Stodal homeopathy. Stodal during breastfeeding

Cough is quite an unpleasant symptom, often accompanying many colds. It is difficult for even an adult to bear. And for a child, a cough can sometimes be just a real torment, especially if it is dry. Because because of it, he cannot eat or sleep normally. However, many effective means have also been created to combat this symptom. But not all of them are suitable for treating a child’s cough. And there are even fewer cough remedies that can be used for infants.

But, in addition to traditional medicine, There are also homeopathic remedies. Stodal cough syrup is one of these drugs.

Syrup composition

There are two completely opposite opinions about homeopathic remedies. Some people consider these drugs frivolous and ineffective. Moreover, homeopathy is considered quackery and alchemy. But some, on the contrary, consider these products to be the safest, since they consist of natural ingredients. Here, for example, is what is included in Stodal homeopathic syrup. Its composition, as indicated in the instructions for use, is as follows:

  • pulsatilla,
  • antimonium tartaricum,
  • Drosera,
  • baking,
  • kokkus kakti,
  • miacarde,
  • rumex crispus,
  • stikta pulmonaria,
  • Sponge of toast.

These are the main active ingredients. However, the composition also contains auxiliary ones. These include:

  • sucrose syrup,
  • Polygala syrup,
  • Tolu syrup,
  • ethanol,
  • caramel,
  • benzoic acid.

Stodal syrup is sold in 200 ml brown glass bottles. You can see what the packaging of the product looks like in the photo.

Each substance in this product has its own purpose. Pulsatilla, its second name is sleep-herb, reduces the urge to cough if it is dry. Antimonium tartaricum is effective for pulmonary diseases. It also improves the general condition of the child. Bryonia is a plant belonging to the pumpkin family. It simplifies the process of removing mucus from the lungs, diluting it and making it less viscous. Drosera is a spasmodic.

A plant from the madder family, ipeca or ipecac, reduces the possibility of bronchospasm. And cocus kakti reduces prolonged coughing attacks. Myocardium is very often used for various types of bronchitis and bronchial catarrh. Rumex Crispus belongs to the buckwheat family and its role in this drug is as an expectorant or softening effect for dry cough. Stikta pulmonaria relieves a debilitating cough, which may be accompanied by sneezing, headache and watery eyes. Spongia toasta is a sea sponge. In its action it is similar to baking. The alkaloids contained in it reduce the possibility of bronchospasm.

As becomes obvious from the composition of this product, Stodal is a syrup that can be used equally effectively for the treatment of dry coughs and wet ones.

For what diseases is Stodal used?

Summarizing all of the above, it can be noted that the drug has the following effects:

  • helps cleanse the respiratory tract,
  • affects the intensity of cough,
  • reduces the viscosity of sputum,
  • makes sputum more liquid,
  • improves the fluidity of secretions of the bronchi and lungs.

For which diseases Stodal syrup is used, the instructions for use are silent. All that is said here is that the remedy is used to eliminate coughs of various etiologies in both children and adults. But doctors often prescribe it in the following situations:

  • at if it lasts more than two days,
  • with a wet cough, but with poorly separated sputum, which lasts more than a week and conventional mucolytic agents do not bring success in its treatment,
  • from a cough that occurs against the background of an acute respiratory infection, accompanied by symptoms such as runny nose, fever and others,
  • for cough caused by ARVI.

And judging by the composition of the product and reviews on the Internet, it will be effective for the treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia, and diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract.

How to use syrup

It should be said that Stodal syrup has no age restrictions. But the dosage that is used for children of different ages and for adult patients is different.

If the child is under one year old, he is recommended to use half a teaspoon 2-3 times a day. For children aged 1 to 14 years, the dosage is 0.5 ml 3-4 times a day. The interval between doses of the drug should be 6-8 hours. However, in particularly severe cases, the doctor may prescribe more frequent doses of the drug up to 5-6 times a day. Also, only a doctor can determine the duration of treatment.

If the child is already 14 years old, he is most often prescribed the drug in the same dosage as adult patients. That is, 1 tablespoon or 15 ml, using a measuring cap, 3-4 times a day with an interval of 6-8 hours. But for adults, more frequent doses of the drug can be prescribed, up to 5-6 times a day.

