How to calculate the color of a child's eyes. What eye color will a newborn baby have if his parents are brown, blue or green? What color will the child's eyes be?

Already during pregnancy, a woman wants to learn from her parents how genetics influence the child’s eye color. The probability is calculated in advance. 90% of it depends on genetic predisposition. With a small amount of melanin, the color will be blue. Great content coloring pigment makes the child's eyes brown. In other cases, the shades will be distributed between the layers.

Eye color varies depending on the density of the fibers and the distribution of pigment. The brain transmits information optic nerves. They are part of the iris. Melanin acts as protection against ultraviolet radiation. The pigment is formed from cholesterol and tyrosine. More than 80% of children are born with light eyes; after 3–4 years, a change occurs. At this stage, the shade will remain for life. Sometimes the period lasts up to 10 years.

What eye color are babies born with?

  1. karim;
  2. blue;
  3. green.

Sometimes the shade changes after six months under the influence genetic factors and the sun. There are four colors of the pupil: gray, green, blue and brown. As a rule, children with brown eyes remain the same color throughout their lives. Large production of melanin leads to the fact that the iris becomes dark.

A dominant and recessive gene from both parents causes the eye color to be different at birth. Most children are born with a blue tint, less often with a gray tint. These shades fade to gray, turn into green or, conversely, into brown.

Eye color chart for parents and children:

Despite various hypotheses, Mendel's law turned out to be the most convincing. It says that color is determined by a dominant dark gene. He is superior individual characteristics light genotypes.

Six-month-old babies, depending on their mood, change eye color. Already inside the mother, the pigmentation of the iris is laid down. When it is born, the iris takes on its own color. Parents pass on color by inheritance. Melanin formation is important. In small quantities the iris is light.

Influence of genes

Research has helped identify patterns and identify exceptions to the rules to predict what eye color a child's parents will have. This is an opportunity to draw conclusions about shades with a high degree of probability. Many families confirm the correctness of the hypotheses.

Basic patterns:

  1. Parents with dark eyes have children born with the same color;
  2. if mom and dad are light-colored, then the newborn’s vision organs will be blue or gray;
  3. in case of a large difference in shades, the dark color dominates.

Such characteristics helped to form an almost 100% ratio of the characteristics of relatives. We found out that the probability of a blue-eyed mother and father with green tint will be 60:40 in favor of the dominant light color. The tone and inclusions of the iris are passed on through generations from grandparents.

Factors influencing eye shade:

  • the number of outer and inner layers of the iris;
  • fiber density;
  • heat or cold.

Other genes also influence shade. Blonde people do not have light skin dark eyes. If a person is of Negroid race or has tanned skin, the baby will be brown. A gene on chromosome 15 is responsible for coloring blue and brown, green and blue - on chromosome 19.


Eye color is inherited from parents. Two genes are responsible, which are passed on to HERC2 at the time of conception. At birth, a person can have two genes - brown or blue, as well as one chromosome for each color. The EYCL1 gene carries green and blue shades, in this case green is dominant.

Does eye color change after birth? Yes, for the first four years. However, there have been cases where a boy entered school with blue eyes, and ended up with green ones. The organs of vision may be different, differ in the multi-colored shell of the iris. This case is called heterochromia. This is an individual natural process that indicates a disease. To clarify, you will need to consult a doctor.

If the parents have green and blue eyes, then there is a 25% chance that the child’s eyes will be light green, blue with a small yellow halo around the pupil, dark with a blue tint, bright swamp.

Blue and brown colors give a 40% chance of a completely light or brown shade, as well as gray with yellow splashes and clear shades of 10%.

Green and brown give a 50% mixed shade, 25% closer to green with a brown halo around the pupil. 12 and 11% each that the eyes will be blue with yellow and light brown with a blue edging.
In children, the color changes after sleeping and waking up. This phenomenon is called a "chameleon". The eyes differ in a range of shades.

Blue goes with fibers white, amber interweaves a reddish tint or golden if the lipofuscin pigment predominates. Green mixes with brown. When there is a lot of melanin, the organs of vision appear black. The high density of the outer layer blends with the gray color.


The iris is necessary for protection from ultraviolet radiation. Over time, the color will change. Light colors will become faded due to fading of the pigment. From dazzling sunlight protects the membrane of brown eyes.
Despite the data given, it is not always possible to predict the color. The influence of closely related relationships with different races and nationalities leads to the fact that blond children have green and brown organs of vision, and children with dark hair are born with a blue tint.

