Igor Koltunov is the chief physician of the Morozov Children's Hospital. Igor Koltunov: “Morozov Hospital is honest, multidisciplinary, modern

Chief freelance specialist pediatrician, Chief physician of the Children's City Clinical Hospital named after Z.A. Bashlyaeva, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor


Osmanov Ismail Magomedovich, graduated from the pediatric faculty of the Dagestan State Medical Institute in 1983.

In 1989 After completing his postgraduate studies at the Moscow Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, he defended his thesis on the topic “Risk factors and principles of medical examination for oxalate nephropathies in children.”

In 1991-1992 – completed an internship in pediatric nephrology and pediatrics at the University Children's Hospital at Buffalo, New York, USA (based on the results of the All-Union competition)

In 1993-1996. performed his doctoral dissertation in the department of nephrology of the Moscow Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

In 1996, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Clinico-pathogenetic features and treatment tactics for kidney damage in children in environmentally unfavorable regions.”

1996-2003 Associate Professor, and then Professor of the Department of Childhood Diseases No. 2 of the Russian State Medical University (GOU VPO RGMU).

From 2003 to 2012 - Deputy Director of the Moscow Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia; Professor of the Department of Childhood Diseases No. 2 of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Russian State Medical University, part-time (now the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation).

Since 2012 - chief physician of the Tushino Children's City Hospital (now the Children's City Clinical Hospital named after Z.A. Bashlyaeva of the Moscow Department of Health); 2003, part-time professor of the Department of Childhood Diseases No. 2 of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, Russian State Medical University (now State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation).

Since 2012 – chief pediatric nephrologist of the Moscow Department of Health;

From 2003 to 2012 -Deputy editor-in-chief of the journal – “Russian Bulletin of Perinatology and Pediatrics”.

Currently, he is a member of the editorial board of a number of leading scientific and practical medical journals.

Chairman of the scientific committee of the annual All-Russian Congress “Modern technologies in pediatrics and pediatric surgery.”

In 2010, he was awarded the commemorative medal “10 years of signing the Treaty on the Establishment of the Union State” (“For impeccable service”).

In 2013, he was awarded with gratitude from the mayor of Moscow S.S. Sobyanin for his many years of work in providing highly qualified medical care to residents of Moscow. Excellent Healthcare Worker of the Russian Federation, awarded a number of Certificates of Merit.

In 2015, he was awarded the Diploma of the Department of Health "For great personal contribution to the development of metropolitan healthcare in 2015"

He is Professor Emeritus at the University at Buffalo, New York, USA.

Since 2016, he has been heading the University Clinic of Pediatrics, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Full job title at main place of work:

  • Chief physician of the Children's Clinical Hospital named after. FOR. Bashlyaeva DZM
  • Director of the University Clinic of Pediatrics, State Budgetary Educational Institution VPORNIMU named after. N.I. Pirogov Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
  • Professor of the Department of Hospital Pediatrics No. 1, State Budgetary Educational Institution VPORNIMU named after. N.I. Pirogov Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (part-time)

Advanced training and maintaining the professional level of specialists

  • Certification cycles in nephrology – 144 hours (Department of Pediatrics, Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education)
  • Over the past period, the following scientific and practical conferences were held for pediatric nephrologists in Moscow with the issuance of certificates (DZM together with the Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation)
  • Ultrasound diagnostics in nephrology. Opportunities and prospects
  • Modern ideas about typical hemolytic-uremic syndrome
  • Tubulointerstitial nephritis: myth or reality?
  • Urolithiasis in children. Features of diagnosis, treatment and prevention
  • Pediatric diseases in the practice of an adult nephrologist
  • Disorders of calcium-phosphorus metabolism in children. View of a nephrologist and endocrinologist
  • Algorithm for diagnosis and treatment of primary monosymptomatic enuresis in children
  • Principles of outpatient monitoring of newborns and young children after acute kidney injury.


