What causes allergies? How does an allergy manifest?

When we really dislike some person, we can say in our hearts: “I’m allergic to him, I can’t see him.” Is this really possible or is it just an expression in a figurative sense?

What is an allergy

An allergy is an unexplained malfunction of the body in which defense mechanisms the body begins to work against itself. That is, the body sees a threat not in viruses and bacteria, but in ordinary and harmless things, such as flowers, fruits or water.

The list of substances that can cause allergies is practically endless; they are called antigens.

There are five types of allergies:

  • atopic;
  • cytotoxic;
  • immunocomplex;
  • delayed;
  • stimulating.

The most common type is the atopic type, which is actually considered an allergy. When the body comes into contact with some new substance, immune system always meets it with antibodies. Upon first contact with a new, harmless substance, the body should normally recognize it as safe and stop producing antibodies to it. But during a malfunction, called a hypersensitivity reaction in scientific circles, they continue to be produced, and the more of them are formed, the stronger the reaction will be. At this point, the situation can go in two ways: either everything will return to normal and resistance to the substance will develop, or sensitization to the substance will occur in the body. With the first one, a person will not even know that this happened in his body, and will be able to calmly continue contact with the substance. But in the second case, when a person comes into repeated contact with the substance, allergy symptoms will appear. And the strength with which they manifest themselves directly depends on how many antibodies were produced by the body upon first contact.

Human allergies - myth or reality

IN lately Cases of hypersensitivity reactions have become more frequent, especially in children. And unfortunately, human allergies are quite a reality. Most often, allergies occur in men, since they excretory system works more actively.

The reaction can be caused by either close contact or simply being in the same room. That is, an allergy to a person can be caused even by breathing the same air as him. And since few people have heard of this phenomenon, it is often quite difficult to guess what is happening.

What exactly is the reaction?

In the case of an allergy to a person, a reaction occurs to his secretions, for example, the following:

  • saliva;
  • sperm;
  • urine;
  • female genital secretions.

Moreover, both for the allocation of a specific person, and for a specific allocation in principle.

Medicine has encountered such rare cases, like an allergy to any sperm or other people's sweat. There have even been cases where spouses lived for years and did not know that one of them was allergic to sperm and female secretions, and continued to have sex, aggravating the situation.

Research has proven that there is hereditary predisposition to allergies specifically to humans. Therefore, it is imperative to warn your children about this. If you give birth to a child from a person to whom you are allergic, there is a very high probability that he will be allergic to his father or mother, and quite severely.


The symptoms of an allergy to a person are no different from the symptoms of an allergy to something more common. It affects organs and tissues that come into direct contact with external environment:

  • skin;
  • liver;
  • mucous membranes;
  • respiratory organs.

Hypersensitivity appears the following symptoms:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • runny nose and swelling of the nasal cavity;
  • peeling and eczema;
  • decreased intestinal motility;
  • indigestion;
  • nausea;
  • cough, which in severe cases develops into asthma.

All these symptoms can be manifestations of a wide range of diseases, so allergies should be diagnosed exclusively by an allergist-immunologist for adults. Since the mechanism of the hypersensitivity reaction in children is somewhat different.

Why allergies are dangerous

While the first signs may seem like just an inconvenience, it can get worse. The swelling of the nasal cavity can be so severe that it becomes difficult to breathe. And pulmonary edema is fraught with Quincke's edema, which can cause death so quickly that the ambulance simply does not have time to arrive. Another strong and terrible manifestation of allergies is anaphylactic shock. Therefore, if there is the slightest suspicion of an allergy, it is very dangerous to ignore it; no one knows what a particular case may lead to.

There are different types of allergic reactions immediate type and slow. Their main difference is that in the first case the reaction occurs within a couple of hours, and in the second it can appear after a day or more.


Sometimes identifying what exactly you are allergic to can be quite difficult. If this is an immediate allergic reaction, then it is easiest to determine. In the case of slow motion, difficulties often arise.

If you suspect an allergy, you should contact an allergist-immunologist for adults directly, bypassing the general practitioner. First, the specialist will examine the patient to determine external manifestations. Next, he will ask him a series of standard questions: has he eaten a lot of fruit, has he been to exotic countries, and has he changed his usual skin care products, cosmetics, or items? household chemicals. At the end of the visit, he will tell you what tests to take for allergies to make sure that this is it. The fact is that when a hypersensitivity reaction is active in the body, the level of neutrophils in the blood will be increased.

If something unusual is revealed at the appointment, then the allergist receives a recommendation to remove everything suspicious from the diet and everyday life approximately once every 3 days, which is exactly how much is needed for the allergic reaction to begin to subside. Usually at this stage the allergen is detected. But it happens that contact with everything new and unusual is completely excluded, but the symptoms only intensify. Then they decide to do an allergy test. To do this, several incisions are made on the arm or back and essence with one of the most popular allergens is dripped into each of them.

