The minimum portion of electromagnetic radiation is. Electromagnetic radiation and your health

While the natural electromagnetic field has remained virtually constant for thousands of years, the level of artificial electromagnetic fields has increased greatly over the past few years. last decades.

The sources of artificial electromagnetic fields are: low-frequency electromagnetic fields, which are used in industrial production(heat treatment); high-frequency fields (radio communications, medicine, TV, radio broadcasting); electromagnetic fields in the microwave range (radar, navigation, medicine, cellular communication), etc.

The use of electromagnetic fields in industry significantly improves working conditions, however, a number of problems arise in protecting personnel from their effects. Electromagnetic fields are pervasive, capable of traveling at the speed of light and are undetectable by the senses. Human senses do not perceive electromagnetic fields in the frequency range under consideration; a person cannot independently control the level of radiation and assess the impending danger.

The degree of exposure to electromagnetic radiation on a person depends on the intensity of the radiation, frequency and duration of exposure.

Long-term exposure to high-intensity electromagnetic fields on a person causes a fairly strong state of stress, increased fatigue, drowsiness, sleep disturbance, headache, hypertension, and pain in the heart. Exposure to ultrahigh frequency fields can cause changes in the blood and eye disease.

Types and sources of electromagnetic radiation.

The combination of electric and magnetic fields is called an electromagnetic field (EMF). Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is an interconnected alternating electric and magnetic field propagating in space at a finite speed that cannot exist without each other. They have wave and quantum properties.

TO wave properties include the speed of propagation of EMR in space (C), the frequency of field oscillations (f) and wavelength (λ). The speed of propagation of all types of EMR is approximately 300,000 km per second in the atmosphere.

EMF sources are natural: atmospheric electricity, cosmic rays, solar radiation. Artificial: generators, transformers, antennas, laser systems, microwave ovens, computer monitors, etc. Sources of industrial frequency electromagnetic fields are all electrical appliances and power lines.

Alternating EMF is a combination of two interrelated fields: electric (E, V/m) and magnetic (H, A/m).

EMF characteristics: wavelength λ, [m]; oscillation frequency f, [Hz]; propagation speed C, m/s.

Length electromagnetic waves can be very different: from values ​​​​of the order of 103 m (radio waves) to 10-8 cm (x-rays). Light is an insignificant part wide range electromagnetic waves. Nevertheless, it was during the study of this small part of the spectrum that other radiations with unusual properties were discovered.

There is no fundamental difference between individual radiations. All of them are electromagnetic waves generated by accelerated moving charged particles. Electromagnetic waves are ultimately detected by their effect on charged particles. The boundaries between individual regions of the radiation scale are very arbitrary.

Radiations of different wavelengths differ from each other in the method of their production (antenna radiation, thermal radiation, radiation during deceleration of fast electrons, etc.) and registration methods.

All listed species electromagnetic radiation are also generated by space objects and are successfully studied using rockets, artificial satellites Earth and spaceships. This primarily applies to x-rays and gamma radiation, which are strongly absorbed by the atmosphere.

As the wavelength decreases, quantitative differences in wavelengths lead to significant qualitative differences.

Radiations of different wavelengths differ greatly from each other in their absorption by matter. Short-wave radiation (X-rays and especially g-rays) are weakly absorbed. Substances that are opaque to optical wavelengths are transparent to these radiations. The reflection coefficient of electromagnetic waves also depends on the wavelength. But the main difference between long-wave and short-wave radiation is that short-wave radiation exhibits particle properties.

Radio waves

f = 105-1011 Hz

Receive with the help oscillatory circuits and macroscopic vibrators.

Properties: Radio waves of different frequencies and with different wavelengths are absorbed and reflected differently by media, and exhibit diffraction and interference properties.

Application: Radio communications, television, radar.

All other things being equal, the dose of ionizing radiation is greater than more time irradiation, i.e. the dose accumulates over time. The dose related to the time of exposure is called the radiation level and is measured in roentgens per hour (R/h).

External radiation affects the entire human body.

Background radiation of the human body consists of the natural radiation background of the Earth ( cosmic radiation, radiation from natural substances in the soil, building materials, water and air radioactive elements; radiation from radioactive natural elements that enter the body with food and water, are fixed in tissues and remain in the human body throughout life) and artificial sources of radiation (in medicine - X-ray, fluorogram, laser; in industry - nuclear fuel cycle enterprises; in everyday life - computers, televisions, watches with luminous dials).

The average radiation dose from all natural sources is 200 mR/year, from artificial sources 150 - 300 mR/year. In general, background radiation is 500 mR/year.

