Fold kittens are born. Breeding fold cats is a complex process that requires careful preparation.

How to determine whether a kitten is lop-eared or not

Any pet is happiness for its owner. But almost every owner dreams that his pet will be the most beautiful, intelligent and loyal.

Lately, fold-eared cat breeds have become very popular. Their hanging ears become a special source of pride for their owners. The question arises: how to determine whether a kitten is fold-eared or not. After all, you can encounter deception; this happens at every step.

General information about fold-eared breeds

The appearance of a breed with an abnormal ear structure dates back to 1961, but fold-eared cats appeared earlier. Scientists analyzed the structure of the animals' ears and came to the conclusion that they had a gene mutation. Then experiments began on fold-eared cats. During breeding, it turned out that it is not necessary to breed two individuals with floppy ears, since a gene mutation occurs, the kittens are born weak, get sick and die at an early age.

Scientists have found that in a pair, one individual should have straight ears. The litter will produce kittens with both straight ears and folded ears. When kittens are just born, it is impossible to distinguish folds. The babies look the same.

How to distinguish a fold-eared kitten

Only after two weeks is it possible to distinguish them in the litter. At this time, in babies with straight ears, the ear cartilage begins to harden. This does not happen with folds; they have folds, which are their distinctive feature.

The main rules for choosing a fold-eared kitten:

  • The older the baby, the easier it is to evaluate his external qualities. This is especially important if the cat is selected for breeding. It is better to choose an individual that is at least three months old.
  • A true “Scotsman” should have a cheeky muzzle and wide-set eyes. Folds often have a wide chest, a thick, short tail and massive paws.
  • To avoid an obvious defect, you must definitely feel your nose for the presence of a hump. It shouldn't exist. You should carefully feel the tail; there should be no knots or humps on it.
  • The kitten must be completely healthy. Its fur is silky and thick. The eyes are clear, the belly is soft, and the mood is playful.
  • If an animal is purchased for breeding or to participate in exhibitions, then it must have a pedigree and a veterinary passport.
  • It is better to choose a kitten in the cool season. In extreme heat, there are times when Folds' ears rise slightly. This is not a defect, but an interesting feature of the breed.
  • You should not save when choosing an animal. Real thoroughbred “Scots” are not cheap. If the breeder provides a large discount, it is worth considering that the kitten is a reject.

Choosing a purebred Fold with good breeding qualities is a difficult task, but it can be done. How to determine whether a kitten is lop-eared or not is described in detail above, but do not forget that cats are very picky, stubborn and capricious. You need to choose an animal not only based on external data. There is an opinion among animal owners: “We don’t choose them, but they choose us.” If the relationship does not work out from the first moment, then no matter how beautiful the cat is, it is better to take another one. Otherwise, life together can turn into a protracted war, in which it is absolutely unknown who will win whom.

When choosing an animal, at a minimum, it should not hiss or growl at its future owner. And if the cat sits in your arms and purrs sweetly, then this animal is definitely yours! This means that he recognized his future owner as a kindred spirit. And life with such a baby will sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow. Such a cat will really brighten up the life of its beloved owner!

People often wonder how their birth goes.

The stages of labor are as follows:

  • The os of the uterus expands.
  • Furry babies are born.
  • The afterbirth separates and appears.

First signs of labor

The beginning of the process is signaled by the appearance of brownish discharge from the vagina and its expansion. The animal sometimes screams in a plaintive voice and makes attempts. This stage can last 12-24 hours.

If a cat becomes a mother for the first time, she may not understand what is happening to her and be afraid, seeking support from the breadwinner. It is advisable to stay close to the pet, caress it and calm it down. The speech of their owners tells a lot about Murkas living in houses.


The beginning of this stage marks the appearance of the fetus. It is a bubble with light yellow liquid. A special fluid lubricates the birth canal to facilitate the process.

In a few minutes the next baby should appear. Usually, cubs are born head first, and then the body emerges from the mother's body.

The mother tears open the bubble surrounding the baby and licks it to clear the airways of fluid. The kitten takes its first breath and its lungs expand. The cub is now breathing on its own.

