Symptoms of lung cancer. Lung cancer treatment


Rapidly developing, this terrible disease destroys the lives of men and women. Appearance clear signs only in the later stages of its development does it reduce the patient’s chances of recovery. It is important to know the symptoms of cancer so that treatment can begin earlier.

The first signs of lung cancer

The disease develops covertly for a long time. The tumor begins to form in the glands and mucous membrane, but metastases grow very quickly throughout the body. Risk factors for the occurrence of malignant neoplasms are:

Signs of the disease at first do not cause concern - they are similar to inflammation of the respiratory system. Symptoms of early stage lung cancer include:

  • fatigue;
  • decreased appetite;
  • dry cough;
  • slight weight loss;
  • fatigue;
  • increase in temperature;
  • sweating;
  • decline in performance;
  • bad smell when breathing.

This organ has a peculiarity - there are no nerve endings, when exposed to which pain is likely to appear - at the beginning of the disease it is not observed. The difficulty of diagnosing this period is due to:

  • location of the tumor under the bone tissue;
  • similarity in the density of healthy and diseased cells;
  • the absence of visible lymph nodes signaling a problem.

Lung cancer stage 4 - symptoms before death

The tumor can grow at high speed and can lead to fatal outcome. The reason lies in the lack specific signs in the early stages of the disease, when treatment is possible. If stage 4 lung cancer is observed, the symptoms before death are very pronounced. The period is characterized by:

  • cough at night;
  • depression;
  • chronic drowsiness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • great loss weight;
  • apathy;
  • rave;
  • lack of concentration;
  • purulent sputum with blood;
  • problems with swallowing;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • severe headaches.

How does stage 4 lung cancer manifest? Its symptoms depend on the extent of metastases. The adult patient becomes frail and extremely emaciated. Signs of last stage lung cancer that lead to death are determined:

  • venous spots on the legs;
  • pulmonary hemorrhage;
  • unbearable pain in the chest;
  • suffocation;
  • loss of vision;
  • cerebral hemorrhages;
  • thready pulse.

Symptoms at different stages

How to recognize lung cancer? The process of disease development is usually divided into 4 stages, which have their own characteristics. At the first stage, lung cancer - symptoms and signs of which are initial stages weakly expressed - concentrated in one place. The neoplasm is small in size - less than 3 cm, there are no metastases, the following characteristic manifestations are:

  • dry cough;
  • weakness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • malaise;
  • increase in temperature;
  • headache.

At the second stage, symptoms of lung cancer are more pronounced, which is associated with the growth of the size of the tumor, its pressure on neighboring organs, the appearance of the first metastases in the lymph nodes. The disease manifests itself:

  • hemoptysis;
  • wheezing when breathing;
  • weight loss;
  • elevated temperature;
  • increased cough;
  • chest pain;
  • weakness.

At stage 3, the symptoms are more smoothed out, in this it differs from the fourth, which is accompanied by unbearable pain, ends in death. The tumor is widespread, the metastases are extensive, the symptoms are more intense than in the second stage. Signs of cancer appear:

  • reinforced wet cough;
  • blood, pus in sputum;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • dyspnea;
  • problems with swallowing;
  • hemoptysis;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • epilepsy, speech impairment, in the small cell form;
  • intense pain.


Due to the destruction of the mucous membrane of the bronchi, damage to the blood vessels by the tumor, pieces of tissue begin to separate. Hemoptysis in lung cancer is characterized by the appearance of:

  • large clots with a bright red color;
  • individual small streaks of blood;
  • jelly-like form of raspberry color;
  • pulmonary hemorrhage - which will quickly lead to death.


The discharge looks thick clear slime, which goes away with difficulty when this symptom first appears. As the tumor develops, the sputum in lung cancer changes. It could be:

  • foamy, streaked with blood - with swelling;
  • bright scarlet – accompanies the destruction of blood vessels;
  • with pus – with the development of complications;
  • similar to raspberry jelly - accompanies tissue decomposition.

Cough - what is it like?

