Clotrimazole or pimafucin which is better reviews. Review of the best suppositories for thrush - advantages, disadvantages

The drug Pimafucin is an antibiotic that has a fungicidal effect. It contains natamycin, which binds to the membrane of the fungus and disrupts its integrity, as a result of which it dies.

Fungi that are susceptible to the influence of natamycin are considered to be fungi of the genus Candida and other common species, except dermatophytes. Pimafucin is available in round tablets, which are covered with a white coating that easily dissolves in the intestines, in the form of suppositories and cream for the local treatment of thrush.

In addition to natomycin, a dose of 100 mg, the antifungal antibiotic contains excipients such as potato starch, magnesium stearate and lactose monohydrate.

How does Pimafucin work for thrush?

Pimafucin is an antifungal antibiotic belonging to the macrolide group. The fungicidal effect of the drug destroys the integrity of the fungal cell membrane, as a result of which it loses the contents of the cytoplasm and dies.

In medical practice, there has never been an allergy to natamycin, which is part of Pimafucin, since it is a substance of natural origin. When taken orally, the drug does not have a systemic effect and is not absorbed from the intestines.

When using local suppositories, the drug is not absorbed into the skin and mucous membranes, so the use of Pimafucin suppositories is acceptable even during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In addition to yeast-like fungi, the active component of Pimafucin acts on other harmful microbes and helps against many infectious diseases of the genital tract.

Read the instructions for using Pimafucin for women, men and during pregnancy.

Indications for use

It is advisable to use Pimafucin for any reason that has caused infection with candidiasis. They may be:

  • antibiotic treatment;
  • decreased immunity;
  • pregnancy, etc.

When treated with antibiotics and corticosteroids in patients with weak immunity, atrophic and acute candidiasis may occur. Also, an indication for the use of Pimafucin is intestinal candidiasis.

When using an antimycotic drug, it is worth considering that there is a possibility of its reappearance. This depends on many external and internal factors, such as stress, decreased immunity and other problems in the body.

The drug in tablet form is taken orally, regardless of meals, 4 times a day. The duration of treatment is 1 week. In the form of suppositories, Pimafucin is administered 1 time at night for 6 to 9 days.

Side effects

Side effects of Pimafucin include:

  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • irritation and itching.

Despite the fact that natomycin is a natural substance by nature, side effects often occur. This refers to a drug that comes in the form of . When bonding substances, cetyl alcohol is used, which can cause irritation of the mucous membrane.

It is worth considering that during menstruation the effectiveness of Pimafucin is significantly reduced. Also, the drug Pimafucin contains lactose and sucrose, so it is not recommended for people with intolerance or deficiency of these substances.

There is an opinion that Pimafucin has a contraceptive effect. However, it does not actually contain components that have a spermicidal effect.

How much does Pimafucin cost in pharmacies?

Due to the variety of pharmacies and online stores where you can purchase Pimafucin, it the average cost is 275 rubles for 3 candles and 474 rubles for a bottle of 20 tablets .

Cheaper analogues of Pimafucin (tablets, suppositories and cream)

At the moment there is no complete analogue to the drug Pimafucin. Many drugs like it contain various active substances, but all of them are designed to destroy the membrane of the fungus. Such cheap analogues of Pimafucin include:

  • Fluconazole,
  • Irunin,
  • Nystatin,
  • Mikosist,
  • Livarol,
  • Hexicon,
  • Clotrimazole,
  • Miconazole and others.

All of the above drugs tend to be absorbed into the blood, which is unacceptable for Pimafucin. They also have many side effects and liver toxicity. Therefore, you should consult your doctor before using them.

Which is better: Clotrimazole, Livarol or Pimafucin?

Unlike Pimafucin, the drug Livarol contains ketoconazole. It is an antimycotic and also causes destruction of the fungal membrane.

Clotrimazole contains a substance of the same name, which is an imidazole derivative. Unlike Pimafucin and Livarol, it has more adverse reactions. Such reactions include:

  • allergic itching;
  • peeling and tingling of the skin;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • frequent urination and discharge.

According to the number of positive reviews about Pimafucin, we can conclude that this drug has a minimum of side effects and is simpler and more reliable. Therefore, when choosing among Livarol, Clotrimazole and Pimafucin, preference should be given to the latter.

And - effective remedies for vaginosis caused by the spread of the yeast-like fungus Candida. To understand which drug to choose Pimafucin or Clotrimazole, which will be better, you will need to familiarize yourself with the composition, mechanism of action, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each drug.

Composition and release form

The drugs differ in their main active ingredient. In Pimafucin, the antifungal substance is natamycin, and in Clotrimazole, clotrimazole itself is used. Pimafucin is available in the form of vaginal suppositories, cream, and tablets for oral use. Clotrimazole is presented in the following dosage forms - vaginal tablets, cream.