Reports on the work of the chief freelance specialist by year and plans for the next year

Action plan for pediatric nephrology of the Department of Health for 2019

  • *Principles of outpatient monitoring of newborns and young children after acute kidney injury.
  • Modern achievements of pediatric nephrology in Moscow."
  • Patient with microhematuria." Analysis of a clinical case.
  • Ultrasound diagnostics in nephrology. Analysis of a clinical case.
  • Anomalies of the position and structure of the kidneys. Analysis of a clinical case.
  • Cystic kidney dysplasia in children. Analysis of a clinical case.
  • Prevention and treatment of infected urinary tract complications in children with myelodysplasia syndrome. Analysis of a clinical case.
  • Diagnosis of symptomatic arterial hypertension in newborns and young children. Analysis of a clinical case.
  • Preparation for kidney transplantation of a child with early development of terminal chronic renal failure." Analysis of a clinical case.
  • Increase the availability of specialized nephrological care for the pediatric population
  • Continuing to combine the efforts of pediatric nephrologists and pediatric urologists-andrologists in terms of ensuring early diagnosis and optimizing continuity in the treatment and further monitoring of children with compulsory medical conditions
  • Continued optimization of the work of children's nephrology sanatoriums in Moscow
  • Further improvement of continuity in the provision of medical care to children with diseases of the urinary system between medical institutions in Moscow and federal scientific and clinical centers
  • Further improvement of medical care for children with chronic renal failure

Scientific work is carried out on the basis of the University Clinic named after. FOR. Bashlyaeva, pediatric departments of the Morozov Children's City Clinical Hospital, Children's City Clinical Hospital named after. N.F. Filatov, Children's City Clinical Hospital named after. G.N. Speransky, St. Vladimir Children's City Clinical Hospital.

  • Staffing of specialists - pediatric nephrologists in Moscow

The work in the districts is coordinated by district pediatric nephrologists:

Medical organization

Shumikhina Marina Vladimirovna

Nephrourological Center Children's City Clinical Hospital No. 13 named after. N.F. Filatova DZM

Gusar Irina Leonidovna

DGP No. 79 DZM

Kharchenko Olga Vitalievna

KDO Children's Clinical Hospital No. 9 named after. G.N. Speransky, branch No. 2

Volgaeva Elena Vasilievna

DGP No. 52 DZM

Kovalenko Elena Valerievna


Kiryagina Inna Yurievna

DGP No. 145 DZM

Zaloznaya Maria Nikolaevna

DGP No. 42 DZM

Nosyreva Olga Mikhailovna

DGP No. 30 DZM

Bekmurzaeva Gulfizat Baudinovna

Children's City Clinical Hospital named after. FOR. Bashlyaeva DZM

Sokol Natalya Viktorovna

DGP No. 105 DZM

In all nephrology hospitals in Moscow, morphobioptic studies have been established, and international procedures for the treatment of steroid-dependent and steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome have been introduced.

Continuity has been established between nephrology hospitals and outpatient centers, as well as continuity between children's outpatient centers and sanatoriums. In addition, continuity has been organized between federal centers and children's health care facilities of the Department of Health, including within the framework of joint scientific and practical activities. This made it possible to develop a unified treatment and diagnostic tactics, as well as to significantly reduce (even to the point of absence) the number of requests from citizens due to the unreasonable prescription of drugs by trade name.

All children's nephrology hospitals have implemented international protocols for the treatment of secondary nephrotic syndrome, as well as congenital and hereditary kidney diseases.

Event name

Due date

Responsible executors

Document type

Expected results

World Kidney Day

Annually, March

Children's City Clinical Hospital named after. FOR. Bapshlyaeva

Order of the Department of Health

Early screening and prevention of diseases of the urinary system, increasing the effectiveness of therapy, introducing new treatment technologies

Every year on Moscow City Day.

Chief freelance specialist in pediatric nephrology Osmanov I.M.