This characteristic feature diseases - a response to irritation of receptors by an enlarging tumor. There is no such thing as lung cancer without a cough, but its manifestation changes as the tumor develops:

  • at first - causeless, dry, prolonged, causing breathing difficulties;
  • then - with the addition of sputum - viscous or liquid mucus;
  • further – the appearance of pus and blood in the discharge.


Since there are no nerve endings in the organ, the answer to the question - do lungs hurt with cancer? - will be negative. It all starts with tumor metastases to neighboring organs. The pain occurs due to compression of the nerve endings in them, can intensify with tension, inhalation, and have the following character:

  • pricking;
  • with burning;
  • compressive;
  • with numbness;
  • blunt;
  • encircling;
  • spicy;
  • local.

Symptoms of lung cancer in men

Since men are at risk, the disease is more often diagnosed in them. When does cancer start - symptoms and early signs blurred. Everything unfolds with the appearance of a prolonged, causeless cough. Signs of lung cancer in men begin to rapidly intensify and include:

  • hoarseness of voice;
  • dyspnea;
  • decreased vitality;
  • whistling when breathing;
  • swelling of the face;
  • violation heart rate;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • enlarged axillary lymph nodes;
  • depression;
  • dizziness;
  • pain when inhaling;
  • headache;
  • fatigue.

In women

The difference from the disease in men is that the first symptoms of lung cancer in women - the urge to cough - begin earlier. They are also absent in the early stages. Symptoms begin with a dry cough, gradually turning into a wet cough with mucous discharge. Cancer is suspected when:

  • weight loss;
  • lack of appetite;
  • worsening swallowing;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • blood in sputum;
  • fever;
  • temperature rise;
  • jaundice – with liver damage by metastases.
  • How to Diagnose Lung Cancer

    For early diagnosis diseases, the adult population is required to undergo a fluorographic examination every two years. If darkening is detected, carry out additional procedures to distinguish between oncology and tuberculosis. How to diagnose lung cancer? There are several methods:

    • x-ray – the very first, accessible and informative on early stage;
    • computed tomography– determines the size and position of the tumor, helps to see metastases far from the site of the disease.

    When the patient is contraindicated x-ray radiation, an MRI is prescribed. During the examination, small tumors are identified and the size of the internal lymph nodes is determined.

    Signs of cancer are clarified with additional studies:

    • blood test for tumor markers;
    • bronchoscopy – detects disturbances in the lumens of the bronchi, has the ability to take material for a biopsy, determines the presence of a tumor;
    • Tissue biopsy is an accurate method for detecting oncology, but after such an intervention, growth is likely to accelerate cancer cells.


    Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make treatment recommendations based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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    – malignant tumors that originate in the mucous membrane and glands of the bronchi and lungs. Cancer cells divide quickly, enlarging the tumor. Without proper treatment it grows into the heart, brain, blood vessels, esophagus, spine. The bloodstream carries cancer cells throughout the body, forming new metastases. There are three phases of cancer development:

    • The biological period is from the moment the tumor appears until its signs are recorded on x-rays (grade 1-2).
    • Preclinical - the asymptomatic period manifests itself only during x-rays(2-3 degree).
    • Clinical shows other signs of the disease (grade 3-4).


    The mechanisms of cell degeneration are not fully understood. But thanks to numerous studies, chemicals, capable of accelerating cell transformation. We will group all risk factors according to two criteria.

    Reasons beyond a person's control:

    • Genetically predisposed: at least three cases of a similar disease in the family or the presence of a similar diagnosis in close relative, the presence of several different forms cancer.
    • Age after 50 years.
    • Tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, scars on the lungs.
    • Problems of the endocrine system.