If treatment does not produce results within a week, it is recommended to replace the drug with another drug. But the decision about what this remedy should be and when to replace Stodal can only be made by a doctor. In this case, you do not need to trust the reviews and advice of your acquaintances and friends. After all, everyone’s body is different, and what worked for them may not be beneficial for you.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the fact that the drug is a safe remedy, which is why it is prescribed even to infants, there are still contraindications to its use. Here are the contraindications mentioned in the instructions for use of this product:

  • individual intolerance syrup components,
  • increased fructose content in urine,
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption,
  • sucrose-isomaltose deficiency.

Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, as well as patients with epilepsy and diabetes mellitus, are prescribed the drug with caution and with mandatory medical supervision. The drug combines well with other cough remedies. And no cases of overdose have been registered. The instructions for use also say that no side effects have been identified. But in rare cases, a rash may appear. If this happens, you should stop taking the syrup and consult your doctor with a request to prescribe another remedy to treat your child.

Stodal for cough is a natural homeopathic medicine, syrup, which has a general healing effect on the body and fights inflammatory processes in the respiratory system.

For what cough is Stodal prescribed? Reviews from doctors about this drug indicate that both children and adult patients suffering from wet, dry cough, a “companion” of respiratory diseases, can take the syrup.

Release form and composition

Stodal is a clear or yellowish syrup with a brown tint and has a pleasant aroma. Available in 200 ml brown glass bottles.

Active components of the drug:

  • bryony;
  • pulsatilla;
  • rumex;
  • Drosera;
  • antimonium tartaricum;
  • ipecac and other homeopathic ingredients.

Additional substances in the composition of Stodal are Tolu, Polygala syrups, caramel, sucrose, ethanol and benzoic acid.

How the drug works

Stodal cough syrup has antitussive, tonic, and anti-inflammatory properties. The medicine stimulates the functions of the body's defenses, reduces viscosity and activates the evacuation of mucus from the respiratory tract.

The homeopathic drug has a cumulative antitussive effect and can be used for the symptomatic treatment of attacks in children and adults

The active components of the syrup relieve bronchospasm and effectively stop attacks (both dry and wet cough).

Indications for use

  • with regular attacks of dry (non-productive cough), if they “pursue” the patient for at least 2-3 days;
  • when a wet cough bothers the patient for a week, and the body does not respond to other mucolytic (expectorant) drugs;
  • for the symptomatic treatment of cough - a companion to various respiratory diseases (in this situation there are other signs - runny nose, fever, weakness in the body);
  • in order to combat cough - a consequence of damage to the body by a viral infection.

Treatment rules

Stodal syrup is prescribed to patients of any age. Children are given 5 ml of medication every 8 hours.

If necessary, according to the instructions for use of the drug, the “children’s” frequency of taking the drug can be increased to 5 times a day (after consultation with the doctor). The therapeutic regimen for adult patients looks like this: 15 ml of syrup / every 8 hours.

The duration of the treatment course is determined by a specialist. If the antitussive effect is absent within 7 days, the drug is discontinued (replaced with another drug with similar properties). In most cases, Stodal syrup is an auxiliary component of complex therapy for respiratory diseases.


With the correct dosage and treatment regimen, Stodal syrup allows you to achieve the following result:

  • reduce the frequency of the urge to wet and dry cough;
  • thin sputum;
  • enhance the evacuation of bronchopulmonary secretions;
  • clear the airways of accumulated mucus.

Precautionary measures

Patients during pregnancy and lactation, as well as patients with individual intolerance to individual components of the medicinal composition, should avoid using Stodal syrup. The list of other contraindications to taking an antitussive drug includes: diabetes mellitus (Stodal contains sucrose), elderly age of the patient, epilepsy, alcohol dependence.

An overdose of the drug is fraught with allergic reactions.

With the correct dosage and compliance with the rules for taking the drug, there are no side effects of treatment as such. Unreasonably exceeding the dose of Stodal cough syrup can cause allergic reactions (skin, systemic).

