Signs of body fatigue. How does nervous tension occur?

20202 0

Chronic overstrain of the central nervous system (overtraining)

Overtraining is a pathological condition manifested by disadaptation, a violation of the level of functional readiness achieved during training, a change in the regulation of the activity of body systems, the optimal relationship between the cerebral cortex and the underlying parts of the nervous system, the motor system and internal organs. Overtraining is based on overstrain of cortical processes, and therefore the leading signs of this condition are changes in the central nervous system that occur like neuroses. Changes in the endocrine sphere, mainly the adrenal cortex and pituitary gland, also play a major role. Secondarily, due to dysregulation, changes in the functions of various organs and systems may occur. A number of authors (Makarova G.A., 2002; Dubrovsky V.I., 2004) indicate that an important role in the development of overstrain is played by the ratio of the functional capabilities of the body and the strength of the influence of an additional factor that provokes the development of overstrain. The most common negative impact of physical activity is psychological stress. Their joint adverse effects can occur at relatively small values ​​of each of them.

There are types I and II of overtraining.

The main causes of type I overtraining are mental and physical fatigue against the background of:
a) negative emotions and experiences;
b) gross violations of the regime (reduced sleep duration, use of various types of stimulants, smoking, alcohol consumption, very intense sex life);
c) constitutional characteristics of the individual;
d) previous traumatic brain injuries, somatic and infectious diseases.

In type I overtraining, the athlete’s body is constantly in a state of tension, wasteful energy consumption (predominance of catabolism over anabolism) with insufficient speed of recovery processes.

The most frequently recorded clinical syndromes for type I overtraining include (Makarova G.A., 2002):
- vegetative-dystonic;
- cardialgic;
- thermoneurotic;
- dismetabolic;
- mixed.

In accordance with the pathogenetic clinical syndromes, type 1 overtraining may be reflected by the following syndromes (Sokrut V.N.,

Dysneurotic syndrome is characterized by a variety of subjective sensations: general weakness, weakness, lethargy, fatigue, irritability, often expressed in irascibility, instability of mood, which can be either sharply reduced or inappropriately elevated up to euphoria. Emotional imbalance, coupled with a decline in performance, complicates the athlete’s relationship with the coach and teammates, especially due to the often observed dissimulation. The attitude towards training work often changes, the motivation to perform loads or any other work decreases.

One of the significant symptoms of neurotic overtraining syndrome type I is considered to be a violation of circadian rhythms: athletes have a shift in peak performance, difficulty falling asleep in the evening and waking up in the morning, and the structure of sleep is disrupted according to the neurasthenic type.

Loss of body weight and loss of appetite are very common, although weight loss can also be observed in athletes with increased appetite. If you have lost approximately 1/30 of your optimal body weight for competition, you should rule out overtraining.
dysvegetative syndrome is the most common in terms of prevalence. It is an expression of the dissociation of the functions of various parts of the autonomic nervous system (more precisely, the neuroendocrine system). Failure of adaptation of the autonomic nervous system can lead to neurocirculatory dystonia, which occurs according to the hypertensive (more often in boys and men), hypotonic (more often in women) or normotonic type. The clinical picture is dominated by a general neurotic syndrome with the presence of increased excitability, irritability or, conversely, an asthenic state accompanied by decreased performance and sleep disturbance. This is most clearly manifested by inadequate types of reactions, primarily in the cardiovascular system during physical activity and other functional tests.

In typical cases of dystonic overexertion syndrome type I, there is general pallor, blueness under the eyes, increased shine of the eyes with a uniform widening of the palpebral fissures, and often some dilation of the pupils while maintaining reflexes. Hyperhidrosis is characteristic, as well as cold and damp palms and feet, and sharp vasomotor reactions of the facial skin are possible.

Pathological forms of dermographism often occur. Athletes with type I central nervous system overstrain experience an increased heart rate at rest, but there is also a sharp bradycardia.

When studying cardiodynamics, a shift towards hyperdynamia may be revealed (type II overexertion is characterized by an extreme degree of severity of the syndrome of controlled hypodynamia). The hyperkinetic type of blood circulation, typical of the syndrome of vegetative-vascular dystonia in the clinic, is considered in athletes as a pathological sign only if a high systolic index is combined with absolute or at least relative tachycardia

In order to assess the balance of the tone of the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system in athletes, the results of the analysis of sinus arrhythmia, ortho- and clinostatic tests can be used.

In addition, dysvegetative syndrome can manifest itself predominantly as cardialgic symptoms, which are characterized mainly by pain, which is often localized in the left half of the chest (possibly irradiating to the left arm and scapula). The pain is of the most varied, usually aching, nature; In this case, instantaneous sensations of “piercing” are often noted. If pain occurs during exercise, then often the severity of its sensation can persist even after its cessation. However, more often pain appears after physical and especially emotional stress. Characteristically, the pain intensifies in a state of prolonged rest and disappears during exercise, sometimes of an extreme nature. A very typical combination of these pains with complaints of shortness of breath, a feeling of lack of air at rest, which turns out to be a typical “feeling of dissatisfaction with inhalation” - one of the most characteristic neurotic complaints.

With such symptoms, a careful differential diagnosis is necessary, allowing one to confirm or reject a number of diagnoses.

One of the manifestations of dysvegetative syndrome may be thermoneurotic disorders that develop in athletes who, as a rule, specialize in sports aimed at developing endurance. More often, after a sharp change in the direction of the training process in individual athletes, especially with the characterological elements of “monotonophilia,” body temperature can reach low-grade levels and remain at this level for days and weeks.

An increase in temperature may be accompanied by aching muscle pain and an undifferentiated deterioration in general well-being. In the future, it may no longer be accompanied by these phenomena. The daily temperature range ranges from 0.1 to 0.6°C, but never exceeds 1°C. A distortion of the daily periodicity is characteristic: in the morning the temperature may be higher than in the evening, there may be no fluctuations or repeated increases. Temperature asymmetry (difference more than 0.1°C), distortion of the relationship between anal, oral and axial temperature (difference between oral and axial temperature less than 0.2°C), dissociation between body temperature, respiratory and pulse rates, discrepancy between temperature and general condition are important differential diagnostic features. Physical and instrumental examination usually does not reveal pathological symptoms. Sometimes there are signs of chronic foci of infection, but their thorough sanitation does not produce any effect.