As a rule, the woman giving birth does everything necessary on her own. If she is not in a hurry, she should break the bubble so that the baby does not suffocate. You need to tear the shell from head to tail, then you should immediately pump out the liquid from the baby’s nose using a syringe or pipette.

When a newborn makes a squeak, you can be sure that he is breathing. Now it’s time to dry the kitten with a soft towel and return it to its mother.


The birth of kittens is followed by the release of the placenta. Typically, the mother eats the placenta. However, when a cat has the required amount of vitamins in its food, the afterbirth may turn out to be excess food.

To avoid unnecessary difficulties, you should take it from the woman in labor. Then the animal gnaws the umbilical cord, usually without losing much blood.

If the pet does not begin this, then you need to clamp the umbilical cord with a clamp or hand, tie a knot of thread on it and cut it with scissors a couple of centimeters from the stomach. The protruding piece should be lubricated with iodine.

When the kitty successfully does everything herself, people shouldn’t interfere. Babies are born approximately at twenty-minute intervals. This is an average indicator: having given birth to several cubs, the female is able to delay the appearance of the rest even for one day.

If the process does not fit into the specified schedule, you need to call a specialist for help.

Postnatal care

Half a day or a day after birth, you need to call a doctor to examine the mother. He will look to see if there are any more cubs in the womb and test the quality of the milk.

In the first 7 days, the animal’s temperature should be measured, if it is not lower than 39.4 C, this fact means there are problems. Postpartum discharge of blood or grass-colored fluid that lasts up to 3 weeks is considered normal.

If there is pus in them and they last longer than indicated, you need to contact a veterinary clinic.

A nursing pet should be walked only under supervision, because if she comes into heat and mates, she will become pregnant again, and this can significantly undermine her health.

Nutrition for a nursing cat

The need for nutrients at this time doubles or triples in the female. For good feeding, the mother needs to be given good, harmonized protein food. Otherwise, the animal will rapidly lose weight and lactation may then decrease significantly, and if there is too little milk, this can kill the babies.

It is advisable that the pet eats specialized food designed for kittens; it is calibrated for the required amount of protein, protein, fats, carbohydrates, and, moreover, is replete with vitamins and minerals.

The amount of food during this time is not limited. When a cat has had four or more babies, she will not get fat. The volume of food is made 3 times larger. Canned food is given 3-4 times a day.

Vitamin supplements are given to the pet only when it does not want to eat cat food. You must first consult with a specialist.


During the first 21 days of life, normal cubs only feed on milk and doze. In most cases, the mother independently looks after the babies and their bed. After the first week, kittens begin to develop eyes. They begin to fully see the world around them by two weeks. All newborns have heavenly colored eyes.

It is replaced with a permanent one in the third month. Babies' ears open on the 5th-8th day after birth, and straighten after 2 weeks.

The fluffies try to get up from the age of 18 days, and after another four days they can walk. From now on, they can eat from a plate themselves. If possible, you should not disturb the kittens again before they learn to crawl, since the mother will worry if someone touches her babies.

It is believed that the Scottish baby, caressed by people, will not get along well with his mother and the entire litter in the future. But if there is no communication with a person at all, the animal may show fear and anger, and become a slob.

Scottish Fold kittens are the sweetest creatures who simply love to be around their people, participating in everything they do. From this article you will learn everything about the history of the creation of this unusual breed, we will study the character and personal qualities of the pets, and also analyze the methods of caring for the animal, and learn to distinguish a purebred cat from a crossed species.

History of creation

Often the creation of a new cat breed depends on a natural genetic mutation that occurs unexpectedly in an ordinary cat. This was the case with the fold-eared kittens that were born absolutely suddenly. Today, representatives of this species can trace their roots back to 1961. In those years, in Scotland there lived a white cat, Susie, who was born with unusual folded ears. She was taken into the household as a simple mousetrap until one shepherd, William Ross, who was interested in these animals, noticed Susie.

The shepherd waited until the cat gave birth in order to take in the fold-eared kittens for raising, breeding and studying. He got a girl named Snooks, who subsequently began to produce offspring for selection. Thus, one of the males became the forefather for a huge family tree, from which animals such as British Fold kittens were bred.