    Modifiable factors (what can be influenced):

    • Smoking is the main cause of lung cancer. When tobacco is burned, 4,000 carcinogens are released, covering the bronchial mucosa and burning living cells. Together with the blood, the poison enters the brain, kidneys, and liver. Carcinogens settle in the lungs until the end of life, covering them with soot. Smoking experience of 10 years or 2 packs of cigarettes per day increases the chance of getting sick by 25 times. Passive smokers are also at risk: 80% of exhaled smoke comes from them.
    • Professional contacts: asbestos-related factories, metallurgical enterprises; cotton, linen and felt mills; contact with poisons (arsenic, nickel, cadmium, chromium) at work; mining (coal, radon); rubber production.
    • Poor ecology, radioactive contamination. The systematic influence of air polluted by cars and factories on the lungs of the urban population changes the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.


    There are several types of classification. In Russia, there are five forms of cancer depending on the location of the tumor.

    1. Central cancer- in the lumen of the bronchi. In the first degree, it is not detected on photographs (masks the heart). The diagnosis may be indicated indirect signs X-ray: decreased airiness of the lung or regular local inflammation. All this is combined with a persistent cough with blood, shortness of breath, and later chest pain and fever.
    2. Peripheral cancer penetrates into the lungs. There is no pain, the diagnosis is determined by x-ray. Patients refuse treatment, not realizing that the disease is progressing. Options:
      • Cancer apex of the lung grows into the vessels and nerves of the shoulder. In such patients, osteochondrosis takes a long time to be treated, and they get to the oncologist late.
      • The cavity form appears after the collapse of the central part due to lack of nutrition. Neoplasms up to 10 cm are confused with an abscess, cysts, tuberculosis, which complicates treatment.
    3. Pneumonia-like cancer treated with antibiotics. Without getting the desired effect, they end up in oncology. The tumor is distributed diffusely (not in a node), occupying most of the lung.
    4. Atypical forms: brain, liver, bone create metastases in lung cancer, and not the tumor itself.
      • The hepatic form is characterized by jaundice, heaviness in the right hypochondrium, deterioration of blood tests, and enlarged liver.
      • The cerebral one looks like a stroke: a limb does not work, speech is impaired, the patient loses consciousness, headache, convulsions, double vision.
      • Bone – pain symptoms in the spine, pelvic region, in the limbs, fractures without injury.
    5. Metastatic neoplasms originate from a tumor of another organ with the ability to grow, paralyzing the functioning of the organ. Metastases up to 10 cm lead to death from decay products and dysfunction internal organs. The primary source is the maternal tumor cannot always be determined.

    By histological structure(cell type), lung cancer is:

    1. Small cell– the most aggressive tumor, quickly occupies and metastasizes already at early stages. Frequency of occurrence – 20%. Forecast – 16 months. with non-advanced cancer and 6 months. - when widespread.
    2. Non-small cell occurs more often, characterized relatively slow growth. There are three types:
      • squamous cell carcinoma lung (from flat lamellar cells with slow growth and a low frequency of early metastases, with areas of keratinization), prone to necrosis, ulcers, ischemia. 15% survival rate.
      • adenocarcinoma develops from glandular cells. It spreads quickly through the bloodstream. Survival rate is 20% with palliative treatment, 80% with surgery.
      • large cell carcinoma has several varieties, is asymptomatic, and occurs in 18% of cases. Average survival rate 15% (depending on type).


    • Lung cancer stage 1. A tumor up to 3 cm in diameter or a bronchial tumor in one lobe; there are no metastases in neighboring lymph nodes.
    • Lung cancer stage 2. A tumor in the lung is 3-6 cm, blocks the bronchi, grows into the pleura, causing atelectasis (loss of airiness).
    • Lung cancer stage 3. A tumor of 6-7 cm spreads to neighboring organs, atelectasis of the entire lung, the presence of metastases in neighboring lymph nodes ( lung root and mediastinum, supraclavicular areas).
    • Lung cancer stage 4. The tumor grows in the heart, large vessels, fluid appears in the pleural cavity.


    Common symptoms of lung cancer

    • Fast weight loss,
    • no appetite
    • decline in performance,
    • sweating,
    • unstable temperature.

