Can a dog have a dry nose? Why does a dog have a dry nose?

Everyone is accustomed to the fact that a dog’s dry nose indicates illness. In a sense, this is true, although it is not an absolute truth.

However, it is important to take this symptom into account when diagnosing various diseases.

Causes of a dry nose in a puppy

One of the most common causes of a dry, hot nose in a puppy. It can often occur on low-quality plastic, for example, from which a small pet’s toys or its food and water bowls are made.

An allergic reaction may also occur to plant pollen, dust, chemicals(For example, detergents). Also, in some breeds (usually decorative) there is allergic reaction for some food products. A dry nose can also signal... And then she may experience other symptoms, such as:

  • runny nose,
  • sneezing,
  • hoarseness,
  • cough.

In addition, the nose can dry out when it is injured. Then you can notice swelling, swelling, scabs or ulcers on it. A dog can also develop an autoimmune skin disease called pemphigus.

It's normal for a dog to have a dry nose in some cases.

Before you panic about your pet's dry nose, it's worth finding out in what situations it's most common. normal phenomenon. For example, a dog’s nose becomes dry and hot during sleep, from overwork (for example, after running for a walk), during nervous excitement or stress.

For example, a puppy may be frightened by an encounter with an aggressive adult dog. The weather also affects the condition of the nose and it becomes dry both in very hot climates and in extreme cold. During hot weather, the dog should be given enough to drink, and his nose should be lubricated with aloe juice after a walk. After a walk in cold weather, the dog's nose is wiped with warm water.

Pets are unable to communicate when they feel unwell. But caring owner can always notice it himself different signs. One of the main indicators of a dog’s well-being is the condition of the nasal mucosa.

The mucous membrane can be dry or moist, hot, warm or cool, clean, with ulcers or wounds. All violations indicate that the functions of this organ are not performed in to the fullest, and the reason may lie in both pathology and external conditions.

In dogs, unlike humans, the mucous membrane is located not only inside the nostrils, but also on the surface of the olfactory organ. It contains large number small glands that constantly secrete a mucous secretion. This lubricant performs important function: it contributes to the perception and enhancement of all odors that surround the animal. As you know, for a dog, smell plays the role of the most important sense with which the pet navigates the surrounding world, so the loss of this ability is reflected in general behavior.

In order for humidity to be maintained at the desired level, the nose should be moderately cool. When its temperature rises, the mucous membrane dries out faster than a new secretion can be produced.

Exceptions to the rules

Despite the fact that a moist and cool nose is considered normal, there are cases when temporary dryness does not indicate a possible serious illness.

If dryness appears for the first time, it is important to pay attention to the following factors:

  • After long sleep the lobe is often warmer and drier than usual. It goes away within a few minutes of waking up.
  • Allergy. Most common cause Feeders made of plastic or other materials may cause allergic reactions in domestic dogs. The best option– a stainless steel bowl that almost never causes allergies.
  • On the hottest days, the air becomes too dry, which affects both the mucous membranes of dogs and people. Unpleasant feeling will go away quickly after treating the earlobe with water or a weak solution of calendula.
  • Insufficient hydration sometimes appears due to injury. It does not necessarily manifest itself externally, but if a dog hits its nose, the functioning of the glands may be disrupted for a short time, after which it will recover on its own.
  • After severe physical fatigue, the condition of the mucous membrane may worsen, but as soon as the animal rests, all indicators will return to normal.
  • Moral worries and stress affect dogs no less than their owners. The cause of a dry nose is often fear, separation from someone in the household, or other dog troubles. When moving a puppy to new house This picture is considered typical. Everything will be restored as soon as it's over adaptation period, and the pet will get used to its new place of residence.

In all of the above cases, healthy dog the condition of the nose becomes normal in short time after the irritating factor has been eliminated.

Cold nose

A too cold surface of the lobe may be a sign of a significant decrease in the animal’s body temperature. The rest of the body is covered with fur, so it is the nose that gives an idea of ​​the coolness of the skin.

There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

IN in this case The main signals indicating that the dog urgently needs to be shown to a specialist are:

  • dull or watery eyes;
  • bloodless gums;
  • cold surface of the ears;
  • wheezing.