When flying in an airplane at an altitude of 8 km, the additional exposure is 1.35 μR/year.

A color TV at a distance of 2.5 meters from the screen emits 0.0025 μR/hour, 5 cm from the screen - 100 μR/hour.

The average equivalent radiation dose for medical research is 25 - 40 μR/year.

Impact of electromagnetic radiation on humans.

Human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) depends on the field intensity, wavelength, exposure time, and functional state body.

The depth of penetration of the field into a living organism depends on the wavelength. Long-wave EMFs penetrate deep into the body, affecting the spinal cord and brain. Microwave EMFs spend their energy mainly in the surface layer of the skin, leading to thermal effects. The organs that suffer most from this are those that are not protected by a fat layer and that are poor in blood vessels (eyes, brain, kidneys, gall and bladder, testes). Excess heat is removed from the body due to thermoregulation. However, starting from a certain value, called the thermal threshold, the body cannot cope with the removal of the generated heat and the body temperature rises. In this case, the higher the EMF frequency, the lower the value of the thermal threshold. For example, for decimeter waves the thermal threshold is 40 mW/cm2, and for millimeter waves - 7 mW/cm2.

Constant exposure to EMF leads to functional disorders nervous, endocrine and cardiovascular systems, in humans it decreases blood pressure, the pulse slows down, reflexes are inhibited, and the composition of the blood changes. Heat exposure can cause the body to overheat and individual organs, disruption of their functional activity. Microwave EMFs lead to thermal cataracts (clouding of the lens of the eye). Subjectively, the manifestation of EMF exposure is expressed in increased fatigue, headache, irritability, shortness of breath, drowsiness, blurred vision, increased body temperature.

Permissible levels of exposure to EMF are given in GOST 12.1.006-84 "Electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies. Permissible levels in the workplace and requirements for monitoring." GOST 12.1.006-84 sets the maximum valid values electromagnetic field energy flux density.

The maximum permissible values ​​of the electromagnetic field energy flux density are - 25 μW/cm2 for 8 hours, 100 μW/cm2 for 2 hours, while maximum value should not exceed 1000 μW/cm2.

EMFs with a frequency from 60 kHz to 300 MHz are standardized separately for the electrical and magnetic components, since at these frequencies a person is affected independently of each other by the electric and magnetic fields. For microwave range fields (300 MHz - 300 GHz), the maximum permissible energy flux density is normalized, which should not exceed 10 W/m2.

If EMF values ​​at workplaces exceed permissible limits, then it is necessary to provide appropriate means of human protection.

During the Soviet era, at military factories, research institutes, design bureaus, people associated with high-frequency radiation received: a 15% bonus for harmfulness, a shortened working day, and a reduction in the retirement age.

The body's sensitivity to high-frequency radiation begins at levels much less than thermal exposure. Starting on the order of fractions of a microwatt per square centimeter; up to a few milliwatts, the phase of inhibition of the body continues, then the phase of stimulation begins - improvement under the influence of high-frequency radiation of the general condition of the body or the sensitivity of its individual organs, and at a density of more than 10 mW/cm2 the phase of inhibition of the body begins again.”

A cell phone is a source of non-ionizing radiation in the 900 and 1800 MHz bands.

Based on the impact on the human body, high-frequency radiation is conventionally divided into two types:

1) Thermal - due to heating of the tissues of the human body, it manifests itself at high levels of radiation. The eyes (lens) and testicles in men are most susceptible to heat. This is due to the fact that these organs have little blood vessels, therefore, due to the extremely low heat dissipation, the eyes and testicles are affected first.

It should be noted that cell phone radiation levels do not have a noticeable thermal effect on humans, but may reduce visual acuity.

2) Non-thermal (information) impact - manifests itself at low levels of radiation, as a result of the interaction of high-frequency radiation with the human biofield. Manifests indirectly, as additional stress on the body, in combination with other negative impacts(ecology, food, mental stress of residents of megacities). Exposure to non-ionizing radiation tends to accumulate in the body.

It looks like this: some time after starting a conversation on a cell phone, the human body begins to protect itself from the electromagnetic field emitted by the phone: it increases the level of its fields. At the end of the conversation, the person’s biofield turns out to be excited (the degree and duration of excitement depends on individual characteristics); the body immediately begins to restore its configuration. This is followed by another call, the impact is repeated, and so on day after day. As a result, the impacts from the subsequent call are superimposed on the previous ones.

