Alcohol addiction occurs quickly. Alcohol addiction

Today I decided to think about how addiction to alcohol occurs. Well, who do we call an alcoholic? Few would say that this is someone who is addicted to alcohol.

In any alcoholic, it is necessary to see, first of all, a person, albeit a heavy drinker. After all, an alcoholic has the same life problems as the rest of us, but these problems are not visible due to the fact that we see only one side of the coin - alcohol abuse and pathological dependence on it, since alcohol serves as a kind of antidepressant, which, although would be temporary, but dulls feelings and emotions.

Over time, an alcohol addict seriously believes that he can give up drinking or stop drinking at any moment, but this is a common misconception, because only in isolated cases will he be able to do this on his own.

Alcohol penetrates anyone, regardless of his strength and will, since all efforts will be directed towards drinking alcohol. While relieving the tension that arose after a difficult work week, it is usually not immediately noticed, the tension that weighed you down once a week begins to overcome you more and more often. And now you drink not once a week, but almost every day.

Moreover, understanding this does not happen immediately, but when you are already so involved that you cannot do without outside help. This is real addiction, and therefore addiction. Alcohol gains complete control over you, over your emotions, and desperate attempts to call on strength and will for help fail. Therefore, if they think that they are weak-willed and weak person, then this is not entirely true.

Once alcohol has gained complete control over you, you begin to live “in a world” where everything will be fixated on it. Alcohol will be both a medicine and a remedy for mental problems, and a reason for meeting old friends, everything will revolve around it. When, after drinking alcohol, you will first be in a state of relaxation, in a state of euphoria, and then alcohol will become yours " medical device”, with the help of which you will have to “treat” withdrawal symptoms.

But not everyone gets it right away and people continue to drink.

You should not be sure that this cannot affect you, that this is a “finished” person, and you are quite successful and live quite well. Alcohol has decimated great minds, great talents, and mere mortals. He does not divide people into classes, but slashes and passes through destinies like a hot knife through butter. As one of the greats said: “Alcohol will worse than an epidemic." A

An alcoholic is not a special person, anyone can take his place, but some features that distinguish him from a teetotaler still exist. The character, the demeanor and even the way he speaks changes - everything changes in a person when addiction is revealed, when walking calmly past display cases with alcohol becomes a dilemma, and even knocking back a glass of beer or a glass of vodka in the evening becomes commonplace.

Why is this happening? So far, not a single scientist in the world has been able to solve this. Probably, if I had known, there wouldn’t be so many alcoholics in the world.

Among the many reasons for addiction to alcohol, the most likely is systematic daily use (household), when every evening you are fixated on the next dose. In this case, you need to understand that you are already a prisoner of alcohol, that it has completely taken over and controls you.

Only then will it be possible to change something, i.e. until it dawns on you that everything is a limit, a line, and after that there is only a cliff and an abyss, from which not many are lucky enough to get out. As they say, “everyone stops drinking, but not everyone managed to stop drinking during their lifetime.” Only because you realize the complexity of the situation, submit to reason and admit that you are an alcoholic or a person dependent on alcohol, only in this case can you not become a victim and achieve success on the path to a sober life.

You should not abuse alcohol, but it is better to give it up completely in order to follow the right path. Each of us is the “smith of our own destiny”, our own life path, along which he goes until the end of his days, but is it really necessary to waste it on suffering from a hangover or fighting the “green serpent”?

There are enough bright moments in life that you can get without “libations” so as not to get used to alcohol and become dependent on it.

That's all I wanted to talk about today.

Good sobriety to you!


P.S. Alcoholic delirium, popularly known as special shape psychosis, which manifests itself in a person with long-term alcohol addiction. Treatment of delirium tremens at home is possible, but more often it requires a number of medical measures, which must be carried out in a hospital setting.

Alcoholism has been considered a problem in Russia since ancient times. Drinking strong drinks has turned into drunkenness, people are dependent on alcohol, and some are ready to give everything they have for an extra bottle - family, work, position in society, and most importantly - health and even life. Addiction to ethanol-containing drinks is spreading at an unprecedented rate.

Almost every day, every person encounters people whose examples can be used to study the stages of alcoholism. According to World Health Organization data presented for 2012, alcohol consumption in the country reached more than 16 liters per capita. At that time, Russia occupied fifth place in the table with a list of all countries in the world, we were overtaken by Moldova, Hungary, Uganda and the Czech Republic.

Today, there are almost two thousand alcoholics per 100,000 people. The statistics on alcohol consumption among teenagers are alarming. IN recent years the situation has improved somewhat.

Experts believe that this happened due to an increase in the well-being of the population, the emergence of conditions for appropriate physical development. However, the problem of excessive consumption of ethanol-containing drinks still remains relevant. According to medical reference books, which describe in detail the stages of alcoholism, these are chronic disease is the most common form of substance abuse, which manifests itself in the form of physical and mental dependence on the regular consumption of alcoholic beverages.