Cause of lop ears

Other breeders were involved and it was determined that the mutation of the gene that affects the development of the characteristic ears was dominant. This means that if one of the parents passed on the gene for straight ears, and the other - the gene for folded ears, then kittens should be born (in the majority).

All over the world

Scottish cats were first brought to the United States in 1971. By the mid-70s they were accepted by most cat associations in North America. At that time, the animals were divided into two types: Scottish Shorthair and British Shorthair. However, there were (and still are) long-haired breeds that were bred from Susie's offspring. Ironically, fold-eared kittens are not recognized as a unique breed in their country of origin due to fears that a folded ear can lead to infections or deafness, as the cartilage is the first to become deformed as the fetus develops.

Characteristic signs

Scottish fold kittens, like adults, are distinguished not only by the unusual shape of their ears. The main feature of all pets is the habit of posing always and everywhere. Then they will “sit” on the floor, like little frogs, in the middle of the room; then they will raise all their paws up while they lie on their back. You might assume that their ears are less mobile than straight cats, but this is not the case. Scottish Fold kittens use them to communicate quite effectively and often, adding very noticeable actions when necessary.


When a Scottish Fold kitten appears in the house, everyone begins to notice how intelligent and moderately active the animal is. Pets of this breed simply love toys that test agility, intelligence or logic. The favorite activity of Scottish Folds is interaction with the human race.

At the same time, such animals should always be the center of attention. They do everything to attract attention. The main meaning of life for such cats is that they want to stay with their people all day long, without being separated. This is why the Scottish Fold kitten is not suitable for those who spend a lot of time outside the home. After all, you can be sure that even after 10 hours, your pet will still be waiting for you to play with him or just sit next to him and watch TV.


A British Fold kitten may have various health problems that are passed down through genes from generation to generation. Despite this, pets can live on average 15 years. Problems that may arise for Scots:

  1. Degenerative joint disease, especially in the tail, but also in the ankles and knees, causing pain or poor mobility. It is important to carefully treat the tail if it has developed stiffness.
  2. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy has been seen in the breed, but has not yet been proven to be an inherited form of the disease.

Care and concern

Scottish Fold kittens require more attention than you think:

Color characteristics

Interaction with children and other pets

The Scottish cat is friendly and laid-back. This is an ideal choice for families with children and dogs. They love the attention they get from children, especially if the children treat the pet politely and with respect.

This breed is unusual in every sense. Cats can live happily with dogs and other animals, but it all depends on their mood and upbringing. Typically, you need to introduce different pets slowly, carefully, and in a controlled manner so that they learn to get along together.

Development of a newborn kitten: Newborn kittens photo A newborn kitten is born weighing 80-120 grams, the size of kittens at birth is body length about 9-12 cm. Newborn kittens during this period are absolutely helpless, they are blind, deaf, and do not know how to regulate temperature. Newborn kittens have no undercoat; the fur is thin, weak and does not warm at all. Newborn British kitten photo Kittens do not know how to stand on lamps, their bones are very fragile, so babies require special care. At this time, sleep and kittens are almost inseparable concepts. Newborn kittens sleep almost constantly and eat a lot and often. Kittens need sleep for the further development of their nervous system. Newborn kittens also cannot defecate on their own; the mother cat licks their genitals and eats their feces. What is really well developed in newborn kittens is their sense of smell and touch; they easily find their mother’s nipples, fingering them with their paws, sucking and, thereby, stimulating further milk production. Newborn Scottish Straight kittens During this period, it is better not to touch the kittens at all, just monitor their weight. Kittens should add it daily (about 10-20 grams per day), if the kitten is growing, then everything is in order. Photo of a newborn Scottish Fold kitten What to take care of:

  1. Set up a box for a cat with newborn kittens. It should be warm and dry there. The bedding should be changed (it is advisable to use white sheets to track the color of the mother cat’s discharge), because The cat will have discharge. Also, if necessary, you can put a heating pad.
  2. Cat food. It should be plentiful and balanced; food is a must for nursing cats. Food and water should be freely available, next to the nest box. It is also recommended to place a tray here.
Cats are by nature excellent mothers and may not leave the box for a whole week, so it is important that newborn kittens have enough milk. In the first days, the cat produces colostrum (very fatty, nutritious milk that has antibodies, thanks to which kittens develop lasting immunity). Photo of a newborn kitten If there are a lot of kittens, be sure to make sure that each newborn kitten gets its good portion. Newborn Scottish Fold kittens The development of kittens after birth (the development of newborn kittens) is very active, so the first week can be scheduled day by day.

