Hookah care. How to care for a hookah without special equipment? How to wash a hookah? How to wash a hookah hose

The shisha needs to be washed, otherwise the quality of smoking will decrease, and there will be a risk of bacteria multiplying in the internal parts. But how to clean a hookah without a brush? What to use instead of special devices? Answers now.

Let us note right away that it is better to fork out for a gadget, especially since collecting 60-100 rubles is not so difficult :)

And if for some reason you don’t have one yet, but really need to wash it, let’s consider alternative options.

Why clean narghile

During smoking, smoldering products settle on the walls, if you do not wash them, then after a while bitterness will appear, the taste of tobacco will be transmitted much worse, and cravings may worsen.

Besides contamination affects the service life of the device. The more carefully you take care, the longer the shisha will last.

Important maintain a sanitary condition so that pathogenic microorganisms do not multiply inside. Moisture and warmth are a favorable environment for them; poor washing will lead to the spread of germs and the smoker can become infected with colds and respiratory tract infections. This can happen even if you smoke alone, without company.

Is it possible to wash a hookah without a brush?

Nothing is impossible for skillful hands! Hookah workers during “hot” shifts do not have time to clean their charges for 20 minutes, so between smokes they wash them completely differently. Full cleaning begins after the shift.

“First aid” in the fight against contamination is washing under good warm pressure and drying.

The liquid in our pipes itself is not crystal clear 😉 so this method is more likely to get rid of the odors of smoked tobacco than from germs.

Sometimes baking soda or citric acid is used for cleansing.. In theory, these substances clean scale (in electric kettles and washing machines), but in reality, in order for this to happen, the device must be boiled. It is hardly possible to “boil down” the narghile. Also, small powder particles can damage the coating, especially on inexpensive devices. Thus, the health condition will only worsen.

You need to check with the manufacturer or seller whether the hookah can be washed using soda, lemon juice or other detergents.

How to clean a mine: 2 ways

Myths dispelled, let's move on to the most interesting part: how to replace the ruff.

You will need

  • ordinary clean cloth of small size. It is better if it is dense, not stretchy;
  • long thin device. In kitchens since the times of the USSR there have been such thin metal sticks that are used to pierce cabbage - they are ideal. You can also take knitting needles or sushi chopsticks. The latter will not be convenient, but they are more familiar to us than anything else :)
  • stationery eraser.

Option 1:

Roll the fabric into a tube, thread it inside the shaft, and push it through with a stick. The ends of the rag should remain on both sides of the shaft. Wipe with progressive movements from the inside.

Option 2:

wrap the fabric around the stick. Make sure that the resulting volume fits tightly into the hookah pipe. Secure with a rubber band. You will receive an analogue of a brush. If the stick is not too long, clean from both edges.

A similar device can be made from fishing line and rags. True, you will only have such attributes if, along with smoking, you are interested in fishing :)

Washing the flask

It’s much more difficult with it without a special device. Ideally, a hookah maker has two brushes: one for the flask, the other for the pipe. The first one has a ring with bristles, which allows you to clean the bottom efficiently.

The neck of the product is very thin, so it cannot be washed with a cloth. It’s better not to even try - there is a risk that it will be very difficult to pull it back out.

You can rid the container of plaque and odors in several ways:

  1. pour out the contents, add rice, shake and let stand for a while. Rice absorbs moisture well and will remove plaque, although for all the magic to happen, the walls of the container must be left damp.
  2. pour dissolved citric acid or soda inside. Add hot water (not boiling water!) to the brim and leave until cool.
  3. if you have a large bucket, basin or any container where the flask will fit completely, you can fill this container with hot water, dissolve lemon in it and immerse the accessory for half an hour.

Important: all parts must be thoroughly dried before the next session!

Small parts

In principle, the bowl, hose and saucer cannot be cleaned with brushes, but we will tell you the basic rules for cleaning them.

