10 largest cities by area. The largest cities in the world by population and territory

The size of a city is determined by its population. This is why there are many cities that are large in size and yet are called small because of the lack of inhabitants. Although it is not always good that the size of a city is estimated only by the number of people per capita. Here are the ten largest cities in the world based on population.

1. Tokyo, Japan - 37 million people

As the richest city in the entire world, there is no doubt that the Japanese city may be the largest city in the world. Tokyo has grown quite a lot from its very humble beginnings in both economy and population. The population is over 37 million people.

2. Jakarta, Indonesia - 26 million people

As the largest political and financial center in the country, Jakarta is undoubtedly the second largest city in the world with a population of approximately 26 million people.

3. Seoul, South Korea - 22.5 million people

It is not surprising that Seoul has been growing rapidly recently, and its development is not only limited in the economic sphere, but also in population and technology. The population is 22.5 million.

4. Delhi, India - 22.2 million people

Delhi comes in fourth and is almost equal in population to Seoul with 22.2 million.

5. Shanghai, China - 20.8 million people

China is known for its vast territory and dense population. Shanghai has the fifth largest population with 20.8 million people.

6. Manila, Philippines - 22.7 million people

Manila ranks sixth in the list of largest cities in the world.

7. Karachi, Pakistan - 20.7 million people

Being the cultural center of Pakistan, Karachi makes it the seventh largest city in the world, with a population of 20.7 million.

8. New York, USA -20.46 million people

Who hasn't heard of New York? Yes, it is the most populous city in the US at 20.46 million people. New York City largely stands out in terms of cultural diversity as it is home to many people from different parts of the world.


  • Population: 1 114 806
  • Founded: 1749
  • Subject of the Federation: Rostov region
  • National composition:
    • 90.6% Russians
    • 3.4% Armenians
    • 1.5% Ukrainians

Rostov-on-Don is the oldest city in Russia, the southern “capital” of Russia. Founded in 1749 by decree of Elizabeth Petrovna. The main part of the city is located on the right bank of the Don. The city has many “green” areas - picturesque parks and squares. In the city center there are huge trees reaching a height of 6-7 floors. Rostov has its own zoo, botanical garden, circus, water park, and also a dolphinarium. The symbolic border between Europe and Asia passes through the Voroshilovsky Bridge in the center of Rostov-on-Don.


  • Population: 1 171 820
  • Founded: 1586
  • Subject of the Federation: Samara region
  • National composition:
    • 90% Russian
    • 3.6% Tatars
    • 1.1% Mordovians
    • 1.1% Ukrainians

With amara (from 1935 to 1991 - Kuibyshev) is a fairly large city located on the left, higher bank of the Volga with its many attractions. The city of Samara is a large industrial center of the Volga Federal District. Industries such as mechanical engineering (including the aviation and space industries), metalworking, and also the food industry are developed here.


  • Population: 1 173 854
  • Founded: 1716
  • Subject of the Federation: Omsk region
  • National composition:
    • 88.8% Russians
    • 3.4% Kazakhs
    • 2.0% Ukrainians

About Moscow - one of the largest cities in Siberia and Russia - was founded in 1716. In 2016, the city will celebrate its tricentenary. Omsk is considered the economic, educational and cultural center of Western Siberia. The city is home to a large number of large industrial enterprises, and medium and small businesses are developing. The city has more than 10 theaters, a Concert Hall and an Organ Hall. Every year Omsk hosts various festivals, exhibitions, and concerts of Russian and foreign performers.


  • Population: 1 183 387
  • Founded: 1736
  • Subject of the Federation: Chelyabinsk region
  • National composition:
    • 86.5% Russians
    • 5.1% Tatars
    • 3.1% Bashkirs

Chelyabinsk is the capital of the Southern Urals. Located east of the Ural ridge, on the geological border of the Urals and Siberia. The enterprises of the city of Chelyabinsk - metallurgical and engineering giants - are known throughout the world.


  • Population: 1 205 651
  • Founded: 1005
  • Subject of the Federation: Republic of Tatarstan
  • National composition:
    • 48.6% Russians
    • 47.6% Tatars
    • 0.8% Chuvash

Kazan is the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, one of the largest and most beautiful cities in Russia, included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Cities. Kazan is a major industrial and commercial center of Russia. The whole world knows about airplanes and helicopters that are produced in the capital of Tatarstan, chemical and petrochemical products produced by giant Kazan factories.


  • Population: 1 267 760
  • Founded: 1221
  • Subject of the Federation: Nizhny Novgorod region
  • National composition:
    • 93.9% Russians
    • 1.3% Tatars
    • 0.6% Mordovians

Nizhny Novgorod is a city in Russia, the administrative center of the Nizhny Novgorod region, the center and largest city of the Volga Federal District. The most developed industries are mechanical engineering and metalworking, food, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, medical, light and woodworking, mechanical engineering and metalworking. The city has preserved many unique historical, architectural and cultural monuments, which gave UNESCO grounds to include Nizhny Novgorod in the list of 100 cities in the world that are of global historical and cultural value.