Hot and dry

Too much high temperature nasal mucosa is almost always combined with dryness. This symptom always indicates a disease that causes fever. The reasons for this include infectious pathology or significant trauma, as well as inflammatory process. First of all, it is important to make sure that the dog is not experiencing heatstroke.

Immediate contact with a veterinarian is necessary in cases where a hot and dry nose is combined with the following symptoms:

  • weakness, lethargy and sleeping longer than usual;
  • constant desire to drink;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increased irritability and aggression;
  • the dog tries to hide in a secluded place where no one will disturb him;
  • obvious intestinal disorders(diarrhea, vomiting);
  • swelling of the nose;
  • blisters and peeling on the mucous membrane;
  • frequent sneezing and paroxysmal cough, runny nose;
  • hoarse voice.

It's good if the dog can measure the temperature. The meaning of this parameter is different for dogs of different ages and size, and also change in pregnant or lactating bitches.

First aid

If a hot and dry nose is detected in an animal, it is necessary to identify the underlying cause. This can be done professionally in veterinary clinic. It is possible that, in addition to visual inspection you will have to get tested.

But until the dog is taken to the clinic, its condition can be alleviated using basic techniques. To do this you need to follow these tips:

  • provide your pet with constant access to water;
  • in case of allergies, remove all flowering plants from the apartment;
  • V winter time lubricate the nasal mucosa with cotton wool soaked in water or a weak saline solution;
  • treat the earlobe with an ointment based on calendula extract or fresh juice aloe.

The owner must remember that it is impossible to give the animal any medications before examination by a specialist: this may interfere with big picture disease or affect the tests that will be ordered to find the cause.

The condition of the nose is the main parameter by which it is easy to monitor changes occurring in the dog, so it needs to be monitored periodically, comparing it with the norm in a healthy dog. By monitoring it, you can quickly detect the onset of pathological processes and provide your pet with first aid in a timely manner.

People make the mistake of thinking that a dog's dry or warm nose is a sign of illness. You should pay attention to other signs, since even a healthy animal can have a warm nose.

Dogs most often have a cold and wet nose. But during the day, drying or warming of the organ is sometimes noted.

Dry and warm nose in a dog

Healthy dog ​​nose

Causes of a dog's nose drying out:

  • Age or personal characteristics. Puppies are very often observed with warm nose oh, if there are no other symptoms, then don’t worry. Some dogs have an organ structure that makes it poorly hydrated;
  • After active games and stress if the pet is overworked and tired. Rest and increased nutrition will fix everything. When traveling and moving, your pet may behave strangely, sleep a lot, and lose appetite. In this case, control the temperature, entertain and encourage the animal.
  • Warm and dry air, usually during heating seasons;
  • During sleep or after waking up. This is explained by slow metabolism and decreased hydration;
  • Nervous overstrain or fear, stress. Let the dog come to its senses, treat it with a treat, provide a comfortable and calm environment;
  • Sudden changes weather;
  • When baby teeth are replaced by permanent teeth;
  • Heat;
  • After birth in the first two days.

If the listed reasons are not accompanied by any other signs, then warming and dryness of the organ is a short-term phenomenon. If the pet's condition is alarming and problems arise additional symptoms, then this could be the beginning of some disease.

Dry nose - special attention

If the nose is not wet and hot long time, then the owner's attention is required.

Signs accompanying organ dryness:

Obvious signs that require taking your animal to the veterinarian:

  • Temperature jump to 40 degrees and above;
  • Loss of consciousness;
  • Cloudy nasal discharge;
  • Impaired urination and bowel movements;
  • Vomit.

A dog has a hot nose: help

If you notice a warm and dry nose on your pet, then watch him. If the dog is active, eating well and there are no signs of illness, then wait until the moisture and temperature of the nose are restored.

If you notice signs that your pet is getting sick, you should measure its body temperature rectally. If the reading rises to more than forty degrees, try lowering the temperature by physical means– wet the wool, solder it with water, apply cold to the armpits and groin, and place it in a cool place. After the indicators decrease, take the animal to the veterinarian. At minor increases temperature, go to the clinic immediately. Do not give any antipyretics yourself!

