Tablets dream book instructions for use. Pills for insomnia: a review of effective sleeping pills

Dream Interpretation- dietary supplement, plant-based syrup, helps cope with insomnia, depression and fatigue without addiction.
Herbal extracts and vitamins included in the Dream Book have a relaxing effect, helping to restore sleep and reduce anxiety.

Indications for use

Indications for use of syrup Dream Interpretation are:
- insomnia and sleep disturbances;
- increased excitability, irritability, neuroses;
- depressive and stressful conditions, chronic fatigue syndrome;
- as a symptomatic remedy for menopausal and premenstrual syndromes;
- functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system associated with changes in the functioning of the nervous system.

Directions for use

Dream Interpretation Adults take 1-2 tablespoons (15-30 ml) during dinner. Shake the bottle before use.
Duration of treatment: 4-6 weeks. Repeated appointments 3-4 times a year are possible. Store an opened bottle in the refrigerator for no more than 1 month.


Contraindications to the use of syrup Dream Interpretation are: individual intolerance to components, pregnancy, breastfeeding, diabetes.

Storage conditions

Syrup Dream Interpretation store in a dry place, protected from light, out of reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25ºС.

Release form

Dream interpretation - syrup.
Bottle: 150 ml.


Syrup Dream Interpretation contains: aqueous extract (oregano herb, hawthorn fruits, peppermint leaf, cordate linden flowers, lemon balm herb, motherwort herb, water), vitamin B6.
Auxiliary components: sugar, citric acid (preservative), sodium benzoate (preservative).

Basic parameters


The article on the topic: “strong-acting sleep tablets” provides current information on this issue for 2018.

Sleeping pills are special medications that help eliminate sleep disturbances at night. The drugs help maintain the sleep period of the necessary depth and duration for normal human life.

Prescription sleeping pills are considered potent drugs. Used on the recommendation of a doctor and under supervision.

Possible sleep disorders

Only doctors prescribe potent drugs after a complete examination of the patient, identifying the causes and type of violation of the component of the carotid structure. Medicines can only be purchased with a prescription.

Insomnia and sleep problems occur for the following reasons:

  • Disturbances in the rhythm of life, i.e. night and day rest. Shift work can provoke this.
  • Nervous, psychological tension, overwork.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Taking medications whose side effects are associated with sleep disorders.
  • Somatic diseases.
  • Other types of sleep disorder syndrome.

By eliminating the cause of the disturbance, the problem is automatically solved. If the reasons are unknown or not identified, then the person undergoes a long course of treatment. Violations can be classified into the following types:

  • The process of going to sleep.
  • Light sleep accompanied by constant waking up.
  • Early awakening, after which a person does not fall asleep, but experiences drowsiness during the day.

Prescription sleeping pills can treat any type of disorder and help normalize sleep. But for this it is necessary to identify it first.

Direction of action of sleeping pills

The mechanism of action of anti-insomnia drugs on the human body is to suppress the processes of excitation and inhibition. Depending on the type of disorder, the medicine has a different ratio of inhibition of excitation and increased inhibition of excitatory processes.

A short-acting remedy, used for difficulties in falling asleep. They are also aimed at suppressing arousal, after which the person naturally falls into normal sleep.

Medium-duration medications are aimed not only at reducing the body’s arousal, but also affect inhibition and affect the quality of sleep. Taken as prescribed by a doctor, it eliminates problems associated with shallow, restless sleep. Long-acting drugs inhibit excitation and increase inhibition.

Characteristics of sleeping pills

High-quality medications for insomnia should have the following characteristic features:

  • To quickly fulfill your main purpose is the onset of sleep.
  • Maintain depth and duration of night rest, avoid constant awakenings.
  • Do not have a negative effect on the body after administration. In this case, the next morning there should be no fatigue, drowsiness, weakness or lethargy.
  • No significant side effects.

In addition, they are not addictive and have a calming effect, normalizing the process of falling asleep.

Medicines are divided into types according to the following criteria:

  • Half-life from the body. This indicator affects the duration of action of the drug. Weak ones are displayed after 5 hours, medium ones - from 5 to 10 hours, strong ones after 15 hours.
  • Mechanism of action. There are narcotic and non-narcotic effects.
  • Duration of treatment. Short, medium, long. It is selected taking into account the degree of complexity of the disorder.

Differ from each other in consistency. Today in pharmacies you can buy remedies for insomnia in the form of tablets, drops, capsules and powders.

