Medicinal plants. What do they treat? The most useful medicinal herbs Medicinal plants healing properties of plants

Since ancient times, people have known about the healing power medicinal plants and in the treatment of patients they were used everywhere. IN Kievan Rus From the first half of the 11th century, the names of medicinal plants began to be written down in writing and herbal medicine began to form. By decree of Peter I, at the beginning of the 18th century, “pharmaceutical gardens” were formed in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Lubny, where the necessary plants were actually grown.

But even today, the popularity of medicinal plants is great and they occupy a significant niche in human life. They help in the treatment of certain diseases, increase efficiency, and improve our quality of life.

Among the 500,000 plant species known today, it is actively used in modern medicine only a small part of them. There is a list of basic medicinal plants and herbs suitable for use in medical practice.

Particularly popular are medicinal plants such as: rose hips, St. John's wort, yarrow, stinging nettle, golden mustache, elecampane, valerian officinalis, immortelle, calamus, agave and many, many other plants.

Use of medicinal herbs and plants

Medicinal plants should be used with caution, only after consultation with your doctor. Otherwise, it is possible to cause irreparable harm to the body, since some plants may be poisonous or may not carry any healing properties.

Everything is explained by the types of plants and herbs collected, the timing of collection, and the periods of accumulation in them. medicinal substances, which happens unevenly. In some species they are concentrated in the leaves, in others in the buds, stems, flowers and fruits, in others - in the bark or roots. Particular attention is paid to the time of collection, since the amount of medicinal substances accumulated in them depends on this factor.

Roots, tubers and rhizomes are collected, as a rule, in early spring or autumn, when the above-ground part withers.

The buds of birch, pine, and poplar are collected during their swelling, before the appearance of green leaves.

During increased spring sap flow, the bark is removed. It is at this time that it is most rich in healing substances and is quite easily separated from the trunk.

Leaves are collected when buds form and during the flowering period of plants, exclusively in dry weather. Flowers must be plucked with a peduncle and freed from leaves, long peduncles, and fruits before drying.

Herbs are collected exclusively in dry weather, after the dew has fallen. You cannot pull grass out of the soil with its root system, as this can lead to clogging of the necessary raw materials.

Fruits and seeds begin to be collected as they are fully ripened; juicy fruits and berries are best picked in the morning or evening.

Gather medicinal herbs and plants need to be in environmentally friendly places. Exists a whole science herbal medicine is very ancient and means treatment using medicinal herbs.

They are used to treat huge amount various diseases: insomnia, atherosclerosis, bronchitis, eczema, gout, diseases of the stomach and duodenum, rheumatism, pustular inflammation of the skin, hypertension, cardiac and vascular systems and others.

There is a classification that contains a list of medicinal plants with a brief indication of their use.

At first glance, treating with herbs seems easier than ever to many, but you still need to adhere to certain rules, namely:

  • a doctor should prescribe and monitor the process of treatment with medicinal herbs and plants;
  • buy everything medicinal herbs should only be in a pharmacy;
  • do not forget to read the instructions, where both the therapeutic dose and possible side effects, and method of administration:
  • properly stored in optimal conditions for them.

Particular care should be taken when giving medicinal herbs to children. Their fragile organism quite sensitive to the slightest change in dosage.

Of course, our life without the use of medicinal plants and herbs is impossible, but in order not to cause irreparable harm to your body instead of the intended benefit, firstly, do not self-medicate, and secondly, be serious and careful when treating.

Medicinal plants have always been considered a cure for all diseases. In almost all ancient cultures, plants play important role, either in treatment, or in some shamanic ritual.

The healing properties of medicinal plants and herbs, their substances, were known to ancient civilizations, and are also known to our modern civilization.

Before the development of chemistry and, in particular, synthesis organic compounds in the 19th century, medicinal plants and medicinal herbs were the only source active principles treatment of human ills.

Currently people are bombarded by thousands harmful products, the level of sensitivity of the body to diseases is very high, and therefore, the best solution may be the use of medicinal plants.

Their therapeutic properties are very useful in the treatment of various types of diseases. Using herbal remedies nowadays means using a 100% natural method of treatment.

Of course, herbs cannot compete (in all segments) with the artificial products of the pharmaceutical industry, but they can help in many ways, and in many cases they are a healthy and cheap alternative.