If your nose is cracked, use calendula ointment to moisturize and soften the surface.

Some diseases

Allergies are the most common cause. Symptoms: the dog has dry and cold nose. The animal itches, behaves strangely, the skin peels, dries out, and dandruff appears.

Don't diagnose allergies yourself, but feed your pet only broth and cereal. Do not bathe your dog or clean with household chemicals. Observe the animal's condition; as soon as the dog feels better, go to the veterinarian.

Plague– acute and progressive disease. Symptoms: purulent discharge, hot dry nose, lethargy, vomiting and diarrhea with blood and foam, refusal of water and food. Go to the doctor quickly or call him at home! Don't delay for an hour.

Rabies– the most dangerous disease. Transmitted through saliva, animals and people are susceptible to infection. Initial symptoms: dry and hot nose, lack of appetite, but drinks water, apathy and lethargy, photophobia is the most important symptom! The disease cannot be treated and the dogs are euthanized.

What does a veterinarian do?

The doctor will examine the animal and ask the owner under what circumstances the nose was found to be hot and dry.

If infection is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe a course of therapy and develop antifungal and antiviral treatment regimens.

When allergies occur They will adjust the diet and prescribe antihistamines locally and internally. It is recommended to replace bowls, because allergies are often caused by poor-quality dishes.

For injuries and pain syndromes , which are the cause of organ dryness, will select pain relief and correct treatment of injuries.

For signs of dehydration, a course of rehydration drips is required.

Deworming will be carried out if infection with worms is confirmed, and detoxification if necessary.

Upon confirmation autoimmune disease (pemphigus foliaceus), affect the immune system.

A dry and warm nose is not always a sign of pathology, just as a cold, wet nose is a sign of a healthy condition. Be attentive to your pets and notice additional signs that accompany diseases.

Many people believe that wet nose in a dog it is a sign of excellent health and, conversely, if it is dry and hot, then the animal is sick. With a purpose better work olfactory receptors there is a special mechanism for their activation - cells that produce mucus. The more actively an animal explores the outside world, the more actively they synthesize mucus to activate their sense of smell. Therefore, in pets of hunting and service detective breeds, the nose is often in a wet state.

The canine analyzer is also involved in the thermoregulation of the body. Therefore, on hot days the animal walks with its tongue hanging out, and its nose also comes to the rescue.

After sleeping in a warm and dry room, the organ will be dry. This is due to the fact that during sleep metabolic processes sharply slowed down, body temperature does not increase due to active muscle work.

A dog's nose can also become dry when dehydrated. If you find a pet with its muzzle buried in its paws with a dry nose, you should not panic - this is a common occurrence. As soon as the animal becomes active, the indicator organ will become hydrated.

A dry nose is a frequent companion of frosty and windy weather.

It is often hot and wet in the hot season, during a long stay in a warm room. The body includes defense mechanisms- The dog often licks its nose, moisturizing it.

In the event that the condition of the mucous membrane is normal, but there are symptoms of malaise, for example, lack of appetite, it is necessary to observe. The reason may be sexual hunting. Similar behavior may be associated with changes in diet.

It could also be an allergy. Additionally, it may be manifested by itching, as a result of which the animal will often lick its nose.

If the dog is lethargic, does not eat, and the nose is wet and cold, the processes of urination and bowel function should be monitored. For diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, frequent urination or its delay it is necessary to show the pet veterinary specialist. You should also pay attention to the condition of the mucous membranes, heart function and character breathing movements.

If you have no appetite for more than 2 days, you should immediately consult a veterinarian. If there is a suspicion of diseases of the internal organs, diagnostic methods research.

Dryness, unconditioned visible reasons, as well as a dry and hot nose can be due to the following reasons:

  • Diseases of the respiratory system. Rhinitis, including those of an allergic nature, bronchitis, and chronic pneumonia, are usually accompanied by a decrease in mucus production.
  • Infectious diseases with febrile state(carnivores, parainfluenza, adenoviral infection).