The pathology is accompanied by characteristic changes emotional state, disorders of the internal organs and psyche. The disease does not develop immediately. Some drink alcohol for years, thinking that they can give it up at any time, but in fact, even an addiction to alcohol “only on weekends” and “only five drops” is also considered by narcologists to be a pathological attachment.

The problem is relevant for both women and men. Experts have noticed that children in families where parents suffer from chronic drunkenness are more likely to become victims addiction. Psychologists associate this fact with the formation of the wrong way of behavior with early age. Quick attachment to alcoholic drinks develops due to the influence of ethanol on nervous system. After alcohol is absorbed into the blood, a state of emotional excitement and euphoria quickly sets in. Problems recede, a person feels confident and relaxed.

They want to be in this state more and more often, and patients do not notice that in order to achieve relaxation they require an increasing amount of alcoholic drinks. Over time, alcohol causes destructive processes in nerve cells, resulting in changes mental state become irreversible. Ethanol is predominantly excreted through the liver, so regardless of the stage of alcoholism, this organ suffers first. Then the pathology affects gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, brain.

Due to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, the condition of the skin, hair, and nails worsens. Such changes are accompanied by progressive social degradation. In total, there are three stages of alcoholism, although some narcologists, depending on common symptoms, changes in the physiological and mental state of the patient also describe the fourth degree of the disease. On initial stage the symptoms of the pathology are reversible. A person is drawn to alcohol, the consumption of strong drinks goes beyond the usual rest at the end of the week.

Signs of addiction to alcohol are not very pronounced, and according to experts, you can do without drug treatment. The most striking symptom of the second stage is the desire to get drunk. Moreover, after drinking alcohol again, your well-being and mood improve, and often the “holiday” continues. As a rule, even if you want to quit constant alcohol consumption, a person cannot do this without outside help. At the third stage, disturbances in the physiology of internal organs become irreversible.

Acquaintances from your previous life are replaced by new “friends” with the same addiction to alcohol. At this stage, even if you give up drinking, the full functioning of your organs is impossible. The fourth stage is characterized by fatal damage to the liver and cardiovascular system.

The person is inadequate, often suffers from memory loss, and neglects hygiene. As a rule, the disease ends at this stage fatal. When the first signs of alcoholism appear, family involvement and support is very important. In addition, doctors now offer many different methods that can cope with the disease in the second or even third stage of alcoholism. It is enough to contact a specialized clinic, and the doctor will help you choose a treatment method and explain the principle of therapy using videos and photos.

Alcohol addiction: how to determine the stage of the disease, symptoms and consequences of alcoholism

For self-determination stages of addiction to alcoholic beverages, it is not necessary to visit a doctor.

Doesn't exist and laboratory tests who can answer this question.

Moreover, the doctor prescribes studies to assess the condition of internal organs after prolonged exposure to alcoholic beverages.

In a clinic that promises to eliminate alcohol addiction, a qualified psychologist can assess the patient’s condition.

But you can draw a conclusion about how far the disease has progressed by paying attention to the symptoms characteristic of each stage of the pathology. Besides generally accepted classification alcoholism, there is another system proposed by E.E. Bechtel, a famous Russian psychiatrist, author of more than 80 works on the topic of drunkenness and drug addiction. But many experts consider this classification to be insufficiently informative and not reflective general changes, occurring in the human body.

Thus, in accordance with the Bechtel taxonomy, the following categories of patients are distinguished:

  • Abstinence sufferers who consume alcohol no more than 2-3 times a year (that is, only on holidays), and the total volume of alcohol consumed does not exceed 200 ml.
  • Casual drinkers. To this category E.E. Bechtel classifies people who drink lightly, but several times a month, as big company. The amount of alcohol consumed does not exceed 200 g in one evening.
  • Moderate drinkers. At this stage, patients already have a craving for alcoholic beverages. As a rule, this is timed to coincide with the end of the work week and 300-400 ml of alcohol is drunk.
  • Systematic users. A person is constantly looking for a reason to “celebrate” something, drinks alcohol up to 4 times a week, 200-300 ml.
  • Habitual drinkers. Alcohol dependence syndrome gradually becomes uncontrollable; the patient may drink rarely (no more than 2 times a week), but the volume of alcohol consumed increases to 500-600 ml per evening.

Most doctors prefer the “classical” division of alcoholism into several stages. Like other pathologies, this disease begins with the so-called prodromal period, when a person is quite capable of realizing the worsening addiction and independently breaking the vicious circle alcohol addiction.

During this period, you can calmly refuse the offered glass or put it aside, only sipping slightly. A person is in complete control of his state and stops when he realizes that he is losing control over himself. Distinctive feature The prodromal period is vomiting with excessive alcohol consumption and prolonged disgust after intoxication.

