What eye color is less often green or blue. Does a person have real red eyes? Purple eye color: hoax or reality

The eyes are definitely the window to the soul, and if you know anything about eyes or windows, you know they come in different shades and colors!

Most often, you see brown, blue or hazel eyes when you look at people around you, but some people have very rare eye colors. What are the rarest eye colors and how are they obtained?

Did you know?

Only 2% of the world's population has green eyes! Talk about rare! Next time you see someone with this color, let them know this fact.

Which one is the most unique?

This list of rare eye colors is in no particular order, and if your eye color is one of the listed, consider yourself very rare.

1. Black eyes

Have you ever seen someone with eyes that seem black as night? Even though they appear black, they are actually just very, very dark brown. This is caused by an abundance of melanin. You can only tell the difference between a pupil and an iris when looking at a person in bright light!

2. Red/pink eye

Two main conditions cause the eye color to appear red or pinkish: albinism and blood leaking into the iris. Although albinos typically have very light blue eyes due to a lack of pigment, some forms of albinism can cause the eye color to appear red or pink.

3. Amber eyes

This beautiful golden eye color is often confused with brown. The difference is that brown eyes have brown and green undertones, while amber eyes have a solid color. With a little melanin and a lot of carotenoid, the eyes of this shade almost glow! Several different animals have this eye color, but it is truly rare in humans.

4. Green eyes

Very little melanin, but too much carotenoid. Only two percent of the world's population have green eyes. This is definitely a very rare color!

5. Purple eyes

Oh, what purple-blue! This color is most often found in people with albinism. They say it is impossible to have purple eyes without albinism. Combine the lack of pigment with the light reflecting off the blood vessels in the eyes and you get that beautiful purple color!

6. Heterochromia

This is not a set of colors, but a rather rare eye disease:

  • one iris in the eye is a different color from the other irises (David Bowie!);
  • there is a place in the iris where one part is a completely different color than the rest of the iris due to pigmentation.

This is a rather unusual type of eye. And some people wear contact lenses to make their eye color more uniform. And I think that this eye color is beautiful, and such a rarity should be appreciated by others!

What determines the color of your eyes?

Many people argue that these are purely genetic factors. For the most part this is true. However, there are also genes that determine a person's eye color.

We now know what determines eye color:

  • melanin (brown pigment);
  • carotenoid (yellow pigment).

When you see someone with slightly blue eyes, it means there is a lack of melanin or brown pigmentation.

We all used to have brown eyes?

It is believed that the human race previously only had brown eyes and due to genetic mutations, other options appeared. Perhaps this is why brown is the most common (but no less beautiful)!

So many people who have perfect vision choose to wear contacts just to have a rare eye color, so if you have a rare color, consider yourself lucky!

When meeting a person, probably everyone would like to know what to expect from such people or how to behave correctly with them in order to achieve what they want. It is worth considering that not only actions, but also facial expressions and gestures can tell a lot about a particular person. Probably, many have heard such an ancient expression as “The eyes are the mirror of the soul,” but few have thought about whether this is true or not. Just by looking into a person’s eyes, you can understand and see a lot about him, of course, if you know exactly how to look correctly.

How to determine the influence of eye color on a person’s character?

Eye color is given to a person from birth and can change at the moment when we ourselves change. Today you can easily and quickly change your eye color with the help of contact lenses, but there are often cases when a change in the natural color of the eyes occurs. As a rule, this phenomenon is directly related to changes that affect the mental state and morals.

Scientists have concluded that the more intense and brightly expressed the color of the eyes, the stronger will be the manifestation of human passions, filling with energy and taking an active position in life. Consequently, the lighter the shade of the eyes, the more romantic and tender the person’s soul.

The intensity and brightness of the color in the iris indicates precisely the creative beginning of the individual. Gentle natures are characterized by warm shades of eyes, while cold ones speak of a firm and persistent character.

Black eyes

People with black eyes are characterized by such traits as impulsiveness, energy and initiative. For such people, it is simply vital to constantly be in the center of everyone's attention. These individuals always become the real soul of the company, and at work they become exemplary employees.

