beneficial properties for the health of the body. Indeed, this brown seaweed is more familiar to those who always prefer seafood.

Sea kale can now be bought in almost any supermarket. And this is not surprising - people are increasingly purchasing this product as a source of useful nutrients, various macro- and microelements.

It is recommended to buy a small amount of the product, since seaweed does not last long in the refrigerator. This product is especially recommended for use in areas where there is a significant deficiency of iodine in water.

Benefits of eating seaweed

Sea kale is undoubtedly a healthy product. At the same time, every person can find something useful for themselves. The main thing is to purchase real seaweed, and not dietary supplements from seaweed, which they are trying to replace this product with.

Of particular note is the content contained in seaweed calcium - the amount of this element in sea kale is even greater than in dairy products! Some say that this product contains almost everything useful substances from the periodic table.

Sea kale truly contains an incredible amount of vitamins and minerals. There are a lot of them in products that grow on the ground. But since this product comes from sea ​​water, it differs somewhat in the specificity of phytonutrients that are beneficial to health.

Nutritional value of seaweed per 250 grams of product:

Folic acid salt - 396 mcg - is quite a lot, so you shouldn’t lean too much on this product.

Vitamin K - 145 mcg - covers the entire daily requirement, that is, one meal of seaweed per day is enough.

Sodium – 513 mg – this makes the product unsuitable for those on a low-salt diet.

We are talking about ordinary cabbage, which is widespread in agriculture all over the world. Despite the fact that our ancestors knew about the benefits of this product, even now various studies are discovering new beneficial properties of cabbage.

ABOUT widespread use In cooking, cabbage can be told endlessly. These include delicious vitamin salads, the use of cabbage in first courses, and numerous recipes in which cabbage plays the role of an independent dish.

What's it worth? sauerkraut, about the benefits of which a lot has also been said! Moreover, you can even make cutlets from cabbage. The only thing I can recommend is to cut the cabbage into smaller pieces so that it cooks faster and is better absorbed.

Benefits of eating cabbage

Fiber, which comes from cabbage, is the best way to keep our digestive system working at its optimal level. The juice from the leaves of this product has been used for generations to treat gastritis and ulcers.

Cabbage also contains antioxidants, the benefits of which have already been discussed a lot in this article. And thanks to the presence of phytonutrients such as glucosinolates, cabbage can prevent or even stop the development of cancer.

Regular consumption of cabbage helps improve appearance skin (thanks to the same all-powerful antioxidants). Those who have high cholesterol levels should pay special attention to this product.

Nutritional value of cabbage per 250 grams of product:

Vitamin C – 61% – such a high level of this vitamin is comparable only to the level of this substance in some citrus fruits.

Folic acid salt – 11%.

Protein – 1.3 g – not so much, but quite suitable as an alternative source of vegetable protein.

21. Eggs

It is probably impossible to imagine the breakfast of many millions of people on planet Earth without such a simple and common product as eggs. At the same time, in various dubious publications, seemingly designed to create scandals, articles periodically appear about the terrible harm that eggs allegedly bring to health.

In fact, there is not even a grain of truth in this, since the eggs we are all familiar with are truly one of the most beneficial foods on the planet for our health. Moreover, for a long period of time this fact was not given as much attention as it deserves.

Eggs are an excellent inexpensive source of low-calorie protein, a variety of nutrients and even vitamins. Regular consumption of moderate amounts chicken eggs only benefits the body.

Benefits of eating eggs

Despite the fact that eggs contain low-calorie protein, they are excellent for saturating the body. At the same time, the feeling of fullness remains for quite a long time, which makes this product an ideal basis for any breakfast that allows you to “survive” without special problems before lunch.

Eggs are involved in increasing the level of so-called good cholesterol; Thanks to this product we have a chance to regularly strengthen teeth and bone tissue. In addition, eggs contain Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

These acids, coupled with vitamin B12, vitamin D and choline (vitamin B4), make eggs an essential food that can stimulate brain activity through these natural nutrients.

Nutritional value of eggs per 250 grams of product:

Protein – 6 g – the same low-calorie protein.

Folic acid salt – 23 g – for brain health.

Vitamin A – 4% – for eye health.

Iron – 4% – helps deliver oxygen throughout the body.