Under the influence of ionizing radiation, changes in the human body are observed:

1. Primary (occurs in tissue molecules and living cells);

2. Violation of the functions of the whole organism.

Protection from electromagnetic radiation.

Human protection from the adverse biological effects of EMF is based on the following main areas: organizational measures; engineering activities; therapeutic and preventive measures.

Organizational measures for protection from EMF include: selection of operating modes of emitting equipment; development of regulations regulating the permissible level of radiation; limiting the place and time of stay in the EMF coverage area (protection by distance and time); designation and fencing of areas with increased level EMF.

For each installation emitting electromagnetic energy, sanitary protection zones in which the intensity of EMF exceeds the maximum permissible level should be determined. The boundaries of the zones are determined by calculation for each specific case of placement of a radiating installation when operating at maximum radiation power and are controlled using instruments. Engineering and technical protective measures are based on the use of the phenomenon of shielding electromagnetic fields directly in places where people stay.

From electric field industrial frequency created by electric power transmission systems is carried out by establishing sanitary protection zones for power lines and reducing field strength in residential buildings and in places where people may stay for a long time by using protective screens. Protection from industrial frequency magnetic fields is practically possible only at the stage of product development or facility design.

The basic requirements for ensuring the safety of the population from the electric field of industrial frequency created by power transmission and distribution systems are set out in Sanitary norms and rules “Protection of the population from the effects of the electric field created by overhead AC power lines of industrial frequency” No. 2971-84.

Currently, a number of countries have developed documents regulating radiation standards for household electronic devices. Sweden has become a generally recognized leader, whose national standards have become global ones. The first popular Swedish standard was called MPR 2 (1990). For its time, MPR 2 regulated radiation standards very strictly. But the strict norms of TCO standards have become truly supranational and honorable for manufacturers of monitors and cell phones.

These standards are updated every three years.

The abbreviation TSO stands for "Swedish Trade Union Federation". Behind the development of the standard are: the Federation itself, the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, the National Committee for Industrial and technical development(NUTEK) and the measurement company SEMKO, which has the weight and authority of independent certification.


Due to the rapid development of technology and electronics, the level of artificial electromagnetic fields has increased significantly over the past decades. Almost all of us are under conditions of simultaneous exposure to electromagnetic fields, ionizing radiation, chemicals and other unfavorable factors external environment. As a result of the combined action of all these factors, processes in the body proceed differently than they would have proceeded under the influence of only natural magnetic fields (magnetic field of the Earth, radio emission from the sun, atmospheric electricity).

Traditionally, when considering the biological effects of an electromagnetic field, it was believed that the main mechanism of action was “thermal” tissue damage. Based on this, safety standards were developed in many countries. However, in lately everything appears more evidence that there are other ways of interaction of the electromagnetic field of a living organism at field intensities that are insufficient for thermal effects. Among the long-term manifestations of these effects are cancer and hormonal diseases, and much more.

Security questions:

1. Radiation accident?

2. Radiation damage?

3. Types of electromagnetic radiation?

4. Protection against electromagnetic radiation?

Technical progress accompanies a person throughout his life, making it easier, but at the same time causing harm. The use of devices powered by electricity contributes to the occurrence of such a phenomenon as electromagnetic radiation.

It represents electromagnetic waves that travel at the speed of light. They appear due to the reaction of electric and magnetic fields. Scientists note the presence of frequency-wave properties in electromagnetic radiation. The unit of measurement for EMR is quantum.

Types and sources of electromagnetic waves

Electromagnetic radiation is classified according to the type of waves generated, among them are:

  1. ultraviolet;
  2. ionized;
  3. radio frequency;
  4. optical;
  5. infrared.

EMR appears due to the occurrence of magnetic and electrical vibrations in atoms. Their range varies, as does their speed of propagation.

Sources of electromagnetic radiation can be natural and artificial. The first include the magnetic field around our planet, the synthesis of nuclear substances inside stars, and processes of electrical origin in the Earth’s atmosphere. To the second side effect from use technical equipment.

The level of EMR is characterized by the degree of manifestations.

High levels of radiation come from:

  • high-voltage power lines;
  • lifting equipment powered by electrochemical power units;
  • electric transport;
  • transformers;
  • radio and television towers.

Electromagnetic radiation low level provokes equipment: having a household purpose; specialized for medical research; having a CRT display; providing access to electricity.

Areas of use

Electromagnetic waves are often used for good purposes. For example, for heating food or for taking photographs. In medicine, their use has long become the norm and necessity. It is quite difficult to diagnose without them.

