I don't have the strength to sleep and that's why. Drowsiness and fatigue

Rhythm modern life simply unbearable - many of us try to climb career ladder everything is higher, and this requires certain sacrifices. Frequent overtime, regular seminars and advanced training courses, extracurricular work on weekends - all this negatively affects the employee’s condition. And if this involves a small child at home, various chronic diseases and additional worries, one can only dream of normal sleep and rest. Day after day, month after month, year after year, a person accumulates constant fatigue and a desire to sleep. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to sleep either - overexertion and insomnia simply do not allow one to get a good night's sleep; a person in anxiety sleeps as if superficially, which does not allow him to rest properly. to the fullest. In this article we will try to understand the causes and treatment. constant fatigue.

Why does a person feel tired and overwhelmed?

In any work team you can find different people– cheerful and active, as well as sleepy and apathetic. Understanding the causes of this condition, we can divide these factors into two main groups - physiological causes and diseases that can cause such a condition. Let's start with something simple.

  1. Lack of sleep. This is the simplest and most common cause of stable drowsiness. If at your home small child, who wakes up many times at night, if your neighbor spends the night doing repairs, if you are forced to work part-time at night - there is no talk of any kind of alert state. The solution to this problem is simple - you just need to get some sleep. While you're at work, you can drink a cup of strong coffee.
  2. Oxygen deficiency. Very often, in large offices with poor ventilation, this problem arises - people begin to yawn, they become dizzy, and they literally fall asleep at their workplaces. In this case, you need to ventilate the room more often, leave the windows open if the weather permits.
  3. Stress. When there is excessive nervous stress, a special substance is released - cartisol, the excess of which causes fatigue and exhaustion. If your work involves stress, you need to take breaks, and, of course, change your attitude towards such work, try to be less nervous.
  4. Excess coffee. Some people, struggling with apathy, drink the lion's dose of coffee, and in vain. The fact is that one or two cups really invigorate, but large number caffeine calms and even relaxes. After this loading dose drink will definitely make you want to sleep.
  5. Avitaminosis. A deficiency of important vitamins can tell about itself in this way. Most often, chronic fatigue indicates a lack of iodine or magnesium. Fatigue from vitamin deficiency most often occurs in the spring, when natural vitamins in fruits and vegetables becomes negligibly low - during this period you need to take multivitamin complexes. And, of course, you should reconsider your diet. You need to consume more in any season fresh vegetables and fruits, only natural dishes, no fast food.
  6. Bad habits. Everyone knows that alcohol and nicotine narrow the lumen blood vessels, less oxygen is delivered to the organs, including the brain. Regular smoking leads to poor health, a constant state of weakness and fatigue.
  7. Magnetic storms and weather conditions. Weather-dependent people notice that a state of drowsiness often occurs against the background magnetic storms and before the rain. This can be explained simply - in the following weather conditions is decreasing atmospheric pressure, the body reacts and gradually reduces blood pressure, heartbeat slows down, fatigue syndrome occurs. In addition, this condition most often occurs in autumn and winter, when there is little sunlight. The fact is that when exposed to ultraviolet rays, the skin produces vitamin D, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.
  8. Satiety. Fatigue sets in most often after a hearty lunch, doesn’t it? The thing is that when you overeat, all the blood rushes to digestive organs, emanating from the brain, this leads to an increased desire to sleep. It’s not difficult to deal with this – you just don’t need to overeat.
  9. Pregnancy. Very often, women feel sleepy during pregnancy, especially in the first and last trimester. This is due to change hormonal levels Moreover, pregnant women cannot sleep normally at night - frequent hikes to the toilet, lack of oxygen, stomach discomfort later, and excessive suspiciousness - all this leads to insomnia.

In addition, fatigue can occur when taking certain medications - these include tranquilizers, antidepressants, antihistamines, sleeping pills, vasoconstrictor medications. Drowsiness can occur against the background of even a minor cold, when you decide not to take sick leave, but to suffer from an acute respiratory viral infection on your feet. But what if fatigue is caused by more serious problems?

What diseases cause apathy and fatigue?

If fatigue is not associated with a lack of sleep, oxygen and vitamins, if this condition accompanies you for a long time, we can talk about possible pathologies in the body.