Causes of allergies

Doctors have not yet reliably determined the exact reasons for its appearance, but the following are considered the most likely:

  • environmental degradation;
  • drug intervention in the immune system;
  • vaccination;
  • flourishing of the chemical industry.

The causes of allergies to humans, most likely, also lie in poor ecology, because the toxicity of a person’s secretions is directly related to what he eats and what he breathes.

But this is only an assumption and many questions remain regarding the mechanism of allergy. For example, why can some people be in contact with certain substances all their lives and nothing happens, while for others the slightest contact is enough for the strongest manifestation.


The most the best treatment Allergy is the elimination of the allergen by complete refusal from further contact with him. Then the allergist will simply prescribe medications that will help quickly neutralize all symptoms. But it happens that this is impossible, then new generation antiallergic drugs come to the rescue. And if you can still stop eating something or using household chemicals, then leaving your loved one because he has such a reaction to him is quite difficult morally. Any allergy only gets worse over time, and when severe forms continue to communicate with this person without accepting antihistamines, can be fatal.

The famous “Suprastin” will not help against allergies of such strength, because it is only a first-generation drug. That is, it simply blocks symptoms for a period of no more than 5 hours. And drinking it constantly is quite harmful.

Second generation drugs, such as Claritin, Fenistil and Zodak, have less side effects, but are contraindicated for heart patients.

Zyrtec and Cetrin are third-generation drugs and have a minimal list of side effects. Approved for use by people with cardiovascular diseases.

And finally, antiallergic drugs of the new generation, that is, the fourth. These are Levocetirizine, Cetirizine, Erius and many others. They relieve allergy symptoms quickly and for a long time. They have a minimum of contraindications.

Prescribing drugs from previous generations may also be advisable. It is up to the allergist to decide what exactly the patient will be treated with. A person without appropriate education and experience cannot take into account all the nuances.

There is a chance to get rid of the disease completely. There is such a method as allergen-specific immunotherapy. The patient's body is exposed to allergens in a certain way, thus causing resistance to them. This therapy does not always work, but it gives hope to such couples for a normal life together.

Psychological reason

There is such an unusual phenomenon as psychological allergy per person. That is, one person literally cannot be near a person who is unpleasant to him. And the reason lies precisely in personal hostility, in the fact that a person brings negative emotions. In this case, sometimes a smart organism gives such a strange, but, oddly enough, protective nervous system reaction. When a person begins to smell the smell of someone who is very unpleasant to him, a huge amount of hormones are released into his blood, which give a reaction similar to an allergy.

“Suprastin” is unlikely to help against allergies of this type. Here you need to either somehow accept the inevitability of communication with this person and work through it with a psychologist, or simply exclude communication completely. Since this only happens when dealing with people who are truly unpleasant, it can only be difficult to do this social reasons. For example, if it is the child’s boss or teacher. But more often than not, this issue can be resolved.


Prevention of any hypersensitivity reaction means living in the most favorable areas from an environmental point of view and eating food that is as clean as possible from nitrates and growth hormones. In conditions modern life this seems unlikely.

But everyone can take fewer pills at the slightest provocation, buy better vegetables and meat, and give up instant food products.

Other unusual allergies

Milk and medicine will surprise no one. But there are types of allergies that are truly amazing. For example, there are allergies to the following:

  1. Water. Prolonged exposure to the skin causes peeling and atopic dermatitis.
  2. Sports and fitness, otherwise called “physical exertion anaphylaxis.” When playing sports, a certain set of hormones are released into the human body, and a reaction occurs to them.
  3. Sunlight. Burns from prolonged exposure to the sun are familiar to many, but small quantity In people, such burns occur instantly.
  4. Plastic. In this case, you will have to surround yourself exclusively with natural materials, but outside the home it is quite problematic to avoid contact with plastic things in the 21st century.
  5. Metal. One thing that saves is that the types of metal large number and you cannot be allergic to everything at once, since the composition of different alloys is strikingly different.

It is quite difficult for a person to live with some types of allergies, but medicine does not stand still, and scientists do not lose hope of finding a cure for allergies that will be 100% effective.

An allergy is a hypersensitivity of the human immune system to certain substances- allergens. These can be mold and mildew, various synthetic food and non-food products. food additives, natural products (essential oils, fruits, natural dyes), animal hair, dust, ultraviolet exposure, flowering plants, insect poison, and many other direct and indirect factors.

The symptoms of allergies to different irritants are generally similar. These are hives, runny nose, itching, swelling, pain in the eyes and tearing, headache, sneezing, indigestion and many others. But there are also differences, since different types of allergies are more or less characterized by certain symptoms.

Know them and be able to recognize the first manifestations allergic reaction very important for maintaining health. Allergy – serious problem humanity, which often has disastrous consequences for the body if treatment is not started in time.