Using a microwave diathermy apparatus, damaged tissues are heated ( skin) organism. This is true for rheumatism. Also, we must not forget about ultrasound, galvanization, magnetic therapy, phonophoresis, and fluorographic studies.

Bioresonance therapy helps determine the frequency of EMR; it is carried out using an encephalograph.

Telemetry (radio telemetry) is the process of obtaining data about a person’s physical condition. It is used in astronautics. The benefits of electromagnetic waves are difficult to exaggerate. You just need to use them carefully and in acceptable doses. Otherwise, you may be seriously injured.

Effect of EMR on humans

The human body is a system in which everything is interconnected. Disturbances in one “department” lead to failures in others, that is, the quality of life and state of health directly depend on the internal reaction to what is happening outside. Therefore, there is simply no doubt that electromagnetic radiation affects people.

Under the influence of waves, molecular structures change, therefore functions in the “energy system” are disrupted human body. Among them is the process of restoration of damaged tissues and organs, that is, due to the influence of EMR, a person becomes more vulnerable to external irritants.

As a result, the likelihood of occurrence increases serious illnesses. The World Health Organization gave this phenomenon its definition of “electromagnetic smog.” It is hardly possible to identify the exact number of people who suffered from it.

The high-risk group includes people living in areas where the EMR indicator exceeds the permissible norm. The frequency range of harmful radiation, the duration of exposure, the intensity and nature of their manifestations are the factors that directly affect the human biofield, causing dangerous pathologies.

Long-term exposure to EMF causes genetic abnormalities. Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of them.

It is possible to avoid such consequences by relocating to a safer area. Then “energy” and immune system the body will gradually return to its previous state and eliminate partially or completely the harm caused by sources emitting radiation.

Electromagnetic large-scale effects occur with general localization of lesions. It brings more harm than radiation, the influence of which is concentrated in a certain area of ​​the human body.

Local level emitters: mobile phone, game console, electronic watch, TV and even refrigerator. One of the most harmful large-scale sources are power transmission lines (PTLs).

People, without knowing it, are exposed to electromagnetic radiation. Being near a microwave while heating food or staying in front of a computer for a long time has a negative impact on a person.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to avoid harmful effects. To date, permissible EMR standards have been calculated according to GOST, which must be observed in residential areas and industrial enterprises. Compliance with them is mandatory; SanPiN monitors this.

Symptoms of the lesion

Electromagnetic radiation causes a pathology similar in clinical picture to neurocircular dystonia. This disease negatively affects all vital systems of the body.

Therefore, the manifestations of victims are different (hypertension, dysmenorrhea, arrhythmia, impotence, stomach ulcers, obesity, problems with thyroid gland), often they are not even associated with EMR.

There are general symptoms, the cause of which is radiation of varying intensity of EMR. These include fatigue, disorders nervous system, weakness throughout the body, mental disorders, apathy, difficulty concentrating, headaches, problems with memory and speech.

It is not necessary that all this will manifest itself in one patient, but there cannot be a deterioration in health without a reason.

Therefore, you should not ignore the above signs. A timely visit to a medical facility will avoid many serious consequences. For example, pathologies in the body’s circulatory system, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, oncology.

Also, a visit to a doctor will help prevent a possible threat to the life and health of loved ones.

The electromagnetic flux of radiation carries great danger for the embryo. Such external influence can lead to irreversible developmental pathologies, which are sometimes incompatible with life outside the mother’s womb.

Risk groups include children, the elderly and people with allergies. Their sensitivity to EMR is increased compared to healthy adults.

In the end

From all of the above we can conclude that:

  1. Technological progress entails an increase in electromagnetic background, which negatively affects people's health.
  2. Signs of radiation poisoning may subside when moving to an area with less electromagnetic radiation, following safety precautions, or removing particularly dangerous equipment.
  3. Long-term exposure to EMR leads to irreversible consequences in the body.

Measures to protect against electromagnetic radiation

It is impossible to completely protect yourself from electromagnetic influence. But a person has the power to reduce the likelihood dangerous consequences by following a few guidelines.

At the workplace it is necessary to use all regulated protective equipment. This must be monitored by the manager, since this requirement is necessarily included in safety precautions.

At home, you need to limit the time spent alone with a computer, TV, tablet, and so on. Electronic watches should not be placed near the pillow; the distance should be at least 5-10 cm. Cell phones (radios, players) should be carried in a bag. The closer they are to the body, the more radiation.

When arranging household appliances(refrigerator, microwave oven) it is necessary to take into account the danger posed by them. Practicality and space saving should not harm your own health. Always unplug electrical appliances you are not using.

