What temperature can be measured with a mercury thermometer. How long to measure temperature with a mercury thermometer

The temperature of a person's body depends on many facts. Its exact value helps to correctly determine the state of health, the presence of any diseases, and much more. Many different thermometers have been invented today to measure body heat. But below, we will tell you how and how much you need to measure your temperature mercury thermometer.

What is a mercury thermometer

This type of device is the most famous and widespread; it is also popularly called a thermometer. This thermometer requires very careful handling, as it contains very toxic substance mercury. It is thanks to its heating that body heat is measured.

Despite how long ago it appeared, this thermometer is still widely used, and all thanks to the following advantages:

  1. High measurement accuracy.
  2. Low cost.
  3. Remembering the maximum value that was measured last time.
  4. Possibility of measurement in several ways. Namely, oral, rectal and axillary.

Speaking about the last advantage, one cannot fail to mention that specific time The temperature measured by this thermometer will depend on where exactly it is measured.

Basic rules for measuring temperature

Many people often say that degrees shows incorrect information about the heat. In fact, a mercury thermometer always gives accurate information, but only on condition that all the rules for its use have been followed, namely:

  • The temperature in the room where there is a person who wants to measure his liquidus should not be higher than 25 degrees or lower than 18. When this range changes, the data obtained from a mercury thermometer may not be entirely accurate.
  • Before use, make sure that the mercury level is at 35 degrees.
  • When using a mercury thermometer in the armpit, you should make sure that this part of the body is dry.
  • The tip of the thermometer should be pressed against the skin on all sides.
  • You cannot measure your temperature immediately after coming in from outside, after a bath or intense physical activity.
  • You must remain calm while taking your temperature.

This general rules temperature measurements mercury thermometer . However, there are also individual rules how to measure temperature for each species.

How long to measure temperature orally

This type of measurement occurs by placing the thermometer in mouth, while its tip should be under the tongue and pressed tightly against it. Gives high measurement accuracy. And it is often used in children over 5 years of age. It is also usually used in cases where it is simply not possible to measure in any other way.

When using this type of temperature measurement, it is necessary not only to follow all the rules described above, but also to disinfect the thermometer itself. The easiest way to do this is by treating the device with a chlorhexidine solution.

Speaking of how many minutes to measure temperature with mercury thermometer orally, it should be noted that all experts agree that 5 minutes is enough. And do not forget that after the procedure, the thermometer should also be disinfected as before use.

Axillary measurement

This method is not only the most common, but also the longest and not entirely accurate. Unfortunately, most people who resort to this method not only do not know how many minutes are needed take measurements, but also how to do it correctly.

It is necessary to follow all the rules mentioned earlier, then you should measure it under the armpit of your non-working hand and most importantly, there should be no air between the thermometer and the body, so you should press it tightly elbow joint to the body.

Now about how long it is necessary to measure temperature with mercury thermometer under your armpit. We have already said that this measurement method is the longest, so you will need at least 10 minutes to get an accurate result. Some not only do not follow the rules of how to measure the temperature, but also cannot withstand 10 minutes, as a result of which they receive incorrect information.

We measure the temperature rectally

Most often this method is used in children, as well as paralyzed and whether seriously ill people . To do this, a thermometer is inserted into the rectum. The accuracy of this type is 100%, although the procedure itself is unpleasant. And unlike the previously described measurement methods, this one has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages include:

  1. Possibility of use in newborns.
  2. Use when available skin diseases or inflammation in the mouth.
  3. The running time is minimum quantity minutes.
  4. You can measure the temperature of an unconscious person.

The disadvantages include such contraindications as: hemorrhoids, prostatitis and diarrhea.

The procedure is as follows: the patient lies on his side, and his legs should be slightly bent at the knees. A thermometer, previously disinfected, is inserted into the rectum until its tip is hidden. For children, the maximum insertion depth is 2 centimeters, for adults 6. You must first lubricate the end of the thermometer with sea buckthorn oil or petroleum jelly, although regular baby cream is also quite suitable.

So, how long should you measure your fever with a mercury thermometer rectally? The answer is simple - 3-5 minutes. As you can see, this method is the shortest in time, because it takes at least 2 minutes less than all the others.

Despite the fact that there are now various types of thermometers and thermometers on sale that allow you to measure temperature in even less than 1 minute, such children's specialist, as Komarovsky recommends using a mercury thermometer. And how many minutes to measure the temperature with a thermometer and in what way is up to you to decide, because we have already told you how to correctly measure the temperature with a mercury thermometer.