Beneficial properties of seeds

These small seeds are a fairly new product on our market. At the same time, they quickly conquer it due to the large amount of nutrients and fiber. For a seed of this size, this product provides an extraordinary number of health benefits.

One more good news The advantage is that these seeds can be used in a wide range of recipes, so they can be easily made an integral part of a healthy daily diet.

Chia seeds can be eaten by first letting them sit in water or milk. They can be added to puddings, baked goods, smoothies, and even stir-fried foods as a source of fiber. Chia seeds are not only healthy, but also delicious.

Benefits of eating chia seeds

Chia seeds are a good source of antioxidants that slow down the aging of our body by helping it at the cellular level. The fiber contained in these small seeds is extremely important for the digestive system.

In fact, it can be quite difficult to eat enough food each day to meet our body's minimum fiber requirements. And this is where chia seeds come to our aid.

Nutritional value of chia seeds per 250 grams of product:

Dietary fiber – 38 g.

Protein – 16 g – an excellent option for vegetarians.

Calcium – 63% – for strong and healthy bones.

23. Bananas

If we talk about one of the most delicious sources of nutrients, which also contains potassium and fiber, then it is, of course, bananas. Considering their undoubted benefits, this product could not be included in this list of so-called super foods.

Many people consider bananas to be an excellent and healthy alternative to ice cream (if you freeze them too, of course). Unlike many fruits (banana, by the way, everyone calls it a fruit, although morphologically it is close to berries), this fruit quickly fills you up and is perfect for snacking.

Benefits of eating bananas

These same substances give us the opportunity to feel full for a long time after eating a banana. This is especially useful for athletes. Bananas also contain many antioxidants and nutrients.

The potassium in this product is very beneficial for the heart, especially when it needs to be regulated blood pressure. Potassium is absorbed directly into the blood through the intestinal wall and then distributed through the cell membrane throughout the body.

Nutritional value of banana per 250 grams of product:

Potassium – 9% of the daily value.

Vitamin B 6 – 33% of the daily value.

Vitamin C – 17% of the daily value.

Magnesium – 8% of the daily value.

Copper – 10% of the daily requirement.

24. Highbush blueberry

Highbush blueberry (or highbush blueberry) is a plant that comes from North America, grown both as an ornamental plant and as edible berries. We are interested in the second application of this culture.

This type of blueberry is a low-calorie source of nutrients, which can easily be included in the list of products in this article, as it is characterized by an extremely high content of healthy vitamins and minerals.

In fact, these small, dark blue berries contain the most nutrients of any berry on the planet. Thanks to numerous minerals, blueberries have a healing effect on the entire body.

Benefits of eating blueberries

The main antioxidants present in blueberries are flavonoids. Among other things, this group plant substances helps fight excess weight. Blueberries also improve brain activity, normalize blood pressure, and tidy up work. cardiovascular system, participates in the formation of bone tissue and so on.

Nutritional value of high blueberries per 250 grams of product:

Fiber – 4 g – to improve digestion.

Vitamin C – 24% DV for immune system health.

Vitamin K – 36% DV for bones and some body functions.

Magnesium – 25% DV (supports metabolic processes in the body).

It's no secret that vegetables, fruits, cereals, milk, meat and fish contain a huge amount of valuable vitamins and minerals. Therefore, they should all appear regularly on our menu. The world's leading nutritionists are still actively discussing which product is the healthiest for the human body. Today's article will feature the best.


These fruits contain twelve vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. They are rich in pectin, sugars, iron, iodine, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, apples can claim the title of “The healthiest product in the world.”

Systematic consumption of these fruits tones the body, helps strengthen the immune system and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. According to scientists, people who eat an apple daily are less likely to suffer from Alzheimer's disease. In addition, these fruits contain quercetin. This substance has excellent anti-inflammatory properties and prevents the development of cancer cells.


This amazing vegetable can also easily claim the title of “The World’s Healthiest Product.” It contains more than four hundred valuable components. It is considered one of the best sources of nickel, magnesium, cobalt, potassium, calcium, chromium, allicin, adenosine and flavonoids. This vegetable is rich in C, A, B 1 and B 2.

Garlic, the property of which is determined by its unique composition, has an excellent antibacterial effect. It prevents the development of infectious diseases and helps strengthen the immune system. Systematic consumption of this vegetable is considered the best prevention heart attacks and strokes. In addition, it is effective in the fight against staphylococci, pneumonia, hypertension, influenza and herpes.