The first signs of an allergy in adults may appear immediately after eating, drinking, or other exposure to an allergen, or may only occur when a critical amount of antigen accumulates in the body (as happens with an allergy to metals).


As mentioned above, an allergic reaction can appear immediately (10–30 minutes) or later, slowly (after 2 hours or 2 days). The first type includes urticaria, hay fever (hyperreaction of the immune system to pollen), bronchial asthma, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock.

The delayed type includes several subtypes (cytotoxic, immunocomplex) of allergies, which manifests itself in the form hemolytic anemia, myocarditis, contact dermatitis, rheumatoid arthritis. A delayed reaction occurs with the use of a number of medications.


The causes of an allergic reaction lie both in the direct effect of hyperallergenic substances on the body, and in the predisposition of the person himself, his immune system to response to irritants.

Possible allergens

Allergens include:

  • pollen and other parts of wild and indoor plants, especially during the flowering period: ragweed, poplar fluff, wormwood, hazel, many conifers, cereals, meadow grasses, ferns, geranium, azalea, hydrangea, cyclamen, ficus;
  • disputes molds(especially the fungus Aspergillus, which can develop in pots of indoor plants and in rotten leaves);
  • medications (, aspirin);
  • cat hair, waste products, hamsters;
  • metals: nickel, cobalt, chromium, mercury, iron, molybdenum and others;
  • animal products and plant origin: red, orange fruits, vegetables, smoked meats, seafood, fish, eggs, spices, milk, some nuts, oatmeal, bee products;
  • alcohol with admixtures of dyes, stabilizers and other chemical compounds;
  • ultraviolet light in combination with salt, cosmetics, medicines, chlorine from the pool;
  • room and book dust in which mites can live;
  • food, plants, chemicals;
  • insect bites (bees, wasps, mosquitoes, ants).

Allergen enhancers

Individual intolerance, weakened immunity, hereditary factor, family history (allergy in relatives). Some food intolerances may be due to a lack of enzymes (eg lactose, sucrose).

But in principle, almost all products except salt and sugar can become carriers of allergens.

Excessive alcohol consumption along with a large snack is also an aggravating factor when eating, since alcohol increases intestinal permeability and undigested proteins, toxins enter directly into the blood, increasing the effect of allergens.

If you are hypersensitive to UV radiation, salt water, cosmetics, or peeling of the skin can act as an amplifier, as a result of which it becomes even more sensitive.

Non-allergenic triggers (strong, irritating odors, high humidity, smoke, cold, polluted air) can also increase the effect of allergens.

First signs

The time for the first signs of allergy to appear is from 2 minutes or hours to several days and even weeks. Although usually after ingestion or other direct contact with the pathogen, an allergic reaction occurs immediately.

The body reacts faster to food, alcohol, pollen, wool, and mold than, for example, to metals with which the skin interacts when wearing jewelry, belt buckles and other accessories.

At the same time, food additives are the most difficult to combat with one of the most common allergies, because even minimum dose Allergens can be found in any product.

To stop the effect of the allergen, it is important to immediately refuse this or that drink, fruit, confectionery product, food additives.

The first signs of an allergy:

  • strange skin rashes and severe itching in these places;
  • cough, sneezing, nasal congestion, runny nose without visible reasons and temperature;
  • itching in the nose, eyes, mouth (considered the indisputable first sign of allergies in adults);
  • diffuse, limited swelling for no reason (Quincke's edema);
  • tearfulness.

All these manifestations appear suddenly, without cause. Therefore, to determine that these manifestations are indeed signs of allergies in adults, analyze what you ate, what you came into contact with the day before (animals, plants, cosmetics, detergents, dust).

Remember whether these signs appeared before, whether they are related to the time of year, cleaning, work in the garden (vegetable garden), buying new jewelry. With probable allergic symptoms Photos of the first signs on the Internet can help in self-diagnosis.

If you notice these signs, it is better to consult a doctor immediately to avoid more serious symptoms.


The main ones differ depending on what part of the body, the body system was exposed to the allergen: skin, digestive, endocrine, circulatory system, respiratory organs, mucous membrane of the eyes, nose.

The strength and duration of the effect of the aggressive component on the body also matters. But even with similar external conditions Each person's reaction is individual, and the symptoms of the same type of allergy can vary greatly from person to person. different people. In addition, they can be both local and general in nature.

To find out what symptoms of allergies to alcohol, fruits, vegetables, and food of animal origin occur in adults, check out the following list:

  • skin rashes;
  • itching in the mouth, numbness of the tongue, loss of taste;
  • rhinitis;
  • nausea, vomiting and other signs of gastrointestinal distress.

The same symptoms plus headache, dizziness, depression, nervousness, breathing problems, sneezing, tachycardia, pressure changes can also occur when particles of chemicals contained in cosmetics are ingested, hygiene products, fungal spores, wool and pollen, various protein compounds.