Pharmacological tests can help in differential diagnosis: when testing with amidopyrine or paracetamol, inflammatory fever is suppressed, and when testing with reserpine, it is of neurogenic origin.

Dysmetabolic syndrome is an obligatory component and material substrate of any form of overexertion. Metabolic disorders manifest themselves both when performing various loads and at rest.

Dishormonal syndrome. In this case, to assess the predominance of the tone of the sympathetic or parasympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system, the blood sugar level and the sugar curve are indicative.

Two variants of their oscillations are observed. In the first case, the blood sugar concentration (fasting) is normal or elevated, and the sugar curve is irritative and does not return to normal; in the second, the sugar level is reduced, and the sugar curve is flat, torpid. However, it is necessary to keep in mind that such changes in sugar metabolism naturally occur at certain stages of training for athletes of various specializations. These changes can be considered pathological only if they appear untimely (outside of intense exercise) or if they are excessively expressed.

In the dynamics of the development of clinical manifestations of type 1 overtraining, three stages are distinguished.

Stage I. At this stage, signs of dysneurotic syndrome appear, sometimes in combination with cardialgic manifestations. Athletes complain of sleep disturbances, which is reflected in difficulty falling asleep and frequent awakenings. Very often there is a lack of growth and, less often, a decrease in athletic achievements. Objective signs of overexertion are deterioration in the adaptability of the cardiovascular system to high-speed loads and disruption of fine motor coordination. In the first case, after performing speed loads (15-second run), the pulse and blood pressure reaction corresponds to hypertonic, instead of the previous normotonic type of reaction, and in the second case, pronounced disturbances of the neuromuscular sense are noted, in particular, in the inability to perform, for example, uniform tapping with fingers (individual strikes are performed arrhythmically and with different strengths). As this condition further worsens, the next stage of overtraining develops.

Stage II. At this stage, a combination of dysneurotic and dishormonal syndromes is noted. It is characterized by numerous complaints, functional disorders in many organs and systems of the body, and decreased athletic performance. Athletes complain of apathy, lethargy, drowsiness, increased irritability, reluctance to train and decreased appetite. Many athletes complain of easy fatigue, discomfort and pain in the heart area, and slow absorption into work. In a number of cases, athletes complain of a loss of muscle sensation and the appearance of inadequate reactions at the end of complex physical exercises. The sleep disorder progresses, the time to fall asleep lengthens, sleep becomes superficial, restless with frequent dreams of often frightening nature. Sleep, as a rule, does not provide the necessary rest and recuperation.

Often athletes have a characteristic appearance, which is manifested in a pale face, sunken eyes, cyanotic lips and blue under the eyes.

Disturbances in the activity of the nervous system are reflected in changes in the daily periodicity of functions and the daily dynamic stereotype. As a result of this, the maximum increase in all functional indicators is observed in the athlete not at the time when he usually trains, for example, in the afternoon, early in the morning or late in the evening, when he is not training. The nature of the bioelectrical activity of the brain also changes: the amplitude of the background alpha rhythm decreases, and after physical activity, irregularity and instability of electrical potentials are noted.

On the part of the cardiovascular system, functional disorders manifest themselves in an inadequately greater reaction to physical activity, a slower recovery period after exercise, disturbances in the rhythm of cardiac activity, and a deterioration in the adaptability of cardiac activity to endurance loads. Cardiac arrhythmias most often manifest themselves in the form of various sinus arrhythmias, rhythm rigidity, extrasystole and first-degree atrioventricular block. Deterioration in the adaptability of the cardiovascular system to endurance loads is also expressed in the appearance of atypical variants of the pulse and blood pressure response instead of the previous normotonic type, in particular, after 3 minutes of running in place at a pace of 180 steps per 1 minute.

At rest, athletes may have tachycardia and elevated blood pressure or severe bradycardia and hypotension. In some cases, vegetative dystonia develops. It is characterized by inadequate vascular reactions to a temperature stimulus, labile blood pressure and the predominance of either sympathotonia or vagotonia. Athletes often experience a disturbance in venous vascular tone, with an intensified pattern of the venous network on pale skin (marbled skin).

From the side of the external respiration apparatus at rest there is a decrease in vital capacity and maximum ventilation of the lungs. After physical exercise, these indicators decrease, while in a state of good training they do not change or increase in athletes. When performing standard loads in the recovery period, oxygen absorption increases, which indicates a decrease in the efficiency of the body's activity due to overtraining.

In the digestive apparatus, changes may be observed such as swelling of the tongue and its thickening, trembling when pulled out of the oral cavity. The liver enlarges, and the sclera becomes subicteric.

Changes in the musculoskeletal system are characterized by a decrease in muscle strength and elasticity, and the elasticity of ligaments. Movement coordination disorders occur, in particular coordination of antagonist muscles. All this contributes to the occurrence of sports injuries. Moreover, these changes are considered as “endogenous” factors in sports injuries.

In a state of overtraining, athletes have an increased basal metabolism and often disturbed carbohydrate metabolism. Impaired carbohydrate metabolism affects the absorption and utilization of glucose. The amount of sugar in the blood at rest decreases. Oxidative processes in body tissues are also disrupted.

At the same time, body weight in athletes decreases. This is due to increased breakdown of proteins in the body. When determining the nitrogen content in urine, a negative nitrogen balance is detected. Consequently, more nitrogen is excreted from the body in the urine than is taken in from food.

At this stage, athletes experience suppression of the adrenocorticotropic function of the anterior pituitary gland and insufficiency of the adrenal cortex.

Athletes at this stage often experience increased sweating. Women experience menstrual irregularities, and men, in some cases, may experience a decrease or increase in sexual potency. These changes are based on nervous and hormonal disorders.

Violation of the regulatory function of neurohumoral systems leads to a decrease in the body's resistance to negative environmental factors and, in particular, to infectious diseases. The latter is largely determined by a decrease in the main immunobiological defense reactions of the body, namely, a decrease in the phagocytic ability of blood neutrophils, the bactericidal properties of the skin and a decrease in complement in the blood.

