For future parents: important information about the Rh factor and characteristics of blood groups. What is the compatibility of blood groups for conceiving a child? Compatibility for conception

There are four blood groups according to the ABO system. This is due to the presence or absence of antigens in it. Antigens found in red blood cells (red cells) are called agglutinogens.

Reference! An agglutinogen is a protein compound that identifies foreign substances (for a particular organism) and interacts with antibodies. Plasma antigens (liquid part of blood) are agglutinins.

Agglutinin is a protein substance that performs the agglutination reaction of blood cells, bacteria and other antigens, and is involved in the immune response. Agglutinogens come in two types and are labeled with capital letters A and B.

  • I Group does not contain agglutinogens. Indicated by 0 or “zero”;
  • II Group designated A because it contains this type of agglutinogen;
  • III Group includes agglutinogen B, and has the same name;
  • IV Group contains both agglutinogens and is signed as AB.

Agglutinins also come in two types. They are designated by small letters alpha (a) and beta (b).

  • I Group includes both agglutinins – a and b;
  • II Group contains agglutinin b;
  • III Group carries agglutinin a;
  • IV Group does not contain agglutinins.

The combination of erythrocyte and plasma antigens distinguishes different blood groups, and we will consider their effect on conception further.

Do their combinations affect conception and pregnancy?

Representatives of the fair half of humanity often ask questions: “Which blood groups are compatible and suitable for each other, with which type the likelihood of conceiving a child is higher, is it possible to get pregnant if she and her husband have the same blood, is this possible when one spouse has the first or third positive , and the second has a second or fourth negative, is there a group with which it is difficult to get pregnant, when a woman cannot terminate her pregnancy?

You can get pregnant and have children with any blood type. Different combinations of parents' blood groups do not in any way affect their reproductive system, partner compatibility, conception and pregnancy.

The likelihood of conception is determined by many factors, here are some of them:

  1. The health status of the spouses.
  2. Fertility of partners.
  3. The phase of a woman's menstrual cycle when unprotected intercourse took place.

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), some systemic diseases, as well as bad habits negatively affect the reproductive system of both partners. Fertility in a man determines his ability to fertilize an egg. It occurs from the moment the production of motile and living sperm begins.

Female fertility (the ability to conceive and bear a child) begins from the moment menstruation begins. However optimal reproductive age – 22-35 years, when a girl is psychologically ready for motherhood and is able to endure the hormonal changes in the body associated with pregnancy.

Reference! Ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary) occurs only once a month. Its viability is 12-24 hours. The viability of sperm in a woman’s body is 3-5 days, rarely up to a week. This time will be the most successful for conceiving a child.

Is there incompatibility between parents?

There is a myth that incompatibility may develop during conception in cases where one parent has aglutinogens in the blood, and the other has corresponding aglutinins, for example, A and a or B and b.

These indicators are important to consider when transfusing blood to avoid intravascular coagulation. These factors have no effect on the likelihood of conceiving a child, intrauterine development of the fetus, as well as on the course of pregnancy for any blood group.

Termination of pregnancy and Rh factor

When terminating a pregnancy, it is important to take into account not the group, but the Rh factor.

The Rh factor is a protein antigen. If it is present, this indicates a positive Rh factor; a negative Rh factor indicates its absence. Abortion always poses a certain risk to the female body. Especially if a woman is Rh negative, she may subsequently remain infertile, and the likelihood of Rh conflict or stillbirth increases.

If a pregnant woman is Rh negative and the child is Rh positive, then the woman’s body can begin to secrete anti-Rh antibodies to foreign antigens. During the first pregnancy, very few of them are produced, and the girl carries and gives birth to an absolutely healthy child.

With an abortion, sensitization of the body occurs (increased sensitivity and accumulation of antibodies). In the next pregnancy (if the child’s Rh is also positive), repeated contact with foreign proteins occurs, which is almost always accompanied by an active release of specific anti-Rh antibodies.