Mechanism of action

Clotrimazole and natamycin exhibit pronounced antifungal properties.

Clotrimazole is an antimycotic drug based on an artificially obtained active substance related to imidazole derivatives. It is active against a wide range of pathogenic microorganisms (Candida fungi, dermatophytes, staphylococci, streptococci, and Trichomonas). The action of the drug is to penetrate the membrane of pathogenic cells and subsequent inhibition of the synthesis of ergosterol from lanosterol.

Pimafucin is a polyene antibacterial agent that has a detrimental effect on Candida fungus. The drug helps to increase the permeability of cell membranes of pathogenic microorganisms, this leads to disruption of metabolic processes and subsequent death of the fungus. It is worth noting that natamycin is not absorbed by the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore it is active against fungal flora that has developed in the intestines. With long-term use, addiction to the drug is not observed.

What's the difference in effectiveness for thrush?

Both drugs are used for therapeutic therapy for vulvovaginal candidiasis. It is impossible to say for sure whether it is better to choose Pimafucin, since the effectiveness of treatment with each drug will depend on the severity of the pathological process (acute or chronic form of candidiasis), as well as the presence of concomitant ailments (diabetes mellitus, hormone-dependent diseases).

In the case of primary vaginal candidiasis, treatment with local antifungal agents (suppositories, cream, vaginal tablets) will be effective.

What is more effective for

During the first three days of using Pimafucin, itching and burning will be eliminated. The average duration of treatment with a drug based on natamycin is 10 days.

When using clotrimazole in the form of a cream, a therapeutic effect can be observed in the first two days of antifungal therapy. Symptoms of candidiasis completely disappear within a week.

Features of use during pregnancy, breastfeeding

Pimafucin is characterized by good tolerability and no toxic effects on the fetus during pregnancy, so it can be used without fear during the 1st-3rd trimester. The drug is also safe for hepatitis B.

Clotrimazole in all dosage forms is contraindicated during the 1st trimester of pregnancy. The cream is used with caution during the lactation period; it should not be applied to the skin of the breast.

Adverse reactions

During treatment with antifungal agents, the following negative manifestations may occur:

  • Violations by the National Assembly
  • Stomach disorders
  • A sharp decrease in hemoglobin levels.

At the beginning of using Pimafucin tablets, diarrhea and attacks of nausea may appear; after a few days, such symptoms completely disappear. When used topically, an allergic reaction cannot be ruled out, which is due to excessive sensitivity to the components.


Clotimazole and Pimafucin should not be used in the presence of allergies. Clotrimazole-based ointment is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age.

Antifungal drugs should be used with caution if the renal system and liver are impaired. You should consult your doctor, he will select the optimal dosage of the drug.

Manufacturer and cost

The drug Pimafucin is produced by the pharmaceutical company Astellas Pharma (Netherlands). The cost of candles is 233-555 rubles, cream – 260-410 rubles, tablets – 471-660 rubles.

Clotrimazole is a domestically produced drug, so its cost is much lower. The price of vaginal tablets is 15-32 rubles, cream - 20-43 rubles.


There are several analogues of Pimafucin and Clotrimazole.

Quite often, for candidiasis, complex preparations containing several active components are prescribed, among them Klion D. Vaginal tablets contain metronidazole and miconazole, which stop the spread of pathogenic flora and neutralize fungal spores.

Main advantages:

  • No need to refrigerate
  • Convenient to use
  • Can be taken on the road.

Klion D is produced by Gedeon Richter Corporation, Hungary. The cost of a package of vaginal tablets is 262-460 rubles. The drug can be considered affordable and effective.

The drug is characterized by antifungal properties, is active against yeast-like fungi Candida, quickly eliminates inflammation and relieves discomfort. Usually the duration of treatment does not exceed 14 days. when using 2 St. per day.


  • Low price (48-80 rub.)
  • Rarely causes adverse reactions
  • Effective for vulvovaginitis.

The only drawback is that the drug is not prescribed during pregnancy. What to choose Clotrimazole tablets or Nystatin suppositories, consult your doctor.

Clotrimazole and Pimafucin have one common task - to resist fungal diseases. The mechanism of action of the main active substance of these drugs on microorganism cells, resulting in death, differs. The advantages of Clotrimazole include affordability and a wide range of effects on microorganisms. "Pimafucin", as an antimycotic agent, is approved for use by newborns, nursing mothers and pregnant women. It is not addictive.

Composition of drugs

The medications “Pimafucin” and “Clotrimazole” are effectively used in the treatment of fungal diseases of the skin, vaginal mucosa, genitals, and intestines. They differ in the main active ingredient. In “Pimafucin” it is natamycin, in “Clotrimazole”, respectively, clotrimazole.

