Rash along the line. What to do if purulent rashes appear on the body

Rashes are differentiated by external signs and location. A rash on the legs and arms can appear for a variety of reasons, and therefore, in each case, treatment must be selected individually.

Possible reasons

Allergic reaction

One of the most common causes of rashes is allergies. Localization can be very different. Rashes on the hands most often affect thin skin on the wrists, hands and the inside of the elbow, and on the legs - the area under the knees. A skin reaction can be caused by:

  • external irritants (for example, animal hair and saliva, pollen, cosmetics, household chemicals);
  • internal intoxication that occurs when taking certain medications or foods (sweets, chocolate, citrus fruits, coffee);
  • in some cases, a non-standard immune response of the body to sunlight or cold is noted.

An allergic rash in both a child and an adult is very itchy. The skin becomes red and swollen, becomes injured when scratched and begins to peel off.

Infectious infection

In this case, the rash is caused by the activity of bacteria or viruses. They differ from allergic ones in appearance and other signs, for example, an increase in general body temperature. The appearance of an infectious rash usually depends on the specific pathogen. In some cases, this allows the doctor to make a diagnosis based only on clinical examination data.

The appearance of a rash on the arms or legs of an adult may be a symptom of a dangerous infection (for example, syphilis or measles, as well as some types of HPV). Therefore, if you discover a rash, you should seek advice from a specialist as soon as possible.

Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is often the cause of rashes on the arms and legs. This is an inflammatory reaction of the skin upon direct contact with an irritating substance. The disease is typical not only for people predisposed to allergies, but also for everyone else. Manifestations of contact dermatitis can be triggered by:

  • aggressive chemicals (alkalis, oils, acids, solvents);
  • pollen, sap or stinging cells of some plant species;
  • mechanical impact (friction);
  • insect bites.

The nature of the rash with contact dermatitis can be different; only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis appears in the form of a rash. This is a chronic skin disease caused by genetic predisposition. The rashes characteristic of this disease are accompanied by severe itching and dry skin. Most often, manifestations of atopic dermatitis are localized on the inside of the knees and elbows, hands, wrists and face, but can also occur in other places.

If left untreated, the affected area of ​​the skin expands. A variety of irritants can provoke an exacerbation:

  • some products;
  • cosmetics and household chemicals;
  • medicines.

Scratching the rash of atopic dermatitis can cause infection.

Fungal diseases

Some types of mycoses are characterized by specific rashes. The feet and hands are most often infected. A rash of this kind is usually represented by pustules and crusts after they have healed, accompanied by hyperemia and a burning sensation. The affected skin is very itchy, in some cases it dries out and peels.

Infection with the fungus occurs either through close contact with a sick person, or when visiting public baths and swimming pools. If you suspect a disease, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo a course of treatment, since the disease may progress to a severe form and various complications. This is facilitated by the presence of chronic pathologies - diabetes, bronchial asthma.


A dangerous disease caused by the activity of microscopic mites in the skin. The first symptoms appear as small blisters or nodules on the skin. They appear about a week after contact with a sick person. Infection is also possible through clothing or other things. It primarily affects the arms and legs.

The rashes caused by tick infestation are very itchy (which explains the name of the disease), the itching intensifies at night. When scratching, an infection gets into the wounds, which leads to the appearance of pustules.

Neurogenic rash

A nervous rash, or neurodermatitis, is often localized according to the allergic type, in the elbows and knees, on the face (other locations are possible).


Skin rashes are divided into several main types based on appearance:

  • Papules (nodules) are a uniform compaction in the thickness of the epidermis.
  • Spots are areas that differ in color from the rest of the skin. Can be of different shapes and sizes. Do not protrude above healthy skin (for example, hemorrhagic rash).
  • Blisters are spots with signs of swelling. Protrude above the surface.
  • Pustules (pustules) are blisters with pus inside.
  • Erosions and ulcers are formations on the skin that violate its integrity.
  • Bubbles are cavities filled with non-purulent contents.
  • Crusts are secondary rashes that form in place of healing blisters, ulcers, and pustules.

Any of these types of skin lesions can be a symptom of several different diseases. Therefore, it is almost impossible to independently correlate the rash that appears with a specific disease. For an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment, you need to see a doctor.

In addition to a clinical examination, a variety of methods are used to diagnose the causes of rashes - laboratory tests of skin sections (detection of scabies), various skin tests (for example, prick tests for allergies), blood tests for antibodies, scrapings, lighting with special lamps (for diagnosing fungal diseases), and others.

Therapy methods

Effective treatment is only possible when the disease is correctly diagnosed. Based on the available information, the doctor prescribes drugs for external use:

  • sulfur or other ointment against mites for scabies (Crotamiton, Zinc ointment);
  • antifungal agents for mycoses (Exoderil, Clotrimazole, Mycozolon);
  • antiseptic compositions for infectious lesions (Salicylic ointment, Triderm, Betadine);
  • healing or corticosteroid ointments and creams for dermatitis (Hydrocortisone, Advantan).

Depending on the identified disease, medications for oral administration are also prescribed:

  • enterosorbents (activated carbon, Polyphepan);
  • antibiotics (strictly as prescribed by the doctor);
  • antihistamine tablets and drops for allergies (Fenistil, Zodak, Tavegil);
  • antifungal drugs (Fluconazole);
  • sedatives for neurodermatitis (Novopassit, valerian infusion);
  • multivitamins (Supradin, Complivit);
  • immunomodulators (Likopid, Polyoxidonium).

For some diseases accompanied by skin rashes, physiotherapy and spa treatment are indicated. Regardless of the nature of the disease, it is recommended to adhere to proper nutrition and adhere to the regime.

Only a specialist can take into account all the features of the clinical picture and choose the most suitable drugs, determine the necessary dosages and duration of treatment.

Skin rashes

Skin rashes appear as a sudden appearance on the skin in any area of ​​the body. The rash is characterized by changes in the skin, redness or blanching, and itching. A symptom can form as a local reaction to external provoking factors or manifest itself as a sign of the development of a pathological process. There are quite a lot of diseases that manifest themselves in the form of skin rashes, therefore the etiology of the symptom is varied.