In case of skin contact with allergens (dust, pollen, ultraviolet radiation, cleaning agents) characteristic manifestations signs of allergies - dermatitis and dermatoses. When allergens come into contact with respiratory tract rhinitis appears, asthmatic symptoms, sneezing.

With hay fever, the respiratory system is affected (sneezing, nasal congestion, suffocation), and the mucous membrane of the eyes (symptoms of conjunctivitis).

Insect bites cause a rash, itching in the eyes, compression in the chest, throat, and rash.

Hypersensitivity of the immune system to metals manifests itself primarily in the form of contact dermatitis and urticaria. The same can be said about allergies to tanning and sun.

Asthma is serious and dangerous symptom allergies. It is associated with shortness of breath, coughing, and suffocation.

The most terrible manifestation of allergies is anaphylactic shock, in which histamine is released from body tissues. At the same time, it decreases blood pressure, pulmonary edema and heart failure are observed. If a dose of adrenaline is not administered, death is possible.


It is sometimes possible to independently identify an allergen by exclusion. For at least 5 days, eliminate the most commonly consumed foods from your diet and observe whether the symptoms disappear.

Then, one by one, return suspicious foods to the menu, but eat them in their pure form.

If you are allergic to household chemicals, jewelry, dust, fungus, do the same: do not wash things with a certain powder, do not brush your teeth with this or that paste for a while, do not wear a belt with a metal buckle, then carefully try to return one of the suspected allergens to everyday use.

If after consuming one of them or other contact with a source of skin irritation or an unreasonable runny nose (dealing with a cat, for example), the allergy resumes, blacklist it forever.

Before starting treatment for allergy symptoms, consult an immunologist, allergist, and undergo all necessary procedures (blood tests, skin tests).

The allergist needs to provide his own and family history, mention cases of allergies in parents and grandparents, since the tendency to allergies itself is inherited, but its causative agent and symptoms may vary.


If there are signs of allergies in adults, treatment should be individual, comprehensive and based on the exclusion of contact with the allergen.

For specific signs of allergies in adults, symptomatic treatment is indicated to alleviate the manifestations of rhinitis, urticaria, conjunctivitis, and seasonal fever. So, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances and corticosteroids are prescribed to relieve inflammation. They have decongestant, antipruritic, sedative, anesthetic effects.

But sometimes allergies manifest themselves as a consequence of diseases, any problems with the nervous system, endocrine system, therefore, it is necessary to treat not only its symptoms, but also this root cause.

The most common antihistamines in the fight against allergies are sedative antihistamines (Tavegil, Diphenhydramine, Suprastin) and non-sedating (Trexil, Gistalong, Semprex, Fenistil, Claritin) drugs and active metabolites (Zyrtec/Cetrin, Telfast).

Preference should be given to the second and third groups of drugs. Metabolites (especially Telfast/fexofenadine) are the safest and most effective and do not cause side effects.

Apply antihistamines can be orally, intranasally (for example, Azelastine for rhinitis), in the form eye drops(Levocabastine, Ketotifen, Azelastine), in the form of ointments for topical use (Polcortolon, Advantan, Fenistil gel).

A good effect is achieved by immunotherapy (careful contact with a substance that provokes allergies, in gradually increasing doses), due to which the body produces blocking antibodies, as a result of which it no longer hyperreacts to allergens.

Desensitization is used to treat symptoms of allergies to pollen, insect venoms, dust, fungus, fur, animal excrement, and penicillin. Food desensitization is not recommended.

The homeopathic drug Lymphomyosot and the dietary supplement Fitosorbovit-plus can also help.

Before calling a doctor, if you have a severe allergy attack, you should take activated carbon and drink more water.

An allergy cannot be triggered, even if it appears periodically, like an allergy to pollen or poplar fluff.

Folk remedies

Reference books folk medicine contains many tips on how to relieve allergy symptoms. But remember that herbal medicine itself can be a source of a new allergic reaction. Therefore, use the following recipes only after detailed consultation with a doctor.

It is believed that mummy helps with allergies (dilute 1 g of the substance in 1 liter of warm water and drink 100 ml once a day (or twice if symptoms are severe).

A strong solution of mumiyo (1 g per 100 ml of water) can be used to lubricate rashes.

Drinking infusions of dead nettle, celandine, celery, and freshly squeezed juice of this root vegetable also relieve allergy symptoms. A fresh decoction of the string is very useful for allergy sufferers, which should be drunk constantly instead of tea and coffee.

To warn severe attacks allergies, always carry antihistamines with you. Ensure a healthy atmosphere in the house: eliminate mold, remove allergenic flowers at least from the bedroom, systematically clean, but without chemicals, do not mess with the ground with rotten leaves, stay away from animals.

At seasonal allergies associated with flowering plants, upon returning home, gargle with water with the addition of motherwort and valerian. Take contrast showers more often.

