What foods are allergenic for children? Common food allergens: a list of foods that are dangerous for patients with hypersensitivity and increase the risk of negative reactions

Doctors record negative reactions to food in patients of different ages. Most adults suffering from intolerance to certain foods noted the onset of the disease in childhood. It is at an early age, while the baby’s body is still weak, that the first signs of negative reactions appear.

It is important to know which names doctors define as food allergens. A list of foods that are dangerous for patients with hypersensitivity will help parents create the right menu for their child’s diet. Adults will also find the list of names that increase the risk of negative reactions useful.


Intolerance to certain components is often genetic, for example. In severe cases of the disease, the child’s body reacts violently not only to eating oatmeal or cookies, but also to foods that contain only traces of gluten. Even breaded cutlets or waffle bars are dangerous for allergy sufferers with this form of the disease.

If children are intolerant to cow's milk, they need lactose-free milk. Allergy sufferers should not consume not only whole milk, but also cream, sour cream, and any products containing lactose.

Factors that increase the risk of allergic reactions to food:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • decreased immunity after a serious illness, frequent stress, or taking antibiotics;
  • poor nutrition, excess of highly allergenic foods in the diet;
  • introducing complementary foods ahead of schedule;
  • during pregnancy, the expectant mother consumed highly allergenic foods;
  • disruption of the digestive tract.

Main allergens

Each person reacts in his own way to the consumption of certain products: even highly allergenic items in the absence of hypersensitivity of the body do not cause negative reactions. In patients with a hereditary predisposition to food allergies under the influence of provoking factors, on the contrary, the body’s response to even a couple of orange slices or one egg is acute, with pronounced symptoms.

Potential allergens:

  • Nuts (especially peanuts, hazelnuts).
  • Dairy products: whole milk.
  • Honey and bee products: propolis, pollen.
  • Cocoa, chocolate, candies, cakes, pastries containing cocoa butter.
  • Citrus fruits: orange, grapefruit, tangerine, clementine, lemon.
  • Cereals with gluten: oats, rye, wheat.
  • Cheeses. Hard and semi-hard varieties are not suitable for allergy sufferers; processed cheese also causes a negative reaction in the body.
  • Meat. Fatty pork, strong meat broth, beef is less dangerous for allergy sufferers.
  • Seafood: clams, mussels, lobsters, lobsters, squids.
  • Products in original packaging: concentrates, semi-finished products, canned food, ready-made mayonnaise, packaged sauces.
  • Items with synthetic components: products with artificial flavors, dyes, harmful emulsifiers, sweeteners.
  • Caviar of sea and river fish.
  • Vegetables: tomatoes, beets, carrots, red salad peppers.
  • Fruits: red apples, less often apricots.
  • Exotic fruits: kiwi, persimmon, banana, pomegranate.
  • Berries: raspberries, strawberries, strawberries, black currants.
  • Eggs. The components of chicken eggs exhibit the greatest allergenicity. Goose, quail and duck eggs are less likely to provoke a negative reaction.
  • Melons: melons.
  • Other names: mushrooms of all types, mustard.

Pay attention! Doctors identify two groups of highly allergenic foods. The classification is based on nutritional value and the possibility of replacement by other names.

First group

Products that are easy to avoid without harming your health. The absence of melon, nuts, mushrooms, chocolate, and seafood in children’s diets does not cause dangerous complications or developmental delays. The beneficial components contained in highly allergenic products can be easily obtained by using safe brands.


High nutritional value, a rich set of useful vitamins and microelements does not allow removing the product from the diet. Eggs and milk fall into this group.

If you are intolerant to cow's milk protein, you will have to completely stop using all products containing a dangerous component. For mild to moderate reactions, doctors allow the consumption of a minimum amount of milk, but before drinking it must be boiled for 10-15 minutes.

The same situation with eggs:

  • Cooking for half an hour is required;
  • replacing chicken eggs with a quail product, with a lower risk of allergic reactions;
  • eating only the yolk: the protein containing albumin, after entering the body, causes increased production of immunoglobulin, which leads to a negative response, acute skin reactions.


Identifying a food allergen is quite difficult. With a proper diet, including dozens of items, it is not always easy to understand which products caused skin rashes, swelling and itching.


  • in some cases, with high sensitization of the body, the reaction is acute, negative signs appear half an hour to an hour after eating chocolate, citrus fruits, honey or other types of food;
  • in other cases, the allergen accumulates over two to three days, a delayed reaction puzzles patients who do not understand why blisters appear on the skin, the tissues are slightly swollen, and the body itches.

To identify unsuitable products, you will need the help of an allergist. The doctor will conduct skin tests and, based on the reaction to small doses of the irritant, will find out which types of food cause a negative response in the body. It is not advisable to take it before skin tests, so as not to blur the picture. Skin tests are not performed on children under 3 years of age. To accurately diagnose the type of irritant, another, more progressive and safer method is used. It will be discussed in the next section.

Food allergen panel

To determine unsuitable food, a method is used in which the patient does not come into contact with irritants and there is no microdamage to the skin. Doctors take blood from a vein and compare the presence of antibodies with a special panel (list) of allergens.

Advantages of the method:

  • The study is suitable for young children and pregnant women;
  • the integrity of the skin is preserved, there are not even the smallest scratches;
  • before the analysis, it is enough not to eat for a certain period (no more than 7-8 hours), do not take allergy pills for 8-10 hours before taking blood (it is not necessary to stop taking medications for a long time);
  • the allergen panel contains the main types of irritants that often cause negative reactions in adults and children;
  • At the request of the patient, the doctor will conduct additional studies of the reaction to specific food irritants not included in the main list.

Food allergen panel: list of dangerous products:

  • Berries. Strawberry, black currant, raspberry, blackberry. Allergic reactions after eating aromatic gifts of nature often occur in children: it is difficult to resist eating just a couple of strawberries. Many children and preschoolers eat handfuls of berries, which often causes dangerous types of food allergies: or giant.
  • Nuts. Peanuts, almonds, and hazelnuts often provoke negative reactions. When confirmed, parents should carefully study the composition of bars, cakes, and sweets: even a minimal amount of nuts causes redness, blisters, rashes, and itchy skin.
  • Dairy products. If this type of allergy is confirmed, you will have to exclude or significantly limit the consumption of not only whole milk, but also kefir, cottage cheese, and sour cream. It is important to know that lactose intolerance is one of the common types of allergies.
  • Chocolate. All types of chocolate products, desserts, bars, cakes, drinks containing cocoa bean powder are prohibited. Parents should know that pediatricians and allergists do not recommend giving chocolate to children under three years of age: violating the rule increases sensitization of the body, creates an excess load on the liver, and provokes. Often it is the parents themselves who are to blame for the fact that the baby developed after excessive consumption of sweets, chocolates, bars and candies.
  • Citrus. Juicy fruits often provoke a negative response from the body not only in children, but also in adults. In most cases, a pseudo-allergy develops - a reaction to a large number of “sun fruits” eaten by the patient in one day. Dangerous for pregnant women: negative consequences for the fetus are possible.
  • Eggs. Protein exhibits a higher allergenicity: this part contains albumin, under the influence of which the level of immunoglobulins sharply increases, followed by an active negative reaction to the irritant. The yolk is less dangerous for allergy sufferers, but there are also cases of negative reactions to this part of the egg. TO
    If the chicken product is used, you will have to replace it with quail eggs in a minimal quantity.
  • Legumes. Severe swelling or blisters with intolerance to peas, beans, soybeans appears less frequently, the main symptom is indigestion, diarrhea, bloating, increased gas production. Some patients experience redness on the body and develop.
  • Nutritional supplements. Unfortunately, many ready-made items on supermarket shelves contain several types of flavors, emulsifiers, dyes, stabilizers, and other synthetic components. Confirmation of a reaction to food additives imposes a ban on ready-made mayonnaise, sauces, concentrates, sweet soda, candy bars, ice cream, canned food, packaged juices, and other similar items in original packaging.

If you have a negative reaction to food due to a genetic predisposition, it is important to remember the severe consequences of advanced forms of the disease. The list of allergens is useful not only for patients with hypersensitivity, but also for healthy people: for the prevention of negative symptoms.

Do not forget that excessive consumption of products from the “black list” often provokes a violent negative reaction: swelling, rashes and blisters on the skin, hyperemia, disorders of the digestive tract, problems with blood pressure. If an immune response or a false reaction is suspected, tests using a food allergen panel are needed.

How to recognize a food allergen and determine the cause of the allergy? Useful recommendations from a specialist in the following video:

Children's food allergies are hardly surprising today. It has practically become the norm that from the first days of life the baby suffers from all kinds of allergic reactions of the body and nothing can be done about it. The constantly deteriorating quality of nutrition due to poor ecology and the emergence of genetically modified products has a serious impact on the fragile body of the child. Doctors just shrug their shoulders and prescribe antihistamines to the little ones, which, in turn, also put a strain on all organs. We will find out how to eat properly and which allergenic foods should be excluded from the diet for children.

Today, there is a special table of prohibited and permitted foods for children, according to which pediatricians recommend feeding babies. According to this table, the most allergenic product for children under 2 years of age is cow's milk. More than 80% of babies cannot tolerate it. In cases where a nursing mother eats it, the baby may develop an allergic rash even to mother’s milk. True, such a reaction of the newborn’s body does not mean that in the future the child will suffer from drinking milk. After two years of age, when the child has developed the enzymes necessary to process this product, the problem will disappear by itself.

In addition to cow's milk, the most allergenic foods for babies are: infant formula, cheeses, sesame seeds, wheat, black pepper, and exotic fruits. You need to be extremely careful when introducing foods such as fish, eggs, nuts, red vegetables, honey and citrus fruits into your child’s diet. Allergy-prone children under one year of age should not be given caviar, red fish, or beef as complementary foods. To prevent meat from causing an allergic reaction, you should first freeze it, then wait until it thaws, and only then cook it. Chicken meat must be skinned and soaked in water. But the child’s body tolerates turkey, rabbit, and guinea fowl meat well.

If a child eats fruits and vegetables without measure, then each type can cause an allergic reaction. Eating a few peaches, a cup of green peas, or a bowl of berries can cause your baby to develop a skin rash, even if the baby previously had an excellent tolerance for these foods. But marmalade, chocolate and all kinds of sweets, even in small quantities, can cause allergic reactions.

In cases where a child has a cross-allergy, that is, there is intolerance to both milk and soy protein, chicken meat and eggs, as well as gluten and potato starch, it is incredibly difficult to choose the optimal diet for him.

It is important to understand that such a reaction in the body is caused by both food allergens and flavorings, fillers, preservatives and dyes that are added to ice cream, juices, drinks and yoghurts. But these are the products that mothers often pamper their babies with.

A mother can prevent problems with her child’s allergies even during pregnancy. During this period, as well as during breastfeeding, a woman should exclude condensed milk, nuts and honey from her diet. A nursing mother can eat no more than two nuts a day, if they are hazelnuts or walnuts, but peanuts should be avoided. At the same time, do not forget that walnuts strengthen the intestines, while hazelnuts and almonds weaken them. Children two years old can eat nuts in small quantities. It is especially useful to give them to children with low body weight. Nuts are very useful for rickets and anemia, because, for example, walnuts are rich in vitamin D, iron, iodine, zinc and almonds. The least allergenic are pine nuts, which are also the healthiest. They give strength and energy to both adults and children.

Allergenic and practically useless for the baby’s body are foods such as crab meat, shrimp, pistachios and peanuts. This food is heavy for a child’s body, and besides, flavorings and dyes are added to crab meat.

Citrus fruits should be introduced into the diet of babies before the age of one and a half years. The healthiest of them are lemon and grapefruit. You can add the juice of these fruits to your baby's food or give your baby lemon slices to suck on. To protect your child from allergies, you should start complementary feeding with cabbage and zucchini, adding carrots and potatoes to the food in small portions. A little later, children can begin to be fed with snacks and cookies, as well as fermented milk products.

Parents should carefully monitor their children's diet to prevent allergies in order to avoid allergic diseases in the future. Remember, the health of your children is in your hands!

Often, allergenic foods become almost the main diet for children, starting from an early age. The child feasts on hamburgers, French fries, chips, sausages, and sweet bars, which cause the development of an acute allergic reaction and also contain large amounts of hazardous substances in food. Children develop health problems and are constantly at risk. Therefore, it is so important to establish good nutrition and prevent allergens from entering the bloodstream in order to maintain health until old age.

Special chemicals that prevent food spoilage cause harm to the body. In most cases, monosodium glutamate, which is part of the finished dish, reduces its value and causes disturbances in the functioning of the stomach and intestines. You should not buy Mivina noodles, potato chips, canned fruits, or pickled vegetables. Chemical additives and a special protein (gluten) irritate the intestines, and bread or cakes made from such flour cause an allergic reaction in the child. Hives and runny nose appear after drinking drinks containing yellow-5 dye. The child experiences signs of an acute reaction to a food product that has entered the body. This:

  • excessive sleepiness,
  • redness of the eyes, blue lips.

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    Egg yolk

    Children who eat chicken or duck eggs most often suffer from allergies. Dishes that contain protein are fraught with danger and cause the development of an immediate reaction. It was precisely because of the content of special substances that they fell out of favor.

    Most often, allergy symptoms appear in a child whose body has been exposed to specific proteins that cause various forms of immune response:

    • albumen;
    • lysozyme;
    • ovomucoid.

    Chicken eggs top the list of allergenic foods, but it should be remembered that a deficiency of dietary protein interferes with the full synthesis of hormones and leads to disruption of the heart, blood vessels, reproductive and urinary systems. If a child cannot eat chicken eggs, they are replaced with quail eggs. They are less allergenic and do not cause destruction of intestinal epithelial cells.

    If a child does not adhere to the diet, he develops symptoms of individual intolerance - Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock. Not only the most allergenic foods are prohibited, but also dishes made from them that provoke the development of a specific reaction. Hard-boiled eggs are especially dangerous. They are replaced with equivalent food products without harming the vital functions of the body.

    Ambiguous milk

    Unfortunately, some children have protein allergies and avoid dairy products. It is dangerous for health to include in the diet the following dishes containing proteins:

    • cakes;
    • pies;
    • cookie;
    • ice cream;
    • chocolate;
    • margarine.

    Often a child cannot tolerate goat or sheep milk. Casein is recognized by the body's cells as foreign, and an acute allergic reaction develops. If breastfeeding is not possible, the baby's nutrition should be adjusted using a specially adapted milk formula.

    A baby over 12 months old should receive 400 ml of liquid dairy products per day. If you are allergic to casein, you need to adjust your diet and meet your baby’s daily need for vitamins and minerals from other foods. Many formula-fed children cannot tolerate complementary foods made from cow's milk. The child develops symptoms of atopic dermatitis, urticaria, swelling in the head and neck, a dry cough and wheezing. For any changes in the patient's condition, consultation with a doctor is required.

    The dangers of citrus fruits

    Oranges, tangerines, kiwi, grapefruit are a source of vitamin C and strengthen the immune system. In some cases, their nutritional value fades into the background. Many fruits are associated with a severe allergic reaction in a child.

    The most popular citrus fruit is orange. It can trigger the development of anaphylactic shock. The patient is not recommended to prepare dishes that contain orange or tangerine juice:

    • sweet drinks;
    • ice cream;
    • jams;
    • cakes.

    A large amount of citrus fruits eaten by a child burdens digestion, takes away strength from the body, and contributes to the appearance of shortness of breath, skin rashes, itching, and diarrhea. Most often there is a runny nose and severe lacrimation. It is not recommended to use oranges for making juice and feeding a sick child. They can be replaced with other fruits. It is recommended to keep a food diary, in which it is necessary to indicate the reaction to the introduction of new foods into the diet. With age, the manifestations of allergies do not disappear, but, on the contrary, intensify.

    Foods that destroy your health

    Dangerous products are cereals, most often wheat, less often rye. Semolina, especially with the addition of vegetables or fruits, can cause an allergic reaction in a sick child. Quite often, instant porridge is used in the diet. The grain undergoes special processing, and the dish becomes crumbly and tasty. Corn and millet grains can cause allergy symptoms. Artek porridge consists of crushed wheat grains and is a refined product. It charges the body with energy, but can cause itching, skin rashes, and loose stools.

    Food intolerance to semolina dishes is caused by the presence of a complex protein in its composition - gluten, which affects the body's absorption of important microelements and vitamins. In some cases, constant and prolonged feeding of porridge can cause a skin rash, fever, runny nose, and cough. You should not prepare a dish with goat milk, as intolerance to the product appears a few days after consuming it.

    A child with allergies is given cereals: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal. Gluten thins the intestinal mucosa, and the child begins to have diarrhea (diarrhea).

    Why is chocolate dangerous?

    The finished product contains cocoa powder, which is a highly allergenic substance. The danger increases if the following ingredients are added to it:

    • peanut or palm oil;
    • powdered milk.

    Lactose intolerance and the presence of antioxidant E322 lead to an allergic reaction. First of all, it is necessary to exclude walnuts from the patient’s diet, as they are often added to chocolate. The patient is not recommended to eat sweet bars containing raisins, dates, and flavor enhancers.

    Chitin is a natural polysaccharide that is part of chocolate. When ingested through food, it often causes skin rashes. People prone to allergies experience excruciating itching. If the patient suffers from asthma, eating chocolate provokes an attack of suffocation. It begins with painful itching and swelling in the mouth, tingling of the tongue, and redness of the upper palate.

    Dark chocolate causes greenish loose stools, abdominal pain, and dry cough in children under 5 years of age. Kidney function is impaired, and angioedema or anaphylactic shock may develop.

    Red and orange berries

    Sometimes a child eats a juicy apple or some red currants, and after a few hours he becomes ill. Colic appears in the stomach, headaches, nausea and vomiting occur. Even a minimal amount of allergen is enough to cause an acute reaction in the body. The source of the problem is a lack of enzymes in the body responsible for the digestion and absorption of fruit sugar. The child complains of nausea, flatulence, weakness, and sweating.

    Eating black and red currants often causes an allergic reaction, since the berries contain a large amount of ascorbic acid. The child’s health sharply deteriorates and an attack of suffocation rapidly develops.

    Sugar is harmful to the human body. Children are not recommended to eat orange fruits prepared as sweet purees or cold desserts.

    Dangerous seafood

    Often, allergy symptoms occur after eating fresh fish, shellfish, crab or shrimp. Parvalbumin is a calcium-binding protein that is poorly absorbed in the child’s body and is stored for a long time in ready-made dishes. The patient often experiences dangerous allergy symptoms:

    • skin rashes;
    • purulent blisters on the face and body;
    • nausea;
    • dry paroxysmal cough;
    • chills.

    The protein contained in large quantities in crab meat causes a severe nonspecific reaction and leads to toxic poisoning. The child loses hearing and vision, and the functioning of the nervous system is disrupted. Food intolerance to seafood appears even after it has been cooked. The patient develops swelling of the larynx, breathing becomes impaired, and blood pressure drops sharply.

    Food allergies in infants

    Excessive consumption of cow's milk and sweet cereals based on it often leads to the development of a nonspecific reaction of the body. A sick child develops numerous itchy spots on the face, nausea and profuse diarrhea. Often the first sign of food intolerance is the appearance of small ulcers on the gums.

    Chicken eggs introduced into the diet of children under one year of age as complementary foods provoke the onset of the disease. Dark chocolate, walnuts, and industrial juice containing citric acid are especially dangerous. It is not recommended to give your child citrus fruits, strawberries, natural honey, sea and river fish, and soy products.

    An allergic reaction in children under one year of age most often occurs in babies who are bottle-fed. The mother must exclude the following foods and ready-made meals from her diet:

    • meat and fish broths;
    • garlic;
    • sweet confectionery.

    It is not recommended to use fresh cow's milk for cooking if the child has an individual intolerance to casein. Formula-fed babies benefit from special dairy-free formulas.

    Low-allergenic products can reduce the manifestations of the disease in the acute period. Complementary foods are introduced on the recommendation of a doctor after the child turns 6 months old. Zucchini, cauliflower and broccoli are used to prepare healthy dishes. Potatoes or carrots can only intensify the manifestations of the disease.

    Properly organized nutrition allows you to completely get rid of allergy symptoms.

    Necessary knowledge is a reliable weapon in the fight against disease

    It is useful to have information on hand about foods that cause nonspecific reactions in children. A properly compiled list will help study their nutritional value and prevent exacerbation of the disease. The table of allergenic products will tell you how to determine cross-reactions to their use, and will allow you to familiarize yourself with recipes for preparing complementary foods for children suffering from atopic dermatitis.

    Timely identification of the allergen using a food diary and other reference materials will help diversify the diet and maintain health for many years.

You can find out which the most allergenic foods are from a special table. It is on this that pediatricians’ recommendations regarding the order of introduction of complementary foods are based. So, allergenic foods, the list of which is given in this table: cow's milk, fish, chicken, red fruits and berries, sweets.

Important details

About 80% of children under 2 years old cannot tolerate cow's milk, or rather, cow's milk protein. The reason is the lack of enzymes necessary for its processing. When they form and begin to be produced, and this happens after 2 years, the problem will disappear by itself.

Fish is also one of the most dangerous allergens. Moreover, for some people, the smell of fish alone can cause an attack of suffocation. It is for this reason that it is introduced into complementary foods very carefully, after 8 months in microscopic doses, and the baby’s reaction is carefully monitored.

Eggs, or more precisely, egg whites. The common belief that quail eggs are not as allergenic as chicken eggs is just an opinion. In fact, reactions to them occur with about the same frequency as to chicken protein. Conclusion: getting to know eggs starts with the yolk. Protein appears in a child’s diet only after the baby turns 1 year old.

Meat. The risk of allergies is high if your baby tries chicken. Therefore, complementary feeding begins with rabbit, turkey and even horse meat. In any case, it is not recommended to feed fatty meats and poultry. Meat broths are given to a child only after 1-1.5 years. In this case, the first broth is always drained. The skin of the bird must be removed and subcutaneous fat removed.

Red fruits and berries

It is better to give green vegetables and fruits to very young children. For example, choose clarified juice from green apples, make puree from green apples and pears. As for vegetables, the child is first introduced to zucchini, cauliflower and white cabbage.


Marmalade and marshmallows are considered the most harmless in terms of an allergic reaction and at the same time the most useful. Make sure they do not contain artificial flavors or preservatives. A child can be introduced to chocolate no earlier than 3 years old. Choose milk chocolates. It is also better to postpone introduction to citrus and exotic fruits until at least 3-4 years.

Allergenic foods during breastfeeding

To reduce the risk of developing allergies in a baby, a nursing mother is recommended to follow a hypoallergenic diet. All the products mentioned above should be consumed carefully and not get carried away with them. If one of the parents has a reaction to one of the mentioned products, it is better to exclude it from the diet of the nursing mother.

Some tricks

The list of allergenic foods for children is very extensive; we have listed only a few of them. But this does not mean that the baby is strictly forbidden to try chocolate, nuts, red apples and chicken. Prohibitions remain only for the time being. From a certain age, the risk of allergies decreases, as the body begins to produce enzymes that facilitate the absorption of a particular product. For most allergenic foods, the threshold is 3 years of age. By the age of 3, the child’s digestive system will have become stronger in order to easily process the substances contained in a certain product.

The safest, including from the point of view of the risk of allergies, are cooking methods such as boiling, stewing, baking and steaming.

Is honey an allergenic product?

The answer is clear: yes. If a person is allergic to plant pollen, then its presence even in minimal quantities can cause great trouble. In honey, as is known, pollen is present in very large quantities. A child can be introduced to honey only after 3 years. You need to start with microscopic portions and carefully monitor the reaction. At the first signs of trouble, the product is excluded from the diet. The next attempt may take place in 2 weeks.

Are mushrooms an allergenic product or not?

Mushrooms, like a sponge, absorb all harmful substances present in the soil and air. And if there are harmful substances in the air and soil, then an allergic reaction may follow after eating mushrooms. In addition, mushrooms are almost pure protein, which in itself is a strong allergen. Therefore, you can give your child mushrooms only after 5 years. Some nutritionists advise postponing mushroom tasting until age 7.

Our century, unfortunately, differs from the previous one with poor ecology and poor quality food. Many products contain artificial colors, flavor enhancers, preservatives, sugar substitutes, etc.

It is not surprising that young children often begin to suffer from various diseases. Allergies take first place in this ranking. Statistics show that out of five children, two suffer from this disease.

A child's immune system can respond to almost any food product with an allergic reaction. The symptoms are as follows: the child’s body and face are covered with a rash, which is accompanied by severe peeling and redness of the skin. Very often, a frivolous attitude towards allergies allows it to develop into a rather serious disease, for example.

Up to 6 months, an infant’s body can react with allergies to various foods. From the first days of life until one year, many food products for children are allergens, but this does not mean that they will remain allergens for the child in the future. The only thing that is well tolerated is breast milk and special infant formula. This only indicates that the child’s digestive system is not yet mature enough and does not produce the necessary enzymes to digest certain foods.

When a product enters the body, containing in its composition something that is not yet known for the child’s digestion, and the amount of enzymes that is present cannot cope with digestion. A large release of immunoglobulin (IgE) occurs in the body, then those external symptoms appear that we already see and understand that the child is allergic to something. But this only happens with products containing strong allergens, and there are those that contain them, but in small quantities, then at first it is not even noticeable that the child has an allergy. The mother continues to feed her child and herself foods with slow-acting allergens and has no idea what harm they cause. Therefore, children's allergens need to be known almost by heart, this will help preserve the baby's health.

Feeding a child with breast milk is very beneficial, but some allergens of children under one year old can enter the child’s body along with it, so it is also important for the mother to adhere to a diet and exclude from her diet anything that can intensify the illness in her child.

As for transferring the child to solid foods, more mature ones, you need to start feeding with hypoallergenic food for children, these include oatmeal, cabbage, pumpkin, apples, and others. Then we periodically add new products to the feeding, only in small portions, monitoring the reaction of the child’s body, but this should be done in parallel with the maturation of the enzymatic system.

Allergic reaction to infant formula

You need to know allergens for children; to do this, you need to carefully study them in the lists below and then create a menu for your baby.

Allergens for children can be strong, which provoke allergies, and weak. You need to know the strong ones and pay special attention to them when feeding your baby.

Strong allergens in food for children:

  1. Dairy products and milk. The highest percentage of allergies among other products. It's all about protein; it is difficult for a small, immature body to digest.
  2. . Especially chicken ones. The allergen is egg white.
  3. Fish. Fish caviar and all seafood. Canned fish.
  4. Meat. Allergies are caused by very fatty meats.
  5. . The most dangerous among them are red.
  6. Fruits and vegetables. Those that are red are dangerous.
  7. . All orange-colored fruits and fruits of exotic origin are at increased risk.
  8. Nuts. Everything except walnuts.
  9. Semolina and...
  10. Coffee. Chocolate, cocoa, coffee.
  11. Confectionery.
  12. Products containing preservatives, artificial flavors and colors.

List of allergenic foods for children with varying degrees of activity:

Increased activity:

  • dairy products, eggs, meat products (chicken);
  • different types of fish;
  • bush berries, black currants;
  • pineapples, melons, grapes, all citrus fruits;
  • pomegranate, cocoa, honey, nuts, mushrooms;
  • red vegetables, carrots, celery, rye, wheat.

Average activity:

  • turkey, pork and rabbit meat;
  • , all legumes, green peppers;
  • peach, apricot, banana, pear, red currant, cranberry;
  • rice, corn grits.

Low activity:

  • lamb meat, beef;
  • squash, zucchini, radish, green cucumbers, cabbage;
  • green and yellow apple, plum;
  • white cherries, white currants, watermelons;
  • pumpkins are not dark in color;
  • almond.

These are the foods that are allergenic for children and pose a high risk. It is important to remember them and give them to your child with caution, or avoid them altogether.

Products that cause allergies

Sometimes even mildly allergenic foods can cause a rash if the child eats them in excessive quantities. It is necessary to establish a measure and observe it during feeding.

Laboratory study of allergens

Laboratory studies have shown that the list of allergens for children does not end with food products. There are also other types:

household, pollen, fungal and epidermal allergens.


  • , dogs, horse, cow;
  • parrot, canary;
  • cockroaches, ;
  • house dust, pillow, blanket;
  • household chemicals.

Pet hair


  • ragweed, wormwood, hay, nettle, quinoa;
  • poplar, white acacia;
  • plant fluff;
  • wheat.


  • echinococcus;
  • schistosome;
  • roundworm


  • synthetic fibers.

Among this list, household and pollen are strong allergens for children. They most often cause an allergic reaction.