Plus, garlic, the property of which is successfully used in alternative medicine, indicated for people suffering from nervous system disorders. Thanks to the substances it contains, it is a natural antibiotic.


This vegetable contains a large amount of vitamin B, A, C, K, D and E. In addition, it is rich in carbohydrates, fiber, proteins, pectins, starch, natural sugars, purine compounds, organic and polyunsaturated acids.

Cauliflower recipes are available to any housewife; dishes made from it are simple and easy to prepare. Therefore, dishes from it should appear in your diet as often as possible. Regular consumption of this vegetable helps prevent skin diseases and strengthening the nervous system. It contains a relatively high concentration of biotin, which helps cope with fatigue and depression. It is also considered a good source of molybdenum, zinc, iron, manganese, sulfur, magnesium, phosphorus and chlorine. It is this complex chemical composition that explains all the beneficial properties of this vegetable.

In addition, simple recipes are used to prepare it. Cauliflower can be used to make a lot of delicious dishes, which is why it is an integral part of many diets. This is due to the relatively low energy value. So, one hundred grams of this vegetable contains 29 kcal. Thanks to increased content Dietary fiber cauliflower gives a feeling of fullness.


Scientists have found that daily consumption of thirty grams of this product halves the risk of a heart attack. Peoples whose diet is based on fish are less likely to suffer from various cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, it can also claim the title of “the world's healthiest product.”

Just like apples, fish reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease. It promotes the regeneration of nerve cells. Salmon and red fish contain valuable oils that improve the condition of skin and hair. In addition, this product contains a large amount of sodium, phosphorus, calcium, riboflavin, pyroxidin, niacin and retinol.


Perhaps these are the most useful products for blood vessels. They are rich in pectin, fiber, organic acids, essential oils, vitamins A and C. These fruits contain an increased concentration of manganese, copper, fluorine, zinc, cobalt, iodine and iron. The glycosides they contain normalize heart function and prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis.

In addition, grapefruit is considered a good source of something that helps strengthen blood vessels. It is recommended to include it in the diet of people suffering from low blood pressure. It is also indicated for the prevention of heart attacks. Experts advise eating one whole grapefruit twice a week. This will increase and strengthen their walls.


This root vegetable is rich in many valuable vitamins and minerals. It contains an adequate concentration of beta-carotene. When it enters the human body, this substance is transformed into vitamin A. Of course, carrots are not the healthiest product in the world, but regular consumption of the orange root vegetable helps improve visual acuity and prevent cancer.

This vegetable is rich in starch, proteins, amino acids, lecithin, glucose, fructose and enzymes. It is considered a good source of cobalt, phosphorus, iodine, copper, magnesium and calcium. Therefore, it is recommended to include it in the diet of people suffering from kidney, gallbladder and liver diseases. Carrots are also indicated for increased stomach acidity and salt metabolism disorders.


This vegetable contains a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and fiber. It is considered one of the best sources of beta-carotene, zinc, iron, phosphorus, potassium and selenium. Fresh broccoli is rich in K, E, PP and C. In terms of the content of the latter, it surpassed even an orange.

It is believed that regular consumption of this vegetable helps reduce the risk of developing oncological diseases. Broccoli is good for the heart. It accelerates the process of removing heavy metals and maintains normal water and electrolyte balance.

Fresh broccoli stems and inflorescences can easily claim the title of “the healthiest low calorie foods" Regular consumption of this vegetable helps eliminate excess liquid, as well as improving skin condition. Therefore, dishes from this variety of cabbage are included in many diets.


The tender leaves of this plant are considered an excellent source of choline, sugars, starch, fiber, beta-carotene, carbohydrates and organic acids. They contain a sufficient concentration of vitamins H, PP, E, K, C, B and A. And this is not a complete list of what spinach is rich in.

A fresh product helps remove toxins, while simultaneously saturating the body with the valuable substances it contains. The fiber present in the leaves helps maintain the stable functioning of the digestive system. Regular consumption of this plant promotes natural weight loss and strengthens the immune system.

Spinach has another unique property. It blocks the growth of tumors. Therefore, it is recommended to be included in the diet of people recovering from radiation therapy.