Our body automatically maintains its own temperature within a fairly narrow range, allowing life processes take place in the most favorable environment.


Violations of the body's thermal stability are usually a sign of illness. Many diseases cause an increase in general or local temperature. For example, by raising the temperature during infectious diseases, the body fights the infection that has penetrated it.

The simplest health device - a medical thermometer, which should be in every home, helps to monitor the body's thermal stability.


When a doctor is invited, he is always interested in the patient’s temperature and asks to measure it regularly in order to report to him about all changes in temperature during subsequent visits.

Measuring a patient's temperature is a simple but extremely important procedure.

The most common is a mercury medical thermometer, in which the temperature is measured by the height of the rise of the mercury column as a result of heating and expansion of mercury during certain time contact of the thermometer with the human body. In Russia, a thermometer is used to measure body temperature in the armpit. Other countries use a thermometer to measure body temperature by placing it in the anus or mouth. The thermometer readings when taking measurements at different points will be different. The measurement location in the armpit is the safest for the patient, which is why this method has become so widespread among us.

At a low price, a mercury thermometer has a significant drawback - as soon as it is dropped or hit while shaking, the glass body and tube instantly break and mercury, which is a toxic substance, spills onto the floor, after which it must be urgently removed and a new thermometer must be purchased. Some men manage to break such a thermometer when shaking it vigorously or squeezing it hard with their hand while measuring the temperature in the armpit. Another disadvantage of a mercury thermometer is the relatively long (up to 10 minutes) temperature measurement time.

There are also electronic thermometers on sale with thermistors that measure temperature quickly, their design is reliable, but, unfortunately, the cost is much higher than that of a conventional mercury thermometer. Such thermometers require a battery to operate, which lasts for a long time.

High-speed, high-precision electronic thermometers using infrared radiation sensors are also produced.

BODY TEMPERATURE IS AN INTEGRAL ASSESSMENT OF THE WELL-BEING OF NOT ONLY THE THERMOREGULATION SYSTEM, BUT ALSO ALL OTHER SYSTEMS OF THE ORGANISM. Healthy body at various temperature fluctuations external environment and various physical activities maintains body temperature with high accuracy.


Before measuring the temperature, the mercury thermometer is shaken so that the mercury column drops down to 35 degrees. If it is necessary to quickly assess whether there is a high temperature, using a regular thermometer, it must be placed in a dry armpit for 5 minutes. This is a rough estimate of whether a fever is present. Exact value will be received only in 10 minutes. The electronic thermometer measures temperature very quickly (within 2 minutes) and accurately.

During the day, there are some temperature fluctuations within normal limits: the highest it is from 17 to 21 hours, the lowest - from 3 to 6 am. Therefore, a temperature of 36 to 37 degrees is taken as the norm. However, long-term and persistent maintenance of temperature limits at the highest limit or at the lowest limit, accompanied by a deterioration in well-being, requires your attention to the state of your health and a visit to the doctor.

It is advisable to measure the temperature at 7-8 am and 17-19 pm for 10 minutes in the dry armpit with the thermometer pressed with your hand to the chest.

It should be noted that in Russia it is customary to measure temperature in the armpit, and the given temperature standards correspond to exactly this method of measurement. In other countries, the temperature is measured not in the armpit, but in the patient’s mouth or rectum, but then the temperature norms will be different, higher in value.

Pay attention to the thermometer readings

Measuring temperature allows you to notice the onset of a disease in time, monitor its development and determine signs of recovery and transition to a healthy state of the body.


Here it should be noted that it is possible that the body has low reactivity. This can be explained this way: in a person with normal reactivity, a disease such as, say, influenza causes sharp increase temperature, and you regularly have respiratory infections the temperature rises slightly or even remains normal, but you are sick, and sick for a long time and with complications, which means your body and, in particular, immune system, weakened. Urgent measures need to be taken to improve health. There is no need to console yourself with the thought that your body is like this and it always happens this way. Each time the complications can become more and more severe, and pills and injections will not improve the situation. Need purposeful work to improve your health and change your lifestyle.

If a person is healthy, but after eating, or during physical work, or under the influence of changes in the temperature of the external environment, the body’s control system does not maintain the normal temperature, this means that the body is detrained, it has no vital reserves. Further deviations in management can turn into illness. It is necessary to change your lifestyle and strengthen the body, increasing its reserves.