  1. Anemia. This is the most common reason for constant fatigue and desire to sleep. To check this, you just need to donate blood for a hemoglobin test; if this indicator is below normal, measures should be taken. At minor deviations you can correct the problem with the help of nutrition - regularly eat liver, pomegranates, meat, beef tongue, apples - these products contain a lot of iron. In difficult cases, iron supplements are prescribed. It is not difficult to recognize anemia - low hemoglobin is characterized by pale skin and mucous membranes, shortness of breath, and rapid heartbeat.
  2. VSD. Very often, a state of regular fatigue and drowsiness occurs against the background of vegetative-vascular dystonia. The disease is characterized by symptoms such as tachycardia, intestinal dysfunction, chills, sleep disturbance, and a tendency to fear and nervousness.
  3. Hypothyroidism. Very often when constant feeling Fatigue and weakness, patients are advised to take a hormone test and consult an endocrinologist. Thyroid gland is an organ that is responsible for many vital important functions. Lack of hormones produced leads to fatigue, frequent shifts mood, depression, shortness of breath, etc.
  4. Diabetes mellitus. This state of weakness can occur due to a lack of insulin in the blood. Diabetics know that unreasonable fatigue can be a sign of an impending insulin crisis; they urgently need to measure their blood sugar levels and take action.
  5. Sleep apnea. This pathology consists of involuntary cessation of breathing during night sleep. A person may not even be aware of such a condition if he lives alone. As a result, oxygen deficiency occurs, a person cannot get enough sleep, irritability and fatigue appear.

In addition to all this, drowsiness may be a consequence of the syndrome chronic fatigue. After the postponed infectious diseases the patient needs rehabilitation time, otherwise he will be in a state of apathy and loss of strength. Any chronic disease can cause drowsiness, since chronic processes are less acute and the clinical picture is mild.

Separately, I would like to say about the fatigue and apathy of the child. This could be a symptom helminthic infestation. Sometimes children are silent about a fall - a concussion leads to constant drowsiness. A child's fatigue can be associated with excessive stress, food poisoning and other diseases. One thing can be said with certainty - the apathetic and lethargic state of the child is definitely a sign of a violation of his health. How to deal with the lack of vitality?

If you are regularly accompanied by a feeling of fatigue, you need to take action; you cannot put up with similar condition. To begin with, try to put everything aside and get some sleep. Trust small child relatives, turn off the phone, take a day off, stay away from the computer, close the curtains and just sleep - as much as you want. For full recovery you may need a day's sleep, but it's worth it - you need to replenish your rest reserves. If this does not help, more serious measures need to be taken.

Try to follow a daily routine - you need to go to bed early, it is sleep before midnight that brings with it important part rest. Don't overeat, it's better to eat more often, but in small portions. Try to move more - this way you saturate your body with oxygen. Do physical activity - it is very useful and important for wellness, especially if the work involves constantly sitting at a computer. If you are overcome by fatigue at work, you need to get up, walk, do light exercises, go out into the fresh air, massage your neck - this will ensure a rush of blood to the brain. In general, a high-quality course massage of the collar area can significantly improve the situation. Take it every morning contrast shower, which will help you cheer up and recharge your batteries for the whole day.

Try to be less nervous, believe me, it is possible. Just think about what you're talking about last time were you worried? Could your torment change the situation? As a rule, in many cases nervous condition does not affect anything, so take the situation for granted and learn to cope with problems calmly. At work, drink no more than two cups of coffee, don’t drink too much on energy drinks, and give up cigarettes. All this does not help you calm down, but, on the contrary, aggravates your problem. The pregnancy period can only be survived if severe drowsiness You can take sick leave or vacation. If all these general measures do not help you collect your thoughts and get ready for work, most likely it’s various violations. Be sure to see a therapist and go through comprehensive examination which will help make the correct diagnosis. As a rule, people in most cases know their sores. If your blood pressure is low, they drink coffee and eat chocolate; if your blood pressure is high, they lean on green tea etc.

Often fatigue and drowsiness occur at the psycho-emotional level, with long-term seasonal depression. In this case, you need to recharge yourself with positive emotions - meet with friends, play with your pet, pay attention to your child, read your favorite book. You may need to release your adrenaline by skydiving or doing some other extreme activity. Sometimes this gives a powerful impetus, allows you to turn the page of life and start all over again. After all good mood and good spirits are the basis for upcoming career victories!

