How to take valerian while breastfeeding. Is it possible to drink valerian during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Looking at the behavior of cats under the influence of valerian, the question arises - what is so invigorating in it and why does it have the opposite, calming effect on humans? But won’t a breastfed child, after the nursing mother drinks valerian, begin to do cat tricks?

History of the use of valerian

The first mentions of valerian can be found among healers ancient Greece. It was defined as a means capable of controlling thoughts and possessing sedative effect to higher nervous activity person. The properties of valerian were well known in Ancient Rus', and in medieval Europe. In Russia, it began to be cultivated and grown on an industrial scale in the 18th century.

Valerian is known for its interesting action on domestic cats, which can be compared to the effect narcotic substances per person. Thanks to this, it received the popular name cat grass. And despite this long history use as a sedative, the effect is still unknown chemical substance valerian, which has medicinal properties.

Why is valerian prescribed to a nursing mother?

IN medicinal purposes Not the whole plant is used, but the root with rhizomes. Valerian and drugs based on it are prescribed in cases of increased nervous excitability and sleep disorders. After the birth of a child, the majority of women experience both of these conditions.

But sleep disorders are more relevant to nursing mothers due to the need to breastfeed on demand, including at night. And a newborn baby may wake up every two hours at night to satisfy its need for saturation. After such frequent awakenings You can easily not fall asleep anymore, and systematic lack of sleep leads to the problem of neuroses.

Children on artificial feeding They usually wake up less often at night, since the mixture is harder to digest and takes longer to digest. Accordingly, the feeling of hunger in babies when fed with milk formulas comes more slowly than in those who are fed breast milk. But if a child is tortured intestinal colic or are worried about other problems, then mothers who are not breastfeeding have a hard time at night.

Experienced mothers are familiar firsthand with the painful state after childbirth. When heaps of housework, feeding, and caring for older children unsettle you, and an overwhelming feeling of nervousness, anxiety and unhappiness arises. Especially if the baby is sick, there is a feeling that the milk is about to disappear, the chest hurts, or, as trivial as it may seem, the husband is almost not helping with anything.

Then through tears everyone is remembered safe medicines that may help solve the problem. These include valerian infusion. Is valerian capable of breastfeeding harm the baby?

Valerian during breastfeeding

In order to get rid of worries, excitement, anxiety and find peace of mind, many mothers decide to resort to valerian. Since almost all medications are prohibited to take during this period, it remains the only salvation. Valerian is a natural remedy that corrects the nervous system and affects other vital important organs person. The action of the main substance (bornyl isovaleric acid) has a relaxing, antispasmodic effect and helps reduce nervous excitability.

According to the instructions, you can drink valerian while breastfeeding only after consulting a specialist and under his strict supervision. IN practical medicine There have been no cases where valerian caused pathologies and health problems in newborns. But a mother should always think about how her own child will perceive the drug and whether the sedative will cause the development of serious illnesses.

Those who resort to medicinal method calming, it should be remembered that valerian has a calming effect not only on the mother’s body, but also on the baby’s body. Notyou need to rush to the pills at the first irritation or excitement. Many people drank valerian during pregnancy. Even in the maternity hospital, doctors recommend taking 1-2 tablets to avoid depression.

Shehelps smooth out some emotional manifestations and overcome:

  • sleep disturbance, insomnia;
  • depression;
  • migraine attacks;
  • overexcitement;
  • spasms of the brain and genitourinary canals;
  • tachycardia, rapid pulse, arrhythmia;
  • hypertension.

Sometimes taking sedative medications is necessary for further successful feeding and relieving stress. If a young inexperienced mother refuses to take pharmacological agents, literally collapses, worries and is nervous, then the baby also begins to worry, scream and cause additional trouble, increasing the mother’s tension. Against this background, milk production may decrease, which will lead to even greater nervousness and anxiety in the child. In order to break the vicious circle, you can take a valerian tablet, which will have a beneficial and gentle effect on both mother and baby. ButThe effect of the drug does not occur immediately, but after some time.

How to take valerian extract during breastfeeding

IN free access You can easily buy valerian at your nearest pharmacy. Since it is produced in various forms, the features of each of them should be taken into account.

Release form

Manufacturersrelease a sedative drug in:

  • tablets;
  • dragee;
  • drops;
  • herbal teas in bags;
  • roots for making infusions.

Alcohol tincture is not allowed during breastfeeding, and nursing women should refrain from taking it.