Black-eyed people are optimists, at the same time they are very responsible and reliable, but at the same time they are also distinguished by their mystery and rather secretive character, which is why it is very difficult for them to open their souls even to close friends.

If serious difficulties or problems arise, they can show strong aggression and irritability, at the same time they are not able to harbor a grudge for too long and quickly forget it.

Owners of black eyes are always confident in themselves and their own abilities, while they are characterized by fearlessness and innovative thinking, but they can be very amorous. Such people are characterized by a very hot temperament, sensitivity and sexuality, which is difficult for representatives of the opposite sex to resist.

Such people always know what to do to please others, they can radiate warmth and charm, and love to be in the center of all events. Black-eyed individuals are very selective in people, but at the same time remain demanding of others, as well as of themselves. Such individuals cannot sit in one place for too long, because they are very enterprising and passionate, they always want to be the first in everything, which they constantly prove in practice.

Brown eyes

Owners of this eye color are very temperamental and energetic; it is very easy for these individuals to flirt, and quite often intrigue becomes their faithful companion for life.

Brown-eyed people love to be the center of attention always and everywhere, because their life is not just one big play, but a real one-man show, where those around them act as scenery.

Brown-eyed people not only love, but urgently need constant praise, because they want to hear every day how unforgettable, beautiful, bright and amazing they are. If there is no praise in the lives of people with brown eyes, they begin to feel severe discomfort.

Often such people crave power, while they are very enterprising, gambling and can be aggressive if they do not get what they want in a timely manner. Despite the fact that these individuals are too touchy, they also quickly leave behind all grievances.

People who are close to brown-eyed people cannot get rid of the unpleasant feeling that they are constantly living on a powder keg, because they simply do not know what to expect from them.

Owners of brown eyes amaze others with their attractiveness, sociability, wit and sensuality. The darker the eye shade, the more pronounced all the character traits listed above are.

Light brown eyes

People with light brown eyes are more theoreticians than practitioners, while they are quite passive, lazy, very touchy, impressionable, and sometimes withdrawn.

These individuals are very hardworking pragmatists who constantly strive for isolation, while they do not tolerate advice and instructions. Owners of light brown eyes love to reflect on the essence of existence. Quite often their tendency to laziness is so high that it exceeds all limits.

But, despite their laziness and passivity, these people have a truly unique ability to easily and quickly complete even the most complex tasks, showing incredible productivity, while at the same time they hardly bother.

From the outside it may seem that people with light brown eyes are very soft and pliable, but they like to do everything the way they want and almost never agree with the opinions of others.

Yellow eyes

It is very rare to find people with such an unusual eye color as yellow. These individuals have truly special talents, they are very charming and artistic, cunning and inventive, so they can quite easily find a way out of almost any situation.

Yellow-eyed people are always good and loyal friends, and no obstacle can stop them if a loved one is in trouble and needs their help. But such individuals are often very insidious and mysterious, and therefore can become dangerous opponents.

These people will never accept a situation in which someone will impose their own rules. They have poor control over emotions and perfectly sense insincerity, lies and falsehood in the words of their interlocutor. Men with yellow eyes become brave defenders and faithful companions for their chosen ones.

Tiger yellow eyes

This is the rarest human eye color, which can also be called snake eye. Individuals with this eye shade have a sharp and extraordinary mind; they are very unpredictable and original.

It is believed that people with exactly this eye color have well-developed intuition, so it is very difficult to confuse them. Such individuals are their own masters, but they are very wary of strangers.

Thanks to their excellent artistry and natural flexibility, they quite easily and simply get out of any unpleasant situations and conflicts, but do not put their own person at risk at all. Such people are very vindictive and vindictive, and therefore become extremely dangerous enemies.

Green eyes

As a rule, owners of green eyes are very assertive and purposeful individuals, but sometimes these qualities develop into banal obstinacy. It is very difficult to predict in advance how these individuals will behave in a given situation, because they love to try on new roles every day, which brings them unforgettable pleasure.

Green-eyed people have well-developed intuition, and what is very important for them is the firm belief that all the actions they take will lead to a visible effect and will not be in vain.