What is hemolytic disease of the newborn?

A disease characterized by pathology of red blood cells, with their accelerated destruction and release of indirect bilirubin. This condition is associated with an immunological (antigen-antibody) reaction in the blood of the child and mother. Most often, hemolytic disease of the fetus develops with Rh conflict (usually manifests itself during the second or third pregnancy).

Important! It happens that a woman is Rh positive, but an immunological reaction develops - this means that there is a conflict in other antigenic systems. In any case, the conflict between mother and fetus develops after previous sensitization of the woman’s body.

Where did the information about partners’ problems with conception come from?

There is a lot of information on the Internet about the incompatibility of partners during conception based on various criteria: blood group according to the ABO system and the Rh factor. And if everything is clear with the last blood indicator from the explanations described above, then even gynecologists have not heard about the problems of conceiving a child and pregnancy due to different groups, be it 1 or 2 positive in men, 3 or 4 negative in women.

This information is likely a distorted version of various physiological processes in the human body. Therefore, if you have doubts when planning because of ABO, or there are real difficulties with conceiving a baby, then it is better to consult an obstetrician on this issue and dispel your doubts once and for all.

When are couples incompatible?

If a married couple who have had regular sex life for a long time fails to conceive a child, they should think about immunological incompatibility. This type of incompatibility can be characterized as a negative reaction of the female body to the partner’s sperm. That is, with immunological incompatibility, the woman’s immune system perceives sperm as foreign antigens and produces antisperm antibodies that prevent fertilization.

Antibodies can appear not only in the female body. They are also found in sperm. In large quantities, they are capable of destroying sperm, making fertilization of a woman impossible. If sperm manage to survive and reach the egg, there is a risk of developing fetal pathology or miscarriage. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, both partners need to undergo examination.

Aristotle believed that the genes and external characteristics inherited by a child at conception come not only from mom and dad, but also from all the men with whom a woman had sexual relations before pregnancy, especially the first sexual partner. This the theory of inheritance of characteristics from all sexual partners is called “Telegony”.

Supporters of this idea note that there have been cases when a woman and a man of the Caucasian race gave birth to a child with dark skin color. The girl had previously dated a black man, but had no pregnancies from him. Science explains this as a manifestation of a recessive gene from distant ancestors.

Inherited indicator tables

Some parents are surprised by their child's blood type. Sometimes she is different from the group of both her father and mother, which gives rise to conflict situations in a young family that is not familiar with Mendel’s laws of inheritance.

Australian scientist Gregor Mendel found that The baby receives one gene from each parent. So, he will have one gene from the pair from his mother, and the second from his father. Genes are dominant and recessive. Dominant genes always appear, while recessive genes are stored in the genotype, but appear only when two recessive genes are combined in one pair.

According to the AB0 system, the dominant genes are A and B, recessive 0. That is, if one parent has group I (0), and the other II (A) or III (B), the child at conception will inherit the genotype A0 or B0 and the second or third groups. In the table we consider all possible options from the first negative to the fourth positive blood groups for conceiving a child and the likelihood of conflict:

Dad Mom First Second Third Fourth
First I (100%) I (50%)
II (50%)
I (50%)
III (50%)
II (50%)
III (50%)
Second I (50%)
II (50%)
I (25%)
II (75%)
I (25%)
III (25%)
IV (25%)
II (50%)
III (25%)
IV (25%)
Third I (50%)
III (50%)
I (25%)
III (25%)
IV (25%)
I (25%)
III (75%)
II (25%)
III (50%)
IV (25%)
Fourth II (50%)
III (50%)
II (50%)
III (25%)
IV (25%)
II (25%)
III (50%)
IV (25%)
II (25%)
III (25%)
IV (50%)

From this table it is clear that the child’s blood type does not necessarily have to match the group of one or both parents.