For convenient control, it is advisable to take valerian in tablet form. What if therapeutic effect pure valerian is invisible, you can ask the doctor to prescribe herbal remedies called polypreparations, which in addition to it contain motherwort, chamomile, lemon balm, and hawthorn. Infusions are also produced together with motherwort and peony. This combination in the best possible way will affect the body.

Valerian is not addictive and can sometimes be brewed instead of tea. Some needlewomen make a valerian pad and place it near them at night. You can lay out dry herbs on the windowsill and the essential oils will have a calming effect on mother and child.


In order to achieve best effect When breastfeeding, it is enough to take one tablet twice a day. In extremely difficult and advanced cases 2 pieces are allowed. straightaway. The therapeutic course takes about one to two weeks. Do not take the drug randomly or exceed the prescribed treatment period. Despite the fact that valerian is not addictive, like any other herbal medicine, it should be taken intermittently. This is especially true for women during breastfeeding, because the active substances are completely absorbed into breast milk.

Side effects for mother and baby

Even the most harmless weed can cause an adverse reaction.

Valerianis no exception and has contraindications for nursing women suffering from:

  • hypertension;
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • mental disorders;
  • intolerance to valerian.

Since this medicine is a sedative, after taking it you should avoid driving or doing activities that require concentrated attention. Valerian increases the effects of antispasmodics and other sedatives, therefore it is prohibited to take it simultaneously with such drugs. It is forbiddentake sleeping pills.

It should be taken with extreme caution, since any violation of the instructions for use may cause negative reaction in a baby:

  1. Allergy. If the dosage is exceeded, rash, burning, itching in the anus and discomfort may occur.
  2. Overexcitement. IN in rare cases Taking valerian can cause the opposite effect in a child, causing sleep disturbances and causeless anxiety. Children's body much more sensitive than an adult and can react to a harmless drug in an unpredictable way.
  3. Constipation. Long-term use causes dysfunction of the digestive system.
  4. Lethargy. Many mothers notice that the baby becomes lethargic, drowsy and can sleep for a very long time. daytime. Weak and excessive sucking long sleep– a signal to discontinue the drug.
  5. There is a concept that valerian has an inhibitory effect on milk production. But this fact has not been proven. If nervousness and constant excitement are the main enemies of breastfeeding, then valerian helps eliminate them.

Allergies, nausea, and vomiting during an overdose can also occur in the mother.

ExceptIn addition, side effects include:

  • disorientation in space;
  • state of stupor;
  • overexcitement and sleep disturbance.


  • follow the dosage and instructions of the doctor;
  • adhere to treatment deadlines;
  • monitor the child’s activity and behavior;
  • at the first allergic symptoms stop taking the medicine.

If valerian causes negative action for the baby or mother, and nervous tension causes many problems, you can take other herbal medicines that have no contraindications for breastfeeding. These are “Glycine”, “Novopassit”, “Tenoten”, “Persen”.

An alternative to medications is massage, classical music, a warm bath with lavender oil, proper nutrition, leisurely walks, good sleep. Some foods will cheer you up - delicious yogurt, seeds, dried fruits. You should sometimes make a holiday for yourself and be able to enjoy small joys without taking medications.

The nervous system after childbirth becomes extremely vulnerable. In pursuit of reassurance, women rush to natural remedies. Many people have heard of tincture or extract of valerian, also known as valerian. Can women who are breastfeeding their children take the drug?

From this article you will learn:

After childbirth in emotional state There is a struggle between the joy of having a baby and the fear of caring for a newborn. Added to this is the inability to perform household duties to the same extent, physical and mental exhaustion. All this, like a snowball, can lead to stress and depression. Nervous excitement requires reassurance.

Before you think about using medications, try the following:

  • help from relatives;
  • walks in pleasant places;
  • relaxing music;
  • warm shower or bath;
  • pleasant massage;
  • change of environment;
  • receiving positive impressions.

Why use valerian when breastfeeding?

Paradoxically, insomnia occurs in nursing women who sleep little.

This sedative helps to cope with disorders nervous system and mental stress. The medicine can provide a way out of depression. Supports hypertension and heart patients. Has an antispasmodic effect on the digestive and urinary systems. These problems sometimes await women after childbirth.

Most often, valerian is used in the first months after childbirth. The calming effect accumulates gradually and remains long time. Provides a soft effect. It is gratifying that the drug does not cause dependence on it.

