What to do if you are allergic to poplar fluff. Why is poplar fluff dangerous? Poplar fluff gets into your eye

“The blizzard night covered the whole stitch with white snow” - these lines from the song are relevant at the end of May and June, when the cities of Russia begin to be filled with poplar fluff. But unlike snow, it not only covers all urban surfaces, but also brazenly breaks into houses and apartments, penetrates car interiors, and gets into the nose, mouth and eyes. People wonder who came up with the idea of ​​planting poplars in populated areas; were there really no other trees?

Meanwhile, the choice of poplars was not accidental. Russian scientists back in the 60s of the last century calculated that one poplar, from the period of the first green leaves in the spring to the shedding of the last yellow leaves in late autumn, absorbs from the air from 20 to 30 kilograms of dust and exhaust gases. And the volume of oxygen released by one poplar is equal to the volume released by ten birch trees or seven spruce trees, four pine trees or three linden trees. In addition, the poplar is unpretentious: it is difficult to find such an ecologically disadvantaged area where the poplar could not adapt and take root. Therefore, finding a replacement for him is extremely difficult.

In 2008, the results of a study by American scientists were published, according to which poplars absorb and break down environmental pollutants such as carbon tetrachloride, gasoline, vinyl chloride and other industrial derivatives.

One problem is poplar fluff. Most consider it one of the most dangerous allergens. But Victoria Rodinkova, candidate of biological sciences from Vinnitsa National Medical University, refutes this assumption. Institute specialists studied samples of poplar fluff from rural and urban areas. It turned out that the “rural” fluff had practically no allergenic pollen in its composition, but the “urban” fluff had plenty of it. But it was pollen from other plants.

Scientists explain this by the high-speed flow of air masses, which is largely facilitated by high-rise buildings. Probably everyone has encountered the phenomenon when, in windy weather, the so-called pipe effect occurs between houses: the wind blows with furious force in a certain area. It transports fluff along with pollen from flowering trees, shrubs, herbs and flowers attached to it. By the way, if we talk about the most allergenic trees, then scientists put the birch tree in first place with its catkins, which are very harmful to allergy sufferers. Poplar fluff itself is harmful mainly due to its ability to accumulate everywhere. When it gets into the nasal or oral cavity, it simply irritates the mucous membranes, and when it gets into the eyes it causes them to redden.

Another problem that poplar fluff causes is related to cars. Rosoboronexport chief expert Evgeniy Serdyuk explains: the smallest particles of gravel, sand and other debris flying out from under the wheels of the car in front end up in the radiator grille, and poplar fluff absorbs all this debris, forming a felt pad. When it reaches a certain size, the car engine begins to overheat.

The poplar moth is becoming a real disaster for city residents. During the period when poplars shed fluff, moths settle on trees and lay eggs there. Gradually she moves to permanent residence in the apartments of city residents.

Fire is another problem that comes with poplar fluff. An unextinguished cigarette thrown on the ground, a “down carpet” deliberately set on fire by teenagers, followed by dry grass igniting - and now the surroundings are on fire.

Today, all major cities of the world are seriously concerned about the problem of replacing poplars with other trees. In Moscow, Samara and Tomsk, for example, planting poplars is prohibited. And where they are still growing, they are treated with a special solution that prevents the seeds from opening.

In a number of European countries, according to Inare Bondare, an employee of the Latvian Botanical Garden, specialists are selecting male poplars, which, unlike female ones, do not produce fluff.
Since the early eighties, the city of Edmonton in Canada has completely replaced poplars with other trees. And if one of the residents still wants to plant a poplar on their plot of land, then landscape designers include it in their new project and strongly recommend using male poplars or sterile varieties of this tree bred in special nurseries.

Most often, swelling of the eyelids in people causes swelling of the eyes due to allergies; treatment in this case should be carried out not only by an ophthalmologist, but also by an allergist.

The skin around the eyes is the most delicate and sensitive, so when an allergen comes into contact with it, it instantly swells. An allergic reaction occurs most quickly on the eyelids. Also, the eyelids may swell when the allergen enters the body not through the mucous membrane of the eye, but through the respiratory tract, food and skin. The cause of an allergy can be a foreign object that gets into the eye, although in itself it does not pose a danger to the body.

Types of manifestations of allergies in the eyes

Most often, swelling in the eyes can go away within a few hours. This indicates a small number of allergens or a timely reaction of the body.