You can also determine the likelihood of a child inheriting the Rh factor. Positive Rh is dominant over negative. There are three types of Rh genotype: DD, Dd, dd. If at least one parent has the DD genotype, the child will inherit Rh positive. If a Rh-positive parent has the Dd genotype, the child can have either a positive or a negative Rh factor.

Pregnancy and parents' blood types are an important issue that a young family should consider. When first contacting an antenatal clinic, a pregnant woman donates blood to determine her Rh group and affiliation.

In the case of different Rh factors of the spouses, pregnancy will take place under increased attention from the antenatal clinic. This increased attention will help to identify the likelihood of risk of conflicts based on the Rh factor and will be the key to a successful pregnancy.

Useful video

We invite you to watch a video about the Rh factor when planning pregnancy:

The desire to become parents and have a complete family is a natural need for many married couples. Planning a baby is an important stage in the life of spouses. That is why expectant mothers and fathers strive to obtain as much information as possible on all issues related to a future pregnancy. One of the important points worth paying attention to is blood compatibility for successful conception and subsequent pregnancy. Routine examinations at the stage of preparation for pregnancy will identify possible disorders, as well as situations requiring additional medical monitoring.

The term “blood type” is familiar to everyone. But not everyone knows how important this characteristic is for the further continuation of the human race.

Blood groups for conception - what are they?

Each parent has one of four blood groups - I (or O), II (or A), III (or B) and IV (or AB). Belonging to one or another category is determined by the presence of certain proteins - agglutinins α and β in plasma and agglutinogens A and B in red blood cells - erythrocytes. These “protein combinations” formed the following blood groups:

  • The first group is group (O), determined by the presence of α and β antibodies, but no antigens.
  • The second group, group (A), is characterized by the presence of A antigen and β antibodies.
  • The third group, group (B), is determined by the presence of proteins α and B.
  • The fourth group is group (AB), characterized by the presence of antigens A and B, but no antibodies.

Many parents wonder whether their blood type affects the successful conception and subsequent course of pregnancy. It’s worth mentioning right away that the group itself does not influence these processes in any way. However, depending on the initial data of the parents, one can assume a certain risk of developing certain deviations. Knowing the blood type of the parents, you can calculate the blood type of the unborn baby as a percentage. The results of blood group compatibility for conceiving a child are clearly demonstrated in the table below.

  • So, if both parents are carriers of the first blood group, then their baby with a 100% probability will also have this group.
  • The combination of the first and second or first and third groups will give an equal probability of having babies with the first and second, and the first and third blood groups, respectively.
  • The most unpredictable is the combination of the second and third groups, since in this case your little one can have absolutely any blood type.

Immunological conflict

A responsible approach to planning and bearing a baby can significantly reduce possible negative phenomena that sometimes happen during the 9 months of waiting for a replenishment. One of the preventive tests - determining the compatibility of partners by blood group - may not play a special role for conception, but for the further development of the toddler its importance can be very great. A possible conflict between mother and baby in her womb due to the Rh factor is practically nothing new to anyone. But not everyone knows about the compatibility of blood in the mother-baby connection for conceiving and bearing a child. There are some combinations that can cause complications during pregnancy.

  • Blood type 1: compatibility for conception. If the mother has the first blood group, and the father of the child has any other, a conflict under the ABO system is possible. If a child has a blood type other than the first, then when they meet the mother’s blood cells, α and β antibodies destroy red blood cells with a foreign antigen. However, there is no need to panic in advance. The presence of the blood type situation described above does not always provoke a conflict, and even without outside intervention, healthy children are born. If the expectant mother wants to play it safe, then after the 30th week she can be tested (once a month) for group antibodies. This conflict (if detected) is less dangerous than the Rhesus conflict. Moreover, with each subsequent pregnancy, the risk of its occurrence decreases more often.
  • Blood type 2: compatibility for conception. When the blood of the second group circulates in the expectant mother’s body, the likelihood of incompatibility with the baby arises if the father’s blood is of the third and fourth groups.
  • Blood type 3: compatibility for conception. More careful attention is required when the child’s father has group A or AB (second and fourth, respectively), and the mother has the third group.
  • Blood type 4: compatibility for conception. If a woman has this blood type, then there is no likelihood of conflict.