Does not interact with other medications. Dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription. First you should try other normalization methods mental state, since the effect of the product also applies to the child.

Risks and side effects

How to weigh the benefits of a medicine and possible harm? Let's look at the negative impacts.

  • allergy;
  • stupor;
  • nervous overexcitation;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • memory impairment;
  • stimulation of the baby’s central nervous system instead of calm;
  • lethargy and passivity of the child when feeding.

For example, when soon after treatment a child’s skin irritates, feelings of guilt may be added to the existing depression.

Continuous use of sedatives harms the body, regardless of whether you are breastfeeding or not. The nervous system is depressed, fatigue with headaches and nausea appears. Performance decreases. Is this the state a mother should be in when taking care of her baby?

If you drink valerian very often, your concentration will drop significantly. And watching a child is an integral part of motherhood. You should not drive a car with the help of the drug. Despite the list of side effects, valerian is considered the safest sedative during breastfeeding.

On the other hand, if alternative techniques are used to cope with problems in the emotional and physical condition If the mother fails, this also has a bad effect on the baby. Instead of manifestations of love, attacks of aggression, possibly physical, fall on him. A woman stops adequately assessing own behavior and turns into a threat to his own child. It's time for her loved ones to react by offering a natural sedative.

How to use?

The medicine and dosage are prescribed by the doctor. It is permissible to take a tablet three times a day. Especially difficult situations Allow taking a couple of tablets three times a day. When breastfeeding, it is optimal to drink valerian in courses of 5 to 14 days. The drug is potentially risky for the child; it should be correlated with the expected benefit for the mother. During lactation, the first form is preferable. It is better not to consider the latter, since it contains alcohol. Decoctions, as well as infusions from rhizomes, are potent; a child may react worse to such a composition.

In the postpartum period, hormonal passions continue. A woman's condition is passed on to her baby. Therefore, it is important to overcome this time as calmly as possible. It is better when harmony is achieved without medications. After all, the task of a nursing mother is not only to care for the baby, but also to strictly control what comes to him with milk.

If the normalization of the condition is delayed, then you can take valerian while breastfeeding, following medical recommendations. Be sure to strive for prosperous family relations, organization of life and inner peace. Then the remedies for nerves will bypass you.

Most people consider valerian to be a harmless sedative, so they primarily try to relieve nervousness and irritability with its help. And who doesn’t have little yellow tablets in their medicine cabinet! But can it be used when we're talking about about a pregnant or breastfeeding woman? Is valerian allowed during breastfeeding? If yes, in what quantity and in what form? What facts about valerian should a breastfeeding mother know?

Valerian: scope of application

It is no secret that after the birth of a child, a woman experiences stress, since all her thoughts are occupied with caring for the newborn, his well-being and good mood. When a baby cries for an hour, even the strongest nerves begin to fail. Do you feel familiar? You want to help your little one, but you don’t know how, so you acutely feel your helplessness.

Mom's irritability is influenced by constant lack of sleep and night awakenings, changing hormonal background. Often breastfeeding women suffer from postpartum depression. That is why in lactation period The question of how to relax and relieve tension is so acute. And in this regard, valerian is suitable for us, because its main indications are as follows:

The essence of the action

Valerian officinalis is a perennial plant that grows in the meadows of the Mediterranean and European Russia. The roots and rhizomes containing essential oils have healing properties. It is from them that, after drying, an extract, tincture or drops are made.

Valerian flowers are quite beautiful, but healing properties the root has

Pharmacological action occurs due to the esters of bornyl isovalerate, borneol and isovaleric acid contained in valerian. Calming effect It does not come quickly, so some people think that valerian does not help, but after that it acts for a long time and is stable. In addition, it is a good antispasmodic, acting on smooth muscles gastrointestinal organs. In the form of an extract (tinctures, extracts) it can moderately reduce blood pressure and provide some choleretic effect.

About precautions

There is an opinion that herbal preparations are safe, so they can be combined with breastfeeding without fear for the baby’s health. However, this is a misconception. Herbs can be potent and have a significant impact on an infant's well-being.

Fortunately, valerian officinalis is a relatively safe plant. But it is still necessary to take precautions. Which?

