How to distinguish ARVI from ORZ. What is the difference between acute respiratory infection and acute respiratory viral infection: description, symptoms and treatment features

The disease always occurs acutely and occurs with pronounced cold symptoms.

This is one of the most common diseases: schoolchildren miss classes due to ARVI in 80% of cases, and adults lose almost half of their working time for the same reason. Today we will discuss ARVI - symptoms and treatment of this infection.


The main causes of viral respiratory infections are about two hundred different viruses:

  • influenza and parainfluenza, avian and swine flu;
  • adenovirus, RS virus;
  • rhinovirus, picornavirus;
  • coronavirus, bokaravirus, etc.

The patient becomes the source of infection during the incubation period and in the prodromal period, when the concentration of viruses in its biological secretions is maximum. The route of transmission of infection is airborne droplets, when sneezing, coughing, talking, screaming with small particles of mucus and saliva.

Infection can occur through shared utensils and household items, through dirty hands of children and through food contaminated with viruses. Susceptibility to viral infection varies - people with strong immunity may not become infected or may experience a mild form of the disease.

Factors that contribute to the development of respiratory infection include:

  • stress;
  • poor nutrition;
  • hypothermia;
  • chronic infections;
  • unfavorable environment.

Signs of the disease

The first signs of ARVI in adults and children include:

Symptoms of ARVI in adults

ARVI usually occurs in stages; the incubation period from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first symptoms varies, ranging from several hours to 3-7 days.

During the period of clinical manifestations, all acute respiratory viral infections have similar manifestations of varying severity:

  • nasal congestion, runny nose, nasal discharge from scanty to copious and watery, sneezing and itchy nose,
  • sore throat, discomfort, pain when swallowing, redness in the throat,
  • cough (dry or wet),
  • fever from moderate (37.5-38 degrees) to severe (38.5-40 degrees),
  • general malaise, refusal to eat, headaches, drowsiness,
  • redness of the eyes, burning, lacrimation,
  • indigestion with loose stools,
  • rarely there is a reaction of the lymph nodes in the jaw and neck, in the form of enlargement with mild pain.

Symptoms of ARVI in adults depend on the specific type of virus, and can range from a slight runny nose and cough to severe febrile and toxic manifestations. On average, manifestations last from 2-3 to seven or more days, the febrile period lasts up to 2-3 days.

The main symptom of ARVI is high infectiousness to others, the timing of which depends on the type of virus. On average, a patient is contagious during the last days of the incubation period and the first 2-3 days of clinical manifestations; gradually the number of viruses decreases and the patient becomes not dangerous in terms of the spread of infection.

In young children, a symptom of ARVI is often a bowel disorder - diarrhea. Children often complain of pain in the abdomen at the first stage of the disease, then frustration and after that a sharp increase in temperature is possible. A rash may appear on the child's body. A cough and runny nose may appear later - sometimes even every other day. Therefore, you need to very carefully monitor the condition of the babies and monitor the appearance of new signs.

We will look at how and how to treat ARVI when the first symptoms appear a little below.

How many days does the fever last for ARVI?

Sore throat and sneezing appear in the early stages of the disease. And they usually go away in 3-6 days.

  1. Low-grade fever (a mild manifestation of fever) and muscle pain usually accompany the initial symptoms; the temperature during ARVI lasts for about a week, says Dr. Komarovsky.
  2. Nasal, sinus, and ear congestion are common symptoms and usually persist for the first week. In about 30% of all patients, these symptoms persist for two weeks, although all these symptoms usually resolve on their own after 7-10 days.
  3. Usually, the nasal sinuses are not clogged for the first few days, and copious watery mucus is released from the nose, but after a while the mucus becomes thicker and takes on a color (green or yellow). A change in the color of the discharge does not automatically indicate the presence of a bacterial infection; in most cases, the condition goes away within 5-7 days.
  4. A cough appears in most cases of acute respiratory viral infection, and is usually more productive than with the flu. Sputum ranges from clear to yellow-green and usually clears up in 2 to 3 weeks.

Although, a lingering dry cough can persist for 4 weeks in 25% of cases of all infectious diseases.

Flu symptoms

It is not for nothing that the majority of specialists from the group of acute respiratory infections exclude the influenza virus. Its differences from ordinary colds include lightning-fast development, increased severity of the disease, as well as complex treatment and an increased mortality rate.

  1. The flu comes unexpectedly and completely takes over your body in a matter of hours;
  2. The flu is characterized by a sharp increase in temperature (in some cases up to 40.5 degrees), increased sensitivity to light, aches throughout the body, as well as pain: headaches and muscles;
  3. On the first day of influenza, you are protected from a runny nose, which is unique to this virus;
  4. The most active phase of influenza occurs on the third to fifth day of the disease, and final recovery occurs on the 8th to 10th day.
  5. Considering that influenza infection affects blood vessels, it is for this reason that hemorrhages are possible: gum and nasal;
  6. After suffering from the flu, you can catch another disease over the next 3 weeks; such diseases are most often very painful and can be fatal.

Prevention of ARVI

To this day, there are no truly effective measures for the specific prevention of ARVI. Strict adherence to the sanitary and hygienic regime in the epicenter of the epidemic is recommended. This includes regular wet cleaning and ventilation of rooms, thorough washing of dishes and personal hygiene products for patients, wearing cotton-gauze bandages, frequent hand washing, etc.

It is important to increase children’s resistance to the virus through hardening and taking immunomodulators. Vaccination against influenza is also considered a method of prevention.

During an epidemic, you should avoid crowded places, walk in the fresh air more often, and take multivitamin complexes or ascorbic acid preparations. It is recommended to eat onions and garlic every day at home.

How to treat ARVI?

Treatment of ARVI in adults with a standard course of the disease is usually carried out at the patient's home. Bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids, medications to combat the symptoms of the disease, a light but healthy and nutrient-rich diet, warming procedures and inhalations, and taking vitamins are required.

Many of us know that temperature is good, since this is how the body “fights” invaders. It is possible to bring down the temperature only if it has risen above 38 degrees, because after this mark there is a threat to the condition of the patient’s brain and heart.

It is also necessary to remember that antibiotics are not used for ARVI, since they are indicated for acute respiratory infections of exclusively bacterial origin (for example, sore throat), and ARVI is caused by viruses.