1. Avran officinalis - Gratiola officinalis L.
2. Adonis vernalis L.
3. Common calamus (marsh calamus) - Acorus calamus L
4. Common quince - Cydonia oblonga Mill. (Cydonia vulgaris Pers.).
5. - Aloe arborescens Mill.
6. Althaea officinalis L
7. Common anise - Anisum vulgare Gaertn. (Pimpinella anisum L.)
8. Sweet orange - Citrus sinensis L
9. Edible watermelon - Citrullus vulgaris Schrad.
10. Mountain arnica - Arnica Montana L.
11. Astragalus dasyanthus Pall.

12. Ledum palustre L
13. Bergenia crassifolia (L.) Fritsch
14. Common barberry - Berberis vulgaris
15. Small periwinkle - Vinca minor L.
16. Pimpinella saxifrage
17. Black henbane - Hyoscyamus niger L.
18. Belladonna (belladonna) - Atropa belladonna L.
19. Warty birch - Betula verrucosa Ehrh.
20. Birch mushroom- Inonotus obliquus Pill
21. Crazy cucumber - Ecballium elaterium (L.) A. Rich.
22. Faba beans - Faba vulgaris Moench
23. Common thistle (lanceolate sow thistle) - Cirsium vulgare Airy-Shaw
24. Lingonberry - Vaccinium vitis idaea L
25. Black elderberry - Sambucus nigra L
26. Medicinal letter - Betonica officinalis L

27. Valerian officinalis - Valeriana officinalis L
28. Meadow cornflower - Centaurea cyanus L
29. Three-leaf watch - Menyanthes trifoliata L
30. Camel thorn - Alhagi pseudalhagi (M. B.) Desv.
31. Common heather - Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hill
32. Veronica gray - Veronica incana L
33. Buttercup anemone - Anemone ranunculoides L.
34. Common cherry - Cerasus vulgaris L
35. Water pepper - Polygonum hydropiper L
36. Field bindweed - Convolvulus arvensis L.

37. Galega officinalis L
38. Field carnation - Dianthus campestris M. B
39. Geranium - Geranium
40. Snake mountaineer - Polygonum bistorta L
41. Polygonum persicaria L
42. Yellow gentian - Gentiana lutea L.
43. Peas - Pisum sativum L
44. Sarepta mustard - Brassica juncea L
45. Pomegranate - Punica granatum L.
46. ​​Herniaria odorata Andrz

47. Elecampane tall - Inula helenium L
48. Gorse - Genista tinctoria L
49. Summer oak - Quercus robur L
50. Datura common - Datura stramonium L.
51. Oregano - Origanum vulgare L
52. Fumaria officinalis - Fumaria officinalis
53. Common melon - Cucumis melo L
54. Angelica officinalis - Archangelica officinalis Hoffm.

55. Blackberry - Rubus caesius L
56. Norway spruce (Norway spruce) - Picea excelsa Link. (Picea abies) (L.) Karst

57. Gray jaundice - Erysimum canescens Roth.

58. Ginseng - Panax ginseng S. A. M
59. Larkspur - Delphinium consolida L

60. Zamaniha - Echinopanax elatum Narai.
61. Hare cabbage(large sedum) - Sedum telephium L.(Sedum maximum)
62. St. John's wort - Hypericum perforatum L.
63. Wild strawberry - Fragaria vesca L
64. Centaury umbrella - Erythraea Centaurium Pers. (Centaurium umbellatum Gilib)

65. Common fig - Ficus carica L
66. Viburnum viburnum - Viburnum opulus L

67. Horse chestnut - Aesculus hippocastanum L
68. Dogwood - Cornus flortda L
69. Oxalis - Oxalis acetosella L
70. Red clover - Trifolium pratense L.
71. Sycamore maple (Norway maple) - Acer platanoides L.
72. Black cohosh - Cimicifuga dahurica Maxim
73. Common cranberry - Oxycoccus palustris Pers. (Vaccinium oxycoccus L.)
74. European hoofweed - Asarum europaeum L
75. Coriander - Coriandrum sativum L
76. Paniculata mullein - Verbascum lychnitis L.
77. Cuckoo flower coronaria - Coronaria flos-cuculi (L.) A. Br.
78. Stinging nettle - Urtica dioica I.
79. Burnet - Sanguisorba officinalis L
80. Laxative buckthorn - Rhamnus cathartica L
81. Common gooseberry - Grossularia reclinata (L.) Mill.
82. Yellow egg capsule - Nuphar luteum (L.) Sm.
83. Corn - Zea mays L