  • all accessories must cool completely, before starting water procedures.
  • do not wash these parts with chemicals, powders. Maximum - lemon juice solutions.
  • remember: hot water cleans almost everything, but it is important that it is not boiling water.

Hose subject to pressure. Good pressure will cope with dirt. The accessory will still absorb odors, to a greater or lesser extent.

Pay special attention mouthpiece– it should also be thoroughly cleaned for disinfection.

Clay bowl It will darken over time, and you can’t get rid of it either. The glaze retains its original appearance longer, although small cracks may appear. It is washed with a kitchen sponge under a warm tap.

Do not use chemical detergents, even those intended for washing dishes. They have a strong aroma that can linger in the shisha. The soapy consistency is difficult to wash off, so the next time you smoke, there may be residual product in the flask, which is extremely harmful.

Recently, hookahs for smoking have begun to appear in our homes, which many people bring with them from trips to eastern countries or buy in related stores. This device is quite easy to use, but, like any other household item, it requires attention. In this article we will talk about how to properly wash a hookah, how to care for it, and step by step we will look at the method of cleaning it.

Girl smokes hookah

Regularity of care

High-quality care of your hookah will ensure that you enjoy using it for a long time, and will also help the device itself serve you for a long time.

The first thing you need to remember is that the hookah is washed after each use. If this is not done, then the tars, flavors and other elements remaining after smoking tobacco can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant, musty odor, which will be very difficult to remove.

Regular washing will help quickly remove all traces of device use, odors and other contaminants. A clean, washed hookah can be dried and stored in a visible place.

Ready to use hookah

It is worth noting that the hookah should be washed only when it has completely cooled down.


When thinking about how to wash a hookah, you should take care of selecting a suitable detergent. It is strictly forbidden to clean or wash the hookah with soap, washing powder or other household chemicals.

Such restrictions are due to the fact that it is almost impossible to completely wash off household chemicals from the surface of the device. Particles of washing powders can change the taste of smoke, as well as harm the hookah itself and its elements. It is also not recommended to use liquid detergents, as they leave behind a specific odor.

To wash a hookah, it is best to use proven traditional methods, for example, use a mixture of water and soda. To create a cleaning composition for washing the hookah bowl and shaft, you should mix soda and citric acid in a ratio of 4 to 1. To thoroughly treat the flask, you should stock up on natural abrasive, rice or buckwheat.

Please note that if the hookah has leather elements, for example, hoses, it is highly not recommended to wash them, since they do not tolerate water well. Such elements simply change over time.

For normal cleaning of a hookah you need a thin brush

If there is a metal spring in the hoses, it is also unsafe to fill them with water, since such contact may cause the metal to rust. It will be no fun at all to inhale rusty dust into your lungs. By the way, this is why when buying a hookah it is best to choose a device with hoses made of special plastic, which can be thoroughly washed after each smoke.

To properly rinse the shaft and bowl of the hookah, you should use only hot water. A hot hearth will help soften and remove plaque formed on the walls of the device. Cold water will not be as effective in this case.

Washing and Cleaning Instructions

Washing a hookah is not the most difficult task. To carry out the work we will need: warm running water, baking soda or citric acid, rice or buckwheat, a dish brush, fishing line and rags, toothpicks. By the way, hookah stores sell special brushes that make cleaning hookahs much easier.

Having collected all the necessary tools and cleaning products, you can begin work:

Systematic cleaning of hookah with brushes

  • First of all, remove smoking residues, foil, and tobacco ash from the bowl. Usually, tobacco residues are easily removed by hand, but in some cases they can burn. To make things easier, you can immerse the bowl in hot water for a few minutes and then easily remove any burnt-on residue. You can use toothpicks for spot work.
  • Take the device apart to drain the liquid, then reassemble it and take it to the bathroom.
  • Connect the mouthpiece to the bathroom faucet and run warm water. It is necessary to ensure that the water runs in the opposite direction of the smoke. Treatment with running water will take 5-7 minutes.
  • Then you should connect the top of the shaft to the water supply and start the process again. Let the water thoroughly rinse the insides of the hookah for the same 5-7 minutes. We will carry out better cleaning in the future.
  • After preliminary washing, the device is disassembled again, now it is necessary to clean all its parts separately. The first thing to do is clean the hose. For this purpose we use a regular dish brush. The most important thing is that it is thin and has a long handle so that we can completely clean the insides of the hose. If a brush is not able to do this, you can use a fishing line with a rag attached to it, which can easily be threaded through the hose. At the end of the treatment, the hose should be blown out to remove all the plaque scraped off from its walls.
  • After using the hose, you can wash the hookah bowl. We use baking soda and lemon juice or citric acid as a cleaning composition. Thoroughly rinse off the remaining cleaning composition after use, wipe the bowl dry and send it to dry.

Thoroughly washing the hookah bowl

  • To wash the flask, you will need the same brush that we used to wash the hose. For better cleaning of the insides of the flask, use soda. Usually, soda easily copes with deposits on the flask, even if the hookah was smoked not only with water. If the insides are very dirty, you can add more abrasive and pour rice or buckwheat into the flask. Now it’s enough to shake the container properly, and then wash off the remaining plaque from the walls.
  • When washing a hookah, the greatest attention should be paid to cleaning the shaft from dirt. The shaft is cleaned with a small brush with stiff bristles and the same soda. It is noteworthy that the shafts are collapsible and non-dismountable. It is clear that in the case of a collapsible shaft, the work is much easier to carry out, but somehow the fully welded version must be washed.
  • We disassemble the collapsible version of the shaft as much as possible, and then wash each element under running water. After this, fill all the tubes with soda or fill them with citric acid and begin using a brush. We process the shaft elements on both sides, and then thoroughly rinse them again under the tap. After washing, you should try to blow out the pipes, thoroughly dry all the elements of the hookah with a towel, and then send them to dry.
  • You should also start washing the welded hookah shaft by rinsing it under running water. Then, using a brush, soda or citric acid, we begin to thoroughly scrub the insides of the shaft, examining the dirt coming out of it. After several approaches and rinses, you will notice that there is less and less debris and dirt. When finished, rinse the shaft under the tap for 5-7 minutes to completely remove any cleaning agents and remaining dirt. Then blow out the shaft, wipe it and put it to dry.
  • After washing, all parts of the hookah should be thoroughly dried with a towel, especially metal ones, so that they do not oxidize.
  • After preliminary wiping, you should leave the hookah unassembled for drying. This process is lengthy and can take from half to a whole day. It is not recommended to speed up drying with a hairdryer or other heating devices; let the device dry naturally.
  • After the hookah dries, it can be collected and used again.

As you can see, there are no particular difficulties in washing and cleaning the hookah. The most important thing is to observe regularity, not to be lazy and wash the device after each use. Then it will always be kept clean, ready for smoking.

Today we very often hear the word hookah. Modern people prefer this type of smoking. First, it's a great way to relax. Second, unlike cigarettes, there is no unpleasant odor left in the apartment.

How does a hookah work?

In this design, all parts are interconnected. To understand how to smoke a hookah correctly, you need to know the structure of this smoking device.
So, the hookah consists of the following parts.

  • Glass flask. It is designed for water, which cleans, cools and humidifies the smoke.
  • Metal shaft in the form of a pipe. The main purpose of the mine is the same as the water: cleaning and cooling the smoke.
  • The hose is metal, plastic or silicone.
  • Foil. It controls the heat and prevents contact between the charcoal and the tobacco.
  • Rubber layers for sealing the device.
  • A plate that protects the hookah from falling coals.


  • Cap.
  • Forceps.
  • Carrying for coals.
  • Disposable mouthpiece.
  • Ershik.
  • Capsules cooling the hose.