Table 4.3. Clinical symptoms and conditions for the occurrence of two types of chronic overstrain of the central nervous system (overtraining)

Stage III. It occurs, most often, against the background of dysneurotic and dysvegetative syndromes. It is characterized by the development of clinical forms of neurasthenia of the hypersthenic or hyposthenic type, and a sharp deterioration in sports results. The hypersthenic form is a consequence of a weakening of the inhibitory process, increased sympathetic influences and is characterized by increased excitability, a feeling of severe fatigue, general weakness, and severe insomnia. The hyposthenic form is manifested by exhaustion, fatigue, apathy, drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night, etc.

Prevention. Athletes must always have a training and competitive load that is adequate to their functional state. It is necessary to eliminate associated risk factors, which include violations of work, rest and nutrition, acute and chronic diseases, training and competitions in a sick state and during the recovery period.

Athletes with severe clinical manifestations of neurosis should be exempted from competition; the training load should be reduced for them, and additional rest days should be introduced.

Overtraining type II. With excessive volumes of developmental work against the background of a high level of endurance, a kind of over-economization of the provision of muscle activity may occur. As a result, with great physiological capabilities and an almost complete absence of pathological symptoms, the athlete is not able to show high results (develop the required speed, change it in certain sections of the distance, finish), which is the main symptom of this condition.

The only way to correct type II overtraining syndrome is a long-term (up to 6-12 months) switching to another (opposite in the nature of the load) type of muscle activity.

Sakrut V.N., Kazakov V.N.

The culprits nervous overstrain, as a rule, become physical and mental fatigue, eating and sleeping disorders, various diseases and a number of other negative factors that accumulate and together lead to nervous overstrain, which in turn, under the influence of chronic stress, increases and threatens nervous exhaustion (neurasthenia) or nervous breakdown(neurosis).

Seriously affects performance and can lead to autonomic dysfunction , significantly worsen mental health and the functioning of the central nervous system.

“Aware means armed!” - knowing symptoms of nervous tension and measures to prevent this condition, you can protect your health from more severe complications and consequences. From nervous overstrain Residents of large cities, who are more susceptible to stress, suffer more often, among whom women aged 30-45 years are more likely to suffer. Based on WHO data, there is a trend towards an increase in the number of people experiencing constant nervous tension resulting in mental health complications has increased almost 20 times over the past 60 years.

Causes of nervous tension

TO causes of nervous tension, arising against the background of any condition that weakens the functioning of the nervous system, should include:

  1. Chronic somatic pathologies and their complications, among which especially noteworthy are diseases with general intoxication (bacterial and viral infections and, renal failure);
  2. Excessive physical activity leading to physical fatigue;
  3. Unhealthy lifestyle and lack of proper rest;
  4. Lack of a measured lifestyle and fast pace of life among residents of large cities and megapoles;
  5. Chronic stress that plagues At work and in everyday life.

Overstrain of the nervous system, leading to its damage and rapid depletion, is especially aggravated by chronic intoxication (alcohol, drugs).

All these factors contribute to the appearance of characteristic.

Symptoms of nervous tension

Main a symptom of nervous tension serves as a feeling of constant fatigue and weakness with accompanying irritability , which can appear over trifles, but seriously knock you out of your state of mental balance. But this is just an external manifestation, which may later become the result of an internal nervous overstrain, which manifests itself, depending on the characteristics of the functioning of the central nervous system, in two diametrically opposed combinations:

  1. Retardation, with predominance apathy, lethargy, indifference and anxiety(signs of depression).
  2. Excitement, with increased activity, even obsession (signs of mania).

When the first symptoms of nervous tension measures must be taken immediately to relieve nervous tension, otherwise such a prolonged condition can lead to serious disruptions in the functioning of other systems in the body. Often nervous tensionneurosis of the heart leads to pathologies of the cardiovascular system (cardiac arrhythmia, hypertonic disease), threatening subsequent heart attacks and strokes. The immune system does not stand aside either; a person is able to overstrain of the nervous system more susceptible to various infectious diseases, and in more severe conditions, a malfunction of the immune system can result in the development of autoimmune diseases, the treatment of which takes a long period of time and is not always successful. The digestive system reacts to nervous tension, which can cause dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract ( diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome , neurosis stomach , nervous gastritis), and also become a trigger for the development of more severe pathologies, such as stomach and duodenal ulcers, seizures headache.

How to relieve nervous tension?

When the first ones appear symptoms of nervous tension It is worth paying attention and promptly taking the following measures:

  1. It is rational to combine work and rest, to prevent development burnout syndrome characteristic of people under the influence of chronic stress;
  2. Use various relaxation techniques to relieve nervous tensionmeditation, yoga, head massage, attend sessions of psycho-emotional relief;
  3. Do not aggravate relationships at work, try to maintain friendly relationships;
  4. Return peace of mind for the family , if it is “stormy”;
  5. Play sports or exercise;
  6. Take herbal sedatives.

Of course, it is quite difficult to immediately eliminate from life the stress factor that causes overstrain of the nervous system, but you can reduce the impact of negativity, thereby giving rest to the nervous system.

First of all, it has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and will protect high-quality sleep from dysfunction. To strengthen the nervous system, it is useful to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, go to bed and get up at a strictly defined time. To avoid difficulty falling asleep you need to give up the evening cup of coffee, and also avoid smoking and alcohol before bed, working at the computer or watching TV for long periods of time. To ensure quality sleep, evening walks, calm music before bed, warm baths with soothing herbs and herbal teas are useful. Restore the functioning of the nervous system and relieve nervous tension a decoction made from sage leaves, fruits hawthorn And rosehip, motherwort herbs And oregano, chamomile flowers, valerian root, leaves mint or lemon balm.
You can also use herbal remedies Motherwort P or Valeriana P, produced with the addition of vitamin C, which helps increase level of stress resistance and technology cryogrinding at ultra-low temperatures in a convenient tablet form that does not cause addiction and dependence, unlike tranquilizers and sleeping pills. For those who have difficulty falling asleep, taking the drug is especially useful
Valerian P is an innovative drug that has received high award and quality mark , which has a significant advantage over other drugs made on the basis of valerian officinalis, as it is easy to use and retains all the healing value " spirit plants", which allows not only to solve problems with other forms of sleep disorders, which are lost in the preparation of infusions or decoctions, as well as in the production of the extract of this valuable plant. Valerian officinalis allows not only to solve sleep problems, but also to cope with autonomic dysfunction, cardiac arrhythmia ( tachycardia, extrasystole ), indigestion, tension headache caused by nervous overstrain.