Important! The syrup should not be given to children under 2 years of age.

Additional Information

The drug does not affect the therapeutic effect of other medications in any way and is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Store the syrup in a cool, dry place at a temperature of 4 to 25 degrees. Taking Stodal syrup does not affect the ability to operate complex mechanisms and vehicles.

Only a doctor should determine the amount and frequency of drug intake in the treatment of respiratory diseases

Analogues (different composition, similar properties):

  • Sinupret;
  • Doctor Mom;
  • Barberry Comp JOB-Baby.

Patients' opinions

Angelina, 42 years old, Moscow:
I discovered this drug several years ago - my child got sick and was constantly coughing. Stodal syrup was recommended at the pharmacy. Like any homeopathy, this medicine works quite slowly, but the effect lasts for a long time. I buy Stodal during the seasonal exacerbation of colds and viruses, and the whole family drinks it.

Oleg, 34 years old, Izhevsk:
I am an experienced smoker, so coughing attacks constantly plague me. I don’t want to drink synthetic mucolytics; they put a serious strain on the body. The pharmacy recommended Stodal, a natural syrup that facilitates mucus discharge and helps prevent another attack. I drink it according to the situation, as soon as the cough “comes up”. I can’t say that I noticed a special effect, but the attacks became less intense, the mucus cleared better, and it became easier to breathe.

Irina, 25 years old, Ekaterinburg:
My 4-year-old son is constantly sick - either a cold or a virus he “caught” in kindergarten. It is clear that all this is accompanied by a cough - sometimes wet, but more often dry. In this case, the pediatrician recommended that I give my child Stodal, a natural, safe remedy that makes the cough productive. Indeed, the syrup accelerates the release of sputum, it is convenient to use in home treatment, and it is relatively inexpensive.

So, Stodal syrup is a herbal homeopathic cough remedy that is suitable for both children and adult patients. The drug is prescribed for dry and wet coughs of various natures, and is included in the general course of treatment of respiratory diseases. The dosage, regimen of taking the syrup and the duration of the therapeutic course are determined only by the doctor (due to the presence of contraindications to the use of the medicine).

Probably every person at least once in his life has encountered such a body reaction as coughing. This phenomenon can cause discomfort, insomnia and excessive irritability in everyday life. Most often, cough occurs with the development of colds. As the disease progresses, the cough changes from dry to wet. In this article we will look at one of the most effective cough medications - Stodal. Reviews, rules of use, indications, composition and analogues should be read by anyone who suffers from cough and wants to start treatment with this medicine. Therefore, read the article carefully before going to the pharmacy and buying syrup.

A few words about the composition and form of release

This medicine is a very effective homeopathic medicine, which contains a huge list of useful active ingredients. So, Stodal syrup, reviews of which are mostly positive, consists of drosera, pulsatilla, coccus, kakti, and antimonium tartaricum. In addition, the composition also contains auxiliary components such as ethanol, sucrose, caramel flavor, Tolu syrup and benzoic acid.

As mentioned above, the cough medicine “Stodal”, reviews of which you can read on this resource, is available in the form of syrup, which allows this remedy to be used by both adults and children of any age.

It is worth noting that the syrup has a very pleasant taste and aroma, so taking it is a pleasure. The liquid itself is transparent, with a slight yellow-brown tint. The syrup is packaged in bottles made of brownish glass. The capacity of each bottle of syrup is two hundred milliliters. The drug is placed in a cardboard package, which also includes instructions for use.


Many people wonder why Stodal syrup is so effective. Reviews from experts assure that the product has such a beneficial effect on the human body thanks to the herbal components included in its composition - their action allows you to overcome any type of cough in a fairly short period of time. Patients confirm that the product is indeed very effective and safe.

When this medication is taken correctly, a dry cough quickly turns into a wet cough. The mucus softens and leaves the body easier and easier, thanks to which the airways are cleared. Normal functioning of the respiratory system is restored. In addition, the active components relieve spasms, which reduces a person’s desire to start coughing. The product also prevents the appearance of symptoms such as headache, sneezing and some others.

In what cases can it be used?