    Specific signs:

    • a debilitating cough without an obvious reason is a companion to bronchial cancer. The color of the sputum changes to yellow-green. In a horizontal position, physical exercise, in the cold, coughing attacks become more frequent: a tumor growing in the area of ​​the bronchial tree irritates the mucous membrane.
    • Blood when coughing is pinkish or scarlet, with clots, but hemoptysis is also a sign.
    • Shortness of breath due to inflammation of the lungs, collapse of part of the lung due to tumor blockage of the bronchial tube. For tumors in large bronchi there may be organ shutdown.
    • Chest pain due to the penetration of cancer into the serous tissue (pleura), growing into the bone. At the beginning of the disease alarms no, the appearance of pain indicates advanced stage. The pain can radiate to the arm, neck, back, shoulder, intensifying when coughing.


    Diagnosing lung cancer is not an easy task, because oncology looks like pneumonia, abscesses, and tuberculosis. More than half of tumors are detected too late. For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to undergo an x-ray annually. If cancer is suspected, they undergo:

    • Fluorography to determine tuberculosis, pneumonia, lung tumors. If there are deviations, you need to take an x-ray.
    • X-ray of the lungs more accurately assesses the pathology.
    • Layered X-ray tomography problem area– several sections with the focus of the disease in the center.
    • Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging with the introduction of contrast on layer-by-layer sections shows in detail and clarifies the diagnosis according to explicit criteria.
    • Bronchoscopy diagnoses tumors central cancer. You can see the problem and take a biopsy - a piece of affected tissue for analysis.
    • Tumor markers test the blood for a protein produced only by the tumor. The NSE tumor marker is used for small cell cancer, the SSC and CYFRA markers are used for squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma, and CEA is a universal marker. The diagnostic level is low, it is used after treatment for early detection metastasis.
    • Sputum analysis with low percentage probability suggests the presence of a tumor when atypical cells are detected.
    • Thoracoscopy - examination through camera punctures in pleural cavity. Allows you to take a biopsy and clarify changes.
    • Biopsy with computed tomograph used when there is doubt about the diagnosis.

    The examination must be comprehensive, because cancer masquerades as many diseases. Sometimes they even use exploratory surgery.


    The type (radiological, palliative,) is selected based on the stage of the process, histological type tumors, medical history). Most reliable method- operation. For stage 1 lung cancer, 70-80%, stage 2 - 40%, stage 3 - 15-20% of patients survive the control period of five years. Types of operations:

    • Removal of a lobe of the lung corresponds to all principles of treatment.
    • Marginal resection removes only the tumor. Metastases are treated in other ways.
    • Removal of the lung completely (pneumoectomy) - with a tumor of 2 degrees for central cancer, 2-3 degrees - for peripheral cancer.
    • Combined operations - with the removal of part of the adjacent affected organs.

    Chemotherapy has become more effective thanks to new drugs. Small cell lung cancer responds well to polychemotherapy. With the right combination (taking into account sensitivity, 6-8 courses with an interval of 3-4 weeks), survival times increase 4 times. Chemotherapy for lung cancer. runs courses and gives positive result for several years.

    Non-small cell cancer is resistant to chemotherapy (partial tumor resorption occurs in 10-30% of patients, complete resorption is rare), but modern polychemotherapy increases survival rate by 35%.

    They also treat with platinum preparations - the most effective, but also the most toxic, which is why they are administered with large (up to 4 liters) amounts of liquid. Possible adverse reactions: nausea, intestinal disorders, cystitis, dermatitis, phlebitis, allergies. Best results achieved through a combination of chemistry and radiation therapy, simultaneously or sequentially.

    Radiation therapy uses gamma-ray installations of beta-trons and linear accelerators. The method is designed for inoperable patients of grade 3-4. The effect is achieved due to the death of all cells of the primary tumor and metastases. Good results obtained for small cell cancer. In case of non-small cell irradiation, irradiation is carried out according to a radical program (in case of contraindications or refusal of surgery) for patients of 1-2 degrees or for palliative purposes for patients of 3 degrees. Standard dose at radiation treatment– 60-70 gray. In 40% it is possible to achieve a reduction in the oncological process.