How to smoke hookah correctly

Information on how to smoke a hookah correctly will be incomplete without a list of what you need to buy for smoking. You need to purchase a hookah, tobacco, special charcoal, mouthpieces, tongs and foil. We bought everything we needed. Now you need to prepare and light a hookah.

  1. Pour cold water into the flask.
  2. Assemble the hookah according to the assembly instructions.
  3. Fill the bowl with loosened tobacco.
  4. Cover the tobacco with foil. Poke a hole in it with a needle.
  5. Light the coal.
  6. After waiting for the coal to stop smoking and sparking, place it on the foil.
  7. Light a hookah and take a drag.

The process of preparing the hookah for smoking is complete.


  • You must eat before the procedure. While smoking, you can drink tea and other drinks, as well as oranges and peaches.
  • Don't get distracted and don't fuss.
  • Choose a comfortable smoking place where you can completely relax. The hookah must be installed on the floor so that it does not move, but stands firmly on the surface.
  • You cannot smoke while standing.
  • Alcohol is incompatible with hookah. This is very harmful to health.

How to choose a hookah?

If earlier hookahs were made of brass, now they are made of plastic, metal and glass. The market is replete with these devices, but how to choose the most correct option?
It is believed that hookahs made from plastic and polymer materials are not of very high quality in use. Although their price is quite low. The fact is that plastic is much more difficult to clean than glass or metal.
Metal hookahs are easier to clean and are distinguished by their durability. But such a hookah tends to oxidize. Therefore, care should be regular. Otherwise, smoking will not give you the expected effect, and it will not be the best for your health.
The best option is to buy a hookah made of glass, and best of all, tempered glass. It will serve you for a long time, the glass material does not harm your health and is much easier to care for.
It’s not difficult to figure out how to smoke a hookah correctly. Having understood the preparation process and the smoking procedure, you can safely invite friends or just relax and unwind alone.

How to care for a hookah

The basic rule of device care is cleanliness. Smoke, disassemble, wash and dry. Then put it in the case.

How to wash?

For washing, you can use baking soda and a brush. Wash under running water.
The cup, flask and shaft must be cleaned as often as possible, and the hose - when dirty. It is not advisable for it to come into frequent contact with water, as it may rust. It is not recommended to use detergents containing chemicals.

Proper care of your hookah is an important part of hookah smoking. If you do not clean your hookah as expected, then soon it will probably become clogged and with each hookah smoking the process will be less pleasant. If, when smoking a hookah, you begin to feel burning and a foreign taste, this is one of the signs that the hookah needs to be washed.

The thing is that when smoking a hookah, resins are released and, settling on the walls of the hookah, they dry out, which gives an unpleasant aftertaste. To prevent this from happening, wash the hookah before you start smoking, and carry out a “general wash” after 5-6 times of smoking. Of course, it is best to clean the hookah immediately after smoking, without allowing the resins to dry out.

Cleaning a hookah does not take much time and effort. However, you should take this process seriously, because if you clean it incorrectly, you can scratch the flask or render important elements unusable.

To clean the hookah we will need:

  1. Brush (preferably thin, stiff and short bristles)
  2. If you don’t have a brush, use regular fishing line and rags
  3. Running water (bathroom with water tap)
  4. Rice or buckwheat
  5. Toothpick

It is very important to remember that when washing a hookah, you should never use detergents. Detergents leave behind an odor that cannot be washed out, and when smoking a hookah, a foreign taste will certainly appear.

Bowl and saucer

After smoking the hookah, let the bowl cool slightly, remove the foil and remove any remaining tobacco from it. These elements are usually washed by hand, but if your tobacco is thoroughly burnt and it is impossible to tear it off with your finger, place your bowl in a container and fill it with hot water for 5 minutes. Then use a new kitchen sponge (no detergents!). Rinse the bowl holes under strong pressure, you can use a toothpick.


