Circles under the eyes - what to do? How to remove dark circles under the eyes? Dark circles under the eyes: causes, treatment.

A well-groomed and attractive face begins with beautiful skin around the eyes, but not every representative of the fair sex can boast of it. Most common problem modern women– dark circles under the eyes. Their presence can ruin even the sweetest face, and turn a young girl into an emaciated old woman.

Reasons for appearance

This unpleasant phenomenon causes a lot of frustration and grief. What are the causes of dark circles under the eyes? The skin in this area of ​​the face is very thin and sensitive, and immediately underneath there are capillary vessels, so any incorrect actions provoke swelling and bruising. Let's look at the main reasons that cause dark circles under the eyes:

1. Lack of night sleep.

In order for the face to always look fresh and rested, a woman needs good sleep, at least 8 hours a day. In case of lack of sleep, it acquires an unpleasant pale gray color, against which the capillary channels become clearly visible. Eliminate the consequences short nap quite simple. Review your daily routine and allocate enough time for rest. Traditional methods will help to quickly remove unpleasant symptoms:

  • brewing - pour 3 tablespoons of any tea (green or black) hot water, let cool, and then, dip cotton pads in the resulting tincture, apply them to tired eyelids (keep for 10 minutes to half an hour). After the procedure, bags and circles under the eyes will disappear discomfort pain and redness. The method has no contraindications, it is used without restrictions as needed;
  • tea cubes - freeze the brew in an ice container for drinks, add a couple of drops to it lemon juice or herbal tincture to enhance the effect. This product is always available in your refrigerator;
  • potatoes - grate one tuber and apply the resulting mass to the area where dark circles appear, hold for about 20 minutes, and then rinse with weak tea leaves.

2. Chronic eye fatigue.

It usually occurs in women whose work involves constantly sitting at a computer. Prevention will include short breaks every 40–50 minutes, during which you can do eye exercises and just relax. At home, give up completely modern gadgets– this will help improve facial skin and maintain good vision. To use at home, try herbal cleansers and the following products:

  • refreshing mask - mix finely grated cucumber with half a tablespoon of sour cream and apply a thick layer to the problem area;
  • warm compress - heat the milk and soak cotton pads in it, apply to the dark circles and hold for 10-20 minutes.

3. Bad habits.

We are talking about alcohol and smoking. There is no need for unnecessary words here, just look at the brightest representatives of harmful addictions: huge bags covering half the face, deep dark circles, red eyes. The reason is that harmful substances destroy internal organs and all external tissues. Due to constant etching own body there is no need to talk about attractive and fresh skin. In this case, both cosmetic and folk remedies are powerless. Dark spots under the eyes will disappear only after you permanently give up bad habits. What is more important to you: another portion of poison or a beautiful, well-groomed face, decide for yourself.

4. Unbalanced diet.

Eating unhealthy fast food that is completely devoid of useful minerals and vitamins, too spicy and smoked foods invariably lead to the appearance sad consequences, which result not only in problems with the figure and digestive organs, but also cause imperfect skin on the face.

Dark circles and puffiness under the eyes is a direct consequence of the lack of essential nutrients and the consumption of salt in excessive quantities. As with bad habits, all known remedies are powerless here; you need to completely revise your diet and switch to healthy products. Include foods rich in vitamin K in your daily diet. It has a rejuvenating effect, tightens the skin and prevents the appearance of wrinkles and dark circles, and also has a beneficial effect on blood vessels. A large amount of vitamin K is found in parsley (masks made from it are very useful for combating dark circles), green vegetables, salad and fruits. In addition, it is used as part of biological supplements, the daily norm is about 65–80 mg.

5. Incorrectly selected cosmetics.

As already noted, the skin around the eyes is highly sensitive. Any external influence is immediately reflected on it. Dark circles under the eyes in women can be caused by the use of low-quality cosmetics, allergies to some components in the composition, as well as individual characteristics. Following these rules will help you get rid of them:

If a woman experiences such problems, it is necessary to contact a specialist, he will select suitable cosmetics and give good advice facial skin care.

6. Black circles as a symptom of disease internal organs.

The eyes are not only the “mirror of the soul,” but also of the entire organism. Some diseases manifest themselves as dark circles and bags on the face. This happens when there are problems:

  • with the kidneys - if the shadows under the eyes are accompanied by swelling, this means serious illnesses important organs, you need to undergo a full examination;
  • With gallbladder– circles with yellowness indicate associated symptoms include: unpleasant bitterness in the mouth and periodic sensations of pain in the right side;
  • with the pancreas – a plus are symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea and other discomfort associated with the digestive tract;
  • With endocrine system– these mainly include problems with thyroid hormones;
  • with the heart and blood vessels - you can guess about them by the blue tint of the circles under the eyes;
  • with blood - in other words, anemia. It is accompanied by a drop in hemoglobin levels and less oxygen supply to all vital cells of the body. It is easy to ascertain general condition well-being. Increased fatigue, frequent dizziness and weakness should make you give up general analysis blood.