Such individuals perceive their opinion as correct, the thoughts of loved ones occupy an honorable second place, but what everyone else thinks does not bother them at all. At the same time, green-eyed people strongly dislike entering into open confrontations and always try to avoid sensitive situations when they may find themselves in an uncomfortable position. As a rule, such individuals will not take absolutely any action until they carefully calculate their every step.

Gray-green eyes

People with gray-green eyes always have their own opinion on all the events happening around them. They have outstanding intuition, which is why they feel completely confident in any situation.

These individuals are very determined and patient pragmatists, conscientious and hardworking. People with gray-green eyes are devoted and tender with their significant other, while they can spend all their energy searching for the chosen one, but they choose only once and for all. If some serious and important issue needs to be resolved, they will show firmness and toughness, at the same time they know how to listen well.

Gray-green-blue eyes

People with such an unusual and interesting eye color have a completely different attitude towards love. These individuals talk a lot about romance and dreams, while their main distinguishing feature is strong egoism and whims. At the same time, owners of this eye color are endowed with cruelty and coldness.

Gray eyes

Owners of this eye shade are very reasonable, conscientious, inquisitive and thoughtful, in almost all their actions they are guided by practicality and always have both feet firmly on the ground.

These individuals are almost never in a hurry, and at the same time they are rarely late. They are very secretive, do not like to make their problems public, and try not to show their feelings in public.

People with gray eyes prefer cold calculations, so they almost never rely on their own intuition. If you have to solve a problem, especially when it requires intelligence, no one can cope with the task better than the grey-eyed ones.

They have a reserved and dry character, which can cause certain difficulties associated with the emotional sphere. Gray-eyed people try to find inspiration in their close surroundings and become completely happy if there is a person nearby who can fill them with bright emotions. Very faithful in love, they extremely rarely cheat on their chosen ones.

Blue eyes

People with blue eyes are capable of showing strong feelings. If they fall in love, then without further thought they rush into love, not paying any attention to the advice or prohibitions of their relatives. However, if they didn’t like someone, they will hate them just as quickly and strongly. But these individuals rarely limit themselves only to the manifestation of negative emotions, since they very easily move on to decisive military action.

Blue-eyed people love to get into disputes and conflicts, because they get indescribable pleasure from the process itself, since it is very important for them to prove to everyone around them that they are right and aware of any issue.

Disputes and conflicts are the element of blue-eyed personalities, and they are subjective in them, because first of all they will be guided only by their own dislikes and likes, but not by common sense.

Blue eyes

Owners of blue eyes are very dreamy and romantic, emotional and sensual. If such people lack emotions in life, they will quickly and easily come up with them on their own.

Excessive sentimentality is clearly visible in the character of such people, but this does not prevent them from having numerous affairs and affairs. It is because of this that it can be very difficult for blue-eyed individuals to find true love in their lives.

They are very vulnerable and sensitive, quickly get offended, and can lose their temper at lightning speed, so it will be difficult for close people to atone for their guilt before them. Such individuals can, even many years later, accurately reproduce the words and intonation that offended them.

The mood of blue-eyed people changes quite often, due to the fact that they are prone to strong emotions and can succumb to depression, even if there is absolutely no good reason for this.

Such individuals may have not just diverse, but also unexpected talents. The main distinguishing feature of blue-eyed people is that they are able to adapt almost instantly to absolutely any conditions.

This is a very rare eye shade that is not a specific color, as it is a unique feature of a particular person. Such individuals can change the shade of their eyes for a variety of reasons - for example, depending on their own mood, circumstances or environment. There are practically no clear boundaries here.

Owners of such an interesting eye color are prone to sudden mood swings, as well as changeability in their own desires. The fact is that each shade will make some specific adjustments to the personality.

People with chameleon eyes are able to easily and quickly integrate into a variety of life circumstances; they simply adapt to new conditions, practically without experiencing a feeling of discomfort. These individuals are very consistent in their actions, they like organization in everything, however, despite this, they most often act impulsively and spontaneously, which makes them completely unpredictable.