. Most often, an allergic reaction in the form of swelling of the eyelids and swelling occurs in people who use lenses daily. In allergic conjunctivitis, the irritant can be introduced along with the lens or when fingers touch the sensitive skin of the eyelids. With severe damage, it can develop into keratoconjunctivitis and even keratitis.

Large papillary conjunctivitis. It occurs when small objects get into the eye: grains of sand, eyelashes, metal and wood shavings, etc. They are.

Drug-induced conjunctivitis. In this case, an allergy occurs to medications. A similar reaction can occur both when taking eye drops and ointments, and from other medications.

Infectious conjunctivitis. Occurs against the background of a chronic eye infection when exposed to an allergen.

Pollinous conjunctivitis. This is an example of seasonal allergies. Occurs due to pollen or poplar fluff.

Eye allergy symptoms

Puffiness in the eyes most often appears due to dust, animal hair, various chemical cleaning powders, mold, and insect bites. As the eye develops, it may swell for a few minutes without causing other symptoms.

In another case, an allergic reaction develops from 20 minutes to an hour. The following symptoms may be present throughout the reaction:

  1. Itching. This is the first sign of an allergy. Scratching the eye is not recommended due to the risk of possible infection and the development of conjunctivitis.
  2. Burning. After a few minutes, the itching becomes unbearable and develops into a burning sensation. It may increase with scratching and blinking.
  3. Photophobia. Any light, including sunlight, can cause discomfort, even pain. A headache may also occur along with it.
  4. Tearing. It is a consequence of burning, itching and photophobia. The body is trying to protect one of the most important organs – the eyes. Tears often relieve pain and burning in the eyes.
  5. Redness of the eyeball and eyelids. It occurs due to a sharp rush of blood and intense scratching.
  6. Swelling of the eyelids. May develop gradually or instantly. Severe swelling of the eyes indicates the possible occurrence of a focal infection.
  7. Sensation of a foreign body in the eye. It may occur if a stye is formed when a foreign body enters the eye.

Symptoms of allergic edema can be confused with the occurrence of inflammation in the eye or with traumatic edema. But, unlike them, with allergies, pus is rarely released, and when pressure is applied, the pain does not intensify or is simply absent. Also, swelling may occur in only one eye. This occurs due to the allergen entering directly into the eye.

First aid for swelling

If allergic eye swelling occurs, first aid is very important.

If the eyes swell instantly, literally “swim,” this may indicate Quincke’s edema, which can lead to anaphylactic shock. The patient should immediately be given antihistamines and call an ambulance.

If swelling develops gradually, it is necessary to urgently take anti-allergy tablets. Those who use contact lenses need to remove them and not wear them for several days, and then replace them with new ones: old ones may still contain allergen elements and bacteria dangerous to the eyes.

Cotton pads soaked in cool boiled water will help relieve burning and itching. Under no circumstances should warm or cold objects be applied to the affected eye. This can trigger the development of inflammation.

Treatment of allergic eye swelling

Most eye swelling goes away almost asymptomatically and quickly. But if the allergen re-enters the mucous surface of the eyelids, the reaction can be more global and have serious consequences.

If left untreated, inflammation may begin, developing into a dangerous eye disease - keratitis.

This can cause blurred vision and even blindness.

Usually, with allergies, symptoms go away within one, or at most a few days. It can only occur once. The reason for this is other eye diseases, injuries, vitamin deficiency. But if your eyes become inflamed frequently and the allergic reaction recurs, you should consult a doctor.

An allergist will help prescribe the correct treatment. The allergen that caused the swelling can be identified using a special blood test.

At the beginning of treatment, it is necessary to exclude contact with the allergen. Most often they become:

  • dust and pollen;
  • animal hair;
  • cosmetics, including eye creams and perfumes;
  • tap or natural water;
  • sunlight.

During the period of treatment, it is necessary to follow a special diet, stop wearing lenses and using cosmetics, and go out less often.

Usually several drugs are combined:

  1. Eye ointments. They act directly on the site of inflammation, relieve itching and burning in the eyes, and reduce lacrimation.
  2. Hormonal ointments (Advantan). Helps cope with allergic reactions and reduce swelling.
  3. Antihistamine tablets (suprastin, tavegil, etc.). They help to quickly cope with allergies and remove accompanying symptoms such as sneezing and runny nose.
  4. Vasoconstrictor eye drops. Their task is to relieve swelling and redness.