  1. To directly combat the causative agent of the disease, antiviral drugs are prescribed: Remantadine (age limit from the age of seven), Amantadine, Oseltamivir, Amizon, Arbidol (age limit from two years), Amix
  2. NSAIDs: paracetamol, ibuprofen, diclofenac. These drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce body temperature, and reduce pain. It is possible to take these drugs as part of medicinal powders such as Coldrex, Tera-flu, etc. It should be remembered that it is not worth reducing the temperature below 38ºC, since it is at this body temperature that the body’s defense mechanisms against infection are activated. Exceptions include patients prone to seizures and young children.
  3. Cough medicines. The main goal of cough treatment is to make the phlegm thin enough to be coughed up. Drinking regimen helps greatly with this, since drinking warm liquid dilutes phlegm. If you have difficulties with expectoration, you can use expectorant drugs mucaltin, ACC, broncholitin, etc. You should not self-prescribe drugs that reduce the cough reflex, as this can lead to dangerous consequences.
  4. Taking vitamin C can speed up recovery from acute respiratory viral infections and alleviate the condition, but does not prevent the development of the disease.
  5. To treat a runny nose and improve nasal breathing, vasoconstrictor drugs are indicated (Phenylephrine, Oxymethasone, Xylometazoline, Naphazoline, Indanazolamine, Tetrizoline, etc.), and if longer-term use is necessary, drugs containing essential oils (Pinosol, Kameton, Evkazoline, etc.) are recommended.
  6. Taking immunomodulators, such as the drug Imupret, will be a good help in the body’s fight against infection. It improves immunity and has an anti-inflammatory effect, significantly shortening the period of ARVI. This is exactly the remedy that is indicated for both the prevention and treatment of colds.
  7. For significant pain and inflammation in the throat, it is recommended to gargle with antiseptic solutions, such as furatsilin (1:5000) or herbal infusions (calendula, chamomile, etc.).

Be sure to call a doctor if you or your child has any of the following symptoms: temperature higher than 38.5 C; severe headache; pain in the eyes from light; chest pain; shortness of breath, noisy or rapid breathing, difficulty breathing; skin rash; paleness of the skin or the appearance of spots on it; vomit; difficulty waking up in the morning or unusual sleepiness; persistent cough or muscle aches.

Antibiotics for ARVI

ARVI is not treated with antibiotics. They are completely powerless against viruses; they are used only when bacterial complications occur.

Therefore, antibiotics should not be used without a doctor's prescription. These are drugs that are unsafe for the body. In addition, uncontrolled use of antibiotics leads to the emergence of forms of bacteria resistant to them.

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Thanks to the author for the article. Of course, I always tried to seek help from a doctor. But now I do this much less often, since I found one antiviral drug that helps me get rid of various types of viruses in a matter of days. Influcid easily eliminates symptoms such as headache, muscle and joint pain, runny nose, chills. Recently I have been treated only with Influcid.

I think all adults have had ARVI several times already, so in principle it’s clear when you get sick. My throat immediately feels like needles and my nose is stuffy, my husband starts sneezing non-stop... The main thing is to drink more during the virus and relieve the symptoms, and the body itself will fight the virus. Usually we rest at home for several days, and if it’s not possible and we need to go to work, this mostly concerns my husband, then I buy him AntiGrippin from Natur Product, because it doesn’t contain the dangerous phenylephrine like in Rinz and Theraflu, it wears out the heart . And so the tablet is dissolved at work in a glass of water and after a few minutes you feel much better.

I somehow manage to protect myself, that is, I haven’t been sick for a year now. I don’t get a flu shot, I just always make sure that the room where I am is regularly ventilated (I even taught it to my colleagues at work). And I go on the subway only after applying evamenol ointment to my nose. The principle of action is the same as that of oxolinka, only evamenol can also be used for a runny nose. It can sometimes appear in cold weather, but here there is a ready-made remedy at hand, and there is no need to buy drops.

I think that for ARVI there is nothing better than classic home treatment. It is better to take medications for fever in the most extreme cases; your own immunity must fight, so recovery will be more reliable. And even more so, I am against antiviral drugs; even if they can help a little, then literally after a while the disease returns. I took Arbidol, it seemed to feel better for a couple of days, and then the disease came back with renewed vigor.

Nice article, thanks! It seems to me that now people are getting sick from ARVI more often. Our environment weakens the immune system greatly, and bacteria are becoming more and more resistant to drugs. I try very hard to strengthen the whole family. But still, although not often, we get sick. We already got sick in October. We washed our noses with a spray with sea water, Prospan syrup (made from plant materials) helped a lot for coughs, and we rinsed our throats with eucalyptus. And, of course, we drank a lot of liquid.

At the slightest sign of a cold, I panic and run to the doctors. I think that in general there is no need to lead to complications and it is better to start treatment on time. One day my throat got very sore, I went to the doctor and they advised me a new drug called Grammidin with an anesthetic. It quickly relieved the incipient inflammation and sore throat, I liked it.

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Symptoms and treatment of ARVI in adults

ARVI is an “acute respiratory viral infection”; the causative agent of this disease can only be a virus. Symptoms of ARVI in adults develop rapidly, and the sooner measures are taken to respond to the invasion of infection and treatment is started, the easier the immune system will cope with the disease.

Pathogens of ARVI

The group of pathogens of respiratory infections includes more than 200 viruses, united by a common clinical picture of the disease and the localization of the source of inflammation in the respiratory organs.

ARVI refers to diseases caused by viruses, in contrast to the more general group of acute respiratory diseases, acute respiratory infections, which includes viral and bacterial infections.

The most common pathogens of acute respiratory viral infections, with the exception of influenza viruses, which are considered as a special disease, include infections:

  • parainfluenza - die at room temperature in 4 hours, destroyed in 30 minutes when heated to 50 0 C;
  • respiratory syncytial (RS) virus is highly contagious, but unstable, and dies in 3 minutes at a temperature of 55 0 C;
  • adenovirus – persists for 2 weeks at a temperature of +18…+20 0 C, dies when irradiated with ultraviolet radiation (UV) or treated with chlorine;
  • rhinovirus - inactivated when dried after 5 minutes, dies after 10 minutes when kept at 50 0 C;
  • coronavirus is unstable, dies at 56 0 C in 15 minutes.


Respiratory infections affect children more often and more severely than adults.

In adults, acute respiratory viral infections caused by adenovirus, parainfluenza, CP virus, and coronavirus were of particular danger in the epidemiological season of the city, occurring not only as monoinfections, but also with signs of mixed diseases.


The targets for 32 known types of adenoviruses are the respiratory organs, eyes, and lymph nodes. Infection with adenovirus, like most acute respiratory viral infections, occurs through airborne droplets and manifests itself in adults with symptoms:

  • nasal congestion, runny nose - early and characteristic signs;
  • lacrimation, conjunctivitis - develop in 33% of patients;
  • rawness, sore throat - can occur in isolation, like pharyngitis;
  • enlarged lymph nodes – lymph nodes in the neck, armpit, and groin are often enlarged;
  • cough;
  • chills, fever – temperature persists for 4-14 days;
  • headache;
  • lack of appetite;
  • muscle pain.

An increase in temperature during adenoviral ARVI does not cause intoxication of the body, as with the flu, and is more easily tolerated by the body. Sometimes the intestines are affected with the development of diarrhea and inflammation of the mesenteric lymph nodes.

The virus can infect the eyes in isolation, without infecting the respiratory system, causing inflammation of the cornea, keratoconjunctivitis.