First you need to disassemble the hookah and pour out everything in the flask. Then, using a bottle brush, clean the flask by first pouring a tablespoon of soda into it. For a hookah that was smoked on water, 10-20 minutes under running water will be enough. Then you need to wipe the hookah with a dry cloth and dry it. If plaque has formed on the walls of the flask, you can remove it using grains of rice or buckwheat. Just throw the grains into a flask along with baking soda and water and shake it.


Disconnect the hoses from the hookah. To completely get rid of foreign odors, you need to rinse thoroughly in a solution of citric acid. Then connect the mouthpiece to the tap with running water, gradually increasing the pressure of warm water (you may need to come up with a device for connecting the tap - the mouthpiece). Carry out this washing for 15-20 minutes. Then you should thoroughly blow out the hose from both ends. For better cleaning, use a fishing line, approximately 2-3 times the length of the hose itself, and attach a rag in the middle of the fishing line. Insert the end of the fishing line through the hose and run our fishing line first in one direction and then in the other. If the rag becomes dirty, replace it with a new one. The final step is to dry the hose; it must be suspended vertically so that all the water can drain.

P.s. A regular hose won't do anything. It just needs to be changed more often... Unfortunately. It’s simply scary to wash them, because then you’ll have to breathe in rusty dust. The most effective way is to simply blow it out thoroughly after each smoke.

Washable hoses are another matter. Completely plastic, after smoking, you can safely use the advice we gave. Then the smell will completely disappear and the hose will become clean. Washable ones made of leatherette with a stainless spring also lend themselves to our technique.


Perhaps the most important component of a hookah is the shaft. When cleaning a hookah, it is this that you should give as much attention as possible. Here you can’t do without a brush, it must be quite small to fit into all the holes of the shaft, and also hard, plus soda is needed to achieve maximum effect (Soda can be replaced with citric acid, the effect will be better, but if the hookah is of poor quality, then the paint may come off). There are at least 2 types of mines. We will look at cleaning both welded to death shafts and dismountable ones. Of course, the collapsible shaft option is more convenient to wash! However, the Syrian hookah will be a little more difficult to clean.

Collapsible shaft

When we start cleaning, we will disassemble our mine as much as possible. Namely, the tube that is attached to the flask and the “neck” of the shaft itself, on top of which a saucer with a cup is attached, is disconnected from the “middle” in which the smoke valve is built in and the hose is attached. You don’t have to remove the hose together with the valve if the previous washings were carried out on time and the condition of the shaft did not start. We bring it under the tap, while deftly sealing the end of the “middle” with the tap with our hands and holding it so that there is not too much splashing. We carry out the same operation with the “middle”. We arm ourselves with a brush, pour soda into each of the tubes (do not skimp on soda) or use citric acid. And we begin to smoothly scrub the tubes from both ends with effort, observing the dirt that comes out, and then rinse again under the tap. Washing the “center” is a little more difficult. Using a brush and soda, clean the central hole, and then lean it against the faucet with the hole for the hose and hold it in the “middle” for 2-3 minutes. The last step will be drying, thoroughly blow all the tubes, leaving as little moisture as possible, wipe with a towel and put in a quiet place to dry.

Welded shaft

This type of shaft is more difficult to clean, which is also aggravated by the height of the shaft. We lean the upper (lower) end of the shaft against the tap, while deftly sealing the end with the tap with our hands and holding it so that there is not too much splashing. Now there is no small debris left in our mine and we can begin deeper cleaning. Armed with a brush and soda (citric acid), smoothly scrub the pipe with effort, observing the dirt that comes out, rinse thoroughly, and carry out this operation several more times. To completely wash off dirt and soda from the shaft tube, lean the tube against the tap and rinse for 5 minutes. under pressure. At the end, all moisture is carefully blown out of the shaft, wiped and left to dry in a vertical position.

Question answer:

Is it possible to wash a hookah?

The hookah can not only be washed, but it is necessary!

Where can I get a brush for cleaning a hookah?

In any online store specializing in hookahs.

How to store a hookah?

The hookah is best stored unassembled.