When treating an allergic reaction, you can use auxiliary products that will relieve symptoms and treatment. For example, brewer's yeast. They will help restore the skin and increase the body's resistance to external irritants. Special lotions made from medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, string) will help soothe the skin. It is necessary to ensure that the broth does not get into the area between the eyes and does not flow onto the eyeball.

If the allergy is not only observed in the eyes, but also manifests itself as swelling of the lips, neck, redness of the skin, rash, sneezing, and gastrointestinal dysfunction, treatment in the form of immunotherapy is used. In this case, small doses of the allergen are injected under the patient's skin. Such a vaccine helps the body learn to cope with allergies on its own.

Prevention of allergic swelling in the eyes

People who frequently suffer from allergies should be careful not to allow potential allergens to come into contact with their eyes or eyelids.

During an exacerbation, it is necessary to avoid excessive use of decorative cosmetics. You should choose only proven, high-quality brands and constantly monitor the expiration date. Particular attention should be paid to mascara, eye shadow and eye makeup remover.

Eye lenses should always be removed at night and replaced regularly after the end of their use.

If the body is susceptible to seasonal allergies in the spring, it is necessary to limit going outside during the period of abundant flowering of fruit trees and cereals. It is recommended not to keep flowering plants in the house.

It is necessary to carry out wet cleaning at home regularly. Potential places for dust to accumulate include fabric-upholstered furniture, large feather pillows and blankets.

Eye swelling can be caused by more than just an allergic reaction. Swelling of the eyelids occurs due to long hours of working at a computer or laptop, reading in poor light, impaired kidney function, and excessive alcohol consumption.

White fluffs themselves cannot cause allergies, but they can transfer pollen from flowering plants.

Poplar fluff flying through the streets is a temporary phenomenon that lasts about three weeks. Many people at this time begin to complain about allergies, they say, the fluff has flown away - I can’t breathe through my nose!

“We live on Karl Marx Avenue,” Olga Belova called the editorial office. - Every summer begins with torment - the ill-fated poplar fluff flies from all sides from the trees that stand along the road. I have no strength to endure - I can’t breathe! And schoolchildren have also gotten used to setting fire to this fluff - we are simply afraid to leave the house. Why not uproot these trees?

Not only city residents, but also equipment suffer from poplar fluff flying everywhere. For example, office air conditioners. The radiators on them clog very quickly and may well be damaged by summer snow. Also, purely theoretically, a car can also suffer from fluff - poplar snow will fly into the air conditioner, then stop in the radiator and the engine will overheat after a while.

Expert opinion

Sergey Afanasyev, general practitioner:

I want to say right away that allergies to poplar fluff almost never happen. The fact is that the peak of flowering of all kinds of plants coincides with the time when fluff begins to fly outside. And it is the pollen that is carried by poplar fluff. It gets into your eyes and into your respiratory tract. A person can choke on this fluff. I recommend being patient during this period and wearing large sunglasses. If fluff gets into your eyes, consequences such as conjunctivitis or irritation are possible.


Ideal trees

Poplars capture more than 50 percent of dust and gases; these trees suppress noise best, the Environmental Protection Agency told KVU. - The downside is that poplars are very fragile, they do not live long, especially in urban environments where there is a lot of traffic. The poplar grows huge and there are many problems with cleaning it.

Nowadays we don’t plant poplars; we are content with what has grown since socialist times. Back then there was excellent survival rate; these trees were grown in nurseries. Chestnut or linden, for example, are not suitable for our climate. Today we are trying to plant a Chinese poplar, which does not push so much.

Playing with fire

The Ministry of Emergency Situations warns that jokes with poplar fluff are bad - setting it on fire is strictly prohibited. The fluff is highly flammable and instantly spreads to wooden buildings and parked cars.

50 years is how long a poplar generally lives in an urban environment.

Allergy symptoms

A person begins to experience skin itching, swelling, and red spots, the so-called urticaria.
It’s hard to breathe through your nose, you constantly want to sneeze. There is a runny nose, but there are no cold symptoms.
The eyes are also affected by the flowering season - swelling of the eyelids, redness, watery eyes and discomfort are noticeable.
If you notice at least one of these signs of the disease, you do not need to take medication - immediately go to see a specialist.