There is a difference in the form of release of the drugs in question. A wide range of creams, ointments, tablets both for oral and vaginal administration, aerosols, gels makes antifungal products of these brands more accessible and convenient to use. Data on the content of active substances are summarized in the table:

Mechanism of action

"Clotrimazole" refers to synthetic antifungal agents derived from imidazole. Active against a large number of opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms, including dermatophytes, yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida, as well as staphylococci, streptococci and trichomonas. Clotrimazole works by interfering with the structure of the fungal shell and by inhibiting the production of ergosterol from lanosterol.

"Pimafucin" is a polyene antibiotic that causes the death of predominantly Candida fungus. “Pimafucin” increases the permeability of the fungal cell membrane, which disrupts cell metabolism and leads to death. The drug is not absorbed in the stomach, which makes it possible to use it to treat fungal infestations of the intestines. Cases of addiction to natamycin-based drugs have not been reported.

Side effects

The use of an antifungal drug, natural or synthetic, may be accompanied by gastric disorders, disorders of the nervous system, and a possible decrease in hemoglobin levels. The beginning of taking Pimafucin may be accompanied by diarrhea and nausea, which disappear with subsequent therapy. Local use for thrush may be accompanied by an allergic reaction with hypersensitivity to the constituent components.


Impaired kidney and liver function is a good reason to prescribe any antifungal drug with caution. You need to consult a doctor who will select the required dosage. "Clotrimazole" and "Pimafucin" are not prescribed as an antifungal agent if an allergic reaction is detected. Also not prescribed in the first trimester of pregnancy. "Clotrimazole ointment 1%" is not approved for use in children under 3 years of age.

Cost of "Clotrimazole" and "Pimafucin"

How much the cost of one drug differs from another often depends on the financial investments of manufacturers, the country in which the drug is produced and how effective its use is. “Pimafucin” is produced in the Netherlands (by Astellas Pharma Europe B. V), so the cost of the drug is also affected by fluctuations in the national currency exchange rate. There is a wider range of manufacturers of Clotrimazole: they are produced in India (Clotrimazole Synmedic Laboratories), and produced by several pharmaceutical factories in Poland, Russia (Vector, Ozon), Romania (Sikomed S.A.), etc. the number of manufacturers affects the cost of the medicine - it is several times less than the cost of Pimafucin. In pharmacies, Pimafucin can be purchased at a price of up to 470 rubles, while Clotrimazole costs up to 100 rubles.

Which is better to choose?

You need to choose any antifungal drug during a consultation with your doctor.

The choice of remedy for the treatment of thrush and the combination of tablets with external preparations should be determined by the doctor.

Whether thrush is in an acute stage or is a case of chronic disease - all this influences the choice of what to use: Clotrimazole or Pimafucin. The following is important: is it necessary to take pills for systemic treatment together and use local antifungal drugs (creams, ointments, suppositories). For men during the treatment of thrush, including in the absence of pronounced symptoms, it is more convenient to use 2% Pimafucin cream. A more severe stage of the disease involves taking pills and using cream together.

Which drug is preferable during pregnancy?

Prevention of thrush in pregnant women in any trimester is indicated using local dosage forms - cream, ointment, suppositories. During pregnancy, Clotrimazone is not prescribed in the first trimester. "Pimafucin" is allowed at any stage of pregnancy. Preventive 3-fold use of Pimafucin suppositories before childbirth is indicated. This minimizes the risk of the baby becoming infected with Candida fungus during the birth canal.

Which is better - “Clotrimazole” or “Pimafucin”: comparison of drugs, composition, indications for use, release form

For vaginosis, which is caused by the yeast-like fungus Candida, doctors usually prescribe the drugs Clotrimazole or Pimafucin. Doctors consider them the most effective in this situation. But in order to determine what is more effective, it is necessary to study in detail the composition of each drug, as well as the spectrum of action and other features. What is better, “Pimafucin” or “Clotrimazole” for thrush?

The effectiveness of therapy with one or another medication depends on the characteristics of the body and the severity of the fungal infection. What is "Pimafucin" from?

Fungi can appear in large quantities in the body, which sometimes exceeds the permissible level. It is difficult to cope with this without pharmacological treatment. Specialized drugs help to significantly reduce their number. But at the same time, it is necessary to follow a diet, as well as hygiene rules and other advice from a medical specialist.

In order for the elimination of the fungus to be most effective, in addition to drug treatment, the diet should be adjusted.

One of the common indications for the use of Clotrimazole and Pimafucin is candidiasis. This is a fungal disease that appears in the absence of hygiene, as a result of chronic infections. Candidiasis happens:

Both drugs are based on imidazole and polyene antimicrobial agents. The substances of the drugs help not only to suppress fungal activity, but to prevent the fungus from spreading further. They are used in the treatment of fungal infections of the vagina, male penis, and skin.