For more information on how eye color affects character, see here:

Have you ever seen a person with amber eyes? What about a person with green or red eyes? No?! Then, you will be a little surprised if you find out that everything is not some myth that has been brought forward for centuries, but is quite real. Although there are not many people with such rare eye colors, they still exist.

However, there is nothing sci-fi or extraordinary about this. Everything is quite natural, since he depends mainly on the pigmentation of the iris.

What is the iris of the eye: light, psycho-emotional and hereditary components

The iris of the eye is an almost impenetrable thin and mobile diaphragm of the eye with a pupil in the center, located behind the cornea (between the posterior and anterior chambers of the eye), in front of the lens. The color of the iris depends mainly on the amount of coloring pigment called melanin (responsible for color and affects the shade of skin and hair), as well as on the thickness of the eye shell itself.

There is a direct dependence of the color of the eyes on the reaction of the pupil to light, that is, the pupil reacts to light. When the pupil is constricted, the pigments of the iris are concentrated and the eyes begin to darken, and when the pupil is dilated, on the contrary, the pigments of the iris are dispersed and the eyes begin to lighten. In addition, the emotions that a person experiences also affect the size of the pupil, and, depending on the psycho-emotional state, his eye color may be different.

Eye type. For different people, these are combinations of combinations of four main factors:

  1. the blood vessels of the iris have a bluish tint: blue, cyan, gray;
  2. content of coloring pigment (melanin) in the iris: brown, black;
  3. the content of certain substances in the iris (often associated with liver diseases): yellow;
  4. bloody iris (only in case of albinism): red.

If you correlate these factors with each other, the result will be a certain color. For example, swamp is a mixture of brown and blue, green is a mixture of yellow and blue, and so on.

Top 5

What color do you think the eyes are? Honestly, it is difficult, or most likely impossible, to determine since there are so many different shades of eye colors, some of which are very rare and very rare.

Below is a list of 5 varieties of eye colors (from the rarest to more or less natural), which are less common, which makes them, in turn, more unique compared to the rest.

1. Purple eye color: hoax or reality!

It turns out that purple eye color is. There is an opinion that it is impossible to have purple eyes by nature. This is not entirely true. Purple eyes come from mixing red and blue shades.

From a genetic point of view, violet eyes are a similarity to blue eyes, namely a reflection, pigment or variant of the color blue. However, there are scientific facts that prove that people living in the remote and high altitude areas of North Kashmir have purple eye color. However, this unique eye color is very rare.

Varieties of purple eye color: ultramarine (bright blue), amethyst and hyacinth (blue-purple).

2. Green eyes: gene for red hair

Green eye color is second only to violet in rarity. This type of eye color is determined by a small amount of the coloring pigment, melanin, which, in combination with the light brown or yellow pigment lipofuscin (distributed in the outer layer of the iris), gives green coloring to the eyes. T

This coloring is usually uneven with many different shades. There is an opinion that the red hair gene may play a role in the formation of green eye color. Pure green color is an extremely rare phenomenon (only 2% of the world's population has green eyes). Carriers of this color are found mainly in Central and Northern Europe, less often in the southern part of Europe. According to a study of the adult population of Holland and Iceland, green eyes are much less common in men than women.

Varieties of green eye color: bottle green (dark green), light green (light green with a yellowish tint), emerald green, grass green, jade, leaf green, emerald brown, sea green (blue) green).

3. Red eye color: albino eye

Red eyes are called albino eyes, although more than usual, since blue and brown eyes are more common among them. This rare phenomenon is associated with the absence of the coloring pigment melanin in the ectodermal and mesodermal layers of the iris, and therefore eye color is determined by the blood vessels and collagen fibers of the iris. Sometimes, but very rarely, red eye color, when mixed with blue stromal color, can turn violet (purple).

4. Amber Eye Color: Golden Eyes

Amber color is essentially a type of brown. These are clear, bright eyes with a distinct warm golden color. True amber eyes are very rare, and due to the monotonous light yellow-brown coloring, the eyes have a rather exotic appearance, like the eyes of a wolf. Sometimes, amber eyes can be characterized by a reddish-copper or golden-green tint.