Many people wonder what causes allergies? What does she do? Where do allergies come from? Most of the population of our planet is susceptible to allergic reactions. Some people are plagued by this disease from birth, while others get it, which is not the best pleasant surprise throughout life. Those who are especially curious are interested in where this disease comes from? The cause and development of allergies can be anything: from smells to touches, from psychological suggestions to intolerance to any products from childhood, from dust to chemicals.

Why does allergy occur and what is it?

An allergy is an increased reaction of the body to allergens that cause a painful condition, accompanied by a rash, sneezing, runny nose, tearing, redness of the skin and many other symptoms.

The causes of allergies are allergens, the causative agents of this uncomfortable disease: dust, pollen, animal hair, certain odors, foods. in children and adults it can manifest itself from bright light (for example, looking at the sun), eye fatigue ( for a long time sitting in front of a computer) - in such cases, the eyes become red and watery. To avoid such consequences, you need to give your eyes a rest (not sleep, but rest accompanied by exercises).

In many children, the cause of allergies can be intolerance or overeating of a product (for example, sweets). Some have allergies, the causes of which are the consumption of dairy products. But all this, in most cases, goes away in the process of growing up, and already in adulthood a person simply does not eat specific product, because he retained this intolerance in his memory. In children, the immune system is not as strong as in adults, which means that if an allergy appears, the immune system is weakened.

This disease is associated with genes, that is, it is transmitted from parents to children. But if, for example, a grandfather had an allergy, then his grandson will not have it by 65%. This cycle is renewed from generation to generation.

If you begin to notice that you or your child have symptoms of the disease, you need to consult a doctor for an examination and understand the causes of the allergy.

What are the symptoms of allergies?

The symptoms of allergies are similar to colds. Therefore, it is often difficult to determine what to treat a patient for. In order to distinguish between these ailments, you should know that it does not increase, a person can sneeze very often and for a long time, and nasal discharge is liquid and transparent. At colds all symptoms usually go away fairly quickly.

Allergies are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • asthma;
  • redness of the eyes, tearing;
  • pain and inflammation in the joints;
  • eczema, skin redness;
  • upset stomach, diarrhea, vomiting.

Symptoms can last from a few minutes to several days or even weeks.

Allergies are not always visible. It can be subcutaneous or in the stomach. Stomach allergy manifested by heartburn or nausea/vomiting, redness of the stomach and burning sensation. Contact a gastroenterologist, he will conduct the necessary examination.

Complications of allergies

There are very severe cases, in which the walls of the throat become inflamed, a runny nose prevents air from entering the lungs fully, which leads to suffocation. In addition to the main symptoms, the patient has:

  • rapid breathing;
  • fast heartbeat;
  • sticky skin from sweat;
  • headaches;
  • convulsions.

If your eyes itch, this can lead to conjunctivitis or suppuration.

In some cases, allergies are accompanied by complications. Here are the main ones:

  1. anaphylactic shock - respiratory failure, convulsive activity and disturbances of consciousness (after its manifestation it is necessary to call ambulance because it could be fatal).
  2. Quincke's edema ( angioedema) - swelling of the larynx.
  3. Death.

Complications that can be encountered much less frequently are:

  1. Lyell's syndrome.
  2. Serum sickness.
  3. Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

Drug treatment and strengthening of the body

Drug treatment does not cure the disease, but simply relieves or alleviates the symptoms.

For this purpose they use various types medications:

  1. Antihistamines.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  3. Steroid preparations for external use.
  4. Corticosteroids.
  5. Mast cell stabilizers.
  6. Bronchodilators.

When treating, first of all, you need to identify what the allergy may be from. Eliminate all dairy products from your diet (it's not the lactose, it's the milk protein). Eliminate gluten.

Take vitamin C, it is a very powerful antioxidant. During allergy season, 1-2 grams of vitamin C per day will be enough. Take magnesium, it is involved in hundreds chemical processes in our body, including serving to maintain the immune system. Eat fruit, it is also a great antioxidant. It is only important that this or that fruit itself does not cause allergies. Drink more water. 1.5 liters of water per day. Water speeds up metabolic processes and produces detoxification.

The best way is prevention

To avoid outdoor allergies, you need to follow a few simple rules.

  1. Stay away from bright colors away, as they contain an abundance of pollen, which insects collect and shake into the air. During the period of rapid flowering, try to go outside less often.
  2. Use respiratory masks. If you are allergic to dust, exhaust, pollen, then the best solution Respiratory masks will be worn.
  3. Avoid contact with street animals. This can lead not only to allergies, but also to infection with fleas, lice, and lichen.

But best way Prevention means stopping contact with the allergen.

Find out the cause of your allergy and stop using the item or consuming the product.

Household allergies can be caused by dust and mold. To prevent it, you need to:

  • regular ventilation of rooms;
  • frequent wet cleaning;
  • reducing indoor humidity;
  • cleaning sofas and pillows from ticks.