If we are talking about sexual diseases, then if one person is infected, both partners should undergo therapy. What is "Pimafucin" from? The active ingredients of the two medications are different. The active microelement of "Pimafucin" is natamycin, and in the second drug - clotrimazole.

Clotrimazole is not suitable for general use because it is immediately eliminated from the body.


According to the instructions for use, Clotrimazole tablets appeared in the seventies of the last century. The active component disrupts the cell membrane of the fungus and key substances are released from it, which helps eliminate fungal cells. The drug affects various pathogens:

  • Candida fungi;
  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci.

Candida fungi are most sensitive to the drug. Clinical studies have confirmed that it is a safe and effective treatment for thrush.

According to the instructions for use, Clotrimazole tablets are not suitable for systemic treatment, since the drug is eliminated from the body almost immediately, and increasing the dosage can provoke intoxication of the body.

The active ingredient is natamycin, it is considered a natural antimicrobial substance. "Pimafucin" is an antifungal drug produced by actinobacteria. Its effect is aimed at ergosterol, with which the microelement binds, as a result of which it prevents the growth of fungal elements.

Natamycin is not absorbed by the mucous cavities of the gastrointestinal tract; with prolonged use of the medication, addiction to it does not occur.

"Pimafucin" eliminates the following fungi:

A comparison of Clotrimazole and Pimafucin is based on the following statements.

Both drugs belong to the same therapeutic group - antifungal drugs. They differ in active ingredients. The drug based on natamycin has the following forms:

The second drug has more dosage forms. These are gel, cream, ointment, suppositories, vaginal tablets, solution for external application, granules and powder. Both drugs were created to eliminate fungal infections.

How are medications similar?

"Pimafucin" and "Clotrimazole" have the following similar characteristics:

  1. They are used for the treatment of candidiasis and other fungal diseases in both mild and severe forms.
  2. Available from pharmacies without a prescription.
  3. Various release forms.

Both drugs belong to the same therapeutic group.

What is the difference between Clotrimazole and Pimafucin?

In addition to similarities, there are also certain differences between the drugs. These include:

  1. Natamycin has a milder effect and practically does not penetrate into the blood when used.
  2. "Pimafucin" can be used throughout pregnancy in the absence of sensitivity to the substance, while the second drug can be used in the second and third trimester.

Pimafucin and Clotrimazole contain different active ingredients. “Pimafucin” acts more gently; during use, the drug practically does not penetrate into the blood. Clotrimazole does not have a tablet form for oral use.

The indications for use of the two medications also differ, but not significantly, and the probable adverse reactions also differ.

The cost of drugs also varies, but the differences here largely depend on the manufacturer. What are the instructions for use and the price of Pimafucin and Clotrimazole?

Russian-made drugs are much cheaper than foreign ones, but have a similar effect. "Pimafucin" - from 200 to 700 rubles, "Clotrimazole" - from 20 to 260 rubles.

Which is cheaper?

The price and instructions for use for Pimafucin and Clotrimazole depend on the manufacturer. For example, a foreign-made Clotrimazole cream can cost up to two hundred rubles, while an ointment with the same name from a domestic manufacturer is slightly cheaper. Another medicine in the form of a cream will cost more.

The differences also relate to the cost of the drug for vaginal use. For example, vaginal tablets “Clotrimazole” cost about fifty rubles, and suppositories with a different name cost up to five hundred rubles.

Which is better: Clotrimazole or Pimafucin?

The pharmacological effect and impact of a drug on healthy organs largely depend on how the body reacts to the substances of a particular drug. It is also necessary to take into account whether the patient has other diseases or pathological processes in which it is not recommended to use both medications, or it is possible, but under the strict supervision of a doctor.

For candidiasis

Both medications are recommended for thrush. But it is difficult to determine exactly what works more effectively. The impact depends on the form of the disease - acute or recurrent, and whether the person suffers from diabetes or other diseases.

For vaginal candidiasis, local therapy is usually prescribed: suppositories, vaginal tablets, ointments.

If a woman is diagnosed with thrush, she is prescribed local antifungal medications: suppositories, tablets, creams or ointments. In other situations, the decision is made by a medical specialist on an individual basis.

From actinomycosis (fungal infection)

When choosing a liniment for a skin fungus, you should take into account the characteristics of the body and the prohibitions on the use of a particular medication. These include both of the drugs under consideration. They work best in treating yeast infections on the arms, legs and body.

Clotrimazole ointment is considered a representative of the pharmacological group of antifungal drugs for external use. They are used for treatment that is aimed at eliminating the source of the infectious process caused by drug-sensitive pathogens.

Its antifungal effect is to inhibit the growth and spread of fungal cells with their subsequent elimination due to disruption of the formation of ergosterol, which is the main component of the fungal cell wall.