Varieties of amber eye color: yellowish brown, golden brown.

5. Black eye color: high concentration of melanin

Black eyes, although considered rare, are much more common than all previous ones. Due to the fact that the black iris has a very high concentration of the coloring pigment melanin, the light that falls on it will be almost completely absorbed. This type of eyes is common mainly among the Negroid race: in East, South and Southeast Asia. In addition to the black iris, the color of the eyeball may have a grayish or yellowish tint.

Varieties of black eye color: bluish black, pitch black, obsidian color, pitch black, dark almond, thick black.

Congenital eye defects or heterochromia

Heterochromia is a congenital or acquired (due to disease or injury) eye disorder in which there is a different color of the irises of a person’s eyes, that is, a person has eyes of different colors.

Heterochromia is divided into two types:

  • complete (eyes are completely different in color);
  • partial or sectoral (part of the eye has a color difference from the rest of the iris).

Although this phenomenon is more typical for dogs and cats, people have cases too heterochromia, such as the famous American actresses Daniela Ruah and Kate Bosworth.

Video - why eyes are so different

Purple, red, green, black, amber! There are very few people with such eye colors, but this in no way diminishes them, but, on the contrary, makes them increasingly unique and extravagant. Violet– this is the color of purity and psychic energies, green is the color of youth and vitality, amber– strength and endurance, black– mysticism and magic, and red– ambition and passion.

Do you have a rare color? Which did you see most unusual eye color?

It happens like this: a stranger and there seems to be nothing special about him, but you can’t take your eyes off him! What attracts and fascinates us? Eyes! And their main advantage is the huge variety of colors! Almost every person in the world has their own shade! But they are all divided into groups - blue, brown, green, gray.

Most common eye color

It is believed that there are more brown-eyed people in the world. Moreover, according to scientists, initially all people were born with brown eyes, and all other colors occurred through the process of mutation - about ten thousand years ago. And still, even after thousands of years, brown remains the most common color in the world. Except that the inhabitants of the Baltic countries are predominantly light-eyed.

The rarest

Oddly enough, the least common people in the world are people with green eyes. Scientists believe that only 2% of the planet's inhabitants have this eye color. This fact is still associated with the Middle Ages, believing that such a small percentage of green-eyed people in modern society is the result of the Inquisition. At that time, as is known, women with this eye color were considered witches and burned at the stake, which made procreation impossible.

The most unusual eye color

Two percent is, of course, very little, but there is an eye color that is even less common - lilac. It’s hard to even believe that this is possible without Photoshop and lenses until you see a person with violet-colored eyes in person. One thousandth of a percent is exactly how many such people are in the world. They are called indigos, they are admired, and only scientists are skeptical that there is nothing supernatural in this, and explain that this is a mutation called “the origin of Alexandria.” This is not a disease and the process is extremely little studied.

What is known for sure is that babies are born with blue or gray eyes, but literally six months later the color of their eyes changes towards purple. A bright representative of “violet” eyes is the legendary and unique Elizabeth Taylor. Who knows, maybe the secret of her unsurpassability is in her magical gaze!

The human eye is beautiful and unique. Like finger patterns, it is specific to each person, and the gaze allows you to convey the widest range of emotions. People of European descent show the greatest diversity in eye color among the world's population. However, research shows that in ancient times all people had brown eyes, and other unusual shades appeared as a result of mutations. Based on this logic, all tones other than brown can be called the strangest and most unusual. Today, in most cases, the color ranges from the darkest shades of brown to the lightest blue, but more unusual variations are also found.

Top 10 Most Unusual Eye Colors in People Around the World

The color of a person's eye is determined by two factors - the pigmentation of the iris and the way it scatters the light passing through it. Genes determine how much melanin is present. The more melanin, the darker the color.

A boy with unusual blue eyes

However, everyone knows that for some people, the tone of their eyes tends to change depending on the lighting. The reason is the double layer of the iris. The color depends on which layer reflects the light. Approximately 79% of the world's population has brown eyes, making them the most common eye color on the planet. After brown, 8-10% of the world's people have blue eyes, 5% have amber or hazel eyes, and 2% of the world's people have green eyes. Rare tones include grey, red, purple, black.