Complications of adenoviral infection are caused by the addition of bacterial microflora to the process and the development of:

A sign of pneumonia is a sharp deterioration in the patient’s condition, an increase in temperature to 39 0 C, and the appearance of shortness of breath.

PC virus

The virus mainly affects the lower respiratory tract, complicated (in 25% of cases) by pneumonia. In children under one year of age, pneumonia caused by the RS virus can cause death (0.5% of cases).

Adults become infected with the RS virus less frequently than children, since immunity after infection lasts for life.

Characteristic symptoms of ARVI caused by the RS virus are:

  • paroxysmal dry cough is the leading symptom; the duration of such a painful cough can reach up to 3 weeks;
  • shortness of breath with difficulty exhaling;
  • tightness in the chest;
  • bluish color of lips.

Signs of intoxication are less pronounced than with the flu. In adults, ARVI manifests itself with symptoms such as headache, weakness, temperature of about 38 0 C, which is easy for an adult to treat at home on their own.

For acute respiratory viral infections, you can use drugs to strengthen the immune system and treat cold symptoms at home, as described in the article “How to boost the immunity of an adult.”


The cause of the disease in 20% of cases of acute respiratory viral infection in adults is parainfluenza viruses. Symptoms of parainfluenza appear in the nasal cavity and larynx.

From the introduction of the virus to recovery in adults, in the absence of complications in the form of pneumonia, it takes days; the characteristic symptoms are:


Symptoms of rhinovirus infection include runny nose, cough, tickling, weakness, muscle pain, and heaviness in the head. The disease lasts up to 2 weeks, the temperature usually does not rise above subfebrile values ​​(37.5 0 C).

In adults, ARVI caused by rhinovirus most often occurs without complications, and the most unpleasant symptoms are a dry cough, stuffy ears, hearing loss, heaviness in the maxillary sinuses, and lack of smell.

Rhinovirus infection is complicated by sinusitis, bronchitis, and bronchiolitis.


The treatment regimen for ARVI in adults depends on the type of infection that caused the disease. For all types of viral infections, it is important to start treatment in the first hours of illness.

From the first hours of the onset of ARVI symptoms, no later than 48 hours later, begin taking one of the drugs 2 times a day:

  • rimantadine or amantadine – 0.1 g each;
  • oseltamivir (Tamiflu) – 0.075 – 0.15 g;
  • zanamivir (Relenza).

You need to take antiviral drugs for 5 days. For adults over 65 years of age, the daily dosage when treating with amantadine should not exceed 0.1 g.

In addition to antiviral drugs, interferons and immunomodulators are used to treat viral infections. The severity of ARVI is reduced with the use of the immunostimulating drug Arbidol. For other immunostimulating drugs, read the article Drugs to enhance immunity in adults.

Taking interferon drugs enhances the phagocytic activity of the immune system and stimulates the production of specific antibodies to viruses. Interferons Grippferon, Alfaron, Viferon, Ingaron are used against ARVI in adults.

Interferon inducer drugs - Cycloferon, Neovir, Kagocel, Tiloron - have antiviral properties and an immunomodulatory effect.

Features of treatment of adenovirus, RS infection

In severe forms of ARVI caused by adenovirus, adults are treated in infectious diseases departments due to the highly contagious nature of the disease.

In the hospital, patients are administered drugs:

  • normal immunoglobulin with specific antibodies to adenovirus intramuscularly;
  • They are treated intravenously with detoxification solutions - hemodez, glucose with ascorbic acid are infused.

When symptoms of conjunctivitis appear, immunoglobulins are dropped into the corner of the eye. And if the condition worsens, add rinsing with 2% boric acid, instillation of albucid, 0.2% solution of the deoxyribonuclease enzyme. They also use 0.25% tebrofen ointment, placing it behind the eyelid.

And a detailed list of medications for the treatment of influenza and ARVI can be found on the page “Effective antiviral drugs,” which indicates how to inexpensively treat respiratory infections in adults.

Symptomatic treatment

To improve well-being, patients are prescribed medications:

When the temperature rises above 38 0 C, Paracetamol is prescribed, which not only reduces the temperature, but has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, reducing headaches.

For ARVI with a strong dry cough, adults are recommended to take the combined antitussive drug Bronholitin, which reduces the intensity of attacks. How else you can treat a dry cough in adults with ARVI is described in the article “Cough Medicines”.

To liquefy sputum during ARVI, you need to be treated for cough with combined expectorants Lazolvan, Thermopsis, Gedelix, which is described in detail on the page “Treatment of dry cough in adults.”

To alleviate a sore throat in adults with ARVI, you can dissolve tablets of Faringosept, Hexoral Tabs, drink warm milk with honey, gargle, do oil inhalations, which is described in detail in the “Procedures” section.

Against nasal congestion and runny nose during ARVI in adults, vasoconstrictor nasal drops Vibrocil, Nazivin, Otrivin, Sanorin are used.


Preventive measures during the cold season for adults include personal hygiene, flu vaccination, a nutritious diet and strengthening the immune system. The adult body is quite capable of resisting the invasion of any respiratory virus, provided that the immune system is effective.

Continuing the topic, read about one of the most popular preventive measures during the cold season - vaccination - in our article Flu shot.

I myself try to cut the virus at the root. I immediately use influcid in a shock dosage as soon as I feel that trouble is near. Thanks to such efficiency, I rarely spend more than three days on sick leave. And the course of the disease is practically not felt.

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By self-medicating, you can waste time and harm your health!

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ARVI in adults

ARVI refers to colds that occur due to the penetration of viruses into the human respiratory tract - microscopic agents that can exist and reproduce their own kind only under certain conditions, in particular inside the cells of any living organism.

The difference between acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections is at first glance insignificant. However, the causative agent of acute respiratory infections can be a virus (influenza) or bacteria (streptococcus), while the causative agent of acute respiratory viral infections can only be a virus. An accurate diagnosis is taken into account when prescribing basic therapy: a bacterial infection is treated with antibiotics, a viral infection with antiviral drugs.

Causes of ARVI in adults

The main causative agent of the disease is viruses of various origins, the main reason for its occurrence is the penetration of these viruses deep into the body by weakening its protective function, that is, immunity.

ARVI takes on the character of an epidemic in the cold season, the autumn-spring period, when human immunity is most weakened and the body is unprotected from the harmful effects of the environment. In the fall, as soon as you get your feet wet, the first signs of ARVI immediately appear - sore throat, weakness, runny nose.

Persons suffering from certain chronic pathologies, undergoing treatment for a malignant tumor, and having a positive HIV status are most susceptible to developing the disease.

Symptoms of ARVI in adults

The incubation period of ARVI in adults ranges from 2-10 days, after which the disease makes itself felt with symptoms such as:

  • fever, chills;
  • decreased performance, apathy;
  • sore throat;
  • headache;
  • sore throat, cough, hoarseness;
  • runny nose, nasal congestion, loss of smell;
  • aching bones and joints;
  • nausea, and in more severe cases – vomiting.