This leads to a change in permeability, followed by its elimination and death of the fungal cell. In low concentrations, Clotrimazole inhibits the growth and reproduction of the fungus; in higher dosages, it leads to the destruction and death of the fungal cell.

In large dosages, the active component of the drug provokes a change in metabolic processes in the mitochondria of fungal cells with an increase in the intracellular level of hydrogen peroxide. The medication has increased activity against yeast-like and mold fungi, as well as dermatophytes, sources of pityriasis rosea and erythrasma.

Pimafucin cream is a topical antifungal drug.

Liniment is an antimycotic antimicrobial agent with a wide spectrum of effects. Under the influence of the active substance, the growth and spread of fungi and other pathogens sensitive to Natamycin is suppressed. The drug destroys the membrane of the fungus, gets inside and provokes the death of the pathological element.

Yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida are considered the most sensitive to the drug, and dermatophytes are the least sensitive.

There is no information on the use of the drug among children under one year of age, so before therapy you should definitely consult a medical specialist. Which is better: Clotrimazole or Pimafucin?

When eliminating vaginal candidiasis in women, it is best to simultaneously undergo a course of therapy with her sexual partner, otherwise the disease will continue to be transmitted to each other. During treatment with Pimafucin for fungal infections of the genital organs, it is necessary to refrain from intimacy.

During pregnancy

For women during an “interesting situation,” experts usually recommend these medications for treatment and prophylactic purposes to prevent thrush in the form of creams, vaginal suppositories or ointments.

But it must be taken into account that Pimafucin should be used in all trimesters of pregnancy, and the second medication should be used only in the second and third trimester. In addition, suppositories can be prescribed before childbirth to reduce the risk of a fungal infection in the baby as it passes through the birth canal. It is difficult to accurately determine which is better: Clotrimazole or Pimafucin - both drugs are effective in their own way.

For women

Women use drugs in any form, as a rule, for the purpose of treatment and prevention of candidiasis and other fungal infections. A medication in the form of vaginal suppositories has been developed especially for women.

For men

Both medications are prescribed to men to prevent candidiasis balanoposthitis. With proper therapy, the disease goes away completely within fourteen days. When using Pimafucin cream, the itching and burning sensation decreases after a few days, the symptoms disappear completely within ten days. When using the second medication, they go away much faster - within about seven days.

What is better Pimafucin or Clotrimazole and how do they differ?

Every human body contains yeast-like fungi, but their number is so small that they do not bother you until a certain point. The immune system and bacteria suppress the pathological growth of opportunistic pathogens. The use of antibacterial therapy, hormonal drugs, diabetes mellitus and weak immunity can provoke the proliferation of the fungus.

Vulvar candidiasis observed in 50% of women worldwide. Men suffer from inflammatory disease - balanoposthitis which, if left untreated, becomes more complicated candidal urethritis. In children, the oral cavity is more often affected, especially those who are breastfed.

Antifungal drugs based on polyene antibiotics and imidazole have been successfully used for a long time.

Pimafucin belongs to the group of antifungal drugs. Main substance – pimaricin(natamycin), is a natural antimicrobial agent produced by actinobacteria. Fungal growth is stopped by the binding of natamycin to ergosterol.

The product has a detrimental effect on vaginal, urethral, ​​intestinal, skin, ear and nail fungal infections.

Pimafucin is produced in the form of a cream for external use, vaginal suppositories and tablets for oral use, which is convenient for complex therapy.


The active ingredient of the drug is imidazole, which damages the membrane of fungal cells and as a result, key substances are released, which predisposes to the death of fungal cells.

The antimycotic suppresses not only fungi of the genus Candida, but also staphylococci, trichomonas, streptococci, and dermatophytes. It has been proven that Clotrimazole is an effective and relatively safe drug in the fight against candidiasis, but the drug is unsuitable for complex therapy due to its rapid disposal from the body, and increasing the dose can lead to toxic poisoning.

Clotrimazole is produced in the form of a solution for external use, vaginal tablets, ointment, cream and gel.

What do they have in common?

Both drugs have proven themselves to be effective in treating diseases of fungal origin. Which of them will show a positive result depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the cause of the disease. It is also necessary to take into account the reaction of human organs to the constituent substances of the drugs.

What is the difference?

Mechanism of action

Natamycin and imidazole perform the same function - they destroy the cell membrane of the fungus, with only one difference: when exposed to the active substance Pimafucin, the growth of fungal cells stops, and under the influence of Clotrimazole they die. But this does not in any way affect the result of the treatment, and recovery occurs in both cases.

Impact on the body

Natamycin is absorbed into the blood in minimal quantities, which reduces the risk of intoxication of the body. It is worth considering that it is also an antibiotic, which has a detrimental effect not only on pathogenic microflora, but also on beneficial bacteria found in the body and acting as defenders of the immune system. Therefore, the dosage of the drug must be selected individually. Pimafucin is approved for use throughout pregnancy, if there is no allergic reaction, and Clotrimazole can be used only after the first trimester.