84. Laurus nobilis L
85. May lily of the valley - Convallaria majalis L
86. Antitoxicum officinale Pobed.
87. Leuzea carthamoides D. S.
88. Flax - Linum usitatissimum L
89. Laxative flax - Linum catharticum L.
90. Lemon - Citrus limon L
91. Chinese lemongrass - Schizandra chinensis Baill
92. Small-leaved linden - Tilia cordata Mill
93. Siberian larch - Larix sibirica Ledeb
94. Parmelia lichen - Parmelia
95. Big burdock - Arctium lappa L
96. Onion - Allium sulfur L
97. Lovage - Levisticum officinale Koch
98. Two-leaved Lyubka - Phatanthera bifolia L

99. Large-flowered magnolia - Magnolia grandiflora L.
100. Self-sowing poppy - Papaver rhoeas
101. Common raspberry - Rubus idaeus
102. Japanese Mandarin - Citrus unschiu Marc.
103. Perennial daisy - Bellis perennis L
104. Madder - Rubia tinctorum L
105. Coltsfoot - Tussilago farfara L
106. Lungwort - Pulmonaria officinalis L.
107. Melissa officinalis L
108. Common juniper - Juniperus communis L
109. Euphorbia - Euphorbia
110. Carrot - Daucus sativus Roehl.
111. Sea kale- Laminaria
112. Soapwort - Saponaria officinalis L.
113. Field mint - Mentha arvensis

114. Digitalis purpurea L
115. Medicinal marigold - Calendula officinalis L

116. Greek rosehip - Periploca graeca L.
117. Sea buckthorn - Hippophae rhamnoides L.
118. Oats - Avena sativa
119. Sticky alder - Alnus glutinosa
120. Mistletoe - Viscum album
121. Hazelnut - Corylus avellana
122. Sedum acre

123. Woolly panzeria (woolly motherwort) - Panzeria lanata Pers. (Ballota lanata L.)
124. Male fern - Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott.
125. Bittersweet nightshade - Solanum dulcamara I.
126. Shepherd's purse - Capsella Bursa pastoris Medic
127. Primula officinalis (L.) Hill.
128. White step (white bryonia) - Bryonia alba L.
129. Red chilli pepper - Capsicum annuum L.
130. Garden parsley - Petroselinum sativum Hoffm
131. Common tansy - Tonacetum vulgare L
132. Clubmoss - Lycopodium clavatum L
133. Large plantain - Plantago major L.
134. Common sunflower - Helianthus annuus L.
135. Austrian wormwood - Artemisia austriaca Jack
136. Wormwood - Artemisia absinthium L.
137. Forest mallow (forest mallow) - Malva sylvestris L
138. Meadow lumbago - Pulsatilla pratensis Mill
139. Motherwort - Leonurus
140. Creeping wheatgrass - Elytrigia repens (L) Nevski (Agropyron repens P B.)

141. Tangut rhubarb - Rheum palmatum L
142. Radish (garden radish) - Raphanus sativus L
143. Common agrimony - Agrimonia eupatoria L
144 Chamomile – Matricaria perforate Merat
145 Meat-red chamomile - Pyrethrum carneum M.V.
146. Round-leaved sundew - Drosera rotundifolia L
147. Ruta graveolens
148. Common rowan - Sorbus aucuparia L


149. Blue cyanosis - Polemonium coeruleum L

150. Black currant - Ribes nigrum L

151. Smooth licorice - Glycyrrhiza glabra L.
152. Scots pine - Pinus silvestris L
153. Knotweed - Polygonum aviculare
154. Dwarf Stellera - Stellera hamaejasme L
155. Marsh grass - Gnaphalium uliginosum L.
156. Sphaerophysa salsula (Pall.). D.S.

Medicinal plants are used in folk medicine already for many years. The healing properties allow them to be used in herbal medicine various diseases . Currently, the list of medicinal herbs is quite impressive. However, every person should know which herbs are the most beneficial for the body and should always be on hand.