Less often, bruises and shadows under the eyes are a symptom of other diseases. Cosmetics will not bring the desired effect without successful treatment accompanying illness.

7. Heredity.

If a woman’s parents or close relatives have dark circles and bags under their eyes from a fairly early age, there is a high probability that they were passed on to her from her relatives. This family trait means that the blood vessels are located too close to the surface of the skin. Traditional methods against heredity are powerless. Don’t despair, skin imperfections can be easily removed with the help of special salon procedures(for example, laser therapy or acupressure).

Another reason for the appearance of dark circles under the eyes is age-related changes. If a woman has reached adulthood, and her youth is long behind her, bruises on her face are a sad pattern. The skin around the eyes thins and becomes less elastic, and the blood vessels begin to show through even more. Professional procedures and constant care will help slow down time.


In addition to all kinds of folk remedies, products successfully combat dark circles on the face industrial production. Its main types:

1. cream - very effective if it contains: hyaluronic acid, natural extracts (horse chestnut, heather, linden and green tea), essential oils sandalwood, as well as retinol and vitamins K and C. Best reviews received the following products: Parabenfree from Advanced Line (Germany) and Bio-gold Pearl Eye Serum (China);

2. gel – has a cooling effect and copes well with swelling. It is worth trying high-quality products from the La Roche-Posay (France) and Black Pearl (Russia) brands;

3. serum – gives facial skin fresh look and has a restorative effect on the skin. The top seller this year was Timewise from Mary Kay;

4. mask – tones and rejuvenates sensitive skin around the eyes. One of the best reviews from customers is Crystal Collagen Eye Mask with the addition of glycerin. The component has a noticeable brightening effect on circles from the first use.

The appearance of bruises and bags under the eyes is very alarming symptom. Its detection requires a full examination by a doctor who can detect it in time. dangerous disease. If this is not the cause of the circles, a professional cosmetologist will quickly deal with your problem.

The epidermis around the eyes is different increased level sensitivity. The skin in this area is quite thin to respond to all the problems that arise in the human body. It is for this reason that black circles under the eyes occur quite often and are a kind of tester indicating a malfunction of the human body. Black circles under the eyes of women are especially common.

When black circles appear under the lower eyelid, in most cases it is medical problem, which needs timely intervention rather than aesthetic. Let's take a closer look at what could be the reasons for this manifestation and how to get rid of black circles under the eyes. Let's study the remedies that are offered as treatment.

Black circles under the eyes - causes

Many people are interested in the question of what causes black circles under the eyes and what may be the reason for this phenomenon. The answer to this question has not yet been found. To be precise, there can be several options for the appearance of bruises under the eyes, and in each individual case external factors become decisive. So, let's look at a number of reasons that may explain why a person has black circles under the eyes:

  1. The most common opinion, held by the majority of people suffering from such formations, is the appearance of bruises under the eyes as a result of a sleepless night. Of course, this can significantly affect appearance However, it should be remembered that the reason for such a manifestation may be much deeper.
  2. The most common cause in in this case is the breakdown of hemoglobin in the eyeball area. Skin in this place it is saturated with capillaries, which have a very small diameter. If the body's functioning is disrupted, the capillary bursts and a hematoma or bruise forms. Gradually, the body copes with this manifestation, however, black circles under the eyes remain for some time.
  3. Sometimes, black circles under the eyes are caused by allergic manifestations may appear as a result of frequent and increased exposure of the patient to the eyes due to severe itching. Such activities can cause dark circles under the eyes and remain there for a long time.
  4. The situation can be aggravated by prolonged exposure to the sun and, as a result, tanning. Under the influence of ultraviolet light, the skin begins to produce melanin, which is excreted closer to the outer layers of the skin. Since the skin around the eyes is thin, it is darker than the first and the person does not look good.
  5. In case of constant snacking, irregular meals and lack of routine, dark circles may appear. As a result of excessive overload and fatigue, the skin around the eyes becomes paler and the eyes appear darker against its background. In other words, a person looks like a panda without the black circles under his eyes.
  6. A person's age plays an important role. Over the years, the epidermis around the eyes thins and the skin becomes darker.
  7. Black circles under the eyes occur quite often in women. Especially when a woman is pregnant or has critical days. In this case, the skin of the eyes becomes paler, and all attention is on the eyes.
  8. Eating problems can also cause dark circles under the eyes. If the human body does not receive vitamins, fats, and minerals in sufficient quantities in a timely manner, he may develop bruises under the eyes. This is often what explains why black circles under the eyes appear in a child without any visible disturbances or problems.
  9. Pathology can develop as a result of various diseases of internal organs, as well as chronic disorders in the functioning of internal organs. Manifestations can not only tell about possible violation in the functioning of organs, but also to talk about their severe intoxication.
  10. The formation of bruises under the eyes can occur due to incomplete utilization of waste products from the body. The optimal remedy for black circles under the eyes in such a situation is local nutritional adjustments. If this method does not produce results, then you should look for deeper reasons.
  11. Skin changes directly depend on air temperature. IN winter period year, the epidermis has a pale tint, but in the summer months, the skin becomes more dark color. In this case, a rich cream for black circles under the eyes can be an excellent remedy.
  12. Smoking and alcohol can also cause this pathology. They negatively affect the condition of blood vessels, making them less elastic and more brittle.
  13. Drastic weight loss and dieting are another reason for the appearance of dark circles around the eyes.
  14. Less common causes are the wrong choice of cosmetics, glandular anemia, as well as constant stress or neuroses.