Children's City Clinical Hospital named after. FOR. Bapshlyaeva

Order of the Department of Health

Open day for children with nephrological pathology

Every month on the last Saturday of the month

Chief freelance specialist in pediatric nephrology Osmanov I.M.

Open day for children with nephrological pathology

Early screening and prevention of diseases of the urinary system, increasing the alertness of the population in terms of diseases of the urinary system in children

Schools for parents and children with chronic kidney disease

Every month on Thursdays from 17:00 to 18:00.

Chief freelance specialist in pediatric nephrology Osmanov I.M.

Children's City Clinical Hospital named after. FOR. Bapshlyaeva

Order of the Department of Health

Primary prevention and prevention of progression of diseases of the urinary system

Scientific and practical conferences for pediatric nephrologists in Moscow

Every 2 months on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, from 15 to 18 h

Chief freelance specialist in pediatric nephrology Osmanov I.M.

Children's City Clinical Hospital named after. FOR. Bapshlyaeva

Order of the Department of Health

Nephrology sections and master classes for pediatric nephrologists in Moscow*

Monthly, last Wednesday

Chief freelance specialist in pediatric nephrology Osmanov I.M.

Chugunova O.L. – expert under the chief freelance specialist in pediatric nephrology

Children's City Clinical Hospital named after. N.F. Filatova

Order of the Department of Health

Advanced training of doctors taking into account modern domestic and world achievements

Symposium on current problems of pediatric nephrology

"Assembly for the health of the capital"

November annually

Chief freelance specialist in pediatric nephrology Osmanov I.M.

Scientific and practical conference “Health of the Capital”

Order of the Department of Health

Advanced training of doctors taking into account modern domestic and world achievements


Chief freelance specialist in pediatric nephrology Osmanov I.M.

Order of the Department of Health

Annual Moscow festival "Children's Health and Safety"

Chief freelance specialist in pediatric nephrology Osmanov I.M.

Order of the Department of Health

Joining the efforts of parents, children, doctors, educators and public organizations in the prevention and early diagnosis of diseases of the urinary system in children

Open lessons for parents at schools No. 2097, 827


Chief freelance specialist in pediatric nephrology Osmanov I.M.

Order of the Department of Health

Joining the efforts of parents, doctors, educators and public organizations in primary prevention and early diagnosis of diseases of the urinary system in children

Speeches on television, radio, and in the popular press on current issues of diseases of the urinary system in children


Chief freelance specialist in pediatric nephrology Osmanov I.M.

Moscow 24, TVC, SPAS

"Arguments and Facts"

"Medical newspaper"


"Medical Bulletin"

RSN, Moscow Speaks

Order of the Department of Health

Informing the population about modern opportunities for providing medical care to children with diseases of the urinary system

  • Improving the unified register of children with chronic renal failure
  • Continue optimization of the system of stage-by-stage monitoring of children after kidney transplantation
  • Continue to optimize conditions for the treatment of acute conditions in children after kidney transplantation, as well as for individual monitoring and treatment of children on program peritoneal dialysis at the St. Vladimir Children's City Clinical Hospital
  • Optimizing continuity, patronage and monitoring of patients with end-stage renal failure between hospitals and in outpatient settings
  • Continuation of monthly schools for parents and children with progressive kidney diseases, including chronic renal failure.
  • Continued implementation of international protocols for the treatment of secondary nephrotic syndrome, as well as congenital and hereditary kidney diseases, in all children's nephrology hospitals.
  • Improving morphological studies in children's nephrology hospitals in Moscow.
  • Replenishment of the AC DZM with specialists - pediatric nephrologists.
  • Internship for pediatric nephrologists in the world's leading clinics

Medicine and society Interview with an expert

Igor Koltunov: “Morozov Hospital is honest, multidisciplinary, modern”


He wanted to become a doctor since childhood. He came to medicine in 1985. He believes that a general practitioner and a cardiologist are the specialists who should have the widest range of knowledge. Chief physician of the Morozov Children's City Clinical Hospital, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation Igor Efimovich Koltunov tells MED-info about the hospital, medicine and life.