Kittens - development by day:

1-2 days after birth, a newborn kitten only sucks milk and sleeps. After 3-4 days, the kitten’s umbilical cord heals and falls off. After 4-5 days, the kitten’s hearing begins to develop, and you can already observe how it begins to react to loud sounds.

How long do kittens sleep?

Why does the kitten sleep all day?

Kitten sleep If it seems to you that the kitten sleeps all the time, this is most likely normal, do not worry right away. In the first week, the kitten sleeps about 22 hours a day. Just weigh the kitten daily - this is the best indicator that everything is fine with the baby. A newborn kitten sleeps How much a kitten should sleep, he decides for himself, however, if the kitten sleeps constantly and does not gain weight, first of all, pay attention to whether the kitten has enough free nipple (this often happens if there are 5 or more kittens in a litter), if the kitten is weak or the last born, apply it to the cat more often and do not let other kittens chase it away. If in this case the kitten behaves sluggishly and does not recover, contact your veterinarian. Kittens from birth to one month change greatly both in appearance and development, and it is important to pay close attention to this in each period. Newborn kittens in the photo, look in the pictures.

This cute creature with a plush fur coat, a round muzzle and large saucer eyes looks like a toy or a cartoon owl. In fact, it is an independent personality that differs:

  • strong build and massive paws;
  • special shape of the ears, curved forward towards the head;
  • playfulness and, most often, easygoing character;
  • sociability and affection for the owner;
  • lack of aggression at the gene level;
  • excellent adaptive abilities;
  • the ability to stand on its hind legs for a long time;
  • good health by nature;
  • tendency to overeat.

Cats of the Scottish Fold or Scottish Fold breed have an unusual ear structure. The ears form a fold and bend forward and down. However, not all kittens have this appearance. Babies are born with straight ears, and at the age of 3 weeks, some of them begin to acquire a characteristic position.

This is how the appearance of the Scottish Fold is formed. The rest remain straight-eared. They are called Scottish Straight. One litter produces both folds and straights. Until the age of one month, even the breeder cannot accurately determine who is who.

Characteristics of the Scottish Fold cat breed

How difficult is it to keep and care for a Scottish Fold?
The breed is not hyperactive and excessively mischievous, so it does not cause any difficulties in keeping it. Pets are unpretentious and hardy. The most time-consuming part of grooming is combing the coat.
How often should you brush?
Longhaired Scots require more attention. They are brushed several times a week. Short-haired pets can be brushed less often.
Do I need to bathe?
Cats can groom their own fur. The Scots are no exception in this regard. However, purrs with light fur often get dirty. They are usually bathed once a month with a special shampoo.
Do fold-eared cats only give birth to fold-eared kittens?
No, a litter can contain both straight-eared and lop-eared descendants. Moreover, it is possible to find out who is who only 21 days after birth.
Who is better to choose: fold or straight?
As a rule, when choosing kittens, they are guided only by their own preferences. The drooping shape of the ears does not make the breed prone to deafness or ear infections.
Is it possible to create pairs exclusively of fold-eared cats during breeding in order to increase the number of folds in the litter?
One of the producers must be straight. It is prohibited to form fold+fold pairs. The result of such matings is predictable. A few of the offspring are born healthy, the rest have serious skeletal problems.
How do Scots behave at home?
The Scottish Fold loves to be in the company of its owner. She can tag along, but she doesn’t like to be held. Her place is near a person.
Attitude towards children and other family members
Representatives of the breed have a gentle disposition and are friendly with all family members. Children are also treated friendly. They cannot stand loneliness.
Attitude towards other animals
The breed gets along peacefully with other animals. The only exceptions are small rodents. The adaptive abilities of pets are quite high. They quickly get used to new family members and changing surroundings. But they can hate dogs.
Do Scots need walking?
The owner needs to immediately decide whether he will let the pet outside. This is an active breed. Its representatives are not averse to frolicking in the fresh air if they are accustomed to this. But the space in the apartment is also quite enough for them. They can do without walking.