You should contact your veterinarian if:

  • in addition to a dry nose, there are symptoms such as lethargy, refusal to eat, dysfunction of urination and breathing, diarrhea;
  • the organ is red, peeling, covered with crusts or ulcers, itching;
  • for visible injuries to the nose after first aid.

Read more in our article about the reasons for changes in the temperature of a dog’s nose, as well as discharge from it.

Read in this article

What kind of nose should a healthy dog ​​have - dry or wet?

Both novice dog breeders and experienced breeders are sometimes captive of prejudices about assessing the health of a pet by the condition of its nose and consider it one of the main indicators of the development of the disease. Most owners are convinced that a dog’s wet nose is a sign of excellent health and, conversely, if this organ is dry and hot, then they should sound the alarm and seek qualified help.

According to zoological scientists and veterinary specialists, the nose of a four-legged pet plays important role in the body. First of all, with its help the animal navigates various odors environment.

In order to improve the functioning of olfactory receptors in nature, there is a special mechanism for their activation - cells that produce mucus. It is the mucous secretions of these cells that are a common reason why dogs have a wet nose.

The more actively an animal explores the outside world, the more actively special cells synthesize mucus to activate the sense of smell. In this regard, many dog ​​breeders note that the noses of pets of hunting and search breeds are often wet.

The canine analyzer is involved not only in the recognition of odors, but also takes an active part in the thermoregulation of the body. Physiological feature in dogs is such that the number sweat glands minor. In this regard, the main route of heat transfer is evaporation. This is why on hot days owners see their furry pet with his tongue hanging out.

The nose also comes to the aid of the body in the process of removing excess heat. Many scientists believe that it is thanks to a wet nose, and not an open mouth, that an animal cools itself most effectively on a hot day.

Owners often ask veterinarians- Does a healthy dog ​​have a dry or wet nose? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. In some cases, not only a wet, but also a dry nose is an indicator of the pet’s absolute health.

Generally, after sleeping in a warm and dry environment, the leather indicator will be dry. According to scientists, this is due to the fact that during sleep the animal’s metabolic processes are sharply slowed down, and body temperature does not increase due to the active work of the muscles. The dog does not overheat and the body does not need to actively produce mucus to moisturize the nasal planum.

A dog’s nose can dry out for a short period of time even if he is dehydrated, if he is thirsty and there is no way to quench it. If you find a pet with its muzzle buried in its paws with a dry nose, you should also not panic - this is a common occurrence. As soon as the animal becomes active, the indicator organ will become hydrated. A dry nose is a frequent companion of frosty and windy weather.

Owners are equally concerned when they discover that their dog has a hot and wet nose. This situation can occur in the hot season, when the pet stays in a warm room for a long time. The body turns on protective mechanisms - the dog often licks its nose and moisturizes it.

The owner should distinguish between physiologically determined temperature conditions mucosal and pathological condition, when the olfactory organ becomes hot due to the development of hyperthermia. If a fever is suspected, the dog's body temperature should be measured. If the parameter exceeds normal values, the pet should be shown to a veterinarian.

Why doesn't the dog eat and his nose is wet and cold?

Knowing physiological reasons When considering why a dog has a cold and wet nose, it will not be difficult for the owner to figure out in what situation the alarm should be sounded. If the condition of the mucous membrane is normal, but the pet has symptoms of malaise, for example, lack of appetite, it is necessary to carefully monitor it.

Perhaps the whole point is that the animal is in heat. In this case, there is no reason to worry. Similar behavior may be associated with changes in diet.

The introduction of a new product into the diet may not please the pet and, despite external well-being, the animal’s appetite will be reduced. One should not discount such a common pathology as allergies. The reaction to the unwanted component may be itching, as a result of which the animal will often lick its nose.

If the dog is lethargic, does not eat, and the nose is wet and cold, the owner should monitor the processes of urination and bowel function. If there is diarrhea, vomiting, frequent urination or retention, you should take your pet to a veterinarian. You should also pay attention to the condition of the mucous membranes (dryness, anemia, cyanosis), the functioning of the heart and the nature of the pet’s respiratory movements.

