Echo kg heart of a child. Ultrasound of a child’s heart - the norm and possible pathologies

Today, ultrasound examination of the heart is prescribed for every baby. The procedure allows timely detection of deviations in the functioning of the organ. Unlike an ECG, an ultrasound shows the process of the heart: the speed and quality of blood flow, the functioning of each department. This makes it possible to identify even minor pathologies, but many mothers are frightened by the study, so let’s take a comprehensive look at the procedure.

Ultrasound of the heart makes it possible to detect and prevent the development of various pathologies organ

When should a child have a heart ultrasound and is it safe?

Ultrasound examination of the heart can be performed from the first days of life; there are no contraindications for it, since the method involves the use of only ultrasound rays, which are absolutely safe for the body. Echocardiogram - ultrasound aimed at studying morphological and functional changes in the work of the heart.

How many times are children tested? If the birth went well and no pathologies were observed in the fetus during pregnancy, then a referral for the first examination is given at the age of one month. Together with him, an ultrasound examination of the organs is carried out abdominal cavity, pelvis and head. The next visit is scheduled at 6 months of age, although in some clinics this is replaced by an ECG. It is recommended to conduct an echocardiography at 14 years of age, during the developmental period hormonal levels, active pace of development.

There are many reasons for performing an ultrasound, and if the doctor insists on the procedure, you should not refuse

The doctor may also prescribe the procedure if:

  • the newborn refuses to breastfeed and has a weak sucking reflex;
  • the child periodically loses consciousness;
  • gets tired quickly;
  • suffers from shortness of breath;
  • the baby's nasolabial area or lips turn blue;
  • limbs are cold even in a warm room;
  • the patient has been diagnosed with pneumonia;
  • the pediatrician heard a murmur in the heart muscle;
  • irregularities were detected in the cardiogram;
  • the baby complains of pain or pressure on the left side chest.

Do not refuse the procedure if your baby has been diagnosed with a sore throat or other respiratory diseases. They often cause heart complications, so if the clinic is ready to conduct an examination, it is better to agree.

If the parents have heart pathologies that are inherited, during pregnancy the mother suffered infectious disease or the baby’s first appointment with a specialist revealed some abnormalities, the doctor may prescribe a scheduled re-examination. There is no need to be afraid; an ultrasound of the heart will not harm the child, even if it is performed frequently.

How is diagnosis carried out?

Echocardiography is always performed in the presence of parents. The mother must hold and calm the baby, as he will have to lie motionless on his back for some time. It is allowed to hold the baby in your arms if he behaves calmly.

Make sure to take your favorite toys; the procedure will take about 15 minutes. The patient is undressed to the waist, the doctor applies contact gel to the chest and begins the examination using a special sensor. The specialist will evaluate:

  • parameters of the heart and its parts;
  • myocardial wall thickness;
  • heart rate;
  • change of phase of excitation and relaxation;
  • blood circulation algorithm;
  • will check the operation of each valve.

The duration of an ultrasound examination, as a rule, does not exceed 15 minutes.

Decoding the results

The study is deciphered immediately; today, all readings are automatically entered into a protocol, which is pasted into the card. The doctor checks all parameters with the norms according to age tables. Mom will find in the protocol large number contractions, they correspond to the size of a certain part of the heart: for example, left ventricle - LV, right atrium– PP.

Standards for children of different ages

The norms will differ depending on the age and gender of the baby. Rates vary even among newborn babies and children as young as one month old. Patients over 14 years of age are assessed according to the adult norm table.

For newborns weighing up to 3.5 kg, the norms look like this:

IndicatorFemale genderMale gender
LV EDR16-21 17-22
LV ESR11-15 11-15
Left atrium diameter11-16 12-17
Right ventricular diameter5-13 6-14
TZSLZH2-4 3-4
MZhP2-5 3-6
2-3 2-3
Ejection fraction65-75% 65-75%
1.42-1.6 m/s1.42-1.6 m/s

The study is deciphered immediately - all readings are entered into the protocol automatically

Children over 1 month old and weighing up to 4.5 kg must meet the following parameters:

IndicatorFemale genderMale gender
LV EDR18-24 19-25
LV ESR12-17 12-17
Left atrium diameter12-17 13-18
Left ventricular diameter5-13 6-14
TZSLZH3-5 3-5
MZhP3-6 3-6
Right ventricular free wall2-3 2-3
Valve blood flow velocity pulmonary artery Approximately 1.3 m/sApproximately 1.3 m/s

The doctor will decipher the results immediately after the appointment. If any deviations from the norm are detected, he will refer the baby to a pediatrician or pediatric cardiologist.