For those who still trust traditional drug production technology more, you can use Dragee Sage P, Dragee Valerian P , Dragee Motherwort P or Dragees of the “Evening” series, which include a collection of sedative medicinal herbs: Dragee Evening VHM (valerian, hop, mint), Dragee Evening Plus (valerian and motherwort) and Dragee Evening Forte (valerian, hops, lemon balm, mint).

To relieve nervous tension and restore the functioning of the nervous system, the biologically active complex is highly effective Nervo-Vit, produced on the basis cyanosis blue, which has a higher sedative And anxiolytic action, 10 times higher than that of valerian. Melissa officinalis and motherwort, also included in the composition of Nervo-Vit, accelerate the onset of a sedative and relaxing effect on the nervous system, the duration of which is ensured by valerian officinalis, also included in Nervo-Vit, produced using cryotreatment in an easy-to-take tablet form. The effect of sedative medicinal herbs in Nervo-Vit is enhanced vitamin C, which increases the level of stress resistance of the body, has a powerful antioxidant effect, which allows it to control all redox processes in the body, which slows down its aging and helps the immune system cope with the consequences of nervous stress.
Prevent the development of autoimmune processes in the body. Biologically active complex is your first aid for nervous overstrain, is one of 100 best products 2012.

Relieve nervous tension
and overwork under high mental and muscle stress, will also help improve the overall tone of the body

Fatigue? Drowsiness, weakness and apathy? People are used to attributing all these sensations to “just tired.” They believe that getting enough sleep is enough for the problem to disappear. But it's not always that simple. In Japan, up to 10,000 people a year die from this “harmless” disease.

According to statistics, in Moscow the proportion of people with chronic fatigue (who consulted a doctor about the problem) is 3.7%. Another 18% are “on the verge.” Basically, these are able-bodied people from 30 to 40 years old. 80-90% of them are residents of densely populated cities. You should have a more precise understanding of what overwork is. Let's discuss its symptoms and treatment.

Signs and symptoms: what causes and how to recognize fatigue

Previously, this meant sensations arising from inadequate rest. Modern experts consider this condition as a reaction of the human body to stimuli of various natures - physical, mental or emotional. General signs:

  • Persistent feeling of exhaustion.
  • General weakness, increased heart rate after minimal physical activity.
  • Recent viral infections.
  • Pain in muscles and joints, aches.
  • Absent-mindedness, memory impairment.
  • Anxiety for no reason.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes.
  • Insomnia.

An unpleasant process is triggered by constant stress, a negative home environment, unhealthy food, and inconsistency between work and rest schedules. Both a child and an adult can be a target. At risk are people occupying positions that involve great responsibility. For example, air traffic controller, public transport driver, doctor, manager, teacher. Also on this list are processions that involve frequent business trips.

Before excessive fatigue, a person feels tired. Its symptoms should signal a problem. Fatigue is a disturbance in the psychological and physiological state of a person.

It reduces labor efficiency for a certain period. Decreased performance, the onset of fatigue after low-intensity exercise, mood swings and an increase in the time required for recovery signal fatigue. You should reduce the intensity of stress and work, take a break.

Overfatigue: types, ways to combat it

Depending on the origins of the occurrence, three types are distinguished - physical, emotional, and mental. It happens that they accompany each other, and their manifestations are similar.

All types of overwork agree on one thing: if treatment is started in a timely manner, the risk of complications is reduced to 55%.

This type of disorder develops in stages. At first the person gets a little tired, then the muscle pain increases. The height of the disorder occurs if a person continues to engage in heavy physical labor or sports. Its symptoms are as follows:

  • persistent feeling of fatigue;
  • muscle pain (smoking, legs), increasing progressively at rest or during tension;
  • decreased appetite and weight loss;
  • tachycardia;
  • white coating on the tongue;
  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle in women;
  • painful sensations in the heart area.

Don't underestimate these symptoms. Even if the body is young, irreversible consequences can develop in this way, affecting the rest of life. In some cases, to maintain health you will even need to take medications prescribed by your doctor.

The brain suffers, its exhaustion occurs. In this condition, a person experiences frequent migraines, red eyes, and pressure changes. Often people complain of difficulty sleeping, the skin takes on a gray tint, and the area under the eyes swells. In addition, the following are considered symptoms of the negative consequences of increased mental activity:

  • persistent colds;
  • depressive syndrome;
  • deterioration of appetite, attention and memory;
  • stomach ache;
  • painful sensations in the lymph nodes in the neck and armpits;
  • low temperature.

The reasons for deterioration in well-being may be prolonged work at the computer, frequent periods of increased mental stress, being under stress and dissatisfaction with one’s job.

Mental fatigue can manifest itself in one of three stages - mild, moderate or severe. During the first stage, aromatherapy sessions, a visit to a cedar barrel combined with massage and body wrap will help. Relaxing baths, proper nutrition and walks in the fresh air. Recovery will take about two weeks.

When the middle stage begins, you need to attend a massage course, do yoga, or relax in a sanatorium. The treatment period will take at least a month.

When the third stage occurs, a person may need to be hospitalized in a specialized sanatorium or dispensary. Recovery will take about four weeks.

In the case of any of the stages, mental stress should be reduced, which is then introduced gradually, after recovery.

Emotional (nervous)

Negative experiences, stress, and emotional overload negatively affect a person’s condition and are the causes of malfunction of the nervous system. Symptoms are pressure changes, insomnia at night and increased sleepiness during the day, tachycardia, fever, pessimism, pain in the stomach, back, arms, exacerbation of chronic diseases.

There are three stages:

  1. Hypersthenic. A person becomes hot-tempered, overly fussy, has poor control over his emotions, and provokes scandals and quarrels.
  2. Irritating weakness. It manifests itself in pessimism, irritability, excessive anxiety, and allergies often appear.
  3. Hyposthenic. A person feels apathy, indifference, and loses interest in all areas of life.

Treatment consists, first of all, of eliminating the factors that caused the deterioration of emotional well-being.

In addition, exercise, proper nutrition, and exclusion of caffeine and alcohol from the diet, which artificially stimulate the nervous system, will help.

Nicotine is one of the same substances. You can visit a psychotherapist who can help you cope with the problem.