  • Before taking the drug, consult your doctor. There may be a way to do this without medication. If not, the doctor will help you choose the right dosage.
  • Do not exceed determined by the doctor dose, even if it seems that 1 tablet is of little benefit.
  • Carefully monitor your baby's behavior. Did he become drowsy, lethargic, or maybe, on the contrary, became more whiny and sleep disorders appeared? It may be necessary to adjust the dose or discontinue the drug altogether.
  • Monitor your baby's skin for allergic reactions.

All of the above precautions are related to possible manifestations side effects. This happens with an overdose or simply due to individual intolerance. Some of the common side effects of valerian include:

  • increased drowsiness, lethargy (applies to both mother and newborn);
  • the baby may lazily suckle at the breast;
  • itching and redness in the area anus;
  • allergic reactions;
  • constipation

While taking valerian, it is recommended to avoid driving a car and performing other activities that require increased concentration. Do not take 2 or more medications at the same time without a doctor, as one may enhance the effect of the other.

Which dosage form should I choose?

For a nursing mother, it makes a big difference in what form valerian enters the body. And there are several of them:

  • roots and rhizomes;
  • bagged teas;
  • dragee;
  • valerian-based tablets with additional components;
  • tinctures.

Valerian in the form of a tincture should be taken only when no other means of calming is at hand.

Tinctures or drops of valerian are most effective, but they are extremely undesirable for a nursing mother due to the alcohol content, which can negatively affect the baby’s liver and kidneys (of course, with constant use in large dosages). In addition, the concentration of bromoisovalerate is usually higher in them. But if you find drops infused with water, you can take them in this form.

Combination drugs, which additionally include lemon balm, motherwort, passionflower and others soothing herbs, have a more enhanced sedative effect. But at the same time, multicomponent preparations are not recommended during breastfeeding, since the safety of each plant must be considered individually. Moreover, in the event of allergic reaction, it will be unclear which component it was on.

Calm mom- calm baby

It is best for a nursing mother to take valerian in tablets - each of them contains a clear concentration, which means that the likelihood of overdosing on the drug is minimal. You can also use rhizomes, then we will look at how.

Directions for use

Valerian extract is recommended to take 1 tablet 2 or 3 times a day. Although during the lactation period it is better to start with 1 tablet per day. The maximum permissible single dose is 400 mg, that is, 2 tablets. The medicine is taken an hour after meals, washed down with water.

Attention! Valerian is not designed for very long-term use, since, in addition to sedatives, its rhizomes also contain alkaloids. The summary for the drug recommends not taking valerian for more than 2 months in a row. And for pregnant and lactating women, different periods apply - no more than a week of self-administration.

It is recommended to infuse the roots and rhizomes of valerian to take a relaxing bath. Dried roots can be placed in a pad and used as aromatherapy. Then before going to bed or during times of nervous tension, simply inhale the aroma for 15 minutes.

A worthy alternative

Pay attention to the group of homeopathic sedatives. They are also mostly approved for use by nursing mothers. One of them is tenoten. And to improve sleep, your doctor may recommend that you dissolve glycine tablets.

There are many ways you can calm down without resorting to medicines

Finally, you should try to do without medications altogether. It is enough to find an activity that will help you relax. For example:

  • Dress appropriately for the weather and take your stroller for a walk. In the fresh air, children sleep better, and mothers have the opportunity to “relax.” If you want privacy, look for quiet squares and parks where you can just sit on a bench and read your favorite book. For some, relieving stress simply means talking it out. Then invite your girlfriend to walking together.
  • Take a warm shower and better bath. For relaxation, you can add to it pine extract or a decoction of valerian roots. Just remember that hot bath will increase the flow of milk, so most often preference is still given to the shower.
  • Ask your husband or someone in your immediate family to give you a relaxing massage.
  • Listen to your favorite music or just classics.
  • Finally, get some sleep. Sometimes a dream is best medicine both from headaches and from fatigue. Ask your family to sit with your baby for a few hours while you rest.

Valerian: reviews

On the Internet you can find numerous reviews about the use of valerian officinalis during lactation. Here are some of them.

Irina, 27 years old. Almaty
Valerian in pills helped me. When my nerves give in, I take 2 pieces at once, and that’s it. But everyone has their own threshold of sensitivity. Some of my friends, who are mothers themselves, drank brewed motherwort or dripped motherwort/valerian tincture into the bath.

Ksenia, 33 years old. Saint Petersburg
As an experienced mother (I have three children), I can say that I often drank valerian before bed when I was caring for my second and third child. None side effects I didn't find it. The children were calm, but at night they still woke up to “refresh themselves” with milk. Compared to other medicines, valerian is quite suitable, because it is safe and relatively inexpensive.