Typically, a cold begins with minor discomfort and a sore throat. Some people experience an exacerbation of chronic herpes at this time, accompanied by the appearance of characteristic blisters with liquid in the lip area. Very often, the same symptoms of bronchitis appear in adults.

The malaise intensifies for 3-5 days, then the disease subsides and the patient feels relief. In some cases, the disease may be accompanied by high fever, nausea, and loss of appetite. These symptoms indicate severe poisoning of the body with waste products of viruses.

Treatment of ARVI in adults

Therapy is mainly aimed at improving the patient’s well-being and preventing the development of complications. The human body itself tries to fight any infection that enters it; a sign of such a fight is an increase in body temperature, so in the first days of treatment it is not recommended to bring it down. If the temperature during ARVI in adults rises above 38 degrees, it means that the body is not coping with its task, it needs help in the form of antipyretic (Koldakt, Paracetamol) and immunostimulating (Arbidol) drugs. Paracetamol also has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps eliminate headaches.

For a cough caused by ARVI, phlegm thinners, expectorants and antitussives are prescribed (Linkas, Bronholitin), for a severe runny nose - drops for instillation into the nose (Xymelin), for a sore throat - painkillers, anti-inflammatory lozenges (Faringosept, Hexoral), inhalations with sea salt, physiotherapeutic procedures (interferon electrophoresis, UHF, UV irradiation of blood).

As complications after ARVI in adults, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, and less commonly, meningitis can develop.

Prevention of ARVI in adults

It is impossible to completely prevent the occurrence of the disease. However, some people experience colds twice a year, while others almost never get sick. The point is not at all that the latter dress warmer or never get caught in the rain. All people encounter various bacteria and viruses every day. It’s just that some people are protected from their invasion of the body by their immune system, while others have a weakened immune system and therefore cannot withstand the onslaught of microbial agents. Strengthening the body's defense system is the main way to avoid frequent infectious diseases.

You can increase your immunity in various ways: harden yourself, take vitamins and immunostimulants, eat large amounts of fresh fruit, travel out of town more often and be in the fresh air, avoid stress, spend an annual vacation at the seaside, and play sports. At the first signs of the disease, in order to avoid its further development, it is recommended to take drugs such as Kagocel or Arbidol.

Antibiotics for ARVI in adults

Antibiotics are not prescribed for ARVI; such drugs are active only against bacteria, but not viruses. Treatment with antibacterial agents (Erythromycin, Amoxicillin, Sumamed) is advisable in case of mixed infection with a diagnosis of acute respiratory infections or if complications occur.

Signs of ARVI in adults

ARVI, or acute respiratory viral infections, are a group of diseases with similar symptoms. They primarily affect the organs of the respiratory system and develop after the virus enters the body. The group of RNA- and DNA-containing pathogens dangerous to humans includes more than 200 species.

Take note! Although any “cold” disease is usually considered an ARVI, such a diagnosis will only be correct if it is made by a specialist. After all, the viral nature of the problem must be determined through testing, otherwise the cause of the disease may turn out to be an acute respiratory disease (acute respiratory disease), which has similar symptoms. Treatment that can give a significant effect in the case of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections should be different.

Signs of ARVI in adults

The peak incidence of ARVI occurs in the winter; the incidence of the disease is also characteristic in spring and autumn. In the first case, a weakened body that has not received enough vitamins succumbs to infection; in the second, a decrease in immunity and susceptibility to disease increases with hypothermia. Sudden outbreaks of the disease also occur when it rapidly spreads in large cities.

Routes of infection

The disease begins when a pathogenic virus enters the body. The main route of its spread is airborne: the smallest particles of a patient’s saliva in the air, released when sneezing or coughing, are dangerous, so for infection it is enough to be in the same room with an infected person.

Some viruses have the ability to survive even outside the human body. Such pathogens settle on household objects, handrails of public transport, etc. Hands that are not washed after contact with a dirty surface can easily lead to infection. It occurs especially easily when a person touches the mucous membranes (nose or corner of the eye) without washing their hands, providing the virus with the simplest access to the body.

Video - Symptoms and treatment of ARVI (from 33 minutes)

Symptoms of the disease

The signs of ARVI differ in each specific case, however, in any case, the disease is characterized by a general intoxication syndrome, which is expressed in a number of signs:

  • headaches of a diffuse nature;
  • chills;
  • various types of pain in muscles, joints and bones;
  • weakness, drowsiness and malaise increasing over time;
  • fever;
  • occurrence of upper respiratory tract problems.

Take note! The patient's body temperature can reach degrees. This effect is a protective measure of the body and is necessary for the most effective suppression of infection. It is recommended to lower the temperature only in cases where it exceeds the threshold of 38 degrees and its further increase poses a danger to life.

Main symptoms of ARVI

However, some cases of infection occur with a body temperature that does not go beyond subfebrile values.

The initial stage of ARVI invariably brings with it catarrhal syndrome:

  • difficulty breathing due to nasal congestion;
  • abundant formation of mucus in the nasal cavities;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • soreness in the oropharynx;
  • increased activity of the lacrimal glands, pain in the eyes;
  • sneezing.

The listed problems arise due to inflammation of the tissues of the nasopharynx after the penetration of a viral agent into the body and swelling of the mucous membranes.

Differences between acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections

A problem also arises from the main affected system – the respiratory system. This is usually a dry cough that develops into attacks, causing a sore throat and not accompanied by sputum. He talks about the development of an inflammatory process in the bronchi and alveolar vesicles.

The process is often accompanied by a number of other signs:

  • sleep disorders;
  • change in voice and difficulty speaking;
  • photophobia;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea, as well as vomiting and gastrointestinal disorders in severe cases;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

Asymptomatic course of the disease

ARVIs have an incubation period of about two to three days, when viruses, having entered the body, actively multiply. At this time, there are no or almost no symptoms of the disease, so the person is unaware of the problem, continuing to spread the infection - this is what causes global outbreaks of ARVI.

This is relevant! In recent days, experts have identified an increased frequency of the atypical course of acute respiratory viral infection, in which the body does not respond to the temperature of the disease.

In order not to miss the moment of infection, to begin treatment on time and not to suffer the disease on your feet, further weakening the infected body, it is important to listen to its signals in addition to temperature changes and not to neglect timely visits to the doctor.

How to treat and how to avoid getting ARVI

The most alarming symptoms

ARVI can lead to numerous complications of various kinds, depending on which organ the progressive infection spreads to. The most common consequences of advanced infection are pneumonia, sore throat, sinusitis and sinusitis.

The fact that pneumonia has begun to develop is most eloquently indicated by a sudden deterioration in the patient’s well-being, a temperature that remains at 39 degrees and the development of shortness of breath.

ARVI is a viral disease, but if not treated in a timely manner, bacterial agents can join viral agents, which prolongs the course of the disease and increases the risk of complications.