One of the most useful herbs containing large number nutrients, oils and acids.

Infusions and tinctures of wormwood have the following properties:

  • relieve inflammatory processes;
  • stimulate the flow of bile;
  • give the body tone;
  • cleanse organs of toxins and worms.

Most often, the herb is used to improve food digestion., getting rid of diseases of the stomach, liver, respiratory system, as well as in the treatment of anemia.

Contraindications are: pregnancy and lactation, internal bleeding. In addition, in large quantities wormwood can provoke mental disorders.


An unpretentious herb, successfully used in official and alternative medicine, as well as in cooking.

Due to its special composition, the plant has a beneficial effect on the body:

  • improves blood composition;
  • cleanses internal systems from toxins;
  • promotes wound healing;
  • eliminates skin diseases;
  • has a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels;
  • has a hemostatic effect;
  • relieves muscle pain;
  • prevents hair loss;
  • stimulates the digestive tract;
  • has a mild laxative effect;
  • stabilizes the amount of sugar in the blood.

Herbal infusion of nettle cannot be used for varicose veins, atherosclerosis, or while pregnant.


An irreplaceable plant that is, perhaps, in every home medicine cabinet. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, chamomile is used to treat a variety of conditions.:

  • headaches;
  • ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • gastritis;
  • sore throat;
  • flatulence;
  • insomnia;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • chronic stress.

The medicinal herb can be used by young children, but is prescribed with caution during pregnancy and lactation.


A bright orange plant, popularly called "marigold". Flowers, seeds, and the grass itself have many beneficial properties:

  • stimulate the digestive system;
  • prevent the development of cancer pathologies;
  • improve skin condition;
  • activate bile secretion;
  • heal wounds and treat diaper rash;
  • eliminate headaches and muscle pain;
  • increase uterine contraction;
  • remove waste products from the body;
  • treat colds and ENT infections.

Calendula-based decoctions cannot be used for hypotension, as well as gastrointestinal diseases in the acute stage.


Dandelion has found its use in many areas of medicine. A decoction of its roots is often used:

  • to strengthen hair and eliminate dandruff;
  • with anemia;
  • in the treatment of hypertension;
  • to improve food digestion;
  • for weight loss;
  • with inflammation of bone tissue;
  • to improve liver health;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • for urinary disorders.

In addition, dandelion juice is used to treat various dermatological problems - ringworm, eczema.

Contraindications are gastrointestinal ulcers, gastritis with increased acidity, blockage of the bile ducts.


The flowers and roots of the herb contain special substances that stimulate the immune system and eliminate pathogenic microorganisms and viruses

The beneficial properties of Echinacea are:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • elimination of bacteria;
  • removal of inflammatory processes;
  • treatment skin diseases, wound healing;
  • relief of respiratory diseases;
  • removal of toxins.

Like any medicinal plant, Echinacea has some restrictions on its use:

  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding;
  • severe liver disease;
  • mental disorders;
  • serious heart pathologies.

In addition, Echinacea should not be taken together with immunomodulatory drugs or for alcohol dependence.


A healing plant rich in B vitamins, possessing positive action for the whole body

Due to its beneficial properties, ginseng infusions:

  • regulate blood sugar levels;
  • slow down age-related changes;
  • have a positive effect on brain function;
  • help in the fight against excess weight;
  • stimulate sexual desire;
  • eliminate pain associated with menstruation;
  • strengthen hair and skin;
  • reduce the likelihood of cancer;
  • calm down nervous system.

St. John's wort

A herb with pronounced bactericidal properties. Used as an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant.

The beneficial properties of St. John's wort allow it to be used to improve the health of the entire body:

  • to relieve inflammation of the digestive tract;
  • in the treatment of stomatitis;
  • to restore damaged tissues;
  • for healing wounds and burns;
  • during periods of nervous stress.

Besides, herbal infusions will help eliminate headaches during hangovers and during menstruation. Tampons soaked in infusion are used for hemorrhoids.

St. John's wort is not consumed orally during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in childhood. The herb can cause an increase in blood pressure, so it is not used by hypertensive patients and people with mental disorders.


Made from mint medicinal infusions, tinctures and oils. The plant contains tannins, flavonoids, menthol and other substances.