Thus, we conclude: valerian is approved for use during the lactation period, it is better to use dosage form in tablets, and try to be less nervous, of course. After all, then you won’t have to rack your brains about what to drink to relieve your frayed nerves.

IN postpartum period serious things happen in a woman’s body hormonal changes. At this time she is prone to stress and depression. Mom should not forget that her psycho-emotional state affects the child. If you cannot go through this period painlessly without taking medications, then you need to find those that will have the least impact on the baby during breastfeeding through mother's milk.

Basic Information about Valerian Extract

Valerian - plant origin preparation. His active substance is isovaleric acid. It calms the cells of the central nervous system, relaxing smooth muscles and relieving spasms.

Indications for use

You can drink valerian if you have the following disorders:

  • depression;
  • increased irritability, nervousness, emotional instability;
  • insomnia and other sleep disorders;
  • stress;
  • chronic fatigue, loss of strength, decreased vitality;
  • disturbance of heart rhythms - arrhythmia, tachycardia;
  • intestinal dysfunction;
  • spasms of the stomach, genitourinary tract.

Valerian extract is classified as a mild drug, but taking valerian during breastfeeding (BF) without consulting a therapist is extremely undesirable.

Release forms

For nursing women great value has the form of the drug taken. Valerian is available in several forms:

  • in tablets;
  • dragee;
  • bags for brewing soothing tea;
  • crushed roots for preparing decoctions and tinctures;
  • alcohol tinctures;
  • oil for aromatherapy, massage;
  • as part of sedative preparations.

Not all forms of the drug sold in pharmacies are indicated for use by a nursing mother.

Valerian during breastfeeding

There is a misconception that herbal preparations are completely safe and cannot harm either the mother or her child and they can be combined with breastfeeding without any restrictions. However, this is not true. Besides positive therapy for a nursing mother, it may have a negative effect on the baby.

The effect of valerian on a woman

The drug has a positive effect on the body:

  • sleep improves;
  • spasms are relieved;
  • blood vessels dilate;
  • blood pressure normalizes;
  • Stress and depression go away.

Negative consequences are also possible:

  • increased drowsiness, lethargy;
  • decreased performance;
  • heartburn;
  • muscle weakness.

The therapeutic effect of the drug appears after a certain period of time after administration.

Effect of the drug on a child

Side effects may occur in case of overdose or due to individual intolerance:

  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • reverse reaction - due to stimulation of the central nervous system, sleep disturbance and increased agitation of the baby are observed;
  • allergic reaction;
  • colic and bloating;
  • anal itching and redness of adjacent skin;
  • problems with bowel movements long-term use drug;
  • decreased activity of the baby, including during feeding - he does not suckle so vigorously.

Basic rules for taking valerian

When taking valerian-based medications during breastfeeding, you must strictly follow the specialist’s instructions and not exceed the prescribed dosage and duration of treatment. You need to pay attention to the child’s well-being. These simple rules will help you avoid adverse consequences for a newborn.

Which form of the drug is preferable for hepatitis B

Before you start taking the drug orally, you should try other methods - they will probably help relieve unpleasant symptoms.

For cramps in the abdomen and intestines, you can do light massage using essential oil valerian.

Alternative Methods

First of all, you need to try to improve your condition without using medications:

  • Daily walks with the baby. Give mom a chance to breathe fresh air, read a book in a quiet place - a square or park. This will help you calm down if you want silence and solitude. If you want to talk out, then you can invite a friend for a walk or find new acquaintances among walking mothers.
  • Warm bath. Add soothing herbs to it - valerian, lavender, pine extract.
  • Relaxing massage.
  • Don’t be too overwhelmed with household chores, don’t try to redo everything at once.
  • Listening to classical music.
  • Get enough sleep. You need to ask someone from your family to babysit the child. You can express milk first so that the mother is not woken up by a hungry baby. Sometimes, to improve the condition, a woman just needs to get some sleep.

If you cannot do without the use of medications, then you should pay attention to the group of homeopathic sedatives or others prescribed by the attending physician.

The number of possible side effects when taking valerian while breastfeeding is small. If the dosage regimen is followed, it will not cause harm to either the mother or the child. In order not to negate the effect of taking valerian while breastfeeding, you should strive to properly organize your rest and life, and improve family relationships.