  • Population: 1 428 042
  • Founded: 1723
  • Subject of the Federation: Sverdlovsk region
  • National composition:
    • 89.1% Russian
    • 3.7% Tatars
    • 1.0% Ukrainians

Katerinburg is called the capital of the Urals. It is the fourth largest city in Russia. Yekaterinburg has become one of the “centers” of Russian rock. The groups “Nautilus Pompilius”, “Urfene Juice”, “Semantic Hallucinations”, “Agatha Christie”, “Chaif”, “Nastya” were formed here. Yulia Chicherina, Olga Arefieva and many others grew up here.


  • Population: 1 567 087
  • Founded: 1893
  • Subject of the Federation: Novosibirsk region
  • National composition:
    • 92.8% Russians
    • 0.9% Ukrainians
    • 0.8% Uzbeks

Novosibirsk is the third most populous city in Russia and has the status of an urban district. It is a trade, cultural, business, industrial, scientific and transport center of federal significance. Novosibirsk was founded as a settlement in 1893, and Novosibirsk was given city status in 1903. Novosibirsk is home to one of the largest zoos in Russia, famous throughout the world for its conservation of endangered animal species, some of which remain only in zoo collections.


  • Population: 5 191 690
  • Founded: 1703
  • Subject of the Federation:
  • National composition:
    • 92.5% Russians
    • 1.5% Ukrainians
    • 0.9% Belarusians

St. Petersburg is the second most populous city in Russia. It has the status of a city of federal significance. Administrative center of the Northwestern Federal District and Leningrad Region. Few cities in the world can boast so many attractions, museum collections, opera and drama theatres, estates and palaces, parks and monuments.


  • Population: 12 197 596
  • Founded: 1147
  • Subject of the Federation:
  • National composition:
    • 91.6% Russians
    • 1.4% Ukrainians
    • 1.4% Tatars

Moscow is the capital of the Russian Federation, a city of federal significance, the administrative center of the Central Federal District and the center of the Moscow Region, which it is not part of. Moscow is the largest financial center on an all-Russian scale, an international business center and a management center for a large part of the country's economy. For example, about half of the banks registered in Russia are concentrated in Moscow. According to Ernst & Young, Moscow ranks 7th among European cities in terms of investment attractiveness.

According to approximate data, there are about 3 million cities on the planet. Small and large, developed and poor, beautiful resorts and fascinating historical ones. Everyone is good in their own way. And there are those that are notable precisely for their area. In our article we will talk about XXL size cities. The criterion for the rating was the “net” area of ​​the city, which it occupies without taking into account districts and agglomerations. Meet the largest cities in the world by area!

Sydney (12144, 6 sq. km)

The ranking opens with the largest city on earth by area - Sydney. In combination, it is the largest and one of the most popular Australian cities. It was founded by Arthur Phillip in 1788. The city got its name from Lord Sydney, the famous Minister of the British Colonies.

Area: 12144.6 sq. km. Of this, only 1.7 thousand square meters. km is allocated to residential areas, the rest of the territory is mountains and numerous picturesque parks. The population is 4.5 million people, making Sydney the most populous city in the entire country.

Sydney is built around Port Jackson Harbour, one of the largest natural bays on earth! The city is bounded to the west by the Blue Mountains, to the east by the Pacific waters, to the south by the Royal National Park, and to the north by the incredibly beautiful Hawkesbury River.

Kinshasa (10,550 sq. km)

The gigantic capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo used to have a funny name - Leopoldville. In 1966 it was renamed Kinshasa. Area: 10550 sq. km. Most of it is in sparsely populated rural areas. The population is over 10 million people.

Kinshasa stretches along the southern bank of the Congo River and is located directly opposite the city of Brazzaville (the capital of the Republic of Congo). This is a unique phenomenon when two capitals are located so close to each other - on opposite sides of the same river!

Interesting fact: Kinshasa is the 2nd city in the world after Paris in which the majority of the population speaks French.

Buenos Aires (4000 sq. km)

The top three largest cities in the world by area are closed by the delightful capital of Argentina - Buenos Aires. It is one of the most beautiful and lively cities in the country. It was created in 1580 on the coast of the Gulf of La Plata. Twice in its history it was restored from ruins: a few years after its founding, it was burned by the Indians, and in the 19th century it suffered from a series of earthquakes.

Area: 4,000 sq. km. The population is about 2.8 million people.

On the eastern and southern sides the city is bordered by the bays of Rio de la Plata and Riachuelo. The remaining perimeter is occupied by the legendary Avenida General Paz highway - it surrounds the city from the west and north.