— When did you realize that you wanted to treat people?
— Any person probably has a natural desire for knowledge, for knowledge, for understanding how the world works. A, which gives the most holistic and complete picture of how the universe works, how the human body functions and how it evolved. I always wanted to be a doctor. Previously, I worked for about 15 years as deputy director of a research institute, supervising medical and scientific issues. And over time, I put into practice all the acquired skills in organizing the treatment process.

— Do you often have to examine patients yourself now?
“I examine children in the intensive care unit almost every day. I study their medical histories in detail. Every day at morning conferences we review all complex cases admitted to the hospital.

Every day, within 24 hours, from 150 to 500 children, of whom up to 80% need emergency and emergency specialized medical care, arrive at the emergency departments on the main territory of the hospital and its branches via ambulance and self-referral.

— Tell us about the Morozov hospital.
— Currently, it is an emergency multidisciplinary children's hospital providing medical care around the clock. Every day, within 24 hours, from 150 to 500 children, of whom up to 80% need emergency and emergency specialized medical care, arrive at the emergency departments on the main territory of the hospital and its branches via ambulance and self-referral.

At the 1st stage, emergency medical care is provided in the emergency department or, depending on the severity of the condition, in the intensive care unit of the hospital. Primary specialized medical care is provided in short-stay emergency beds of the emergency department; if necessary, hospitalization is carried out in specialized departments of the hospital. The use of emergency beds in the emergency department allows you to increase the speed of sorting of incoming sick children and optimize the choice of conditions for organizing further treatment, as well as reduce unnecessary hospitalization. However, up to 300 children are admitted to specialized hospital departments every day.

In accordance with the increased requirements for inpatient medical care, especially high-tech medical care, in recent years several new departments have been opened at the Morozov Hospital: pediatric gynecology, gastroenterology, and modern endoscopy. This gives us the opportunity to treat the patient comprehensively. Thus, a patient hospitalized in a hospital no longer needs consultations from outside specialists, but can receive all the medical care he needs in one place.

The Morozov Hospital currently employs 5 main freelance pediatric specialists of the Moscow Department of Health - an ophthalmologist, hematologist, gynecologist, oncologist, and endocrinologist.

The second task that our institution sets for itself in the near future is to reduce the number of people not directly involved in the provision of medical care as much as possible. At the same time, we will have increasing requirements for the qualifications and training of nursing staff. Our nurses must become much smarter and more efficient, be able to perform more technologically complex manipulations, which will allow us to free doctors from performing these duties, and thereby increase the efficiency of their work. On the basis of our hospital, by order of the Moscow City Department, city clinical centers were created, such as the city, city Center for the treatment of cerebrovascular pathology in children and adolescents (children's stroke center), city Center for pediatric endocrinology, city Center for pediatric rheumatology and city Center for children's reproductive health and teenagers. Our hospital also successfully operates an otorhinolaryngology clinic, an ophthalmology and eye microsurgery clinic, a clinic for urgent and planned surgery, a clinic for planned and emergency neurological care and a gastroenterology clinic with an endoscopy room, an emergency and emergency radiation diagnostics clinic. A full-profile advisory center is actively operating within the walls of our institution. Moreover, the Morozov Hospital currently employs 5 main freelance pediatric specialists of the Moscow Department of Health - an ophthalmologist, hematologist, gynecologist, oncologist, and endocrinologist.

A year ago, by decision of the Moscow city leadership, it was decided to build a new 7-story multidisciplinary medical building on the basis of the Morozov Hospital. The task has been set to create a high-tech modern medical institution, which will provide all types of medical services of almost all profiles, equipped with the best technologies that we have today in children's healthcare. This will allow us to provide patients not only with the most modern medical care in accordance with European medical standards, but also to create an appropriate level of comfort. Now, unfortunately, this is not always possible, since most hospital buildings were built according to designs from the middle of the last century, when other requirements were imposed on the organization of the treatment process.