Good to know

How to escape during flowering?

There are a number of simple recommendations for those who cannot get rid of spring and summer allergies. The highest concentration of pollen in the air occurs between 11:00 and 18:00. It is during these hours that it is not recommended to be outdoors, especially in dry and windy weather.
If you were unable to avoid walking outdoors, going indoors, you need to wash yourself thoroughly and rinse your airways with clean water.
No one has canceled the rules of hygiene - do a wet cleaning of the apartment every day.

How to paint while flowering?

A woman wants to look spectacular at any time of the year. What to do if fluff flies into your eyes and you have to look for fluff in your eyes every now and then.
Avoid waterproof mascara; its composition is too complex and does not always have a positive effect on your eyelashes. This mascara contains paraffin resin, which irritates the eyelids. The same goes for super long-lasting lipstick.

23-72-00 - call this phone number of the green spaces department of the city administration.

The main allergens whose pollen is carried by poplar fluff:



Pollen enters the human body;
the immune system recognizes pollen as an allergen and produces antibodies;
antibodies attack allergens;
histamine is produced, which causes allergy symptoms.

Are you still suffering from allergies? Then come to us! We have a huge selection of antiallergic drugs for adults and children!

Pharmacy "Flora". Shakhty, lane. Krasny Shakhtar (next to the Maximum shopping center), st. Dostoevsky, 73, t. 8-928-172-30-01


Photo by Anastasia Fedyaeva.

Dear readers! How do you escape from annoying poplar fluff? Tell us about it by phone. 23-79-09 or 8-928-180-43-04.

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Poplar fluff sets anti-records

Poplar fluff sets anti-records in Krasnoyarsk. Because of him, the firefighters were knocked off their feet. They have to go out a hundred times a day, and I’m not exaggerating, to extinguish the fluff that was set on fire. And it would be fine if only it was burning, but the fire from it spreads to the garages. One of these had already burned down the day before, as had an abandoned building on Malinovsky Street. It is not only firefighters and fire victims who suffer from this. Anton Popov today figured out why Krasnoyarsk will have a stigma for a long time.

Evgeniya says that a pile of dry wood and branches with fluff in the middle of the yard is like a bomb. The management company has not removed this mountain for several days. Nearby there is a garage, a gas tank, and a few meters away the day before a car burned down, according to one version, after poplar fluff was set on fire. In this yard it seems you could drown in it.

Firefighters are breaking records for responding to powder fires this week. Cars, garages, fences, wooden piles and landfills are burning. The Ministry of Emergency Situations says the story is almost like the grass that fell in the spring.

Alexander Yakimov, head of the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Krasnoyarsk Territory:
“People think that by setting the fluff on fire, they apparently do some good, and yet it turns out that on Sunday there were about 80 calls, on the 25th there were 102 calls where we went out to set the fluff on fire.

Not only firefighters, but also allergy sufferers suffer from poplar fluff. After flowering in the spring, they are now having a second wave of sneezes.

Veronica Ivanova, therapist:
— I personally note, as a local doctor, that exacerbations or acute conditions are becoming more frequent. -What do people ask for? - With allergic rhinitis, dermatitis, exacerbation of bronchial asthma.

The Department of Municipal Economy says that Krasnoyarsk residents have simply become unaccustomed to fluff over the past couple of years. Then, during flowering, the earrings were knocked down by wind and rain. This summer, the trees seem to have decided to fight back and are actively scattering seeds. Therefore, there is no special program to combat the white scourge at the mayor’s office. Officials have not planted poplars for 10 years, and the old trees themselves are gradually dying out. In addition, retired Governor Tolokonsky bequeathed that poplars should not be spared at Universiade construction sites.
Biologists call this attitude towards the down problem a crime. If you destroy all the poplars, there will be nothing to breathe in the city.

Elena Selenina, director of the SFU Botanical Garden:
— It is simply impossible to refuse poplars in Krasnoyarsk. It will be a crime. Not a single tree increases phyto-mass so quickly, not a single tree in the city retains so much dust.

But this did not stop utility workers from cutting down an entire avenue of poplars in Vetluzhanka a few days ago. True, in return they promised to plant apple, elm and ash seedlings. But scientists are indignant, to defeat the fluff, it is enough to mark all the female poplars, which produce flying seeds, and replace them with male seedlings in the spring.