First stage

A sign of the first stage from which alcohol dependence begins is emotional excited state in anticipation of the feast. Moreover, positive thoughts are caused not by meeting friends and the joy of communication, but by drinking alcoholic beverages.

The previous amount of alcohol is no longer enough to achieve a state of intoxication. Some begin to be proud of this feature of the body, but similar symptoms- a “bell” that it’s time to take measures to stop the progression of alcoholism (narcologists also call this disease ethylism).

Memories of an evening spent drinking wine cause an emotional upsurge, and a person strives to return to the same state. Forced abstinence from alcohol is accompanied by attacks of irritability, and later - aggression. A person begins to look for any excuse for a feast.

Moreover, regardless of the amount drunk, the gag reflex characteristic of the prodromal stage is absent. Pathological disorders Doctors do not note the work of internal organs at this stage, but sometimes in a state of severe intoxication, memory loss may occur when a person is unable to control his behavior.

The duration of the initial stage depends on the person’s willpower and the willingness of loved ones to provide help and support. At this stage, it is possible to completely and without complications forget what alcohol addiction is. Otherwise, after 5 years (in women, degradation takes no more than 2 years), the patient’s condition worsens.

Second stage

A distinctive symptom of the second stage is withdrawal syndrome. This is the name for a pathological attraction to alcohol, which requires a constant increase in the amount of alcohol. In its absence, a person cannot cope with attacks uncontrolled aggression and anger up to the development of delirium tremens.

He is tormented by tremor of his fingers, heavy sweating, pallor, nausea, tachycardia. Violated mental activity, all attention is concentrated only on alcohol. Over time similar condition and the constant desire to get hungover leads to regular binges lasting several days.

During this period, the patient completely loses touch with reality, behavior becomes inadequate. To bring a person out of this state, the help of a specialist is often required. Between binges, he can lead a completely normal life, with the exception of the constant desire to drink. Chronic syndrome Alcohol dependence in the second stage is accompanied by organ pathologies. The products of ethanol breakdown are toxic to the liver, causing irreversible death of its cells and their gradual replacement by fibrous tissue.

Naturally, toxic compounds gradually accumulate, affecting the functioning of all internal organs. Under the influence of alcohol they undergo necrotic changes nerve cells brain, which influences behavior and mental abilities sick. The second stage of alcoholism can last for years (sometimes up to 20-25 years).

It all depends on the volume of alcohol consumed. But as a rule, a person needs an increasing amount of alcohol to achieve the usual state of euphoria. Therefore, the disease often progresses. arise irreversible changes in the brain that cannot be corrected by any means modern methods treatment.

Third and fourth stages

Binges last much longer. If in the second stage the patient came to his senses after 3-4 days, now this period lasts for weeks. The body's sensitivity to alcohol increases. Enough to get drunk minimum dose alcohol, and the last thing people pay attention to is its quality.

The patient's condition is constantly deteriorating due to progressive renal, cardiac and liver failure, serious violations functioning of the central nervous system.

These diseases are aggravated by permanent alcohol intoxication. Due to constant rudeness, rudeness and aggression on final stages Alcoholism causes family and friends to turn away from a person.

Even with complete refusal from alcohol, which happens extremely rarely in the third stage, pathological changes in internal organs are irreversible, and life expectancy is sharply reduced. Often, patients are forced to constantly take medications and maintain the activity of the liver and kidneys with the help of special medical equipment. The fourth stage inevitably ends in death.

The man is constantly drunk internal organs severely affected, the gastrointestinal tract is simply unable to digest food, the heart cannot cope with the load, the nervous system practically does not work. The patient hallucinates most of the time. It is impossible to help the patient, so last stage alcohol dependence leads to the death of a person from multiple organ failure and intoxication.

Alcohol addiction: methods of treatment and prevention

The basic principles of drug treatment of alcoholism are:

To relieve symptoms alcohol intoxication, it is necessary to cleanse the blood of the end products of ethanol metabolism. For this purpose, hemosorption, plasmapheresis, and intravenous infusions of plasma-substituting solutions (isotonic sodium chloride solution, glucose) are used. This is necessary, since prolonged intoxication is accompanied by dehydration and disturbances in water-salt metabolism.

Often, infusions are carried out using adsorbents that bind toxins and promote their rapid removal from the body. These are Unithiol, Magnesia, Hemodez, Sodium thiosulfate solution. Additionally, the patient is given an increased dose of B vitamins to normalize the functioning of the nervous system, ascorbic acid and vitamin PP, which help restore vascular and heart tone.

In case of severe withdrawal syndrome, treatment is carried out in a hospital setting with the prescription of potent psychotropic drugs(for example, Haloperidol). In less severe cases, treat with Phenazepam, Grandaxin or Diazepam. These medications have an anticonvulsant, sedative, anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effect. In addition, medications can stop attacks alcoholic delirium. According to WHO, at least half of patients return to drinking alcohol within a year after treatment.