You can find out exactly the reason why there are black circles under the eyes as a result of an examination. To do this, you will need to visit a specialist who will prescribe various tests and, based on their results, make a diagnosis. If the cause of the pathology is quite banal, then it will be possible to get rid of this manifestation by refusing cosmetic products or a nutritious, balanced diet.

At the same time, it happens that black, unsightly circles under the eyes arise for a complex reason and not always safe for the patient. The appearance of pathology can be caused by diseases that must be diagnosed and treated. Only in this case will it be possible to get rid of black circles under the eyes. In this regard, it can be concluded that before starting to treat an unsightly manifestation, you should determine what causes black circles under the eyes and what their shade indicates.

An experienced specialist will be able to determine by the color of the circles in the area of ​​the eyeballs what disorder the patient has in the body and, as a result, prescribe necessary treatment. Let's look at what black circles under the eyes say, based on their shade:

Brownish or brownish-yellow tint

Indicates problems with the gallbladder and liver.

Pink or reddish tint

There is probably a problem with the kidneys.

bluish color

Indicates violations that occur in lymphatic system or in the venous blood outflow system.

Black spots or streaks

They talk about organ dysfunction digestive system and gastrointestinal organs.

As can be noted, the reasons for the appearance of such pathologies can be different. In this regard, before taking measures to treat the disorder, you should correctly diagnose the pathology and answer the question of what black circles under the eyes of one shade or another mean.

Symptoms and diagnosis of the disease

The appearance of black, unsightly circles under the eyes immediately attracts the attention of other people. There are no pronounced symptoms, other than the fact that the skin in the area of ​​the eyeballs is darker. It is important to note that bruises under the eyes are in themselves a symptom of a specific disease.

As a rule, in patients suffering from this disease, the skin in the eye area becomes parchment-like, thin and very quickly changes from a light shade to a dark one: black, brown, bluish or pinkish.

The first thing they do in the presence of such a pathology is to carry out comprehensive examination patient with everyone necessary analyzes. This allows you to determine why black circles appear under the eyes and plan a further course of treatment. If the cause is not very severe and does not correlate with a violation of the functioning of internal organs, then it will be possible to cope with the pathology very easily by using various techniques, procedures and folk remedies. The patient may be prescribed special ointment for black circles under the eyes or a referral for laser peeling has been written out.

Treatment of pathology

Before we begin to describe the methods that are used as ways to get rid of black circles under the eyes, it is necessary to immediately find out why such a pathology arose and what underlies it. As we have already written, the cause of bruises can be a variety of options, from the use of low-quality cosmetics to problems with internal organs. To get rid of the disease, you will first need to undergo a course of examination, and based on the diagnosis, draw up a treatment plan. If you approach the problem in a comprehensive manner, you can very quickly get rid of unsightly formations.

As medical procedures The following can be noted:

  • lipofilling is a technique that involves injecting the patient’s fat cells under the lower eyelid. This technique gives lasting and long lasting effect however, it will have to be repeated periodically;
  • lymphatic drainage is a procedure that is carried out using a special medical equipment, which is capable of emitting microcurrents. During this procedure, blood flow is activated and the circulation of lymphatic fluid is accelerated;
  • mesotherapy is a technique that is not very common in Russia, but is popular. The technique consists of injecting a special drug under the skin, which helps rid the skin of darkening;
  • laser peeling - this procedure also showed good results in the treatment of bruises under the eyes.

Each method allows you to remove black circles under the eyes and gives a lasting effect, however, except medical intervention, you can also use traditional methods.

Traditional methods of treating pathology

Many people are interested in the question of how to deal with black circles under the eyes, without using medications. In such a situation they can help different ways, which were used by our ancestors in ancient times. The following table will give examples of what helps with dark circles under the eyes.