Pathologies shown by ultrasound of the heart

An ultrasound of the heart in a newborn shows the organ from many sides, therefore it allows us to identify many pathologies on the early stages. Among them:

  1. Stenosis mitral valve. In this case, they talk about reducing the diameter of the hole between the parts of the heart due to thickening of its walls.
  2. Heart defects in any manifestation - possible changes in the structure of valves or septa, their displacement, absence or presence of additional chords.
  3. Narrowing of the aortic opening, blood cannot fully pass from the left ventricle to the aorta.
  4. Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle, myocardium.
  5. Inflammation of the endocardium - inner shell hearts.
  6. Myocardial infarction. Manifests itself in the death of a significant part muscle tissue heart, myocardium.
  7. The presence of blood clots inside or outside the chambers.
  8. Accumulation of fluid in the heart sac.

Many diagnoses are typical for adults and older people, but this does not mean that such a disease cannot be diagnosed in children younger age. You should be attentive to the child’s complaints, monitor his condition in order to consult a doctor in time.

There are a lot of heart pathologies, so if your child complains, you should consult a pediatrician

Contraindications to the examination

There are no contraindications for the study, but it is recommended to follow some rules related to emotional state subject. Infants It is better to feed shortly before the ultrasound, then there is a high probability that the baby will sleep and allow the doctor to carry out all the manipulations.

On the contrary, it is recommended not to feed children over 3 years old 2 hours before the examination. At this age, it is extremely important to psychologically prepare the child so that he is not afraid of the doctor and does not worry. When the baby is nervous, an error appears in the measurements, and the pulse will increase.

Cost of the procedure

An ultrasound of a child’s heart can be done free of charge at regional children’s clinics. The referral is given by the pediatrician as part of routine examinations or as indicated. If the clinic does not have such equipment in its arsenal, then it must cooperate with other medical institutions where referral will be given.

In order not to wait for an appointment or to undergo an examination unscheduled, you can use paid service. It is usually provided in multidisciplinary centers. When researching small child It is imperative to clarify his age: the specialist must have experience working with infants, in addition, a small attachment for the device may be required.

The cost of the examination will vary depending on the region of the country. In the capital, the procedure costs 2500-3000 rubles. In St. Petersburg and others major cities the price is reduced to 1500-2000 rubles. However, some clinics charge a fee for transcription or additional research. These aspects should be clarified when registering for the procedure.

Ultrasound examination of the heart is safe and effective method diagnosis of diseases. It can be carried out from the first days of life, has no contraindications or restrictions on the number of studies. Moms shouldn't be neglected scheduled inspections, they can be vital.

A specialist prescribes an ultrasound of the child’s heart to examine the organ with pinpoint accuracy and identify abnormalities or pathologies. There is no need to be afraid of the procedure; it is completely safe and does not require much time or special preparation. Echocardiography is shown even to a newborn who has just been born.

Ultrasound examination contributes to a complete assessment of the work of the child’s heart, visualization of its structure and structure. The procedure is very important to identify early stages diseases or suspected pathologies and the beginning of their elimination.