Regular temperature measurements make it possible to detect in time febrile conditions, caused by various infections and intoxications.

TEMPERATURE MAY INCREASE in infectious diseases, as well as in heart attacks, strokes and other non-infectious diseases.

A fever-type condition can occur when there is a loss of control in the body as a result of neuroses.

DEGREE OF TEMPERATURE INCREASE during similar infections in different people varies: from excessively high temperature to extremely low temperature. This is explained by the difference in the state of the self-healing system, which determines the body’s defenses. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention not only to high temperatures, but also to minor, long-term increases in temperature with a feeling of lethargy and impotence, since various inflammatory processes may be hidden behind this.

TEMPERATURE MAY DECREASE after severe infectious diseases, with a decrease in basal metabolism, with cardiac weakness and low blood pressure.

At long term In case of illness, the doctor asks to regularly measure the patient’s temperature. In this case, it is convenient to construct temperature curves for morning and evening temperatures for each day of illness, which can help the doctor in determining treatment tactics for the patient.

The process of thermoregulation is one of the most important physiological mechanisms, which ensures consistency internal environment and the course of all biological reactions. Normal temperature human body ranges from 36.5 to 37.2 degrees. This range of temperature values ​​guarantees the normal functioning of the body's defenses and other vital systems.

Under the influence of infectious and non-infectious factors in children of different ages Body temperature may increase. This condition is usually accompanied by general malaise, headache, body aches and decreased appetite. In order to have an idea of ​​​​the true indicators of the child’s body temperature, parents often use a mercury thermometer.

Thermometer characteristics

The nature and duration of the assessment of body temperature indicators directly depend on the type of thermometer chosen. Thermometers, which operate by expanding mercury particles, are products that have been used since the invention of the thermometer to measure body temperature. The fact that this type of thermometer has not lost its popularity is due to a number of advantages of a mercury thermometer:

  • Accuracy of the data obtained regarding temperature indicators;
  • Affordable price;
  • Possibility of measurement by any of the known methods;
  • Ease of operation;
  • Probability of receiving unreliable result comes down to zero.

Despite these advantages, mercury thermometers have a number of disadvantages. These disadvantages include:

  • Duration standard procedure is at least 8 minutes;
  • Fragile frame of the thermometer;
  • If the thermometer is damaged, a person risks getting poisoned by mercury vapor.

Even taking into account the listed disadvantages, proper operation of these products will guarantee effective and safe measurement of indicators.

Measurement Rules

To obtain the most accurate result from this procedure, parents need to familiarize themselves with the key recommendations:

  1. Before starting to measure indicators in the child’s armpit, parents should make sure that it is dry there. If the baby is sweating, wipe the armpit area dry with a paper napkin. This event will allow you to avoid false results that occur when sweat evaporates and the child’s skin cools;
  2. Before using the thermometer, shake it until it reaches 35.5 degrees;
  3. The air temperature in the room where the measurement takes place should be from 18 to 25 degrees. If the room is less than 18 degrees, then before starting to measure the child’s body temperature, you need to warm the thermometer with your palms;
  4. When inserting a mercury thermometer into the armpit, ensure that the mercury tip is in contact with skin baby. When the thermometer is installed, it is important to ensure that the armpit is covered with the baby’s hand;
  5. When measuring temperature indicators, it is important to ensure that the child does not move, eat or talk;
  6. It is incorrect to assess a child’s body temperature immediately after returning from a walk and after swimming. If the child has recently been capricious or crying, then this procedure is postponed for 30-40 minutes.

To assess this parameter in children of different ages, the areas of the armpit, oral cavity, inguinal fold and rectum are used. If the baby is sick, then this procedure is carried out every 3 hours. If your child is taking antipyretics medicines, then the measurements are carried out before using the drug and 40 minutes after that.

Assessment of body temperature in the oral cavity is most often used in children over 3 years of age, as this procedure can be traumatic for children younger age. To ensure the safety of measuring oral temperature, you should familiarize yourself with the following recommendations:

  • Before the mercury thermometer is in the child’s mouth, it is wiped with a solution of Chlorhexidine or;
  • Before starting the measurement, you need to shake the thermometer to 35 degrees;
  • The optimal place to place the mercury tip of the thermometer is the child’s sublingual area. Parents of the baby need to ensure that the child’s teeth do not press the thermometer tightly (to avoid damaging it). The duration of this procedure is 56 minutes.