The herb has beneficial qualities:

  • eliminates viruses and bacteria;
  • improves digestion;
  • removes toxins;
  • increases immunity;
  • improves sleep;
  • treats headaches;
  • normalizes heart rhythm;
  • reduces nausea and vomiting.

Contraindications for use are hypersensitivity to the active ingredients, hypotension, heartburn, varicose veins veins

Milk thistle

The prickly plant is often used in the form of oil, syrup, alcohol tinctures and decoctions. Due to its composition, milk thistle has a cleansing and restorative effect on the liver..

Most often used for the following purposes:

  • to detoxify the body;
  • to improve the functioning of the circulatory and lymphatic systems;
  • for liver diseases;
  • for malignant neoplasms;
  • for viral infections;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • to stabilize the heart;
  • with a tendency to allergies;
  • for the purpose of preventing skin diseases;
  • during menopause;
  • to improve digestion.

Contraindications for use are childhood, kidney stones, pancreatitis, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The benefits of herbs for the health of the body have long been known. However so that the treatment gives maximum effect, you should consult your doctor before use, and also use infusions, observing the recommended dosage.

To make your search easier, we provide this list: Disease – Plant. , which are marked with an asterisk, are each poisonous in their own way, so be careful! Read more about contraindications

2. Plants that increase blood pressure– Eleutherococcus, lowers – .

3. Expectorants and emollients - calamus, budra, larch, dandelion, primrose (primrose), chamomile, hops, jasmine.

5. Astringents (antidiarrheal) - blackberry, St. John's wort, golden rod, willow, viburnum (berry juice), nettle, mint, white water lily *, dandelion (bark), wormwood, *, wheatgrass, rowan.

6. Laxative medicinal herbs and plants - (berry), knotweed, bearberry, yarrow, chicory, thyme, string, horse sorrel (roots), jasmine.

7. Bitter herbs that stimulate appetite - dandelion, plantain, wormwood, chicory.

8. Enveloping and adsorbing plants - mullein, larch, Lyubka, wormwood, yarrow, chicory.

9. Metabolic disorders - blueberries, oregano, strawberries, fireweed, cranberries, nettles, fireweed, nettles, agrimony, licorice, string, bird cherry, blueberries (leaves).

10. Plants to reduce acidity gastric juice– , barberry (roots), (leaf), volodushka.

11. Choleretic - calendula, viburnum, nettle, white water lily*, juniper, mint, tansy, plantain, wormwood, agrimony, knotweed, yarrow, hops, celandine*, horse sorrel.

12. Gallstone and kidney stone diseases - geranium, strawberry, cranberry, nettle, cloudberry, agrimony, pine, knotweed, yarrow, horsetail, blueberry, rose hip.

13. Anthelmintic and anti-giardiasis - valerian, hoof*, tansy, pine, chicory.

14. Peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum - calamus, St. John's wort, calendula, viburnum, fireweed, white water lily*, burdock, coltsfoot, sea buckthorn (oil), tansy, plantain, chamomile, licorice, marsh grass*.

15. Gastrointestinal improve digestion - calamus, marshmallow, bergenia*, birch, lingonberry, budra.

16. When bronchial asthma– viburnum (berry juice), coltsfoot, lemon balm, wormwood, .

17. Calming the central nervous system - calamus, hawthorn, valerian, speedwell, blackberry, willow, viburnum (bark), fireweed, mullein, meadowsweet, linden, lemon balm, mint, primrose, chamomile, pine, hops, thyme, clear.

18. Diaphoretic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory - birch, oregano, blackberry, strawberry, St. John's wort, willow (bark), viburnum, cranberry, nettle, kupena, meadowsweet, linden, raspberry, mint, coltsfoot, plantain, chamomile, currant , string, bird cherry.

19. Diuretics – bergenia*, birch (buds), lingonberry, cedar, clover, cranberry, toadflax, raspberry, juniper, cloudberry, dandelion, nightshade, primrose, bearberry, string, celandine*, damask.

20. Hemostatic medicinal plants - bergenia*, barberry, blackberry, St. John's wort, viburnum (bark), nettle, meadowsweet, burdock, lemon balm, sea buckthorn, plantain, motherwort, chamomile, rowan, knotweed, yarrow, horsetail, thyme, yaerysna.