Milk and its derivatives

These tasty and healthy products contain sufficient amounts of calcium, valuable proteins, lactose and easily digestible fats. It is believed that regular consumption of milk itself and its derivatives helps normalize the functioning of the nervous system. It also allows for proper muscle function. Doctors are confident that those who drink at least a glass of milk every day are much less likely to suffer from stomach cancer.

For people whose bodies are lactose intolerant, it is advisable to regularly consume natural yogurt. Skim milk considered an excellent source of calcium, necessary to prevent the development of osteoporosis.


These healthy foods should definitely be present in every person’s diet. They contain all the most important classes of nutrients. Nuts are rich in carbohydrates, fats and proteins. They contain sufficient amounts of phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium. They are rich in vitamins P, B, E and A.

It has been proven that people who regularly eat nuts are less likely to suffer from senile dementia, heart attacks and heart diseases. These foods nourish the brain and prevent the destruction of nerve cell membranes.

For example, almonds are indicated for heartburn, ulcers, obesity and hypertension. Hazelnuts normalize the activity of the cardiovascular system and prevent the appearance of tumors. It is recommended to be used for varicose veins, prostate enlargement and chronic fatigue. Pistachios must be present in the diet of those who suffer from atherosclerosis and liver diseases. Pine nuts activate physical and mental development children.


Buckwheat is considered the most useful. This low-calorie and easily digestible cereal is rich in many valuable vitamins and microelements. It helps eliminate cholesterol and toxins. It is recommended for use by people suffering from diabetes, obesity, heart, liver and gastrointestinal diseases.

Oatmeal is recognized as the second healthy cereal. It helps to significantly reduce the risk of cancer, strengthen the immune system and normalize metabolism. This easily digestible cereal is ideal for dietary nutrition. In addition, regular consumption of oatmeal improves the condition of bones and teeth.

Millet is indicated for everyone who has been taking antibiotics for a long time. This cereal has general strengthening properties. It promotes the rapid elimination of toxins.

Coarse semolina contains much less fiber and vitamins. But this is compensated by high nutritional value cereals It is indicated for people suffering from various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Since semolina contains a fairly large amount of gluten, it can cause allergic reactions.

Pearl barley is recognized as the main grain for athletes and people involved in heavy physical labor. This cereal is considered one of the best sources of phosphorus, which is necessary for increasing the speed of muscle contractions. It is equally suitable for allergy sufferers and those who want to lose excess weight.


This tasty product is considered a natural sugar substitute. Natural bee honey contains almost all valuable microelements. In its composition it is close to human blood plasma. This product rich in biotin, pyridoxine, riboflavin and thiamine. It is considered an excellent source of ascorbic, folic and nicotinic acids.

High-quality natural honey has powerful bactericidal properties. In addition, it helps speed up metabolism and enhance tissue regeneration. This product has an excellent tonic, absorbable and anti-inflammatory effect.

It has been proven that systematic consumption of honey stimulates the human body's defenses, eliminates sleep problems, prevents the development of sclerosis and improves the functioning of the digestive system. It is indicated for gastritis and stomach ulcers. Honey eliminates swelling, improves blood circulation and normalizes blood pressure. It is recommended to include it in the diet of those who suffer from heart muscle diseases.

The key to excellent health is proper nutrition.

A well-designed diet helps maintain normal weight, prevent the onset of various ailments, increases concentration, performance, and even increases life expectancy. But you can’t suddenly abandon your usual regimen, it will be a lot of stress for the body.

It’s never too late to start eating right, and after crossing the 40-year threshold, it’s absolutely necessary. You just need to make it a way of life.

Principles of healthy eating

It is important to know not only the top healthy foods, but also how to eat right.

Helping the body receive and absorb all the necessary nutritional components is not difficult.

To help the body, it is enough to follow several rules every day.

The main principles of healthy eating are as follows:

  1. 5 meals a day. It is already a proven fact that by eating fractionally and regularly at the same time intervals, a person does not overeat. This, at a minimum, allows you to maintain normal weight, and at maximum, leads to weight loss;
  2. Long chewing. You can't rush and eat on the go. Before swallowing the product, it is recommended to chew it about 20 times. Haste spoils the stomach, and with it health in general;
  3. A varied diet. The daily menu should consist of products of animal and plant origin. All food must be freshly prepared so that toxins do not form in the body and foods do not lose their beneficial substances;
  4. No dry food. The secretion of juice in the stomach is facilitated by liquid dishes based on vegetable, fish, mushroom and meat broths. There is enough soup to digest a second course of cereals, meat, fish, potatoes, and pasta. It is recommended to eat sweets at the end of lunch, in which case sugar is more easily absorbed by the body;
  5. Caloric content of the diet. The older a person gets, the less caloric the food should be. You can reduce nutritional value due to carbohydrates and animal fats;
  6. Fruits and vegetables. They contain vitamins, fiber, organic acids, mineral salts, etc. that are important for the body. Regular consumption of these products helps to normalize the acid-base balance of the body, metabolism and improve digestion;
  7. More water. It is important to maintain a drinking regime; you need to drink at least 2 - 2.5 liters of purified water per day, not counting tea and coffee;
  8. Fasting day. Once a week you need to have a fasting day, which helps the body cleanse itself of accumulated toxins. If this is very difficult, then there should be a day on the water at least 2 times a month;

In addition, there must be proper distribution of products throughout the day. Protein food suitable for breakfast and lunch (eggs, fish, meat, cereals, cottage cheese, vegetables). Porridges will become more useful if they are boiled in water.

Dinner can consist of vegetable, dairy and cereal products, but they should be consumed no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

Top 10 most beneficial foods for the body

In institutions around the world, scientists and nutritionists are conducting research to identify and list the most important foods in the diet.

Based on research results, the 10 most beneficial foods for maintaining and improving human health have been established.

Such products in the human diet are:

  • avocado;
  • broccoli;
  • white cabbage;
  • garlic
  • carrot
  • nuts;
  • red fish;
  • bananas;
  • apples;
  • lemons.

Avocado. This is the most useful product in the world. Its components include many fatty acids and antioxidants. Consumption of this fruit reduces the risk of cancer, prevents atherosclerosis, improves vision, lowers cholesterol and takes care of the heart.

Broccoli. It is a source of vitamin C, beta-carotene, protein and fiber and has a positive effect on skin condition and vision. Broccoli also contains folic acid, although it is destroyed during heat treatment, so it is better to cook the product in a double boiler or eat it fresh.

White cabbage. It is not for nothing that it is included in the top healthiest foods. Vitamins C, B, K, minerals, proteins and fiber - that’s what cabbage is rich in. It has a positive effect on intestinal function, improves digestion, and removes cholesterol. Shown when diabetes mellitus, thanks very much small content starch and sugar.

Garlic. This is the best natural antibiotic, which copes with bacteria, viruses and even yeast. It will cure colds, flu, ARVI, staphylococcus, and garlic is also used to fight helminths. The product dilutes blood clots and promotes vasodilation, thereby reducing blood pressure. If you introduce garlic into your diet, you can forget about hypertension.

Carrot. No best product than carrots if a person is pregnant. It is a source of carotene, vitamins B, C, E, K and PP, which are very important in the formation internal organs child. But there are also contraindications for eating carrots - problems with the pancreas, stomach ulcers and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Nuts. If you need to strengthen your nerves, then you should simply introduce walnuts, which are rich in vitamin B2, into your diet. Nuts improve digestion and have a positive effect on potency.

Red fish has a beneficial effect on brain activity, nervous system and improves heart function.

Banana. This product is rich in vitamin A, manganese, iron and potassium, which reduces the risk of heart attack.

Apples. Constant consumption of the fruit tones the body and prevents heart disease, constipation, headaches, and anemia.

Lemon prevents the development of infections and cancer.

Other important foods in the diet

The list of the most useful products is not limited to 10 positions. The daily menu should be varied and certainly include dairy and fermented milk products. Dairy products are a source of calcium, which is responsible for strong bones, nails and healthy hair. Fermented milk products are good for everyone; with the help of lactic acid bacteria contained in kefir, fermented baked milk and yoghurt, the gastrointestinal tract works like clockwork.

You also can’t do without greens; replace all unhealthy foods with parsley and dill, which will be an excellent addition to side dishes, and lettuce for a sandwich. Pepper - sweet and hot, depending on your taste, is often included in weight loss diets. So, with its help you can improve your figure and improve your health, because it contains a lot of luteolin and vitamin C, which take care of the health of the cardiovascular system and prevent the development of cancer.

Those who want to stay young longer should introduce legumes into their diet. Beans contain a large amount of protein, fiber and potassium; these components have a rejuvenating effect on the body.