In children of various ages Often there is a need to measure indicators rectally (through the rectum). Before using the thermometer, it must be treated antiseptic solution and wipe dry. To obtain reliable results rectal temperature The following rules should be taken into account:

  • The depth of insertion of the mercury tip into the child’s rectum is 1.5-2 cm;
  • Before inserting the thermometer, the baby is placed on his left side, with his legs bent towards his stomach;
  • The tip of the thermometer should be inserted carefully, using a screw-like motion;
  • The duration of rectal temperature measurement is from 6 to 8 minutes. During this time, the baby should lie still;
  • After the specified time has passed, the tip of the thermometer is carefully removed from the rectum.

The groin area is not the preferred location for this procedure. The use of this zone is permissible for children infancy. To carry out the procedure, the baby is placed on his back, and one leg is bent in the area hip joint and pressed to the stomach.

The mercury tip of the thermometer is placed in the area of ​​the inguinal fold, pressing it with the baby’s leg. The duration of the measurement procedure in this format is from 7 to 10 minutes. During the procedure, care must be taken to ensure that the baby does not make sudden movements or cry.

Another less common area for measuring body temperature is ear canal. For this procedure, infrared thermometers are most often used, but their absence can easily be compensated for by a mercury thermometer.

To carry out the procedure, you need to carefully move the child’s earlobe up and back. After this, the tip of the thermometer is installed in the ear canal. The insertion depth is no more than 1 cm.

It takes 5 to 8 minutes to measure the temperature in the ear canal. This method is preferable for children over 2 years of age, since the ear canal is not sufficiently developed in newborn children. Typically, these babies have an increased risk of traumatic injury.

Little one is a rather difficult task. It makes many parents worry - not only newbies who don’t yet know how to do it correctly, but even experienced dads and moms. In fact, there are no particular difficulties in this. You just need to understand how to handle the baby and the thermometer. In this article we will try to figure out how to measure the temperature of infants.

Normal temperature. What does it depend on?

The body of adults is very different from the body of children. In adults, everything is already “set up” correctly, but babies are just beginning to master the processes of thermoregulation. At first, they had not yet learned to track changes in their temperature. small body. A toddler can overheat very quickly if caring mother put too many clothes on him. But just as quickly he becomes hypothermic. All mothers who are too worried about an increase (or perceived increase) in their baby’s temperature should remember: when their baby is actively awake, his body temperature may be higher than during his sleep.

Constant control

For a newly born baby, a normal reading is considered to be in the range of 36.3-37.7 o C. How do you understand what an elevated temperature is? A temperature above normal is an indicator that the little one’s body produces special antibodies that are capable of destroying pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

In order for the baby’s health to be under the tireless control of the parents, it is necessary to measure his body temperature daily. Only in this case will it be possible to find out in time when at least a minimal deviation from the norm occurred. If the temperature rises slightly, and the baby is completely calm, he has good appetite, parents don't need to worry.

When is it necessary to take your temperature?

First you need to find out what the baby’s normal and constant temperature is. To do this, you need to measure it every day for a week, then calculate the average number (a regular table with numbers will help).

When and how to measure the temperature of infants? This should only be done when mothers suspect that not everything is all right. The baby may become restless, sleep poorly, the skin will turn red, and the baby will have no appetite. At the same time, the mother can feel with her hand that the temperature is higher than usual.

We also need to monitor the state in which the baby will be when the mother approaches him with a thermometer. It is best if the baby is half asleep. Adults should ensure that nothing irritates or excites the baby while his temperature is being measured.

If the baby is crying, screaming or very active, it is better not to even try to measure his temperature. This will only be harmful to the baby. It is more correct when this process is carried out by people close to the baby, because he may be afraid of other people's uncles and aunts and nothing will work out.

How to measure a baby's temperature correctly

Not all mothers know how to measure a baby’s temperature correctly. This is especially true for young parents. complex process, because they have not yet figured out what to do and why. Let's consider possible ways This is, in general, a simple process.

First way. You can measure the temperature in the ear, mouth, armpit and rectally. TO classical way Temperature measurements include a thermometer in the armpit of the little one. To begin with, you should sit the baby comfortably on your lap. After this, place a thermometer under your arm. While the necessary time lasts, you can sing a song to your baby, tell a fairy tale, or talk to him. After sound signal or after seven minutes the procedure is considered complete. If the baby is very small and does not yet know how to sit, before starting to measure the temperature, he must be placed on his back.