In fact, the drug "Stodal", the reviews of which are amazing in their quantity, is intended for the treatment of absolutely any type of cough. The product can be used by both adults and children of absolutely any age. The medicine will cope well with both wet and dry coughs, and will lead to complete recovery if used correctly and regularly.

Are there any contraindications?

The cough medicine Stodal, reviews of which are mostly positive, has some contraindications for use - just like any other medicines. Therefore, take your health seriously: take the medicine only if you are sure that your body will react correctly.

So, do not use the syrup under any circumstances if you are hypersensitive to any of the components included in the medicine. In addition, the drug is prohibited for use in the presence of certain hereditary forms of fructosuria, as well as in galactose-glucose malabsorption. Please note that only a qualified specialist can diagnose such diseases, so do not self-medicate under any circumstances. Be sure to contact the hospital to determine the most appropriate treatment medications.

About side effects

Judging by the instructions for use, there is no danger to the body during treatment with Stodal cough syrup. Reviews from patients and doctors confirm that the product practically does not lead to the development of adverse events. Only in some cases did patients complain of an allergic rash. In case of an overdose, abdominal pain and nausea may occur, but this condition occurs extremely rarely with the use of this drug.

Instructions for use for adults

The drug "Stodal" (instructions for use and reviews are described in detail in this article) is very important to take in the correct dosage. The best option is to take 15 mg. active substance once every eight hours. However, if there is an urgent need, the number of medication doses can be increased up to five times a day. Doctors usually recommend using this medication for one to two weeks. Please note: if after the first week the drug does not have a positive effect on the body, then it should be discontinued and another method of treatment should be selected. Otherwise, treatment can be continued.

Typically, Stodal cough syrup, reviews of which you can read at the end of the article, is prescribed as an auxiliary method of treating colds. However, there are exceptions.

"Stodal": instructions for use for children

Reviews from experts confirm that this syrup is suitable for all age categories. Doctors prescribe this remedy even to newborn children. The drug will be effective even if treated with one drug.

Of course, pediatricians most often prescribe this remedy to children over two years of age, but it can also be used to treat infants. In this case, the dosage should be as low as possible.

So, according to doctors, children from two to fourteen years old are recommended to take five milliliters of the drug every six to eight hours. If there is an urgent need, the frequency of use can be slightly increased. For adolescents, the same dosage is suitable as that provided for adult patients - it is fifteen milliliters.

But doctors recommend giving the youngest patients under one year of age half a teaspoon of syrup twice a day. For one-year-old children, the dosage can be increased to one teaspoon at a time.

Use of the product during pregnancy and breastfeeding

This drug can be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women, taking special care. Under no circumstances should you prescribe this medicine to yourself. You can buy medicine only after the recommendation of an experienced specialist. Reviews do not recommend using “Stodal” during pregnancy (1st trimester), as the product contains ethanol, and this can negatively affect the health and general well-being of the unborn baby. However, even in later stages of pregnancy, you should take the syrup carefully, as its use can lead to the development of allergic reactions.

If the drug was prescribed to a pregnant woman, then when taking it you should strictly follow the specialist’s instructions. The dosage in this case will be selected by the attending physician individually, depending on the state of women's health.

Can the medicine harm the unborn baby?

Many women are interested in the question of whether this drug can be used during pregnancy. According to experts, Stodal syrup does not affect the fetus in the womb, but only if the woman followed the correct dosage and was treated following all the doctor’s instructions. However, it is worth considering the fact that many children at birth may have an allergic reaction to certain drugs. The main reason for this is the excessive use of certain substances by the expectant mother. Therefore, some plant components that are part of the syrup can lead to allergic reactions in a newborn baby. However, if the expectant mother was treated correctly and followed the dosages prescribed by the doctor, then this will not lead to problems in the future.

Important instructions

“Stodal” is a cough syrup for children, reviews of which are mostly positive; it is very important to take it correctly. Only in this case can you count on positive results. If within several days of using this syrup you do not notice even the slightest positive changes, be sure to tell your specialist about this - you may have to adjust the course of treatment.

Please note that the product contains ethanol, so people suffering from alcoholism, as well as those with liver disease, should take Stodal very carefully. Also, the drug is not recommended for those patients who suffer from frequent epileptic seizures.