Chronic fatigue syndrome

CFS should be distinguished from simple fatigue. Its main cause is impaired immune function after a viral infection. That is, the reasons can be both external and internal.

When should you go to the doctor, and if you go, which one?

First of all, even if you suspect overwork, you need to visit your local physician. He may refer you to a neurologist. Experts will probably prescribe medications that can strengthen the nervous system and physical strength (we provide a sample list below). Most patients wait until the last minute and arrive with an advanced form of chronic fatigue.

If overwork lasts more than 6 months, then getting out of the current situation will be much more difficult.

If treatment by a neurologist has no effect, then it is worth visiting a psychiatrist (if it is not physical fatigue). Insomnia, apathy, anxiety, thoughts of death, exhaustion that does not go away for more than six months - all these are “bells” and a reason to consult a psychiatrist.

Conditions for recovery: treating fatigue without drugs

If there has already been a significant decrease in vitality, then it is important to try to get yourself back “on track”, for this you need to:

  • eliminate excessive physical activity without completely abandoning gymnastics (if it is physical fatigue);
  • go on vacation and do something else (preferably, of course, everything is decided by the specific situation);
  • walk outside every day;
  • Healthy food.

Various means and methods that are quite accessible to the average person will help you restore your strength.

Steam room

You can steam in different ways, but overwork will be relieved by these procedures in any case.

  1. Bathhouse. This method will relieve stress, help you recover from stress, and increase immunity and performance.

The effectiveness of the bath can be increased by performing a massage after the session. You should not come to the bathhouse immediately after heavy exercise if you are feeling unwell or have some ailments.

  1. Phyto-barrel. An excellent alternative to a bathhouse. A cedar barrel can be installed even at home or visited in a spa salon or fitness center after sports.

The healing properties of cedar will allow you to relax, relieve fatigue, and protect your body from colds. A minute inside a container of steam compensates for an hour of a busy working day.

Herbal infusions through which the steam of the barrel passes will bring even more benefits.

  1. Baths. Water quickly “washes away” fatigue, and various procedures will help restore strength. For example, an oxygen bath is recommended as a healing remedy after injuries, in case of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. A pearl bath eliminates physical and nervous tension. A pine bath is very calming.

Kneading the muscles has a great effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems and normalizes metabolism. There are types of acupressure that specifically relieve fatigue.

Medicinal herbs

Medicinal herbal tinctures. Tincture of ginseng, eleutherococcus, lemongrass - all this perfectly fights chronic fatigue. Of course, you can simply replace your traditional tea or coffee with chamomile tea. Pharmacies now sell convenient filter bags for brewing herbs.

Honey with milk before bed, and other folk remedies are also indispensable helpers in this matter.

Psychological attitude

Overwork is in our heads. It is quite possible to get rid of it by rearranging your thoughts, and with them your lifestyle, in a different way.

Free yourself from the pressure of the “present moment”

Now, by fixing yourself here and now, you stop thinking about the future. You forget about your plans and goals. Of course, there is a whole list of issues that need to be addressed daily, but a huge part of the tasks are not particularly important, especially when it comes to their participation in your health. This will all create frustration, which will increase, soon you will ask:

Is this really necessary?

Look at your work habits. Do you often exchange emails summarizing tasks or reporting? Unnecessary meetings are a problem for many companies. They lead to a waste of time, money and disorganization of the life of the team. Do you need to respond to this letter? Perhaps you are just doing it out of a sense of decency, because “well, it needs to be done.”

Supporting endless business correspondence, you Don't become more obnoxious. We need to change our attitude towards work. By freeing yourself from tasks that save nothing but time and energy, you will have the space and strength to do what really matters.

Cleaning on the calendar

Prioritize tasks from your calendar or app that helps you schedule. Uncheck those things you don't need to do today. Leave only 1 day. There is no need for something to constantly “hang over your soul.”

Remember that completing tasks is important, but must do only the most important. If it’s not that important, drop it from the schedule immediately. If the answer to the question about necessity was: "Yes, but not now", immediately determine - "When?" And put a deadline on your calendar.

Find and use your work rhythm

The approach to work is very important. Rhythm, in which we feel better will become an ally in the struggle for efficiency and well-being in the performance of duties. Think about what makes you “light” - some people like to start the day with yoga, swimming. There are “night owls” and “larks”.

Some people find it helps in the morning with loud music in their ears. Others prefer a quiet meditation or a few dance moves. The idea is to correlate the found rhythm with the work schedule. Perhaps you can negotiate an earlier start time for the company? Many employers can send a specialist to work from home or set a goal for employees rather than the number of hours worked.

In an ideal situation, there are freelancers who regulate their daily rhythm themselves. And a job that takes away your health is a bad job. Even if it is interesting and profitable.


List the most important tasks for a given day, week and month. Their implementation has priority and allows you to focus on the essence. Instead of the frustration of "chasing two birds with one stone", you will complete work on one issue that has greatest value for you or your company. And then you’ll move on to smaller ones.

Research shows that people make the best decisions when, after gathering and analyzing the necessary facts, they allow them to focus on something completely irrelevant, unrelated to the problem. Problems may go away on their own, so give yourself time to "don't think about anything". Put yourself on autopilot: go for a walk, go to the gym, or go swimming.

Power is concentrated precisely in the art of detaching from mental activity and concentrating on the body. Freed from intense work, your head will give you unexpectedly in return ingenious solutions for your tasks. You wouldn't believe how fertile the brain is when it's not forced to work non-stop.

Place limits on your time

What happens if you don't fence your front lawn? Everyone will step on him. Right. Now think about what would happen if you put a small fence around your green space. No one dares to break it. It's the same with you, your time.

If you don't set clear boundaries about your work hours, don't expect others to respect this issue. You allow - you are taken advantage of. No one should be available 24 hours a day. Set clear rules: time to work, now time for family, time for hobbies later, etc. Notice what this entails. Consistency and polite communication will be your allies in this matter.

Turn on the assertive "no"

It's just hard to be "yes" to everything (and everyone). Agreeing to any, even not necessarily suitable, situation or to impossible questions will sooner or later lead to fatigue caused by a chronic lack of time, fruitless ending on low-profile projects. Sometimes you have to say no, say a resounding no, or reserve your agreement with recommendations: " Yes, but only if..." Always weigh your yes. Accepting a colleague's participation in a project automatically hinders the progress of your own work.