Also, the second of the drugs presented is not available in tablets for oral use, which excludes the possibility of its use in systemic therapy.

Price difference

Which one is better, when and for whom?

Fungal infection in women

Thrush can be acute, with relapses, or become chronic. Both drugs are used to treat pathology at different stages, but which one is more effective is determined after a thorough diagnosis of the disease. Usually, for the first time vulvovaginal candidiasis, local treatment is prescribed in the form of cream, ointment gel, vaginal tablets or suppositories.

In complicated forms of thrush, in addition to local therapy, it may be necessary to take oral tablets. In this respect, Clotrimazole is inferior to Pimafucin, since it is intended only for topical use.

Candidiasis in men

For candidal balanoposthitis in men, both Pimafucin and Clotrimazole are used for treatment. According to the results of studies, when treated with natamycin in the form of a cream, burning and itching decreases within several days, the disappearance of symptoms is noted after 10 days. When using Clotrimazole in the same dosage form, recovery occurs within 7 days.

In childhood

Due to the fact that Pimafucin is a more gentle drug and is approved for use throughout pregnancy, its use for thrush in children is safe, in the absence of contraindications to the drug and adverse reactions.

Which remedy to use and how effective it will be depends on the form of the disease, the age of the person and the body’s tolerance to the constituent substances of the drug.

Clotrimazole or Pimafucin

In this article, we will not describe what fungi provoke the appearance of thrush in the body, and what percentage of the female population constantly suffers from this disease. Most likely, you are already aware of this topic, and we will not waste your time. The visitor came to our website to find out what is better to use for thrush in men and women, Clotrimazole or Pimafucin. So let’s answer, clearly and factually, without further ado.

Clotrimazole and Pimafucin - what is the difference

Medicines differ not only in names, but also in dosage forms and active substances. Up to the principle of eliminating thrush at the molecular level. The only thing they have in common is the treatment of diseases of fungal origin.

Let's take a closer look at their release forms.

Clotrimazole is very popular in the treatment of skin diseases, and therefore has 8 dosage forms: suppositories and tablets (vaginal), cream, ointment, gel, solution, lotion and gel. The entire series of these forms is used exclusively for external use, while Pimafucin has oral tablets in its arsenal.

Pimafucin has several dosage forms, these are: cream, vaginal suppositories and tablets for oral administration.

Due to its prevalence, Clotrimazole has a much larger number of manufacturer names than Pimafucin.

Pimafucin or Clotrimazole during pregnancy

Regarding the use of these drugs during pregnancy, Pimafucin clearly wins. Since it is not contraindicated throughout pregnancy, while Clotrimazole is contraindicated during the first trimester. Moreover, on the second and third, its use is carried out with caution and under the supervision of a doctor.

Video: Clotrimazole - what is it?

Clotrimazole or Pimafucin - which is better for men

It just so happens that candidiasis balanoposthitis may appear in a man’s life. And the question arises for him, which of the currently discussed drugs will get rid of this disease. Let us immediately note that our drugs are completely capable of curing this disease after a couple of weeks of use.

When using Pimafucin cream for men against thrush, you should expect a reduction in itching and burning already on the third day. The average time for complete recovery and disappearance of symptoms is about 10 days.

Using Clotrimazole cream, you can expect complete disappearance of symptoms after just a week of using the drug.

Pimafucin or Clotrimazole for thrush, which is better?

By the way, Clotrimazole vaginal tablets and suppositories cost only 50 and 60 rubles, respectively. While Pimafucin suppositories cost 500 rubles, you will agree that there is a noticeable difference. As for the effectiveness of treatment, the drugs are not inferior to each other. But everything is known in comparison, because each person is unique, and the effect of any medicine is also authentic. Some drugs help faster, some don’t.

It is worth noting that primary vaginal candidiasis and chronic candidiasis are treated with completely different approaches. The dosage and use of drugs directly depends on the severity of the disease. On this issue, be sure to consult a gynecologist.

Video: Pimafucin - everything you need to know!

Pimafucin or Clotrimazole - which is better?

A small number of yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida live in the human body without noticeably disturbing it. The excessive growth of this conditionally pathogenic representative of our microflora is suppressed by the bacteria that coexist next to it, as well as by the immune system. However, after massive antibacterial therapy or when using certain hormonal drugs, diabetes and weakened immunity, conditions are created for the growth of the fungus. According to statistics, half of the world's women over 25 years of age have experienced at least one episode of vulvovaginal candidiasis.

If the disease occurs 3-4 times a year, then candidiasis is considered recurrent. Candidiasis is not necessarily a female disease. Oral candidiasis affects about 15% of children, and candidal urethritis and balanoposthitis occur in men. Antifungal drugs based on imidazole derivatives and polyene antibiotics have long been successfully used against candidiasis.