Skin rashes in adults and children can be formed under the influence of the following factors:

The most common cause of symptoms is considered to be infectious infection. Doctors include such diseases as measles, rubella, chickenpox, scarlet fever, herpes, etc. These diseases manifest themselves in a characteristic rash, which is accompanied by high fever, loss of appetite, chills, pain in the head, throat and abdomen, runny nose, cough and stool disorder.

Allergic skin rashes are also often diagnosed by doctors. This form of symptom development can be recognized by the absence of signs of infectious infection, as well as contact with the allergen. Very often, parents can notice a similar reaction on the child’s body. Provoking factors include food, animals, chemicals, and drugs.

If blood circulation is impaired and vascular disease, the patient may experience a rash for the following reasons:

  • decreased number or impaired functionality of platelets;
  • impaired vascular permeability.

Sometimes a symptom develops in non-infectious diseases, these include:

Skin rashes form due to liver disease. If the organ's functioning is disrupted, the patient's skin tone changes and a rash appears.

Characteristic red rashes can be from insect bites, acne, psoriasis, fungal diseases and scabies. Also, redness on the skin can be caused by prickly heat.


Clinicians have determined that the types of rashes can include the following manifestations:

  • spots – there are red, brown, white macules;
  • blisters - appear as a dense and rough formation on the skin;
  • papules - an element that looks like nodules in the thickness of the skin;
  • blisters - they can be large or small, formed in the skin cavity with a clear liquid;
  • erosions and ulcers – during formation, the integrity of the skin is compromised;
  • crusts - appear on the site of former blisters, pustules, ulcers.

All of the listed types of rashes on the body are divided into primary and secondary. The first type includes nodules, blisters, ulcers, and blisters. And the second group of types of rash consists of the appearance of peeling, erosion, abrasions, and crusts.


If skin rashes in children and adults develop against the background of deteriorating liver function, then characteristic symptoms may indicate this:

  • yellow tint of the skin;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • foul odor;
  • heavy sweating;
  • pain in the liver area;
  • itchy rashes on the body;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • broken stool;
  • brown tongue;
  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • the appearance of cracks in the tongue;
  • elevated temperature;
  • venous pattern on the abdomen.

If the cause is an infectious disease, then a person’s skin rashes can begin on the skin of the hands, move to the face, legs, and gradually affect the whole body. With rubella, the patient is first overcome by a rash on the face and spreads throughout the skin. The first foci of inflammation are localized in places where the surface of the limbs is most often bent, near the joints, on the back and buttocks. All rashes can be of different shades - pink, red, pale, brown.

Infectious pathologies often manifest themselves not only in rashes, but also in other signs. The disease can be established in more detail using the following clinical picture:

  • elevated temperature;
  • malaise;
  • weakness;
  • painful attacks;
  • certain areas on the patient’s body become inflamed, for example, eyes, tonsils, etc.;
  • may be photophobia;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • drowsiness;
  • burning.

Rashes on the skin in the form of red spots are characteristic of the development of such infectious diseases as chickenpox, rubella, measles, scarlet fever.


If any manifestations of the above symptoms are detected, the patient should urgently seek the help of a doctor. You can consult an allergist or infectious disease specialist about skin rashes. After an initial physical examination and minimal testing, the doctor will refer the patient to another specialist if the cause of the illness is not inflammation, allergy or infection.


Treatment of allergic skin rashes is prescribed by a doctor only after diagnosis has been made. Therapy is based on eliminating the etiological factor, so the drugs must be selected accordingly.

If a person develops a rash from mechanical damage or prickly heat, then there is nothing wrong with such a manifestation. At home, you can anoint the inflamed area with cream or oil to slightly relieve swelling and itching. Over time, the symptom will disappear. You can also eliminate the symptoms of the disease at home with the following advice from doctors:

  • wear things made of natural cotton to avoid irritation;
  • wash the body with baby soap or shower gel;
  • Eliminate from life all things that can cause skin rashes.

If the patient’s symptoms are more pronounced, have characteristic indicators, and cause discomfort to the patient, then a consultation with a dermatologist is necessary.

If the disease is caused by an allergy, then it is important for the doctor to identify this allergen using a test and then prescribe treatment. The patient must move away from this item or remove the product from the diet. This symptom can also be cured with antihistamine ointments and tablets.

If an external sign, namely a rash, has developed from a virus, and the symptoms of the disease are supplemented by fever, then the patient can be given antipyretic medications. When the disease becomes more complicated, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications are prescribed.

Quite often, skin rashes due to diabetes, liver disease, infectious diseases or allergies are not very easily recognized by doctors, since the symptom often manifests itself in the same indicators - itching, redness, swelling. In this regard, doctors first prescribe therapy to the patient, which is aimed at getting rid of the signs, and not the causes of the development of the disease.

Effective treatment uses comprehensive measures to eliminate the clinical picture, within which the patient must comply with the following methods:


In order to prevent the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, the patient must adhere to special rules. If a person knows that he is allergic to certain things, then it is advisable to immediately distance himself from them and eliminate all allergens from his life. To prevent rashes from fungi and infections, doctors advise following these measures:

  • take care of personal hygiene - wash the body, wipe dry, trim nails and keep the ears clean;
  • do not share personal belongings with strangers and do not use other people’s towels, toothbrushes, do not change clothes and slippers;
  • wash clothes regularly;
  • clean the room from dust.

To reduce the risk of heat rash or damage, you need to use special creams, dress according to the season and be careful when traveling to the forests and mountains.

“Skin rashes” are observed in diseases:

Vitamin deficiency is a painful human condition that occurs as a result of an acute lack of vitamins in the human body. There are spring and winter vitamin deficiency. In this case, there are no restrictions regarding gender and age group.

Allergic urticaria is considered a fairly common skin disease, which is diagnosed in people regardless of gender and age category. Most often it occurs in an acute form, less often it becomes chronic.