Phones, text messages, emails, office brochures...all of these are very distracting. External signals reduce your concentration on work, mercilessly slowing it down. Sitting for hours (or days) on one task very tiring. Especially if you think the next one is on the way and waiting in line. Set yourself hourly blocks of intense work and reduce unnecessary “distractions” during these times. Work according to your schedule, not someone else's.

Set the bar

As a business owner, you have a significant influence on how your people feel about their work. Show them the direction they should follow. Set a level to which they should strive. As a role model, a person who focuses on one goal does a good job. He realizes plans and dreams and helps others realize them. The power that comes from this attitude will allow you to gain job satisfaction and sense of value, the lack of which is often the cause of emotional burnout and chronic fatigue.

List of medications if plan a doesn't work

If overwork has become severe, then, in addition to the previous recommendations, you will have to take special medications. Naturally, they are prescribed by the attending physician. We provide a list of anti-fatigue medications that can be purchased at the pharmacy for rough guidance only.

  • Supradin. This is a special powerful vitamin and mineral complex. Sold without a prescription. Affects the development of immune activity. It has a positive effect on the condition of all components of the body. Stimulates all types of activity, as well as metabolic processes.
  • Grandaxin. An important point: it will be prescribed by a neurologist. Quite an effective medicine. It can be taken as a course for nervous disorders, various neuroses and nervous exhaustion. Chemical elements, due to their effects on the brain, can relieve accumulated emotional stress. It is usually prescribed to girls and women for PMS.
  • Vitrum superstress. This is a vitamin complex containing iron. It will be especially useful for those who have low levels of hemoglobin in the blood. By the way, this may be the main reason for the loss of strength.
  • Tenoten. At one time there was an aggressive advertisement for it on television. The drug fights depression, asthenia and severe anxiety. Helps improve attention and strengthen the nervous system.
  • Elkar. Affects the level of nervous excitement and physical fatigue. Can also be used as a preventive measure.
  • Glycine. Almost harmless pills for overwork. The action is similar to valerian. They just don't make you drowsy. May help reduce aggression, irritability and aggression. Improves all body reactions.

It is worth remembering that not all medications are universal. There may be individual reactions to each of the drugs. And you definitely shouldn’t drink them all at once.

Fatigue, drowsiness, apathy and weakness - many attribute these sensations to overwork and think that regular sleep can solve the problem and restore strength. But in fact, in medicine, overwork is considered a rather complex problem - after all, it can even lead to the development of depression! It is important not only to have some general understanding of the condition in question, but also to know its first signs - this will help you respond to the body’s “signals” in a timely manner and quickly restore strength.

Contents: Physical fatigue Mental fatigue - symptoms of mental fatigue - Stages of development of mental fatigue - Treatment of mental fatigue 3. Overfatigue in children - Symptoms of overfatigue in children - Causes of childhood overfatigue - Treatment of overwork in children 4. Prevention of overwork in adults and children

Doctors consider two main types of fatigue - physical and mental, and both of them can occur in both children and adults.

Physical fatigue

This type of overfatigue develops gradually - a person first feels slight fatigue and low-intensity pain in muscle tissue, but usually few people pay attention to these signs. Continuing to carry out active work or engage in sports training without reducing the load, full-fledged physical fatigue occurs. In this case, the following symptoms will be present:

Note: If the condition in question develops in women, then menstrual irregularities may begin.

If the above symptoms occur, you should immediately stop strenuous training or avoid physical labor - it will take time to select a recovery program. Doctors do not recommend completely abandoning your usual physical activities, you just need to reduce their intensity. Can be used as therapeutic measures:

  1. Bath. This is an effective remedy for recovery after hard physical labor, increasing performance and strengthening the immune system. A combination of a bath and massage would be optimal, but even without the latter, visiting a bath 1-2 times a week will help restore the body even after severe physical fatigue.
  1. Baths. They can be different - each of them has a certain impact. The most popular for physical fatigue are:

  1. Shower. It is not enough to take a shower every day as a hygienic procedure - with properly selected shower effects you can help the body cope with physical fatigue. Remember:
  • hot shower with water temperature +45 – has a tonic effect;
  • rain shower – refreshes and soothes, reduces the intensity of pain in muscle tissue;
  • cascade shower (a large amount of cold water falls on a person from a height of 2.5 m) – increases muscle tone;
  • contrast shower – helps maintain the body’s performance during recovery.
  1. Massage. This procedure has a positive effect on the central and peripheral nervous system, the functioning of the digestive/cardiovascular systems, and improves metabolic processes in the body. When experiencing physical fatigue, it is very important to get a qualified massage, so it is advisable to seek help from specialists.

Duration of massage:

  • legs – 10 minutes for each lower limb;
  • back and neck – 10 minutes in total;
  • upper limbs – 10 minutes for each arm;
  • chest and abdomen area – 10 minutes in total.

If you are physically overtired, you can and should take a short vacation, but this does not mean that you need to lie down and lie without activity - this will not allow the body to fully rest. The best options to quickly get rid of physical fatigue without specific procedures:

  1. Take walks in the fresh air every day. Moreover, it is better to do this in parks/squares and during such walks you should not burden your brain with everyday problems - make every effort to ensure that your thoughts are only positive.
  2. Review your diet. Of course, you can’t go on a diet, but adding fruits, vegetables and lean meats to your daily menu would be quite logical.
  3. Be sure to take a course of vitamin therapy. You can consult your doctor about the choice of specific medications, but you can purchase multivitamin complexes on your own.
  4. Don't reduce your physical activity. You just need to change the type of activity - do a general cleaning of the house, work in the garden or vegetable garden.

Mental fatigue

This type of overwork is often perceived as ordinary fatigue and people try to restore their strength by simply sleeping or relaxing in nature. But doctors argue that in some cases such a change in activity will not be enough, it is necessary to undergo full-fledged treatment.

Symptoms of mental fatigue

Early signs of mental fatigue include:

As the problem worsens, the person begins to experience nausea and vomiting, irritability and nervousness, loss of concentration, and memory impairment.