Karachi (3530 sq. km)

Karachi is a giant port city in Pakistan, the capital of the Sindh province. The history of the city dates back to the era of Alexander the Great.

Area: 3530 sq. km is 4 times the area of ​​Hong Kong. The population is over 12 million people. It rightfully bears the title of one of the most densely populated cities on the planet.

The city is geographically located in the south of Pakistan, on a flat area off the coast of the Arabian Sea.

Alexandria (2680 sq. km)

This ancient city is more than one thousand years old. It was created in 332 BC by the same Alexander the Great. It is the second largest city in Egypt and the main seaport of the state. Entered the top 5 largest cities on earth by area!

Area: 2680 sq. km. The population is about 4.5 million people.

Alexandria is nestled in the Nile Delta and is approximately 32 km long along the Mediterranean coast.

Ankara (2500 sq. km)

The Turkish capital Ankara is one of the oldest cities in Asia Minor and the second most important city in Turkey (second only to Istanbul). It dates back to the 7th century BC!

Area: 2500 sq. km. The population is about 4.9 million people.

The city is located at the confluence of the Çubuk and Ankara rivers, on the Anatolian Plateau.

Istanbul (2106 sq. km)

The former capital of the Great Empires also boasts its scale. Previously, the city bore the proud name of Constantinople and was a real cradle of civilizations.

Area: 2106 sq. km. The population is about 14 million people.

Located on the banks of the Bosphorus Strait. This is one of the most beautiful cities on the planet, which is included in the top 10 popular tourist routes.

Tehran (1881 sq. km)

It is a majestic city of Iran and ranks high on the list of major cities in Asia. Archaeological excavations indicate that settlements existed on the site of the city as early as the 6th century BC.

Area: 1881 sq. km. The population is about 9 million people.

Tehran is located in northern Iran at the foot of the Elbrus mountain range.

Bogota (1590 sq. km)

It is worth saying “thank you” to the Spanish conquistadors for the appearance of this amazing city. They were the ones who founded Bogota in 1538! Today it is the capital of the Republic of Colombia with an area of ​​1590 square meters. km. The population is about 7 million people.

The city is geographically located in the basin of the western slope of the Eastern Cordillera, right on the equator. Famous for its chic futuristic architecture, rich selection of museums, incredibly beautiful colonial churches and destructive frequent earthquakes.

London (1580 sq. km)

“London from the capital of Great Britain” - every schoolchild knows this. Do you know that it is also one of the largest ports in Britain, as well as a giant city, completing the top 10 largest cities in the world by area?

London was founded back in 43 AD when the Romans invaded Britain. It is located on the Greenwich meridian, on the Thames River and bears the “title” of the city of fogs. Yes, fog is a common occurrence here, as is rain.

Area: 1580 sq. km. The population is about 8 million people.

There are 251 countries located in the most beautiful corners of our planet. About 2.5 million cities, large and small, provincial and developed, touristic and unknown, have been living their full lives for many centuries and even millennia. Each city is unique and interesting in its own way, but today we want to introduce you to the largest cities on our planet.

We will begin our story with the largest cities by area, and, of course, we will mention the megacities with the largest population in the world.

Chongqing (China) CITY AREA: 82,400 km²

Chongqing is a city in China that covers an area of ​​82,400 km². It is not only the largest and most populous, but also the most ancient city in China. Life in Chongqing has been in full swing for about 3 thousand years. The city is home to almost 40 million people, but there are much fewer registered residents. The metropolis combines the historical value of ancient architecture with the latest technologies. This is one of the largest industrial centers in China, there are 5 automobile factories here, which is why the city’s environment suffers greatly and the air is polluted. If you want to see the ancient city, then you need to hurry, because in a couple of years it may not exist. Old neighborhoods are disappearing every year, being replaced by new buildings.

Hangzhou (China) CITY AREA: 16,840 KM²

Due to the warm and humid climate, the city is simply surrounded by greenery and flowers all year round. The city of Hangzhou has existed for 2 thousand years. It was from this city that the maritime silk road began for many years. Also, for a very long time, Hangzhou was the only seaport in China. These days, this metropolis specializes in light industry. Here you can also buy handmade souvenirs. The main attraction of the city is the Chen Family Ancestral Temple - Chenjiatsi. This amazing monument of Chinese architecture of the nineteenth century. It was built in 1890 during the reign of the Qing Dynasty. Walking through the ancient complex of buildings, you can enjoy Chinese art and architecture. Believe me, here you will have something to see. Hangzhou is also home to the Huaisheng Mosque, one of the oldest in China.