What is the difference?

Both drugs belong to the pharmacological group of antifungal agents. If you compare them by the composition of active ingredients, it is noticeable that they differ from each other. The drug Clotrimazole contains the active ingredient clotrimazole, and the basis of Pimafucin includes natamycin.

The release form of the drugs is varied, which is dictated by the need for their local or systemic use in the treatment of candidiasis. Clotrimazole is available as:

  • 1% cream,
  • 1% gel,
  • 1% ointment,
  • vaginal suppositories (suppositories) and tablets (vaginal) with a dosage of clotrimazole 100 mg,
  • 1% solution for external use.

Pimafucin has three forms:

  • 2% cream for external use,
  • vaginal suppositories with a dosage of natamycin 100 mg,
  • tablets for oral use, 100 mg.

Drugs containing clotrimazole are produced by both domestic and foreign companies: Sedate Health Care and Shreya Life Sciences (India), Hyperion and Magistra C&C (Romania), GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals and Medana Pharma (Poland), Akrikhin, Pharmacor Production, Synthesis, etc. (Russia ) .

Pimafucin is a drug from the pharmaceutical company Astellas Pharma, which is produced in Italy by Temmler.

Difference in action of natamycin and clotrimazole

Clotrimazole, an imidazole derivative, was synthesized in the 70s of the last century. Its medicinal effect has been proven against dermatophytes, pathogenic yeast-like, filamentous, dimorphic fungi and even some gram-positive bacteria. Subsequently, when obtaining new substances of the imidazole series (ketoconazole, miconazole, econazole, etc.), clotr. was used as a reference for antifungal activity.

The mechanism of action of clotrimazole is to disrupt the biosynthesis of ergosterol, the main component of the fungal cell membrane. The membrane is damaged, and ions and other important substances begin to escape from the fungal cell. In addition, the synthesis of amino acids, phospholipids and sterols stops in the cell. As a result, fungal cells are destroyed.

Fungi from the genus Candida are especially sensitive to it. In many clinical trials, clotr. has proven to be a safe and effective topical drug in the fight against cutaneous and vaginal candidiasis, as well as other dermatophytoses. However, it turned out that clotrimazole is not suitable for systemic use, since it is quickly eliminated from the body, and becomes toxic when the dose is increased.

Natamycin (Pimaf.) is a natural antibiotic produced by actinobacteria of the genus Streptomyces. The target of its action is also ergosterol, to which it specifically binds. As a membrane component, ergosterol is essential for the vital processes of endocytosis, exocytosis and vacuole fusion in fungal cells. Irreversible binding of natamycin to ergosterol disrupts these functions and the growth of fungal cells stops.

Is the difference in effectiveness significant for thrush?

Both drugs are used to treat vulvovaginal candidiasis, often colloquially referred to as thrush. However, it is difficult to answer unequivocally what is best for thrush, since much depends on the severity of the disease (acute or recurrent candidiasis), concomitant diseases (diabetes, the need to constantly take hormonal drugs and cytostatics).

For primary vaginal candidiasis, the use of topical forms of antifungal drugs, such as cream, vaginal tablets or suppositories, may be effective.

For example, in a placebo-controlled clinical study, it was shown that 87% eradication (destruction) of candida can be achieved within 2 days after using vaginal tablets with 200 mg of clotrimazole (1 time / day), and 95% - in the next few days.

Which is better for men?

According to statistics, approximately 10–11% of men have candidiasis balanoposthitis. Local forms of the drugs in question for men are included in the complex of measures for the treatment of this disease.

The effectiveness of treatment has been proven in randomized clinical trials in the treatment of balanitis and balanoposthitis with drugs representing P. or K cream. For example, in 66 patients with genital candidiasis, local itching and burning subsided within 3 days after the start of treatment with 2% Pimafucin. The inflammatory reactions stopped completely on day 10, and complete recovery occurred in 97% of cases. After treatment with 1% Clotrimazole, in 93 out of 99 men, the symptoms of the disease disappeared by 7 days. At the same time, fungal microorganisms were completely undetectable in 73% of patients.

You also need to know that in case of a recurrent course of the disease, these topical drugs can be combined with systemic antifungal agents, usually fluconazole, for men with balanoposthitis and women with vulvovaginitis. However, in a comparative study, it was shown that for primary acute candidal balanitis, oral fluconazole was as effective (93% cure after 7 days) as topical application of 1% Clotrimazole cream.

The article was written based on materials from the sites:,,,,

Thrush is a fairly common disease of the external genitalia, which in principle is not very dangerous to health, but the symptoms that accompany it are unpleasant. The modern range of medications helps to cope with thrush in a few weeks.