Exposure to barbiturates

They help eliminate severe forms of the disorder and have a depressing effect on the central nervous system. Depending on the degree of complexity of the violations, a certain dosage is prescribed. Used as a sedative or sleeping pill. Able to change the structure, order and duration of sleep. May cause addiction, vivid dreams and even nightmares.

Mechanism of action of benzodiazepines

Benzodiazepines are psychoactive substances that have hypnotic, sedative, and anti-anxiety effects. Medicines have an inhibitory effect on the functioning of the central nervous system and special receptors in the brain. During use, the feeling of anxiety and pain decreases. When taking the medicine, there is peace, calm, relaxation, serenity, but attentiveness decreases. They are also quickly addictive.

Abuse may cause symptoms such as:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • vision problems;
  • nightmares during sleep;
  • disorientation;
  • drowsiness.

In addition, the patient may experience irritability and sometimes seizures. In view of this, dream books are issued strictly according to doctor’s prescriptions, because there is a risk of misuse.

Mechanism of action of Z-drugs

This group of drugs belongs to gentle sleeping pills, because sleeping pills have the following effects on the body:

  • They quickly induce sleep that is close to physiological.
  • Do not disturb the sleep structure.
  • Avoid frequent awakenings.
  • After a night's rest, a person feels good throughout the day.
  • They are quickly eliminated from the body.
  • They do not have a negative effect on memory, motor activity, or somatic functions.

Dependence develops slowly, which is due to the prescription drug, because there is a risk of overdose. You can buy medications only with a prescription written by a doctor.

List of Prescription Drugs

List of prescription sleeping pills:

Table of properties and uses of the most common drugs

Each drug has advantages, disadvantages and side effects.

By law, prescription sleeping pills cannot be sold without it, since each of them is a potent drug that can not only relieve disorders, but also harm the body, exposing it to mortal danger.

When using even the best prescription sleeping pill, you must strictly adhere to the recommendations described in the instructions included with the product. Before doing this, it is important to consult with a specialist who will take into account the degree, type of disorder and duration of treatment before prescribing.

To eliminate the problem, the most gentle drugs from the list of Z-drugs are initially prescribed; if the expected result is not achieved, the doctor may prescribe a stronger drug from the group of barbiturates or benzodiazepines.

The information published on the site is intended for informational purposes only and in no way calls for independent diagnosis and treatment. To make informed decisions about treatment and use of medications, consultation with a qualified physician is required. The information posted on the site is obtained from open sources. The portal's editors are not responsible for its accuracy.

How to choose the most powerful sleeping pill?

The foreign and domestic pharmaceutical market is saturated with many effective drugs for the treatment of insomnia. Their choice is made by a doctor based on the characteristics of the sleep disorder, the patient’s age, the presence of concomitant diseases, and the risk of side effects.

Sleeping pills are represented by drugs of different chemical groups

When treating sleep disorders, specialists are guided by the principle of prescribing medications from weaker to stronger. Moreover, the most powerful sleeping pill for each patient may be different, since the effectiveness of the medicine depends on the type of sleep disorder, the chronicity of the process, as well as the individual characteristics of the person.

General principles of sleep disorder therapy

To eliminate insomnia, two therapeutic directions are used. The first is the exclusion of factors that provoke insomnia. For this, the following measures are recommended: normalization of the psycho-emotional state, sleep hygiene, treatment of somatic diseases, solving problems of a psychological nature.

The second direction is pharmacological treatment itself. For this purpose, various groups of drugs, hypnotics or sedatives are used; their selection is carried out by a somnologist, neurologist, psychiatrist, or, in their absence, a therapist.

Medicines to treat insomnia

Medicines used for sleep disorders

To treat insomnia, medications belonging to various groups of pharmaceuticals are used: sedatives of plant origin, Melatonin, antidepressants, tranquilizers, ethanolamines that improve falling asleep and support long-term sleep. The effectiveness of the drug often depends on how the sleeping pill works, on its mechanism of action.

The most powerful drug in modern medicine is considered to be a pharmacological agent, the mechanism of action of which is the ability to influence the postsynaptic GABA receptor complex. This is a potent sleeping pill that quickly induces sleep and maintains sleep well. The following main groups of such drugs are distinguished:

Most sleep-improving medications can be purchased at pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription; they are included in the list of potent drugs. This is quite justified, since they are used only for strict indications, and some may become addictive.