  1. Black is the rarest.
  2. Red or pink is a disease of albinos.
  3. Purple is an illusion in certain lighting.
  4. Green is rare and beautiful.
  5. Amber - mysterious golden, honey and cat eyes.
  6. Walnut is one of the rarest soft colors.
  7. Heterochromia - eyes of different colors.
  8. Blue and cyan are the most attractive to humans.
  9. Gray - the shine of cold steel.
  10. Brown is the most common color in humans throughout the world.

Black is the strangest and most frightening

Have you ever seen someone with eyes that appear black as night? In fact, this is just an illusion and a trick of the eye, since the black iris does not exist in nature.

The eyes appear black, strange and frightening only from afar

Although these eyes look strange and black, they are actually dark brown, which is caused by an abundance of melanin. However, the presence of a pupil against the background of the iris can only be determined in bright daylight. Such strong pigmentation is extremely rare, so black eyes can be called the most unusual, strange and frightening in the world.

Red or pink is a sign of illness

A person with severe forms of albinism often has red or pink eyes. This is caused by extremely low levels of melanin, which allows the blood vessels to show through. These are some of the most unusual and strange eyes in the world, as they are extremely rare.

Because a person with albinism lacks pigment in the iris, light reflects off the back of the organ. The resulting strange coloration is due to the reflection of the network of blood vessels in the back of the retina. The iris can appear purple when this red tone is combined with the bluish color of the iris caused by a lack of melanin and the aforementioned light scattering effects.

In fact, the reason why eyes appear red is the same reason why red eyes appear in photos, which is caused by light reflecting off the back of the eye and passing through the iris. In normal eyes and lighting conditions, light cannot escape the eye in this way.

Purple - strange optical effect

Speaking about real purple, which is practically not found in nature, it is worth remembering again about albinism, which is the cause of its occurrence. However, often due to optical effects - lighting, skin tone or the desired tone of makeup, ordinary blue eyes begin to appear violet. The most famous example of this unusual effect is Elizabeth Taylor's eyes, which appear lavender in certain lighting. She does however have a set of double eyelashes: a rare genetic mutation.

Actress Elizabeth Taylor has unusual purple eyes

Amber - an unusual effect of the sun in human eyes

Natural amber eyes are very rare to find - they are almost as rare as green ones. During their entire lives, most people do not meet other representatives of their species with such an unusual appearance. According to official statistics, only about 5% of people can boast of amber-colored eyes. Amber occurs due to the presence of a yellow pigment called lipochrome. This causes people's irises to exhibit unusual reddish-copper and yellowish-gold hues that can sometimes be confused with hazel.

Amber eyes are often called wolf eyes due to the distinct golden and dirty yellowish tone with a coppery tint, similar to that seen in the gaze of wolves. In addition to wolves, amber eye color can also be found in other representatives of the fauna: dogs, domestic cats, owls, eagles, pigeons and fish.

You can see photos of celebrities with this color:

  • Nicole Richie
  • Nikki Reed
  • Evangeline Lilly
  • Darren Criss
  • Rochelle Aytes
  • Joey Kern

Nicole Richie's unusual amber eye color

Walnut - unusual and deep

About 5% have hazel eyes, caused by a combination of melanin and light scattering. They seem to be some of the strangest in the world as they sometimes change colors to green, brown and blue. In some cases, light is refracted in a special way, resulting in a multi-colored lining of the iris, where the predominant color depends on the wavelength of light entering the eye.

Green - rare and layered

Only about 2% of people see the world with green eyes. Even if this number is accurate, 2% of 7.3 billion people is 146 million. This is approximately the population of Russia. The green color is due to low levels of melanin, the presence of a yellowish lipochrome pigment, and a blue tone caused by the scattering of reflected light. When all these factors come together, the color green is the color most common in Central, Western and Northern Europe.
You can see photos of celebrities with green eyes:

  • Adele
  • Emma Stone
  • Amanda Seyfried
  • Clive Owen
  • Kate Middleton
  • Gael Garcia Bernal

Kate Middleton's Royal Green Eyes

Heterochromia - strange and unusual games of nature

Heterochromia - strange and completely unusual-looking eyes. This occurs in cases where a person has two different eye colors at the same time. Complete heterochromia means that the iris of each eye has a different color. Sectoral heterochromia occurs when one eye reflects two different tones at once. Despite its rarity, heterochromia is present, for example, in David Bowie and Kate Bosworth.