How often can you wash your hookah?

The hookah can be washed at least every day, but as a matter of fact, it is customary to wash the hookah after 5-6 smokes.

Video: Issue No. 18. How to wash a hookah? Glycerol! And what is Ike’s favorite hookah?

Spending time smoking a hookah in the company of friends or a significant other is a very fashionable idea these days. However, owners of such accessories often put them aside after use just like that - with tobacco residues in the bowl, soot in the flask, shaft and hose. This approach is fundamentally wrong. If you want your smoking device to please you for a long time, you must know how to clean a hookah and how to store it correctly. We'll talk about this further.

Video: How to care for a hookah! Review of hookah Otivana, Amy Deluxe, Khalil Mamoon

Why wash your hookah at all?

Regular cleaning of the hookah is necessary for two reasons:

  1. Taking care of the device itself. Without proper care and proper storage, the hookah will quickly become unusable. Tobacco residues and soot will literally “grow” to the components of the device with each smoking session. If you don’t clean them out, the hoses and the shaft will quickly clog. Also, instead of fragrant smoke, you will be greeted by a musty smell mixed with dust and mold. Far from rosy prospects, right? So you should definitely find out how to properly clean your hookah.
  2. Taking care of your health. We all want to get pleasure from smoking hookah, but not harm our health. But this is exactly what awaits those who will use a dirty and dusty device. Particles of tobacco and soot remaining on the hookah parts after previous smoking sessions will enter your lungs along with the smoke. It's good if you get away with just a cough. Therefore, carefully read the article below and remember how to clean a hookah at home.

Necessary tools and tools

  1. A brush with short natural bristles (0.5 – 1.5 cm).
  2. Clean kitchen sponge.
  3. Soft cloth.
  4. Soda, lemon juice, kitchen salt - whatever you have on hand.
  5. Plenty of running water – cold and hot.

How to clean a hookah: caring for all parts of the device

So, we have already realized that it is not enough just and high-quality smoking mixtures to get an excellent idea for spending your leisure time. You need to know how to care for the device. Its main parts are a bowl, a flask, a shaft and a hose (one or more). Let's figure out how to wash a hookah, paying attention to all its details.

  • Bowl. Wait until it cools, then remove the foil. Then use a sponge to remove any remaining tobacco from the bowl. If they don't come off easily, soak the part in hot water for 5 minutes, then pick up the sponge again.
  • Flask. A brush and running water will help you here. Is it possible to wash a hookah using household chemicals? In no case! Even after a long rinse, particles of cleaning agents will remain on the parts, which means that you are guaranteed an obsessive taste of soap when smoking. And this is not to mention the harm to health. So we stock up on regular baking soda and thoroughly clean the flask with a brush.
  • Hoses. Pay attention to what they are made of. If it is made of plastic, then washing is allowed. If the hoses are metallized, then cleaning should only be dry, since contact with water will cause the development of rust. So, in the first case, we pass a stream of water with good pressure through the hose for 10-20 minutes. In the second, we blow it with air or clean it with a brush. A fishing line with a piece of sponge or cloth attached to its end will also work.
  • Mine. Here again, take the brush and thoroughly clean the channels. If you don’t have a brush, you can run more hot water through the shaft. Just don't scald your hands!

After these simple manipulations, your smoking device will be as good as new. We hope it is now clear to you how to clean a hookah. Carry out this procedure at least every 5-6 smoking sessions, and even better - after each use.

Video: #4 How to clean a hookah? (TochkaBarTV) | How to clean hookah?

After cleaning, be sure to wait until all parts are completely dry. It is impossible to assemble them wet into a single structure! And in general, experts recommend storing the hookah unassembled. Place some dense material inside the flask, for example the same “bubble” film. Wrap the outside of the flask with it too. Wrap the shaft in soft cloth. Place the hose in the box so that it does not bend or twist. Cover the box with a lid to prevent dust from settling on the parts.

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