Echocardiography is suggested in the following cases:

  • If during a routine physical examination your pediatrician notices a heart murmur.
  • Does your baby periodically complain about painful sensations in the chest on the left side.
  • The newborn refuses the breast or sucks it with difficulty, but an examination by the pediatrician did not show any abnormalities in his health.
  • When a baby cries, his lips and the area around his mouth turn blue.
  • The child's hands and feet are often cold.
  • In some cases, causeless fainting occurs.
  • The child constantly feels a loss of strength and fatigue, and may suffer from shortness of breath and excessive sweating.
  • If parents begin to notice that their offspring suffers very often colds In particular, he constantly has pneumonia.
  • Body temperature long time is below normal.
  • There is a dry cough, which is not a sign of a cold.
  • When palpated in the pit of the stomach, a tremor is felt, and on the neck there is a pulsation in the area of ​​the veins.
  • The child is not gaining weight well.
  • There are heart defects in the family, which means bad heredity.
  • The ECG showed mixed results.
  • A baby should have a scheduled ultrasound at one month and one year.

There is no need to worry, but you should visit a doctor. There are two types of noise: functional and organic. You should ask your doctor why they appeared and what species they belong to.

It can overtake a child at any age, be vigilant, it is expressed by shortness of breath, lack of oxygen during breathing, pale skin, dizziness and arrhythmia.

For baby

Echocardiography for a newborn from one to one and a half months is a planned procedure and is prescribed for all babies. True, there are cases when an examination can be prescribed for a baby immediately after birth. Experts make this decision if there is a suspicion of pathology, for example:

  • When listening, murmurs are observed in the heart area.
  • Blue spots and unnatural marbling are observed on the skin.
  • The area around the baby's mouth turns blue when crying.

In case of non-confirmation of deviations repeat procedure is not carried out. But if abnormalities in the functioning or development of the heart were noticed, the situation is taken under the control of doctors.

Carrying out the procedure

An ultrasound is prescribed by a pediatrician. The principle of research is echolocation, which provides maximum information about the work and appearance organ.

A special gel is applied to the chest, and a special sensor is placed over it, emitting supersonic waves. The waves are safe and without them it is impossible to obtain feedback from organs and tissues that appears on the device’s monitor screen. The resulting image must be deciphered by a specialist and a written conclusion made.

The entire procedure takes from 5 to 40 minutes.


To ensure that the study does not leave a negative aftertaste, you should take care of the following factors:

  • Take with you a referral and an outpatient card, wet wipes, a clean, ironed diaper, a bottle of drink, a pacifier, and your baby’s favorite toy to entertain him during the procedure.
  • It is advisable to feed your baby well before going to the clinic, this will make him calmer.
  • With children at a more meaningful age, it is best to first have an explanatory conversation so that they are not afraid.
  • If the procedure is repeated, it is necessary not to forget the previous results.
  • It is advisable to know the height and weight of the child; based on the data, determine whether the development of the organ corresponds to them.

In the ultrasound room, the child will have to undress; at home, you should dress him in comfortable clothes that can be easily removed.

Advice: if you plan to visit several rooms in one day, then it is best to start with an ultrasound scan, since the child must be calm, otherwise the examination will not be complete.

What the study shows

The photo shows an ultrasound view of the heart.

A specialist who examines a patient using ultrasound equipment sees:

  • Organ chambers, their sizes, integrity and condition.
  • The walls of the atria, ventricles, their thickness.
  • How valves work and their condition.
  • Heart vessels.
  • Circulation.
  • Muscles of the heart.
  • The presence or absence of fluid in the pericardial sac.

Thanks to the survey, a large number of cardiac diseases. In addition to matching the standards, the doctor takes into account the physique, weight, height and age of the children.

What deviations can be identified

Using a heart ultrasound, the following diagnoses can be made to a child:

  • Atrial rhythm disturbances.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Blood clots.
  • , and other organ inflammations.
  • Neoplasms.
  • Violations heart rate, .
  • Ischemic disease.

Timely diagnosis helps to establish a diagnosis in the early stages, which will facilitate treatment and help avoid serious problems with health.

Norms and decoding

The norms of pediatric echocardiography are determined by the following parameters:

  • How efficiently does the heart work?
  • Consider the structure and size of the organ.
  • How does blood flow function?
  • Have any neoplasms been noticed?

Norms for a newborn:

  • Left ventricle, wall thickness: 4.5 mm.
  • Right ventricle, thickness here: 3.3 mm.
  • Heart muscle, contraction frequency per minute: 120 – 140.
  • Interventricular septum: 3 – 9 mm.
  • Aortic diameter: no exact data.
  • Left ventricle, ejection fraction: 66 – 76%.