Video: what to do if you feel constantly sleepy

Why do you always want to sleep? since the morning? The day has not yet begun, and you already feel weak and unwilling to do anything!

Constant fatigue and drowsiness, malaise and some weakness may be signs or causes that need to be corrected!

Moreover, constant drowsiness and fatigue can accompany you if you have slept for many hours, but your body still does not want and cannot wake up.


  • absent-mindedness
  • inattention
  • memory loss
  • apathy
  • loss of interest and some indifference
  • the desire to lie on the sofa in front of the TV or sleep and sleep again

I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that regardless of age, these symptoms can accompany both adults and children! Therefore, it is necessary to find out why you constantly want to sleep, so to speak. the root cause!


  • Vitamin deficiency or lack of essential and very important microelements

You should especially worry about such important vitamins, like iron, iodine, vitamins D and C!

  • Constant diets and a small amount of kcal in relation to energy consumption
  • Reduced immunity and lack of a healthy lifestyle can provoke all the signs
  • Low blood pressure
  • lack of water
  • Toxicity and slagging of the body
  • Pregnancy

For pregnancy, it is important to take a complex of vitamins on time, walk more fresh air and perform special gymnastics!

  • Depression

Depression is, as you know, the wrong direction of thought, unwillingness to do business, go to work, tired of everything, etc. Most the right way get rid of constant drowsiness and fatigue - start working on the sources of your depression!

If we take the basis of psychology, then fatigue reflects resistance, boredom, and reluctance to do one’s work. That is, an unloved thing that takes up the bulk of life kills all enthusiasm and the body strives to get more of it in a dream! Fatigue and drowsiness only show that you have chosen the wrong path!

What to do if you feel constantly tired and drowsy?

  • Be sure to take vitamins, and constantly, especially for those of you who live in cities and metropolises!
  • Cleansing the body and intestines.
  • Sleep should be complete, 8 hours.
  • Relaxation

Relaxation for 20-30 minutes a day with no thoughts and proper body position. when all the muscles relax, all unnecessary tension and resistance are gradually removed, which sometimes causes all the symptoms on the face.

  • Hobby

Remember what you like to do most and strive to devote time to it every day! You may have many ideas and plans in the future!

  • Aromatherapy

Buy yourself some incense. essential oils that will invigorate you. For example, aromas of coffee, pine, sea, spring smells. Don't be lazy!

  • Fall in love

What love does to us is known for certain to those who have gone through these moments! Either you need to set a goal to work on your existing relationships, bring freshness, or fall in love. Moreover, scientists have long proven that it doesn’t matter mutual love or not, the state of falling in love raises the sensations of its bearer to high level vibrations! The symptoms will go away in no time!

  • Drink a cup of good aromatic coffee 2 times a day
  • Drink green tea with lemon throughout the day
  • It’s great if you buy Ginseng root at the pharmacy or Eleutherococcus roots, guarana
  • Sport

Underestimate this point! What kind of sport is there if you are weak and want to sleep? These sensations disappear after some time. as soon as the body begins to produce hormones and endorphins that improve tone and mood.

  • fresh air and breathing exercises

Constant fatigue and drowsiness is not a disease, but a lack of joy that is expressed through our body! Start small, and be sure to switch to healthy image life!

A sleep disorder that is characterized by a desire to fall asleep is considered increased drowsiness. Moreover, the desire to sleep most often occurs periodically, but it can also be present constantly. Such a syndrome may, of course, indicate that a person just needs to fully rest. But there are a lot of pathologies that include increased drowsiness in the list of symptoms.

If a person experiences constant or periodic drowsiness, and chronic fatigue syndrome can be excluded, you should immediately consult a doctor - only full examination the body will enable specialists to find out the true cause of the condition in question. Since there are many such reasons, it will be necessary to differentiate possible pathological conditions - this will help to carry out effective treatment.

Table of contents:

Most often, the syndrome in question accompanies diseases of the endocrine and cardiovascular system, but it can also be present in narcolepsy, Kleine-Levin syndrome, apnea syndrome in a dream - these are neuropsychiatric diseases, which are always difficult and radically change the patient’s lifestyle.