To eliminate dependence on alcoholism, doctors recommend several medicines, This:

  • Disulfiram, which impairs alcohol tolerance;
  • Acamprosate, reduces cravings and causes aversion to alcohol, the drug is especially effective on initial degree alcoholism, it should be used immediately after completing the course of detoxification therapy;
  • Naltrexone blocks opioid receptors, resulting in ethanol intolerance; the drug is suitable for short-term treatment;
  • Nalmefene, this is relatively new medicine, the principle of action is similar to Naltrexone, but more suitable for long-term therapy (up to six months).

The dosage of drugs is selected taking into account the degree of alcoholism and the characteristics of the patient’s health condition.

Scientists have long established that alcohol addiction is directly related to lifestyle. Therefore, to preventive measures similar disease include playing sports, having hobbies and interests, interesting work, which can replace cravings for alcohol. But when the first symptoms of addiction appear, you should not turn a blind eye to the problem, but seek help from specialists.

Craving for alcohol is a pathology when the human body needs to drink alcohol, this need extends to all alcoholic drinks. Alcoholism is a serious illness that destroys not only life drinking man, but also all the people around him. Alcohol addiction begins to develop unnoticed: first they drink on holidays, then to get rid of problems, after which drinking alcohol becomes a necessity. A person cannot overcome this problem on his own; there is no cure for alcohol addiction. But there are some methods to reduce cravings for alcohol. They can be used at home using methods traditional medicine and folk remedies.

Medicines for alcohol addiction

These drugs suppress acetaldehyde; with regular use of this drug, a person will feel the symptoms of severe alcohol poisoning even before he gets drunk.

Drugs that relieve cravings and cause aversion to alcohol:

  1. 1. Medichronal - improves well-being, normalizes sleep, removes alcohol breakdown products from the blood, accelerates the metabolic process.
  2. 2. Balansin - supports the cardiovascular and nervous system, is an antidepressant, reduces the desire for alcohol.
  3. 3. Proproten-100 - improves overall well-being, relieves anxiety, reduces irritability.
  4. 4. Vivitrol - relieves alcoholic euphoria, reduces cravings for alcohol.
  5. 5. Colme - can be used long time, it has no toxic effect. The drug contains cyanamide, which increases the concentration of acetaldehyde and discomfort that a person will experience when drinking alcohol.
  6. 6. Esperal - affects psycho-emotional sphere, causes aversion to the smell and taste of alcohol.
  7. 7. Lidevin - complex drug based on disulfiram.
  8. 8. Disulfiram - a drug that produces acetaldehyde, has toxic effect, causes nausea and vomiting, facial flushing, a feeling of fear, and when consumed with alcohol, shortness of breath. A person develops conditioned reflex and he refuses to drink.

Prescribed in combination with medications sedatives: Tsipramil, Phenazepam, Relanium. The drugs have a calming effect on the drinker and keep them from drinking for a while. The use of drugs that relieve cravings for alcohol and the consumption of alcoholic beverages are incompatible.

Some drugs that reduce cravings for alcohol should be used only under the supervision of a doctor and with the consent of the patient.

Drugs to relieve withdrawal symptoms that reduce alcohol dependence

The remedies do not have the ability to cure alcoholism, they only help to cope with poor health.

Some remedies can be used in combination to enhance their effect and get rid of cravings for alcohol:

  • Carbamazepine - used to relieve mild to moderate syndrome, taken even if there is alcohol in the blood.
  • Medichronal - cleanses the body of alcohol breakdown products, has a sedative property.
  • Metadoxil - removes ethanol from the body, restores brain function, liver cells, and is combined with other medications.
  • Acamprosate (Campral) is a drug similar to gamma-aminobutyric acid, acts like alcohol and is a substitute.

This applies in the USA and European countries. The pharmacy sells taurine, which is similar in composition to acamprosate. To reduce cravings for alcoholic drinks, it must be taken for a long time.

Drinking any alcoholic beverages has a detrimental effect on the heart muscle. Only a narcologist will be able to individually select medications, dosage, and determine the course of treatment based on the state of health and the severity of alcohol dependence.

Unconventional methods

When drinking alcohol (for example, wine), a person gets pleasure, this is one of the reasons why it is addictive.

Products that have the same properties will help you fight the need to drink. They have a positive effect on the brain and produce “happiness hormones”:

  • bee products, in particular honey;
  • hot seasonings, especially pepper;
  • seafood and fish;
  • fruits - bananas and citrus fruits, berries - strawberries and grapes;
  • cocoa and chocolate.

So that a person is not drawn to alcoholic beverages, unconventional methods should be added:

  • consumption of soluble magnesium salts, taking B vitamins;
  • positive emotions, these can be new acquaintances, travel and adventures;
  • occupation physical exercise- dancing, running, swimming.