This information in no way suggests that people with “possibly incompatible” blood types should not have children or that such a pregnancy will obviously be problematic. It’s just that future mothers and fathers should know that a certain combination of blood groups may require additional attention (blood tests, ultrasound) on their part. If antibodies are detected in the blood of a pregnant woman, treatment is not prescribed immediately and not always - the doctor monitors the dynamics of this indicator. If intervention is necessary, therapy is prescribed. The most effective and safe method is plasmapheresis, although it also has a number of contraindications. When a conflict is detected, the optimal therapy is selected by the doctor.

Blood compatibility for conceiving a child: pregnancy and Rh factor - introduction

Almost every person has heard the term “Rh factor”. However, not everyone fully knows and understands what information it contains. A special protein (antigen) that is located on the surface of red blood cells is the Rh factor. In cases where this protein is detected, they speak of a positive Rh factor; if it is not there, the person’s blood has a negative Rh factor. About 15% of the population does not have the antigen. Laboratory analysis allows you to determine whether you belong to one type or another.

  • You donate blood.
  • The laboratory technician determines the presence or absence of a specific protein and makes a conclusion about a positive or negative Rh factor.

Laboratory analysis is designed to determine the compatibility of blood groups and Rhesus to eliminate problems not so much during conception, but during the subsequent course of pregnancy. If the Rh factor of the expectant mother and father is the same, then problems almost never arise. But, unfortunately, this does not always happen.

Blood compatibility for conceiving a child - the occurrence of Rh conflict

Young people love each other, dream of having a baby together and don’t even think about any “Rhesus”. And suddenly a Rhesus conflict arises.

Causes of Rh conflict

Situations when the child’s father does not have protein on his red blood cells, but his mother has it (or vice versa) require additional attention. That is why, even before pregnancy, it is recommended to undergo tests to determine the compatibility of the parents’ blood in order to exclude the influence of negative factors both for conception and subsequent pregnancy. Moreover, in some cases, even before the appearance of a little man in the womb of a woman, the expectant mother needs to undergo therapy to prevent diseases and rejection of the fetus.

Let's look at these 2 cases in more detail:

  • The mother's Rh is positive, the father's Rh is negative. In most cases, this situation does not pose any threat to either the woman or the baby in her womb. Even if the baby has a negative Rh factor, a conflict will not arise, because the woman's blood contains the antigen, but the child's blood does not.
  • The mother's Rh is negative, the father's Rh is positive. But this situation is already dangerous. If the baby “takes” the father’s antigens, then a conflict arises between the immune systems of the mother and the fetus. The woman’s body is trying to get rid of the foreign object. The production of protein compounds—antibodies—begins, which are designed to eliminate the baby’s red blood cells.

That is why, if a woman donates blood to determine her group and Rhesus, and the analysis reveals an antigen, then the father’s Rh is often not even interested in her.

Rh conflict and subsequent pregnancies: how to prevent

The baby's Rh status is formed in the very early stages of pregnancy (at 6-8 weeks). If it is the first pregnancy, then even the presence of a special protein in the baby’s blood almost never leads to a conflict. This is explained by the fact that the first meeting of a woman’s immune system with the baby’s antigens leads to the production of class M immunoglobulin. The structure of this substance does not allow it to penetrate the placental barrier, and the baby is safe. However, information about this “meeting” is stored in the so-called cell memory. And during subsequent pregnancies, group G antibodies are produced, which easily penetrate the baby and can cause fetal death or premature termination of pregnancy. G-antibodies, once appearing in the blood, remain in the body for life.