Main characteristics of sleeping pills

Sleeping pills help you fall asleep quickly

In order to determine whether a strong sleeping pill is or not, it must meet a number of

  1. quickly induce sleep;
  2. it is good to maintain the duration of night sleep, without frequent awakenings;
  3. there are no post-somnia disorders after taking it (no lethargy, drowsiness or weakness in the morning);
  4. does not have significant side effects;
  5. not addictive.

Most sleep medications meet these requirements to one degree or another.

When prescribing sleeping pills, their half-life is also taken into account; depending on this, the following are distinguished:

  1. having a half-life of up to 5 hours;
  2. staying in the body for 5-10 hours;
  3. having a long half-life of up to 15 hours.

Most experts prefer short-lived drugs that are quickly eliminated from the body.


Currently, they are very rarely used to treat insomnia. This is due to the high frequency of side effects and the rapid onset of addiction. Also, barbiturates often cause post-somnia disorders in the form of drowsiness, deterioration of attention, and with long-term use provoke depression.

They are included in the list of potent drugs and require a doctor's prescription to purchase them. The pharmacy chain offers the following medications from this group: Barbamil, Etaminal-sodium.


They are considered the most powerful sleeping pills, since they not only promote sleep, but also have an anti-anxiety and calming effect, promote muscle relaxation, and eliminate cramps. The great advantage of this group of drugs is their low toxicity. The second advantage is the presence in the list of drugs of benzodiazepines, both with a short half-life (Triazolam) and with a longer action (Nitrazepam, Oxazepam). This provides a wide range of therapeutic applications.

Nitrazepam is a strong hypnotic, it is used in the treatment of presomnia and intrasomnia disorders. Take one tablet (2.5 mg) before bedtime. It can be purchased at the pharmacy only with a doctor's prescription.

The disadvantage of this group of drugs is the frequent occurrence of drowsiness, decreased attention and speed of reaction after waking up, which creates inconvenience for some groups of professions.

With long-term use, more than 10-14 days, addiction develops to benzodiazepines, and withdrawal syndrome is possible. Such side effects are especially severe in older people who initially have intellectual and mental decline.

Cyclopyrrolones and imidazopyridines

They are considered the most modern drugs for the treatment of insomnia (3rd generation). With a doctor's prescription you can buy in pharmacies: Zopiclone, Zaleplon, Zolpidem.

Hypnotics from the group of cyclopyrrolone derivatives

The advantage of this medicine is its mechanism of action on central benzodiazepine receptors. Thanks to this, Zopiclone is a fairly strong sleeping pill and, at the same time, does not cause drowsiness or decreased attention during the subsequent working day.

Prescribe the medicine 7.5 mg before bedtime, falling asleep occurs after 25-30 minutes. Zopiclone, for the most part, has no effect on sleep structure, but prolongation of the delta phase is sometimes noted. An important advantage of the drug is that it does not increase apnea in people with OSA.

It is found in pharmacies under the trade name Imovan; it can be purchased with a doctor’s prescription. The duration of taking the medication should be no more than a month. Zopiclone is suitable for the treatment of episodic insomnia.

The main advantage of the drug is its lack of interaction with benzodiazepine receptors; it affects another part of the GABA complex. This is due to the fact that there is no addiction to this drug. At the same time, it is a relatively strong sleeping pill that helps you fall asleep quickly, improves sleep quality, and does not cause lethargy or drowsiness in the morning. Zolpidem does not interfere with daily activity, it is safe and non-toxic. The drug is quickly inactivated in the body, it can be taken even at night without fear of post-somnia disorders.

Zolpidem belongs to the group of imidazopyridines

Zolpidem is prescribed 1 tablet (5 mg, 10 mg) half an hour before bedtime. For older patients, the recommended dose is 5 mg; other people can take it at 10 mg. As a rule, the medicine does not have side effects; unpleasant symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract or nervous system or allergic reactions rarely appear.

Trade names of Zolpidem: Ivadal, Hypnogen, Sanval. The pharmacist may require a doctor's prescription before purchasing it.

This medicine has the most selective effect, that is, it has a strong hypnotic effect, while not having anti-anxiety or anticonvulsant activity. Thanks to this, Zaleplon does not provoke addiction in most patients, promotes rapid falling asleep and does not affect sleep architecture.

The second important advantage is the short half-life - only 1 hour, the shortest of all sleeping pills on the modern pharmaceutical market. As a result, the drug does not affect daytime activity and does not cause fatigue or drowsiness. Zaleplon is used to treat both presomnic and intrasomnic disorders.

