How to measure a cat's temperature with a mercury thermometer. How to take a cat's temperature? How to measure a cat's temperature: accurate methods and instruments

An attentive person will immediately notice that a four-legged pet is sick or feels unwell, and will try to help his beloved cat. Before you panic and take your cat to the vet, we recommend taking his temperature. The result will show whether it is worth rushing to veterinary clinic or you can take a wait-and-see approach.

The only reliable way to measure an animal’s thermometry is rectal.

Shown here is an insufficiently reliable method of measuring temperature under the armpit, which shows the temperature with an error.

Other methods veterinarians are considered uninformative or unreliable.

Preparing for measurement

The following types of thermometers are used to measure animal body temperature:

  • rectal;
  • electronic digital;
  • mercury;
  • infrared (laser).

In practice, veterinarians use household mercury and special veterinary thermometers.

For reasons of hygiene, it is best to store your pet in home medicine cabinet separate thermometer.

Temperature measurement

Remember that a person’s excitement is transmitted to the pet. The cat reacts sharply to a person’s mood and becomes nervous if he himself is afraid of the upcoming procedure. During manipulations, the owner needs to speak kindly and reassure the pet, but act clearly and confidently.

The device is inserted with the lungs rotational movements V anus to a depth of 1 centimeter. If the animal is restless and breaks out, it is restrained with a blanket or towel. To do this, it is good to work with an assistant who will hold the cat.

The thermometer should not be moved sharply so as not to cause damage to the cat’s rectum from the thermometer itself or from fragments if it is damaged.

If a sick animal is aggressive and reacts poorly to touch, it is better to carry out the procedure with an assistant. He will hold the cat, and the owner will perform the manipulations (or vice versa).

How to determine a cat's temperature without a thermometer?

Estimate thermal state animal can be done without using special devices. The owner diagnoses fever or a decrease in temperature in a four-legged friend by palpating (feeling) the nose and body of the animal and subjective sensations of “hot” or “cool”.

Place your finger on the nose: if the cat is healthy and the temperature is normal, then the nose is cool and moist.

With hyperthermia, it becomes dry and hot.

Remember that immediately after sleep or active games A cat's nose can be hot, and this is normal.

Pros and cons of devices

Device type





Household mercury thermometer

Available in any home medicine cabinet

Special rectal electronic thermometer

The device is sold only in specialized stores

Universal electronic thermometer

The thermometer is equipped with a rigid tip, so when inserting into the rectum you need to be extremely careful

Infrared ear thermometer

Infrared laser thermometer

Can be used without an assistant

Normal body temperature in cats

For felines, a normal temperature is considered to be between 38 and 39 °C.

For older kittens - from 38.5 to 39.5 °C, for newborn babies - within 40.0-40.5 °C.

Deviations from the standard of half a degree are considered conditionally acceptable. If a furry friend's temperature is slightly increased or decreased, it is measured over time at intervals of 3-6 hours. If your health does not return to normal or the temperature is more than one degree higher or lower than normal, it is better to seek help from a veterinarian.

How can you tell if your cat has a fever? Touching a person's forehead can answer this question, but with cats things are more complicated. You cannot determine an animal's temperature simply by touching its warm, dry nose or shaggy forehead, as many people mistakenly believe. The only way to know for sure is to take the temperature.

A cat's normal temperature is 38-39º C. Higher temperatures may require a visit to the veterinarian, especially if other symptoms are present.

Although high temperatures can help the body fight disease in some cases, they can also be dangerous, especially over 41°C when damage is caused internal organs. Contact your veterinarian as soon as possible if your cat has a high fever.

Symptoms of fever in cats

Diseases that cause elevated body temperature also affect the animal's behavior. Thanks to fever, the body fights the disease by stimulating immune system and slowing down development. Symptoms of a fever include:

  • loss of appetite;
  • apathy;
  • lack of energy or activity;
  • reducing fluid intake;
  • immunity to affection;
  • trembling or rapid breathing;
  • other signs of illness, such as sneezing, vomiting, or diarrhea.

How to measure a cat's temperature?

So, based on the signs above, you suspect that your cat may have a fever. Now it's time to take your temperature. The whole process will take 2 to 3 minutes:

  • Gather everything you need within easy reach (preferably on a table): rectal thermometer, Vaseline, watch and towel.
  • Shake the thermometer to 35.5° C if it is mercury, or turn on the electronic thermometer. Then lubricate its tip with Vaseline.
  • Place the cat on the table and securely fix its position with your left hand. The pet's head should be in the crook of your arm. If necessary, wrap the animal in a towel to keep the tail free.
  • Lift the cat's tail with your left hand, slowly insert the thermometer right hand into the anus of the animal to a depth of 1 to 2.5 cm with the right hand. You will feel her sphincter tighten and then relax.
  • Hold the thermometer there for two minutes and talk to the animal gently.
  • Take out a thermometer and record the temperature.
  • Then wash the thermometer well with warm water and soap and store it in a separate place.