A woman should also take into account that the production of immunoglobulin does not depend on whether the pregnancy ended with the birth of a baby or was artificially terminated, as well as on its location - uterine or ectopic attachment of the fetus. To prevent the occurrence of conflict in the future (2 and subsequent pregnancies), after the first pregnancy, within 48 hours, the woman is injected with anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin, which “erases the memory” of the presence of foreign cells. The sooner the drug is administered, the greater the likelihood of its effectiveness. Thus, the compatibility of Rh blood factors is of utmost importance not only for conception, but for the subsequent successful growth and development of the toddler.

Consequences of lack of therapy for Rhesus conflict

An active attack from the mother’s body often leads to not very good consequences for the baby. The lack of adequate and timely therapy can cause the baby to develop hemolytic disease. Its manifestations (forms) can be as follows:

  • Development of anemia. This is the mildest scenario and the prognosis is most often favorable.
  • Postpartum jaundice. This is a more severe form of disorders, which is manifested not only by jaundice of the baby’s skin, but also by anemia, enlargement of the liver and spleen. There is an increased level of bilirubin.
  • The edematous form is the formation of dropsy of the heart or brain. This is the most severe form of pathology. If the antibody attack occurs early, a miscarriage most often occurs. Defeat in subsequent weeks leads to the birth of a baby in a very serious condition. There is pallor and severe cardiopulmonary failure.

As a consequence of hypoxia, deviations in the mental development of the child are possible.

That is why it is very important not only to be examined in advance, but also to monitor your health throughout pregnancy. Timely start of therapy will allow you to give birth to a healthy baby at term.

Many of us dream of an ideal life partner. And this is quite natural, such a person is able to make our life enjoyable in all respects. But a suitable character, the same life attitudes, and level of education are not all that is necessary to create a happy family.

Blood type is also of great importance for marriage. Doctors have been talking about this for a long time. For some time now, such information has become available to everyone.

This does not mean at all that you need to abandon your chosen one if his blood type is considered unsuitable. Building an ideal relationship in a couple depends only on the efforts of two people. And if you are interested in preserving the union, no gloomy predictions can stop you.

Compatibility in love and marriage by blood type

They are especially keen on research in this area. Our scientists also conducted many experiments. At the moment, there are a number of compatibility tables for men and women based on their blood. Whether to trust these studies or not is a personal matter for everyone.

However, upon closer examination of the results of scientific experiments, it turns out that human sexual behavior is very recognizable. And it depends precisely on what kind of blood flows in his veins.

Sexual behavior of men and women:

  1. “Tarzans” and “tigresses” 0 (I);
  2. shy husbands and devoted wives A (II);
  3. phlegmatic people and those who like to spin the dynamo B (III);
  4. contradictory creatures or “oceans of passions” AB (IV).

Male representatives of the first blood group behave as “hunters” should.

They are real males, and they can very rarely be called monogamous. The other halves of such men should not be offended; they got a “reveler” in which blood plays. In sex, a male needs everything at once. However, this does not always work out.

If such a man comes across a particularly stable lady, the hunter goes on the warpath and will “drive the game” until she surrenders to the mercy of the winner. Tenacity and perseverance, flavored with a certain amount of charisma, often allow you to achieve success.

Such a game with the desired object excites the hunter, in contrast to the hasty consent of the young lady, which can lead to the opposite result.

The Japanese say - if you need a passionate lover, turn your attention to a woman with the first blood type. These ladies are jealous and sensual, and are prone to experimentation in sex.

Despite their apparent softness, the “tigresses” have an iron grip, they keep their chosen ones on a short leash. If a man is too obedient, the lady will lose interest in him. At the same time, she is very selective and treats the choice of a partner with a cold heart.

Steel will and restraint allow her to do this, even when serious passion is raging inside. In bed, the “tiger” is tireless. She can do many of the things that make shy partners feel embarrassed.

Men of group A (II) are distinguished by great patience and calmness. They know how to give long and beautiful care, and are in no hurry to take active action.