Thrush or candidiasis is a fungal disease that most often occurs in women. This is due to the fact that the structure of the female genital organs, under certain circumstances, creates more favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic microflora.

However, the fungus Candida albicans is constantly present in the microflora of any person. However, while taking strong antibiotics, with intestinal dysbiosis, irregular and unhealthy diet, as well as with a decrease in immunity, it begins to actively multiply and provokes in women the appearance of white thick discharge from the vagina, itching and burning, and pain during sexual intercourse.

Traditional methods of combating thrush are the use of topical drugs that suppress pathogenic flora in a localized area and do not have an adverse effect on other internal organs. The most common medications used to treat thrush are the drugs Pimafucin and Clotrimazole.


The drug is based on natamycin, an antibiotic that suppresses a fairly wide range of pathogenic fungi. The undoubted advantage of the drug "Pimafucin" is its minimal absorption in
the digestive canal, as well as minimal penetration of its components into the blood. This property allows the use of “Pimafucin” for the treatment of thrush in women at any stage of pregnancy.

"Pimafucin" is available both as tablets and as a suppository or cream.

To treat thrush, suppositories are mainly used, which are inserted deep into the vagina. Sometimes, as an addition to the main course of treatment for treating the skin of the genital organs, the doctor prescribes Pimafucin ointment, as well as tablets for oral administration.

In general, the course of treatment does not take more than 6-7 days.

"Pimafucin" is not intended for the prevention of candidiasis, so using it for such purposes is useless. The Candida fungus must be present in the human microflora in any case, so it is necessary to actively suppress it only when symptoms of candidiasis begin to appear. The signal to stop therapy with the drug "Pimafucin" is the disappearance of manifestations of the disease.

True, there is one exception. It concerns pregnant women who have had thrush during pregnancy. Such patients are recommended to take a preventive course a few days before giving birth and insert about 3 suppositories into the vagina according to the instructions.

Clotrimazole is another common antifungal drug to combat thrush. The effect of the drug "Clotrimazole" extends not only to fungi of the genus Candida, but also for dimorphic fungi, dermatophytes and other pathogenic organisms. The mechanism of neutralization of fungi is that the active substances of the drug block the synthesis of ergosterol, the main component necessary for the formation of cell membranes of microorganisms.

As already mentioned, drugs such as Clotrimazole and Pimafucin are prescribed not when the presence of Candida fungi is detected in smears, but when the patient begins to be bothered by the symptoms of the disease. The fact that Candida albicans is absent in smears can only indicate serious dysbacteriosis.

In the treatment of thrush, you should not rely only on medications - in addition to eliminating symptoms and normalizing the state of microflora, you should also take care of your immunity so that the disease does not return again in the future.

Clotrimazole is available in the form of vaginal tablets or ointment. For therapy, both forms of the drug are sometimes used simultaneously, if the doctor considers it necessary. In this case, in addition to inserting a suppository into the vagina overnight, the external genitalia are also treated with ointment.

The therapy takes about a week, then after a follow-up examination a decision is made whether an additional course of procedures is needed.

No adverse reactions were found in the drug. In rare cases, patients may be allergic to the substances included in its composition - then it is worth contacting your doctor to prescribe another drug.

Treatment of thrush in men

Typically, a woman suffering from thrush passes the disease on to her partner. Therefore, a man should also undergo treatment, otherwise partners will constantly infect each other.

Treatment of thrush in men consists of external treatment of the external genital organs with antifungal ointments, such as Clotrimazole or Pimafucin. Treatment procedures continue until both the partner and the partner recover.

There are cases when thrush in men appears regardless of the health status of the partner. For example, against the background of a general decrease in immunity that occurs with diabetes, HIV infection or after chemotherapy. If you have symptoms such as itching and burning in the head area, a white coating on it, as well as pain during sexual intercourse, you should consult a doctor so that he can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

However, if a man is in an immunodeficient state, fighting thrush with ointments alone will not bring lasting results - first of all, it is worth finding a way to increase the level of the body’s protective factors.

If the patient is allergic to Clotrimazole or Pimafucin, analogues of these drugs can be used to treat thrush.

For example, an analogue of Clotrimozole is the drug Ginezol 7, Mycoseptin and Fluconazole.

Analogues of Pimafucin are Natamycin, Primafungin and Ecofucin.

Some patients suffering from thrush prefer to turn to traditional medicine, avoiding visits to the doctor for personal reasons. However, folk remedies by themselves will never be able to ensure the disappearance of candidiasis - they can only be an organic addition to the main course of drug therapy.

It is also impossible to ignore the manifestations of thrush: despite the fact that in the early stages it is not so dangerous to health, recurrent forms can affect the kidneys and other internal organs through the urethra. As a result, cystitis, prostatitis, and possibly even infertility may be added to thrush.