Taking the temperature is much easier if someone holds the cat while you lift its tail and insert the thermometer. Temperatures above 40.5° C are dangerous for cats, and your pet should be taken to a veterinarian immediately. It is better to use an electronic thermometer that will beep when the measurement is completed. If this method is too unpleasant for you, consider using a non-contact thermometer.

Cats, like people, often have a fever when they are sick. Unfortunately, the methods used for humans are not suitable for cats. So, by touching an animal’s forehead, you cannot judge its temperature. The only one reliable way To accurately determine a cat's body temperature is to place a thermometer in her ear canal or rectum. Naturally, the animal will be against it similar procedure, and you will have to force him. However, there are certain symptoms that indicate high temperature. They will advise you whether to measure your cat's body temperature, keeping coercive measures to a minimum. And then, if the temperature exceeds 39.44 degrees Celsius (103 degrees Fahrenheit), you should contact your veterinarian.


Symptoms indicating a high temperature

    Take a closer look at changes in behavior. If a normally playful, active and friendly cat tries to be alone, this could be a sign of illness. A sick animal often tries to hide under a bed, sofa, table and other places where it will be difficult to find. Cats are cautious creatures, remaining cautious even during fun games. Once sick, your pet will feel vulnerable and want to hide in a secluded place.

    Monitor your cat's appetite. If the animal is accustomed to eating at the same time, while absorbing a certain amount of food, then changes in this usual schedule may indicate that it is sick. Check your cat's bowl throughout the day to monitor the amount of food in it.

    Check to see if your pet is suffering from vomiting or diarrhea. Many feline diseases– ranging from a mild cold to much more serious ones – are accompanied not only elevated temperature, but also other symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea. Inspect the litter box and the area around it. As a rule, cats try to hide traces of discharge. If your pet roams freely in the yard, try to follow him. Take a closer look at the places frequently visited by the cat to see if she has buried traces of her secretions there.

    Take a closer look at the animal to see if it is showing signs of excessive apathy and lethargy. It is quite difficult to notice these signs, since cats are already quite lazy creatures. However, if the cat does not get up when you rustle the bag of food, this most likely indicates its apathy and lethargy. You should also be wary if the animal sleeps all day in the back room, although usually it loves company and accompanies you from one room to another. If your pet is excessively lethargic and apathetic, contact your veterinarian.

    Lubricate the thermometer liquid oil or other water-based lubricant. KY Jelly brand lubricant or Vaseline work well. The process should be made as less unpleasant as possible for the animal. Lubrication will significantly reduce the risk of abrasions, tears and other damage.

    Place the cat correctly. Take the animal under your arm (hold it like a soccer ball, tail should be in front of you). Make sure your cat is resting his paws on a table or other hard surface. This will reduce the risk of being scratched.

    Insert the thermometer into the animal's rectum. Push the thermometer about 2.5 centimeters (1 inch) into the intestine. Do not immerse it more than 5 centimeters (2 inches). Hold the thermometer at a 90-degree angle so that it points parallel to the animal's rectum. Be careful not to tilt it at a different angle, as this may increase your cat's pain and discomfort.

    Keep the thermometer in this position for about 2 minutes. The mercury thermometer should be held a little longer. If you are using a digital thermometer, wait for the digital signal indicating the end of the measurement.

    • Hold the cat firmly in place. She may squirm, try to scratch and bite. Try to hold her in place so she doesn't hurt herself or hurt you.
  1. Find out the result. The ideal body temperature for a cat is 38.55 degrees Celsius (101.4 degrees Fahrenheit), but a healthy cat's body temperature can range from 37.78 to 39.17 degrees Celsius (100 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit).

    • If your pet's body temperature is below 37.22 degrees Celsius (99 degrees Fahrenheit) or above 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit), it is an indication that he is sick and requires medical attention.
    • If the temperature is close to 39.44 degrees Celsius (103 degrees Fahrenheit) or higher and your cat is showing signs of illness, you should also contact your veterinarian.
  2. Clean the thermometer. Wipe it with warm water and soap or medical alcohol. If you used a disposable sleeve, remove it and wipe the thermometer. Before you put the thermometer where it is stored, you must clean it completely.

People who have a cat or cat living at home should know that these animals may indicate the onset of inflammatory process. However, not everyone knows what it should be normal temperature in representatives of the cat family, and how to correctly measure the temperature of cats.

Normal values ​​in adult animals

The body temperature of cats should be around 38–39 degrees. These values ​​are considered normal. But it is important to know that thermometer readings sometimes vary depending on the time of day. In addition, the temperature of cats large breeds slightly lower than small ones.

As a rule, an animal that has just woken up or is still sleeping will have lower thermometer readings. This is due to the fact that the cat required a small amount of energy at this time.

A cat's body temperature rises during periods of activity (for example, during play) due to the fact that this requires more energy.

Normal values ​​for kittens

Many people are interested in what is the normal temperature for kittens? In young animals it should be higher than in adults. This is due to the fact that the kitten requires more energy to support vital processes. Normal values ​​for kittens are 38.5–39.5 degrees.

What is the temperature of newborn kittens? For babies who have just been born, values ​​in the range from 40 to 40.5 degrees are considered normal. Therefore, do not panic if the thermometer shows such high values at the kitten.