Heterochromia of the eyes - an unusual and exciting look

Blue and light blue - rare and extremely attractive

Approximately 8-10% of the world's people have blue eyes. There is no blue pigmentation in the shell, so the blue color is a consequence of the low level of melanin secreted in the upper layer of the iris. However, research conducted by the University of Copenhagen in 2008 showed unusual results. A genetic failure that occurred about 10,000 years ago led to the appearance of blue eyes. Europe has the highest volume of blue-eyed people globally, while Finland tops the list of countries with the highest percentage of blue-eyed people at 89%.

Gray - rare, but not considered strange or unusual

Gray eyes are sometimes confused with blue eyes. Both colors are caused by low levels of melanin in the anterior layer of the iris. The appearance of gray occurs due to light scattering from the darker epithelium. Upon closer inspection, the gray color sometimes includes small flecks of yellow or brown. Gray eyes are most common in Northern and Eastern Europe.

Gray eyes - a rare cold shade

Brown is the most common eye color in the world

Approximately 79% of people in the world have brown eyes, making it the most common color in humans. The chestnut color is determined by its pigmentation and can be found in a wide range of different shades of dark, medium, and light. A dark brown iris is the result of an extremely high volume of melanin content. The largest distribution zones are:

  • East Asia;
  • Southeast Asia;
  • Africa.

Iris of light, reddish-brown shades is the effect of low levels of melanin. The soft brown eye look is most common in Europe, Western Asia and America. Eye pigmentation is passed on from parents to offspring genetically. However, parents with brown eyes do not necessarily have children with the same shade, as a combination of the parents' genes may result in a different color.

People have the strangest eyes in the world

Going beyond color, it is worth paying attention to the shape and size of the eyes: here it is impossible to present a classification, since each person and case is individual and is a strange deviation from the norm. For example, the largest eyes in the world belong to Maria Telnaya, a model of Ukrainian origin living in Paris. The classic European eye shape is combined with an unusually huge size: Maria resembles an alien, and photo and catwalk designers are trying to emphasize this effect in every possible way.

Alien and unusual eyes of Maria Telnaya

There are a number of diseases that can change the appearance of the eyes and make them unusually strange:

  • Microphthalmia is a condition in which one or both eyeballs are abnormally small.
  • Anophthalmia - the patient is born with the absence of one or both eyes. These rare disorders develop during pregnancy.
  • Polycoria. The pupil is a round hole that gets larger as the light fades and smaller as the light gets brighter. It's rare, but some people have more than one pupil in one eye. It is not clear what causes polycoria, but there may be a connection with diseases such as glaucoma and cataracts. Not everyone needs treatment, but if necessary, surgery can restore vision weakened by the disease.
  • Cat's eye syndrome, or Schmid-Fraccaro syndrome, is a rare disorder of chromosome 22. The term "cat's eye" was coined due to the peculiar appearance of vertical colobomas in the eyes of some patients. However, more than half of those suffering from this disease do not have this trait. No matter how mysterious the description of a cat's eye on a person may sound, it doesn't look so good in the photo.

The Unusual Effect of Cat's Eye Syndrome

Strange and unusual eyes attract attention and captivate from the first moment. However, it is worth remembering that such “oddities” can be quite common in some situations. As mentioned earlier, hair and eyes of dark, predominantly chestnut colors predominate in the vast majority of areas of the planet. However, there are several countries where, in fact, light green or blue eyes appear in newborns more often than brown ones. For example, this situation is typical for Great Britain: in Ireland and Scotland, 86% of residents have green or blue eyes. In Iceland, this is typical for 89% of beautiful ladies and 87% of men. If we consider the European race globally, green eyes in most cases appear in a person of Celtic-Germanic origin.