How to fight the urge to drink

You need to agree with your family and relatives so that there is no alcohol in the house or it is not in a visible place. Find an activity for the alcoholic that can distract him from thoughts of drinking.

The person should be reminded that the last binge created many problems and had to go through several difficult days. He must admit that alcohol controls all his actions. He needs to plunge into work headlong; idleness is the main reason for drunkenness.

Physical work or exercise will help reduce cravings for alcohol - this will increase the production of dopamine. In such cases, it is recommended to run slowly every other day so that pleasure hormones are produced. This will help fight alcohol cravings. A running person's mood rises and a surge of strength occurs.

After drinking alcohol, a secondary craving for alcohol appears. And if a person decides to quit and not continue drinking, you can help in the following ways:

  • This method can be used without the knowledge of the patient. Take a tablespoon of coffin root, add a glass of water and cook over low heat for ten minutes. Let it brew for half an hour and strain. Add the decoction to the alcohol, a tablespoon at a time, after the person drinks, he will begin to vomit severely. The dose cannot be increased, this is a poisonous plant.
  • Take the medicine Biotredin two tablets every hour under the tongue. The treatment is supplemented with the use of Glycine, taken under the tongue after taking Biotredin. To relieve tension, it is recommended to add soothing herbal infusions to this treatment.
  • Give two Limontar tablets every hour, the tablets can be replaced with honey, lemon juice or succinic acid. These products reduce cravings for alcohol and should be taken up to three times per evening.

How to relieve cravings for alcohol at home

Traditional medicine helps to take a comprehensive approach to the problem of combating cravings for alcoholic beverages. Not all alcoholics get help traditional means and many use traditional methods:

  1. 1. Dried lovage leaves should be added to the soup a pinch at a time - it reduces the craving for alcohol.
  2. 2. Take two glasses of pomegranate juice, half a glass of cabbage brine and the same amount of apple cider vinegar, bring to a boil and set to cool. Take 15 ml of decoction before meals. Vitamins will enter the body, overall health and appetite will improve.
  3. 3. Pour tea over kombucha, add sugar, leave for a week. Take a glass three times a day - this remedy will help eliminate cravings for alcohol and replenish the body nutrients and improve overall well-being.
  4. 4. Gray dung beetle is an anti-alcohol agent; it can be consumed fresh, boiled or fried. When used in fresh he calls severe vomiting after drinking alcohol. It is not recommended to eat these mushrooms.
  5. 5. Add honey to 350 ml of water and apple cider vinegar to taste. This drink contains trace elements and relieves alcoholism.

Support from relatives is the main condition in the fight against alcoholism. The faith of loved ones in him gives the alcoholic the strength to stop and overcome the craving for alcohol.

What dangers do alcoholic drinks pose? Much has been said in medical publications about the dangers of alcohol for human body- We will not repeat these arguments here. This article will discuss the issue of addiction to alcohol at a level.

People have been drinking alcohol since ancient times. The ancient Egyptians were already able to produce beer and wine on an industrial scale; cognac was known to the inhabitants of the state of Urartu 2500 years ago. Why are alcoholic drinks attractive to humans? The fact is that bipedal erect walkers with the ability to abstract thinking, enjoy the state of change in consciousness. This is the human psyche, nothing
it can't be helped. At all times, plants, mushrooms and minerals, prepared in a special way, were used for this. Initially, the change in consciousness was used for religious purposes - priests and shamans believed that in this way they entered the world of gods or spirits and received revelations. Gradually, other members of society began to actively participate in the “sacred fun” - from kings to commoners.

The popularity of substances that disrupt brain function is determined primarily by their availability. Thus, in countries where a special species grows in large quantities, smoking is common, and Indians South America chew coca leaves (). But alcoholic drinks are easily available all over the planet, since their production does not require large expenses and is even possible from almost any available plant material.

But that's not what we're talking about here. Alcohol is much more insidious than others. Accustoming to alcohol occurs so slowly that the person himself does not notice it. If they say about a person that he is a “moderate drinker,” one should already sound the alarm! This means that the person is accustomed to alcohol. And the moment is not far off when he will not be able to do without it at all. Yes, exactly that

get used to alcohol for years, and that is its danger!

For clarity, we will divide the process of addiction to alcohol into stages. Then we will consider the external signs of each stage. There is only one way out, regardless of the stage of addiction to alcohol - stop drinking as soon as possible! The lies in literature, the media and the Internet that alcohol in small doses is healthy are lobbied by the companies that produce these products! Even in small doses, alcohol kills cells in your brain, liver, pancreas, promotes the formation of red blood cell clots in the capillaries - in general, nothing good.

Cleansing the body fromalcohol at home

procedure -4500 rub.