Ways to quickly eliminate black circles under the eyes Each method works individually and requires regular use. Before you start using the recipes listed, it is worth understanding what causes black circles under the eyes, which only an experienced doctor can do.

Every person and especially women want to look attractive. In this regard, questions often arise about how to remove black circles under the eyes quickly and without the use of complex medical procedures. Black circles under the eyes in women, the causes of which are associated with overwork or violation of the regime, can be corrected with the help of special cosmetic compositions. Today, the cosmetics market is overflowing with all kinds of products, devices, and compositions that allow you to get rid of unsightly manifestations. The list of such funds includes:

  • Cream for black circles under the eyes is moisturizing and nourishing. The compositions are capable of both masking dark circles under the eyes and providing therapeutic effect. The drugs prevent the breakdown of hemoglobin and relieve the skin of an unpleasant dark tint. The instructions for the cream indicate how to hide dark circles under the eyes and what to do to prevent drying out and possible complications;
  • Decorative cosmetics allow you to find a way out to disguise dark circles under the eyes. This will allow you to “hide” ugly ones for a while, however, it is important to know how to use such cosmetics and whether it can be done. You can read about how to cover up black circles under the eyes in special articles and literature, and also use the video black circles under the eyes, where the procedure will be described and demonstrated in detail.

Generally good action provide various folk techniques that can quickly lighten the skin. For example, cucumber, lemon, and parsley work well.

Black circles under the eyes in men - what is the reason for their appearance?

Many young people want to look attractive and make every effort to achieve this. It is for this reason that the question of why black circles sometimes occur under the eyes of men often requires a clear and understandable answer. This will not only restore the blooming appearance of your face, but also figure out how to remove black circles under the eyes of the affected person.

Black circles under the eyes in men are quite common and are due to various reasons. Modern men They often abuse alcohol, smoke, and sometimes spend their nights at the computer. Another reason why men have black circles under their eyes is studying or reading at night. As a rule, such manifestations occur in young people and students.

Black circles under the eyes in men, the causes of which lie in various disorders of the internal organs, are the most complex manifestations, since it is necessary to carry out special tests to make an accurate diagnosis. Only after production correct diagnosis you can find the optimal treatment method. In fact, the causes of black circles under the eyes in men can be both very serious and banal, and all of them are described above.

If the causes of black circles under a man’s eyes are complex internal pathology, then complex treatment will be needed, using various techniques.

Black circles under the eyes in men can be a simple aesthetic disorder due to insomnia or fatigue, or they can be a symptom of a complex disease. If such a deviation occurs, then it is best to visit a specialist who will develop the necessary course of treatment and help get rid of such a manifestation as dark formations under the eyes.

Black circles under the eyes in women: causes and treatment features

The causes of black circles under the eyes in women can be standard. As a rule, this pathology is observed during all overwork as a result of insomnia or stress. There is no clear answer to the simple question of why women have black circles under their eyes, since each situation is individual. Especially often the causes of black circles in women are hormonal imbalances, which in turn occur during pregnancy or menstruation.

In such cases, there is no need to worry about how to remove dark circles under the eyes. Dealing with the problem will not be difficult. It is enough to resort to simple cosmetics, creams or ointments, and also use various recipes traditional medicine. If the violation is more than complex shape and the cause of black circles under the eyes in women are problems associated with the functioning of internal organs, then a serious examination and comprehensive treatment will be required.

In some cases, black spots under the eyes of women appear due to genetic predisposition or due to the structural features of the skin. It will be possible to get rid of such manifestations only cosmetics.

Black circles under the eyes of a child

Black circles under the eyes of a child can be isolated manifestations and this is not always associated with the presence of a serious disorder in the functioning of the baby’s body. Many parents wonder what is the cause of black circles under their child’s eyes; there is no exact conclusion, despite numerous assumptions from experts and doctors.

On the one hand, black circles under a child’s eyes are just a signal that the child does not get enough sleep or is overtired. On the other hand, understanding why a child has black circles under his eyes can lead to serious problems in the little patient’s body that will require serious intervention.

Most often, reasons such as a lack of vitamins in the child’s body or a violation of the daily routine are identified. Dark circles under the eyes may occur as a result of decreased physical activity and frequent stays in indoors. To deal with the problem, you should conduct a full, comprehensive examination and make sure that there are no serious violations there is no child in the body.