To improve your quality of life, you need to find out why you have allergies and get rid of them. Lead healthy image life, play sports, stop smoking and alcohol, eat right, choose optimal mode work and rest. Such activities help strengthen the immune system and increase the human body’s resistance to allergens. And you will forever forget what an allergy is and the reasons for its occurrence.

Allergy is perhaps the most common disease in modern world, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • sneezing;
  • edema;
  • lacrimation;
  • rashes;
  • nasal congestion;
  • increase in temperature;
  • cough…

Don't underestimate the seriousness of this disease. It would be more correct to carry out diagnosis and treatment during remission, but not during an exacerbation.

Mechanism of the disease

Allergies have long ceased to be mysterious and enigmatic for doctors. It is safe to say that allergies are a reaction of the body as a whole.

If we speak correctly, then this is not just a disease, but the whole system states.

The thing is that the human immune system begins to react violently to substances that are, in principle, safe for the body.

Increased sensitivity develops in several stages:

  • immune. At this stage, the body produces antibodies to the appearance of the allergen. Antibodies seek to destroy antigens. If allergens leave the body before the formation of antibodies, sensitization does not occur;
  • pathochemical. Moderators of inflammatory reactions enter the active phase and are released into the hematopoietic system;
  • pathophysical. At this stage it is already beginning to appear clinical picture sensitization.

Types of allergens

There are several types of allergens:

  • household This type is the most complex variant of the development of the disease. Dust from clothes and beds, fungi, bacteria - all these are the main sources of development hypersensitivity;
  • caused by insects. Insects of the same family have the same antigens, which is why if a person develops sensitization to one insect, then the same effect will appear to another insect of the same genus;
  • epidermal. This includes dandruff, wool, scales, feathers...;
  • medicinal;
  • food. This can be not only products such as eggs, fish, pork, legumes, citrus fruits, but also any food with flavor enhancers, dyes, and additives.

Causes of allergies

  1. The main role in the occurrence of the disease is still occupied by the human immune system. Immunity is the protector of the entire body from dangerous elements. With allergies, the system fails;
  2. experts also argue that the gastrointestinal tract plays an important role in the development of allergic reactions. If malfunctions occur in this system, allergens are not normally digested and converted into amino acids, but enter the bloodstream.
  3. Don’t forget about the impact of liver function. If its cleansing function decreases, the risk of developing sensitization increases significantly;
  4. Another cause may be kidney failure. As a result, the kidneys simply cannot cope with their immediate task - excretory function.

In babies, such a reaction may occur due to an early transition to artificial feeding.

In addition, if a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding abuses the consumption of foods that provoke the development of allergic reactions (citrus fruits, nuts, chocolate, eggs, coffee...), smokes, drinks alcohol, the child will be predisposed to the appearance of the disease.

Heredity plays another leading role.

The likelihood of developing the disease in children whose parents suffer from allergies is quite high.

Smoking causes allergies to absolutely every person, it’s just a matter of time. Women are more likely to early appearance allergic symptoms.

It is also worth remembering the harmful effects of fungi, which increase the sensitivity of the body.

Also the disease carries professional aspect. Hairdressers, household chemical consultants, industrial plant workers - they are all at risk.

Finally, I would like to recall the powerful influence of the environmental situation.

Almost everything that surrounds us is saturated with toxic chemicals:

  1. water;
  2. air;
  3. food products.

Industrial plants and factories pollute water and air with their emissions.

As you can see, the causes of sensitization are varied. Therefore, it is extremely important to understand the real reason.

Video: A way to identify an allergen

On the skin

Reasons for development allergic manifestations There can be not only food on the skin, but also external allergens:

  • pollen;
  • wool;
  • household chemicals.

The consequences can be quite serious, so it is necessary to begin treatment immediately.

It is necessary to recognize the disease immediately.

First of all, you should be wary skin rash accompanied by itching.

The rash spreads at lightning speed and can be general and not just local.

The inflammatory process may be accompanied by severe burning and hyperemia.

There are several options for such reactions:

On the face

Perhaps, of all the localizations of allergic reactions, manifestation on the face is one of the most unpleasant phenomena. The person feels discomfort, and his self-esteem certainly decreases.

The thing is that the immune system of each organism recognizes foreign antigens. If the removal of these cells occurs slowly, the following symptoms appear:

  • acne;
  • severe swelling of the eyelids, tissues, mucous membranes;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • eye pain;
  • runny nose;
  • nasal congestion;
  • lacrimation;
  • redness…

As a rule, the causes of this type of sensitization are food, plants, medicines, and pets.

In your arms

Of all the organs, hands have the most contact with the outside world, which is why hand allergies are a pandemic in modern society.

The following clinical manifestations are typical:

  • wounds;
  • edema;
  • crusts and cracks;
  • redness, itching and peeling;
  • hyperthermia;
  • blisters...