Allergic bronchitis is a type of inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. A characteristic feature of the disease is that, unlike ordinary bronchitis, which occurs due to exposure to viruses and bacteria, allergic bronchitis is formed due to prolonged contact with various allergens. This disease is often diagnosed in children of preschool and primary school age. It is for this reason that it needs to be cured as quickly as possible. Otherwise, it takes on a chronic course, which can lead to the development of bronchial asthma.

Allergic vasculitis is a complex disease characterized by aseptic inflammation of the walls of blood vessels, which develops as a result of an allergic reaction to the negative effects of infectious and toxic factors. The disease is characterized by inflammatory-allergic rashes with a tendency to edema, hemorrhage and necrosis.

Sun allergy is a disease accompanied by an inflammatory process on the skin that occurs under the influence of sunlight. The presented pathology is considered the most common type of actinic dermatitis. If you do not start therapeutic measures in time, this can lead to the disease progressing to the chronic stage or eczema. For this reason, all doctors try to detect pathology in a timely manner and develop the most effective treatment regimen.

Allergies to flowers are a very common occurrence today. Unfortunately, no one has yet been able to get rid of it completely, so people have to endure its unpleasant symptoms. An allergic reaction manifests itself as severe itching in the nose, discharge from the nasal passages, sneezing and nasal congestion.

Anaphylactic shock is a severe allergic condition that poses a threat to human life, which develops as a result of exposure to various antigens on the body. The pathogenesis of this pathology is due to an immediate reaction of the body, in which substances such as histamine and others suddenly enter the blood, which causes an increase in the permeability of blood vessels, spasms of the muscles of internal organs and other multiple disorders. As a result of these disorders, blood pressure drops, which leads to the brain and other organs not receiving the proper amount of oxygen. All this leads to loss of consciousness and the development of many internal disorders.

Atypical pneumonia is an inflammatory process in the lungs, the etiology of which is not typical. That is, this disease is not caused by bacteria, mainly cocci, as is the case with typical pneumonia, but by microorganisms and viruses.

Atopic dermatitis in children is an inflammatory disease provoked by allergic reactions to certain etiological factors. It is popularly called “diathesis”. In most cases, it has a chronic course and is quite often accompanied by other pathologies. Diagnosed in 60% of children in the first year of life.

Biliary cirrhosis is a liver pathology that occurs as a result of long-term disruption of the outflow of bile due to cholestasis or damage to the biliary tract. This is a process of chronic inflammation of autoimmune origin. Pathology can be secondary or primary. It is worth noting that primarily in people with this pathology primary biliary cirrhosis is observed.

Behçet's disease is a disease characterized by inflammation of the walls of small and medium-sized veins and arteries. The pathology refers to systemic vasculitis. As Behçet's syndrome progresses, recurrent erosive and ulcerative lesions of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, oral cavity, and skin begin to develop. The process involves vital internal organs, as well as large and small joints.

Still's disease (syn. juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis) is an autoimmune disease that is often diagnosed in persons under 16 years of age. Pathology belongs to the category of systemic diseases, that is, it can affect internal organs.

Fabry disease (syn. hereditary dystonic lipidosis, ceramide trihexosidosis, diffuse universal angiokeratoma, Andersen disease) is a hereditary disease that causes metabolic problems when glycosphingolipids accumulate in the tissues of the human body. It occurs equally in men and women.

Chagas disease (syn. American trypanosomiasis) is an infectious disease that is provoked by the penetration of a pathological agent into the human body. Both adults and children can suffer from the pathology. The diagnosis is more often made in males.

Acute intestinal infection caused by a bacterial environment and characterized by the duration of fever and general intoxication of the body is called typhoid fever. This disease is a severe ailment, as a result of which the main area of ​​damage is the gastrointestinal tract, and when it worsens, the spleen, liver and blood vessels are affected.

Epidermolysis bullosa (syn. mechanobullous disease, butterfly disease) is a rare hereditary dermatological disease, which is characterized by skin damage even with the slightest injury. Pathology includes dozens of varieties. The prognosis in most situations is unfavorable.

The Zika virus is a dangerous infection transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. It is also often called the Egyptian mosquito. This virus belongs to the flavivirus family, that is, those that are spread by mosquitoes and ticks. It also provokes the development of the fever of the same name.

Coxsackie virus is a viral infection belonging to the family of herpes viruses that live and multiply in the human digestive tract. They enter the environment with feces, so outbreaks of this viral disease often occur in the summer-autumn period, when soil and water are frequently contaminated with feces. The virus is carried by flies and cockroaches, so epidemic outbreaks can occur in areas with low living standards and in underdeveloped countries. This pathology mainly affects children under 10 years of age.

Viral meningitis is an acute inflammatory disease that primarily affects the soft membrane of the brain. The main risk group is children under 10 years of age. But the disease can also affect young people under 30 years of age. The disease can be either independent or a consequence of previously suffered severe infectious diseases.

HIV in men is a dangerous viral disease that currently cannot be completely cured. Has several routes of infection. It predominantly affects men of reproductive age. Transmission from mother to fetus is possible. In this case, the symptoms of the disease will appear in childhood.

Relapsing fever is a concept that includes several diseases that are similar in the mechanism of development and clinical course, namely louse-borne and tick-borne typhus. Despite this, both pathologies are considered independent diseases.

Congenital syphilis is a form of the disease that is transmitted from an infected mother to a child during pregnancy or labor. It should be noted that the congenital form of the disease in a child does not always appear immediately after birth - the first symptoms can appear either before a year or already in adolescence.

Secondary syphilis is a period that fully corresponds to the generalization of the infectious process. Treponema pallidum, which is localized in the lymph nodes, gradually enters the bloodstream and spreads through the bloodstream to other vital organs, as well as to new areas of the skin. The secondary period of syphilis is characterized by the appearance of the following symptoms: slight fever, moderate pain in muscle structures and joints (with a tendency to intensify at night), weakness. Specific lesions characteristic of the pathology appear in all areas of the human skin, most of the mucous membranes, as well as certain internal organs.