It is this feature that attracts older women to them, and only irritates impatient girls. If this man is overwhelmed by great love, he will be very timid. A smart lady will help such a partner reveal his potential, and he will be very grateful to her.

Ladies with group A (II) are exceptionally decent people. They are not suitable for short-term romances; sex is perceived only as one of the aspects of married life. But it is precisely these well-bred persons who make the most devoted, faithful, trouble-free wives.

Representatives of group B (III) perceive sex as a form of pleasant leisure time. Loneliness does not bother them at all, and refusals do not offend them. Ladies with B (III) are special, they are not too interested in sex.

However, they really love flirting, they like to feel attractive, but things usually don’t go beyond frivolous conversations.

Men and women with blood type IV are a contradiction itself. They are characterized by mental discord, doubt, and indecision. At the same time, men are charming to the point of insanity and are able to achieve many women without effort.

A man in love falls completely into the power of a lady, losing the ability to think logically. Women behave the same way; they completely dissolve in their chosen one.

Representatives of group AB (IV) are not without reason called sorceresses who can cure a partner of sexual complexes. She loves experiments and happily adapts to the wishes of her master.

How to find out compatibility by blood group and Rh factor for marriage?

Sex is the most important aspect of the relationship between a man and a woman. If a couple has established a trusting relationship, there are practically no barriers.

Any problem can be solved without turning to specialists. But the blood type, as well as the Rh factor, are very important when it comes to a family in which children may appear.

Future parents simply have to think about their health. Sometimes pregnancy cannot occur due to different Rhesus factors.

Often during pregnancy a blood conflict arises between mother and child, which can result in complete rejection of the fetus or miscarriage.

Timely testing will help you find out:

  • about possible diseases during conception, pregnancy;
  • about the approximate scheme of the combination of the set of chromosomes of a heterozygote;
  • about the Rh factor of the fetus;
  • about the height, eye color, hair color of the baby.

Careful planning of a long-awaited pregnancy makes it possible to protect yourself from many diseases or complications. In the initial period, the compatibility of the parents is checked, as well as their various genetic diseases that can be passed on to the child. The result of all the analyzes performed can indicate the necessary measures to prevent various problems.

Today, much fewer pregnancies end badly, because doctors, in order to get rid of diseases, approach problems in advance. This turned out to be possible only thanks to the tests that are carried out before conception. Future parents will learn in advance about the compatibility of blood groups for conception, all the risks of pregnancy, as well as diseases of genetic predisposition. At this stage, all kinds of fetal pathologies can be prevented.

Compatibility of future parents

Each organism has a certain set of antigens contained in its tissues. On the very surface of existing red blood cells there is a protein called the Rh factor. A person can have both positive and negative Rh. It is worth noting that couples must take into account each other’s Rh before conceiving a child. Checking for blood group compatibility for conception will not only prevent problems during pregnancy, but will also help avoid problems during childbirth.

The blood is selected according to the Rh factor to prevent structural damage. Such blood will be perceived as its own, so the immune system will not begin to destroy foreign substances. To determine Rh, you need to take a blood test. The material must be submitted in the morning on an empty stomach.

The blood count of a newborn is determined by a variety of factors, so you should not be sure that the Rh will be identical to the father’s Rh. The compatibility of blood groups will be determined at the antenatal clinic during the first test. All blood characteristics seriously affect the general condition of pregnancy.

Pregnancy can proceed normally when the mother's body is able to produce antibodies. They do not identify the fetus as a foreign body and do not fight it. It is worth noting that girls with the first blood group give birth without any complications, even if their partner has the opposite Rh. If mommy has Rh plus, and dad has minus, then the mother’s first pregnancy in 90% of cases will be “sparing” - that is, the child will also have a minus.

During the period of conceiving a child, some kind of incompatibility occurs, because the mother’s antibodies begin to fight the fetal cells. Often such a struggle ends in the rapid death of the fetus, but even if it survives, this situation causes complications. These often include toxicosis, fatigue and drowsiness. If the Rh factor is incompatible between mother and baby, then you should avoid colds, rest more and worry less.