    Palliative care - operations to reduce the impact of the tumor on the affected organs to improve the quality of life with effective pain relief, oxygenation (forced oxygen saturation), treatment of associated diseases, support and care.

    Traditional methods are used exclusively to relieve pain or after radiation and only in consultation with a doctor. Relying on healers and herbalists with such a serious diagnosis increases the already high risk death.


    The prognosis for lung cancer is unfavorable. Without special treatment 90% of patients die within 2 years. The prognosis is determined by the degree and histological structure. The table presents data on the survival rate of cancer patients for 5 years.

    lung cancer

    Small cell

    Non-small cell

    1A tumor up to 3cm

    1B a tumor of 3-5 cm does not spread to others.
    areas and lymph nodes

    2A tumor 5-7cm without
    metastasis to lymph nodes or up to 5 cm, legs with metastases.

    2B tumor 7cm without
    metastasis or less, but with damage to neighboring lymph nodes

    3A tumor more than 7cm with
    damage to the diaphragm, pleura and lymph nodes

    3B applies to
    diaphragm, middle of the chest, lining of the heart, other lymph nodes

    4 the tumor metastasizes to other organs,
    accumulation of fluid around the lung and heart

    The first symptoms of lung cancer are nonspecific; they resemble the signs of many ailments that can develop in the respiratory system. This is precisely the reason why patients are in no hurry to seek help from specialists. Lung cancer is the name of a whole group of tumors that are malignant in nature. Area of ​​primary localization tumor process are the cells of the bronchi and lung parenchyma. The earliest stages of lung cancer are highly treatable with chemotherapy and surgical intervention. If cancer is detected more than late stages the prognosis is usually unfavorable.

    As the disease progresses, cancer cells metastasize throughout the body, which leads to metastases in healthy organs and human tissues.

    Diagnosing lung cancer at an early stage is the most important condition providing effective treatment.

    Symptoms of lung cancer

    A patient who has been diagnosed with a disease is concerned about early symptoms lung cancer, manifested as:

    • whistling sound when breathing;
    • shortness of breath;
    • dry cough or sputum production.

    If a cough occurs with sputum, traces of blood may be present in the sputum. Additionally, as the disease progresses, it may develop next first symptoms of lung cancer:

    • decreased vitality;
    • state of apathy;
    • lethargy of the body;
    • an increase in temperature for no apparent reason.

    When a person experiences an increase in body temperature, difficulties arise in diagnosing the disease, since most often this symptom is perceived as a sign of development chronic bronchitis and pneumonia.

    The first signs of lung cancer, such as wheezing and persistent cough, most often force the patient to seek help from a specialist. medical institution. It is worth noting that the appearance of a cough may signal the transition of the disease to a more severe phase of development.

    If the first signs of the disease went unnoticed and no treatment was carried out, the patient’s condition worsens significantly over time. If left untreated, the disease begins to progress rapidly, leading to damage to neighboring organs. Damage to organs and systems leads to the appearance of more obvious symptoms. Most often, metastases penetrate into bone tissue, liver, adrenal glands and brain.

    At long-term development diseases appear in humans following signs disease progression:

    • obstructive jaundice;
    • disorders of a neuralgic nature;
    • increased heart rate and cardiac arrhythmia;
    • pain in the bones;
    • difficulties in swallowing acts.

    The appearance of these signs forces the patient to visit specialists of various profiles.

    The appearance of external signs may indicate the progression of the disease. Main external signs diseases are:

    • swelling of the upper half of the body;
    • the appearance of pallor of the skin;
    • expansion of saphenous veins;
    • inflammation of the lymph nodes.

    Read also: Are injections for colds and flu really necessary?

    These signs characterize the development of central cancer, in contrast to it, peripheral cancer develops almost asymptomatically.

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    Diagnosis, stages of development and types of lung cancer

    Diagnosing cancer in the early stages of development is associated with certain difficulties, since the data obtained do not always reflect the full picture of the development of the disease.

    The early stages of cancer development are most often perceived by patients as ordinary pneumonia.