Ganglioneuritis is an inflammation of the nerve ganglion of the sympathetic nervous system, accompanied by damage to the nerve processes. The fundamental cause of this disease is the occurrence of an infectious process in the body, both acute and chronic. In addition, there are several predisposing factors.

Ganglionitis is the development of an inflammatory process in one ganglion, which is a collection of nerve nodes. Simultaneous damage to several such segments is called polyganglionitis. Often the provoking factor is the occurrence of an infection in the human body. Several times less often, the provocateurs are injuries, metabolic disorders, tumors and drug overdose.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis is a disease that belongs to primary systemic vasculitis. First of all, the pathological process “attacks” children and young people. The disease manifests itself as gastrointestinal dysfunction, microthrombosis, arthralgia, and purpura (which can be palpated).

Hepatitis D is another type of viral infection of the liver. Its distinctive feature is that it most often occurs simultaneously with hepatitis B, and is less often considered a complication of the negative effects of HBV. The provocateur is a specific microorganism, which often infects a person parenterally, i.e. through the blood. In addition, there are a number of other infection mechanisms.

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With the help of exercise and abstinence, most people can do without medicine.

Symptoms and treatment of human diseases

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Rash on legs photo with names of diseases

Changes in the skin indicate various diseases that affect not only the skin, but also signal deeper problems. It can be different in its content, causes of occurrence and morphological characteristics. You can learn more about the rash on the legs with a photo with the name of the disease.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis

Hemorrhagic vasculitis is a disease of the vascular wall with a complex of symptoms. It manifests itself as hemorrhages on the skin, the appearance of papules and purulent nodes, accompanied by swelling, kidney damage and abdominal syndrome.

Many doctors emphasize that these factors can affect the occurrence of hemorrhagic spots if there is a genetic predisposition to this pathology.

Read more about hemorrhagic vasculitis for deeper knowledge on this topic.

Symptoms of Henoch-Schönlein disease:

  • cutaneous. It is characterized by the appearance of hemorrhagic spots, which are often located symmetrically on the skin of the legs, thighs and buttocks;
  • More than half of the patients have articular syndrome. Mild arthralgia is observed for a short time or for several days. There is pain syndrome. Redness, swelling, limitation of joint movements;
  • abdominal syndrome is manifested by paroxysmal abdominal pain, stool disturbances, nausea and vomiting;
  • renal syndrome is observed in a third of patients and can develop renal failure.

Very rarely, other internal organs may also be affected.

Patients must adhere to bed rest, diet, and avoid taking medications. Treatment is carried out with heparin. Symptoms that are present with the disease are treated according to protocols. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, as this disease can recede quickly and can be fatal.

Rubella in children and adults

Another cause of skin rashes can be rubella. This is a viral infection that often affects children.

The existence of the virus is possible only in the human body, which means that infection occurs through airborne droplets from a sick person to a healthy person. Due to the fact that after an illness a strong immunity to it is developed, people get sick more often in childhood.

  • weakness in the body, malaise;
  • headaches of unknown origin;
  • a sharp increase in temperature, which goes away on its own after three days;
  • aching joints;
  • the appearance of a small pink rash.

One of the most striking signs of rubella is an enlargement of the cervical and occipital lymph nodes. Children tolerate the disease much easier; the rashes in children do not merge and go away without leaving any traces. In adults, the course of the disease is more serious:

  • the rash merges into one large spot, such areas remain on the body for up to 7 days;
  • the temperature drops to 40 degrees, which is very difficult to bring down;
  • prolonged migraines;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • cold symptoms (runny nose, cough, sore throat);
  • photophobia and eye tracking;
  • In men, pain in the testicular area is possible.

Rubella is mainly treated symptomatically at home. You need to adhere to bed rest.

To prevent the disease, vaccinations are given. The patient is isolated for 5 days. Complications may include otitis media, pneumonia, arthritis, rubella encephalitis and thrombocytopenic purpura.

Allergic rash on legs

The location of the appearance of the rash depends on the disease that caused it. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis based on the nature of the rash. If the rash is itchy and flaky, then the cause may be an allergy. For comparison, you can see a photo of a rash on the legs with the name of the disease. With allergies, the rashes are pinkish-red, uneven and raised.

Such an allergy can be to anything, from foods consumed to external environmental factors. For diagnostics:

  • carry out tests on the patient's skin;
  • do a complete blood test;
  • study other symptoms (runny nose, lacrimation).

An allergic rash is treated primarily by eliminating the allergen. If it is a food product, then do not eat it; if it is clothing, then they need to be changed to natural and softer ones. The doctor prescribes a complex of drugs and ointments.

It is often confused with chickenpox or urticaria. It can lead not only to itching, redness and swelling, but also provoke loss of consciousness and, in severe cases, death.

Scabies on legs photo

It is easily transmitted through handshakes, other people's shoes, and household items.

To recognize scabies, you should consider the first signs of its appearance:

  • incredible itching, which worsens towards night and at night;
  • the affected areas become covered with an erythematous rash;
  • Scabies can be examined.

Traces of scabies mites should first be looked for below the knees, in the knee bend, between the fingers of the lower extremities. A specialist should look at the characteristic changes on the skin to make a diagnosis of scabies.

To better understand the nature of the disease, read more about scabies.

Treatment consists of strict adherence to hygiene rules, applying ointments and lotions to the body. The earlier the disease is detected, the faster it can be eliminated.

Red rash on legs

For any rash on the legs, the nature of the rash should be carefully analyzed. What it is, where it is localized, the intensity of its appearance, the presence of itching, pus, peeling - all these and other signs help make an accurate diagnosis.

To make it easier to recognize, you can look at a photo of the rash on the legs with the name of the disease. There are:

Any rash on the skin signals the appearance of pathology on the skin or in the body. Many disorders in the human body can provoke the appearance of pimples, papules or blisters. Some reasons:

  • infective endocarditis;
  • reactions to insect bites;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • viral infection;
  • fungus;
  • hives.

Psoriasis on the lower extremities in the initial stages also appears as slightly raised pimples. At a progressive stage, new pimples appear near the old ones. Accompanied by unbearable itching, read more about psoriasis.