Important: In no case should you independently diagnose “mental fatigue” based on the symptoms described above! For example, increased blood pressure due to a headache may indicate problems with the cardiovascular system. Therefore, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Stages of development of mental fatigue

The condition in question cannot appear suddenly and suddenly with all the accompanying symptoms - mental fatigue develops in a progressive rhythm.

The mildest stage of mental fatigue, which is characterized exclusively by subjective signs - a person cannot fall asleep even when very tired, after a night's sleep a feeling of fatigue persists, and there is a reluctance to do any work.

Stage 2

During this period, the condition in question negatively affects the general rhythm of life. At stage 2 of the disease, the above symptoms are added:

  • heaviness in the heart area;
  • sense of anxiety;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • slight physical activity provokes trembling of the upper limbs (tremor);
  • heavy sleep, with frequent awakenings and nightmares.

At the second stage of development of mental fatigue, disorders in the functioning of the digestive system appear, a person’s appetite decreases significantly, the skin of the face becomes pale, and the eyes are constantly red.

During the period under review, pathological changes begin to occur in the functioning of the whole organism. Men may experience a decrease in potency and libido, and in women the menstrual cycle is disrupted.

Stage 3

This is the most severe stage of the condition in question, which manifests itself as neurasthenia. A person is too excitable, irritated, there is practically no sleep at night, and during the day, on the contrary, productivity disappears due to the desire to sleep, the work of all organs and systems of the body is disrupted.

Stages 2 and 3 of mental fatigue necessarily require the help of professionals - this condition must be treated.

Treatment of mental fatigue

The basic principle of treating mental fatigue is to reduce stress of all types that led to the development of the condition in question.

At the first stage illness requires complete rest for 1-2 weeks - a person should rest in a sanatorium, take quiet walks in the fresh air, and eat right. If necessary, you can take advantage of relaxing baths and aromatherapy sessions. After this, it will be possible to gradually introduce intellectual and physical activity into a person’s life, and in general, recovery will take at least 2 weeks.

Second stage mental fatigue requires a complete “disconnection” from intellectual activity - it is, of course, impossible to “turn off” the brain, but it is quite possible to stop working on documents, reports, and projects. At this stage, you can engage in auto-training, undergo a relaxing massage course, or relax in a sanatorium or hospital. Full recovery will take at least 4 weeks.

Third stage
the disease in question is the person’s hospitalization in a specialized clinic. We are not talking about psychiatric centers - it is advisable to send a person with a severe stage of mental fatigue to a dispensary. For 2 weeks he will only rest and relax, then for 2 weeks the person engages in active recreation and only after that intellectual stress can be introduced into his life. The full course of treatment and recovery at the third stage of the condition in question will be 4 months.

If you feel that the first signs of mental fatigue are appearing, then do not wait for “events to develop.” Take a rest for at least 2-5 days, try to change the type of activity and engage in active recreation, attend auto-training courses, and conduct aromatherapy sessions with rosemary and mint oils every other day.

Important: Under no circumstances should you take any medications if you are mentally fatigued! This can only lead to a worsening of the condition; for this condition, drug treatment is not provided at all.

Overwork in children

It would seem - how overworked can children be? If they run, jump, scream almost around the clock and refuse to sleep even late at night? But it is precisely childhood overwork, according to doctors, that leads to serious health problems. Therefore, parents should carefully monitor the behavior of their children - the first signs of overwork in children may not be expressed.

Symptoms of fatigue in children

Overwork in children is preceded by severe fatigue. It is customary to identify the following external signs of fatigue (classification according to S.L. Kosilov)





Attention Rare distractions Absent-minded, frequent distractions Weakened, no reaction to new stimuli
Interest in new material Lively interest Weak interest, child does not ask questions
Pose Unsteady, stretching legs and straightening torso Frequent changes of postures, turning the head to the sides, supporting the head with hands The desire to put your head on the table, stretch out, lean back in your chair
Movements Accurate Uncertain, slow Fidgety movements of the hands and fingers (deterioration of handwriting)
Interest in new material Lively interest, asking questions Low interest, no questions Complete lack of interest, apathy

Even at the very beginning of the development of the condition in question, parents can pay attention to:

  • capriciousness/tearfulness of a usually cheerful child;
  • restless sleep - the baby may cry out in his sleep, make erratic waves of his arms and legs;
  • impaired concentration on some activity or subject.

In addition, the child’s body temperature may rise for no apparent reason (there are no signs of colds or inflammatory processes), the child experiences insomnia at night, and suffers from drowsiness during the day.

Children of school age, when overworked, lose interest in school, they lag behind in their studies, and begin to complain of headaches and weakness. Very often, overwork in children manifests itself in psycho-emotional disorders:

  • unpleasant facial expressions;
  • antics in front of adults and the mirror;
  • mimicking others.

Adolescent children with this condition begin to be rude, snap, and ignore the comments and requests of adults.

Causes of childhood fatigue

Factors that provoke the development of overwork are considered to be:

  • in infancy - violation of the daily routine (waking time exceeds sleep time), problems with breastfeeding;
  • junior school age - physical and mental stress, constant homework, short sleep at night;
  • senior school age - hormonal changes in the body, high study load.

It is worth considering that overwork in children can be caused by stressful situations at school and kindergarten, a dysfunctional family environment, and tense relationships with peers.

Treatment of overfatigue in children

Many parents consider the child’s behavior described above to be a kind of pampering - “he’ll sleep and everything will pass.” But doctors claim that such ignoring of children's overwork leads to neuroses, persistent insomnia, and fluctuating blood pressure readings.

Treatment of childhood overfatigue is a comprehensive approach to solving the problem. It is necessary to seek help from psychotherapists and pediatricians - they will prescribe auto-training sessions; often children only need to undergo a few massage sessions to fully restore their psycho-emotional background. The following measures also have a lasting effect::

  • nutrition correction– we are talking about replacing fast foods with full-fledged meals consumed at clearly defined hours;
  • physical exercise– this can be physical therapy or just sports;
  • being outdoors– active walks every day for 1-2 hours, regardless of climatic conditions.

If your child is overtired, the doctor may prescribe vitamin supplements or special biological supplements.