The main task of the head of any modern children's medical institution, in my opinion, is to make the child's stay there as non-hospital as possible, to get away from everything that reminds us of the corridor system of Soviet times, when the patient was forced to lie in a 7-8-bed ward . The interiors, design, and level of communication with medical staff must meet this requirement. But all this can only be organized in an institution adapted for such purposes, in our case in a new modern building, into which we expect to move in the coming years.

“The main task of the head of any modern children’s medical institution, in my opinion, is to make the child’s stay there as non-hospital as possible.”

— Is being a doctor a profession or a calling?
(Thinks.) A doctor is both. In any profession. In any profession, a person with a calling works better than without it. In addition to human qualities (decency, honesty, conscientious attitude to his work), a doctor must have good basic knowledge and clinical thinking.

— Morozov Hospital is a children's city multidisciplinary emergency specialized medical institution. Continue the sentence “I’m going there because she...”
— Honest, multidisciplinary, modern... Over the course of several years of the modernization program, the Morozov Hospital received a total of about 900 million rubles in equipment and funds. This is directly the money that was spent on the purchase of new equipment, and the money spent on the introduction of modern medical standards of treatment and care.

— How to motivate medical university students to go to work at the Morozov hospital or in free medicine in general?
— I think that students should first of all have the motivation that medicine is an eternal profession as long as people exist on earth. This is a fairly well paid profession today. The state and society have already understood this. In addition to the fact that you bring benefit to people and help them, you can also protect yourself and your family by possessing medical knowledge.

Over the course of several years of the modernization program, the Morozov Hospital received a total of about 900 million rubles in equipment and funds.

— In one of your interviews, you said that the higher , the greater the motivation and the higher the efficiency. How to achieve this understanding, the confidence that this doctor can be trusted?
— First of all, it depends on the doctor, because the doctor must understand and evaluate the patient’s intellectual level, the complexity of the problem, the disease, and, based on this, select key points in order to earn his trust. And the patient, accordingly, should not have any deliberate rejection, hostility or aggression.

— I read that the hospital works with charitable foundations. How does communication happen?
— Funds make proposals and talk about their capabilities. When we have an emergency, we turn to them. Or, on the contrary, patients from the foundation come and say that such and such issues will be resolved by the foundation for them. Or the foundation contacts us with a specific patient whom it is ready to provide financially, and sets us a problem that we solve.

— You have held the post of chief physician of the Morozov Hospital since May 2011. What can you brag about?
— All achievements are the achievements of the entire team of our institution. In 2013, for the first time, Morozov Hospital was awarded the title “Best Hospital of the Year.” We have been working towards this for several years. In 2012, we received our first mayoral commendation for our achievements in healthcare. I think this is quite sufficient from an administrative point of view. As for what has been done for patients, we have completely solved the problem of being in infectious disease wards: there is one child in one ward. Previously, it was necessary to place two children in one box, because the number of declared beds did not correspond to the number of incoming children. We have completely solved the problem of being present: almost everywhere, except for intensive care, a mother can be with her child 24 hours a day, regardless of the severity of his condition. Not to mention the fact that the number of patients treated increased by 50%. We have developed new technologies and opened new clinical departments. And over the past 2 years, we have acquired 5 institutions that have helped us create a more high-tech, complex medical service that is more in demand.

— Parting words to our readers.
— Do not self-medicate and consult a doctor as soon as possible if any questions arise. Don't delay.

Photos by Oksana Plisenkova
Main photo provided by the press service of the State Public Institution of the Department of Health of the Central Administrative District of Moscow

Medical care must be timely and of high quality, and medical facilities must be accessible to patients. Governor Andrei Vorobyov sets this task for regional healthcare.

We talked about what will change in the work of our medical institutions with the chief physician of the Odintsovo central district hospital, Igor Koltunov, who headed it in April.