So, the process of getting used to alcohol:

First stage addiction to alcohol. Wine seems tasteless to you, beer tastes bitter and disgusting, vodka burns your mouth and begs to be returned. You can be congratulated on the fact that you either have a physical intolerance to alcohol or have simply never tried it. And don't start!

Second stage addiction to alcohol. You will be pleased to small quantities drink light drinks (beer, wine, champagne, etc.) Vodka still asks for it back. Although, having made an effort on yourself and inspired by the encouragement of more experienced friends, you push 50-100 grams of this poison inside. After which your mind goes completely crazy, and before going to bed you run to vomit in the toilet. In this case, you do not yet have the habit of drinking alcohol; it is still very easy to quit drinking: you just need to show some fortitude several times amid the cries of “drink to the bottom!” and questions like “why don’t you respect us?” They will get used to the fact that you don’t drink, and they won’t pester you anymore. I assure you, relationships with friends will not deteriorate from this (if they are real friends). And it’s not a pity to lose the fake ones.

Third stage addiction to alcohol. You begin to prefer vodka to other drinks - they no longer “involve”. You consider champagne as soda, wine - fruit juice, you drink beer simply as a cool drink in the heat. You can drink 0.5 - 1.0 liters per evening. vodka with a good snack and dancing. After which your friends bring you to your home in the form of a vegetable, place you on the threshold and, after apologizing to your wife (husband), tactfully disappear. The next morning you safely greet an animal named Hangover. This happens 1-3 times a year on major holidays. They say about you that you are a “teetotal drinker.” Immediately use the above method to get rid of addiction. Although it will be much more difficult to do this, because you already like drinking.
In principle, the vast majority of people stop at this stage and all of them live safely into old age. But here we are faced with the habit of “relieving stress” with the help of alcohol after any exciting events. This is where the danger of moving to the next stage lies.

Fourth stage addiction to alcohol. Now you don't need a reason to drink. This way you relieve any stress. You are sincerely upset that you can’t have a drink tonight, because tomorrow you’ll be driving. For nirvana, you don't need company and a sumptuous snack - just a mirror and leftovers from lunch. Every day you drink 200 - 300 g of vodka. You begin to hide part of your salary from your wife (husband) and rummage through the children's piggy banks. If there is no vodka, you experience internal discomfort, nervousness, and a “sick feeling in the pit of your stomach.” You don't get hungover in the morning, and you don't need "medicine." You haven’t skipped work yet, and you haven’t used drugs at work yet. You can drink 1.5 liters at a party. vodka and walk home on your own. In a state of intoxication (which comes on much more slowly), you either love the whole world, or are aggressive towards everything that blinks in your direction. Congratulations, you are now an alcoholic. And although those around you say that you are a “moderate drinker,” urgently encode using the Dovzhenko method, it’s not too late. Shaman sorcerers will not help, nor will the wife’s (husband’s) hysterics. By the way, a glass of milk and a hearty meal help overcome the desire to drink.
At this stage, you can also stop and, at the very least, live the rest of your life until hypertension, diabetes, stomach ulcers, heart attack, stroke or liver cirrhosis knock on your door.

Fifth stage addiction to alcohol called "life". From here there is no turning back. At the fifth stage, as a rule, emotionally unbalanced people find themselves
with low self-esteem, who do not know how to give and receive love to others. At the fifth stage, withdrawal syndrome after heavy evening libations is “cured” in the morning a large number alcohol. And “treatment” again turns into banality. A person is drunk continuously for weeks or even months. Then the money runs out, enlightenment sets in, vows are made never to drink again. A month or two later, everything repeats itself. You don't care about yours now appearance, to the fact that they kicked you out of work, to the fact that instead of a wife (husband) and children, homeless individuals with red and blue swollen faces are now hanging around in the apartment - like two peas in a pod like you. You are now worried about one question in life: where to get booze or money for it? The car, equipment and furniture have long been soaked. The last of the dishes are being drunk away. At bus stops, passers-by with disgusted pity shove change into your shaking, outstretched hand. Former friends pass you a mile away. Only your old mother still brings you food and money for drinks. If there is no money, he gets a black eye. Now you don’t care what to drink, and you buy industrial alcohol or ink moonshine from Baba Mani from the neighboring house for 30 rubles. per liter The only way to get out of here is through serious treatment in a hospital and an attempt to start life again in another city. But will the stupid animal you have turned into have enough will and courage to do this?
From the fifth stage they automatically slide down to the sixth.

At the sixth stage addiction to alcohol, people don’t stay long - they go to another world.