The medicine does not affect driving or operating major machinery, despite the fact that one of the components of the drug is alcohol.

Are there analogues

The drug “Stodal” (instructions, reviews for children can be read in this article) has a large number of analogues that have the same effect on the human body. However, it’s definitely not worth buying them yourself, without the recommendation of a specialist. It should be understood that self-medication can lead to undesirable and extremely unpleasant consequences. Always remember this!

So, let's look at the most popular medications that doctors most often prescribe for the treatment of cough. This includes the syrups “Doctor MOM” and “Barberry Comp”. No less effective are such drugs as Linkas, Pectusin, Mualtin, Terpinkod and many others.

Interaction with other drugs

The drug "Stodal", the instructions and reviews of which confirm its effectiveness, does not interact with other medications. Therefore, it can be used in complex therapy with other drugs without fear that their interaction will lead to the development of side effects.

Stodal syrup for children: reviews

Every parent worries about the health of their baby and tries to do everything possible to ensure that the child is healthy. No baby is immune from the development of such an unpleasant symptom as a cough. Very often, doctors prescribe Stodal syrup for its treatment, as they are confident in the safety and effectiveness of this medicine. The drug can be used to treat the youngest patients, which is its undoubted advantage. The product very rarely leads to allergic reactions and other side effects, as it has a natural herbal composition.

The syrup is very tasty, so you don't have to force your baby to take it. Children usually do this with great pleasure, because the liquid has a very pleasant caramel flavor. However, it is important to adhere to the dosage prescribed by your pediatrician. Only in this case the product will be effective and safe. It is best to use Stodal syrup as an adjuvant therapy. In this case, the effect of treatment will come much faster.

The cough is very exhausting and debilitating. Especially when, instead of sleeping, the child coughs all night, does not get enough sleep and does not get better, and the exhausted mother does not know how to help and calls the doctor again to the house. Quite often, doctors prescribe Stodal syrup. Let's carefully read the instructions and find out what this drug is.

What is homeopathy?

There are two main approaches in homeopathy:

  • Classic, in which one substance is used, and the dose of dilution of the substance (not only herbs, but also poisons) is calculated by the doctor.
  • Complex homeopathy. This is a kind of “universal formula”. Complementary substances (for example, cough herbs) are mixed into one bottle and diluted in one constant concentration.

However, even homeopaths themselves recognize complex remedies as less effective, since everyone’s disease progresses in a special way, and the reactivity of each organism is also individual. Sometimes taking complex medications does not bring the expected effect.

Despite the fact that homeopathy is opposed to the principles of classical pharmacology, it is possible to use both homeopathic and pharmacological medicines simultaneously.

Unlike the medicines presented in classical medicine, homeopathic medicines have never been tested for safety, and side effects from the use of these substances have not been identified.

Diet when using homeopathic remedies is an important nuance. There is an opinion that when taking homeopathic medicines it is recommended to exclude mint, as it can be an antagonist of many homeopathic medicines. It is also recommended to exclude coffee.

Stodal for cough for children. Instructions for use

Stodal is a multicomponent . It is produced in dark bottles and has a sweet and cloying taste. Since the drug is homeopathic, it is believed that it can be used in adults, children and pregnancy. Is syrup suitable for everyone?

The official instructions do not contain either a prescribing schedule for the drug or precise instructions at what age it can be prescribed.

Children under one year old

The drug contains ethyl alcohol, which means that it is not advisable to prescribe the drug to young children.

But the official instructions say cunningly: give children 5 ml using a measuring cap 3 to 5 times a day. The duration of use must be agreed with your doctor.

Reception during pregnancy and lactation

It must be remembered that ethanol easily overcomes the placental barrier and enters the baby’s bloodstream. It has been proven that ethyl alcohol causes congenital malformations in fetuses. Ethanol is also excreted in milk. It is not known in what concentrations alcohol enters the child’s body, neither in the first nor in the second case. Thus, I would advise against taking it in these situations.

However, the official instructions state briefly that a doctor’s consultation is required.

