Skin allergies during pregnancy. A series of allergies during pregnancy

Good day and good health to you, mothers, grandmothers, godparents. I also wish expectant mothers and those planning a pregnancy to persevere and endure all the hardships of this most beautiful period in a woman’s life.

After all, no matter what they say, pregnancy is not always easy for us. Sometimes there’s a tingling sensation in the side, sometimes there’s a pain in the lower back, and sometimes strange rashes on the skin don’t give you any peace at all. Now, of course, I’m not talking about infections, but about allergic rash. All you have to do is eat a chocolate bar or half a kilo of strawberries during the summer season, and you blush like that same strawberry, and not at all from shame.

This is how pregnant capricious organisms are designed: they react hypersensitively to any irritants. There are cases where women have been diagnosed with allergies to the sun and air. And what do you want to do with these? Don’t breathe throughout your pregnancy and go underground?

And you really want to enjoy your condition for the entire 9 months, and not think that you may have an allergy during pregnancy, how to treat this scourge, etc. So I decided to think for you and give you the maximum useful information on this matter. All you need to do, dear pregnant and not very pregnant women yet, is to familiarize yourself.

Don't go into anaphylactic shock

The symptoms of allergies during pregnancy are similar to the standard manifestations of allergies in “ordinary” people. Tears flow from the eyes, snot from the nose (sorry), sneezing, coughing, and if you add hives to this, you get the complete set.

The mucous membranes swell noticeably, breathing becomes difficult. If you are registered with an allergist, you should take special care, otherwise you will develop Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock. But here you also have an advantage: you already know your enemies, that is, allergens, by sight, and you can simply stay away from them.

Surely, you are worried about whether your hypersensitivity will affect your baby. Of course, allergens will not penetrate the placenta, but by inheritance a reaction to certain foods may appear in the baby after birth.

And again, not with 100% probability. After all, if you remember your school anatomy course, half of the genes are passed on to the baby from the father. Much great danger than your allergies, medications can cause harm if you decide to prescribe them yourself.

Don’t even think about listening to your girlfriends, going online or consulting with a pharmacist. Head straight to knowledgeable person, a therapist, gynecologist or allergist, who, after an in-person examination, will prescribe the remedy that is necessary and safe for you and your baby.

Allergies during pregnancy: how to treat them

The doctor will listen to all your complaints and symptoms. If it is difficult to identify the allergen, you will be prescribed skin tests.

I don’t want to upset you, but even after the allergen has been identified, get rid of it immediately unpleasant symptoms you won't succeed. Medicines provide only temporary relief, and during pregnancy many of the effective means and completely prohibited. For example, the well-known Suprastin will be prescribed to you only when acute allergies, and expectant mothers are strictly prohibited from drinking Zyrtec, Pipolphen and Diphenhydramine!

What to do? Do you really have to suffer for all 9 months? Of course not. You yourself can significantly alleviate your condition. First, stop contacting the allergen. Be it your favorite cat, house dust, food or a new body cream.

Temporarily take the animal to relatives, wipe off the dust, but you can live without some goodies. Another thing is an allergy to ragweed. This weed has made more than one pregnant woman shed tears. Fortunately, this allergy is seasonal, but the flowering period of this plant lasts quite a long time: from June to September.

And most importantly, there is no escape from it. Scientists have calculated that in a matter of hours, pollen can travel vast distances between cities! I saw excellent advice on one of the sites - just leave the country during the flowering period and go abroad.

If only it were that simple. But you can still do something: take a walk in evening time, try not to ventilate the room often, and try to wear it outside sunglasses To protect your eyes, shower more often after walking.

To relieve symptoms, in addition to tablets and antihistamine drops, it would be a good idea to buy nasal sprays (Rinocort, Nasonex) and eye drops (Optivar) at the pharmacy. Bepanten and Panthenol creams will relieve skin itching and rashes. They should definitely be in your first aid kit, because they can subsequently be used to lubricate cracks in the nipples when feeding, and these products are ideal for the baby’s delicate skin.

"Grandmother's" herbs for allergies for pregnant women

Treatment with folk remedies is especially important for pregnant women. Herbs are considered effective and in a safe way combat allergic reactions, but not all! I will now offer you several simple recipes, and please, before using them, consult your doctor.

1) For itching and rash, you can take a bath with the addition of a decoction of nettle, oak bark, lovage, and string. Take 2 tbsp. each herb, pour a liter of boiling water, let it brew a little, and then, after straining, add it to the bath. Remember that you cannot sit in warm water for too long in your position, so limit yourself to 20 minutes.

2) For unbearable itching, make an infusion of dill and plantain leaves (1 tablespoon each). Pour a glass of boiling water over the herb and leave for 2-2.5 hours. After this, use sterile gauze or cotton swabs to moisten the damaged skin.

3) Magic power Even our grandmothers noticed a remedy against urticaria in celery. Half a teaspoon three times a day before meals will significantly reduce rashes.

4) When allergic rhinitis It is useful to rinse the sinuses with a decoction of chamomile and motherwort.

How to prevent allergies during pregnancy

To avoid giving allergies a chance, you need to be more careful about what surrounds you and what you eat. Prevention is quite simple:

  • Keep your home clean. The less dust the better. Ask your husband to knock out all the rugs, pillows and blankets. Put it away soft toys. Dust has been accumulating in them for years.
  • Communicate with pets less often and at a slightly distance. Yes, just in case. And it wouldn’t hurt to get checked for it if you have a cat.
  • Ventilate the room where you sleep more often
  • There is no exotic in the diet! The simpler and more familiar your diet is now, the better. There is no need to shock the body.
  • Under no circumstances take medications or even harmless vitamins without your doctor’s knowledge.
  • Don't get depressed and stressed. They are known to be enemies of the immune system.
  • If you have hay fever (allergy to flowering), try to leave the house less often during the daytime.
  • Do not use cosmetics and household chemicals. At least don't overuse it.

Try to follow these rules, and then you won’t have to fight an unequal battle with allergies. If you feel that the symptoms are creeping up treacherously, a little more and “Aaaaah!”, take action immediately.

Most pregnant women monitor their health. The slightest disruptions in the functioning of the body are alarming. What can we say about allergic reactions, which are noted in a fifth of expectant mothers!

How dangerous are allergies during pregnancy? What can you drink and take for allergies during pregnancy? How to get rid of negative phenomena? Useful tips are recommended for all girls and women who take responsibility for their health.


Increased sensitivity of the body is a common phenomenon. Poor environment, poor quality food, reception various medications cause disruption of the immune system. A person becomes defenseless against the influence of negative factors.

Main allergens:

  • animal hair;
  • house dust;
  • medicines;
  • some food products;
  • components of cosmetics;
  • plant pollen;
  • sunlight.

There are enough factors that provoke allergies:

  • frequent stress, weak immunity;
  • uncontrolled use of medications;
  • constant use household chemicals, synthetic fabrics, cosmetics;
  • violation of principles healthy eating, excessive consumption of foods that cause allergies;
  • poor environment;
  • the emergence of new dangerous allergens.

Main signs and symptoms

Allergic reactions during pregnancy are of the same nature as in other people. More often, increased sensitivity is observed in young women under 25 years of age.

Main features:

  • conjunctivitis. Watery eyes, redness of the cornea, photophobia, and swelling of the eyelids appear. Often this symptom is combined with an allergic runny nose;
  • rhinitis. It is secreted from the nasal passages clear liquid, the nose swells, I often want to sneeze. Sometimes an infection is associated with a runny nose, polyps, sinusitis, and sinusitis may appear;
  • urticaria, dermatitis. Local allergic reactions often appear in a small area, often on the hands of pregnant women. looks like blisters, a small pinkish-red rash that disappears without a trace after healing. often appears on the chest and back. The affected areas turn red, swell, and there is a burning sensation and itching.

Sometimes expectant mothers are diagnosed severe forms allergies:

  • generalized urticaria. Abundant rashes cover the entire body, swelling and blisters are noted. The reason is hormonal changes. Most often, this type of urticaria has chronic course, appears in the second and third trimester of pregnancy;
  • This dangerous phenomenon develops with allergic reactions on the face. The soft tissues of the face, neck, and nearby organs swell. Swelling of the mucous membranes of the mouth, larynx, and trachea often occurs. Wheezing appears and breathing becomes difficult. Without urgent help, death from asphyxia is possible;
  • anaphylactic shock. The most dangerous reaction to the action of the allergen. Pressure drops sharply, bronchospasm develops, blood accumulates in venous system. In the lightning form, a person loses consciousness. Need urgent Care, hospitalization, otherwise there is a high risk of death.

Possible consequences

The main question that worries pregnant women suffering from allergies is: “Are the baby’s developmental defects possible?” The answer depends on several factors.

Allergies during pregnancy, effects on the fetus:

  • first trimester. The placenta is not fully formed; there is no reliable barrier between the body of the mother and the fetus. During this period there is active formation tissues and organs of the fetus. There is a high risk of disorders under the influence of medications that a woman takes for allergies;
  • second, third trimester. The placenta is formed, it takes the brunt of the impact and neutralizes the effects of irritants. Allergens cannot penetrate to the fetus, negative influence No. The danger to the baby comes from some antihistamines that are used to treat allergies.

Important! The course of pregnancy and the condition of the fetus can be affected by nervousness, irritability, and bad mood - constant companions of allergic reactions. Minimize contact with irritants - and you will maintain nervous and physical health.

Measure seven times and cut once. All expectant mothers need to remember these words before taking any medications. Uncontrolled use of medications, the desire to quickly get rid of itching or rash is dangerous for the baby.

What to do:

  • At the first sign of an allergy, visit a doctor. Serious cases– Quincke's edema, generalized urticaria, anaphylactic shock require immediate calling an ambulance;
  • Follow all doctor’s recommendations and do not self-medicate. Unauthorized intake or use of medications folk recipes Without consulting a doctor, it is dangerous for your baby. Possible severe consequences, up to premature birth or natural termination of pregnancy;
  • Always read the instructions before starting treatment. If you have the slightest doubt, temporarily stop taking the drug and check whether the medicine is actually approved for pregnant women. Any annotation contains a clause about the effect on the fetus. Do not hesitate to ask questions to your gynecologist, allergist or pharmacist at the pharmacy.


Consult an allergist. Usually the doctor prescribes topical medications and allergy pills.

  • ointments, creams with herbal extracts, zinc oxide. The compositions dry the skin, reduce itching, relieve inflammation;
  • nasal sprays, drops. Medicines relieve nasal congestion. Doctors often recommend children's vasoconstrictor nasal drops. The preparations contain a safe dosage of active substances.

Tablets, medications and products for allergies during pregnancy are prescribed carefully, taking into account the benefits for the mother and the effect on the fetus. Pay attention to the peculiarities of the action of some drugs:

  • Claritin, Suprastin can only be used when severe conditions when you urgently need to save your mother. In the first trimester, these drugs are prohibited for use;
  • Terfenadine for frequent use causes insufficient body weight in the fetus;
  • Pregnant women should not use Tavegil;
  • Diphenhydramine. Taking the drug in the third trimester is dangerous due to the possibility of premature birth. Remember: the medicine increases the tone of the uterus;
  • Pheniramine. Allowed for use only in the second trimester;
  • Pilpofen and Astemizole poison the fetus with toxic compounds. During lactation, these drugs are also not recommended;
  • Allertek. Suitable for reception at medium and later pregnancy. You need to consult a doctor;
  • Zyrtec is the most safe remedy. It is imperative to adhere to the dosage and frequency of administration. Unauthorized use is prohibited.

Take note:

  • when planning pregnancy or at the earliest early stages Find out from your allergist what remedies he recommends. The first aid kit should always contain an antihistamine that has minimal impact on the health of the fetus;
  • this option is better than no allergy pills, especially in the case of fulminant forms of development negative reactions. The life of the woman and the fetus depends on timely administration of the drug in severe cases.

Folk remedies and recipes

Most safe methods combating allergies - using decoctions medicinal herbs, homemade ointments, compresses, lotions. Be sure to consult your doctor. Use without his permission folk remedies not worth it.

Folk remedies for allergies during pregnancy. Proven recipes:

  • Kalanchoe juice. Squeeze fresh juice, dilute with three times the amount of water. Apply compresses daily for rashes, burning, itching;
  • potato juice. The healing liquid reduces inflammation, reduces itching, and refreshes the skin. Grate the potatoes and squeeze out the juice. Use the method for about a month;
  • rosehip oil extract. Natural remedy will help with allergic dermatitis;
  • oak bark Brew the raw materials, proportions: liter of water – 1 tbsp. l. bark. Boil for 15 minutes. Strain the cooled broth, use for lotions, dousing areas covered with an allergic rash;
  • celery juice A natural remedy that helps with hives. Grate the root and squeeze out the juice. Drink ½ tsp daily. 30 minutes before meals in the morning, afternoon, evening;
  • baking soda solution. It will help with hand irritation from household chemicals. Dissolve 1 tsp. baking soda in a liter of warm water, make a hand bath for a quarter of an hour. Then smear your brushes thickly olive oil, wear cotton gloves or wrap your hands in a soft cloth. After 10 minutes, blot off any remaining oil;
  • decoction of fir cones. Grind the young buds and cones of the spruce, take 2 tbsp. l. aromatic raw materials. Pour a liter of milk and simmer in a water bath for 20–25 minutes. Strain, drink after each meal 200 g of decoction, no more three times per day.

You can also find out about other types of allergies on our website. For example, it is written about food allergies in children; for adults - page. Read about ragweed allergies; about allergies to house dust - address.

Preventive measures

You already know how to treat allergies in expectant mothers. The main rule is to coordinate all actions with your doctor.

How to prevent allergic reactions during pregnancy? Listen to the recommendations:

  • give up “dangerous” foods: citrus fruits, chocolate, honey, nuts, cream, coffee. Do not eat canned food, vegetables, red fruits, seafood;
  • use household chemicals as little as possible;
  • buy hypoallergenic cosmetics;
  • Avoid purchasing pets, especially fish. Dry food often causes coughing, sneezing, and watery eyes;
  • If you are allergic to ragweed during pregnancy, then avoid places where it accumulates. Avoid alder and poplar trees during flowering. If possible, leave the city for the summer;
  • do not bring home bouquets, especially those composed of flowers with a strong aroma, such as lilies;
  • During the pollen period, hang gauze moistened with water on the windows. It is advisable to install an air conditioner;
  • Clean your apartment regularly, beware of house dust;
  • remove carpets, hang light curtains that do not accumulate dust. Be sure to wash them a couple of times a month;
  • buy hypoallergenic pillows and blankets with padding polyester. Feathers and down in pillows are prohibited;
  • remove unnecessary items that can accumulate dust: figurines, soft toys, books;
  • Trust your loved ones to clean the carpets or empty the vacuum cleaner bag.

A few more tips:

  • change bedding more often, use hypoallergenic powders. Suitable compositions for washing children's clothing;
  • walk more in the air, sleep 7–8 hours, worry less;
  • refuse synthetics, especially in underwear;
  • take medications and herbal infusions only after consulting a doctor. Uncontrolled use of drugs can cause serious consequences for a tiny organism.

Information about allergies during pregnancy will help you avoid unpleasant consequences. Now you know what to do if allergic reactions occur. Remember preventative measures. At the first symptoms of an allergy, contact medical assistance.

From the following video you can learn even more about allergies during pregnancy:

An allergy is the body's defensive reaction to an allergen, which is accompanied by damage to its own tissues. Sadly, approximately 20% of people suffering from allergic diseases are pregnant women. Allergic reactions are especially common in pregnant women aged 18 to 24 years.

Types of allergic diseases and their manifestations

There are mild and severe allergies. The lungs include:

  • allergic rhinitis accompanied by difficulty in nasal breathing, swelling of the nasal mucosa, copious mucus secretion, sneezing, sore throat;
  • allergic conjunctivitis , signs of which are redness, swelling of the mucous membrane of the eye, tearing, swelling of the eyelids;
  • localized urticaria– a sign is the appearance of blisters on a small area of ​​the skin with a pale center and raised edges, which are accompanied by severe itching.

Severe acute allergic diseases include:

  • generalized urticaria– blisters form throughout the body, similar to those resulting from a nettle burn, accompanied by itching;
  • Quincke's edema– this name is given to swelling of the skin or mucous membranes. It especially often appears on the face, arms, hands and feet. It may also be accompanied by swelling of the larynx and gastrointestinal mucosa. A sign of throat swelling is a cough, hoarse voice, suffocation. If the mucous membranes are swollen internal organs, then nausea or vomiting is possible;
  • anaphylactic shock. Signs light form is a sharp decline blood pressure, in severe form, loss of consciousness, swelling of the larynx, accompanied by the development of urticaria, is possible.

Pregnant women most often experience allergic rhinitis, urticaria and, in a more complex course, Quincke's edema. By the way, urticaria can develop as a result of fear of childbirth - it depends on the state of the vegetative nervous system expectant mother.

The effect of allergic diseases on the fetus

If a pregnant woman has an allergic reaction, then there is no direct effect of the disease on the fetus. That is, the allergy is not directly transmitted to the child, since antigens (irritant substances) and antibodies (the body’s resistance to allergens) do not penetrate the placenta. However, the risk to the health of the unborn child may be as a result of the following factors:

  • change in general condition pregnant woman;
  • low blood pressure, as a result of which the uteroplacental blood flow decreases, that is, the child receives insufficient nutrition;
  • influence of drugs.

In some cases, women who suffered from quite serious allergic diseases before pregnancy note an improvement in their condition while expecting a child. This phenomenon is explained hormonal changes, occurring in female body during pregnancy – not only your own glands internal secretion produce more hormones that suppress allergies (corticosteroids), but fetal hormones also enter the mother’s bloodstream.

Treatment of allergies during pregnancy

Let's figure out what to do and how to treat allergies during pregnancy.

The main goal of treating allergies during pregnancy is effective elimination symptoms without a negative impact on the unborn baby. If a woman has a predisposition to allergies, then it is necessary to protect herself in advance, that is, not to consume allergenic products, avoid using powders and detergents that can cause irritation. It is also necessary to ventilate the room twice a day and periodically carry out wet cleaning in the apartment. You should not have pets, as their fur can cause an unexpected allergic reaction. The expectant mother should protect herself from stressful situations And nervous excitement, because they also affect the manifestation of allergic reactions. Perhaps this way you will be able to avoid allergies.

However, if a woman still failed to protect herself during pregnancy, then, first of all, it is necessary to exclude the effect of the allergen on her body. It is imperative to consult a doctor at the first manifestations of allergosis, because taking antihistamines during pregnancy is unsafe. The doctor prescribes the program comprehensive survey and, based on the results obtained, will select the drug that is most suitable for each specific case of the pregnant woman. But it still wouldn’t hurt for every pregnant woman to general outline know which medications can be used in the treatment of allergies in pregnant women, and which are contraindicated.

Tablets and remedies, ointments for the treatment of allergies in pregnant women

Most known antihistamines are not suitable for the treatment of allergies in pregnant women. For example, diphenhydramine should not be taken at a time close to childbirth, as this can cause premature onset of labor. Terfenadine is contraindicated because it has a negative effect on the fetus (after taking it, underweight children are born).

Cytherizine is allowed for pregnant women in the second and third trimesters. If the effect for the mother exceeds the risk for the fetus, then loratadine, claritin, fexofenadine, and allertek are prescribed. When using tavegil it was revealed negative impact on the fetus, but it is prescribed to pregnant women for health reasons. But Pipolfen (piperacillin) is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

There are also other ways to get rid of allergies. You can use natural antihistamines against allergies. They will not harm the baby and will alleviate the condition of the expectant mother. These include:

  • vitamin C. 1 to 4 g of vitamin C per day will minimize the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. It should be taken in the first days of treatment at 500 mg, then gradually increasing the dosage. Take for 10 days. The effect of vitamin C is explained by its ability to change permeability vascular wall– regional edema and severity of rash elements are reduced.
  • vitamin B12 will relieve skin irritation if you take it regularly for a month, 500 mcg;
  • pantothenic acid will help get rid of allergic rhinitis. Initially, take 100 mg at bedtime. Then, if the pregnant woman feels a positive result, the dose can be increased to 250 mg;
  • nicotinic acid will help get rid of pollen allergies. You should take 200 mg for several weeks.

These remedies are not a panacea that can completely overcome allergy symptoms in a pregnant woman, but will help reduce their severity. In the event that the manifestations of the disease are influenced by such symptomatic treatment do not decrease or the woman’s condition worsens. Immediate consultation with a qualified allergist and gynecologist (consilium) is necessary - during this consultation, doctors will be able to prescribe effective drugs, which will not harm the expectant mother and fetus.

It is also necessary to remember that a pregnant woman cannot take drugs orally or by injection without a doctor’s prescription, and also use topical medications without a doctor’s prescription - almost all of their components are absorbed into the systemic bloodstream and can penetrate to the fetus, causing adverse effects on it. impact.

In conditions modern civilization, no matter how sad it is to admit it, even healthy person it is difficult to maintain the necessary supply of health and strength. And when it comes to the birth of a new life, this problem becomes even more acute. And if the 20th century was declared the century of cardiovascular diseases, then the 21st, according to WHO forecasts, will become the century of allergies.

Already today, more than 20% of the world's population suffers from allergies, and in areas with unfavorable environmental conditions - 50% or more. In Russia, prevalence allergic diseases in different regions it is 15-35%.

Over the past 30 years, the incidence of allergies has increased 2-3 times every 10 years. This is to blame sharp deterioration ecology, acute and chronic stress, intensive development all types of industry without sufficient compliance with environmental measures, uncontrolled use of medicines, widespread use of cosmetics and synthetic products, strong introduction of disinfection and disinfestation products into everyday life, changes in diet, and the emergence of new allergens.

An allergy is an expression of the body's immune (protective) reaction, which damages its own tissues; V medical terminology this is called allergic diseases (this also includes acute allergies). Unfortunately, among patients with acute allergosis (AAZ), pregnant women are found in 5-20% of cases. These numbers have increased 6-fold over the past 20 years. The most common age for pregnant women with allergies is 18-24 years. According to the prognosis of the course and risk of development threatening conditions all OAZ (see Tables 1, 2) are divided into mild (allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, localized urticaria) and severe (generalized urticaria, anaphylactic shock).

How the disease develops

So, what is the mechanism of allergic reactions? There are three stages in the development of the disease.

First stage. The allergen enters the body for the first time. This may include plant pollen, animal fur, food products, cosmetics, etc. Cells of the immune system recognize foreign substances and trigger the formation of antibodies. Antibodies attach to the walls of the so-called mast cells, which are located in huge quantities under the mucous membranes and epithelial tissues. Such combinations can exist for more than a year and “wait” for the next contact with the allergen.

Second stage. An allergen that enters the body again binds antibodies on the surface of the mast cell. This triggers the opening mechanism of mast cells: biologically released active substances(histamine, serotonin, etc.), which cause the main symptoms of allergies, they are also called inflammatory mediators or pro-inflammatory hormones.

Third stage. Biologically active substances cause vasodilation and increase tissue permeability. Swelling and inflammation occurs. In severe cases, when the allergen enters the bloodstream, severe vasodilation and a sharp drop in blood pressure (anaphylactic shock) are possible.

Light OAZ
OAZ Clinical manifestations
Allergic rhinitis Difficulty in nasal breathing or nasal congestion, swelling of the nasal mucosa, discharge of copious watery mucous secretions, sneezing, burning sensation in the throat.
Allergic Hyperemia (redness), swelling, injection of the conjunctiva (vessels are visible on the white of the eye), itching, lacrimation, photophobia, swelling of the eyelids, narrowing of the palpebral fissure.
Localized urticaria A sudden lesion of a part of the skin: the formation of sharply defined round blisters with raised edges and a pale center, accompanied by severe itching.
Heavy OAZ
OAZ Clinical manifestations
Generalized urticaria A sudden lesion of the entire skin with the formation of sharply defined round blisters with raised erythematous (red) edges and a pale center, accompanied by severe itching.
Quincke's edema Swelling of the skin, subcutaneous tissue or mucous membranes. It most often develops in the area of ​​the lips, cheeks, eyelids, forehead, scalp, scrotum, hands, and feet. At the same time, swelling of the joints, mucous membranes, including the larynx and gastrointestinal tract may occur. Edema of the larynx is manifested by cough, hoarseness, and suffocation. Swelling of the gastrointestinal mucosa is accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting.
Anaphylactic shock Arterial hypotension (low blood pressure) and stupefaction with mild course, loss of consciousness in severe cases, respiratory failure due to laryngeal edema, abdominal pain, urticaria, itchy skin. Manifestations develop within an hour after contact with the allergen (usually within the first 5 minutes).

The most common manifestations of allergies in pregnant women are allergic rhinitis, urticaria and angioedema.

The effect of allergies on the fetus

So, what is the mechanism of allergic reactions? There are three stages in the development of the disease. When occurring in the mother allergic reaction The fetus does not develop its own allergosis, since specific immunocomplexes reacting to the allergen irritant (antigens - substances that cause allergies, and antibodies produced in response to antigens) do not penetrate the placenta. But nevertheless, the child in the womb experiences the influence of the disease under the influence of three factors:

  • change in mother's condition;
  • possible action medications on the blood supply to the fetus (medicines used for allergies can cause a decrease in uteroplacental blood flow, which fully ensures the life of the fetus);
  • harmful effects of drugs (this will be discussed below).

Treatment of allergies during pregnancy

Main goal immediate treatment— effective and safe elimination of OAZ symptoms in a pregnant woman without the risk of negative effects on the fetus.

Indeed, a person’s reaction to the use of drugs depends on his physiological state, the nature of the pathology and the type of therapy.

Pregnancy in this sense should be considered as a special physiological state. It must be taken into account that up to 45% of pregnant women have diseases of internal organs, and from 60 to 80% regularly take certain medications. On average, during pregnancy a woman takes up to four different medications, not counting vitamins, minerals and biological active additives. Need I say that this is far from safe for the unborn child? Moreover, if a woman makes the decision to take certain medications independently.

Let's consider a clinical example. A 31-year-old woman was taken to the hospital with a diagnosis of acute allergosis, generalized urticaria. This is her second pregnancy, and the woman did not suffer from allergies before going to the hospital. She fell ill suddenly, about 1 hour after drinking orange juice. A rash appeared on the chest and arms; skin itching began. The woman independently decided to take the pill diphenhydramine, but this did not have the desired effect. On the advice of a doctor friend, she took 1 additional tablet suprastina, also without effect. By morning the rash had spread to the whole body, and the patient called an ambulance medical care. The ambulance doctor administered 2 ml intramuscularly tavegila, there was no effect. The doctor decided to take the woman to the hospital in the general intensive care unit. The allergic reaction disappeared completely after only 3 days.

In the example given, the woman received three different antihistamines before entering the hospital, one of which ( diphenhydramine) is contraindicated during pregnancy. Therefore, in every case of allergies, you must immediately consult a doctor for help.

Most "popular" antihistamines, used in the treatment of allergies, are contraindicated during pregnancy. So, diphenhydramine may cause excitability or contractions of the uterus at a time close to childbirth, when taken in doses greater than 50 mg; after taking terfenadine there is a decrease in the weight of newborns; astemizole has toxic effect to the fruit; suprastin (chloropyramine), Claritin (loratadine), cetirizine (alleprtek) And Fexadine (fexofenadine) during pregnancy are permissible only if the effect of treatment outweighs the potential risk to the fetus; tavegil (clemastine) during pregnancy should be used only for health reasons; pipolfen (piperacillin) is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

When an allergic reaction occurs for the first time, it is necessary in any case, even if this condition did not last long, to seek advice from an allergist. I would like to emphasize that the main thing in the treatment of allergic conditions and diseases is not the elimination of allergy symptoms with the help of medications, but the complete elimination of contact with the allergen.

In order to identify the allergen, they carry out special examinations. Determination of blood levels of IgE antibodies specific for certain allergens and skin prick tests are used. For skin tests, solutions are prepared from potential allergens (extracts of herbs, trees, pollen, animal epidermis, insect venom, food, medicines). The resulting solutions are injected into minimum quantities intradermally. If the patient is allergic to one or more of the listed substances, then local swelling develops around the injection of the corresponding allergen.

What should be done if OAZ manifests itself and what drugs can be used?

  • If the allergen is known, eliminate exposure immediately.
  • Consult your doctor.
  • If it is not possible to consult a doctor, be guided by the following information about antiallergic drugs.

1st generation H2-histamine blockers:

  • Suprastin (chlorpyramidine)- prescribed for the treatment of acute allergic reactions in pregnant women.
  • Pipolfen (piperacillin)— not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Allertek (cyterizine)- Can be used in and.
  • Tavegil (clemastine)— during pregnancy, use is possible only for health reasons; since it was revealed negative impact this drug on the fetus, then the use of tavegil is possible only in cases where the allergic reaction threatens the patient’s life, and there is no possibility of using another drug for one reason or another.

2nd generation H2-histamine blockers:

Claritin (loratadine)— during pregnancy, use is possible only if the effect of therapy outweighs the potential risk to the fetus, that is, the drug should be used only if the mother’s allergic condition threatens the fetus more than taking the drug. This risk is assessed by the doctor in each specific case.

3rd generation H2-histamine blockers:

Fexadine (fexofenadine)- during pregnancy, use is possible only if the effect of therapy outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

Another very important aspect of the problem is the prevention of allergic diseases in an unborn child. TO preventive measures This includes limiting or, in severe cases, excluding highly allergic foods from the pregnant woman’s diet. Gastrointestinal tract- the main entrance gate for allergens penetrating the fetus. Formation hypersensitivity(that is, the formation in the child’s body of antibodies that are ready to provoke an allergic reaction upon the secondary introduction of an allergen - already in the baby’s extrauterine life) occurs with a certain degree of maturity of the fetal immune system, which is achieved approximately at intrauterine development. Thus, from this time on, limiting allergens in food is justified.

The prevention of allergic reactions should also include limiting possible contact with other allergens: household chemicals, new cosmetics etc.

These restrictions are, of course, not absolute. For healthy expectant mothers who do not suffer from allergies, it is enough not to consume these products daily and at the same time, while periodically including them in the diet is possible. Those expectant mothers who have at least once had some form of allergy to a given product should completely avoid “risky” products. If a woman suffers from allergic diseases (allergic bronchial asthma, allergic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, etc.), she will have to exclude entire food groups from her diet.

It should be emphasized that smoking (both active and passive) is absolutely unacceptable for pregnant and lactating women. There are known facts confirming that maternal smoking during pregnancy affects the development of the fetus’s lungs and leads to intrauterine growth retardation. Maternal smoking is one of the causes of fetal stress. After one smoked cigarette, a spasm of the uterine vessels occurs for 20-30 minutes and the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fruit. Children of smoking mothers have an increased likelihood (among other serious illnesses) development of atopic (allergic) dermatitis and bronchial asthma.

During pregnancy, it is recommended not to have pets, to ventilate the apartment more often, to do wet cleaning daily, to vacuum carpets and upholstered furniture at least once a week, to beat and dry pillows. And one more important note. Breast milk- most suitable product for feeding children in the first months of life. It has the required temperature, does not require time to prepare, does not contain bacteria and allergens, is easily digestible, and contains enzymes for its own digestion. Early before 4 months - termination breastfeeding increases the frequency of allergic reactions several times.

06/16/2017 12:47:45, Olesya Morozova

I’m not prone to allergies at all, but apparently pregnancy took its toll :) and when I walked around with a baby bump last spring, I couldn’t stop sneezing and crying. It was especially hard when the fluff flew - my eyes, face, nose - everything itched terribly!
I was afraid to take the pills, even though the doctor said that pregnancy is not a contraindication for modern antihistamines. But she still took pity on me and prescribed rinsing my nose with sea water. I used Aqualor, although others may help just as much. The water removed the swelling perfectly, and then I began to itch less.

07/11/2011 12:33:07, Zinnusha 06/05/2011 10:32:44, Galya G. 03/24/2005 17:30:55, Anna

Good article, nothing to say. This is not possible, and this is not possible. What's the point if Claritin is generally a very weak medicine? Serious allergies are not relieved by claritin, unfortunately.

Pregnancy affects all processes in a woman’s body. The changes also affect the immune system, which can lead to malfunctions and immunosuppression. Against this background, the risk of developing new and relapse of existing allergies in the expectant mother increases. Allergies during pregnancy occur in 30% of women.

Features of allergies during pregnancy

Allergic diseases rarely appear in women who are in interesting position, for the first time. By this time, many expectant mothers are already aware of “their” intolerance to certain allergens and the symptoms that the disease causes, but there are exceptions. Pregnancy can be a specific catalyst that may worsen the problem.

The expectant mother's immunity works with renewed vigor, so it can react unpredictably to any allergen. So, what allergens should you be wary of during pregnancy?

The main allergens include:

  • dust;
  • plant pollen and ragweed;
  • pet hair;
  • medications;
  • certain food products, often chemical additives;
  • ingredients of some cosmetics;
  • cold;
  • sunlight.

There are also predisposing factors that increase the risk of an allergic reaction:

  • chronic stress;
  • weakened immune defense;
  • uncontrolled treatment with various medications;
  • frequent contact with household chemicals;
  • wearing synthetic clothing;
  • abuse of cosmetics;
  • non-compliance with recommendations for proper nutrition;
  • excessive consumption of foods that are potential allergens;

Types of allergies during pregnancy

Allergies during pregnancy are of the following types:

  • Allergic rhinitis. It occurs with copious nasal discharge, constant sneezing and itching, and nasal congestion. A runny nose can be caused by seasonal flowering plants, particles of pet hair, and house dust. Also, the cause of such rhinitis is sometimes toxicosis of pregnant women.
  • Allergic conjunctivitis. Manifested by profuse lacrimation, photophobia, and corneal hyperemia. Rhinitis and conjunctivitis are usually combined with each other, that is, they are diagnosed at the same time. The causes will generally be the same as for allergic rhinitis.
  • Urticaria, dermatitis. The disease is characterized by rashes on the skin, redness and swelling of the skin, and painful itching. The external picture of the pathology resembles a nettle burn. Typically, the reaction occurs locally, at the site of contact with a potential allergen. For example, an allergy to the face during pregnancy is often the result of intolerance to one or another cosmetic.

  • Quincke's edema. The pathology affects the eyelids, lips, tongue and upper respiratory tract. The disease develops rapidly and suddenly. The greatest risk is swelling of the larynx and trachea, which may result in injury respiratory function. Sometimes Quincke's edema affects the tissues of the joints, causing them painful sensations and impaired mobility and digestive organs, as a result of which a woman may complain of abdominal pain and signs of intestinal obstruction.
  • Anaphylactic shock. The most severe form of allergy, which occurs with a change in consciousness and falling blood pressure. In the absence of appropriate help, a woman may die. Anaphylactic shock develops within an hour after encountering an allergen. Provocateurs this state may be plant pollen, medicines and cosmetics.

Effect of allergies on the fetus

Any changes in well-being worry the expectant mother. Especially when it comes to your first pregnancy. If before pregnancy, a woman could purchase at the pharmacy any remedy to treat allergy symptoms, now she has to think about the health of the fetus and how this or that will affect its development. medicinal product. This means that allergy pills during pregnancy must be prescribed by a specialist.

The allergic disease itself cannot affect the fetus. Irritating agents cannot penetrate the placental barrier to the unborn baby. They may have an effect in the future, when the newborn child sooner or later develops intolerance to the same allergens as the mother.

It turns out that allergies are dangerous because they can be inherited. However, this does not happen in all cases. Sometimes the father's genes take over.

For a more detailed look at the situation and what effect allergies during pregnancy have on the fetus by trimester, see the table.

Trimester of pregnancyEffect on the fetus
First trimesterThe placenta is not formed, so it cannot protect the unborn child. During this period, the fetus begins to lay down and actively develop all its organs and systems. There is a high probability of developmental anomalies due to the pathogenetic effects of medications taken by the expectant mother.
Second trimesterThe placental barrier is already fully formed, therefore future baby Well protected from irritants and most medications. The only dangers are those antiallergic drugs that are contraindicated during pregnancy.
Third trimesterAllergens do not penetrate to the fetus; it is still reliably protected by the placenta until birth. But feeling unwell mother against the background of allergy complications can affect the unborn child in a negative way.

It is most dangerous to treat allergies during pregnancy on your own. Most medications sold in pharmacies can adversely affect a non-developing fetus with the risk of developing abnormalities of the nervous and cardiovascular system, as well as a negative effect on the pregnant body. When using medications that are not recommended for the expectant mother, normal blood flow in the placenta is often disrupted. And this already threatens the life of the fetus due to a lack of oxygen and nutrition.

Also, allergies during pregnancy can cause health complications for a woman. Banal allergic rhinitis can cause attacks of bronchial asthma and anaphylactic shock, which impair normal breathing. Oxygen deficiency can trigger the development of fetal hypoxia. The same thing happens when a woman has a runny nose, weakness, or cough - the unborn baby feels all the changes in her body and they affect its development.

What to do if allergy symptoms appear?

It is important to consider that an allergic reaction in pregnant women is sometimes a completely normal response of the immune system, as a sign of intolerance to new product or chemical substance. For example, a woman bought a face cream that she had not used before. In this case, the body may react inadequately to a component included in the cream that was unfamiliar to it before. As a result, a minor allergy occurs, which goes away quite quickly without any intervention.

The situation is more complicated with symptoms that have arisen before and appear during pregnancy in a woman’s body. This case requires the following actions:

  1. Contact an allergist. If allergy symptoms appear, first of all, you need to find out their original source and diagnose the problem. The specialist prescribes to the woman diagnostic measures- usually these are skin tests or blood tests for allergies.
  2. Start treatment on time. Allergies that arise while carrying a baby are complicated by the fact that you can not take all medications that are sold in pharmacies. Only a specialist can prescribe treatment for allergies during pregnancy, who decides which medications will be safe for the expectant mother and her child.

  1. Avoid contact with known allergens.
  2. Avoid eating potentially allergenic foods such as chocolate, citrus fruits, etc.
  3. For face and body care, choose only natural cosmetics.
  4. Limit contact with household chemicals as much as possible.


Diagnostic measures include:

  • blood test to determine the total titer of immunoglobulin E and antibodies to allergens;
  • skin allergy tests;

  • studying the medical history;
  • recording data in a food diary if suspected food allergy during pregnancy.

How to treat allergies?

Helps reduce the risk of developing the disease preventive measures. It is not advisable for the expectant mother to come into contact with synthetic detergents, eat potentially allergenic foods, use cosmetics to a minimum. Also, to prevent the development of allergies, a woman should avoid stress factors, both mental and physical.

Often it is nervousness and emotional distress that affect pregnancy, causing skin rashes.

If you fail to protect yourself from allergies, you should seek medical help at its initial manifestations. Only a doctor, based on a comprehensive examination, can accurately determine the causes of the disease, the specific irritant and tell how to treat allergies.

Allergies most often develop in the early stages of pregnancy, but the use of medications at this stage is extremely undesirable. If a woman experiences allergic reactions to pollen, she should stay at home if possible, put on sunglasses and a medical mask before going outside, thoroughly wash her wardrobe items and wash her shoes after a walk.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis. Nasal sprays and drops prescribed for the treatment of common rhinitis improve well-being and allergic rhinitis. The best drugs against allergies for expectant mothers - natural remedies, based on sea ​​water. These can be Aqua Maris drops, Dolphin spray, Aqualor, etc. The listed drugs cleanse the nasal cavity, washing out allergens from the mucous membrane, and normalize nasal breathing without causing harm to the unborn child.

In addition to the medications listed, pregnant women can use the following allergy medications for allergic rhinitis:

  • Pinosol drops natural origin, which contain eucalyptus and mint oils: the drug softens the nasal mucosa, helps relieve its swelling, due to which the health of allergies improves;
  • Prevalin spray - this medicine forms an invisible film on the nasal mucosa, neutralizing the effect of allergens;
  • Salin drops - the drug is based on sodium chloride, its main effect is to safely cleanse the nasal cavity of potential irritants.

Treatment of allergic conjunctivitis. Innox drops, which contain only natural ingredients, are suitable for instillation into the eyes.

Treatment of itching, skin rashes, peeling. Allergy ointment during pregnancy helps get rid of skin reactions - rashes, dermatitis. It will be safest for expectant mothers zinc ointment, which dries skin, successfully relieving inflammation and external manifestations allergies. An alternative to zinc ointment can be Tsindol, which is based on zinc oxide.

Ointments and creams with extracts are also effective against skin allergic reactions medicinal plants. For example, ointment containing calendula, chamomile, celandine, etc. You can buy them at the pharmacy.

If we are talking about atopic dermatitis, then Physiogel has proven itself well. It is applied to areas of the skin damaged by inflammation and scratching in a thin layer. The product moisturizes the skin well, promoting its regeneration. It can be used on the face as an allergy cream during pregnancy.

Treatment of food and drug allergies. The main treatment for these conditions, which has a positive effect on the well-being of the expectant mother, is to cleanse the body. Typically this type of allergy occurs with clinical signs hives and other rashes. Therefore, the first thing to do is to eliminate the potential irritant from consumption, and then cleanse the body with drugs such as Enterosgel and Laktofiltrum.

In case of a severe allergic reaction, if skin allergy accompanied by severe itching and discomfort, you can drink double the dosage of any sorbent ( Activated carbon etc.). The amount of the drug depends on the weight of the expectant mother: 1 tablet is designed for 5 kg of body weight.

Antihistamines during pregnancy

This point needs to be considered separately, since it is important to take medications for allergies during pregnancy with great caution and with the permission of the attending physician. The allergist studies the patient’s medical history, conducts appropriate diagnostics and examination, and, if necessary (if the means of prevention and the above methods of treating allergic diseases do not help), prescribes antihistamines, provided that the potential risk of complications for developing fetus not higher than the expected benefit from treatment.

All drops and tablets that have antihistamine effect, it is highly undesirable to use it to treat allergies in the first 12 weeks of gestation. As for the second and third trimester, there are no such serious restrictions; antiallergic drugs are prescribed much more often.

It is important to take into account that not a single antihistamine used during pregnancy can provide 100% guarantees of safety in relation to the unborn child, even if it is taken under the supervision of a doctor. There is still a risk.

The following table will discuss the problem of choosing drugs for the treatment of allergies by trimester.

TrimesterChoice of treatment
First trimester

Any antihistamines are prohibited, as there is a high risk of developing pregnancy complications and abnormalities in the development of organs and systems in the fetus.

What to do if allergies during pregnancy occur in the first trimester? It is necessary to limit ourselves to preventive measures and carry out treatment using safe means:

  • nasal drops (Aqua Maris, Salin) and Pinosol for rhinorrhea; - zinc ointment or paste, Physiogel - for skin rashes;
  • homeopathic medicines - Rinitol EDAS 131, Euphorbium compositum - have a positive effect on the immune system, combat the manifestations of allergic rhinitis;

  • Lactofiltrum, Enterosgel, Activated carbon - for food allergies.
Second trimesterTreatment in the second trimester has more expanded boundaries, since the placental barrier, which protects the fetus from the negative effects of medications, has already been formed. How to treat if an allergy occurs during pregnancy at this stage:
  • antihistamines - Diazolin, Pheniramine;
  • hormonal drugs - Dexamethasone, Prednisolone;

  • vitamins - vitamin C and vitamin B12 are natural antihistamines that reduce the signs of allergies, eliminate dermatoses, and bronchial asthma.
Third trimesterA problem such as allergies can be solved much easier in the third trimester than in other stages of pregnancy. A woman is prescribed new generation antihistamines characterized by increased level security. These may be Fenistil, Zyrtec, Fexadin and other drugs.

Prohibited during pregnancy

Not all antihistamines can be taken for allergies, since many of them can harm the mother and the unborn child. Let's list them:

  • Diphenhydramine - provokes increased excitability, the myometrium can cause tone and premature contractions of the uterus, resulting in spontaneous abortion or premature delivery;
  • Pipolfen - has a poisonous effect, destroying the fetus with toxic substances;
  • Astemizole - like Pipolfen, kills the unborn child in the womb with toxins;

  • Terfenadine - may cause fetal weight loss;
  • Suprastin is prescribed in exceptional cases when it comes to saving the woman herself.

Allergy prevention

To prevent allergies from taking you by surprise during pregnancy, the expectant mother should adhere to the following prevention tips (this is especially true for women who are already familiar with allergies).

1. Proper nutrition. It is important to eat exclusively high-quality and natural products. It is advisable to exclude all potential allergens from your diet, for example: strawberries, chocolate, citrus and much more. You shouldn't try new cuisine and change your taste habits. Pregnancy is not the time for experiments.

2. Healthy lifestyle. Get enough sleep, go for walks fresh air, elimination of bad habits, including second-hand tobacco smoking, are mandatory aspects of the healthy development of the unborn baby.

3. Self-care. Cosmetics and body care products during pregnancy must be selected especially carefully, as they can cause an intolerance reaction in the expectant mother. Preference should be given to hypoallergenic products. The same goes for fabrics. The materials that surround the expectant mother, for example, from which her clothes are made, must be natural.

When planning a pregnancy or when it occurs, you should visit an allergist to find out what medications he recommends. Every expectant mother's medicine cabinet should contain medications that provide minimal side effect for the fruit. This option is much better than not knowing what medication is available for an allergy if it occurs suddenly. Received on time antihistamine can save the life of the expectant mother and fetus.

At the end of the article, I would like to note that allergies and pregnancy can be a dangerous combination if treatment is ineffective and untimely. But you should not self-medicate, as this can be dangerous for the unborn child. Any medications must be prescribed by a specialist.