At the sixth stage addiction to alcohol, you cannot eat - the scorched stomach does not accept food. You have difficulty moving on semi-paralyzed legs (the vestibular apparatus malfunctions) from bed to table and back. You drink not because you want to, but because without vodka you experience painful withdrawal symptoms. You're peeing
blood, vomit black bile and often lose consciousness. You regularly chase pink elephants from under your bed, and send aliens and devils down the stairs. You don't recognize yourself in the mirror. IN

Alcohol addiction is a strong, almost uncontrollable desire to drink alcohol. Alcohol cravings are not limited to alcoholics; This applies to carousers or people who are used to relieving tension and calming their nerves with alcohol. Such impulses can give rise to feelings of weakness and helplessness, and sometimes even shake your peace of mind. But don’t despair, because there are ways to combat your addictions: professional help, the desire to pull yourself together, therapeutic methods and distraction.


Professional help

    Contact your doctor. If you find yourself drinking heavily or drinking every day, you should talk to your doctor before you try to reduce your drinking. Symptoms of alcohol abstinence can cause seizures, cause permanent damage to health (liver disease), and even be fatal.

    • Make an appointment with your local doctor. You can also contact private clinics or call your insurance company so that they can appoint a doctor for you. If you do not have health insurance, you can contact your local social service helping low-income people.
  1. Drug treatment. Drugs such as topiramate (Topamax) and naltrexone (Vivitrol) are quite effective in combating alcohol dependence; Topiramate is especially effective in combating alcohol addiction. According to latest research, new drugs such as receptor neutralizer Neurokinin (NK1) and Baclofen significantly reduce cravings and addiction.

    • Always discuss everything with your doctor medical supplies before taking medications. It is important to understand that there are legal and health risks associated with taking medications that were not prescribed by your doctor.
  2. Therapy. Sometimes addiction to alcohol is associated with various injuries. People who have experienced trauma (victims of physical or sexual violence, witnesses to crimes, or victims of life-threatening situations) and have received psychological assistance, are less prone to alcohol abuse.

    • Contact your health insurer for a list of recommended therapists in your area. If you do not have insurance, you can contact your local social institutions or low-cost psychiatric clinics.

    Fighting alcohol cravings

    1. Identify the motivating reasons for your desires and try to avoid them. Many people tend to associate drinking alcohol with a specific activity, environment, feeling, or time of day. Even the thought of having to drink socially can cause increased cravings for alcohol. So, your thoughts can be the motivating reasons. Alcohol addiction can also cause stress and anxiety.

      • Visiting clubs and bars involves drinking alcohol; When you visit such places and see that everyone around you is drinking, it is very difficult not to give in to temptation. This is why you should try to avoid such places, at least while you are too dependent on your desires.
      • You may feel confident that you will resist the temptation to drink, but it is better not to tempt fate, at least at first.
      • This doesn't mean you should stop hanging out with friends or having fun; just avoid places where there is a possibility of drinking alcohol.
    2. Remember the past and focus your thoughts on the future. Memories from the past can also be the cause of your addictions. If you find yourself remembering those wonderful times when you went to parties and drank with friends, then stop and try to focus on negative consequences drinking alcohol.

      • Think about a time when drinking alcohol made you feel terrible or made an unforgivable mistake. Remember how you felt in such situations and admit that you do not want to experience it again.
      • If you don't like to remember negative moments from the past, try focusing on the future. Try to imagine as clearly as possible all the happy situations that will happen to you in the future, and also think about what an obstacle alcohol can become to the realization of your desires and hopes.
    3. Seek support from someone you trust. Social support– the key to fighting alcohol addiction. Have you ever been on a diet? Many who have been in this situation can confidently say that going on a diet with a friend or family member is much easier than doing it alone. This way, when you're craving a slice of moist chocolate cake, you can talk to someone who can help you overcome that craving. The same applies to other types of addiction, including alcohol.

      • The first thing you need to do on the path to overcoming alcohol addiction is to choose one or two people whom you trust and love. Share your problem with them and ask them not to judge you, as this will not only not make the situation easier, but will also make the situation worse.
      • Explain to them that you need their support whenever you are tempted. They may go for a walk with you, just talk on the phone, or distract you in other ways. This method of support has a great influence on your desire to overcome your uncontrollable desires.
    4. Contact your local Alcoholics Anonymous chapter. If you feel that you are not yet ready to confess everything to friends and family members, then you can turn to this society for help. There is a spiritual focus, and many of the 12 steps include helping higher power(this could be a group of people or Mother Nature). Spirituality and religiosity are successful in dealing with your demons.

      • The employees of this center have extensive experience in solving such problems. Even if you do not consider yourself an alcoholic, you can test the effectiveness of this institution for yourself, since additional support never hurts.
      • An extremely important component in overcoming difficulties is the feeling of emotional support from others. For comfort and peace of mind, we all need the help of others, especially during difficult periods of life.
      • For this reason, the emotional support provided by Alcoholics Anonymous plays a critical role in your desire to fight your addiction.
    5. Try to change your usual routine. In all likelihood, you are accustomed to drinking alcohol when you are doing a certain activity and being in a certain company. Over time, your brain gets used to the fact that you drink alcohol in specific situations, therefore, when such a situation occurs, it demands a drink. This is dangerous and can lead to addiction in the future. The only way to get rid of this addiction– change your usual way of life.