Norm for older children:

Table of norms for echocardiography results for children from birth.

All data is approximate and depends on the age and gender of the child. Only a specialist can make an accurate decoding, so an amateur should not focus on this.

What are the differences between EchoCG and ECG, and which is better?

ECG in children is electrocardiography, it is done from the first year of a baby’s life. The method is completely safe for child's body and helps to identify the characteristics of the heart.

The procedure records fluctuations in heart rate. Using electrodes, these data are reflected on the cardiogram. This examination does not require special preparation.

A bad ECG may indicate the following abnormalities:

  • Increased cardiac impulses - atrial fibrillation.
  • Frequent heartbeat – .
  • The appearance of additional beats - extrasystoles.
  • Arrhythmias.

Very often, to make sure ECG readings, it is recommended to perform an ultrasound, it will help to make a definitive diagnosis.

The differences between these two methods include:

  • There are certain violations that can only be detected in one way or another.
  • Varying effectiveness of blood circulation monitoring.
  • Each method has its own examination characteristics.

A cardiogram is based on recording electrostatic activity in the form of a graph. It shows:

  • Pulse rhythm.
  • How many blows?
  • Is there an arrhythmia?

EchoCG is performed using an ultrasound sensor and shows external deviations of the organ on the device screen. There is no exact answer to the question of which method is better, but most often one complements the other.

To date the best method diagnostics congenital anomalies or structural changes in the heart of a newborn baby is an ultrasound of the heart, also called echocardiography (Echo-CG). This examination method is absolutely painless and safe. In addition, ultrasound examination allows us to identify even the most minor deviations from the norm and timely prescribe the most effective treatment. That is, even before the appearance of certain symptoms of heart disease. That is why echocardiography is prescribed for almost every baby.

What is cardiac ultrasound and how is it performed?

Ultrasound diagnostics is based on the principle of echolocation. To receive reliable information The doctor applies a special water-based gel to the skin. And only after that a special sensor touches the examination site. This is done in order to get rid of the air gap that prevents supersonic waves from penetrating through the tissue.

The strength of these waves is very small, that is, such radiation simply cannot harm health. At the same time, the magnitude of these waves is quite sufficient for them to reflect from tissues and organs and transmit a return signal (echo) back to the sensor. The information received is sent to the ultrasound machine and displayed on the monitor in the form of an image. The doctor can only decipher it and write a conclusion.

Usually similar actions take a little time. Just 3-5 minutes and information about the health of your baby’s heart is already in your hands. However, do not be alarmed if the ultrasound is delayed for more than long term. The examination method is absolutely harmless and safe. Therefore, even 20–40 minutes of studying the structure of your baby’s “motor” will not in any way affect his future well-being.

What does an ultrasound of the heart show?

During echocardiography, the doctor pays attention to the condition and development internal structures heart, its valves and chambers. Also modern devices Ultrasound, equipped with additional Dopplerography, allows you to examine intracardiac blood flows, the root and arch of the aorta, the valve and branches of the pulmonary artery, coronary vessels and pulmonary veins.

However, first of all, with echocardiography, attention is paid to the size of the cavities of the heart, the thickness of the walls, as well as the outline and functioning of the valves and heart muscle (myocardium). Deviations from the norm of certain parameters may indicate various diseases and congenital heart defects.

At what age should a child have an ultrasound of the heart?

Typically, cardiac ultrasound is prescribed for infants at the age of 1–1.5 months. However, if developmental anomalies or heart defects are suspected in newborns, such an examination can be done even in the first days of the baby’s life. In addition, cardiac ultrasound may be prescribed at a later age. Especially if symptoms such as:

  • the presence of a heart murmur;
  • “marbling” and blue discoloration (cyanosis) skin;
  • cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle when crying.

A repeat ultrasound of the heart is usually not required. The only exceptions are those cases when a disease has been identified and control over it is necessary. However, some children's medical centers offer parents to conduct echocardiography for children once a year. However, this depends only on the equipment of the clinic and the desire of the parents to monitor the development and health of their own child.