It must be remembered that to objects that produce increased amount electromagnetic rays, do not get close often. Power lines, television and radio towers should be bypassed 25 m. This is an approximate distance, more exact result can be obtained by taking into account the EMR level.

To avoid unpleasant consequences you can measure EMR levels at home or at work. This procedure is carried out using a device called a flux meter.

The result obtained ( permissible norm up to 0.2 µT) must be compared with the table. Remember that radiation exposure from technical equipment varies, so pay attention to manufacturer and composition information.

Today it is impossible to do without EMR, but it is worth protecting yourself from its influence. It's not difficult, just don't ignore the warnings and recommendations of experts.

Harmful substances accumulated in the body do not manifest themselves immediately, but only after reaching a critical concentration. Therefore, do not risk yourself and your family. Protect your family from excessive electromagnetic radiation. A compromise between comfort and health is possible.

Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) accompanies modern man everywhere. Any technique whose action is based on electricity emits waves of energy. Some types of such radiation are constantly talked about - radiation, ultraviolet and radiation, the danger of which has long been known to everyone. But people try not to think about the impact of electromagnetic fields on the human body, if it occurs due to a working TV or smartphone.

Types of electromagnetic radiation

Before describing the danger of a particular type of radiation, it is necessary to understand what it is all about we're talking about. A school physics course teaches that energy travels in the form of waves. Depending on their frequency and length, a large number of types of radiation are distinguished. So electromagnetic waves include:

  1. High frequency radiation. It includes X-rays and gamma rays. They are also known as ionizing radiation.
  2. Mid-frequency radiation. This is the visible spectrum, which people perceive as light. In the upper and lower frequency scales there are ultraviolet and infrared radiation.
  3. Low frequency radiation. This includes radio and microwaves.

To explain the effect of electromagnetic radiation on the human body, all these types are divided into 2 large categories - ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. The difference between them is quite simple:

  • Ionizing radiation affects the atomic structure of matter. Because of this, the cell structure of biological organisms is disrupted, DNA is modified, and tumors appear.
  • Non-ionizing radiation has long been considered harmless. But recent research by scientists demonstrates that with high power and prolonged exposure, it is no less dangerous to health.

EMR sources

Non-ionizing electromagnetic fields and radiation surround humans everywhere. They are emitted by any electronic equipment. In addition, we must not forget about power lines through which powerful charges of electricity pass. EMR is also emitted by transformers, elevators and other technical devices that provide comfortable living conditions.

Thus, it is enough to turn on the TV or talk on the phone for sources of electromagnetic radiation to begin to affect the body. Even something as seemingly safe as an electronic alarm clock can affect your health over time.

Devices measuring EMR

To determine how strongly a particular source of EMR affects the body, instruments are used to measure electromagnetic fields. The simplest and most widely known is the indicator screwdriver. The LED at its end burns brighter with a powerful radiation source.

There are also professional devices - flux meters. Such an electromagnetic radiation detector is able to determine the power of the source and provide its numerical characteristics. They can then be recorded on a computer and processed using various examples measured quantities and frequencies.

For humans, according to Russian standards, an EMR dose of 0.2 µT is considered safe.

More accurate and detailed tables are presented in GOSTs and SanPiNs. In them you can find formulas with which you can calculate how dangerous the EMR source is and how to measure electromagnetic radiation depending on the location of the equipment and the size of the room.

If radiation is measured in R/h (the number of roentgens per hour), then EMR is measured in V/m2 (volts per square meter of area). The following indicators are considered a safe norm for humans, depending on the wave frequency measured in hertz:

  • up to 300 kHz – 25 V/m2;
  • 3 MHz – 15 V/m2;
  • 30 MHz – 10 V/m2;
  • 300 MHz – 3 V/m2;
  • Above 0.3 GHz – 10 µV/cm2.

It is thanks to the measurements of these indicators that the safety of a particular EMR source for humans is determined.

How does electromagnetic radiation affect humans?

Considering that many people have been constantly in contact with electrical devices since childhood, a logical question arises: is EMR really that dangerous? Unlike radiation, it does not lead to radiation sickness and its influence is imperceptible. And is it worth complying with electromagnetic radiation standards?

Scientists also asked this question back in the 60s of the 20th century. More than 50 years of research have shown that the human electromagnetic field is modified by other radiation. This leads to the development of the so-called “radio wave disease”.

Extraneous electromagnetic radiation and interference disrupt the functioning of many organ systems. But the nervous and cardiovascular systems are the most sensitive to their effects.