Beijing (China) CITY AREA: 16,410 KM²

Beijing is the capital of China, which is slightly inferior to Hangzhou in terms of territory it occupies. Beijing ranks third in terms of population living in the city (21.5 million people). It is noteworthy that this city is the largest cultural and technologically developed center of the country. Despite the rapid development of the construction industry, a large number of ancient architectural monuments have been preserved in Beijing. The Forbidden City, the most famous palace complex in China, is most popular among tourists. It was the Chinese capital that had the honor of hosting the Summer Olympic Games in 2008. Yes, and the Winter Olympic Games were not the issue. They will be held in Beijing in 2022.

Kinshasa (Congo) CITY AREA: 9,965 km²

Kinshasa is the capital of the Republic of Congo. This is one of the African cities where almost 60% of the city's territory is sparsely populated rural areas. Kinshasa is a city of contrasts, where abject poverty coexists with the luxury of fashionable areas. Kinshasa is not the safest city for tourists, but if you still decide to visit it, you will be interested in taking a look at the Catholic Cathedral of Notre Dame. Of course, it cannot compare with the Paris Cathedral, but it is the best that this city can offer you. This is where the architectural attractions of Kinshasa end, but there are a lot of natural attractions in Kinshasa, including Livingston Falls, numerous wildlife parks and the Congo River itself.

Brisbane (Australia) CITY AREA: 5,950 km²

The picturesque city of Brisbane is the capital of one of the most prosperous states of Australia - Queensland. This city is considered one of the most important cities in Australia. Brisbane is home to the country's third most important airport. Brisbane is a very warm and cozy city, summer here lasts almost all year round, and many fragrant parks and golden beaches attract tourists from all over the continent. Nature lovers will certainly be interested in visiting Fraser Park or strolling through the evergreen forests of Lamington National Park. Both of these sites are under UNESCO protection.

Istanbul (Türkiye) CITY AREA: 5,461 km²

Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey, located on the banks of the Bosphorus. This luxurious city is located simultaneously on two continents - Europe and Asia. Istanbul amazes with its wealth and grandeur. Every year up to 10 million tourists come here to see all the beauty with their own eyes. There are so many attractions in Istanbul that it is simply impossible to see them in one day. The undoubted decoration of this city is the mosques, the luxury of which will not leave anyone indifferent. St. Sophia Cathedral, Blue Mosque, luxurious Dolmabahce Palace, Sultan's Topkapi Palace, Museum of Palace Mosaics and this is not the whole list of what you must see in Istanbul.

Anchorage (USA, Alaska) CITY AREA: 5,099 km²

Anchorage is the largest city in Alaska. But he appeared completely by accident. In 1914, the territory on which the city stands was chosen for the construction of a railway, and this determined its fate. Anchorage has one of the busiest airports in the world in terms of cargo traffic - Ted Stevens International Airport. Due to a major earthquake in 1964, there are almost no architectural sights left in the city, but in these places the nature is simply magical and if you go to Kunai Island, you can go fishing and admire the mountain scenery. The city has several museums, a zoo and the Lake Hood Sea Airport, but tourists still prefer the wild nature of Alaska.

The largest cities in the world are divided into two categories - by area and by population. We introduced you to the first category, and now it’s the turn to tell you about the cities with the largest population.

Shanghai (China) POPULATION: 24,150,000

Shanghai is the largest city in China and the world in terms of population, the number of which is growing every year. As of 2016, approximately 24,256,800 people live in Shanghai. This fastest growing city in China is the heart of the country's trading industry and a leader in cargo transportation. Eastern Paris is what tourists call Shanghai for its hospitality and comfort; its streets amaze with the abundance of all kinds of shops, cafes and restaurants. Of the many attractions in Shanghai, you must see the Jade Buddha Temple, stroll through the Garden of Joy, visit the Shanghai TV Tower, walk along Nanjing Street and climb Mount Sheshan (She).

Karachi (Pakistan) POPULATION: 23,500,000

Karachi is one of the largest cities in the world in terms of population. This city of 3,527 km² is home to almost 23 million inhabitants. The city is also the main economic center and seaport of Pakistan. The port of Karachi is home to one of the main attractions of the city - a fountain that produces one of the highest jets of water in the world at 189 m in height. The city has a great variety of both cultural and historical attractions. The National Museum of Pakistan will surprise you with its color and traditions, the old city and the Kharadar quarter will envelop you in their tranquility, and if you want to touch religion, be sure to visit the Mausoleum of Kuaidi-Azam, the tomb of Abdullah Shah Ghazi and the tomb of Chaukondi.

Dhaka (Bangladesh) POPULATION: 16,600,000

Sunny Dhaka is the capital of the People's Republic of Bangladesh and one of the largest Asian cities in terms of population. How could it be otherwise if this beautiful city accommodates 16.6 million people. This exotic Asian city is a center for water tourism, as it itself is located on the banks of a large river called Burigangi. The most famous and popular attraction of the city is Dakeshwari - a Hindu temple that attracts fans of Hinduism from all over the world.