A sleeping pill whose active ingredient is zaleplon.

Trade analogue - Andante. Prescribe medication 10 mg before bedtime. For elderly people, as well as those with decompensated liver and kidney diseases, half the standard dosage is recommended - 5 mg.

The doctor determines which sleeping pill will be most effective for a particular patient. Typically, herbal and over-the-counter medications are initially prescribed to improve sleep. They are combined with non-drug psychotherapeutic techniques. Only if there is no effect do they move on to stronger prescription drugs.

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7 Best Sleeping Pills You Can Buy Without a Prescription

A person should spend a third of his life sleeping – quite a lot. After a full sleep, the charge of vigor and performance lasts for a long time. At the same time, intermittent, superficial sleep and poor sleep can become a real torment, especially on the eve of an important day.

The most powerful sleeping pills are limited-release drugs and require a prescription to purchase. Such drugs, for example, include old and well-known barbiturates: etaminal - sodium, barbamyl, phenobarbital. To purchase such modern and mildly active drugs as Imovan (zopiclone) and zolpidem, you also need a prescription.

At the same time, there is a large group of over-the-counter drugs that have a hypnotic effect. They are commercially available because their psychoactive inhibitory effect on the central nervous system is much lower, and an overdose does not cause serious side effects. However, they can help you fall asleep in most cases of mild sleep disorders.

We present these drugs in descending order of hypnotic effect.

Cost 650 rubles (0.003 g No. 24)

In humans, melatonin regulates sleep-wake cycles and is the “sleep hormone.” Its task is to cause a drowsiness effect, which increases the chances of falling asleep. In addition, melatonin has a moderate sedative (calming) effect.

Advantages: an overdose of the drug is impossible due to its very rapid disintegration. Good sleep continues after the drug is eliminated from the body, so sleep can be considered physiological. Melaxen works on the “done and gone” principle. The medicine does not change the course of the natural cycle and structure of sleep, does not cause nightmares, and does not affect awakening. After using the drug there is no feeling of drowsiness, you can drive a car.

  • manifestations of allergic reactions and the occurrence of peripheral edema are possible;
  • relatively high cost.

Conclusions: The drug can be recommended for mild and moderate forms of insomnia, in the complex treatment of functional disorders accompanied by sleep disturbances, and also as a means for more rapid adaptation to rapid changes in time zones.

From reviews of Melaxen: “I had absolutely no side effects, I had a healthy and strong, normal sleep, in the morning there was not a bit of drowsiness, and at night I saw beautiful colorful dreams. I took it one tablet 30 minutes before bedtime. After I drank it the whole package, no addiction developed. One of the best remedies for insomnia, I recommend it!"

( doxylamine succinate, 15 mg effervescent and regular tablets). Also released under the name Sungmil.

Cost 350 rubles (30 tablets).

It is a blocker of H1 histamine receptors, and, essentially, an antihistamine. But it is not intended for the treatment of allergic diseases, but is used only for sleep disorders and insomnia. This is one of the best sleeping pills for relieving attacks of insomnia in young, healthy people who do not need to drive a car the next day

Advantages: an effervescent tablet has a rapid effect, the drug reduces the time it takes to fall asleep and increases sleep time.

Flaws: the drug has side effects characteristic of antihistamines: dry mouth, difficulty waking up, possible drowsiness during the day. In addition, the drug is not indicated for patients with impaired renal function of urine outflow, as well as with breathing disorders during sleep.

From reviews of Donormil:“The medicine turned out to be wonderful. I didn’t read the instructions and on the first day I took two tablets at once. Ten minutes later I was already asleep. Having slept all night, I felt drowsy for the first half of the day. The next night I took one tablet, according to the instructions. I fell asleep half an hour later, sleep was calm, awakening was cheerful."

Corvalol (Valocordin)

Contains phenobarbital (tablets - 7.5 mg, 1.826 g per 100 ml).

Cost of drops (50 ml) – 40 tablets (No. 20) – 150

Corvalol (valocordin) is the only over-the-counter drug containing the barbiturate phenobarbital. This immediately puts this drug on a par with more serious competitors, and its low cost makes it very attractive to a wide segment of the population. It is recommended to take from 10 to 40 drops per dose.

Advantages: the drug has a characteristic odor; valerian and mint potentiate the effect of phenobarbital. Can be used as a distraction for pain in the heart area instead of validol; drops can be used in different, individual dosages. The drug has a mild antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of internal organs and is indicated for tachycardia (palpitations) and psychomotor agitation.