According to statistics recent years, about a third of the population is susceptible to radio wave sickness. It manifests itself through symptoms familiar to many:

  • depression;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • headaches;
  • disturbances in concentration;
  • dizziness.

At the same time negative impact Electromagnetic radiation on human health is most dangerous because doctors still cannot diagnose it. After examination and tests, the patient goes home with the diagnosis: “Healthy!” At the same time, if nothing is done, the disease will develop and enter the chronic stage.

Each organ system will respond to electromagnetic influence differently. The central nervous system is most sensitive to the effects of electromagnetic fields on humans.

EMR impairs the passage of the signal through the neurons of the brain. As a result, this affects the functioning of the body as a whole.

Also appear over time negative consequences for the psyche - attention and memory are impaired, and in the worst cases, problems transform into delusions, hallucinations and suicidal tendencies.

The influence of electromagnetic waves on living organisms has a large-scale impact and through circulatory system.

Red blood cells, platelets and other bodies have their own potentials. Under the influence of electromagnetic radiation on a person, they can stick together. As a result, blockage of blood vessels occurs and performance deteriorates. transport function blood.

EMR also reduces the permeability of cell membranes. As a result, all tissues exposed to radiation do not receive the necessary oxygen and nutrients. In addition, the efficiency of hematopoietic functions decreases. The heart, in turn, reacts to this problem arrhythmia and a decrease in myocardial conductivity.

The influence of electromagnetic waves on the human body destroys the immune system. Due to adhesion blood cells lymphocytes and leukocytes are blocked. Accordingly, the infection simply does not meet with resistance protective systems. As a result, not only does the frequency increase colds, but there is also an exacerbation of chronic ailments.

Another consequence of harm from electromagnetic radiation is disruption of hormone production. The effect on the brain and circulatory system stimulates the work of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands and other glands.

The reproductive system is also sensitive to electromagnetic radiation, the effect on a person can be catastrophic. Given the disturbances in the production of hormones, potency in men decreases. But for women the consequences are more serious - during the first trimester of pregnancy strong dose irradiation can lead to miscarriage. And if this does not happen, then a disturbance in the electromagnetic field can disrupt the normal process of cell division, damaging DNA. The result is pathologies of child development.

The effect of electromagnetic fields on the human body is destructive, which has been confirmed by numerous studies.

Considering that modern medicine There is practically nothing that can counteract radio wave disease; you must try to protect yourself on your own.

EMI protection

Taking into account all the possible harm that the influence of the electromagnetic field brings on living organisms, simple and reliable safety rules have been developed. In enterprises where people are constantly exposed to high levels of EMR, special equipment is provided for workers. protective screens and equipment.

But at home, sources of electromagnetic fields cannot be shielded in this way. At the very least it will be inconvenient. Therefore, you should understand how to protect yourself in other ways. There are only 3 rules that must be followed constantly in order to reduce the impact of the electromagnetic field on human health:

  1. Stay as far away from EMR sources as possible. For power lines, 25 meters is enough. And the screen of a monitor or TV is dangerous if it is located closer than 30 cm. It is enough to carry smartphones and tablets not in pockets, but in handbags or purses 3 cm from the body.
  2. Reduce the time of contact with EMR. This means that you do not need to stand for a long time near working sources of electromagnetic fields. Even if you want to supervise the cooking on an electric stove or warm up by the heater.
  3. Turn off electrical appliances that are not in use. This will not only reduce the level of electromagnetic radiation, but also help you save money on your energy bills.

You can also carry out a complex preventive measures so that exposure to electromagnetic waves is minimal. For example, having measured the radiation power of various devices using a dosimeter, you need to record the EMF readings. The emitters can then be distributed throughout the room to reduce the load on certain areas of the area. It is also important to consider that the steel case shields EMI well.

Do not forget that electromagnetic radiation in the radio frequency range from communications equipment constantly affects human fields while these devices are turned on. Therefore, before going to bed and during work, it is better to put them away.

Technological progress has reverse side. Global use various equipment, powered by electricity, caused pollution, which was given the name - electromagnetic noise. In this article we will look at the nature of this phenomenon, the degree of its impact on the human body and protective measures.

What is it and sources of radiation

Electromagnetic radiation is electromagnetic waves that arise when a magnetic or electric field is disturbed. Modern physics interprets this process within the framework of the theory of wave-particle duality. That is, the minimum portion of electromagnetic radiation is a quantum, but at the same time it has frequency-wave properties that determine its main characteristics.