Pay attention! The fact that an infection caused by bacteria has developed in the body against the background of the disease is indicated by a change in the color of nasal discharge. If the transparent substance turns greenish, the situation has changed for the worse. The same is evidenced by a white coating covering the tonsils and tongue, the appearance of bad breath and the formation of small ulcers on the cheeks and tongue.

Methods for preventing ARVI

ARVI and influenza: differences

Often cases of ARVI are confused with influenza. This is not surprising, because both infections are very close and have not only almost identical symptoms, but also similar pathogens. However, there are important reasons to learn to distinguish them:

How to distinguish the flu from a cold

Any person can face ARVI today. You can avoid the disease through preventive measures, a healthy diet rich in vitamins and a strong immune system. However, even these measures are not able to 100% eliminate the risk of successful penetration of the virus into the body.

It is important to treat the infection appropriately. It is worth listening carefully to the signals of the body, not considering malaise and the manifestation of ARVI symptoms as a trifle. The immune system can cope with the problem on its own only after a long struggle, during which you have to stay at home. Timely intake of antiviral medications will significantly ease the course of the disease, and will also allow you not to waste time lying in bed, which so unpleasantly throws you out of your working rut.

Visiting a doctor if you suspect an acute respiratory viral infection or have obvious signs of the disease is by no means a waste of time, but a way to quickly and effectively put an end to the infection. The specialist will prescribe a drug complex suitable for a particular case, conduct the necessary tests, determine the group of the causative agent of the disease and help you undergo treatment quickly and without the risk of complications.

Follow these simple tips and stay healthy!

When dealing with acute respiratory infections, I took a comprehensive approach to treatment. I wasn’t too lazy and took sick leave, treated myself at home and called a doctor. I took a course of Prospan for my cough, and it quickly got rid of my cough. I drank a lot of warm water with lemon. Sometimes I added a little honey. Wool socks at night and humidify the room. I managed to recover in less than a week without getting sick.

What is the difference between the symptoms of influenza and ARVI? Let's figure out what these diseases are, how they are similar, and how they are completely different. And how to choose the right treatment plan.

Every year more than 40 million people in the world suffer from ARVI.

The peak of the disease occurs in the demi-season period, for some the disease occurs in a mild form and they do not even pay attention to it, and some people endure it hard, and then suffer from complications.

What is ARVI?

Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) include a group of microorganisms that affect a person with weak immunity and are accompanied by characteristic clinical signs: high temperature, weakness, body aches, headache, intoxication.

The source is mainly humans, but can also be animals and birds. Children are very susceptible to the disease, so it is necessary to vaccinate on time.

And in autumn and spring you need to take a course of vitamins, so vitamin Constant use of vitamin C improves immunity.

What is the flu?

The virus enters the respiratory tract and multiplies there, commonly called the flu. Most often it develops in the autumn-winter period, when the weather outside is bad, there are not enough vitamins and immunity is reduced.

Many people are interested in how to understand that you have the flu, because during this period of the year you can have both a cold and a bacterial infection.

A high temperature, fever, malaise immediately rises, and literally within a few hours of the onset of the disease you can no longer get out of bed.

While other colds develop gradually, over several days. We hope you don't have a cold or flu question?

What is ORZ?

Acute respiratory disease, in medical practice, is usually abbreviated to acute respiratory infections. It is infectious in nature. The respiratory tract is most often affected.

The signs of acute respiratory infections in adults and children do not differ, but due to weakened immunity, the latter are more susceptible to pathology.

Also at risk are older people and those who work in a large team (office employees, educators, teachers, etc.).

Damage to the body can be caused by cooling, lack of vitamins, overexertion, stress, and the presence of chronic diseases.

You should not send a sick child to school, kindergarten, or go to work yourself. It is recommended to take sick leave for a week and visit a doctor who will prescribe medications.

How to distinguish a virus from a bacterial infection?

Bacteria are single-celled organisms that live in the human body and are present in the environment.

The body contains beneficial microorganisms, for example, lactobacilli, which are responsible for the proper functioning of the female reproductive system, and harmful ones, but until the immunity is reduced, they do not manifest themselves in any way.
Source: website Viruses are represented by antibodies; under favorable conditions, they begin to multiply and feed on living cells. One of the most common is adenovirus infection.

Viruses are smaller in size than bacteria and antiviral agents are used to combat them. A bacterial infection can be treated with antibiotics.

How do diseases develop, what are their differences?

  1. The disease develops within 2-12 days after infection;
  2. Pain, only in the affected area (eg, throat, behind the breastbone);
  3. Temperature 37-38 C, not higher;
  4. With a sore throat appears;
  5. Purulent discharge may appear;
  6. Frequent headaches;
  7. Constant fatigue, lethargy, loss of interest in life.

Bacterial infection does not go away on its own and without treatment; the symptoms only worsen.

At the moment, more than a million bacteria have been identified that can infect humans, but most of them can be treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics.

  1. The disease develops within 5 days after infection;
  2. Aches all over the body;
  3. Temperature 38-40 C;
  4. Intoxication syndrome;
  5. Fever;
  6. , cough is added

In each specific case, certain symptoms may be present; a viral infection is not always accompanied by all the symptoms at once.

What is the difference between influenza and ARVI: table

Many people confuse diseases by calling them a cold, for example, acute respiratory infections, it is necessary to clearly understand these concepts, since they are treated differently and also have different symptoms.

If you do not know for sure that you have the flu or ARVI, we recommend checking the table, which shows the main symptoms of influenza and ARVI.

Onset of the disease Gradually, clinical signs increase over several days. Rapid, for several hours.
Temperature The first few days it stays within 37.0-37.3 C. Then it rises to 38 C, and is easily reduced by antipyretic drugs. It immediately rises to 39-40 C. It is practically not knocked down by medications.
Clinical picture Weakness, a feeling of being “broken”, there is no clear manifestation of any symptom. Pain in joints, muscles, sometimes it seems that “bones hurt.” Stuffy ears, body aches.
Nasal congestion The nose is always stuffy, the mucous membrane is swollen, sneezing. If you are interested in the question: “Is there a runny nose with the flu?” The answer is yes, but it goes away quickly, within a couple of days, and mainly affects people with chronic diseases of the nasal cavity.
Cough The cough lasts the entire period, dry. The cough does not begin immediately and quickly changes from dry to wet.
Enlarged lymph nodes Yes, but not always. No.
Gastrointestinal problems Not observed or extremely rare. Nausea and vomiting in children,

in adults - diarrhea.

When is recovery? In 7 days. Full recovery of the body in 20 days.

Many people are interested in the question, what is worse than the flu or ARVI? The first is more severe and longer, recovery occurs more slowly, it is especially dangerous in children, since it causes serious complications; if viruses enter the skull, meningitis may begin to develop. Therefore, it is considered more dangerous than a viral infection.

E.O. Komarovsky, a pediatrician with the highest category, hosts a television program dedicated to children's health. Here are the main rules of prevention he highlights in order not to get sick:

If possible- Get your child vaccinated, but on condition that you do not sit with your baby in a long line at the clinic, since there are not only healthy people in the hospital, but also many sick people, and you can quickly catch the virus.