The causes of rashes on the palms are quite varied, here are some of them:

On the neck

The neck is a rather sensitive part human body, therefore, inflammatory manifestations in this area cause considerable discomfort.

The causes of neck allergies have already been well studied by doctors, let’s consider the main ones:

  1. chemical and synthetic products;
  2. food additives and flavor enhancers;
  3. gold or silver;
  4. perfume;
  5. wool;
  6. pollen…

Symptoms vary from person to person special case, but it is united by the following clinical manifestations:

Why does hives appear?

Urticaria is skin disease, which is characterized by blistering and severe itching.

After the blisters increase in number and merge together, the area of ​​inflammation becomes enormous.

To successfully treat this disease, it is necessary to understand its causes.

As strange as it may sound, ordinary stress can lead to hives.

In addition, provocateurs can be:

  1. food allergens;
  2. cosmetics,
  3. warm;
  4. cold…

Often the disease is confused with ordinary irritation and attempts are made to mask the manifestations tonal means, which only makes the situation worse.

Why do respiratory problems occur?

Violations by respiratory system occurs at the third stage of development of sensitization - pathophysiological.

At this moment, the resulting mediators affect the cells, tissues and organs of the respiratory system.

There are several types of respiratory diseases:

Rhinitis and lacrimation

Typically, rhinitis is seasonal and appears during a certain period and during flowering.

TO characteristic features can be attributed:

  1. rhinorrhea;
  2. itching in the nose;
  3. congestion;
  4. sneezing;
  5. headache;
  6. apathy;
  7. loss of strength...

Rhinitis occurs due to the entry of an allergen into the body.

Foreign cells include:

  • pollen;
  • dust;
  • chemistry;
  • synthetics...

Tearing of the eyes is characteristic symptom allergies.

Often this clinical manifestation occurs with hypersensitivity to:

  1. spirits;
  2. different smells;
  3. pollen;
  4. wool

Influence of psychological factor

There is no doubt that allergies are primarily a psychological problem.

It happens that a person takes great pleasure in visiting doctors.

They crave attention and sympathy. As a rule, diseases simply “stick” to such people.

It’s not for nothing that they say that thoughts materialize.

There is definitely some truth to this statement. If you stress yourself out and set yourself up for negativity, bad things can still happen.

To put it simply, if a person can’t stand something psychological level, then physically his body can reject it.

Undoubtedly, allergies are a rather complex disease, and each person’s body is individual, and as a result, the course of allergies is always unique and peculiar.

That is why it is important to understand the disease well with a professional and timely approach to the matter.

Rest assured, with the help of competent treatment it is possible to get rid of the disease!

Why do allergies occur? This is due to the fact that in a person susceptible to an allergic reaction, the immune system does not work correctly when faced with certain elements that are individual to each person. Ideally, the immune system, when working, releases special antibodies in quantities sufficient to destroy a foreign harmful substance.

Important! In the body of an allergic person, upon contact with an allergen, the immune system does not work correctly and releases an excessive amount of antibodies to fight this almost always harmless element.

Such an abundance of them negatively affects the body, expressed in the form various symptoms, both characteristic of all types of allergic reactions, and purely individual.

Symptoms of allergic reactions

There are mild and severe forms. For light form characteristic:

frequent sneezing; lacrimation; eye itching, redness; skin irritations.

Frequent sneezing is one of the symptoms of allergies

For severe allergies, the symptoms are:

difficulty breathing, up to suffocation; atopic dermatitis, skin peeling; anaphylactic shock; conjunctivitis, redness of the eyes; runny nose, sneezing, bronchial asthma; itching in the eyes and nose; cough; swelling; nausea; diarrhea; vomit.

In this case, urgent medical attention is required.

How and why does an allergy appear? There are many substances whose use or contact can cause further development allergies. The most common category is food allergies. Food allergies can be caused by almost any substance. The use of these products may not result in symptoms for a long time, but with constant, prolonged or excessive use, they can develop into a severe allergic reaction. Also, an unusual immune system reaction may occur due to contact with cleaning products, laundry detergents and fragrances, conditioners and shampoos. It is better to avoid resting on a bed made with sheets washed with powder containing your allergen.

One of the most aggressive allergens is ragwort pollen.

Allergies to pets are common. It is mistakenly believed that such an allergy occurs due to the pet's fur, and therefore a pet without hair will be hypoallergenic. But the truth is that allergies are caused not so much by fur, but by dead pieces skin, elements of life. If you have this type of allergy, avoid being in the same room as pets or areas where these animals live. Because even in their temporary absence, the air in such houses is full of particles of animal origin.

Meet and specific types allergies that seem crazy at first glance. For example, these include allergies to the sun, sun rays– Scientifically, such an allergy is called photodermatitis. Its cause is a special sensitivity to ultraviolet rays.