However, it is not recommended at the first suspicion of bad feeling measure the temperature of newborns at home. You need to know that immediately after birth, both mother and kittens are in a state of shock. Therefore, it is better to measure your cat’s temperature 3 weeks after birth.

How to take measurements correctly

To determine the animal’s well-being, you need to know how to measure the temperature of cats. You can find out using either a simple mercury thermometer or an electronic thermometer, as well as another, more modern apparatus. However, taking measurements using electronic thermometer is a more proven option. It makes it much easier to determine a cat’s body temperature, and the values ​​will be more accurate.

Eat whole line situations when you need to measure your cat's body temperature. In this case, it is important to know how to correctly and accurately check this indicator at home. While cats are professional at hiding their problems, there are a number of symptoms that can help you guess that the animal is feeling unwell. in the best possible way, for example, he lost his appetite, became lethargic, or vomited. A good knowledge of the cat’s character and its usual behavior will easily allow you to identify suspicious deviations from the norm. At the same time, the only accurate way to check the temperature of a sick pet is to use a thermometer. Once you have taken an accurate temperature, you can discuss your cat's health with your veterinarian.


Measuring temperature with a rectal thermometer

    Buy rectal thermometer. A cat's temperature can be measured with either a rectal thermometer or an ear thermometer. Rectal thermometers are considered the most accurate. As for their types, you have a choice between digital and mercury rectal thermometers.

    • Digital thermometers allow you to measure temperature in less time, which makes the procedure less unpleasant for the animal.
    • Mercury thermometers are made of glass. You will have to take many precautions to successfully measure the temperature of a struggling cat.
    • Regardless of the type of thermometer you choose, you should be sure to label it as a special cat thermometer so that no one accidentally takes it by mistake to measure their own temperature.
  1. Find a helper. Naturally, the cat will not be happy that he anal hole will introduce some foreign object. Most likely, the cat will start to struggle and try to escape; he may even accidentally scratch you. Therefore, you will have to ask someone to hold the cat to secure it in a stationary position.

    Wrap your cat in a blanket or towel. The easiest way to immobilize your cat is to use a small blanket or towel. A swaddled animal is easier to control and keep still.

    • To swaddle your cat, simply wrap the blanket around him, leaving his tail and butt sticking out.
  2. Wear thick leather gloves to grab the cat's scruff. Many veterinarians prefer to swaddle cats to take their temperature, but if you don't want to wrap your cat in a blanket, you can have an assistant simply hold the animal. This person should wear thick leather gloves to protect themselves from accidental bites and scratches. Then he should grab the cat by the scruff - the area of ​​the neck between the head and shoulder blades. Gently grasping the skin in this area allows for the best control of the cat's head.

    • Since the cat usually carries kittens by the scruff of the neck, this grip also has some calming effect on the animal.
  3. Secure your pet's body. After the assistant grabs the cat by the scruff, he needs to fix the animal’s body, pressing it with his free hand to own body. Make sure your cat's butt is facing outward to make it easier for you to get to her with the thermometer.

    • For ease of explanation the right approach To fix the cat's body, imagine that you are grasping a soccer ball with one hand.
  4. Prepare a thermometer. When using a mercury thermometer, you must first shake it off with sharp flicks of your wrist. The thermometer should be shaken to a mercury reading of 35.5°C. Regardless of the type of rectal thermometer, it also needs to be lubricated so that the temperature measurement procedure is not so unpleasant for your pet.

    • You can use simple Vaseline as a lubricant for these purposes.
  5. Insert the thermometer into the anus. Lift your cat's tail and insert the rectal thermometer about an inch into his rectum. Don't try too hard.

    Wait the required amount of time. The digital thermometer will beep as soon as the temperature measurement is completed. If using a mercury thermometer, you will need to wait two minutes.

    Remove the thermometer and check the temperature. Two minutes later or after sound signal thermometer, it can be removed. A digital thermometer will allow you to easily read the temperature, while a mercury thermometer will have to be rotated at a certain angle to view the mercury column and mark the corresponding value on the thermometer scale. Temperature in mercury thermometer determined by highest point mercury column.

    Release the cat. The cat will struggle and try to escape as quickly as possible. Carefully release the animal's scruff or unwrap it so that the cat does not scratch either you or your helper.

    Compare the temperature value with the permissible norm. For the temperature measured rectally, values ​​within 37.8-39.2°C are considered normal. As with humans, slight deviations from the specified norm are not necessarily a cause for concern. However, if your cat's temperature is below 37.2°C or above 40°C, you should contact your veterinarian immediately.

    • Remember that normal value temperature does not always confirm that your cat is healthy and not injured. If your pet continues to behave in an unusual manner or you have further reason to suspect that your pet has an illness or injury, it is best to contact your veterinarian.
  6. Measuring temperature with an ear thermometer

    1. Buy a digital ear thermometer. There are pros and cons to using an ear thermometer. This device is easier to use for particularly shy cats who strongly resist measuring temperature rectally. However, it is quite difficult to correctly insert such a thermometer into the ear canal, so it is not always possible to obtain accurate results temperature measurements.