Composition of the drug

  1. Pulsatilla (sleep herb) has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces the urge to cough.
  2. Rumex crispus (curly dock). Also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Bryonia (white step) - a poisonous plant, is an analgesic, reduces the viscosity of sputum.
  4. Ipeca (emetic root) is a plant used in small doses for coughs.
  5. Spongia tosta (burnt sea sponge) is used for hoarseness and reduces bronchospasm.
  6. Sticta pulmonaria (lichen) treats ear and throat diseases and relieves inflammation.
  7. Antimonium tartaricum (tartar emetic) is used for convulsive coughing, to expel mucus.
  8. Myocarde is a remedy that facilitates the discharge of sputum.
  9. Coccus cacti is used in the treatment of whooping cough and to relieve cough associated with it.
  10. Drosera (sundew) is an herb that relieves coughs.


  • ethyl alcohol 96%;
  • benzoic acid;
  • Tolu syrup, Polegala syrup;
  • sucrose syrup up to 100 ml.

Knowing the composition of the drug, we conclude that it should be prescribed with caution to people with:

  • alcohol addiction;

Side effects of the drug

The official instructions say that at the moment there is no information about the side effects of the drug. If side effects occur, you should consult a doctor.

Since there is no data on pharmacokinetics, there is also no data on the effects caused by the drug.

But given the complex herbal composition, an allergic reaction is possible.


  1. Fructosuria.
  2. Glucose-galactose malabsorption.
  3. Allergy.
  4. Sucrose-isomaltase deficiency.

A very significant advantage of the drug is that it does not cause an overdose.


Cough of any etiology.

A little about the physiology of cough

Everyone knows that coughing is a special protective reflex that occurs when something foreign gets into the respiratory tract.

At first glance, everything is simple. The respiratory organs are innervated by the vagus nerve. When a foreign agent enters the mucous membrane, the nerve fibers are irritated, the signal goes to the cough center of the brain, where a response of the respiratory muscles is organized.

The cough mechanism is as follows. First, the person inhales, then the glottis closes and a strong exhalation occurs with an increase in intrathoracic pressure, after which the glottis opens and a jerky strong exhalation occurs. This is the mechanism of the so-called reflex cough.

It also happens that cough is associated with irritation of the central nervous system.

There are 2 types of cough.

  1. Dry cough - usually occurs with diseases of the trachea and nasopharynx.
  2. Wet cough - cough with sputum production, associated with bronchial disease.

Thus, to treat cough it is necessary:

  • liquefy and remove phlegm, if any;
  • reduce bronchospasm;
  • reduce inflammation of the upper respiratory tract (with,).

The manufacturer indicates in the instructions that the drug copes with these tasks. But after reading reviews about the drug, you can understand that this is not always the case. Probably because the same etiology (cause of cough) is different, and bronchitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae or streptococcus cannot be treated only with homeopathic medicine.


There are many analogues to Stodal. Let's talk about only a few.

  1. ACC is a pharmacological drug and has nothing to do with homeopathy. A mucolytic agent, that is, an agent that thins sputum. Available in the form of effervescent tablets and powder for preparing a hot drink. Use with extreme caution during pregnancy.
  2. Pulmex baby is a combined ointment for children from 6 months to 3 years. Used as an adjuvant in the treatment of bronchitis. Apply to the skin. Do not apply to mucous membranes!
  3. - a mucolytic agent, available in the form of tablets, dragees and mixtures. Prohibited for use in the first trimester of pregnancy, then with caution. Children are prescribed from three years of age.
  4. Alteyka is an expectorant of plant origin; the drug contains ethyl alcohol, although the instructions, like Stodal’s, do not indicate contraindications during pregnancy.
  5. Doctor MOM is a drug that expands the lumen of the bronchi. Available in the form of an ointment. Not recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers. Recommended in pediatrics from 3 years of age
  6. Ambroxol is a mucolytic drug, but it has one important property - it stimulates the formation of surfactant and can be used not only to treat cough in young children, but also to stimulate the formation of surfactant in premature infants. Release forms: tablets, syrup, solution for inhalation.
  7. Ambrohexal is a mucolytic and expectorant. Approved for use in young children. Undesirable during pregnancy. If there are no special indications (threat of premature birth from 28 to 34 weeks), I prescribe the drug to stimulate the production of surfactant in the fetus.