One of the most aggressive allergens is ragwort pollen. Each specimen of such a plant produces more than a billion grains of pollen during the summer period and can be carried by wind currents over distances of more than 400 km. Why does an allergy to ragweed occur? Ambrosia pollen is an asthma stimulant; it is one of the most dangerous plants in terms of the breadth of influence of its pollen on human mucous membranes and skin.

Why did allergies appear if they didn’t exist before?

Important! Even a person who has never suffered from an allergic reaction can become allergic for life if exposed to long time next to the suspected allergen when it directly affects the body.

When the same ragweed pollen is found in the air in huge quantities, the human immune system, which previously worked normally, may fail.

Overeating, overuse one type of food can cause allergies

Why do allergies appear in adults? Prolonged contact with an allergen on the mucous membranes, eyes, skin and when inhaling air full of allergens, a person’s sensitivity to this type of allergen increases. Even if there was no allergy to this substance before, or to any substance at all, then special antibodies begin to be produced to fight in excessive quantities, thereby causing an allergic reaction. An allergy that appears under such conditions may be incurable. Therefore, even in the absence of such a disease, it is worth taking care to ensure that it does not occur in the future. To do this, you need to limit contact with the elements, and not excessively consume foods that most often become allergens.

Why do allergies occur?

Other causes of an allergic reaction may be:

Heredity - that is genetic predisposition. If one of the parents or their parents suffered from an allergy to any product or substance, then the allergy may also appear in their child or grandchild. However, it is not a fact that it will be the same substance or product. The allergen can be completely different; the predisposition itself is important. Bad habits– yours or your parents’ doesn’t matter. Drinking alcohol or smoking weakens the immune system, thereby impairing its functioning. Allergies can begin due to problems with gastrointestinal tract(for example, food that takes a long time to digest creates stress and causes an allergic reaction). This type of allergy can be cured without consequences or recurrence of exacerbation. Overeating, excessive consumption of one type of food - one product eaten in large quantities can cause rejection by the body, as well as an allergic reaction. To avoid this, you should diversify your menu and not eat more food than required, no matter how tasty it is.

The only reason why drinking alcoholic beverages can affect the body like an allergy can be due to improper production of this alcohol

Why does an allergy to alcohol occur?

Drinking alcohol may cause symptoms similar to those of an allergic reaction. But this does not mean that the source of this allergy is alcohol itself. The only reason why drinking alcoholic beverages can affect the body like an allergy is the improper production of this alcohol. That is, an allergen in in this case foreign substances appear that according to the standard should not be there. Therefore, the appearance of such an allergy is possible only when drinking cheap, probably self-made, drinks. Drinking this is extremely dangerous, even without taking into account the likelihood of exacerbating an allergic reaction. If symptoms appear, consult a specialist and stop any contact with the source of the allergen.

Why does a child develop allergies?

In children, the immune system is not yet fully formed, and therefore they are more susceptible to allergies.

Important! Allergies in children will not necessarily accompany them throughout their lives and may go away completely without future recurrences by the age of three.

If you are predisposed to milk allergies, you should not use infant formula when feeding.

Why does a child develop allergies? The first reason is heredity. If the baby's parents or grandparents had this disease, it may also appear in their heir. Although a completely different substance can become an allergen. Allergies can also occur due to diet. For example, if you are predisposed to milk allergies, you should not use infant formula when feeding. Most of them use milk in their production, so it is better to foresee this moment in advance and take only hypoallergenic mixtures. Maternal nutrition is also very important factor, since the child’s condition directly depends on it. If breast milk If milk itself is hypoallergenic, proteins from the milk the mother drinks can be passed on to the baby during breastfeeding and cause allergies. Therefore, you should monitor the diet of both mother and child. On the advice of experts, you can keep a special diary about the products you consume, so that if there are signs of allergies when introducing new products to the menu, you can immediately understand the reason for the body’s incorrect reaction and exclude this product from the diet of both mother and child.

Why does allergy appear, and how to deal with it? There are many reasons for allergies, and even healthy person with prolonged contact can become its owner. It is considered a disease of civilizations and is most widespread in countries with developed infrastructure. But there are not many methods for treating it yet, and getting rid of it completely can be extremely difficult, sometimes impossible.

There are many reasons for allergies, and even a healthy person with prolonged contact can become its owner.

In any case, with an allergy, no matter what it started from, the first thing you need to do is find out what kind of allergen caused the reaction, how long ago its influence has been occurring, and stop any contact with it. Contact a specialist, he will explain all further steps. Perhaps, if it really is an allergy, he will prescribe antihistamines to help fight it and remove its consequences. There is also a longer, but also more expensive option - therapy. Its meaning is a slow introduction into the body in minimal portions allergen, so that the immune system gets used to it and develops the correct reaction to contact with this allergen. It can be carried out outside the time of exacerbation of allergies, but such therapy can take years.

Avoid contact not only with your own allergens, but also with substances that many causing allergies. This applies not only to people who already have it, but also to completely healthy people. Prevention is better than cure.