    The main method for detecting cancer today is radiography. In addition to radiography for diagnosis developing cancer computer, magnetic resonance and positron emission tomography are used. If necessary, the diagnostic specialist can prescribe additional examination the patient's body using bronchoscopy and mediastinoscopy.

    Experts in the field of oncological diseases classify the disease according to the differences revealed when carrying out histological examination foci of tumors. Experts identify the following types of lung cancer:

    • squamous cell carcinoma;
    • small cell;
    • large cell;
    • glandular cancer.

    The squamous cell type of cancer is characterized by slow progression and the absence of metastases for a long time. Glandular type cancer formation is different long period development. However, this type of disease is characterized by the rapid spread of cancer cells throughout the body through the bloodstream. Large cell and small cell types of cancers develop very rapidly. These forms of the disease are characterized early appearance metastases.

    Depending on the degree of progression of the disease, experts distinguish 5 stages of cancer development.

    The zero stage of the disease is characterized by the formation of clusters of tumor cells. When the first stage is reached, a local tumor formation with a size of up to 3 cm appears. When the cancer reaches the second stage, the tumor does not increase in size, but the presence of damage is detected lymph nodes. At the third stage of cancer formation, the tumor enlarges and metastases spread to neighboring organs. The fourth stage is characterized by the development of a tumor of any size and active metastasis to other organs and tissues of the body.

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    Causes and risk factors for cancer

    The human lungs are the only organ that is in direct contact with the environment. The air entering the lungs reaches the alveoli unchanged. Microparticles that are present in the inhaled air are retained on the walls of the mucous membrane. Due to constant contact with external environment mucous epithelium lungs has a high rate of cell renewal.

    Read also: Main types of pulmonary tuberculosis

    The inhaled air contains various aggressive components that settle on the microvilli of the epithelium.

    When decreasing protective properties cells epithelial tissue they are influenced by external pathogenic factors, which increases the likelihood of various mutations that provoke the occurrence of neoplasms.

    Potential causes of lung cancer may include:

    • increased rate of epithelial apoptosis;
    • relative lack of protection of the tissue that makes up the organ.

    The likelihood of developing cancer is directly related to age and the presence of genetic prerequisites, as well as the presence of chronic pulmonary diseases in the body.

    Most often, oncological foci occur in the lungs in people who have been exposed to physicochemical and biological factors, and those who have hereditary predisposition. The main risk factors are:

    • carcinogenic substances from tobacco smoke;
    • natural radon radiation;
    • age-related changes in the body;
    • presence of genetic predisposition;
    • factors related to professional activity;
    • endogenous factors.

    In some patients, the cause of cancer is unclear, and the use of modern methods examinations do not allow them to be determined.


    Symptoms and signs of lung cancer in the early stages may resemble other diseases and may not cause any particular concern, which may subsequently lead to a delay in starting treatment.

    These signs of lung cancer include:

    • periodic appearance and disappearance of hoarseness due to the pressure of growing metastases on the recurrent nerve;
    • irregular dry cough;
    • difficulty breathing due to the growth of metastases;
    • pain in the chest and neighboring areas;
    • predominantly difficult process of inhaling air, expressed in pain and shortness of breath;
    • slight increase in temperature to 37-37.5 degrees evening time days;
    • unmotivated sudden weight loss;
    • decreased performance, fatigue, depressed state.

    It should be noted that the presence of such facts may indicate simple pulmonary diseases. However, such first signs can be not only the beginning of a cold, flu or sore throat, but also a very serious oncological disease -. IN more cases this disease detected only at stages 3-4. In such cases, treatment is not so effective, which is why annual examinations are especially important!

    In the later stages of the disease, chest pain increases, with damage nerve fibers there is pain in the shoulder or inside hands, as well as when swallowing and passing food through the esophagus, coughing becomes frequent, sputum appears, and lymph nodes enlarge.