To summarize, I would like to note that the drug has quite a lot of worthy analogues, tested and approved for use in early childhood.

When using this drug, you do not need to give up complex treatment.



Pharmachologic effect:

Complex homeopathic preparation, including mainly herbal ingredients. Stodal, thanks to its constituent components, affects different types of cough. Accelerates the transition of a dry cough to a wet one. Has an expectorant, bronchodilator effect.

Bryonia affects the dilution of sputum and decreases its viscosity, thereby improving the fluidity of bronchopulmonary secretions, which helps cleanse the respiratory tract. Pulsatilla, Rumex Crispus are used in the drug as an effective antitussive for dry spasmodic cough, reducing the urge to cough and is no different in effectiveness from the substance codetilin. Ipecac and Spongia toast contain alkaloids that have an effect similar to papaverine and reduce bronchospasm.

Indications for use:

Symptomatic treatment of coughs of various types (dry, wet cough).

Method of application:

The drug Stodal has no age limit and is approved for use in all age groups.

If there is no effect of treatment within a week, the drug is discontinued.

The duration of therapy is determined individually by the attending physician.

Adverse events:

There is no information about negative reactions of the drug; if they develop, consultation with a doctor is recommended.

If there is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, allergic skin rashes may occur.


Individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug,

Glucose-galactose malabsorption,

Sucrase-isomaltase deficiency,

Hereditary forms of fructosuria (hereditary fructose intolerance, hereditary absence of fructose-1,6-biphosphatase).

During pregnancy:

Prescribed with caution during pregnancy and nursing mothers according to strict doctor's recommendations. Please note that each tablespoon contains 0.206 g of ethanol.

Interaction with other drugs:

There are no data on cross-reactions with other drugs.


There are no cases of drug overdose described.

Release form of the drug:

The drug is in the form of a syrup in a 200 ml dark glass bottle.

1 bottle with measuring cap in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions:

Stored in a dry, dark place, at a temperature of 4 to 25 °C.


100 g of the drug contains:

Pulsatilla 6CH 950 mg,

Rumex crispus 6CH 950 mg,

Bryonia 3CH 950 mg,

Ipecacuanha 3CH 950 mg,

Spongia marina tosta 3CH 950 mg,

Coccus cacti 3CH 950 mg,

Sticta pulmonaria (Sticta.Sticta pulmonaria) 3CH 950 mg,

Antimonium tartaricum 6CH 950 mg,

Drosera 950 mg,

Myocarde 6CH 950 mg,

Excipients: Polygal syrup, caramel, Tolu syrup, sucrose syrup, benzoic acid, ethanol 96%.


Use with caution in persons with alcohol dependence, epilepsy and liver dysfunction, because Stodal syrup contains 1.74% iv ethanol, 5 ml of syrup - 0.069 g - C2H5OH (ethanol), 15 ml - 0.206 g - C2H5OH (ethanol).

In case of diabetes mellitus, the presence of syrups and sucrose in the preparation should be taken into account; they are recalculated into bread units (XU): 1 tbsp. a spoonful of syrup corresponds to 11.25 g of sucrose, which is equivalent to 0.94 XE, 1 teaspoon of syrup corresponds to 3.75 g of sucrose, which is equivalent to 0.31 XE.

Does not affect driving.

Drugs with similar effects:

Thyreoidea Compositum Arthrofon Psoriaten Restructa pro injectione S Enterocind

Dear doctors!

If you have experience in prescribing this drug to your patients, share the result (leave a comment)! Did this medicine help the patient, did any side effects occur during treatment? Your experience will be of interest to both your colleagues and patients.

Dear patients!

If you were prescribed this medicine and completed a course of therapy, tell us whether it was effective (helped), whether there were any side effects, what you liked/disliked. Thousands of people search the Internet for reviews of various medications. But only a few leave them. If you personally do not leave a review on this topic, others will have nothing to read.

Thank you very much!