What to take with you to the ultrasound room

In order to perform an ultrasound of the heart, the baby does not require additional preparation, as, for example, when examining the abdominal cavity. But there are some things you just need to take with you:

  1. Referral for ultrasound and outpatient card child. It also doesn’t hurt to know the exact weight and height of the baby at the time of the examination. All this will help determine whether the growth and development of the heart is normal.
  2. A diaper and a few napkins. You will place your baby on the diaper, and use napkins to remove any remaining gel from the skin.
  3. Pacifier or bottle with food/water. To obtain the most reliable information about the work of the heart, it is necessary that the baby behave calmly during the examination. And what can calm a baby better than his favorite “yummy”?
  4. When repeating an ultrasound of the heart, it is imperative to have on hand the results of all previous examinations.

Also remember that your baby will need to be undressed for the examination. Therefore, wear the most comfortable and easy-to-remove clothes. Otherwise, you will have to spend quite a lot of time and effort to calm the child. If you decide to visit several doctors in one day, and also get tested, then start your “round” with the ultrasound room. Remember, the calmer the baby is, the more complete the picture of his health will be and the faster the examination will be completed!

Baby's heart health is important full life And normal development every baby. That is why, if there is any suspicion of problems with the heart muscle or blood flow in this organ, it is important to examine the child in a timely manner and begin treatment. To quickly and accurately identify pathologies cardiovascular system, many research methods have been developed. One of the most commonly used in children is cardiac ultrasound.

What is this?

That's what it's called diagnostic procedure, at which the area under study (in in this case– heart) are exposed to ultrasonic waves. These waves are generated by the device's sensor and directed to the heart, as well as to nearby large vessels. Because different tissues reflect or absorb ultrasound differently, their condition can be assessed.

The waves that are reflected from the organ being examined fall on the same sensor and are then analyzed in the device’s computer. Everything happens in real time, so the doctor immediately sees the data on the device monitor. Since the main principle of ultrasound is the reflection of waves, such a study is also called echocardiography (abbreviated as echoCG) or echocardioscopy.

You can learn more about the procedure by watching the following video.

Thanks to this study, the doctor can conduct:

  • Assessment of the child’s heart function.
  • Measuring the size of the heart.
  • Determination of the thickness of its walls.
  • Monitoring the condition and operation of valves.
  • Assessment of blood flow inside the heart.
  • Visualization large vessels, which depart from the heart and bring blood to it.
  • Measuring pressure inside the heart.


Heart ultrasound is prescribed for children with suspected congenital cardiac pathologies and heart diseases. The reason to conduct research may be:

  • Refusal of a newborn or infant from breastfeeding, unless there are any acute illnesses.
  • A heart murmur heard by the pediatrician.
  • Alarming changes in the child's electrocardiogram.
  • Increased fatigue of the baby.
  • Periodic (during sucking in infants or during physical activity in older children) or constant blueness of the child’s lips or the area of ​​skin above upper lip called the nasolabial triangle.
  • Episodes of loss of consciousness in a child.
  • Detection by parents of trembling of the chest by placing fingers on the lower half of the chest on the left or under the sternum.
  • Increased body temperature without signs of acute viral infections and complaints from the child.
  • Excessive sweating for no reason.
  • The appearance of shortness of breath during normal temperature bodies.
  • Periodic coldness of the extremities.
  • Child complains of chest pain.
  • Periodic or constant pulsation of the child’s neck veins.
  • Frequent pneumonia.
  • Child's lag in physical development and insufficient weight gain.
  • The appearance of a dry cough in good condition throat and normal body temperature.
  • Heart disease in relatives.

In addition, ultrasound is prescribed for children for preventive purposes at 1 month, especially if there is a family history of birth defects hearts or expectant mother during the gestation period there were acute infections. Additionally, this procedure is prescribed routinely for children aged 12 months, as well as during adolescence (14 years).

You will learn more about murmurs in a child's heart by watching the following video.