If there is no appetite for more than 2 days, it is necessary to show the animal to a veterinarian for a clinical examination. If diseases of the internal organs are suspected, diagnostic research methods will be prescribed.

Watch this video about why a dog has a wet nose:

Causes of a dry, hot nose

Having discovered a dry nose in a four-legged pet that is not due to visible reasons, the owner should know in what situations it is necessary to sound the alarm. The reasons that a dog has a dry and hot nose, according to veterinary experts, may be the following:

  • Diseases of the respiratory system. Rhinitis, including allergic and chronic rhinitis, is usually accompanied by a decrease in mucus production.
  • Infectious diseases accompanied by a febrile state (canine distemper, parainfluenza, adenoviral infection).
  • Inflammatory processes in the body that occur with an increase in overall body temperature.

A common cause of dry mucous membranes is an allergic reaction to food ingredients or environmental allergens (household chemicals, pollen, dust, medications).

When the dog is definitely sick

If the dog, in addition to changes in the condition of the skin indicator, has symptoms such as lethargy, refusal to eat, impaired urination and breathing, diarrhea, the owner should not delay a visit to a veterinarian. Thermometry will help confirm your fears.

A visit to a specialized institution is also required if the pet’s nose is red, flaky, covered with crusts or ulcers, or itching is observed. If there are visible injuries to the olfactory organ, after providing first aid, it is necessary to show the sick pet to a veterinary specialist, since even minor mechanical damage can lead to disruption of the animal’s perception of smell.

Having discovered that your dog’s nose is dry or wet, you should not make hasty conclusions about the ill health of your four-legged friend. The owner needs to have an idea in which situations such a condition of the organ is the norm, and in which it is necessary to seek qualified help. If symptoms other than changes in the temperature and humidity of the nose are detected, the animal should be taken to a veterinarian.

Useful video

Watch this video about why a dog has a dry nose:

A dog, like any other animal, has a nose covered with mucus produced by special glands. This allows them to sense even the slightest vibrations in the air and distinguish odors. A cold and wet nose in an animal is an indicator of normal health.

However, sometimes the dog's nose becomes hot and dry. Pet owners are beginning to worry about the health of their pet. Often this phenomenon is completely safe and is associated with the influence of short-term factors. A dog's hot nose may be due to the animal spending a lot of time in the sun. However, there may be cases when such a phenomenon is associated with a malfunction of one of the animal’s organs.

Main reasons

The causes of a hot nose in a dog can be very different, and this does not always indicate the presence of dangerous disease. However, there may also be serious violations, in particular such as:

Pemphigus is a disease autoimmune system, accompanied by the appearance of blisters in the nose area. Gradually, the new growths burst, dry out, and a crust forms. After some time, the blisters spread to the entire surface of the body.

To determine why your dog has a hot nose, you need to consult a veterinarian, as this may be the cause of a dangerous disease. Changes in the animal’s body can be caused by stressful situations, as well as environmental changes. All the emotions experienced can also cause dryness.


If your dog has a hot nose and lethargy, this could be the cause of colds. In addition to this, there are other symptoms. The animal loses its appetite, has a runny nose and cough, and the temperature rises.

For small breeds For dogs, the normal temperature will be 38-39 degrees, and for large dogs - 37-38. At the same time, the norm for puppies is a temperature several degrees higher than that of adult animals.

You can measure your dog's temperature using an electronic or mercury thermometer. Similar procedure carried out rectally. It is best to take measurements when the animal is in a calm state, so as not to frighten it, as this can damage the thermometer.

Allergy in an animal

Allergies can be triggered by flowering plants, as well as woolen items, food, household chemicals. It is quite difficult to independently determine the source of an allergy.

At food reaction may be observed:

  • itching skin;
  • inflammation of the ears;
  • disruption of the stomach and intestines;
  • lacrimation.

May be observed skin allergy when exposed to aggressive substances. As a result, there is itching and redness on the skin, which does not go away even after use. antibacterial drugs.


A dog can have a hot nose due to a nasal injury, burn, or strong impact. That's enough dangerous condition, which requires complex treatment.