Preventive measures to eliminate black circles under the eyes

You can get rid of dark circles under the eyes very quickly if you resort to proven and reliable methods. At the same time, it is very important to carry out various preventive measures which will prevent the occurrence of such pathology in the future. The following preventive methods can be prescribed:

  • You should sleep seven hours or more, but up to nine hours per day. It is necessary to normalize the time allotted for sleep;
  • you need to spend a lot of time outdoors. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to frequently ventilate the room and clean the room;
  • When working at a computer, take breaks of several minutes every hour. perform strengthening exercises for the muscles on the face that are responsible for the functioning of the eyeballs;
  • V morning period it's best to douse yourself cold water, and for facial massage use ice cubes or frozen herbal decoctions;
  • it is necessary to review the diet, balance the intake of vitamins and microelements;
  • it is important to give up smoking and alcohol, and eliminate stressful situations;
    V bright days you must wear a hat;
  • use only proven cosmetics.
  • fulfill light massage faces;
  • visit a doctor regularly;
  • drink soothing teas that will help cope with irritation and increased excitability;
  • carry out various massage procedures for the eyelids and face;
  • Regularly perform various courses of facial gymnastics, which will improve blood circulation and thereby make your complexion better and more pleasant.

Black circles under the eyes - probable predictions

If a patient has a pathology such as the appearance of dark circles under the lower eyelid, but this is not associated with the development of a serious pathology, then treatment prognosis in this case positive. In this case, you just need to be more careful about your own body, distribute the load correctly and allocate time for good rest. You just need to be more attentive to your body and in the future the black spots will disappear on their own.

If the problem is more serious, then you should not put off solving it and expect that everything will return to normal on its own. It is urgent to visit a specialist who can accurately determine the cause of the disease and give the skin a fresh, pleasant look.


Answering the question of how to remove black circles under the eyes, we looked at everything possible reasons the occurrence of such pathology and ways to eliminate it. For each patient, an individual treatment plan is selected in this situation, based on the reasons for the appearance of dark spots under the eyes and taking into account the characteristics of the human body.

Only correct course treatment and following all recommendations can restore freshness and beauty to the face, as well as keep a person in good shape and in a good mood.

Find out what causes the appearance of dark circles under the eyes, what remedies and techniques will help you quickly get rid of them at home.

Contents of the article:

Dark circles under the eyes make your face look tired and make you look older. Most often, this phenomenon indicates that there has been a violation of nutrition or daily routine. The skin in the area under the eyes is very thin, sensitive and delicate, so it instantly reacts even to minor changes in the body. It is possible to completely get rid of bags under the eyes only if the reason that triggered their appearance is precisely established. Otherwise, you can only achieve a temporary effect.

Causes of dark circles under the eyes

The most common reason that provokes this phenomenon is an unhealthy lifestyle, including:
  1. The presence of various bad habits - for example, smoking, alcohol abuse, etc.
  2. Insufficient sleep - you need to sleep at least 7 hours a day.
  3. Long-term work in front of a computer, when constant eye strain is required.
  4. Unbalanced or poor nutrition- for example, the abuse of junk food before bed, the presence of salty and spicy foods in the diet, and a large amount of liquid drunk in the evening.
If bags under the eyes were caused by these reasons, it is quite enough to normalize your diet and sleep, as well as make several cosmetic face masks.

If this problem becomes chronic and does not resolve after following a correct lifestyle, you should seek help from a doctor. In some cases, dark circles under the eyes are caused by a specific medical condition.

After the examination, the doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and then prescribe a course therapeutic therapy. Quite often, dark circles under the eyes are the main and only sign of the onset of the disease. This symptom can talk about:

It is worth considering the fact that the sooner you seek help from a doctor and start treatment, the faster and easier you can get rid of the disease and prevent the occurrence of more severe consequences for health.

Other factors can cause dark circles and puffiness under the eyes, including:
  1. Heredity- for example, facial structure, deep-set eyes or powerful brow ridges create the effect of dark circles under the eyes.
  2. Age-related changes- over time, the skin becomes dry and thin, blood vessels become more noticeable.
  3. Overweight- a disease such as obesity can cause fluid retention in the body, resulting in bruising and swelling under the eyes.
  4. Taking medications - side effect as a result of taking medications.
  5. Rapid weight loss- because of sharp decline If you gain weight, dark circles may appear under your eyes and your skin will become sagging.

Methods to get rid of dark circles under the eyes

Depending on the cause that provoked this cosmetic defect, products will be selected that will help you quickly get rid of dark circles under the eyes at home.

Beauty treatments

In the event that diseases are completely excluded from the list of factors causing dark circles under the eyes, you can use remedies to get rid of them modern cosmetology. For example:
  1. Cosmetic massage, but it should only be performed by an experienced and professional specialist, otherwise there is a risk of aggravating the problem.
  2. Laser therapy.
  3. Mesotherapy - administered subcutaneously minimum doses special medications.
  4. Microcurrent therapy - this procedure improves lymphatic drainage and venous drainage.
  5. Lipofilling - with the help of this procedure, the content of subcutaneous fat in the area under the eyes increases.

Massage and exercise

One of the best means A massage that will help you quickly get rid of dark circles under the eyes is a massage. You need to do it with your fingertips, treating the area around the eyes. It is useful to do this procedure every day immediately after washing.