The procedure is generally not contraindicated for children of any age, but in some cases it is not performed if the child is extremely negative about it or behaves too restlessly.


In addition to traditional ultrasound, when a child’s heart is checked by placing a sensor on the chest in a calm state, there are also the following types of ultrasound examination of this organ:

  • Transesophageal echocardiography. With this option for examining the heart using ultrasound, a special sensor is inserted into the child’s esophagus in order to be able to see parts that are poorly visualized with conventional ultrasound. The manipulation is quite unpleasant for a child and requires special preparation, so it is used extremely rarely in children. It is prescribed when serious illnesses heart or in some cases after operations on this organ.
  • Stress test. For such a study it is first necessary physical activity or the administration of a drug, after which ultrasound is used to check how the heart copes with its work under changed conditions. The procedure is performed under the supervision of several specialists, and resuscitation equipment is always at the ready. In addition, at this method has its own indications and quite a lot of contraindications, so childhood its use is limited.

Is the procedure harmful?

An ultrasound examination of a child's heart is a completely safe procedure. Its implementation does not impair the functioning of the heart and does not adversely affect the health of children. This allows ultrasound examinations to be performed multiple times, even on the same day. In addition, the manipulation is completely painless and is tolerated by most children without any particular difficulties.

What diseases does it diagnose?

Echocardioscopy in childhood can reveal:

  • Congenital malformations of the heart, in particular its septum and valves.
  • Blood clots in the cavity of the heart or on its walls.
  • Reduction in the volume of the chambers of the heart or their expansion.
  • Increased volume of the heart muscle or its decrease.
  • The presence of fluid in the heart sac (called the pericardium).
  • Narrowing of the coronary vessels.
  • Thickening of the heart valves.
  • Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart, called the endocardium.
  • Death of a section of the heart muscle (infarction).

At what age can you do an ultrasound of the heart?

The procedure can be performed from the first day of life if there are indications for it. To carry it out in the very early age The ultrasound machine is equipped with a sensor small size. It is also important that the examination of newborns is performed by a specialist who has experience in examining such young patients.

Where can I get an ultrasound done?

Nowadays, such a procedure is carried out in almost all medical institutions - and in district clinics, and in private medical centers, and in hospitals. The option of performing manipulation at home is also available, which is used for in serious condition child.

How much does the procedure cost?

The cost of an ultrasound examination of the heart is influenced by several factors, among which the qualifications of the doctor, the authority of the medical institution and the accuracy of the equipment are especially significant. In a regular clinic, the procedure can be performed free of charge, but you need to sign up for a waiting list, which is not suitable in case of an urgent need to diagnose the heart. In private clinics, prices for the procedure vary from 600 rubles to 5 thousand rubles.

Preparing for diagnosis

No special preparation is required for echocardioscopy and no special diet There is no heart before the ultrasound. If the baby is a baby, you can feed him immediately before the procedure so that the baby falls asleep and tolerates the manipulation more calmly.

If the child is older infancy, it is important to pay attention psychological preparation child:

  • Tell your child why and how exactly the manipulation will be carried out.
  • Give your child a positive attitude and emphasize that the exploration will not hurt.
  • Ask your child to listen to the doctor's instructions and remain calm.
  • Do not discuss symptoms of the disease and possible risks in the presence of your baby.

Mom should not forget to bring a referral letter, a diaper, a bottle of water, napkins and the baby’s favorite toy for the examination.

How is the procedure done?

The child is not put under anesthesia, but for the ultrasound it is important that the baby lies quietly for about 15 minutes. To do this, parents are present in the office, trying to distract and calm the little one, for example, with the help of toys. The echocardioscopy process itself looks like this:

  1. The child is undressed to the waist and placed on the couch.
  2. Apply to the skin of the baby's chest small quantity gel, which is water-soluble and hypoallergenic.
  3. The device's sensor is applied to the gel and moves across the child's chest during the examination.
  4. Older children may be asked to hold their breath several times during the procedure.

Decoding the results

The analysis of the data obtained from ultrasound of the heart is carried out by a doctor. ultrasound diagnostics, checking with standard indicators characteristic of children of a certain age. Having noticed deviations, he describes them in conclusion, for example, that the wall of the ventricle is thickened.