  • The characteristic smell of the medicine can permeate an entire apartment with frequent use.
  • Many people have a prejudice that Corvalol is a “medicine for the poor” - this is completely untrue.
  • Not recommended during breastfeeding.

From reviews:“Corvalol is the best sleeping pill. I’ve been taking it all my life. Both my mother and grandmother. In addition to helping with insomnia and palpitations, I apply it to my face in the summer - the medicine wonderfully repels mosquitoes, and does not contain terrible chemicals. A solid five!”

Novo – Passit

Herbal preparation (valerian, lemon balm, elderberry, passionflower, St. John's wort, hawthorn, hops, guaifenzin). Available in tablet and syrup form.

The cost of tablets No. 30 is 600 rubles, syrup (200 ml) is 330 rubles.

Combined herbal preparation with a pronounced sedative effect. Guaifenzine has an additional anti-anxiety effect, which in total allows the drug to be used for the treatment of sleep disorders.

Advantages: has a quick effect. For insomnia disorders, it is recommended to use syrup, which acts even faster. The drug can be used without a course of treatment: the effect of the first dose is quite pronounced.

  • Daytime drowsiness and a feeling of depression may develop, especially with an overdose.
  • Contraindicated for children.
  • Not recommended for use in patients with chronic alcoholism.

From reviews of Novo-Passit:“It’s very good that the drug is of natural origin. A pleasant surprise was that in addition to improving sleep, Novo-Passit helped eliminate anxiety, some kind of nervousness, and alleviated headaches caused by sitting at the computer.”


Combined drug (melissa, mint, valerian).

The cost of a package of 20 capsules is 350 rubles.

The drug has a mild sedative and hypnotic effect, insomnia is mentioned in the indications. Has a mild antispasmodic effect. Unlike Novo-Passit, it does not contain guaifenzine, and unlike Corvalol, it does not have an intrusive odor.

Advantages: The “night” variety of Persen is specially designed for night use. It helps well to fall asleep if insomnia is caused by nervous excitability, that is, a changed mood background.

Flaws: There is no liquid dosage form. Usually the liquid form has the desired effect faster. The drug is not recommended for people with biliary tract diseases, as well as for children under 12 years of age. Long-term use may cause constipation.

From reviews of Persen:“It seems to me that only a course of treatment has a good effect, and a one-time dose does not improve sleep. But if you drink it for at least a week, your mood becomes even and it becomes easier to fall asleep.”

(herbal infusions for brewing in the form of filter bags)

The cost of packaging (20 filter bags) is 50 rubles.

Phytosedan is available in several types of preparations (No. 2, No. 3), which differ in slight changes in the recipe. The basis of the composition is herbs: motherwort, thyme, oregano, sweet clover and valerian. One package is poured with boiling water, left for 15 minutes, then drunk at night.

Advantages: has a mild, natural effect, makes it easier to fall asleep, is able to eliminate spasms of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, and is used in the complex therapy of vegetative-vascular dystonia

  • Not indicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • The infusion is prepared immediately before use, can be stored for no more than a day, and is best consumed warm, which, unlike tablets, is more difficult.

From reviews of Fitosedan:"The herbs for 50 rubles turned out to be much more effective than many expensive products. I bought it at the pharmacy and brewed it. It is a little bitter, but has a pleasant, calm smell. Already on the second day of use I realized that it does its job perfectly: it does not cause fatigue during the day, but sleep comes softly and easily."

Cost No. 50 – 49 rubles.

Glycine is a simple amino acid; its role is to regulate inhibitory processes in the cerebral cortex. The effect of glycine is complex and complex: it should be used not only for sleep disorders. To improve sleep, it is absorbed under the tongue, since absorption into the sublingual vessels avoids passage through the liver portal system, which accelerates the effect.

Advantages: Since glycine (aminoacetic acid) is found in sufficient quantities in the human body, an overdose of glycine is hardly possible until serious complications occur. In addition, the drug has an anti-anxiety effect and simultaneously improves memory and memorization processes. It is used in therapy, neurology, and is widely prescribed to school-age children.

Flaws: the special hypnotic effect of glycine has not been studied separately. The effect of the drug is reduced to restoring the imbalance between the transmitters of the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system.