The spectrum of frequencies of electromagnetic field radiation allows us to classify it into the following types:

  • radio frequency (these include radio waves);
  • thermal (infrared);
  • optical (that is, visible to the eye);
  • radiation in the ultraviolet spectrum and hard (ionized).

Detailed illustration spectral range(electromagnetic radiation scale), can be seen in the figure below.

Nature of radiation sources

Depending on their origin, sources of radiation of electromagnetic waves in world practice are usually classified into two types, namely:

  • disturbances of the electromagnetic field of artificial origin;
  • radiation coming from natural sources.

Radiations emanating from the magnetic field around the Earth, electrical processes in the atmosphere of our planet, nuclear fusion in the depths of the sun - they are all of natural origin.

As for artificial sources, they side effect caused by the operation of various electrical mechanisms and devices.

The radiation emanating from them can be low-level and high-level. The degree of intensity of the electromagnetic field radiation completely depends on the power levels of the sources.

Examples of sources with high levels of EMR include:

  • Power lines are usually high-voltage;
  • all types of electric transport, as well as the accompanying infrastructure;
  • television and radio towers, as well as mobile and mobile communication stations;
  • installations for converting the voltage of the electrical network (in particular, waves emanating from a transformer or distribution substation);
  • elevators and other types of lifting equipment that use an electromechanical power plant.

Typical sources emitting low-level radiation include the following electrical equipment:

  • almost all devices with a CRT display (for example: payment terminal or computer);
  • various types of household appliances, from irons to climate control systems;
  • engineering systems that provide electricity supply to various objects (this includes not only power cables, but related equipment, such as sockets and electricity meters).

It is worth highlighting special equipment used in medicine that emits hard radiation (X-ray machines, MRI, etc.).

Impact on humans

In the course of numerous studies, radiobiologists have come to a disappointing conclusion - long-term radiation of electromagnetic waves can cause an “explosion” of diseases, that is, it causes the rapid development of pathological processes in the human body. Moreover, many of them cause disturbances at the genetic level.

Video: How electromagnetic radiation affects people.

This occurs due to the fact that the electromagnetic field high level biological activity, which negatively affects living organisms. The influence factor depends on the following components:

  • the nature of the radiation produced;
  • how long and with what intensity it continues.

The effect on human health of radiation, which is of an electromagnetic nature, directly depends on the location. It can be either local or general. In the latter case, large-scale exposure occurs, for example, radiation produced by power lines.

Accordingly, local irradiation refers to exposure to certain areas of the body. Coming from electronic watch or mobile phone electromagnetic waves, a striking example of local influence.

Separately, it is necessary to note the thermal effect of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation on living matter. The field energy is converted into thermal energy(due to vibration of molecules), this effect is the basis for the operation of industrial microwave emitters used for heating various substances. In contrast to its benefits in production processes, thermal effects on the human body can be detrimental. From a radiobiological point of view, being near “warm” electrical equipment is not recommended.

It is necessary to take into account that in everyday life we ​​are regularly exposed to radiation, and this happens not only at work, but also at home or when moving around the city. Over time biological effect accumulates and intensifies. As electromagnetic noise increases, the number of characteristic diseases of the brain or nervous system increases. Note that radiobiology is a fairly young science, so the harm caused to living organisms from electromagnetic radiation has not been thoroughly studied.

The figure shows the level of electromagnetic waves produced by conventional household appliances.

Note that the field strength level decreases significantly with distance. That is, to reduce its effect, it is enough to move away from the source at a certain distance.

The formula for calculating the norm (normalization) of electromagnetic field radiation is specified in the relevant GOSTs and SanPiNs.

Radiation protection

In production, absorbing (protective) screens are actively used as means of protecting against radiation. Unfortunately, it is not possible to protect yourself from electromagnetic field radiation using such equipment at home, since it is not designed for this.

  • in order to reduce the impact of electromagnetic field radiation to almost zero, you should move away from power lines, radio and television towers at a distance of at least 25 meters (the power of the source must be taken into account);
  • for CRT monitors and TVs this distance is much smaller - about 30 cm;
  • Electronic watches should not be placed close to the pillow; the optimal distance for them is more than 5 cm;
  • As for radios and cell phones, bringing them closer than 2.5 centimeters is not recommended.

Note that many people know how dangerous it is to stand next to high-voltage power lines, but most people do not attach importance to ordinary household electrical appliances. Although it is enough to put system unit on the floor or move it further away, and you will protect yourself and your loved ones. We advise you to do this, and then measure the background from the computer using an electromagnetic field radiation detector to clearly verify its reduction.