At the same time, the condition of the valves is assessed, in which the specialist determines whether a sufficient amount of blood leaves the heart when it contracts into the vessels (this parameter is called the ejection fraction), and also whether some of the blood returns to the heart (this phenomenon is called regurgitation).

With the results of the ultrasound, parents should go to a pediatric cardiologist or their local pediatrician. The doctor evaluates the data taking into account clinical picture and determines treatment tactics if any problems are identified.

Here are some average results of a normal heart ultrasound in millimeters:

At 1-3 months

At 11-14 years old

Left ventricular size at end diastole

Left ventricular size at end systole

Thickness back wall in the left ventricle

Aortic diameter

Thickness interventricular septum

Left atrium diameter

Right ventricular wall thickness

Right ventricular diameter

Ejection fraction

Possible pathologies

An ultrasound of the heart can diagnose:

  • Open oval window. It is normally detected in children of the first year of life in the septum between the atria. In some children, its overgrowth occurs by the age of 5. Older children have oval window is a pathology.
  • Stenosis mitral orifice . The problem is manifested by reduced chamber sizes in the right ventricle and left atrium, as well as thickened walls of these parts of the heart. In addition, with stenosis, thickened mitral leaflets and a reduced opening separating the left chambers of the heart.
  • Mitral valve insufficiency. Its presence is judged by the non-closure of the valve leaflets during heart contraction and the return of part of the blood to the left atrium from the ventricle.
  • Aortic stenosis. This pathology is diagnosed on the basis of thickened walls of the right atrium, as well as the left ventricle. In addition, ultrasound reveals a narrowing in the aorta.
  • Aortic valve insufficiency. Its presence is detected in the absence of closure of the valve flaps.
  • Endocarditis. With such a disease, growths will appear on the valves.
  • Myocardial infarction. On an ultrasound, it will look like a section of heart muscle that is not functioning.
  • Myocarditis. This pathology is manifested by expansion of the cavities of the heart and a decrease in the ejection fraction.

Even more about ultrasound examination You will find out the hearts by watching the following video.

Echocardiography (ECHOCG)- the safest and most painless, non-invasive (without compromising the integrity of the skin), available method studies of a child’s cardiac activity from the first hours of his life.

The essence of the procedure is to register ultrasonic waves that reflect tissues of different densities: myocardium, great vessels surrounding them anatomical formations. Thus, with high degree information content and determine the structure in real time, functional state baby's cardiovascular system.

To whom, when and why is echocardiography prescribed?

Modern cardiology has long been not limited to electrocardiography for diagnosing diseases. Today, CT, MRI, ultrasound duplex angioscanning are successfully used, daily monitoring heart rate, blood pressure (ABPM). But echocardiography has gained the most popularity.

Ultrasound examination (echocardioscopy) at the Mother and Child clinic is prescribed by the best professionals in Russia for two purposes: to identify diseases and differential diagnosis to exclude suspicion of a particular pathology. This approach allows:

  • specify anatomical features and the size of the child’s atria and ventricles, the thickness of the walls of the heart muscle;
  • assess the functional state of the heart valves and main arteries;
  • confirm (or refute) the integrity of the intracardiac septa;
  • establish the direction and speed of blood flow, reverse blood flow;
  • diagnose heart disease (congenital or acquired), myocarditis, pericarditis, endocarditis, pancarditis, identify exudate in the cavity outer shell, myocardial ischemia, thrombus formation;
  • assess the efficiency of the myocardium (measure ejection fraction, shortening fraction of the left ventricle).

Clinical examination

Doctors of the Russian flagship for the study, implementation of innovative cardiological methods of examination and treatment cardiovascular pathology– the “Mother and Child” clinic network focuses the attention of parents on the fact that a cardiac examination (EchoCG) – component medical examination of children. The number of examinations by medical specialists depends on the age of the child:

  • from birth to one month of life to identify congenital heart abnormalities;
  • at the turn of 3 months as a control of normal development;
  • in the first year of life, as an intermediate result;
  • before entering school (six to seven years of age) for assessment functionality hearts at increased loads;
  • from the moment of schooling - every year until the age of 17, as a routine control of growing up;
  • unscheduled - before the start sports training, future cadets and military personnel.