From reviews of Glycine:“I started using glycine on the advice of friends during a session, as I had previously abused coffee in order to memorize a large amount of information. I began to have breakdowns, memory impairment, irritability and poor sleep. A week after starting to take glycine, I managed to get rid of all the unpleasant sensations. My sleep improved. and memory."

What you need to know:

This list of the best remedies for insomnia that can be bought without a prescription is far from complete. Everyone can add new agents or swap them, since the effectiveness of the drug is largely determined by individual reaction.

Many "doubles" are not listed. So, the drug " Dormiplant"just like the described "Persen" contains lemon balm, mint and valerian. Homeopathic medicines are not described, since they do not have a detectable effective dose, and cannot be considered from the point of view of evidence-based medicine.

Strong acting dream pills

Pills for insomnia are very diverse. Medicines are presented in the pharmacy chain in a wide range. These are “light” drugs that are not addictive, contain natural ingredients and are available without a doctor’s prescription. Sleeping pills, which have a more pronounced hypnotic effect, but are also available without a doctor’s prescription.

And strong drugs that are used in severe cases of insomnia, when lighter drugs do not cope with the patient’s sleep disturbance. Such drugs are prescribed only by a doctor and purchased at a pharmacy with a prescription. The dose and course of treatment for insomnia is determined by the doctor, who observes the patient and changes medications if necessary.

Tablets for insomnia and sleeping pills available in the pharmacy chain are conventionally divided into drugs containing certain components:

A separate group of non-medicinal drugs that have a mild hypnotic effect is presented:

  • herbs and herbs according to traditional medicine recipes;
  • homeopathic remedies.

Mechanism of action of sleeping pills

The effects of hypnotic drugs are conventionally divided into periods:

  1. Short – in this case, the drugs act as a depressant on excitation, that is, they reduce the threshold of excitation of the nervous system. Medicines with this period of action are suitable for patients who have trouble falling asleep.
  2. Medium – drugs of this period of action simultaneously affect the processes of both excitation and inhibition. This type of sleeping pill is suitable for patients with intrasomnia, when the depth of sleep suffers.
  3. Long-term action – drugs of this group have a more pronounced effect on processes in the central nervous system. In this case, drugs of this period of action are suitable for patients with postsomnia, when there is sleep disturbance in the form of early awakening.

May be short-term, after stress or overwork. As a rule, to a greater extent, sleep problems resolve on their own. To do this, just adjust your daily routine and limit watching TV and playing games on the computer. But, if the sleep disturbance lasts more than four weeks, then insomnia occurs.

Pathological insomnia disorders

The following disorders are distinguished in the structure of insomnia:

With such a sleep pathology, there is a need for treatment with special drugs in order to normalize the patient’s night rest. Any hypnotic medications, acting on the central nervous system, contribute to the activation of inhibition processes and suppression of excitation. Some drugs act to a greater extent on more active inhibition, while in others the predominant effect is the phenomenon of inhibition of excitation.

Indications for the use of sleeping pills

Sleep disturbance is always a big problem for a person, since not only physical health suffers, but also psychological background. Only a doctor can determine the need to use sleeping pills. Depending on the objective data, he determines a specific sleeping pill and course of treatment, with a mandatory re-consultation after the end of treatment.

The main indications for prescribing drugs that restore disturbed night sleep are:

As a rule, treatment of night sleep disorders begins with mild medications that have a positive effect on the nervous system and restore the disturbed sleep phase. Sleeping pills are prescribed, which can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription.

Over-the-counter sleeping pills

Tablets for insomnia, available without a doctor's prescription, have a mild, but more powerful effect, and, in comparison with herbal preparations, the therapeutic effect of which is more pronounced and, at the same time, is not addictive. The most popular drugs are the following:

  1. Melaxen

A sleeping pill of synthetic origin, which is an analogue of natural melatonin, which is responsible in the body for the change between sleep and wakefulness. promotes a quick transition to sleep and does not disrupt sleep phases. After using the drug, sleep becomes complete and of high quality. The drug does not accumulate in the body due to its rapid elimination.

It is not addictive and has no side effects. But the use of the product with caution is indicated for persons with a tendency to allergic reactions. This drug is indicated for older people as a means of replenishing the lack of natural melatonin due to age-related changes in the central nervous system, which is responsible for regulating sleep phases. Successfully eliminates sleep disorders.

The tablets are taken according to the instructions for no more than three weeks.

The analogue is the drug, and the active principle is doxylamine. This drug was previously used as an antihistamine that blocks the manifestation of allergy symptoms. But, having the properties of a powerful sedative effect, it helps to quickly fall asleep and good quality of sleep.