This advice also applies to the placement of the refrigerator; many people place it near the kitchen table, which is practical but unsafe.

No table can indicate the exact safe distance from a specific electrical equipment, since radiation may vary, both depending on the device model and the country of manufacture. At the moment there is no single international standard Therefore, standards may vary significantly in different countries.

The radiation intensity can be accurately determined using special device– fluxmeter. According to the standards adopted in Russia, the maximum permissible dose should not exceed 0.2 µT. We recommend taking measurements in the apartment using the above-mentioned device for measuring the degree of electromagnetic field radiation.

Fluxmeter - a device for measuring the degree of radiation of an electromagnetic field

Try to reduce the time you are exposed to radiation, that is, do not stay near operating electrical devices for a long time. For example, it is not at all necessary to constantly stand at the electric stove or microwave oven while cooking. Regarding electrical equipment, you can notice that warm does not always mean safe.

Always turn off electrical appliances when not in use. People often leave it turned on various devices, not taking into account that at this time electromagnetic radiation is emanating from electrical equipment. Turn off your laptop, printer or other equipment; there is no need to expose yourself to radiation again; remember your safety.

Electromagnetic radiation exists exactly as long as our Universe lives. It played key role during the evolution of life on Earth. In fact, this is a state of outrage electromagnetic field, distributed in space.

Characteristics of electromagnetic radiation

Any electromagnetic wave is described using three characteristics.

1. Frequency.

2. Polarization.

Polarization– one of the main wave attributes. Describes the transverse anisotropy of electromagnetic waves. Radiation is considered polarized when all wave oscillations occur in the same plane.

This phenomenon is actively used in practice. For example, in cinemas when showing 3D films.

Using polarization, IMAX glasses separate the image that is intended for different eyes.

Frequency– the number of wave crests that pass by the observer (in in this case– detector) in one second. It is measured in hertz.

Wavelength– a specific distance between the nearest points of electromagnetic radiation, the oscillations of which occur in the same phase.

Electromagnetic radiation can propagate in almost any medium: from dense matter to vacuum.

The speed of propagation in a vacuum is 300 thousand km per second.

Interesting video about the nature and properties of EM waves, see the video below:

Types of electromagnetic waves

All electromagnetic radiation is divided by frequency.

1. Radio waves. There are short, ultra-short, extra-long, long, medium.

The length of radio waves ranges from 10 km to 1 mm, and from 30 kHz to 300 GHz.

Their sources can be both human activity and various natural atmospheric phenomena.

2. . The wavelength ranges from 1mm to 780nm, and can reach up to 429 THz. Infrared radiation is also called thermal radiation. The basis of all life on our planet.

3. Visible light. Length 400 - 760/780 nm. Accordingly, it fluctuates between 790-385 THz. This includes the entire spectrum of radiation that can be seen by the human eye.

4. . The wavelength is shorter than that of infrared radiation.

Can reach up to 10 nm. such waves are very large - about 3x10^16 Hz.

5. X-rays. waves are 6x10^19 Hz, and the length is about 10 nm - 5 pm.

6. Gamma waves. This includes any radiation that is greater than x-rays, and the length is less. The source of such electromagnetic waves is cosmic, nuclear processes.

Scope of application

Somewhere starting from the end XIX century, all human progress has been associated with the practical application of electromagnetic waves.

The first thing worth mentioning is radio communication. It gave people the opportunity to communicate, even if they were far from each other.

Satellite broadcasting, telecommunications are further development primitive radio communications.

It is these technologies that have shaped the information image of modern society.

Sources of electromagnetic radiation should be considered both large industrial facilities and various power lines.

Electromagnetic waves are actively used in military affairs (radars, complex electrical devices). Also, medicine could not do without their use. Infrared radiation can be used to treat many diseases.

X-rays help determine damage to human internal tissues.

Lasers are used to perform a number of operations that require pinpoint precision.

The importance of electromagnetic radiation in human practical life is difficult to overestimate.

Soviet video about the electromagnetic field:

Possible negative impact on humans

Although useful, strong sources of electromagnetic radiation can cause symptoms such as:




Excessive exposure to certain types of waves causes damage internal organs, central nervous system, brain. Changes in the human psyche are possible.

An interesting video about the effect of EM waves on humans:

To avoid such consequences, almost all countries in the world have standards governing electromagnetic safety. Each type of radiation has its own regulatory documents (hygienic standards, radiation safety standards). The effect of electromagnetic waves on humans has not been fully studied, so WHO recommends minimizing their exposure.