Statistics show that green eyed people about 2% in the world. Most often they are born in Turkey and Iceland. Caucasians are distinguished by blue irises. Brown-eyed people make up more than 75% of the total world population. Separate category Albinos, who have a red iris due to almost zero pigment.

Blue color is more common among northern peoples. They have a deep shade of indigo. Children are distinguished by emotionality and sensitivity. Kids with brown eyes have a cheerful disposition, frequent changes mood, active, responsible and hardworking. Newborns with green pupils purposeful, stubborn, persistent, demanding.

Eyes are considered exceptional and attractive purple. They occur in the absence of melanin. Such kids always cause admiration.

Over time, the color can change from brown to blue. Light eyes are hidden under the dark pigment. Depending on its thickness, brown-eyed people have a different shade of the shell. By using laser surgery in 20 seconds the pigment is removed, returning the iris blue.

Many parents try to determine the color of their child’s eyes using a table. Despite high rate coincidences there are deviations. In addition to the usual color, the iris can be yellow or purple. The tone is not important factor in the formation of appearance. It is impossible to be completely sure of the shade. Parents look for similarities with themselves, and eyes are formed with the participation of chromosomes and genes of other relatives.

Many parents wonder what color their future baby's eyes will be. The answer will not be so simple. Certain genes passed on to the child from the parents are responsible for eye color. Questions of their inheritance even modern science have not been studied well enough to say for sure what facial and character traits a child will inherit from his mother and father.

The pigment melanin, which is located in the iris of the eye, is responsible for eye color. Melanin is also responsible for the color of our skin. Blue-eyed people have the least amount of this pigment, while people with brown eyes have the highest amount. People with different eye colors fall somewhere in between these two extremes. How much melanin will be contained in the iris of the eye depends on hereditary characteristics.

Simply put, a child inherits the genes of both parents, and their combination will determine what color the child’s eyes will be. The child's true eye color may not appear immediately. It is known that all children are born with blue (gray) or brown (black) eyes. If the baby's skin is light, then it is most likely that he will have blue eyes at birth; if the skin is dark, then the baby will be born with brown eyes. As the child grows, he will begin to produce more and more melanin, which will determine true color your child's eye. This process may take about three years. Although, as observations show, most babies acquire their real eye color within six months after birth. It is absolutely possible that a child born with light eyes may become brown-eyed with age. Some people's eye color changes even after 20 years.

It is incorrect to say that brown-eyed parents can only give birth to a child with brown eyes. Medicine knows many examples of how parents with dark eyes gave birth to children with blue eye. Of course, the color of the father's and mother's eyes can predict the likely color of the baby's eyes, but one cannot be one hundred percent sure of this. The same can be said about green (or any other) color. If parents have the same eye color, this does not mean that your baby will have the same eyes.

probable options

1. The most common eye color on the planet is brown, and the rarest is green. Only three percent of the entire earth's population have green eyes. Half of Iceland's inhabitants have green eyes, the other half have blue eyes.

2. The most common eye color among Caucasian residents is blue. Behind him comes brown and gray.

3. Some famous people eyes of different colors. David Bowie has one blue eye and one green eye. This difference was due to an accident. IN adolescence David was punched in the eye, resulting in a corneal injury. Now the singer complains that his sensitivity to color has almost been lost in one eye. Through his left eye he sees everything with brown tints.

3. Mila Kunis also has different eyes (green and light brown).

actress Mila Kunis suffers from heterochromia

4. Actress Kate Bosworth has both blue eyes, however, she has a brown patch at the bottom of her right eye.

Kate Bosworth

5. Alice Eve refers to people suffering from heterochrony. One of her eyes is green, the other is blue.

Alice Eve

The reason for this hereditary disease It’s not completely clear yet. However, as the example of David Bowie shows, one of the factors affecting eye color can be corneal injury.

Future parents can already find out the color of their child's eyes already during the mother's pregnancy. This can be calculated using special genetic tables, which will be discussed in the article.

Genetic predisposition

Parents are encouraged to find out what kind of eyes the child will have even before his birth, although this will be approximately. In biology classes, we all studied about genetics, which determines the formation of facial features or other properties of the unborn child, including eye color. Science has proven that eye color corresponds to 6 genes, and not 2, as was previously believed. But even today it is difficult for parents to predict what color your child will be - you can only guess.