What doesn't the toddler like?

Here is another way to measure the temperature of infants. This method is quite effective, but it is not very pleasant for the baby. Temperature is measured in the rectum. It is believed that this is the most truthful way to find out exact temperature. The little one should be placed on his back and his legs should be carefully bent at the knees. Any baby or emollient cream is applied to the end of the thermometer in advance. This thermometer must be very carefully inserted into the baby's rectum about two centimeters. After completing this procedure, it is necessary to disinfect the thermometer.

Where else can you take a baby's temperature? As an option - the ear canal of a toddler. An important reminder to parents: measurements can only be taken when the baby is calm. By the way, during feeding the baby’s temperature may increase.

And now about normal temperature baby. Under the armpit it is 36.3-37.3 degrees Celsius; in the rectum - 37.6-38 degrees, and in the mouth - 37.1.

A mercury thermometer helps

Using a regular classic thermometer, you can find out the baby’s temperature in several ways. Let's try to understand how to measure a baby's temperature with a mercury thermometer.

As a rule, mothers are accustomed to the standard method, so they place a thermometer in the baby’s armpit. In order to get information about what the baby’s temperature is in this way, the baby must be laid on a flat surface - on a table, bed or changing table. After the thermometer has firmly settled in the child’s armpit, its handle must be held gently so that the thermometer does not move to another place or fall out from under the handle.

Another option considers placing the thermometer in the groin area so that it can be pressed by the thigh. True, in this case the baby will have to be placed in a position that is not very convenient for him.

Not all mothers and fathers are sympathetic to measuring temperature rectally. But this way of getting necessary information is more accurate than all the others.

We use an electronic thermometer

Using an electronic thermometer, you can measure your baby's temperature in the same places as measured with a mercury thermometer. How to correctly measure a baby's temperature with an electronic thermometer? It really won't be difficult.

By the way, some types of electronic thermometers can be applied to the baby’s forehead (if he doesn’t like having the thermometer under his arm) or carefully inserted into the baby’s ear. This type of measuring device will determine itself how much time it will take. After the procedure is completed, it will emit a sound signal.

Measuring the temperature of a toddler will almost always be hassle-free and uncomplicated if the mother chooses the right thermometer and method. necessary procedure. Plus, everything needs to be done correctly, turning the most close attention on the child's condition.

One of the most convenient to use is a thermometer made in the form of a pacifier. It is very simple to work with it: carefully insert it into the baby’s mouth, he will suck on it for five minutes, and the temperature will appear on the display. But what if the child is not familiar with nipples? Then you shouldn’t even start using such a modern thermometer.

Accurate or not?

How to measure a baby's temperature with an electronic thermometer? Nothing could be simpler. Such a magical device just needs to be applied to the child’s ear, placed in the armpit, or measured rectally (this has already been mentioned above). Nowhere can you find data indicating the exact time of measurement: such a thermometer will emit a signal when all the readings become known to it. As a rule, this lasts about three minutes.

But when using this modern device, you can notice only one significant drawback: an error occurs within one degree. And in the event of a serious illness of the baby, such an error can be critical for him. This is why many doctors do not recommend the use of such a thermometer.

Each parent has to choose how to measure the temperature of infants. It is up to him to decide which thermometer he will choose - a classic mercury thermometer or a more modern electronic one. The main thing is that the baby gets sick as little as possible.

At the slightest ailment, we are accustomed to turning to a thermometer. Measuring body temperature is one of the best methods diagnostics of the body. Precision in this matter will not be superfluous. To ensure reliable results, it is better to follow certain rules that do not require special knowledge of medicine.

Optimal temperature readings and choice of measuring device

Thermoregulation is one of the important features body. Thermometers are used to measure human body temperature. These are devices with a Celsius or Fahrenheit scale.

It is known that in normal health, the thermometer should show results within 36.5 – 37.3°C. Temperature from minor deviation up to 1 – 1.5° is also considered normal if a person does not feel unwell. Other cases speak of possible availability infection or other unfavorable process in the body. It works in the body defensive reaction– the immune system raises temperatures, thereby fighting pathogens.

On the territory former USSR to today body thermoregulation indicators are obtained in degrees Celsius. The following thermometers for measuring temperature are distinguished:

  • mercury;
  • electronic.

Some have probably heard about an alcohol thermometer for measuring body temperature. This copy was not successful. The measurement error is very large. Such devices are not suitable for diagnosing people, since the readings after measurement quickly change to the results of air temperature.