Incompatibility of parental Rh factor

Conception with blood incompatibility occurs normally, but problems arise during pregnancy. If a girl has a negative Rh, then she can carry a child with a positive one, but there is a high probability of abnormalities occurring after birth. A married couple with different Rhesus conditions may well have healthy children.

If future parents have an incompatible Rh factor, then it is necessary to take into account all the recommendations of specialists. The help of doctors allows you to bear a healthy child. The first long-awaited pregnancy can proceed without problems, even if the parents’ Rhesus are different, but subsequent gestations will be more problematic.

If a woman has a negative Rh and a man has a positive Rh, then the conflict during pregnancy can be 50%. Expectant mothers with a positive indicator do not have conflicts with the Rhesus of their first child.

Blood group conflict

Without proper monitoring, the entire pregnancy with blood group conflicts proceeds with difficulties, which is why the compatibility of blood groups is so important for conception. Experts recommend that future parents undergo all tests to check the condition of their bodies before conception. Pregnancy with a conflicting blood type should be under the supervision of a gynecologist.

To prevent complications due to blood conflict, it is necessary:

  • take a chorionic villus biopsy to determine the Rh factor;
  • vaccinate with immunoglobulin to prevent conflict;
  • stimulate labor artificially;
  • perform cordocentesis.

The latest methods of research, treatment and prevention provide complete control over the pregnancy process, minimizing the risks of complications due to blood incompatibility. Timely testing, as well as contacting your doctor, will help prevent the occurrence of any conflict situations.

Pregnancy planning includes a set of measures aimed at optimizing conditions for conception and the birth of healthy offspring. It is advisable for future parents to examine the body, give up bad habits, lead a healthy lifestyle, and prepare themselves emotionally.

Doctors recommend determining in advance the blood group and Rh factor. The most important nuance for conceiving a child in marriage is checking the compatibility of the parents by blood type and Rh factor using the tables presented in our article.


Human blood is characterized by one of four groups, distinguished by a set of specific proteins within the red blood cells. As a rule, proteins (otherwise known as antigens or agglutinogens) are designated by the letters A and B. Red blood cells of the first blood group do not contain antigens, the bodies of the second include only protein A, the third - B, and the fourth - both of the above proteins.

The age of the first antigenic phenotype is estimated at 60-40 thousand years.

It is most common in areas of South and Central America, which is due to minimal migration and the absence of mixed marriages between local residents and representatives of other nations.

The second appeared much later in Asia, approximately 25-15 thousand years ago, a large proportion of carriers lived in Europe and Japan. It is interesting that the number of people of groups I and II prevails and makes up 80% of the population.

The emergence of the third group is regarded by some researchers as a result of evolution that changed the human immune system, while others as the result of a mutation.

The emergence of the fourth group- a mystery for scientists. If we believe the studies of the substance on the Shroud of Turin, in which the body of Jesus Christ was wrapped, he was the owner of this youngest group.

A child inherits a set of proteins from his parents, based on the laws of genetics. To determine the possible combination of antigens of the future baby, we find probable inheritance options at the intersection of the columns of the mother and father groups.

Inheritance during pregnancy

Child blood type inheritance chart.

Thus, mom and dad with the second and third groups give birth to children of any combination of agglutinogens with equal probability. A couple with the first group gives birth to children whose red blood cells lack proteins. The carrier of the fourth group will never give birth to the offspring of the first.

Genetics, like other sciences, is not without exceptions. In a small percentage of people, red blood cells contain silent A and B antigens.

As a result, the baby inherits a set of agglutinogens that is different from the possible one. The paradox is called the “Bombay phenomenon” and affects one in 10 million people.

The baby's circulatory system is formed in the mother's womb. Antigens appear in cells in the early stages of pregnancy (2-3 months).