21. Anti-tuberculosis - calamus, birch (buds), budra*, nettle, buttercup*, coltsfoot, plantain, knotweed, bearberry, chin, celandine*, Icelandic moss.

22. For rheumatism, gout and radiculitis - birch, lingonberry, oregano, (needles), willow (bark), cedar, nettle, lily of the valley *, linden, larch (needles and resin), burdock, buttercup *, juniper, mint, aspen , nightshade, chamomile, pine, bearberry, hops, thyme, string, blueberry.

23. Against burns - burnet, meadowsweet, sea buckthorn (oil from the berries), rosehip (oil from the fruit).

24. Anti-alcohol – hoof*.

25. at eye diseases– chamomile, bird cherry, blueberry.

26. Wound-healing and anti-putrefactive - bergenia*, birch (tar), crow's eye*, oregano, blackberry, chickweed, St. John's wort, calendula, cedar, fireweed, clover, nettle, linden, burdock, buttercup, juniper, mint, linden, fir, plantain, marsh cudweed*, yarrow, chicory, celandine*, rose hips, jasmine.

27. Antihemorrhoidal medicinal herbs and plants - barberry, chickweed, St. John's wort, strawberry, cedar, mullein*, cat's foot, nettle, buckthorn*, burdock, raspberry, dandelion, nightshade, rowan, yarrow, horse sorrel.

28. Medicinal plants and herbs for skin diseases– birch (tar), oregano, viburnum (berry juice), clover, hoof*, yellow egg capsule*, white water lily*, burdock, buttercup*, raspberry (leaves), aspen, fir, plantain, chamomile, licorice, knotweed, poplar , yarrow, horsetail, hops, string, celandine*, rose hips, jasmine.

29. Plants against insects – white water lily*, tansy, celandine*.

Medicinal herbs are plants that have been used by people for many thousands of years for various purposes, but mainly to obtain beneficial properties and use them for treatment certain diseases, both in adults and children. The encyclopedia called herbalist includes various recipes on how to make: healing herbal infusions, decoctions, steams and mixtures. All this data was passed on by word of mouth and over time became one big book that helps eliminate many health problems.

Is it possible to use medicinal plants: photos and descriptions

In Russia there are a considerable number of drugs that help eliminate diseases: viral, infectious, inflammatory, etc.

However, some people prefer to use medicinal herbs, since, unlike medicine, they cannot:

  • Harm the body;
  • Cause an allergic reaction;
  • Cause complications.

Despite this, it is important to remember what medications do medical institutions, and use special components, which can eliminate a number of health problems. Doctors categorically do not recommend replacing prescribed medications with herbal decoctions on your own, since you need to not only consult a doctor, but also consider the likelihood of harm to health. In particular, herbs can sometimes only have light impact on the disease, eliminating the symptoms or making them less pronounced, but to cope with the main problem, stronger remedies are needed. Folk way treatment of diseases is possible and is not rejected by doctors, but only if the therapy is carried out as thoughtfully as possible, with careful monitoring of changes in the body’s condition and only after consultation with a doctor.

Collection of medicinal plants and their use

You can find out what medicinal plants there are if you look through the herbal directory, which lists them all in alphabetical order. useful species vegetation and the name of each is accompanied by a full description.

To use herbs you can:

  • Buy them in the store;
  • Purchase from herbalists;
  • Assemble yourself.

To harvest herbs yourself, you need to research the collection to know the type and definition certain types, since there are medicinal and there are poisonous plants. In addition, the preparation of plants for subsequent use in medicinal purposes Not all of them are carried out, since the matter is particularly troublesome and requires a special and individual approach. You need to know: how, where and at what time to collect.

In the pictures that the catalog contains medicinal plants, you can understand what can be collected and what cannot, however, experts in the field of herbalism believe that it is much better to use pharmaceutical preparations. It is much simpler, more convenient and much more useful. The boxes contain a complete description and how to use it, which eliminates the possibility of errors when steaming. To find out which herbs are the best, you can research the recommendations of specialists in the field of herbology, which are published by the editors of the world of books and similar publishing houses.