The massage is done at lung help tapping fingers in the direction from the lower eyelid and to the temples. 2-3 minutes will be enough. Then, using the same light tapping movements, apply eye cream or gel. This simple procedure helps to significantly improve venous drainage from the lower eyelid.

If you regularly perform a few simple eye exercises, you can also get rid of dark circles:

  1. Rotation of the eyeballs is done - first the eyes are closed, after which you need to rotate the eyeballs clockwise. This exercise is repeated 4 times clockwise and counterclockwise.
  2. You need to look up and down - your eyes close. Then you need to look up and down. The exercise is repeated 7–10 times.
  3. This exercise is performed with open eyes. First you need to look as high up to the left as possible, and then lower your gaze down, raise your eyes up to the right. The exercise is repeated 7–10 times for each side.

Folk remedies

If unsightly dark circles appear under the eyes, you can get rid of this cosmetic defect at home if you use easy-to-use folk methods. Such cosmetic procedures will not take more than 20–25 minutes:
  1. Place 2 teaspoons in the freezer and leave for about 10-12 minutes. Well-chilled cutlery is applied to the eyes. When the spoons become warm, they must be placed back in the freezer and the procedure repeated.
  2. One of the most quick ways is to apply circles to dark circles fresh cucumbers. Natural cucumber juice perfectly tones the skin, has a brightening effect, and eliminates puffiness.
  3. It is useful to wipe the skin under the eyes with ice cubes. To prepare them you can use plain water or herbal decoction. It is best to opt for frozen black and green tea. Ice cubes are wrapped in a napkin and then applied to problem areas.
  4. Contrasting lotions from a decoction of sage or lemon balm help remove dark circles under the eyes. To prepare the infusion, take 1 tsp. lemon balm or sage and add 100 ml of boiling water, then cover the container with a lid and leave for half an hour. The finished infusion is filtered and divided into two parts. One half is heated and the other is cooled. Take a cotton swab and soak it in cold and warm infusion. Then cold and warm tampons are applied alternately to the eyes.
  5. You can soak a cotton swab in green or black tea, then apply it to your closed eyes and leave for 15-18 minutes.

How to remove dark circles with homemade masks?

Today, there are a large number of easy-to-prepare but effective homemade masks that will help quickly remove dark circles under the eyes and relieve puffiness. A specific product must be selected depending on your skin type.

Raw potato mask

  1. Take raw potatoes and peel them.
  2. Rubbed on a fine grater.
  3. The resulting potato pulp is wrapped in gauze folded in several layers.
  4. The compress is applied to the eye area and left for half an hour.
  5. After the specified time, you need to remove the compress and wash with warm water.
Mask with cottage cheese
  1. To prepare such a mask, it is best to use fatty cottage cheese.
  2. A few drops of black tea are added to the cottage cheese and all ingredients are mixed well.
  3. The resulting composition is applied to the skin under the eyes and left for 15–18 minutes.
  4. After the specified time has passed nourishing mask washed off with warm water.
Mask with parsley and cucumber
  1. Parsley and cucumber help quickly relieve swelling.
  2. To prepare the mask, take a cucumber, grated (1 tsp) and finely chopped parsley (1 tsp).
  3. Add sour cream (1 tsp) and mix all ingredients well.
  4. The resulting composition is applied to the skin under the eyes.
  5. The mask is left for 16–22 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.
Regular use of such a mask will help not only remove dark circles under the eyes, but also relieve puffiness, the skin receives the necessary nutrition and hydration, and has a slight whitening effect.

Walnut mask

  1. Take a walnut and grind it on a grater.
  2. You will need 2 tsp. nut mass, after which 2 tsp are added. pre-softened butter.
  3. A couple of drops of pomegranate or lemon juice are added to the composition.
  4. The composition is applied to the skin and left for 10–12 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

Preventing the appearance of dark circles under the eyes

If unsightly circles appear under the eyes every morning, and there is no time to do masks or other cosmetic procedures, you need to resort to prevention methods. If you have allergies, you should definitely take antihistamines, but only those remedies prescribed by the doctor. You can also use the following tips.

Healthy sleep

It is very important to comply correct mode sleep, allowing the body to rest and recover. It is best to fall asleep no later than 23.00. Sleeping on your side or stomach provokes fluid stagnation. If you are prone to puffy eyes, it is recommended to try to sleep on your back.

Be sure to choose a comfortable pillow that should not be too flat or very high. In both the first and second cases, swelling may appear.

Proper skin care

The skin under the eyes is very delicate, so it needs regular and proper care. Even minor injuries can stretch and weaken it. That is why cosmetologists do not recommend rubbing or pulling it too hard.

Makeup should be removed with light, soft and gentle movements. It is imperative to use only high-quality hypoallergenic cosmetics. After washing, it is not recommended to rub the skin with a towel; lightly blotting it will be enough.