Increased drowsiness is often noted by those who are forced to take certain medicines a long period - this affects their side effects on the body. As a rule, with such a development of events, the attending physician will either adjust the dosage of the medication taken or completely replace it.

Drowsiness is almost always associated with insufficient daylight. Pay attention to how the psycho-emotional background changes during cloudy weather and prolonged rains. In principle, such a condition cannot be considered a pathology, but help the body enter into normal rhythm life is possible. To increase daylight hours and make up for the lack of sun, fluorescent lamps are installed in the premises - this literally helps to restore the body’s strength in just a couple of days.

And of course, one cannot ignore those in which a person simply “goes” to sleep - in this way he “hides” from problems and troubles. If increased sleepiness arose precisely against the background of such a disorder of the psycho-emotional background and nervous system, then you just need to solve the problem or seek help from a psychologist.

Please note:All listed states, which lead to increased drowsiness, in principle, can be overcome independently (with rare exceptions), and drowsiness in the described cases will be considered practically the norm. But there are a number serious illnesses which are accompanied by increased drowsiness - in this case, without professional medical care there's simply no way around it.

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Doctors identify a number of diseases, the course of which is accompanied by increased drowsiness:

  1. . With this disease, the level of iron in the body decreases, and if the pathology remains “unattended” and the patient does not undergo treatment, then a lack of hemoglobin can be detected even in blood cells. In addition to increased drowsiness, iron deficiency anemia accompanied by brittle nail plates and hair, general weakness, changes in taste preferences, and dizziness.

Please note:normalize and stabilize iron levels in the body exclusively folk remedies impossible. At indicated symptoms You should definitely consult a doctor who, after examination, will prescribe effective treatment with iron supplements.

There are a number of symptoms that, coupled with increased sleepiness, may be the basis for a preliminary diagnosis. Of course, each doctor will conduct the necessary examinations, but assumptions will already be made.

, drowsiness and weakness – vegetative-vascular dystonia

The mechanism for the development of increased drowsiness in this disease is very simple:

  • the vessels are affected by some factor - for example, stress, smoking;
  • against the background of such exposure, neuroendocrine changes occur - this condition generally underlies vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • In the vessels of the brain, blood flow is impaired (dystonia).

Treatment of increased drowsiness in this pathology consists of combating the factors that actually provoke general disease. Psychotherapy, reflexology, acupuncture and activities aimed at general strengthening the whole body.

If the disease is severe, doctors will prescribe specific medications that will relieve the patient from drowsiness.

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, headache and drowsiness – intoxication of the nervous system

In this condition, there occurs toxic damage cerebral cortex due to the influence of internal or external factors. Exogenous intoxication can occur due to the consumption of large quantities alcoholic drinks, chemicals, poisons of plant or bacterial origin ( food poisoning). Endogenous intoxication may occur against the background of severe pathologies of the liver (cirrhosis, hepatitis) and kidneys.

Intoxication of the nervous system is always accompanied by increased drowsiness, nausea and headache - based on these signs, doctors will be able to make a diagnosis and provide professional assistance in a timely manner.

Vomiting, nausea, dizziness and drowsiness – traumatic brain injury

With such an injury, several factors begin to affect the central nervous system:

  • direct impact – bruise, destruction of brain tissue;
  • violation of the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid;
  • cerebrovascular accident;
  • cerebral edema.

Please note:In the first few hours after a traumatic brain injury, the patient may feel great, there are no symptoms. That is why, even with minor blows to the head, a person must undergo a medical examination. medical institution.

Irritability, loss of energy and drowsiness are endocrine disruptions in women

Very often, drowsiness in women is associated with and. In addition to the syndrome in question, in such cases there will be other pronounced symptoms:

In case of endocrine disruptions, you can cope with increased drowsiness with herbal medicine or reflexology, but in especially severe cases, doctors can prescribe hormonal medications.

Of course, first of all you will need to see a doctor and undergo preventive examination– you need to make sure that there are no serious pathologies. If increased sleepiness is a symptom chronic diseases or caused by psycho-emotional disorders, then you can try to get rid of the syndrome in question on your own.