    However, signs of lung cancer in both early and late stages may indicate the presence of other ailments. How, then, to determine lung cancer? Oncologists advise seeking help if:

    • there is swelling of the face and the entire upper body;
    • the complexion has become gray and dull, and the skin has a yellow tint;
    • noticeable dilatation of veins in chest area;
    • lymph nodes in the axillary and supraclavicular areas are inflamed;
    • pain in bones and joints;
    • difficulty passing food through the pharynx and through the esophagus due to pain;
    • one of your blood relatives suffered from cancer;
    • the presence of a bad habit such as smoking against the background of other symptoms.

    The symptoms and signs of lung cancer are almost the same in adults and children, in contrast to the causes of its occurrence. In children, the cause in most cases is a change in DNA structure during intrauterine development. The factor behind such changes is heredity. In adults, oncology can appear, in addition to heredity, due to exposure factors environment and lifestyle.

    Depending on how lung cancer manifests itself in adults and what distinctive features observed, one can judge not only the stage of the disease, but also its form.

    Signs of lung cancer of central origin:

    • at stages 1-2 – sputum with blood when coughing; pain syndrome on the side of the tumor or on the opposite side; intense shortness of breath;
    • at stages 3-4 – paralysis vocal cords due to compression vagus nerve; swelling, puffiness of the face, redness of the skin due to stagnation of venous blood in the upper part of the body; headaches, fainting, blurred vision due to blood flow from the brain.

    A typical feature of this type of disease is the appearance and development of atelectasis, and then pneumonia.

    Diagnosis of the peripheral form of the disease is most difficult, because symptoms are almost not observed in patients. Manifestations begin when metastases begin to spread to nearby tissues, which causes pain. Pain in the chest area of ​​a constant or intermittent nature occurs in most patients. Indications of this type include:

    • shortness of breath and chest pain, most often in the area where the tumor has formed;
    • sputum when coughing, as well as intoxication of the body at stages 3-4.

    The small cell form of the disease is quite rare and is characterized by a uniform distribution of foci of oncological tumors over the entire surface of the tissue. Its indicators are:

    • to the above is added paraneoplastic syndrome, manifested in pain in joints and bones of the skeleton in case of metabolic disorders minerals in the body;
    • in later stages, symptoms progress and become more pronounced.

    In the disseminated form of the disease, it is impossible to detect the location of the first outbreak, and the symptoms do not differ from the previous ones.

    What are the symptoms of lung cancer in adult men?

    The course of the disease depends not only on the form, but also on the gender of the patient. Smoking dramatically increases the chances of developing the disease, it is especially important for males to know this, because they are susceptible to this bad habit more often than women.

    TO atypical signs Lung cancers in adult men include:

    • increase mammary glands with small cell form;
    • sudden unmotivated weight loss;
    • depression, irritability, fatigue.

    What are the symptoms of lung cancer in women?

    In the DNA structure of women there is a gene responsible for education and development lung metastasis in case of smoking. That is why smoking is strictly contraindicated for females, because may lead to the appearance of this disease.

    Atypical signs of lung cancer in women include:

    • jaundice, which indicates the spread of cancer to the liver;
    • disruptions in the hormonal system, expressed in rapid weight loss or gain, menstrual irregularities;

    violations nervous system which manifest themselves in sleep problems, depressive states, increased irritability, sharp changes moods, etc.

    Lung cancer is the most common tumor worldwide. More than 1 million people die from this disease every year. Lung oncology is characterized by a latent course and rapid spread of metastases. In men, this pathology is diagnosed much more often than in women, approximately seven to eight times. People of different age groups get sick.

    The first signs of lung cancer

    Let's look at how it manifests itself lung cancer. At the beginning of tumor formation, symptoms are subtle and may even be absent, which is why most people lose large number time, and the cancer moves to another stage.

    Which people are at risk?