Uniqueness functional diagnostics(Echo CG) is the absence of contraindications and age restrictions. There are devices that allow intrauterine examination. The manipulation can be done repeatedly. Identified pathology is the reason for an annual examination. Indications for examining the functioning of a child’s heart are:

  • deviations by x-rays, electrocardiogram;
  • murmurs of unknown etiology;
  • shortness of breath (including traumatic, rheumatic pulmonological nature);
  • acrocyanosis (bluish coloration of fingers, nasolabial triangle, lips);
  • malnutrition, lack of appetite;
  • fatigue, headaches, excessive sweating;
  • fainting;
  • pain syndrome in the chest area;
  • arrhythmias;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • postoperative period;
  • severe flu, sore throat, oncology, anti-inflammatory treatment;
  • developmental delay.

Fetal echocardiography

Today, ultrasound specialists at the Mother and Child clinics diagnose congenital heart disease in utero, providing dynamic observation for indicators of intracardiac blood flow throughout pregnancy. The procedure is carried out at 18-22 weeks of gestation, which helps in planning the method of childbirth and allows neonatologists, together with pediatric cardiologists, to begin treatment immediately after the birth of the baby. In this case, the indications for manipulation are:

Preparation and carrying out the procedure

Typically, diagnostics are carried out on an outpatient basis as prescribed by a pediatrician, cardiologist, during medical examination or at the request of parents. At the Mother and Child clinic, echocardiography is a painless, safe, highly informative examination in a comfortable environment for the little patient and his close environment using a modern echocardiograph. The kindness of the medical staff relieves the child’s tension and fear of manipulation.

IN special training no need. It is recommended to refrain from eating 2 hours before the diagnosis (in order to avoid a high position of the diaphragm), and to bring with you the data of previous echocardiograms. The child may speak and move during the procedure, but this will not affect the diagnostic results. It is better to perform an ultrasound of the heart of a newborn while he is sleeping, but this is not always possible, so to ensure maximum peace of mind for the baby, parents need to take a pacifier, a bottle of water or formula with them.

The examination itself is carried out on a special couch, undressing the baby to the waist and laying him on his back, and children school age examined on the back and left side. The sensor is placed on the skin of the chest, lubricated with hypoallergenic gel for closer contact with the device. By moving the electrode in the desired direction, the doctor receives the necessary image on the monitor screen. The study takes no more than 40 minutes (average 20 minutes). In one day it is possible to conduct a complex of cardiological studies: EchoCG with color duplex scanning, ECG at rest and with physical activity.

Advantages of cardiac ultrasound (ECHOCG) in Mother and Child.

The Mother and Child group of companies is a leading scientific and practical medical institution V Russian Federation in the field of cardiology. Doctors of the clinics annually undergo training in the best European and domestic cardiology centers with an impeccable reputation. Specialists of the Centers are in contact with the Union of Pediatricians of Russia. In this regard, examination, treatment and observation in any of the “Mother and Child” centers has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • clinics are equipped with the most modern diagnostic equipment, including ultrasound equipment, which allows for the maximum short time obtain the optimal data needed for accurate diagnosis;
  • all departments of diagnostic and treatment complexes have one of the best laboratory services in the Russian Federation;
  • qualified, highly professional medical staff is friendly and always protects the interests of patients;
  • the centers have created the most comfortable environment for receiving visitors in compliance with the rules of the medical and protective regime;
  • An ultrasound of the heart is performed in 20 minutes, the results are deciphered immediately after the procedure, and the doctor’s conclusions are handed over to you;
  • If a pathology is detected, there is the possibility of immediate or delayed hospitalization in a hospital hospital with adequate therapy, including surgically or referrals to consultation to a narrow, specialized specialist;
  • if necessary, a consultation of clinic doctors can be organized with the involvement of colleagues from abroad and Russian cardiology centers.