Herbalist of medicinal plants and their uses

How do we treat with herbs? Any ancient healer knew that various herbs and herbal preparations could be used: internally and externally. To be more precise, if you need formulations for oral administration, these can be: decoctions, juices, steams, infusions, extracts from the root system, extract from the bark, extract from seeds and fruits, diluted powders.

As for external use, this is possible with:

  • Taking a bath;
  • Carrying out an enema;
  • Applying a compress;
  • Wrapping.

Regardless of where exactly the plants are collected, for example, on the territory of Ukraine, Vologda, Chelyabinsk or Saratov regions, the main thing is that they are contained in the herbalist’s table and drawings. As for the dosage, it all depends on the type of plant, its effects, purpose and medical indicators body.

Encyclopedia of medicinal plants and their collection time

A complete illustrated herbal book contains not only a list of plants that science considers completely safe for health, but also: a list of other plants, the use of which can be harmful to health; names and photographs of those who research herbs and their benefits, for example, Estoeva, Mariamahot, Oleynikov and the like; information about where plants grow and when it is best to collect them.

Today, people have lost faith in damage and the evil eye and therefore use herbal compositions exclusively:

  • In the form cosmetics, about which they write more often in contact;
  • To relieve symptoms of the disease;
  • For the treatment of diseases, and quite severe ones.

It is worth noting that each type of plant has its own properties, benefits and harms, as well as the time of collection, during which the benefits in it reach maximum concentration.

If you skip this period, you can simply collect grass, which may exude a pleasant aroma, but at the same time you will not be able to achieve the desired success from it.

Herbalists have full view about these periods and their timing. For example, it was previously believed that herbs that were collected on the night of Ivan Kupala or Agrafena Bathing House had maximum benefits and incredible power. In particular, this power consisted in the ability to heal a person, protect him from the evil eye and damage, as well as from unclean thoughts.

The feasibility of using medicinal herbs and plants

The herbal dictionary is in Tatar and other languages ​​so that everyone can research information about plants and their benefits. Official sources confirm the fact that plants can be beneficial for every person, you just have to choose them correctly and become familiar with the contraindications. There is a lot of controversy about why use herbal remedies if there are ready-made medicines? In fact, there are both similarities and differences between industrial medicine and herbs.

Experts believe that:

  • Herbs can replace medications if there are no contraindications;
  • Sometimes herbs can help reduce disease activity, but additional dose remove the medication completely;
  • You need to be as careful as possible with both herbs and medications, as they have precautions, contraindications and recommendations for use.

To choose a treatment method for a specific problem, it is advisable to undergo a study in a clinic and consult a doctor to avoid problems and worsening the condition. As for the properties of medicinal plants, the life process of each type of herb, including the benefits or harm that they accumulate, depends directly on: the time of year when they grow; climate; surrounding atmosphere; the soil in which they grow; whether there is a negative impact on them or not.

This all contributes to the formation of minerals, vitamins, tannins, phytoncides or chemicals that can poison the body. By choosing the right plants you can: increase immunity; eliminate colds and similar problems; remove inflammation, both inside and outside, and not only that.

Plant Directory

There are a number of rules that must be followed when collecting and preparing medicinal plants that are present in the herbal directory.


  1. Collection should be carried out exclusively in an ecologically clean area, where there are no factories and, accordingly, emissions into the atmosphere, soil and water bodies.
  2. It is not advisable to collect in places where cattle are walked, as the plants will be saturated with toxins from the waste.
  3. There is no need to pull out the entire plant, as it is enough to collect the part that is required. This will help preserve the root system and allow for harvesting next year.
  4. The grass is collected in dry sunny weather, otherwise the plant may simply rot in as soon as possible, as well as high humidity will affect shelf life and beneficial properties.

Eat special instructions regarding the collection of herbs according to weather conditions. For example, the above-ground part of the plant is naturally harvested when there is no rain and not in the morning, in order to eliminate the period of presence of dew. As for the root system, it can be collected at completely different times, since in any case additional drying will be required.

Each plant has its own properties, benefits and harms, and there are even herbs in which the root is considered poisonous to human health, but the petals or foliage are especially useful. Herbalists categorically do not recommend collecting and using herbs on your own if you are not sure of their name and properties. Sometimes even the most harmless-looking grass can cause death.

Review: medicinal herbs (video)