Each type presented can be used for in various ways measurements. More detailed information about the use of all types will save us from unnecessary questions. And for those who are thinking about how to measure temperature without a thermometer, the answer is simple - it’s better to take care of having one. No matter how much effort you put into it not an easy task, it is impossible to determine the exact temperature without a device.

Antique mercury thermometer

The mercury thermometer appeared in 1927. His appearance has survived to this day - a glass flask with a scale and a tube of mercury. This representative of thermometers can have both pros and cons.

Let's look at the advantages first:

  • low cost;
  • accurate result;
  • ease of use;
  • the degree of error is very low;
  • availability of measurement by any method.

Some people wonder if a mercury thermometer might show the wrong temperature. No. The error of this type is very low. Reliable measurement metrics speak volumes. Thanks to this factor majority medical institutions and individual people make their choice in its favor.

This budget type is available to every family. Even children know how to use it, but not many know how to measure temperature with a mercury thermometer. The technique for diagnosing fever depends on the method chosen.

Since the material is fragile, the relationship with the mercury specimen should be reverent. It is important not to leave the child alone with the device. Compliance with safety measures is a guaranteed approach that prevents accidents.

The disadvantages of the thermometer include:

  • probability of breaking;
  • if damaged it is noted adverse effects for health;
  • long process.

Mercury is hazardous to health. When the thermometer is intact, it does no harm. If the device breaks, then mercury vapor comes out, and they already represent serious threat. Broken thermometers are referred to a special organization that will handle disposal.

This view is not very convenient for a child. It is recommended to preheat the device in your hands for about 5 minutes. He will spend the remaining time in the child's armpit. A win-win option would be to install the device on a sleeping baby.

Modern digital thermometer

With slow steps, the classic mercury specimen is replacing the electronic look into the background. This device can be various types, but always shows the result on the display. There are express devices manufactured in convenient form under a body part, non-contact types and thermometers with a history of previous results.

Advantages of a modern device:

  • safety;
  • versatility;
  • rapidity.

For most parents, such a novelty as an electronic thermometer is very useful. It is very difficult for children to measure their temperature. These little people are constantly moving around, and it is very difficult to get them to sit still for several minutes. The digital type will become a lifesaver; the speed of the device deserves the highest praise.

Many confidently assure that they know how to use an electronic thermometer. The beliefs of this category of people are reduced to zero if they immediately take out the thermometer when the command is given. There are several tricks that will help us make the thermometer work correctly.

It is often noticed that the result of a digital thermometer is lower than real indicators. You can avoid such figures if you do not remove the device every second after a special command. Experts talk about extending diagnostic actions for at least 30 seconds.

IMPORTANT: Immediately removing the thermometer after the device alarm will give a false result. Waiting half a minute will help you avoid such indicators.

Electronic view requires strength. There is a special sensor at the tip of the thermometer. Pressure is required for it to respond. These steps will ensure that the results are displayed correctly. Even a child can perform such an operation; you should not think that a serious operation is necessary. physical strength- just a small press.

One of the disadvantages of the digital type is program failure. Such cases actually happen in practice. At similar situations the screen will display incorrect information about measurement.

Proper handling of measuring instruments will eliminate all awkward moments. Before measuring your temperature with an electronic thermometer, you should carefully study the instructions. If she is lost, you can clarify all the questions on the Internet.

Methods for diagnosing human temperature

How long you need to hold the thermometer determines the method for diagnosing temperature indicators. Regardless of age category, there are three well-known methods:

  • rectal;
  • oral;
  • axillary.

Both types of thermometers are universal. Any of them can measure the temperature in three parts of the body - mouth, anus, armpit. More detailed instructions We will consider these procedures below.

The presented hierarchy of methods is in order of decreasing accuracy of the results. Even every schoolchild knows the norm - 36.6°C. But not every adult is familiar with the real picture, depending on where the temperature is measured. The norm that everyone knows is typical only for the axillary method (under the armpit).

IMPORTANT: Allowable temperature range: in the rectum ranges from 37.3 to 37.7, in the oral cavity from 37.1 to 37.5, under the armpit from 36.3 to 36.8.

There are other less common, but interesting measurement methods:

  • in the ears, with a special infrared digital device, the error is small, there is no need to think about how long to measure the temperature, the result is instantaneous - 2-4 seconds;
  • a dummy thermometer is oral view measurements that are not suitable for babies who are opponents of the nipple;
  • forehead thermal strips - are not particularly accurate, but are practical and will take up little space in any woman’s handbag.