Advantages of the breed

The Scottish Fold is one of the most beautiful and easiest cat breeds to keep. Its representatives are characterized by:

  • exotic appearance - you can’t look at such a baby without emotion;
  • “baby face” is a childish facial expression that persists into adulthood;
  • interesting behavior - cats love to sit in a special meditative “Buddha” position;
  • sociability – feel good with children and adults;
  • quick learning ability – even amateurs can successfully engage in education;
  • variety of colors - from noble blue to motley tortoiseshell;
  • longevity - many live to be 18–20 years old;
  • cleanliness - do not tolerate any dirt on their fur coat, paws or face;
  • unusual voice - it is a little creaky, different from the usual purring;
  • good health - cats rarely get sick unless they have genetic problems.

Disadvantages of the breed

The disadvantages of the breed include greed and excess in food. They are willing to eat much more than they need. Other shortcomings, as a rule, appear if breeding rules are violated.

It is forbidden to breed Scottish Folds with the same folds, as well as British cats. But unscrupulous breeders are still stepping on the same rake that their predecessors went through. As a result, either non-viable offspring are born, or kittens that are far from the breed standard.

In general, folds, like straights, have few disadvantages. Each kitten has its own character and behavioral characteristics. The only unpleasant qualities that can be noted are willfulness, stubbornness and selfishness. But they manifest themselves in all cat breeds. Characteristics of the breed and a description of the character of its representatives will help you better understand these points.

Photo of Scottish Fold cat

Character and behavioral characteristics

Even in one litter you will not find two kittens with the same character. One may behave very impulsively and even aggressively, another will be gentle and affectionate, and the third will be overly inquisitive. However, there are character traits that characterize almost all Scottish Fold cats. The description of the breed confirms that these are temperamental animals, ready to make contact with humans. And that his character will depend on his upbringing.

The Scottish Fold is different:

  • a highly developed sense of independence - there are even egoists among them;
  • selective memory - the cat learns only that information that is interesting to it and will bring benefits;
  • awareness of personal significance and increased self-esteem - she will not tolerate a bad attitude towards herself, and if something happens, she will also take revenge on the offender by making a puddle in her favorite shoes;
  • unobtrusiveness - this is not a breed that will seek the owner’s attention at any cost;
  • moderate playfulness - loves outdoor games, especially if the beloved owner participates in them;
  • dislike of fights - the purr does not instigate quarrels and conflicts, he prefers to leave the conflict zone;
  • good hunting qualities - moves quickly and always takes its prey by surprise;
  • patience - ready to wait for hours for prey in a secluded place;
  • excellent sense of day and night - they prefer to follow a certain regime and do not like to deviate from it;
  • with a pronounced reflex of tameness - they become attached to both the person and the place of residence.

Pets don't like change. They get used to their new home pretty quickly. Moving is always associated with stress for them. A well-studied environment helps the cat navigate in space. Pets can be sensitive to even the rearrangement of furniture, and even more so the redevelopment of a well-known house, which, with their characteristic selfishness, they consider their property.

The Scottish Fold is an exclusively domestic cat. She feels great in an apartment or house. But from time to time you can take her out for a walk.

One of the cleanest animals is the Scottish Fold cat. They are easy to care for. They tidy up their fur on their own, quickly get used to the tray and do not scratch furniture if there is a scratching post. Fold cats quickly learn the rules of behavior in the house. Even as they grow up, they will not hang on the curtains or run along the shelves of the closet, scattering everything in their path.

They love the company of people, but are not intrusive. If you leave the Scotsman alone at home for a long time, make sure that the purr does not get bored in your absence. Leave him the toys. Balls and toys on a stand with a spring are suitable for these purposes.


There are two coat options for Fold cats: short (Scottish Fold) and semi-long (Highland Fold). There is less hassle with short-haired pets. It is enough just to comb them out from time to time (usually weekly) using a special mitten or a brush with natural bristles. For Highlands, you need a metal comb with Teflon-coated teeth.

Domestic cats are washed no more than once a month. Exhibition visloushki are washed depending on color. Individuals with dark colors are washed a week before the exhibition, light ones - 5 days. For this, it is better to take shampoos that are designed for fur coats of certain colors.

Claw hygiene

Domestic cats' claws need to be trimmed. This procedure is simple and painless for the pet. Place him on your lap, take his paw in your hand and press down on the pad. The Scottish will release its claws and they can be trimmed. It is important not to touch the live area of ​​the record. It is clearly visible in pets, as their claws are light.

Ear and eye care

The condition of your eyes and ears should be checked regularly. Fold ears are usually clean. But if plaque appears in them, it is removed with a cotton swab. You can use a special lotion for cleaning. Dry eyes most often occur in kittens. They are instilled with eye drops and the pet’s well-being is monitored.

What to feed?

Feeding lop cats can be either natural or based on ready-made food. Many breeders combine these two types. There is less hassle with ready-made rations. It is enough to use high-quality feed and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. And the pet must always have access to water. If you decide to combine different types of feeding, do not mix ready-made diets with “natural” food in one bowl. But cereals, meat, vegetables and other products can be mixed together.

Diet of adult cats

If everything is simple with ready-made food, then when switching to “natural” food you need to know what Scottish fold cats should eat and what to feed their pets. Protein food is required. Lean meat, boneless fish, cottage cheese and fermented milk products are suitable. A growing cat should receive the required amount of fats, which are contained in egg yolks and butter. Sources of carbohydrates will be porridge, bread, crackers. Feed the cat 2-3 times a day in small portions.

Do not overfeed the lop. She has a good appetite, but overeating can be bad for the purr's health. For every kilogram of a pet's weight, no more than 30 g of food is required. The energy value of the daily diet should be 250 kcal for females and 300 kcal for males.

Kitten diet

Close attention is paid to feeding babies, since the future health of the cat and its appearance depend on its quality. Until 3 weeks of age, kittens are fed breast milk. Then goat's milk or sweetened cow's milk diluted three times is gradually introduced into the diet.

At 8 months they begin to give cottage cheese and porridge mixed with yolk (oatmeal and rice). Scraped meat, lean fish and vegetable purees are gradually introduced. At 6 months of age, the baby is transferred to an adult diet, and the amount of milk is reduced to a minimum. We must not forget about vitamin supplements. They are given according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Raising Scottish Folds

Acquired habits are very difficult to change. It's better to prevent them from appearing. From the very first day of being in the house, you need to make it clear to the baby what he can do and what pranks are not permissible. During educational activities, you need to take into account the animal’s biorhythm. It is better not to disturb the cat early in the morning, in the evening and after lunch.

Scottish dogs must follow a number of rules in the house:

  • do not damage interior items;
  • sleep, eat and go to the toilet in a designated area;
  • do not touch house plants;
  • get along peacefully with other animals in the house;
  • don't steal food;
  • keep clean;
  • do not behave aggressively in response to affection.

The cat must follow prohibiting commands. This can be achieved through the use of rewards and punishments. But whether to teach her tricks or not is up to the owner to decide. The breed has one peculiarity - its representatives love to stand on their hind legs, and can remain in this position for quite a long time, especially if they are interested in something above. This is often used in cat training.

Health, tendency to disease

Diseases such as:

  • osteochondrodysplasia (signs: lameness, hardening of the tail);
  • osteoarthritis (joint stiffness);
  • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (heart pathology);
  • polycystic kidney disease.

Animals must be vaccinated against the most dangerous diseases every year. The first is done at the age of 2–3 months. If the deadline is missed, the animal is vaccinated after changing teeth. After the first vaccination, a second one is given. As a rule, this happens after 2 weeks.

10 days before vaccination, children are driven away from worms. And after vaccination, a 10-day quarantine is observed. Modern anthelmintic drugs are easy to use. They are often produced in the form of pleasant-tasting syrups.

Animals are vaccinated against the following dangerous diseases:

  • calcivirosis;
  • panleukopenia;
  • rhinotracheitis;
  • chlamydia.

Choosing and caring for a kitten

Before you bring a little purr into your home, you need to make sure that the living conditions are suitable for him. Cats do not need large areas, but they may feel uncomfortable in a cramped apartment. It is also important to find out whether all family members are ready for such a replenishment, and what their expectations are from the new resident. If your family understands the seriousness of the issue and is ready to participate in caring for the baby, you can begin choosing a nursery.

When to buy a kitten?

You should not buy a kitten before 3 months of age. By this time, breed-forming signs will already be visible, and it will be much easier to care for an older baby. When choosing, pay attention to the baby’s gait and tail mobility. The kitten should not hobble or limp. And on the tail, thickening and creases are not allowed. Loss of flexibility of the tail vertebrae is the first sign of the negative impact of the Fd gene, which is responsible not only for the folding of the ear. It also causes musculoskeletal disorders.

Kitten care

The kitten will adapt to a new environment faster if you take a handful of litter from the litter box from the breeder. Purr will feel more confident if he is surrounded by familiar smells. You need to feed the baby the same food that the breeder gave him. He is gradually transferred to the new diet. A sudden switch to unfamiliar foods can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Breeding Features

The Scots are a heterozygous breed for the breed-forming trait. This phenomenon is rare in animal breeding. This means that in the cat’s offspring there will be a splitting of characteristics: both lop-eared and straight-eared kittens will be born. Therefore, the breed includes two varieties - with and without the mutant trait.

These animals are no different except for the shape of their ears: folds are fold-eared, straights are straight-eared. Otherwise they are identical and can participate in exhibitions and championships. However, the American systems (CFA and TICA) do not recognize them, since they believe that they are not enough distinctive features.

Be that as it may, a prerequisite for breeding the breed is crossing a fold with a straight (straight-eared). This helps to avoid skeletal deformities. The fact is that the cause of lop ears is a genetic defect in the cartilage. It is so weak that it does not allow the ears to stand straight. This is why it is important that only one cat in the parent pair is fold-eared. The second one should have straight ears.

There are three degrees of lop ears:

  • single;
  • double;
  • triple.

Triple is preferred. Such kittens become stars of various exhibitions. However, there is another difficulty - the ears of folds can “stand up” over time. Therefore, felinologists can resort to inbreeding. They are forced to do this, because it is fraught with the risk of hereditary diseases.

WCF breed standards

Weight From 2.6 to 6 kg. Female cats have a lower body weight than female cats.
Appearance Average height. Strong, stocky and massive constitution. Movements are confident and smooth.
Torso Short, rounded and squat.
Head Large, with thick cheeks and a strong chin. Large round whisker pads.
Muzzle Round.
Chin Strong.
Eyes Large, round. Eye color matches coat color. In the USA and European countries you can see folds with orange, copper and golden eyes.
Ears Small, pressed tightly to the head, with a characteristic fold. Set wide apart, directed towards the center of the head. The tips of the ears are rounded.
Nose Short, wide, straight. Profile without stop.
Neck Short and thick.
Frame Compact
Wool Short, thick, soft, shiny and elastic. Has high density. The texture is fleecy, but not woolly.
Color All colors and patterns with any amount of white: plain (solid), “Chinchilla”, “Tabby”, “Calico”, “Bicolor”.
Limbs Short, muscular.
Paws Round and thick.
Tail Medium length, flexible, reaching to the shoulders. It ends with a rounded tip without thickening.
  • Stiffness in any part of the tail.
  • Ears extending beyond the contour of the head.
  • Profile with stop

History of the breed

There is evidence that the first fold-eared cats appeared in China back in the 17th century. But the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom were not impressed by such an unusual feature. Much later, in 1961, Scottish breeders of British cats became interested in her when they saw a fold-eared white miracle in the litter of one of the farm cats. The baby was named Susie and she became the ancestor of all lop-eared animals. Her daughter, named Snooks, was given to a shepherd who introduced her to a British shorthair. Several babies from this litter ended up with breeders.

The Americans continued to form the new breed. They used British and American shorthair cats in their work. In the 60s of the last century, lovers of the breed attempted to officially register it. But unsuccessfully. The fact is that in those days there was an opinion that lop ears had problems with their hearing organs. It soon became clear that these fears were unfounded. And in 1994, the breed was recognized by the American Association of Cat Fanciers.