The theory of genetic formation of a child’s eye color suggests the following variations:

  • There are 2 genes that have been well studied and by which the eye color of the unborn child can be determined. One of them is located on chromosome 15, and the other on chromosome 19. Both genes have 2 copies, one of which the child receives from the mother, and the second from the father.
  • The gene on chromosome 15 carries the colors brown and blue; there can be varieties: 2 brown, 2 blue or 1 brown and 1 blue. 2 brown genes carry brown eye color, brown and blue also carry brown color, but 2 blue genes can carry blue or green. Brown color is dominant. For example, a brown-eyed woman and a blue-eyed or green-eyed man will only have brown-eyed children, but their grandchildren will receive an unpredictable color.
  • The gene on chromosome 19 carries the colors green and blue. Cyan can also include shades of blue and gray. Green- dominant, blue - recessive. Blue eye color is caused by the highest gene on chromosome 15, so a person with two blue such genes may have various variations in the presence of gene 15. If he has at least 1 brown 15 gene, then his eyes, regardless of the 19 gene, will be brown. This is difficult, but this is genetics - with two green 19 genes the eye color will be green, with green and blue the result will be green again, and in the case of 2 blue genes it will be blue.

A simplified table is used to facilitate understanding.

Layout of the eye color of the unborn child

To avoid confusion in explaining the genome, an approximate general table in order to determine the eye color of the unborn child. According to her:

  • 2 brown eyed parent in 75% of cases they will give birth to a brown-eyed child, in almost 19% of cases - green-eyed, and only in 6% of cases - blue-eyed.
  • In 50% of cases, a child with brown-eyed and green-eyed parents will have brown eyes, in almost 38% of cases - green and only in almost 13% - blue.
  • A brown-eyed and blue-eyed parent will again have a brown-eyed child in 50% of cases, and a blue-eyed child in the remaining 50% of cases. A green-eyed child cannot be born to such parents in any case.
  • Two green-eyed parents will give birth to a child with green eyes in 75% of cases, blue-eyed in 24% of cases, and brown-eyed in only 1% of cases.
  • A green-eyed and blue-eyed parent will have equal chances of giving birth to a child with blue or green eyes; they cannot have a brown-eyed baby.
  • Two blue-eyed parents in 99% of cases a child will be born blue-eyed and only 1% green-eyed. Brown eyes cannot work here either.

TO interesting facts The following cases can be considered:

  • The majority of the world's population is brown-eyed, and the least number of green-eyed people is observed - only 2% of the total number is observed, and green-eyed female children are most actively born in Turkey and Iceland.
  • You can hardly find green-eyed people in Asian, South American and Central Asia. eastern countries, but blue eye color is very common among Caucasians.
  • The formation of eye color is completed only by the age of 4, and all newborns are born with the same blue eye color, only for some it darkens or turns into other shades.
  • Brown eyes are blue eyes covered with pigment brown. Modern medicine has reached the point where there is an operation to change eye color from brown to blue, although this will not affect the offspring.
  • Some scientists believe that blue eye color is due to genetic mutation, so all blue-eyed people have one common ancestor.
  • Albinos have red eyes due to the lack of iris pigment.
  • Black or yellow eyes in fact, brown and green, respectively, the rays falling on them simply reflect the color differently.

Thus, you can predict the eye color of your unborn child with a high degree of probability. In rare cases, children may be born with different colors iris in both eyes, but this is not a disease, but just a unique feature.

Eye color is a unique feature that accompanies a person throughout his life. It is determined genetically and depends on many factors. Young spouses always want to know how to determine the eye color of the unborn child, and whether it is possible modern stage development of science. The answer is positive - genetics and statistics help to tell what shade of iris your son or daughter will inherit from you.

Eye color is determined by the amount of melanin pigment in the outer layer of the iris. In addition to the concentration of melanin, the number and thickness of the fibers plays a role connective tissue in the same layer of the iris.

What colors do people have eyes?

  • Blue – there is little melanin, the fibers of the intercellular substance are thin;
  • Gray – there is little melanin, but the connective tissue fibers are denser;
  • Green - more melanin than blue-eyed, the quantity and quality of fibers may vary;
  • Brown - the concentration of melanin is even greater, the characteristics of the fibers may vary.

There are two extreme options:

  • Red – complete absence melanin, the shade is determined by the color of the blood flowing through the vessels (with albinism, the hair will also be white);
  • Black – maximum quantity pigment.