You should not wait until the rash goes away on its own; you need to consult a specialist, because in such cases the time spent is expensive.

Acne on legs

Many try to ignore this problem, which is not always visible under clothes. The reasons for their occurrence are varied. Acne can affect your appearance and comfort, or it can also be the result of serious and dangerous diseases. Any lesions should be treated, because even minor problems can develop into serious ones over time. Possible causes:

  • weather and uncomfortable clothes. In damp, cold weather they appear more often, aggravated by the need to wear warm clothes, which do not allow the skin to breathe;
  • hormones and hypovitaminosis;
  • shaving legs;
  • ingrown hair;
  • viral skin diseases (read more about molluscum contagiosum).

You should never neglect your health. You should always pay attention to the clues your body gives you. We looked at the rash on the legs photos with the name of the diseases. Do you know any other diseases that cause a rash on the legs? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum.

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Information site about rashes in children and adults with photographs

Please remember to consult your doctor for any health related questions.

Rash are multiple changes in the skin and mucous membranes: elements that differ from normal skin in color, texture and appearance. The rash can be on the stomach, chest, face, arms, legs. Patients describe the rash as spots, redness, pimples, pimples, goosebumps, blisters, blisters, pustules, mosquito bites, etc. The appearance of the rash can sometimes indicate a disease, but you cannot diagnose yourself by the appearance of the rash; you must consult a doctor.

What does the rash look like (types of rash)

The most common skin rashes are formed by the following elements:

  • spots. A spot is a reddened area that does not protrude above the level of the surrounding skin. Redness is associated with excess blood flow. When you press on it with your finger, the stain disappears, and after the pressure stops it appears again;
  • nodules(papules) - compacted areas that protrude slightly above the skin level. Most often, papules are round or conical in shape. Papules can merge with each other, forming plaques, sometimes quite large in area (for example, the size of a palm). When pressed, the papule also loses its color;
  • bubbles(vesicles). A vesicle is an element, usually round in shape, rising above the level of the skin and representing a cavity filled with a clear, cloudy or bloody liquid;
  • pustules(pustules). A pustule is a vesicle with purulent contents. The skin at the base of the pustule may also become inflamed;
  • blisters- cavityless elements of a round or oval shape, slightly rising above the level of the skin, resulting from limited and acute swelling.

The above elements are called primary, since they occur on clean skin.

During the course of the disease, rashes appear at the site and secondary elements:

  • plots hyperpigmentation or depigmentation(skin loses its natural color, becoming either darker or discolored);
  • peeling(scales are formed - particles of the dying upper layer of skin);
  • erosion(superficial damage to the skin resulting from the opening of a vesicle and abscess). In severe cases, ulcers may occur - a violation of the integrity of the skin, involving all layers of the skin - up to the subcutaneous fatty tissue;
  • when scratching - abrasions, both superficial and deep;
  • crust(formed as a result of drying out sections of a weeping surface - for example, at the site of burst blisters, pustules, as well as ulcers and erosions);
  • plots lichenification(skin thickening with strengthening of its pattern), etc.

Rash due to infectious diseases

The appearance of a rash on the skin is typical of infectious diseases that mainly affect children: chickenpox (chickenpox), rubella, scarlet fever, measles.

If there is sufficient reason to suspect the allergic origin of the rash, you should see an allergist-immunologist. By taking antihistamines on your own, you can achieve the disappearance of skin rashes, but it is worth remembering that in this case the cause of the allergy remains unknown, complex treatment is not carried out, which means that more acute allergic reactions should most likely be expected in the future.

By contacting the “Family Doctor”, you will receive qualified assistance from experienced dermatologists, allergists-immunologists, and pediatricians who will determine the cause of the rash and prescribe an effective course of treatment.

A sudden appearance of a rash on the face of an adult can often indicate disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and systems.

Therefore, timely consultation with a doctor will help to avoid many health problems.

The causes of a red rash are not always as harmless as it might seem at first glance.

Types of rashes on the face

For different diseases, the nature of the rashes is usually different. They may differ in shape, size, color, localization, timing of appearance and disappearance, characteristic of a particular disease, which is taken into account when making a diagnosis. To get rid of a rash on the face, it is necessary to determine the cause of its appearance with maximum accuracy.

Skin rashes have the following types:

  1. Spot. Change in skin color in a small area. Occurs with vitiligo, dermatitis and some other diseases.
  2. Bubble. It is formed inside the skin and has a liquid composition inside. Characteristic for herpes, eczema, allergic dermatitis. Increases from 2 to 6 mm. A formation exceeding the specified dimensions, up to 100 mm, is called a bubble.
  3. Blister. Swollen areas of skin, irregular in shape, pink in color. Formed by urticaria, toxicoderma, insect bites.
  4. Pustule. Formation in the layers of the epidermis, filled with purulent contents (acne, furunculosis and others).
  5. Nodules. They are clearly defined tubercles that rise above the surface of the skin. Size up to 5 mm. If the formation is larger, it is called a node.

Photos of types of rash:

The elements of the rash are based on impaired blood and lymph circulation, inflammatory changes, and pigment accumulation.

Possible causes of rashes with photos and descriptions

Some diseases manifest themselves as a rash, localized both in the face and other parts of the body. In addition to internal causes, a rash can develop due to external influences, for example, cold, heat, acids, alkalis.

Since a skin rash often signals the development of a disease, this symptom cannot be ignored. Any suspicious rashes must be shown to a doctor so that he can determine what the rash may be causing and what danger it poses to the patient.


Many people are currently susceptible to allergic diseases. The body reacts differently to stimuli.

Runny nose, respiratory tract diseases (tracheitis, laryngitis, pharyngopathy), otitis media, skin rashes - all these manifestations can be allergic in nature. The cause of the disease is abnormalities in the functioning of the immune system.

Their sudden and equally unexpected disappearance is the first and sure sign. If the irritant is not removed in time and the patient is not provided with appropriate treatment, the situation usually worsens.