Prepared by Maria BAKHIREVA

– Igor Efimovich, you have extensive experience working in the capital’s healthcare system; you headed the Morozov Children’s City Clinical Hospital for a long time. What is your impression of the central district hospital in Odintsovo?

– First of all, I saw a good, well-coordinated team of specialists who have been working together for quite a long time. This is important because the most important thing in our ministry is dedication to the profession, mutual understanding of like-minded people. I can especially note the wonderful maternity hospital with modern equipment. Of course, there are also problems - there is no escape from them. But we will work with it.

What is Odintsovo Central District Hospital today? The institution is on the path of great development. Now a unified healthcare system is being formed, the main principle of which is: one municipality - one legal entity. At the same time, all existing units will continue to operate. Consequently, the responsibility of both the head of the medical institution and all doctors will be completely different. In fact, the institution becomes directly responsible for the health of every resident of the district.

– What changes await the Central District Hospital in connection with the reorganization?

– For us, the primary question is what the patient will get from such a reorganization. In fact, each of our residents will be able to visit any health care facility in the district without certificates or referrals. As a result of modernization, a unified information space will be created. All medical documentation, all tests and studies will be located in a single database. What is also important is that thanks to such a system, in places where, for objective reasons, there are no or not enough specialists, we will be able to open a queue and within seven days call a mobile team or organize a telemedicine consultation with any doctor.

– What will change in the work of doctors? Workload, salary?

– The personnel will receive at least new modern equipment, which is extremely important today. This ensures that healthcare workers are more productive while reducing their current workload. Thanks to high-tech medicine, complications in the treatment of patients will be reduced. As for salaries, we plan to increase the salaries of doctors and nurses by 20 percent within a year. I want to emphasize that this will not happen through staff reductions, but through logistics solutions for patient routing, modern equipment and new technologies.

There will naturally be an increase in so-called completed cases, excuse the professional terminology. Now we are “losing” patients with complex diseases, we are sending such patients to other medical institutions, more often to the capital. For example, today in the Odintsovo district there is not a single angiographic installation, so a patient with acute myocardial infarction cannot be provided with modern medical care. He is urgently sent either to Krasnogorsk or Moscow. The same is true for cerebrovascular accidents. To treat such cases, a round-the-clock team of neurosurgeons is required, and at least a neurosurgical office must be open. As a result of modernization, we will have all this.

– Is it possible now to talk about specific terms for the implementation of the program?

– Yes, we have set deadlines, modernization has already begun. The first stage in the next six months is planned to upgrade the traumatology, ENT department, pediatrics and maternity hospital. The second stage is the regional vascular center, which will take nine months - a maximum of a year. And the third stage, which we expect to complete in a year and a half, is a centralized laboratory service that will serve the entire district. It is important that such a service will give us the opportunity to detect oncology and treat severe chronic diseases for which there is currently no basis.

I repeat – we are creating a district healthcare system. It gives the doctor a decent salary, the opportunity to use modern equipment, and therefore consistently achieve positive treatment results. Patients will receive not formal, but real accessibility to medical institutions, a real choice of where to be treated, whereas previously this was possible only by referral. The attachment system will remain, but it will be attached to the Odintsovo central district hospital, and you will be able to visit any medical institution in the district.

Our information

Igor Efimovich Koltunov– Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation.

Born September 9, 1968. Graduated with honors from the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute with a degree in Pediatrics. He has the highest qualification category in the specialties “Pediatrics” and “Public Health and Healthcare Organization”, as well as valid certificates in the specialties “Cardiology”, “Pediatrics”, GCP, “Public Health and Healthcare Organization”.

Since 1994, he worked at the State Scientific Research Center for Preventive Medicine of the Ministry of Health. In 2011, he headed the Morozov Children's City Clinical Hospital of Moscow.

Since November 2018 - Director of the Scientific and Methodological Gerontological Center "Peredelkino" of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of Moscow.

Since April 23, 2019, he has held the position of chief physician of the Odintsovo Central District Hospital.