Parents often ask the question: “What is the most common eye color on the globe?” Researchers have found that the majority of the world's inhabitants are brown-eyed.

Dark eyes are typical for residents of warm regions and are more common among representatives of the Negroid and Mongoloid races. Light shades of the iris arose later in the process of evolution, when the ancestors of people began to settle throughout northern territories of our planet.

The color of the iris can change throughout life due to age, weather conditions, exposure to physical factors and certain diseases. The shade of the eyes is also influenced by a person’s mood, his general emotional state and how many hours he sleeps. When we are happy or in love, the color of our eyes appears brighter to others.

Modern data suggest that a trait such as eye color is encoded by two genes located on chromosomes 15 and 19 - HERC2 and EYCL1. Each of them can be presented in two variants (alleles) - dominant and recessive. Every person has two copies of each gene, received from their mother and father.

Mother's eye color
Father's eye color Children Brown Green Blue Grey
Brown Brown eyes Brown-eyed Brown eyes Brown eyes
Blue eyes Blue eyes Grey-eyed
Green-eyed Green-eyed Green-eyed
Green Brown-eyed Green-eyed Blue eyes Green-eyed
Green-eyed Blue eyes Green-eyed Grey-eyed
Blue eyes
Blue Brown eyes Green-eyed Blue eyes Blue eyes
Green-eyed Blue eyes Grey-eyed
Blue eyes
Grey Brown-eyed Grey, Blue eyes Grey-eyed
Green-eyed Green-eyed Grey-eyed

If mom has brown hair and dad has blue

Let's consider the option when mom has brown eyes and dad has blue eyes. Such parents may give birth to children with brown eyes, or less often, the color of the child’s eyes will be green or blue.

If mom has blue ones and dad has brown ones

It happens that the mother has blue eyes, and the father has brown eyes. For similar spouses, the situation is similar to that described above (the child will have the same options for eye shade).

If mom is green and dad is brown

It happens that the mother has a green iris, and the father has a brown iris. Their sons and daughters may have brown, green or rarely blue eyes.

If mom has brown, and dad has gray

Genetics indicate that if a woman is the owner of brown eyes, and her beloved has eyes gray, then their descendants will inherit a brown or gray shade of the iris.

If mom's are green, and dad's are blue

A green-eyed woman and a man with blue eyes are likely to give birth to children who will have green or blue color. Such parents cannot produce babies with dark eyes.

If mom has blue ones and dad has green ones

Medical consultants explain that if a spouse has green eyes and his life partner has a blue iris, then they will have the same children as their previous parents.

If mom has brown, and dad has green

Remember that a brown-eyed mother and a green-eyed father will give birth to babies with brown eyes, green or blue.

If mom's are gray, and dad's are green

What color will babies' eyes be when expectant mother has gray eyes, but dad has green eyes? They should expect green-eyed or gray-eyed offspring.

What eye color will the child have?

Odds or percentage of probability

Mom and dad have brown eyes, three quarters of all children born will have the same shade of eyes. The likelihood that they will have a green-eyed or blue-eyed baby is much lower - 18.75% and 6.25%, respectively.

When the first parent has brown eyes, and the second has green eyes, then in half the cases such spouses can give birth to a brown-eyed baby. In 37.5% of cases, their son or daughter will have a green iris, and only 12.5% ​​of the heirs will have blue eyes.


Heterochromia – rare natural phenomenon, which refers to the presence of different eye colors in one person, due to heterogeneous synthesis of the melanin pigment. Heterochromia can occur both within one iris and in each eye separately.

IN Medieval Europe Many people with different eye colors were considered connected with the other world. Nowadays, some politicians, actors and singers have this feature (Tim McIlroth, Alice Eve, etc.). Modern medicine It has been established that this condition most often does not pose a threat to the child’s life.

But parents need to be careful and, in case of any vision problems, show the baby with different eyes to an ophthalmologist, since heterochromia can be a companion to certain diseases (a genetic test may need to be performed).

If heterochromia appears in an adult, this is always evidence pathological process(inflammation, tumor, metabolic disorder, or injury) that develops in a part of the body.

How to determine eye color in newborns?

All people are born with blue or blue eyes. At what age can you see the real shade of a baby’s iris, and at how many months does a child’s eye shade change? Only after six months to a year of life on Earth does the child begin to manifest final color iris, which will remain for life.