The following painful symptoms may occur:

  • small rash;
  • swelling of the face;
  • papules;
  • dryness and tightness of the skin;
  • blisters;
  • weeping wounds;
  • formation of scales.

Allergens include plants, trees (fluff, molds), synthetic substances contained in home care products and much more. Correctly prescribed treatment will help quickly remove an allergic rash.

Video about allergies:


Acne can most often be seen in areas where there is a large accumulation of sebaceous glands. The disease primarily affects the forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin. The facial skin of such patients is shiny, the pores are enlarged, black comedones and acne of various types are visible. They are formed due to increased secretion of sebum, which accumulates in the ducts and forms plugs.

Stagnant fat decomposes, which leads to an inflammatory process in the skin and infection. Cone-shaped nodules with an abscess at the top are formed.

If the spread of the process is not prevented, the infection will sink deep into the sebaceous gland, and then large phlegmonous acne will form on the skin, leaving behind indelible scars.

The provoking factor is often insufficient or improper facial skin care, for example, the use of low-quality cosmetics, lack of hygiene. The cause may be overwork, nervous shock, anemia, infectious diseases, hypovitaminosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine organs.

Changes in hormonal levels also lead to the appearance of acne during the following periods:

  • adolescence;
  • pregnancy;
  • menses.

Acne is a chronic disease of young people, usually beginning with the approach or onset of puberty and affecting both sexes with equal frequency. A few days before the start of menstruation, almost every teenage girl, and sometimes women, develop rashes on the skin in the form of pimples and blackheads.

This is due to a “change of power” in the body, moving from estrogen to progesterone and vice versa. Unfortunately, such painful manifestations cannot be cured; they can only go away on their own with age, and even then not always.

A skin disease caused by iron mites, which settle in the sebaceous glands, eyelid cartilage glands, and hair follicles.

With demodex, rashes in the form of papules, pustules, congestive hyperemia, telangiectasia are located mainly on the skin of the face in the area of ​​the cheeks, nose, and chin. The scalp, ears, and neck may also be affected.

Demodex occurs more often in patients with vegetative neuroses, various dysfunctions of the liver, digestive tract (gastritis, mainly hypoacid, anacid; cholecestitis, hepatocholecestitis), functional abnormalities in the state of the endocrine system: thyroid, sweat glands.

The disease takes quite a long time to be treated, up to several months, so it will not be possible to quickly remove rashes on the face.

The symptoms are very similar to severe burns left on the skin after contact with nettle leaves. The rashes are red in color and often have blisters.

As a rule, it appears around the lips and on the cheeks. This happens as a result of the body's reaction to stimuli.

They can be external - these are chemicals, plant waste products, certain types of food, physical impact, or internal, for example, foci of inflammation in the liver, kidneys, intestines, genitals, nasopharynx or mouth.

Acute urticaria appears suddenly. Edema papules or blisters form, causing an itching sensation. They are dense, hemispherical, flattened or figured, initially pink-red, then acquire the color of white marble.

Sometimes the blisters merge into large urticarial plaques the size of an adult's palm or larger. The rash lasts for several minutes or for 1-2 days. After some rashes disappear, new ones soon appear. During this period, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and fever may occur.

Inflammation of the skin that occurs in people with increased sensitivity of the body to various types of irritants (allergens).

Acute eczema is characterized by the appearance of tiny nodules and blisters on the swollen skin, which quickly burst, leaving erosive lesions.

They can form large areas of weeping eczema, merging with each other. The abundantly leaking serous exudate dries out and turns into crusts. At the beginning, eczema forms one focus, and then it can spread to the whole body.

Acute inflammation of the skin caused by various external mechanical, thermal, chemical and other influences. An example is skin irritation after shaving, from friction with clothing - collar, strap, etc.

Dermatitis includes inflammation of the skin caused by high or low temperature, sun rays, artificial light sources - UV rays, X-rays, external influences of certain plants (nettle, night blindness, primrose), acids, alkalis.

All signs of inflammation: redness, swelling of the skin, subjective sensations in the form of heat, burning, itching and pain. In severe cases, the picture is complicated by the appearance of vesicles, blisters, which, when bursting, leave behind erosions, crusts and pigmentation.

Unlike eczema, dermatitis occurs immediately after the first encounter with an irritant and only on areas of the skin that have been irritated.

After eliminating the cause that caused the dermatitis, the process gradually subsides and is eliminated, while eczema continues to develop, although the cause that caused it has no longer affected the skin for a long time.

This is a chronic disease of connective tissue and blood vessels, genetically caused by imperfect regulation of the body's immune system. Most patients are girls and young women from 15 to 30 years old.

The disease begins mostly in the spring-summer season. In addition to skin rashes, joint syndrome, malaise, weakness, fever, etc. develop.

When the disease occurs, the principle of the immune response is disrupted. If under normal conditions the immune system recognizes and destroys a foreign protein, then with lupus it begins to produce a huge amount of antibodies that attack its own tissues. In this case, the main systems of the body are affected - nervous, cardiovascular, skin, joints, kidneys.

Lupus begins suddenly and develops very rapidly. The temperature rises. A characteristic redness in the form of butterfly wings appears on the face, which is also considered similar to a wolf mask.

Small joints may hurt and swell, hair falls out profusely, blood pressure rises, a person begins to lose weight sharply, and the kidneys are affected.

An acute inflammatory process that develops in the skin.

The cause of the appearance is considered to be the influence of chemicals that enter the body through the blood, for example, medicines, food, various industrial and household products that enter the body through the digestive or respiratory route, as well as poisoning of the body with toxic metabolic products formed as a result of dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys.

The clinical picture of the disease is characterized by the appearance of spots on the skin, inflamed nodes, blisters, and other rashes such as papules and vesicles. They can often be confused with pityriasis rosea, measles, scarlet fever, and lichen planus due to the external similarity of symptoms.

There are other common signs:

  • acute onset;
  • symmetrical nature of the rash;
  • damaged skin itches, itches;
  • malaise, fever, etc.

Toxicoderma develops quickly, within a few hours after the allergen enters the bloodstream. But the hidden period can last up to one and a half months.