The source of infection is the person himself. During cold season, avoid places with large crowds of people, for example, walk a couple of stops from work. No need to travel on a crowded bus. The likelihood of getting sick will be significantly lower.

Wash your hands as often as possible and don't touch your face. During epidemics, it is advisable to wear a simple gauze bandage, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. Remember that they need to be changed periodically.

Viruses can remain for a long time in dry, stagnant and warm air. Therefore, do not be afraid to open the windows and ventilate the rooms, including the children's room. The main thing is not to create a draft.

Mucus forms in the respiratory tract, It is a protective immune factor; when it dries out, the body is vulnerable and more susceptible to damage from viruses. Therefore, do not allow dry air in the apartment, and it always appears during the heating season; if possible, install a humidifier.

Such simple rules will help you stay healthy and not get sick. Proper prevention can save you from poor health and long-term treatment.

How to treat?

It is necessary to observe bed rest for at least 3 days from the onset of the disease.

Many people neglect their health, are in no hurry to take sick leave and continue to go to work.

Remember that you can infect your colleagues, but you also put yourself at risk, because the flu and respiratory infections are dangerous due to their consequences.

Do not rush to bring down the temperature, especially if it is less than 38 degrees, this is how the body fights viruses and this is a normal reaction of the immune system; in the first days of illness you should not disturb it.

To alleviate the condition, you can wipe your body with vodka or apply a cloth soaked in cold water to your forehead and change it as it warms up.

Drink more fluids, especially vitamin fruit drinks and tea with honey, this will strengthen your immune system and enhance recovery.

Forget about antibiotics, they are necessary only in the presence of bacterial infections, viruses are treated with antiviral drugs and only in the initial stages, at the height of illness, they are useless.

How to treat viruses? After all, the symptoms are completely unsettling. Use medications to suppress signs of illness. Sprays, lozenges and ointments for the throat, vasoconstrictor drops for the nose, etc.

How to distinguish the flu from a cold?

The flu is a disease that is caused by viruses, and a cold is hypothermia of the body with subsequent symptoms of the disease. So what are the signs of a cold or flu?

You can get a cold by getting your feet wet, by inhaling cold, frosty air through your mouth, or by being outside in the cold season without a hat, gloves, or inappropriate shoes. It develops slowly and can move from one organ to another.

How to tell if it's a cold:

  • Runny nose;
  • Frequent sneezing;
  • Temperature 38-39 C (on days 2-3).

The initial stage of development of a cold is slow, symptoms increase gradually and also pass. After a week, the person returns to his normal schedule.

The flu is characterized by a sharp development and the first thing is a high temperature.

Initial flu symptoms:

  • 39-40 C, temperature;
  • Soreness in muscles and bones;
  • Sore throat;
  • Tearing.
There is often nausea and lack of appetite, constant chills, severe headaches, blood vessels dilate, and subcutaneous effusions may form.

It is necessary to be able to distinguish the symptoms of flu from a cold in a child. If the temperature rises quickly, parents begin to worry and immediately call an ambulance.

But if a child has a cold, does not feel very well and is lethargic, then many ignore these signs. They force you to go to school or kindergarten.

But it is in this state that the child’s fragile immunity is weakened even more, and soon a cold can develop into severe pathologies from the acute respiratory infections group, and complications often appear.

If your child feels unwell, even if you don’t know the difference between a cold and a viral infection, you must either call an ambulance or visit a children’s clinic as soon as possible.

ARVI and acute respiratory infections differences

Incomprehensible words that doctors often write in a medical card, but it is difficult for a person far from medicine to understand what kind of disease this is and what the difference is between them.
ARI - acute respiratory infections, which are caused by microbes, bacteria or fungi.

ARVI - acute respiratory viral infections, those. it is clarified who exactly is the causative agent of the disease.

Worth noting

In terms of symptoms, they are very similar and only a specialist can see the difference, and also after testing for the pathogen, but it is rarely prescribed, only if treatment is ineffective.

The main signs of a respiratory disease are high fever, cough, which subsequently develops into bronchitis.

Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose with the secretion of clear mucus.

In case of an acute respiratory viral infection, the temperature rises on the 2-3rd day, at first it does not exceed 37 C, severe symptoms of intoxication, the virus can get on the mucous membrane of the eye and cause conjunctivitis, general weakness and sneezing.

In a child, the disease develops in the same way as in an adult, but due to weaker immunity it occurs in a more severe form and is often accompanied by complications (chronic tonsillitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, etc.)

The difference between a cold and ARVI

Popularly, any disease accompanied by cough, fever and runny nose is called a cold. What then is ARVI?

After all, such a disease has been around for a long time. Many people consider these words to be synonyms, but let's figure out what the difference is between a cold and a virus.

There are about 200 pathogens, and they can cause adenovirus, rhinovirus and enterovirus infections, parainfluenza and other infectious pathologies.

This happens against the background of decreased immunity. For example, yesterday you were outside for a long time, your feet were cold and wet, and in the morning you woke up with a sore throat, fever and runny nose.

In such cases, it is customary to say that you have a cold, but most likely due to unfavorable conditions, the immune system could not cope with the load and viruses entered the body and began to develop, thereby causing ARVI.

both the whole and some part, which leads to diseases. Thus, a cold may be a harbinger of the development of an acute viral disease.

Now you know the difference between a cold and a virus and you will not confuse these diseases.

Influenza and parainfluenza: differences

These two diseases are very similar. Both are caused by viruses, but there is a slight difference in symptoms. In addition, influenza is seasonal, while parainfluenza can occur at any time of the year. The table below shows the main differences between these pathologies.

Clinical manifestations Flu Parainfluenza
How does the disease begin? Suddenly and acutely, the general condition of the body immediately deteriorates. Hoarseness of voice, cough, headache, and stuffy nose appear. Develops slowly.
Temperature High jump to 39-40 degrees. Absent or not high.
How long does the temperature last? On average 3-5 days. If present, then 2-4 days.
Symptoms of intoxication Pronounced, possibly toxic encephalopathy, with dominance of neurological disorders. Weakly expressed, often not paid attention to.
Cough Dry, accompanied by chest pain. “Barking” with hoarseness.
Airways Tracheitis, mild runny nose, laryngitis. Difficulty breathing, severe nasal congestion with copious discharge.
Lymph nodes They become inflamed only when the disease is complicated. Palpable, painful.

Now you know the difference between a cold and a virus. If you know and understand the nature of the disease, then it will become much easier to treat it; not only further treatment, but also the health of the entire body depends on the correct diagnosis.

ARZ, ARVI. For the average person, these abbreviations are associated with a stuffy nose, high fever, weakness, fatigue, which the common people usually describe with the all-encompassing concept of “cold.”

Let’s take a closer look at what kind of “beasts” these are acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections? Is this the same thing or not?