Increased sleepiness can be a sign of banal chronic fatigue, but it can also be a symptom of severe pathological conditions. You just need to carefully monitor your health and literally “listen” to how you are feeling – a timely examination in a medical facility will help you effectively cope with the problem.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category.

In this article we will look at what are real reasons fatigue, drowsiness and apathy. Weakness, nausea, apathy, headaches, constantly lacking the strength to do anything, and there is no desire to work - all these phenomena are quite widespread these days. Why does fatigue and drowsiness occur?

The main causes of fatigue, drowsiness and apathy

People lose strength and will to act for many reasons, sometimes quite serious reasons, but most often this is observed for the following reasons:

These are the most common causes of fatigue, drowsiness and apathy, they need to be fought and can be defeated.

Drowsiness after eating and apathy

A separate line can highlight the state of relaxation and drowsiness that occurs in many people after eating. It’s good, of course, if such a feeling visited a person on vacation, but if he went out to have a snack during the lunch break, there is still a good half of the working day ahead, and his thoughts are only occupied with where to take a nap, at least for a second. The reason for this is the consumption of a significant part of a person’s energy reserve for digesting food.

Every person is familiar with the concept of weakness. It's about about physical fatigue, sometimes caused by nothing and appearing out of nowhere. That is, a person can be well-rested, well-fed and not sick in any way, but everywhere he is accompanied by fatigue, dizziness, drowsiness, and sometimes even nausea.


If a person is tired and feels exhausted after a hard day at work, this is normal phenomenon. The weakness may not go away overnight and persist the next day, but that's what days off are for. If lethargy and fatigue constantly accompanies you, regardless of whether it is a working day or a weekend, then you need to look for a problem elsewhere.

Lack of vitamins

If a person is lethargic and constantly exhausted, his body is missing something. In particular, vitamins B12 and D. They are found in meat, fish, milk, liver and eggs. These vitamins help red blood cells function in the body and perform their main function: deliver oxygen to vital important bodies and tissues, without which energy will not be produced.

Vitamin B12 deficiency can be determined by the following signs: memory problems, increased sweating, nausea and diarrhea. Vitamin D deficiency is high blood pressure And various kinds neuralgia. If a person eats well, but the listed symptoms are present, it may be necessary to replenish additional vitamin reserves (you can take vitamin complexes).

Taking certain medications

All tablets have side effects, and many of them cause dizziness, nausea, lethargy and apathy. Moreover, this is not always described in the instructions. Therefore, you must take antihistamines and antidepressants with caution and strictly follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor.

If it turns out that weakness in the body is really caused by taking pills, then you need to inform your doctor about this. Perhaps he will suggest alternative drugs.

Hormonal disorders

One of the most common reasons, causing lethargy and apathy in women. Just remember pregnant women - they often have mood swings in a bad direction. Hormonal imbalances are caused by problems with thyroid gland, namely, a decrease in its activity. For men, such problems are rare.

Symptoms of thyroid dysfunction are dry skin, shuddering during sleep, cycle disruption in women, sweating, as well as constant fatigue and fatigue. This can be dealt with only after finding out the exact cause, that is, after the test results.

Depressive state

Any depression begins with melancholy, the symptoms of which are nausea, poor appetite, intrusive thoughts and apathy. When
it becomes more severe depressive state, weakness begins to be felt physically. The person mostly lies down, eats little due to nausea, loses ability to work, and only wants to sleep. In America, depression is an excuse not to go to work. Why? Because otherwise it can develop into a serious mental illness.

Experts and those who have managed to overcome depression recommend finding happiness in the little things and doing what you love: being in nature, watching your favorite movies, pampering yourself with goodies, etc.

Intestinal problems

Celiac disease – quite rare disease, which consists in the inability to digest gluten (this substance is found in cereals). People with this disease are persecuted constant weakness and nausea because the body lacks nutrients contained in bread, flour and cereals. If you have celiac disease, you should undergo regular hospital treatment and follow a certain diet.

Heart problems

We are talking about serious heart disease, constant symptom which is shortness of breath. A person does not have enough oxygen to perform basic physical actions, so he quickly gets tired. This fatigue is especially pronounced in people who have had a heart attack. They often experience lethargy and chest pain similar to that which preceded the heart attack. Often this is a far-fetched condition, and a person plays it safe, preferring, in principle, to move less.