Psoriasis, or scaly lichen, most often appears in young people, much less often it occurs in childhood and old age.

The onset of the disease is characterized by the appearance of rashes on the skin that look like small pink nodules. At the initial stage of development, their size is no more than the head of a pin.

But over time, as the disease progresses, they increase to the size of coins, and sometimes more.

The nodules merge and form large plaques. Their surface, as a rule, is covered with silver-white scales, which have the properties of easily crumbling.

Skin rashes appear as a sudden appearance on the skin in any area of ​​the body. The rash is characterized by changes in the skin, redness or blanching, and itching. A symptom can form as a local reaction to external provoking factors or manifest itself as a sign of the development of a pathological process. There are quite a lot of diseases that manifest themselves in the form of skin rashes, therefore the etiology of the symptom is varied.


Skin rashes in adults and children can be formed under the influence of the following factors:

  • infections;
  • allergy;
  • disease of the blood and blood vessels.

The most common cause of symptoms is considered to be infectious infection. Doctors include such diseases as -, etc. These diseases manifest themselves in a characteristic rash, which is accompanied by, in the head, throat and abdomen, and stool disturbances.

Allergic skin rashes are also often diagnosed by doctors. This form of symptom development can be recognized by the absence of signs of infectious infection, as well as contact with the allergen. Very often, parents can notice a similar reaction on the child’s body. Provoking factors include food, animals, chemicals, and drugs.

If blood circulation is impaired and vascular disease, the patient may experience a rash for the following reasons:

  • decreased number or impaired functionality of platelets;
  • impaired vascular permeability.

Sometimes a symptom develops in non-infectious diseases, these include:

  • senile keratoma;
  • chloasma;
  • flat warts;
  • intertrigo;

Skin rashes form due to liver disease. If the organ's functioning is disrupted, the patient's skin tone changes and a rash appears.

Characteristic red rashes can be from insect bites, acne, psoriasis, fungal diseases and scabies. Also, redness on the skin can be caused by prickly heat.


Clinicians have determined that the types of rashes can include the following manifestations:

  • spots - there are red, brown, white macules;
  • blisters - appear as a dense and rough formation on the skin;
  • papules - an element that looks like nodules in the thickness of the skin;
  • blisters - they can be large or small, formed in the cavity of the skin with clear liquid;
  • erosions and ulcers - during formation, the integrity of the skin is compromised;
  • crusts - appear on the site of former blisters, pustules, ulcers.

All of the listed types of rashes on the body are divided into primary and secondary. The first type includes nodules, blisters, ulcers, and blisters. And the second group of types of rash consists of the appearance of peeling, erosion, abrasions, and crusts.


If skin rashes in children and adults develop against the background of deteriorating liver function, then characteristic symptoms may indicate this:

  • yellow tint of the skin;
  • foul odor;
  • heavy sweating;
  • pain in the liver area;
  • itchy rashes on the body;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • broken stool;
  • brown tongue;
  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • the appearance of cracks in the tongue;
  • venous pattern on the abdomen.

If the cause is an infectious disease, then a person’s skin rashes can begin on the skin of the hands, move to the face, legs, and gradually affect the whole body. With rubella, the patient is first overcome by a rash on the face and spreads throughout the skin. The first foci of inflammation are localized in places where the surface of the limbs is most often bent, near the joints, on the back and buttocks. All rashes can be of different shades - pink, red, pale, brown.

Infectious pathologies often manifest themselves not only in rashes, but also in other signs. The disease can be established in more detail using the following clinical picture:

  • elevated temperature;
  • malaise;
  • painful attacks;
  • certain areas on the patient’s body become inflamed, for example, eyes, tonsils, etc.;
  • May be ;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • burning.

Rashes on the skin in the form of red spots are characteristic of the development of such infectious diseases as chickenpox, rubella, measles, scarlet fever.


If any manifestations of the above symptoms are detected, the patient should urgently seek the help of a doctor. You can consult about rashes on the skin at,. After an initial physical examination and minimal testing, the doctor will refer the patient to another specialist if the cause of the illness is not inflammation, allergy or infection.


Treatment of allergic skin rashes is prescribed by a doctor only after diagnosis has been made. Therapy is based on eliminating the etiological factor, so the drugs must be selected accordingly.

If a person develops a rash from mechanical damage or prickly heat, then there is nothing wrong with such a manifestation. At home, you can anoint the inflamed area with cream or oil to slightly relieve swelling and itching. Over time, the symptom will disappear. You can also eliminate the symptoms of the disease at home with the following advice from doctors:

  • wear things made of natural cotton to avoid irritation;
  • wash the body with baby soap or shower gel;
  • Eliminate from life all things that can cause skin rashes.

If the patient’s symptoms are more pronounced, have characteristic indicators, and cause discomfort to the patient, then a consultation with a dermatologist is necessary.

If the disease is caused by an allergy, then it is important for the doctor to identify this allergen using a test and then prescribe treatment. The patient must move away from this item or remove the product from the diet. This symptom can also be cured with antihistamine ointments and tablets.

If an external sign, namely a rash, has developed from a virus, and the symptoms of the disease are supplemented by fever, then the patient can be given antipyretic medications. When the disease becomes more complicated, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications are prescribed.

Quite often, skin rashes due to diabetes, liver disease, infectious diseases or allergies are not very easily recognized by doctors, since the symptom often manifests itself in the same indicators - itching, redness, swelling. In this regard, doctors first prescribe therapy to the patient, which is aimed at getting rid of the signs, and not the causes of the development of the disease.

Etc.) is usually called a complex of inflammatory reactions of the skin to the influence of external and internal factors. Dysmenorrheic symmetrical dermatitis is characteristic of women experiencing menopause. The pathological condition of the skin is also known during deviations in the functioning of the female sex glands - the ovaries.

Today we’ll talk about dysmenorrheic symmetrical dermatitis in adult women, its symptoms, causes and treatment, look at photos of patients, and study the rules for preventing the disease.