Permanent coloring of the iris is formed before 2-4 years of age. In addition, teenagers can expect surprises during puberty, when changes in hormonal balance begin and sometimes eye color changes again.

The unique shade of the eyes is a miracle given to us by nature. Thanks to genetics, today future parents can not only imagine what eye color their future child will have, but also give birth to a beautiful, healthy baby.

Character by eye color

Today, special tables have been developed that make it possible to determine the color of a child’s eyes with a high degree of probability. To do this, you need to know what kind of irises his parents have.

What determines the color of a child’s iris?

Each trait in the body is inherited according to a specific type and is encoded in six different genes. This means that depending on the presence of signs in both the father and mother of the child, the amount of melanin in the baby can be predicted. This amount will determine the corresponding shade of the iris.

What exactly determines the color of a child's eyes? The coloring itself is determined by the presence of a specific organic compound– melanin pigment. The stroma (the supporting structure of organs) contains melanocytes, or pigment cells, that produce melanin. The more pigment contained in the stroma, the more intense the coloring of the eyes.

There are three main gradations of pigment content:

  • blue – minimum quantity;
  • green – average;
  • brown – maximum.

The trait is also influenced by chemical variations in the organic compound. The pattern depends on the amount of melanin, which determines the skin tone as a whole.

Observed rare cases specific genetic pathology, when melanin in the cells of the iris is completely absent. Then translucent blood vessels give the eyes a red tint.

How does inheritance work?

The trait is inherited in a polygenic manner. It is impossible to reliably know what the eye color of the unborn child will be. There is a certain probability that the formation of the baby's iris is determined by the color of the parents' eyes. But exceptions are possible. It is believed that a trait is 90% determined by the laws of genetics, and 10% depends on the influence of factors environment.

The probability of staining of the iris in a child as a percentage can be presented in the following table:

Iris staining in parents Probability of manifestation of the corresponding sign (%)
At the mother's At my father's Brown Green Blue
Brown Brown 75 18,75 6,25
Green Brown 50 37,5 12,5
Blue Brown 50 0 50
Green Green Less than 1 75 25
Green Blue 0 50 50
Blue Blue 0 1 99

The likelihood of a child exhibiting a symptom is influenced by several environmental factors, which include:

  • Insolation . With intense exposure of the iris to sunlight containing the ultraviolet spectrum, the likelihood of a gradual reactive increase in pigment concentration increases. It is this that blocks excess ultraviolet rays.
  • Pathological conditions . They are associated with changes in metabolism and melanin synthesis (hemosiderosis, siderosis, albinism). These eye color changes do not follow the laws of genetic inheritance and are rare.
  • Age-related changes . The older the person, the worse the intensity metabolic processes in his body. This affects melanin synthesis, which is why eyes and skin become pale as we age. The appearance of gray hair is also associated with changes in the metabolism of pigment compounds.

While studying the specifics of polygenic inheritance of the trait, we identified the following facts, attracting attention:

  • Residents of the Caucasus region have blue eye color as their dominant color.
  • Green irises are rare. Only 2% of the world's population have them.
  • Green eye color is especially common among the Turkish population.
  • A feature of green shades is heterochromia. This condition is characterized different colors right and left eyes (for example, brown and blue, blue and green).
  • IN small quantity cases, local heterochromia is recorded. It is distinguished by changes in color within one iris. The intense black coloration of a small round area of ​​the iris can be confused with an additional pupil.
  • There is a clear relationship between skin, hair and eye color. The darker a person's skin and hair, the darker the iris.
  • The property is simultaneously encoded in six genes that are located on different chromosomes. This is the main reason for polygenic inheritance, which makes it possible to predict retinal staining only with a certain degree of probability.
  • Brown is considered the dominant eye color when dyeing. In a small number of cases, parents with brown irises may have a blue-eyed baby. The likelihood of this will be higher if one or both parents have blue eyes in their immediate family. This indicates that the parents' genotype contains recessive genes encoding blue color.
  • Some genes that determine the amount of melanin in cells may be linked to other properties, including pathological conditions. Therefore, if there is congenital diseases Parents must undergo genetic testing at the pregnancy planning stage. This helps to predict possible pathology in the child and take measures to prevent it.

The color of a child's iris does not always match the color of the parents' eyes. Doctors warn about this even at the stage of pregnancy planning. It is impossible to reliably predict what eye color a child will be born with, because the formation of this trait depends on many factors, both internal and external.

Useful video on how to find out the eye color of your unborn child