First of all, you should contact a cardiologist who will accurately diagnose and recommend a lifestyle. It will definitely include physical activity: they will help strengthen the heart, relieve pain and make a person more resilient.

Diabetes mellitus

This disease involves two conditions in which a person may experience lethargy. First: when glucose levels are elevated. In this case, not only fatigue is observed, but also nausea caused by a large number sugar in the body. Second: if the glucose level is significantly below normal. It's more serious condition, which can quickly develop into a coma. In this case, the person has severe sweating, difficulty breathing, which is accompanied by headache and very severe weakness bordering on absolute powerlessness (sometimes you don’t even have the strength to raise your hand or turn your head).

You can fight it by tracking your sugar levels. If the glycemic level is low (you can check it with a glucometer), you should give the patient sweet tea, a bun, a chocolate bar, or administer intravenous glucose. At elevated level blood sugar, you need to lower it traditional methods, for example, eat boiled onions.

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)

This is the name of a serious disease characterized by long period overwork. It affects both men and women.


Fatigue and lethargy can be associated with various factors:

  • Taking a number of medications (sleeping pills, contraceptives, antiallergic drugs, etc.)
  • Diseases associated with breathing complications, chest pain (bronchitis, asthma, emphysema)
  • Different types of heart failure, when the heart does not perform its main function: supplying blood and oxygen to all organs, incl. lungs
  • Problems with sleep (when a person constantly wants to sleep or suffers from insomnia)
  • Headaches or migraines that appear suddenly and deprive a person of a quiet life.


CFS, in addition to drowsiness and fatigue, includes the following symptoms:

  1. Problems with memory and concentration
  2. Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck and armpits
  3. Body weakness, muscle pain and headaches
  4. Irritability, changeable mood
  5. Extreme exhaustion, often without any justification.

Diagnosing CFS is difficult because the symptoms are similar to many diseases of the nervous system. The doctor usually makes the diagnosis by exclusion.

One of the main factors by which a doctor can determine exactly CFS, and not depression or a neuropsychiatric disorder, is constant fatigue that continues for a long time (from 4 months in a row).


How to get rid of CFS? First, follow your doctor's orders. And secondly, change your lifestyle.

  1. Learn to organize time correctly so as not to rush
  2. Increase physical activity. If you don’t have time for fitness, you should at least walk more quickly, do exercises, and give up the elevator
  3. Sleep as much as your body requires. In other words, when you want to sleep in the evening, you don’t need to sit out this time, but you should go to bed. The same thing in the morning: as soon as you wake up (it doesn’t matter at 7 am or 4 am), you need to get up. If you feel sluggish during the day due to lack of sleep, you can compensate for it with a nap
  4. Quit alcohol, smoking and caffeine.


It's one thing when a person has increased fatigue and malaise. And it’s much worse when the desire to sleep is added to this. Fatigue and the accompanying drowsiness further ruin a person’s life, because he not only cannot concentrate on work or other matters, but also constantly yawns, nods, or even dozes.


The causes of exhaustion caused by drowsiness include the same factors: depression, vitamin deficiency, certain diseases, etc. But here you can also add some atypical moments that make you want to sleep. For example, when the fatigue mode is turned on forcibly. This is what students face during a session, long-distance drivers, and people working on urgent projects. They sacrifice sleep to achieve their goals, so the body at some point begins to slow down. This is where the desire to sleep comes from.

How to get rid of fatigue this kind? Alternate periods of wakefulness and sleep. After all, it will be difficult to do urgent work if you simultaneously struggle with drowsiness. It’s better to set aside a couple of hours to sleep, and then continue the task with renewed vigor.

After eating

Fatigue and drowsiness after a heavy lunch are common. When the stomach is full, digestion begins to work many times more actively, and a large amount of energy is spent on this. Accordingly, the blood delivers less oxygen to the brain, so the person feels weak and wants to sleep.

In pregnant women and children

Pregnant women sleep a lot due to hormonal changes: dizziness and nausea due to toxicosis, pain in the legs, etc. And their constant exhaustion is caused by daily weight gain (fetal development, increase in the number amniotic fluid). Young children also need a lot of time to good sleep. Why? Because they nervous system not fully formed.