When a baby inherits a protein from his father that is not in his mother's blood, there are cases of a woman developing antibodies to a protein foreign to her. This process is called a conflict of people according to blood groups or an immunological conflict, in which case their compatibility is in question.

Incompatibility develops in the following cases:

  • for women group I, for men II, III, IV;
  • for women II, for men III, IV;
  • in women it is III, in men it is II or IV.

The situation is especially dangerous when a woman of the first group is carrying a baby with II or III. This situation often causes complications.

Fortunately, most often incompatibility occurs easily and does not require intensive care. Incompatibility during repeated conception does not entail more unpleasant consequences.

Compatibility table for conception by blood group of husband and wife.

Sometimes a woman's immune system begins to produce antisperm antibodies that kill sperm. Then an absolutely healthy couple faces problems conceiving.

Therefore, competent pregnancy planning involves testing for antisperm antibodies.

Rh of father and mother

In addition to the group, blood is characterized by the presence of another antigen in red blood cells - the Rh factor.

Most people on the planet are carriers of the Rh factor (Rh), they are called Rh-positive.

Only 15 percent of the population does not contain Rh in their red cells; they are Rh negative.

Inheritance of the antigenic phenotype and Rh factor occurs independently of each other.

It is possible to say exactly what Rh factor the child will receive only when both parents are Rh negative.

In other situations, it is impossible to predict Rh, it can be anything.

Table for determining the Rh factor of a child.

Some cases are characterized by immunological incompatibility of the Rh factor between mother and fetus. The conflict manifests itself in a small percentage of the fair sex with negative Rh, if the baby inherited the positive Rh of the father.

The mother's body produces antibodies that attack the baby's red blood cells through the placenta. Unfortunately, the placental barrier provides 100% protection only during an ideal pregnancy, which is very rare. Attacks on an unformed creature destroy the liver, heart, and kidneys.

Pregnancy complicated by Rhesus conflict often ends in miscarriage. When the baby manages to survive, dropsy, jaundice, anemia, and mental health problems are likely.

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How to behave in case of Rh conflict

The expectant mother must know her blood type and Rh. Planning to conceive First of all, it is worth passing the appropriate tests(to determine the blood type and Rh factor), because the compatibility of spouses is important for the birth of healthy children, but not required.

Let us note that it is possible to bear and give birth to a healthy, strong child even if there is an immune conflict. The girl needs to be under the supervision of a doctor. If antibodies are detected, treatment is prescribed.

During the pregnancy of the first child, such a conflict appears less frequently, which is due to a number of biological reasons. Risk factors for Rh-negative women include previous miscarriages, abortions,...

Antibodies tend to accumulate This means that the destruction of red blood cells during subsequent pregnancies will begin earlier and, accordingly, will cause more severe consequences.

The most serious complication of the above situation is considered to be hemolytic disease of the newborn. It comes in three forms:

  • icteric – the skin turns yellow;
  • anemic – jaundice, no edema;
  • edematous – accompanied by general edema and jaundice.

Diagnosing incompatibility between mother and fetus start with determining the Rh of the fetus. If the father has Rh-positive blood and the mother has Rh-negative blood, pregnant women have their blood tested for antibodies at least monthly.

Gestation occurs without discomfort, only slight weakness is possible.

Symptoms of incompatibility are detected only by ultrasound examination. When there are more antibodies, and ultrasound shows fetal development abnormalities, do intrauterine blood transfusions.

In case of threat to the life of the pregnant woman and the fetus, a decision is made on artificial birth.

The birth of a new life is a great happiness, which is sometimes overshadowed by a doctor’s diagnosis after testing by potential parents. Planning a pregnancy is the most important stage, but not a panacea for unpleasant surprises.

This video contains some more information about why it is so important for parents to get tested to determine their blood type and Rh factor when registering during pregnancy:

Even if you get pregnant unplanned, don't worry. It should be remembered that love conquers all, and timely contact with an experienced specialist and an examination will significantly increase the chance of the baby’s favorable development.