It is not addictive, but has side effects. When using the drug, there is daytime drowsiness, decreased concentration, and dryness of the oral mucosa.

Contraindicated for use in patients whose profession involves concentration, patients suffering from chronic liver disease, kidney disease, patients with glaucoma and the elderly. Pregnancy is also a contraindication for taking Donormil.

  1. Atarax

It not only has a hypnotic effect, but also contains ingredients that have a relaxing effect on smooth muscles. This combined effect of the drug allows its use for patients with concomitant diseases accompanied by spasm of smooth muscles (radiculitis, gastritis).

Herbal remedies

These are light medicinal preparations that contain environmentally friendly herbs, which give a positive effect in mild cases of nighttime sleep disturbance, without causing a negative reaction from the internal organs.

  1. Valerian tablets

A drug based on natural raw materials and having a mild sedative and hypnotic effect. Indicated for sleep disorders in patients whose sleep mechanism is affected due to stressful conditions. The drug has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle. Does not cause side effects and does not develop addiction. It restores night sleep well, but the use of the drug is indicated for a long time.

Available in the form of an alcohol tincture, filter bags for preparing an infusion. In addition to oral administration, the tincture can be used in the form of aromatherapy, inhaling its vapors before going to bed. The combined use of valerian tablets internally and inhalation of its aroma gives a good effect in the treatment of insomnia.

  1. Motherwort

A herbal remedy, used in the form of an alcohol tincture or a decoction of dry raw materials. It has the property of inhibiting the processes of excitation of the central nervous system, having a sedative effect on it. In addition, it helps lower blood pressure, therefore it is a drug that is indicated for hypertensive patients, especially the elderly.

  1. Dormiplant

Preparation based on herbal ingredients , which contains valerian root and lemon balm leaf extract. The combination of these two components gives a pronounced sedative effect. Helps you fall asleep quickly and normalizes sleep. Does not affect concentration and does not cause drowsiness during the day.

  1. Persen

It is an analogue of Dormiplant, but in its composition it contains, in addition to valerian root and lemon balm, peppermint leaves. It is a mild sedative that not only has a hypnotic effect, but also has an antispasmodic effect.

This drug belongs to dietary supplements. This is a remedy for insomnia, which contains natural ingredients such as valerian and passionflower. The product has a mild effect, relieves tension and irritability. Morning awakening is light and cheerful. Patient reviews are only positive. Restores night's sleep well.

In addition to light sleeping pills sold without a prescription, there are drugs in the pharmacy chain that can also be purchased without a prescription, but the composition of these medications has a stronger effect on the central nervous system.

All of these tablets, tinctures for insomnia, are available for purchase without a prescription. But, in any case, a consultation with a doctor is required, on whose recommendation a particular drug is taken. Self-medication, in this case, is unacceptable.

Sleeping pills by prescription

In some cases, when it is not possible to cope with insomnia with the help of mild drugs that give a sedative and hypnotic effect, they resort to stronger drugs that are prescribed by a doctor and purchased only by prescription. The peculiarity of these drugs is that with prolonged or uncontrolled use, dependence on these medications develops.

Currently, there are three generations of drugs that have a strong calming effect and eliminate insomnia:

  • barbiturates containing barbituric acid, chloral hydrate and antihistamines, which give a pronounced sedative effect;
  • benzodiazepine hypnotics;
  • non-benzodiazepine hypnotics – zopiclone, zolpidem, zaleplon.

These potent drugs can quickly restore sleep disturbances at night. But, due to the occurrence of a number of side effects, addiction and the development of withdrawal syndrome, with irrational use of these dream books, the prescription and the necessary course of treatment is carried out only by a doctor.

  1. Barbiturates

A drug in this group, phenobarbital, acts at the cellular level on the central nervous system and suppresses excitation processes in the brain. The hypnotic effect of this drug is very pronounced, and its effect causes sleep, similar to a narcotic state.

It has side effects when used, such as headache, dizziness, decreased blood pressure, slow heart rate, gastrointestinal reaction in the form of nausea, vomiting, and intestinal dysfunction. A drug overdose is a patient emergency that requires immediate assistance.

  1. Benzodiazepines

This group of drugs - nitrazepam, midazolam, act, like the group of barbiturates, on the nervous system, but more gently. The effect of treating insomnia depends on the dose of the drug. In small quantities, the tablets have a sedative effect and relieve anxiety. To normalize sleep, the dose of the drug must be increased. It has a number of side effects and contraindications for use.