      • For example, if you like to drink alcohol while reading, then try to change your usual routine a little - read in a park or in a library where drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited.
      • Another option is to brew yourself some tea, make fresh juice, or drink another non-alcoholic drink. In these situations, your brain is still getting what it's used to because at least you're drinking something. Over time, you will be able to replace alcohol with other drinks, and you will not miss it.
    6. Be patient and focus. Alcohol addiction is something you have to fight long period after you pull yourself together. Over time, it will become increasingly easier to cope with it; it is only important to be patient and believe in yourself.

      • Even if sometimes this addiction seems insurmountable to you, remember that you are strong enough to get rid of it, and life without alcohol will be much more varied and happier.
      • At first, you will think that some methods of getting rid of addiction are ridiculous and strange, but do not give up on them until you have tried them at least a few times. The most hopeless of them may turn out to be the most effective.

    Therapeutic methods to reduce cravings for alcohol

    1. Learn relaxation techniques. Many people drink alcohol to relax. Stress can make you more likely to want to drink. If you are used to having a couple of drinks after a hard day at work or after a quarrel with your loved one, then it will probably be very difficult for you not to give in to temptation in such situations. Various methods Relaxation will help you calm down and cope with addiction, becoming a replacement for alcohol.

      Draw artistic images in your imagination. You have a unique visual ability that, if used correctly, can really help. Your observations and vivid imagination remain in the memory longer than thinking and listening. Therefore, our creative imagination can greatly help in the fight against uncontrollable desires. There are many ways to use our creative imagination. And although they may seem awkward or difficult at first, over time your brain will get used to this method, and using correct images will no longer require much effort.

      Become aware of your attractions by motivation research. It's tried and true effective way control your desires and solve problems with alcohol. This method based on awareness - you need to be aware of the current situation, including your feelings, thoughts, behavior and environment. You can learn to understand and control your cravings. Many have been able to reduce their cravings for alcohol thanks to this method.

      Try writing as a method of relaxation and upliftment. You don't have to be a professional writer to experience the power of the written word. Writing messages to yourself can be effective means in the fight against addiction.

      • It is very important to write such notes when you are happy and feeling good in order to remember these positive emotions when the desire arises to give in to temptation. This technique is very useful because, as mentioned above, on a subconscious level we believe that the value of the thoughts expressed on paper increases.
      • Take a large and small piece of paper and write down your achievements on them. You can write about anything, especially those moments that made you proud or cheered you up. For example, it could be something like: “Everything is fine in my relationship with my loved one. We began to understand each other much better after I stopped drinking” or “The training is going well. I can pump my abs 15 more reps.”
      • You can also write down your goals for the future - learn a new dance, get a promotion at work, travel to some country. Write down everything that motivates you and that cannot be achieved without getting rid of your addictions. Place these notes in visible places, such as on the wall opposite your bed, on the refrigerator door, or on the bathroom mirror.

    Distraction methods

    1. Try not to think about your passions. Although this technique seems strange and banal, it can work wonders. When you begin to passionately want something, your brain automatically focuses on this desire, with every minute it becomes stronger and more painful. That's why it's extremely useful to force yourself to think about something else.

      • By focusing on other things, you, so to speak, distract your brain, and thoughts about alcohol fade into the background, giving way to current problems.
      • Of course, it is absolutely impossible to achieve results by simply saying to yourself: “I want to drink, but I’m not going to think about it”; Trying to get a certain thought out of your head will only make you think about it more and more.
    2. Try it various ways distractions. Instead of focusing on your passions, try having a conversation with someone (if you're at home, call a friend) or look around and try to describe what you see in detail, not losing sight of the colors, textures, shapes and positions of objects.

    3. Find new hobbies. One of worst consequences Alcohol addiction is a slow but steady loss of interest in activities that you previously enjoyed. If you abuse alcoholic drinks for some time, then they become your main entertainment. Therefore, when you stop drinking, you may face a serious problem - boredom, which will make you want to drink even more. By changing your lifestyle and finding new hobbies, you can confidently protect yourself from boredom.

      • If you want to get out of this vicious circle, then you should look for activities that might interest you. It can be anything as long as you can forget about alcohol. For example, you can sign up for classes in a sport, drawing or crafts, or you can learn a new language.
      • You can organize short trips to nearby cities or get into the habit of participating in cultural events. It is best when you have the opportunity to plan your activities in advance. In such cases, if a craving arises, you will have something to shift your attention to.
      • In addition, new hobbies will help build confidence in your abilities, you will feel like you know more and can accomplish the impossible. This will help get rid of addiction, since often the cause of addiction to alcohol is our lack of self-confidence.


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