Features of the disease

Dysmenorrheic symmetrical dermatitis, like other dermatitis, is a type. Occurring due to a decrease in the secretion of female sex hormones - estrogens, it is manifested by inflammatory processes on the skin.

Skin receptors are sensitive to the concentration of female hormones, but only in certain areas of the body. This feature applies to all types of dermatitis, including symmetrical dysmenorrhea. As soon as the hormone deficiency is corrected through treatment, the lesions go into remission.

According to the international classification of diseases, revised for the 10th time, dysmenorrheic symmetrical dermatitis is considered in the group of diseases coded L30.

There are known cases of the occurrence of a hormonal form of dermatitis not only during the period of cessation of menstruation during menopause, but also in women during removal of the ovaries, their dysfunction or other damage to the gonads.

This video will tell you about the problems women have during menopause, including dermatitis:


There are 3 stages of development of skin pathology:

  1. First stage, characterized by an increase in symptomatic changes of an external nature.
  2. Second stage– acute course of the pathology, when the symptomatic picture reaches its peak. It is necessary to differentiate between acute and chronic forms of the disease at this stage.
  3. Third stage Development is conditionally, according to the course of the disease, divided into 3 phases:
    1. subacute phase with a decrease in the intensity of symptoms;
    2. the full phase reveals barely noticeable traces of previous skin inflammation;
    3. The remission phase ends with complete recovery.

Causes of dysmenorrheic symmetrical dermatitis

The only reason for the development of dysmenorrheic symmetrical dermatitis is a sharp decrease in the production of estriol, estradiol and other hormones of the estrogen group. A decrease in hormonal secretion is due to two reasons:

  • a woman's menopausal period, when low estrogen levels are natural;
  • pathologies of the ovaries with their dysfunction.


The skin of the face, cervical region, and shoulder girdle is covered with reddened areas of the urticarial type. One of the characteristics of the disease name “symmetrical” is explained by the symmetrical arrangement of urticarial formations relative to the longitudinal axis of the body.

  • The painful rash is accompanied by severe itching.
  • Urticarial formations often reach the size of blisters, become wet, and become crusty.
  • After healing, the former lesions remain without pigmentation.

If the pathology is caused by a disturbance in the activity of the female reproductive glands and pregnancy subsequently occurs, a powerful hormonal surge in the fertile woman eliminates the disease without relapse.

  • The menopausal period is characterized by generalized itching.
  • Some women develop itching in the genital area.
  • The growth of “dormant” hair follicles often opens in the area of ​​the upper labia and lower part of the face.
  • On the soles and palms, the formation of keratinized cells occurs more intensely, which ends in pathological layers on the skin, the appearance of compactions and cracks in these places.
  • The external genitalia of a woman (vulva) undergo sclerotic changes, leading to atrophy and dystrophy of the vulva, which characterizes them.


  • Of the instrumental methods, dysmenorrheic symmetrical dermatitis can be confirmed by laboratory diagnostics of a blood test and hormones.
  • With pathology, the level of female genital organs is reduced. Visual examination and medical history are usually confirmed by hormonal analysis.
  • Mycotic (fungal) dermatitis is excluded by scraping from the affected areas and subsequent microbiological analysis of the smear.

We will talk further about how to treat symmetrical dysmenorrheic dermatitis in women.


Therapeutic method

During the acute period, you can add to the main treatment the application of a bandage soaked in a 3% solution of boric acid to the affected areas. Lotions are changed from time to time. The healing of crusty blisters will speed up lubrication with ointment.

By adhering to these rules, you can significantly alleviate your condition.

Medication method

  • If the dysmenorrheic period is not caused by menopause, but a malfunction of the ovaries is detected, drug treatment involves hormonal treatment of dermatitis with drugs that are hormone precursors or hormonal derivatives (synestrol, propionic testosterone, folliculin, methyltestosterone).
  • For itching of the external genitalia, injections of the hormone progesterone, produced in the corpus luteum, are performed. Local itching can also be eliminated with ointments and creams containing sinalar, 1-2% hydrocortisone, 0.5% prednisone.
  • By oral or injection administration, you can also use drugs with prednisone (20-25 mg each) and triamcinoloc (16-20 mg each).
  • During menopause and acute dermatitis, follicular hormone or a complex preparation containing parathyroid hormone (secret of the parathyroid glands) is prescribed.
  • Treatment of other symptoms of dysmenorrheic symmetrical dermatitis allows the use of sedatives and antihistamines. Against itching, you can use Diazolin 0.1 g twice a day.

During treatment and during the period of remission, it is advisable to be observed by gynecologists and endocrinologists.


Invasive treatment methods for this type of dermatitis are not used. In case of secondary dysmenorrheic symmetrical dermatitis, the decision on surgical intervention in the woman’s reproductive system is determined by a gynecologist.

A specialist will talk about homeopathy for menopause in the video below:

Traditional methods

Previously, in Rus' and on the territory of other ancient states, the source of the appearance of dermatitis and its form were not known, but skin rashes were relieved by the application of raw crushed potato tubers. In the absence of potatoes, lotions were used from a mixture of red wine, agave juice and castor oil.

Sea buckthorn, geranium and tea tree oils treated dermatitis in the stage of blistering and crust formation. Tar soap had the same effect. In addition to the described properties, these agents prevented the settlement of bacteria and fungi in the affected areas.

The healing of urticarial erythema is facilitated by tincture of celandine or other herbs mixed with honey. The surface was cleaned, the drug was applied and a waterproof cloth was wrapped around it for several hours.

Prevention of disease

During the onset of age-related menopause, it is recommended:

  • observe the correct alternation of work and rest,
  • adhere to healthy eating rules,
  • keep the skin clean and cosmetically cared for,
  • avoid physical overload and.


Dermatological problems are not the cause of the development of precancerous skin conditions, especially in the external genital area. But the true cause of the pathology - hormonal imbalance, must be eliminated in a timely manner, otherwise the remission stage will be delayed over time.


The prognosis of the pathology is stated as favorable, but delaying treatment is undesirable due to the unpredictable development of hormonal disorders.