  • Acute- the illness begins suddenly; as a rule, the patient can quite accurately name not only the day of illness, but also the time;
  • Respiratory- the pathogen (bacterium or virus) entered the body (bypassing its defense mechanisms, see Immunity) through the respiratory tract (see Anatomy of the respiratory tract);
  • Disease- disruption of the normal functioning of the body, its ability to maintain the constancy of its internal environment (homeostasis).


  • Acute;
  • Respiratory;
  • Viral- the cause of the disease is a virus, but not a bacterium;
  • Infection- the disease is contagious (can be easily transmitted from person to person).

The first task of any doctor who is approached by a sick patient is to establish the correct diagnosis (medical conclusion about the nature of the disease), on the basis of which adequate treatment is prescribed in order to quickly restore the patient’s health.

Simply put, the doctor must identify a specific disease as quickly as possible, and most importantly - correctly, and then prescribe the appropriate treatment, as he was taught at the institute.

Are acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections a diagnosis?

In strictly medical terms, no, because they don’t answer the questions." who's to blame" (the specific causative agent of the infection is unknown) and the specific organ affected by infection is not indicated (" where does it hurt").

Generally speaking, the term acute respiratory infections usually refers to any infectious disease of the respiratory tract. ARVI implies the fact that the cause of a respiratory tract infection is a virus (the pathogen itself is not specified). Thus, we can say that ARVI is a special case of acute respiratory infections.

Meanwhile, according to official medical statistics, which there is no reason not to trust due to its colossal volume, acute respiratory infections account for 9 out of 10 all cases of human infectious diseases. In turn, ARVI accounts for more than 95% of all cases of acute respiratory infections.

Based on the above, we can draw the following important conclusion - if a child suddenly has a fever, while he “sniffs” with his nose and his throat “tears”, then “don’t go to grandma” - the child “caught” ARVI, which, if If treated, it will go away in a week, and if not treated, then in 7 days. However, it must be admitted that “an old woman can have a breakdown” - although rarely, other diseases can also manifest themselves with the indicated symptoms. For this reason, in order not to endanger the health of your child, even if the parents are “advanced” and are almost sure of ARVI, in any case of fever, at a minimum, consultation with a pediatrician is necessary (see When to call a doctor if a child has a high temperature ...).

Modern medicine knows several hundred viruses that can cause ARVI, but, according to doctors themselves, about a third of all cases of ARVI are caused by unknown viruses.

The whole “beauty” of viral infection of the respiratory tract is that, regardless of the specific virus, the symptoms of all acute respiratory viral infections are the same - runny nose, cough, fever, red throat, which is explained by the fact of damage to the epithelial cells lining the respiratory tract.

Of course, each specific virus has its own unique characteristics that determine the patterns of its transmission from sick to healthy, the degree of infectiousness, stability in the external environment, and seasonality. ARVI caused by a specific virus differ in their incubation period, the severity of the disease, which in turn depends on the strength of the patient’s immunity, the effectiveness and possibility of treatment. Timely vaccination plays an important role in the prevention of ARVI.

However, despite the individual characteristics of each virus, all the diseases caused by them can quite logically and justifiably be combined under one term - ARVI.

ARVI and specific diagnosis

It was already said above that ARVI affects one or more parts of the respiratory tract (see Anatomy of the respiratory tract...). Let's list them in order - in the direction of movement of inhaled air, from the nose to the lungs:

  • nose (oral cavity);
  • paranasal sinuses (maxillary, frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid);
  • pharynx;
  • larynx;
  • trachea;
  • bronchi;
  • lungs.

Almost any infectious process is accompanied by inflammation infected organs, which is a universal response of the body to the influence of various harmful factors. Without further ado, the followers of Hippocrates agreed to name many infectious diseases of the respiratory tract by adding the ending " itis", which in Russian sounds like " it" (suffix " itis"denotes" relating to something"). For example, the inflammatory process in the bronchi is called bronchitis = bronchus + it.

It should be said that some anatomical organs do not have Russian-language analogues (for example, bronchus, trachea).

  • RINITIS - inflammation of the nasal mucosa (rhinos - nose);
  • SINUSITIS - inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (sinus - nasal sinus):
    • SINUSITIS - inflammation of the maxillary sinus;
    • FRONTITIS - inflammation of the frontal sinus (frontis - forehead);
    • SPHENOIDITIS - inflammation of the sphenoid sinus (sphene - wedge);
    • ETMOIDITIS - inflammation of the ethmoid sinus (ethmoidal - ethmoid).
  • STOMATITIS - inflammation of the oral mucosa (stomatos - mouth);
  • GLOSSITIS - inflammation of the tongue (glossa - tongue);
  • SOLISH - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx;
  • PHARINGITIS - inflammation of the pharynx (pharynx - pharynx);
  • TONSILLITIS - inflammation of the tonsils (tonsilla - tonsil)
  • ADENOIDITIS - inflammation of the adenoids (pharyngeal tonsil);
  • EPIGLOTTITIS - inflammation of the epiglottis (epiglottis - epiglottis);
  • LARINGITIS - inflammation of the larynx (larynx - larynx);
  • TRACHEITIS - inflammation of the trachea;
  • BRONCHITIS - inflammation of the bronchi;
  • BRONCHIOLITIS - inflammation of the bronchioles;
  • ALVEOLITIS - inflammation of the alveoli;
  • PLEURITIS - inflammation of the pleura;
  • PNEUMONIA - inflammation of the lungs.

In some cases (usually in young children, due to their anatomical structure), the inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract spreads to the mucous membrane of the eye (CONJUNCTIVITIS) or ear (OTITIS; EUSTACHEITIS - inflammation of the Eustachian tube).

Often, the doctor cannot specify the localization of the inflammatory process in adjacent organs. In such cases, combined names are used: LARINGOTRACHEITIS = laryngitis + tracheitis.

If the inflammatory process has spread to the entire nasopharynx, a diagnosis of NASOPHARINGITIS is made.

The attentive reader should have noticed that from the whole series of names of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, sore throat and PNEUMONIA, which do not have the suffix " it"These diseases were awarded such an "honor" because of their high "popularity" and the seriousness of complications.

ATTENTION! The information presented on this site is for reference only. We are not responsible for possible negative consequences of self-medication!

The transition to the autumn-winter period for many is accompanied by diseases such as acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. Nasal congestion, cough, sore throat are the main symptoms for which the doctor makes one of these diagnoses. Despite the similarity of the names of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, there is still a difference between them. What are these diseases and how do they differ? To answer this question, their nature should be studied in detail.

The concept of colds

Acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, and influenza are combined into one general concept - colds. What does each one represent? Acute respiratory disease (ARI) is an illness caused by pathogenic viruses or bacteria that spread and begin to actively function in the respiratory tract. The disease is easily transmitted through close contact with an affected person, as well as through household contact. Most often, acute respiratory infections develop as an independent disease, but there are situations when it is a complication of a common cold. In this case, a person requires more potent drugs. The disease lasts longer.