    • Age. People over forty need to be checked annually.
    • Male gender. Lung cancer most often affects men. Moreover, the difference is very noticeable - 5-8 times depending on the age category of those being compared.
    • Nationality. African Americans get sick much more often than other nations.
    • Genetic predisposition. Presence of cancer in blood relatives.
    • Smoking. Decisive factors in this matter, not only the total smoking experience, but also the intensity in the number of cigarettes smoked per day. The reason for this may be the deposition of nicotine in the lungs.
    • Passive smoking. Frequently being near people who smoke or in smoky rooms exceeds the risk factor for the disease by 20%.
    • Chronic lung diseases. Diseases such as tuberculosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchiectasis, lung destruction, polycystic pulmonary disease.
    • HIV infection. Cancer is diagnosed twice as often in people living with HIV.
    • Radiation therapy. People who have suffered radiation exposure are at risk, since the rays affect the cell, changing the functions of the organelles, as a result of which they cannot work fully.


    • Small cell cancer- the most terrible and aggressive developing tumor and giving metastases even to a small size of the tumor itself. It is rare, usually in smokers.
    • Squamous cell carcinoma– the most common type of tumor, develops from flat epithelial cells.
    • Adenocarcinoma– rare, formed from the mucous membrane.
    • Large cell– more often affects women than men. A special feature is the beginning of development cancer diseases in the subsegmental bronchi and early education metastases in the lymph nodes of the mediastinum, additionally peripheral damage to the adrenal glands, pleura, bones, and brain occurs.

    Stages of cancer

    There are only four stages of cancer, each of these stages is characterized by certain symptoms and manifestations. For each stage it is selected individual treatment oncologist. It is possible to completely get rid of this pathology only in the early stages.

    • First stage 1A. The neoplasm should not exceed 3 cm in diameter. This stage occurs without coughing. It is very difficult to detect.
    • First stage 1B. The size of the tumor can reach up to 5 centimeters in diameter, but malignancy does not release tumor markers into the blood, which means it can still be completely removed.

    If this disease is detected at this stage, the prognosis of the disease in 70 cases out of 100 will be favorable. Unfortunately, as mentioned above, recognize on initial stage very difficult and almost impossible, since the tumor is very small and there are no obvious symptoms.

    It's always worth paying attention to alarming symptoms in both adults and children: the degree of cough and the consistency and smell of sputum; it can be putrid and greenish in color.

    Small cell cancer can be a huge danger, spreading metastases throughout the body almost instantly. If you suspect such a cancerous lesion, you should immediately resort to treatment: chemotherapy or surgery.

    The SECOND stage of cancer begins when a tumor forms more than five centimeters in diameter. Among the main symptoms are an increased cough with sputum interspersed with blood, elevated temperature, rapid breathing, as well as possible “lack of air.” At this stage, sudden weight loss often occurs.

    • Stage 2A. Malignant formation in diameter it has grown to 5 centimeters. The lymph nodes have almost been reached, but are not yet affected.
    • Stage 2B. Malignant tumor reaches 7 cm, but the neoplasm, as in stage 2A, has not yet spread to the lymph nodes. There may be indigestion. Metastases to the chest cavity are possible.

    Survival rate at the second stage: 30 patients out of 100. Correctly chosen treatment can increase life expectancy: up to approximately 4-6 years. For small cell cancer, the prognosis at this stage is even worse: 18 patients out of 100.

    THIRD stage of cancer. At this stage, treatment practically does not help.

    • Stage 3A. The tumor is more than 7 centimeters. It has already reached closely adjacent tissue and the lymph nodes near the lung are affected. Metastases appear, their area of ​​appearance noticeably expands and covers chest, trachea, blood vessels, even near the heart and can penetrate the pectoral fascia.
    • Stage 3B. A malignant tumor is more than 7 cm in diameter; it can already affect even the walls of the lung. Rarely, metastases can reach the heart, tracheal vessels, which cause the development of pericarditis.

    Symptoms in the third stage are pronounced. Severe cough with blood severe pain in the chest area, chest pain. At this stage, doctors prescribe cough suppressants. The main treatment is to suppress the growth of cancer cells with chemotherapy, but unfortunately, the treatment is ineffective, the tumor grows and destroys the body. Cancer of the left or right, with these lesions of parts of the lungs, resection of all or part of the lung is performed.