Skin on for many years will retain firmness, beauty, elasticity, youth and health if you regularly use moisturizing creams, as well as lotions and oils. To improve lymphatic drainage in the area around the eyes, it is useful to use those cosmetics that contain vitamin K or A.

To improve the condition of the skin, it is useful to take preparations based on blueberries and horse chestnut. Before going out in the sun, be sure to use special sunscreens, since ultraviolet rays can greatly dry out delicate skin, making it weak and fragile.

7 effective ways How to remove dark circles under the eyes in this video:

We know how sometimes after a noisy party or after drinking half a liter of water at night you suffer in the morning due to circles under your eyes. Swelling, unhealthy color, circles - Woman’s Day will tell you why this happens and how to quickly get rid of them.

Did you know that dermatologists believe that you should start using moisturizer around your eyes at the age of 14? But experts immediately reassure us: we can make up for lost time.

How to remove bruises under the eyes - this question interests all women in the world!

Understand the reasons

Permanent marks under the eyes and swelling can be the result of various diseases, so if this problem haunts you every day, then you should consult a doctor.

The mechanism for the appearance of bruises under the eyes is simple: the skin around the eyes is 4 times thinner than on other parts of the face. That's why dark blood, which is not saturated with oxygen, stagnates in the capillaries under the eyes and becomes noticeable.

The causes of dark circles under the eyes can be different. Vessels - due to the fact that the skin under the eyes is thin, blood vessels are visible through the skin, pigmentation, cardiovascular and kidney diseases, sudden weight loss, age and unhealthy lifestyle.

Dark circles may also be caused by:

Chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, stress

Use alcoholic drinks(they reduce the level of moisture content in tissues)

Working at the computer for a long time

Poor diet and sedentary lifestyle

Insufficient moisture in the area around the eyes

Allergy to eyelash dye or cosmetics

If dark circles under the eyes bother you only after... large quantity liquid, sleepless nights, stress and lack of sleep, then we know how quickly you can get rid of the problem.

How to eliminate dark circles under the eyes effectively

Modern cosmetology is developing so quickly that even dark marks under the eyes can be removed in just a few sessions with a specialist. All you have to do is choose - hardware treatment, or physical influence.

The most common procedure is massage professional doctor. Microcurrent therapy will reduce increased pigmentation of the skin area; you can also sign up for lipofilling, laser or mesotherapy. The specialist will be able to recommend you a cosmetic product that will help maintain the effect after the procedure.

How to remove dark circles under the eyes quickly

If you need to get rid of bruises and swelling urgently, then we have several emergency beauty recipes for you.

Use ice cubes to save you from dark circles and dark circles under your eyes in the morning. Take it for freezing mineral water and chamomile infusion, this remedy will help not only for cosmetic purposes, but also to awaken.

Stock up on eye patches: gel or fabric strips are applied to the area under the eyes and will relieve swelling in just 10-15 minutes. The procedure can be repeated at least every day, so the skin will be saturated with moisture. And the two most popular folk recipes, which will help remove dark circles under the eyes: chilled, thinly sliced ​​cucumber, as well as tea bags for 15 minutes.

Concealer will also help you remove dark circles under your eyes, but be sure to consult with a salesperson at a cosmetic store to find the ideal shade of the product.

The eyes, as a rule, are the mirror of the soul, and the skin around them reflects the state of the body. Many people, at least once in their lives, have encountered such unpleasant manifestations as dark circles under the eyes, which are often accompanied by swelling, the so-called “bags”. There are various methods of treating these problems, but in order for it to be as effective as possible, it is first necessary to establish the causes of their occurrence.


If bruises and swelling under the eyes appear rarely and go away quickly enough, then there is no need to worry. But if these problems become chronic, then this can be a serious signal of health problems. Therefore, it is necessary to understand why there are dark circles and swelling under the eyes? It could be:

  • Lack of vitamins in the body.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Constant stress and nervous tension.
  • Anatomical features (light and thin skin on eyelids).
  • Smoking, drinking alcohol.
  • Age-related changes.
  • Heredity.
  • Overwork and constant lack of sleep.
  • Excess salt in the body.
  • Heart failure and kidney pathologies.
  • Long work at the computer.
  • Sudden weight loss.
  • Lack of iodine.
  • Features of the location of blood vessels.
  • Plastic surgery or surgery.

The above reasons are only the most common. To get rid of bruises and swelling under the eyes for a long time, it is better to engage in comprehensive healing of the body.

How to remove dark circles under the eyes?

A morning finger massage is an excellent remedy for bruises and swelling under the eyes. It is best to perform this procedure after washing your face in the morning. It is necessary to make light tapping movements with the fingertips in the direction from outer corner eye along the lower eyelid to the bridge of the nose. In the area of ​​the inner corner of the eye and the bridge of the nose there are central lymphatic venous nodes, in which interstitial fluid accumulates.