The listed methods are more used in Western Europe. Either one is very convenient. Probably, one day the method will find application throughout the world.


The presented method allows us to see the most reliable measurements. It is based on inserting a thermometer into the anus. Accuracy directly depends on the special sphincter. Due to what is achieved the separation of the rectal cavity from external factors that could affect the process.

The thermometer treated with an antiseptic must be inserted 2-2.5 cm deep; do not forget to lubricate the tip with Vaseline before the procedure. How to correctly measure the temperature with a mercury thermometer - wait 6-8 minutes, after the allotted minutes, carefully remove it. In the case of a digital device, wait for the command, wait half a minute and remove it. To perform such operations, experts advise lying on your side; the child is allowed to lie on his back with his legs raised up or sit on the parent’s knees on his stomach.

This method is used in following situations:

  • children under 5 years old;
  • V unconscious;
  • in a person with low weight;
  • with thermoneurosis (the diagnosis is characterized by stable high temperature);
  • when determining basal temperature at female half;
  • when the use of other methods is contraindicated - inflammation of the armpit and oral cavity.

This type of measurement involves a number of contraindications - diarrhea, constipation, proctitis and hemorrhoids.


This method found particular distribution in countries Western Europe and America. Not many of us know how to correctly place a thermometer in oral cavity. The thermometer can be placed behind the cheek and under the tongue to the left or right of the frenulum. The second option will show a more reliable result.

Before use, the thermometer is treated with a special antiseptic(for example, Miramistin). Shake, put in place and carefully close your mouth. We note how many minutes to measure the temperature with a mercury thermometer - at least 5. At the end, you can judge the indicators.


The method does not provide the most accurate data, but is still very popular. How long to keep the mercury thermometer under your arm will depend on your choice. Most take measurements at random, without recording a specific time.

Before measuring the temperature, the thermometer is disinfected. Physical activity and hot baths are not acceptable. The thermometer is placed only in the dried armpit. If there is inflammation on the skin at the measurement site, it is better to use another method. To ensure the accuracy of the information received, actions are performed with the non-working hand.

Sometimes specialists resort to diagnosing temperature in groin area. In this case, there are contraindications for taking measurements under the arm. The thermometer is pressed with your foot.

A thermometer for measuring body temperature can show false results, based on the influence of external factors:

  1. Body part. On external places– on the forehead, under the armpit the indicators will be lower than on the internal ones – in anus or in the mouth.
  2. Times of Day. Temperatures per day can vary up to 0.6°C. IN morning hours from 3.00 to 6.00 the column can drop to 36 °. IN evening time from 17.00 to 21.00 the temperature usually rises, as in daytime the person is active.
  3. Physical activity. After training and other exercises, there is a noticeable increase in temperature.
  4. Ovulation. IN this period in women there is normal increase by 0.6-0.8 degrees.
  5. Hot climate conditions. The influence of air temperature also affects human temperature, an increase of 0.1-0.5° is likely.
  6. Age sign. Children have higher rates than older people.

During diagnostics, it is necessary to take control of everything listed factors. Besides them accurate results will help you get a list important rules. Deviation from them will lead to incorrect results.

There are also emergency situations, when no recommendations for handling a thermometer will help if it is not at hand. Fortunately, many people know how to determine a person’s temperature without a thermometer. Proven methods of touching your lips, hand or even eyelid to your forehead help here. If a person feels a rise in temperature, it actually means it is at least 38°.

Let's consider a detailed algorithm for measuring body temperature:

  1. Disinfection of the thermometer;
  2. If a mercury specimen is selected, then it is important to shake off to 35 or less.
  3. Eliminate moisture and inflammation of the skin;
  4. Installed at the measurement location. The device is placed deeply into the armpit, pressing it tightly with your hand. Make sure that the skin is positioned around the mercury tip.
  5. Find a comfortable position and remain calm.
  6. The duration of mercury measurement in minutes is 8-10 in the armpit, 5 in the rectum, in the vagina and in the mouth. The electronic thermometer will beep, after which you need to wait 30 seconds, then remove it.
  7. Evaluate the result or record it for later verification.
  8. Disinfect the thermometer.

Which thermometer to choose is everyone’s business. The main thing is not to forget about elementary rules use. If you use a mercury thermometer, be careful when handling it.