It is important to provide your pet with first aid in a timely manner, namely, stop possible bleeding, bandage the wound and only then visit the veterinarian. If there is an injury, then it is forbidden to use brilliant green, alcohol and iodine, as this can cause a burn to the mucous membrane.


Rabies is mainly observed in animals that do not have the appropriate vaccinations. In addition to the fact that the dog has a hot nose, there is also a lack of appetite, photophobia and apathy. Every pet owner should know the symptoms so that in case of infection they can promptly consult a doctor.


If your pet is infected with distemper, the first signs include:

  • nose dry and hot;
  • loss of appetite;
  • pale mucous membrane;
  • vomiting and diarrhea;
  • convulsions and fainting.

This disease progresses very quickly, which is why, if you have symptoms, you should definitely contact a veterinarian. To avoid infection, the animal must be vaccinated.

Infection with worms

Helminths can cause intoxication in the dog’s body. In this case, in addition to dry nose, other symptoms are observed, in particular:

  • unstable stool;
  • vomit;
  • difficulty swallowing food;
  • itching in the anal area.

The dog will be very lethargic, as worms weaken the animal’s body. Therefore, for prevention, it is recommended to periodically take anthelmintics. If you have such symptoms, it is advisable to get tested and, if necessary, carry out anthelmintic therapy.

Lack of vitamins

A dry, warm and slightly cracked nose can be caused by insufficient amounts of vitamins A and D in the animal's diet. Vitamin A is found in vegetables, fruits, liver, fish and egg yolks. Vitamin D is found in dairy products, beef, and fish.

What to do if you have a problem

Many pet owners don't know what to do if their dog has a hot nose. If such symptoms appear, you need to contact a veterinarian who will help establish the root cause and prescribe adequate therapy. The specifics of treatment largely depend on the cause that provoked it.

If a dog has a hot nose due to allergies, then you should try to clean the room where the animal is located without using chemicals. In addition, you need to clean with just warm water as often as possible. If the litter pet wool, then you need to replace it with cotton. When choosing dishes for eating an animal, you should give preference to metal or glass.

If you suspect colds If the dog’s condition is not too severe, treatment can be carried out at home, however, if possible, it is advisable to show it to a veterinarian. It is imperative to provide a calm environment for the animal, give it a drink and a favorite treat.

Where the sick dog rests there should be no drafts; it is advisable to provide normal temperature in the apartment. You need to go outside only when necessary, and limit your walks to a time limit.

If the dog is freezing, then you need to cover it with something warm or even warm it with a heating pad. You can periodically comb the animal with a brush, as massage will help activate the body's defenses. If the cold is severe enough, then the veterinarian may prescribe medications. If you have wheezing and coughing, you need to treat with antibacterial drugs. Additionally, medications will be required to normalize the microflora of the dog’s stomach.

If you notice that your dog's nose is hot, you need to check if he has water in his drinking bowl. Perhaps it was inattention to the animal that became the main cause of discomfort and dehydration. Water must always be present in the animal’s drinking bowl.

In winter, the skin on the nose can be exposed to natural factors, resulting in painful cracks. In this case, the skin mucosa requires proper care and the use of special moisturizers and protective agents. In addition, for some time you need to protect your pet from being outside.

When not to worry

What does it mean if a dog has a hot nose, and what to do about it, worries many pet owners. Not always similar condition considered a signal of disease. If the dog behaves as usual, it is very cheerful, playful and there is no reason to worry. You just need to watch him.

Exists a whole series various reasons dry nose, when the pet owner does not need to worry. The nose may be dry and warm during sleep and for 10 minutes after waking up. Also among the provoking factors are:

A nursing dog may have a dry nose after giving birth to puppies. Also, a similar condition can occur when the body is dehydrated. You need to regularly monitor the availability of fresh water for your pet, therefore, it is advisable to change it after each meal.

Nose pink color may be subject to severe sunburn. If it turns red and cracked, and the skin begins to peel, you can use sunscreen and limit direct hits sun rays for a pet. Some dogs have specific structure nose and slow metabolism, which is why they will have a dry and hot nose throughout their lives. To make your pet feel better, you can periodically lubricate the surface of the nose with calendula.