Prevention of fatigue in adults and children

To prevent the development of overwork in adults, you just need to know a few rules for conducting normal life activities. This does not mean that you need to transfer to an easier job (this simply does not happen) or radically change your lifestyle - everything is much simpler. Follow these guidelines:

To prevent overfatigue, parents should provide their children with:

Overwork is not just fatigue that can be relieved by regular sleep. It is necessary to clearly understand that a prolonged state of fatigue leads to serious health problems - after all, overload of the body entails pathological disturbances in the functioning of all its organs and systems.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

Overwork is a condition that not only adults, but also children often face today. It is characterized by decreased activity, drowsiness, impaired attention and irritability. Moreover, many people believe that overwork is not a serious problem, and that it is enough to get a good night’s sleep for it to go away. In fact, it is impossible to get rid of such a disorder by sleeping for a long time. It's the other way around - a constant desire to sleep and the inability to regain strength after sleep are the main symptoms of overwork.

Just 10 years ago, overwork occurred only in adults, but today such a disorder can very often be found in a child, especially in one whom, from early childhood, parents strive to develop in every possible way, trying to make him a “genius.”


From all of the above, it becomes clear that overwork is a reaction of the nervous system to mental, mental or physical stimuli. Of course, it cannot develop if such exposure is short-term, but with prolonged exposure, overwork occurs in 90% of cases. That is, the discrepancy between the periods of work and rest, regardless of what kind of activity a person is engaged in, leads to overwork.

Constant worry and being in a state of stress also leads to fatigue, which is of an emotional or psychological nature.

An unfavorable atmosphere in the family is the cause of such a disorder as overwork in an adult or child, since in such a situation the balance between positive and negative emotions is disturbed, which adversely affects health.

In addition, the reasons for this violation may be:

  • dissatisfaction with relationships, work, salary, etc.;
  • unfavorable living conditions;
  • poor nutrition, in which the body does not receive enough vitamins and microelements;
  • negative vision of events and situations in life.

A child may become overtired:

  • due to excessive workload in a preschool or school;
  • due to visiting a large number of clubs and sections;
  • due to unbalanced nutrition;
  • due to the inability of parents to organize the correct routine for their baby with a rational alternation of periods of activity and rest.

A very young infant is also occasionally diagnosed with body fatigue. The reasons for this disorder may lie in the mother’s inability to create harmonious conditions for the baby to be awake and rest. Symptoms of the disorder often appear in adolescents, which is associated with hormonal changes in the body.


Symptoms of overfatigue may be different in a child and an adult. In addition, signs of overwork differ depending on the type of disorder - physical, mental, emotional or mental. But there are also common symptoms, including:

  • drowsiness (an adult or child constantly wants to sleep, but sleep does not add vigor);
  • irritability;
  • inhibition of reactions;
  • inability to concentrate on certain tasks or activities.

Signs that adults are experiencing physical fatigue include:

  • muscle pain;
  • restless sleep or insomnia;
  • pain in the eye area, burning;
  • apathy, or, conversely, irritability;
  • pain in the heart area;
  • loss of appetite and often weight loss.

Degrees of fatigue

In a child, symptoms that he is physically overtired include a reluctance to play with his peers, a refusal to play actively, and an inability to concentrate on solving simple problems. In addition, the child experiences tearfulness, he becomes capricious and irritable. Usually, when a child is in this state, parents think that he should get some sleep and everything will pass. In fact, sleep in a child with a disorder such as overtiredness does not bring relief, as in an adult with the same diagnosis.

Mental fatigue is characterized by headaches, redness of the whites of the eyes, and surges in blood pressure. The person also complains of insomnia, the skin of his face becomes grayish, and bruises or “bags” appear under the eyes. The same signs of mental fatigue are characteristic of children.

In addition, with mental and emotional fatigue, a person may experience additional symptoms:

  • depression;
  • insomnia;
  • frequent acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • sweating at night;
  • deterioration of memory and attention;
  • increase or decrease in body temperature.

If we talk about children, then severe fatigue in them is expressed by specific symptoms, which are usually not characteristic of adults. Although, of course, as noted above, there are also classic symptoms. A child with such a disorder may have no reaction to surrounding stimuli, whereas normally children happily learn new things and are very active.

In addition, a child with an overtired body may experience fussiness - he begins to write unclearly, moves his arms and legs for no reason, and constantly strives to change his position. Unreasonable fears are also a symptom of mental and emotional fatigue in a child, so parents should pay attention to any manifestations unusual for the child in order to eliminate the possibility of developing such a disorder as overwork of the body. The disorder in children is also expressed by neurological symptoms. In particular, the baby can make faces, imitate adults, make faces in front of the mirror or in front of others.


Treatment of body fatigue is carried out by a neuropathologist, neurologist and psychotherapist. In this case, a doctor can make a correct diagnosis based on a survey of an adult or the child’s parents.

It is also important to exclude the likelihood of a person developing neurological pathologies, and in the presence of a high temperature, to exclude the likelihood of an inflammatory process in the body.


Treatment for the disorder in children and adults will be different, although there are general measures that are used in the treatment of the disorder in all patients. The main treatment is to normalize lifestyle:

  • proper nutrition;
  • alternating periods of activity and rest;
  • physical activity and walks in nature;
  • taking vitamin preparations.

Tablets for fatigue are prescribed only in severe cases to adult patients, when they have developed symptoms of severe depression or neurosis. In this case, the tablets should be selected by a doctor, taking into account the symptoms of the disorder and the patient’s health status - self-medication can cause negative consequences.

Sharko's shower

Massage, which is performed by specialists in a medical facility, has a good effect. Physiotherapeutic procedures can reduce the symptoms of fatigue and restore a person’s vigor and good mood. In particular, these are procedures such as:

  • pine bath;
  • oxygen bath;
  • Charcot's shower;
  • cold and hot shower.

Despite the fact that with such a disorder a person feels weak and unwilling to move, it is very important to introduce physical activity into your diet. They promote the production of the happiness hormone, improve muscle tone and give a boost of energy.

Of course, treatment of this disorder is impossible without lifestyle correction. In particular, in order to reduce the symptoms of fatigue, get rid of eye fatigue, headaches and other manifestations, a person should stop working at the computer and watching TV and spend more time in the fresh air.

You should also take a vacation (or several days off) from work, and devote your free time exclusively to rest - active and passive, alternating.

Treatment of a disorder in a child may require refusal to attend certain sections and clubs - parents should leave only those activities that arouse the greatest enthusiasm in the child, freeing up his free time for games and simple relaxation.