Is it possible and how to remove dark circles under the eyes without resorting to the help of a cosmetologist? Answer: “Of course you can!” Very effective means Masks are the answer to these problems.

The most effective masks around the eyes.

  • Potatoes, flour, milk. Peel the potatoes, finely grate them, mix with oatmeal in equal proportions and dilute with warm milk. Apply the mask to the skin for 20 minutes.
  • Cottage cheese, green tea. Apply soft cottage cheese evenly to the skin of the eyes. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes, then remove the mask with a swab soaked in cool green tea.
  • Parsley, sour cream. It is necessary to chop the parsley leaves and mix them with sour cream in equal quantities. The prepared mixture must be wrapped in two gauze and applied to the eyelids for 20 minutes.
  • Walnuts, butter, lemon juice. Grind 2 tbsp. l. nuts into flour, mix with the same amount of butter and add a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to your eyelids for 20 minutes, then wash off with a cotton swab.

Dark circles under the eyes - treatment by a cosmetologist

Professional cosmetic procedures will help you get rid of bruises and swelling under the eyes: mesotherapy, ozone therapy and biorevitalization. These professional procedures can restore beautiful, healthy color and elasticity to the skin in 2-3 sessions. In addition, in beauty salons you can sign up for procedures that will also help get rid of “blueness” and bags under the eyes - this is ultrasound stimulation or lymphatic drainage. The prices for these procedures are quite affordable, but to achieve a positive result you need to undergo 6-8 sessions.

Compresses for eyelids

Among home recipes, compresses occupy a leading place, since they are quite easy to implement with products that are always available in every home, and are also the safest compared to cosmetics. How to remove dark circles under the eyes using compresses? To begin with, it is worth noting that it is recommended to use cold and contrasting lotions for the skin in the eye area.

  • Brewing compress. You can soak cotton swabs in a strong decoction of green or black tea, or apply brewed tea bags to your eyelids for 2 minutes. The procedure can be repeated several times a day, each time wetting the tampon again.
  • Contrasting sage compress. To prepare a compress, you need to brew sage in a glass of boiling water. Cool half of the broth, and, on the contrary, heat the other half. Then you need to moisten the tampons in cold and warm broth and alternately apply them to the eyelids. This therapy is recommended to be carried out over a month.
  • Compress from cornflower flowers. It is necessary to brew dried cornflower flowers in a glass of boiling water and leave for 20-25 minutes. Soak cotton swabs in the infusion and apply them to the skin for no more than 20 minutes.

Folk remedies

In addition to the above tools, there are many more traditional methods fight against unwanted manifestations around the eyes. Common foods will help for this, for example, potatoes, mint leaves, cucumber, ice, etc.

How to remove dark circles under eyes using raw potatoes? The vegetable should be grated, the resulting consistency should be wrapped in 2 pieces of gauze and applied to the eyelids for 15 minutes.

Cucumber in the fight against dark circles under the eyes. You must first grate the fresh cucumber. Apply the paste in a thick layer to the eye area and leave for 20 minutes. Remove the slurry with a cotton swab soaked in water.

You can get rid of bags under the eyes with ice. To prepare it, you can freeze a decoction of chamomile, sage, linden, cornflower, parsley or dill flowers. Every day you should wipe the previously cleaned area around the eyes with ice.

Daily care

The skin around the eyes is very sensitive and delicate, so it is important to choose the right cream. It is better if it is a cream containing hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin. Creams that contain these components tone well, moisturize the skin and activate the movement of lymph, and also perfectly eliminate circles under the eyes. To increase the effectiveness of the cream, it should be stored in the refrigerator (cold relieves swelling and tones the skin).

It is recommended to apply the nourishing cream every day in the morning and before bed. The upper eyelid must be lubricated from the inner corner to the outer, and the lower - in the opposite direction. All movements should be performed carefully, lightly touching the skin. If the cream is very thick, it can be diluted with a drop vegetable oil. For skin prone to swelling, the use of fatty creams is contraindicated; it is better to use gels and sticks with a cooling effect.

Preventing bruising and swelling around the eyes

In order to prevent dark circles under the eyes from appearing, you need to follow simple recommendations every day that will not only help prevent unwanted manifestations, but also generally strengthen the body:

  • It is recommended to consume the required amount of liquid daily (1.5-2 liters of still water);
  • it is important to completely abandon bad habits;
  • spend time in the fresh air as often as possible;
  • ensure that the diet is as balanced as possible;
  • systematically make masks for the skin around the eyes;
  • It is very important to use a special cream around the eyes every day.

If you suspect that bruises and bags under the eyes are associated with health problems, then be sure to consult a doctor and get examined.