As for ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection), this is essentially an acute respiratory infection, but the cause of its occurrence in humans is exclusively harmful viruses.

Influenza is the most serious disease of the ailments under consideration. Very often leads to serious complications, especially if treated incorrectly or insufficiently.

Important to know! Acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and influenza are accompanied by relatively identical symptoms!

Difference between ARVI and ARI

What is the difference between acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections? At the early stage of development of a cold, these diseases are almost impossible to distinguish, because they are accompanied by the same symptoms, such as:

  • runny nose, nasal congestion;
  • dry or wet cough;
  • increased body temperature;
  • body aches;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • fever, chills.

It is for this reason that patients are often diagnosed with acute respiratory infections. In fact, ARVI is a type of acute respiratory disease, only its causative agent is a virus. Also, the diagnosis of ARVI is established in cases where the cold is of an epidemic nature, as well as with more pronounced symptoms.

ARVI and influenza: differences

What is the difference between influenza and ARVI? Influenza, unlike ARVI, develops quite sharply, the symptoms are more pronounced. It also occurs in a more severe form and can lead to serious, even fatal consequences.

As for the symptoms, the temperature during ARVI increases slightly and gradually - up to 38ْC. With the flu, the patient experiences fever and severe chills. Body temperature can reach 40ْC, it is very difficult to break down and persists for 4-5 days.

Nasal congestion is the main symptom of ARVI. The flu is more characterized by a dry cough, which is very difficult to stop. As the disease progresses, the patient experiences severe pain in the chest area.

Flu is characterized by severe redness of the eyes; this symptom is not observed with ARVI. General malaise, rapid fatigue, weakness, migraines, and sleep disturbances accompany a person with the flu even after recovery for some time. With ARVI, these ailments go away along with the disease itself.

Important to remember! At the first alarming symptoms, you need to consult a specialist! It is better not to wait for the signs of the disease to become apparent. This will help you get rid of it as quickly as possible.

Differences in children - how to distinguish diseases

In order to distinguish between these diseases in a child, one should observe his behavior, well-being and complaints. ARI develops rapidly, in contrast to ARVI, whose incubation period lasts about 5 days. At this time, the child experiences atypical weakness even with minor exertion, loss of appetite, and sleep disturbances.

ARI in a child is treated with medications that relieve symptoms and also provide local treatment. As for ARVI, its treatment requires a detailed examination of the baby and laboratory tests of blood and urine. Based on their results, the doctor prescribes the most effective treatment in each individual case.

Important to remember! It is necessary to pay special attention to preventive measures for colds in children! This is especially true for the cold season.

Treatment of children with acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections

How to treat children with colds? Dr. Evgeniy Komarovsky, who has gained popularity among modern parents, advises carrying out the following comprehensive measures for effective treatment of the disease:

  1. Maintain bed rest throughout the treatment period and dress the child warmly. But the air temperature in the room should be low. You should also pay special attention to air humidification and daily cleaning of the room. Don’t forget to regularly ventilate your child’s room.
  2. If your baby has no appetite, you should not force him to eat food. It is much more important to pay attention to drinking plenty of fluids. Give your child various teas or decoctions of medicinal plants as often as possible. The temperature of the liquid should not be too hot or cold.
  3. Rinse your nose with saline solution. Especially if there is a severe runny nose.
  4. It is necessary to relieve elevated body temperature with medications such as Ibuprofen or Paracetamol.
  5. If a child has a cough, then the use of expectorants for acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections is strictly not recommended. This can cause even more coughing attacks, because these drugs are intended to treat the lower respiratory tract.

Treatment of children with antibiotics, according to Dr. Komarovsky, is inappropriate. Because they can increase the risk of complications.

During therapy, it is necessary to monitor the development of the disease. You should immediately contact a specialist in the following cases:

  • the appearance of seizures at high temperatures;
  • difficulty breathing, lack of air;
  • pain in the nasopharynx that is not accompanied by rhinitis. This may indicate the appearance of a sore throat, and it should be treated in other ways;
  • nausea leading to vomiting;
  • swelling in the neck area.

Important to remember! If a child’s fever is not controlled by antipyretics, you need to call an ambulance!

Treatment of colds with folk remedies

In addition to pharmaceutical drugs, you can use folk remedies in the treatment of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. There are many recipes for preparing medicines based on natural ingredients that do not have side effects. The most effective are:

  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • Melissa;
  • mint;
  • thyme;
  • sage.

Decoctions should be prepared from the listed plants. It will be useful to add lemon and honey to them. If you have a painful sensation in your throat, you can gargle with these decoctions. This procedure must be carried out 5 times a day.

An important point in acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections is their prevention. You should regularly take complex vitamins, especially in the autumn-winter period, and spend time outdoors every day. You should also remember to follow a daily routine, because poor nutrition and excessive activity without proper rest lead to a significant decrease in immunity.

Both of these groups of diseases are colloquially called “colds.” Their symptoms are often very similar: the throat hurts and itches, there is often a dry or wet cough, the nose is stuffy, the body temperature rises, the person feels lethargic and lack of strength. At the same time, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections are still different groups of ailments.

The main difference lies in the causes of the diseases. Acute respiratory infections are generally all acute respiratory diseases. Whatever the causative agents of the disease, they enter the internal environment of a person along with the inhaled air and are usually localized in the nasopharynx and lungs. “Respiratory” means “respiratory, pertaining to breathing.”

The causative agents of respiratory diseases can be viruses, bacteria, fungal spores, even protozoa (for example, Giardia). Due to the fact that this group includes a variety of diseases, it is clear that acute respiratory infections are a generalized group of ailments of the respiratory system. ARVI is a more specific diagnosis. The abbreviation stands for: “acute respiratory viral infection.”

From the name itself it becomes clear that this group of diseases is caused specifically by viruses, and not by any fungi or protozoa. A doctor can diagnose ARVI when he already knows for sure that the causative agent of the disease is one or another virus. The diagnosis of acute respiratory disease is usually made when the picture of the patient’s condition clearly indicates that the disease is respiratory in nature, but its root cause is not yet clear.

Difference in treatment methods

There is a difference in treatment methods. After a preliminary diagnosis of an acute respiratory infection, the doctor usually directs the patient to undergo tests, that is, to provide material for a series of laboratory tests. Thanks to the latter, a specific diagnosis is established, and most importantly, the very pathogens that caused it all to begin are identified.

The most famous causative agent of ARVI is the influenza virus, which has conquered the entire planet. There are many varieties of it, which does not change the very essence of the disease. Flu is very dangerous. Everyone has long been accustomed to the fact of his periodic appearance in their lives. And yet you should not neglect this frequent guest. Influenza can cause serious complications if treated incorrectly or incompletely.

Many acute respiratory viral infections can be prevented by vaccination. Vaccinations against influenza and other viral diseases help the body build immunity and “fully armed” to meet the insidious enemy. In the treatment of ARVI, antiviral drugs are used, which in each specific case should be prescribed only by a specialist.