  1. Non-benzodiazepines

These drugs - zopiclone, zolpidem, zaleplon - are modern sleeping pills that are highly effective in achieving a hypnotic effect and have a small list of contraindications. Due to their rapid elimination from the body, these medications are most effective for sleep disorders.

After using the tablets, there are no side effects during the daytime, and the patient feels normal. These are the main pills for insomnia.

The course of treatment for all sleeping pills is no more than three weeks. The last group of strong sleeping pills is currently the most effective and safest. But the presence of various side effects and addiction make these medications available only with a doctor’s prescription and are used to treat chronic insomnia.

Pharmacological action

  • Not specified. See instructions


Rhizomes of valerian officinalis, motherwort herb, oregano herb.

Indications for use

As a biologically active food supplement - a source of valeric acid and flavonoids.

Release form

capsules 0.26 g;

Use during pregnancy


Contraindications for use

Individual intolerance to components, pregnancy, breastfeeding, children under 14 years of age.

Directions for use and doses

Adults and children over 14 years of age, 1 capsule 1 time per day with meals. Duration of treatment is 4-6 weeks.


Not described.

Precautions for use

Storage conditions

Store in a dry place, protected from light, out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.

Best before date

The description of the Dream Interpretation vitamin is intended for informational purposes only. Before starting to use any drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor and read the instructions for use. For more complete information, please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the project does not replace consultation with a specialist and cannot be a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug you use. The opinions of EUROLAB portal users may not coincide with the opinions of the site Administration.

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Attention! The information presented in the vitamins and dietary supplements section is intended for informational purposes and should not be a basis for self-medication. Some of the drugs have a number of contraindications. Patients need to consult a specialist!

If you are interested in any other vitamins, vitamin-mineral complexes or dietary supplements, their descriptions and instructions for use, their analogs, information about the composition and form of release, indications for use and side effects, methods of use, dosages and contraindications, notes about the prescription of the drug for children, newborns and pregnant women, price and consumer reviews, or you have any other questions and suggestions - write to us, we will definitely try to help you.

Preparation Dream Interpretation has a relaxing effect, inducing normal sleep, helps fight anxiety and depression, and reduces the risk of spasms of the arteries and heart muscle.
Valerian officinalis - reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, improves coronary circulation, has an antispasmodic and hypotensive effect. Effectively used for neuroses, insomnia, neurasthenia, hysteria, and the initial stages of hypertension.
Passionflower - reduces the excitability of the nervous system. It is used as a sedative for neurasthenia, insomnia, and vegetative disorders during menopause.
L-tryptophan - has an antidepressant effect, helps relieve anxiety, tension, obsessive states, chronic fatigue syndrome, promotes good falling asleep and normal sleep.
Vitamin B8 - has an antidepressant and anti-panic effect on humans, is involved in the regulation of heart rhythm and is necessary for the normal functioning of nerve cells.
Magnesium - participates in all immune processes as an anti-stress, anti-toxic, anti-allergic, anti-anaphylactic factor. Magnesium is a natural insulator along the path of nerve impulses, relieves symptoms
nervous tension: anxiety and irritability, prevents convulsive muscle contractions, relieves vascular spasms, chronic fatigue syndrome.
The components of the complex contribute to:
- good falling asleep and normal sleep;
- decreased excitability of the central nervous system;
- relieving anxiety, irritability, spasms;
- relief of stress, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome;
- improvement of coronary circulation.

Indications for use:
Preparation Dream Interpretation helps normalize sleep.

Directions for use:
Preparation Dream Interpretation Adults and children over 14 years old take 1 capsule 1 time per day during dinner.
Duration of treatment: 4-6 weeks.
The reception can be repeated 3-4 times a year.

Contraindications to the use of the drug Dream Interpretation are: individual intolerance to the components of the product, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Storage conditions:
Dream Interpretation should be stored in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight, out of reach of children at a temperature not exceeding +25°C.

Release form:
Dream book - capsules, 0.3 g.
36 capsules per package.

1 capsule, 0.3 g Dream Interpretation contains:
Valerianae extract (valerian extract).......0.124 g
Vitamin B8 (vitamin B8 (inositol).......0.08 g
Passiflora L. (passiflora extract)............0.027 g
L-Tryptophan (L-tryptophan)..........................0.025 g
Auxiliary components: magnesium oxide, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate.