Oral hygiene rules. Professional oral hygiene

In conditions of exclusively independent dental care, sooner or later a visit to the dentist will be necessary due to pain or complete tooth decay.

Only regular professional hygiene can prevent the occurrence of unpleasant consequences due to not enough efficient processing oral cavity and keep teeth in good condition for many years.

What is included in the set of procedures?

Professional oral hygiene includes basic and additional procedures.

The basic ones include:

In addition to basic procedures, professional oral hygiene may include additional:

  1. . Basic procedures give teeth durability, remove plaque and give them a natural color. Many people want to have bright white teeth, which give their appearance an aesthetic appearance. Bleaching is carried out using special equipment and tools, since it uses aggressive substances applied to the enamel. The gums and mucous membranes must be protected from their harmful effects. It is impossible to guarantee that this operation will be carried out without consequences for the teeth, although all methods used in modern dentistry The methods are reliable and have been extensively tested. One of the most common side effects bleaching is increased. The effect of the procedure lasts for up to five years;
  2. . Used for tooth loss. In this operation, an implant is inserted into bone tissue jaws. After it fuses with the bone, a procedure is carried out in which the implant becomes the basis of the crown. Various materials are used for implantation, mainly titanium-based alloys. This operation is one of the most difficult and is performed only in high-quality medical centers. Before it is carried out, the patient undergoes a course of examinations, based on the results of which the material and shape of the implant are selected.

Professional oral hygiene is carried out in stages. First, an inspection, followed by stone removal, primary bleaching, polishing and fluoridation.

After an examination, the hygienist may exclude some steps based on the condition of the teeth. Additional procedures are carried out solely at the request of the patient.

Regular examinations by a dental hygienist are key to oral health. It is necessary to undergo professional hygiene procedures for teeth and gums at least twice a year. Some people's lifestyles require more frequent visits to the dental hygiene professional.

For example, when excessive consumption It is recommended to use tea and coffee to lighten your teeth at least once every two months. The same applies to smokers. Once every three months, those who wear it should go to see a hygienist.

If you dream of having healthy gums and a Hollywood smile, proper oral hygiene should be an integral part of your self-care routine. How to care for your oral cavity and what hygiene products to choose for this is worth understanding in more detail.

Doctors Ancient Egypt argued that a person's state of health should be judged by his teeth. If you take proper care of them and monitor the condition of your gums, you can significantly reduce the number of trips to the dentist, which will undoubtedly have a positive effect on the elasticity of your wallet. Oral hygiene should be performed regularly and throughout the day.

This includes the following procedures:

  • cleaning teeth and tongue with toothpaste and toothbrush;
  • rinsing the mouth after each meal;
  • cleaning spaces between teeth;
  • preventive examination by a dentist.

What should be proper oral hygiene? Every person must know the following rules: early age teach your children to do this.

  1. You need to brush your teeth twice a day.
  2. Change your toothbrush at least once every three months.
  3. Choose your toothpaste responsibly.
  4. Don’t forget to clean your tongue, cheeks and gums of plaque.
  5. A preventive examination by a dentist should be performed at least once every six months.
  6. After each meal, use mouthwash, and if this is not possible, keep chewing gum in stock.
  7. Do not forget to clean the spaces between the teeth from food debris using threads (floss).
  8. You need to brush your teeth for at least three minutes, since the fluoride substances in the toothpaste begin to work three minutes after brushing.

The choice of toothpaste is very important. Modern cosmetology and dentistry offer a huge selection of them. These are hygienic, therapeutic and prophylactic, salt, anti-inflammatory, desensitizing, whitening and pastes with antiplaque properties. Let's consider their features. Hygienic pastes serve exclusively to clean tooth enamel from plaque and to freshen breath. They can be used by children from six years of age. Therapeutic and prophylactic pastes fight caries. They contain fluorine and calcium, the combination of which strengthens tooth enamel. Anti-inflammatory pastes should be used if the gums are bleeding or inflamed. These products contain extracts medicinal herbs. Desensitizing pastes are used for hypersensitivity teeth to external stimuli. Salts improve blood circulation in the gums and remove small plaque on the teeth. But to prevent plaque from forming, pastes with antiplaque properties are used. The cost of these pastes is completely different. But it is wrong to think that the more expensive the pasta, the better it is. For decades now you can see on pharmacy shelves large selection tooth powders. They are much cheaper, but they do their job no worse than expensive pastes. In some cases, it’s even better, because they contain exclusively natural ingredients.

No less important is the choice of toothbrush. It all depends on the sensitivity of the gums.

According to the degree of hardness, all brushes are divided into the following types:

  • soft (for sensitive gums and for children);
  • medium hardness;
  • the toughest (for removable dentures).

In our time of technology, such a concept as electric toothbrush. It is convenient in that, with the help of its motor, it makes 50 rotations per minute, and this allows you to achieve high results in cleaning teeth and gums from plaque and tartar. But the largest amount of it collects in the spaces between the teeth. A simple toothbrush or an electric toothbrush cannot clean these places in the mouth with its bristles. Floss threads are ideal for this task. They are made from silk or synthetic fibers Dental floss is impregnated with special compounds that destroy pathogenic microbes between the teeth.

It is very important to teach children about oral hygiene from birth. From the first days of life, the remains of milk and infant formula should be removed using a cotton pad soaked in warm water. boiled water. When the baby's first baby teeth appear, he must be taught to use toothpaste and a toothbrush every day. To do this, you should purchase a soft children's toothbrush and hygiene paste for children from 1 to 3 years old. The process of brushing teeth can be turned into an exciting game, which will undoubtedly bring pleasure to the baby.

What are the consequences of non-compliance? hygiene rules Oral care? According to dentists, 95% of all oral diseases are caused by negligence in caring for teeth and gums. After all, not everyone can boast that, in addition to toothpaste, they also use mouthwash and floss. And what can I say, many people turn to a dentist for help only when the problem has already made itself felt.

Caries, tartar, periodontitis, gingivitis and stomatitis are just a small list of diseases that can arise as a result of an unscrupulous approach to oral hygiene. Yes, and it’s very unpleasant to see your interlocutor smile with rotten teeth. But the worst thing is that such negligence often leads to tooth loss! And in conclusion, we should remember the words of the well-known washbasin from Korney Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Moidodyr”: “We must, we must brush our teeth in the mornings and evenings!”

Contingent dental clinics predominantly consists of people with little education in oral hygiene. As numerous studies show, most dental patients do not have a complete understanding of the importance of oral hygiene, the principles of daily dental care, and the rules of choice. hygiene products and other components of preventive dental culture. A consequence of low awareness of oral hygiene is the development of numerous dental diseases.

Consequences of improper dental care

Microorganisms reproduce in favorable conditions temperature conditions and in the presence of carbohydrates, therefore the mouth is a place of accumulation nai more bacteria. Their constant impact on tooth enamel can destroy the tooth and cause diseases such as:

  • Caries and pulpitis. The symptoms of such pathologies are expressed in painful sensations in the area of ​​teeth and gums. With caries, pain occurs as a reaction to external stimuli, with pulpitis - spontaneously.
  • Periodontitis and gingivitis. Most often, the etiology of such diseases is explained by advanced caries or pulpitis. Symptomatic pathologies are manifested by bleeding and inflammation of the gums, loosening of teeth and their partial edentulism (loss).
  • Stomatitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, in which ulcers with pus, spots or extensive areas of redness form on the gums, cheeks, palate or tongue. The mucous membranes of the tongue and cheeks become covered with a characteristic coating, the gums swell and bleed.
  • Glossitis is an inflammation of the tongue that occurs as a result of stomatitis. It manifests itself as a burning sensation, coloring and pigmentation uncharacteristic of the tongue, and hypersalivation.
  • Halitosis, which is due to abnormal growth anaerobic bacteria. The pathology is expressed by bad breath.

An indifferent attitude towards the condition of the oral cavity is fraught with the development of diseases of the stomach, heart, endocrine, nervous system and other complications. For the treatment of emerging dental and common diseases you will have to undergo a complex and expensive therapeutic course, which can be avoided by following the simplest basic rules oral hygiene.

Principles of oral hygiene and dental care

The concept of hygiene begins with early childhood using the example of parental sanitary behavior. And hygienic habits are formed in accordance with knowledge about the daily routine, diet, and treatment techniques. preventive measures acceptance. Therefore, it is necessary to teach the child basic rules hygiene from infancy.

The majority of patients with dental pathologies believe that twice daily brushing of the surface of the teeth is a sufficient measure to prevent caries and other diseases. However, the daily procedure of cleaning enamel from food debris is one of the components of an extensive oral care system. In addition to this, it is necessary to carry out the following preventive measures:

  • Rinsing the mouth after eating to remove food debris.
  • Use of auxiliary means: irrigator, tooth powder, thread, brush.
  • Compliance with diet. Dentists advise eliminating sweets and sour foods, carbonated drinks.
  • Regular visits to the dentist. Starting from the age of one, monitoring of the oral cavity should be carried out by a specialist at least once every six months.
  • Professional cleaning teeth.
The basis of proper oral hygiene is a competent approach to choosing tools for dental care and adherence to the technique of cleaning the dental surface.

Teeth brushing technique

Carbohydrates in food particles that accumulate in the mouth after a meal provoke the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and the development of caries, so removing food debris is the most important aspect in the prevention of dental diseases. The effectiveness of preventive measures is influenced not only by the regularity of hygiene procedures, but also by the quality of teeth cleaning.

Cleaning the enamel from plaque should be carried out twice a day. and according to the requirements of oral and dental hygiene:

  • You should brush your teeth both on the outside and inside, the procedure must begin with the upper molars;
  • the toothbrush must be directed from the gingival margin to the top of the tooth;
  • chewing teeth require cleaning with reciprocating movements;
  • clean the tongue correctly from root to tip, cleaning inner surface cheeks is carried out in a similar way;
  • removal of food deposits between teeth is carried out using dental floss;
  • you need to finish the procedure by rinsing your mouth special means– rinse aid.

The duration of brushing should be no more than 3–5 minutes – 10 seconds for each tooth. A longer procedure may cause tooth enamel to become thinner.

Criteria for selecting basic oral care products

Leading sanitary and hygienic products include toothbrushes, floss, pastes and mouthwashes. Their choice should be made taking into account the structure of the jaw, the sensitivity of the teeth and other individual parameters.

The main quality criteria for toothbrushes are:

  • Design and size of the head. For children preschool age Toothbrushes with straight and equal-sized tufts of bristles are selected, the number of tufts usually does not exceed 23. Toothbrushes for teenagers and adults consist of a larger number of tufts - from 30, their location and length can be different.
  • Villi hardness. Toothbrushes with soft bristles are preferable for children under 10 years of age and people suffering from periodontal disease. Villi high degree rigidity are intended for patients with installed dental structures.
  • Handle length. Preference should be given to brushes with comfortable and non-slip handles. For children, brushes with long handles are selected, since parents will clean their teeth.

Electric toothbrushes are also available on the hygiene products market. Their advantage lies in increased cleaning power, which is achieved through intensive automated movements of the brush head.

The use of electric brushes by young children is not recommended due to their undeveloped cleaning skills.

Toothpastes are divided into hygienic and therapeutic and prophylactic. The former have a cleansing effect and freshen breath. The purpose of the second is the targeted fight against diseases of the oral cavity.

Mouthwashes are classified according to their purpose: breath freshening, anti-inflammatory, reducing tooth sensitivity, preventive. In the absence of dental pathologies, it is recommended to use products that eliminate bad breath.

Additional hygiene products

Basic oral care attributes reduce the likelihood of dental disease, but ideally you should also use additional funds. The selection of auxiliary hygiene devices and means should be carried out in accordance with the direction of their action.

To improve the quality of daily hygiene procedures, the following products are produced:

  • Tooth powders. They serve as an analogue to toothpastes, but they should not be used more than twice a week.
  • Irrigators are devices whose main functions are cleaning hard-to-reach areas of food debris and hydromassage the gums.
  • Dental brushes. Used to remove plaque under orthopedic structures.
  • Scrapers. Designed to cleanse the tongue.
Informing about the advantages and disadvantages of particular hygiene products, correct methods and the regularity of its use is carried out by a hygienist.

Professional hygiene

A set of activities carried out by a dental hygienist during sanitation (preventive examination) is aimed at analyzing the condition of teeth and gums, informing the patient about the rules and methods of hygienic procedures, and preventing tartar and caries. Professional oral hygiene includes several stages:

  1. An examination during which the condition of the oral cavity is assessed and a preventive treatment strategy is developed.
  2. Removal of dental plaque. For this purpose, ultrasonic or laser devices are used that effectively remove plaque from teeth, interdental space, and gum pockets.
  3. Polishing and grinding of enamel. The procedure allows you to slow down the appearance of dental plaque.
  4. Remineralization is the saturation of dental tissues with minerals that help prevent caries and restore tooth sensitivity.
  5. Implantation and whitening are considered as additional components of professional hygiene, the need for which depends on the condition of the teeth.

TO professional hygiene It is recommended to use it twice a year, but for some categories of people (smokers, coffee drinkers) more is recommended. frequent visit specialist - once a quarter. Professional teeth cleaning is an expensive undertaking (from 4 thousand rubles in Moscow), however, irregular visits to a specialist increases the risk of late detection of sluggishly developing dental diseases, the treatment of which can be more expensive than professional dental and oral hygiene measures.

Hello, our dear reader! Another article was prepared for you by Irina and Igor. “A smile brightens a gloomy day!” Remember this song? Indeed, everything around you turns out a little better if you approach things with a smile! But beautiful smile is impossible without paying due attention to the teeth and oral cavity as a whole.

Maintaining oral hygiene is one of the basic rules in general. Moreover, neglect of hygiene rules can have an impact adverse effect for all your digestive system. Today we will tell you everything you need to know about oral hygiene.

For what?

The need for daily care of teeth, gums and oral mucosa arises from food residues, which, due to their acidity, can destroy tooth enamel.

In addition, if food remains get stuck between the teeth, they begin to rot, which allows many pathogenic bacteria to multiply.

First, plaque forms on the teeth, which after a certain amount Over time, it can turn into tartar, which is why most gum diseases and bleeding occur.

An unpleasant odor may also appear from the mouth, since the stones consist of rotting food debris, dead cells and microbes. Tartar can also occur if a person uses low-quality toothpastes or brushes. That is why, at the first appearance unpleasant odor in the mouth, you should consult a dentist.

The neglected condition of teeth can lead to a disease such as caries, which is characterized by the presence bacterial infection, as well as the presence of inflamed areas and severe pain.

In addition, neglect of the rules of personal hygiene can also lead to the appearance of diseases such as gingivitis, periodontitis, fungal infections and lichen planus. Need I say that they will not bring anything good with them?

Which is correct?

Now let's figure out how to properly care for your oral cavity.

Proper hygiene oral cavity includes:

  • Regular gentle brushing of teeth
  • Cleaning your mouth after you eat
  • Cleaning spaces between teeth

You should brush your teeth regularly using toothpaste at least twice a day - morning and evening. Of course, ideally, you should brush your teeth every time you eat, however, it is not always possible to use a toothbrush.

You need to brush your teeth for about three minutes. Both the inside and outside should be cleaned outer surface teeth, and also do not forget about the tongue.

When brushing your teeth, it is better to choose toothpastes containing fluoride, which will help strengthen the enamel.

It is better to choose toothbrushes with soft bristles or medium-hard bristles so that they do not injure the gums. In addition, do not forget to change the brushes in a timely manner; as a rule, they need to be changed after 3 months of use or more often.

To clean the interdental spaces, dentists recommend using dental floss. If you don’t already have this item in your arsenal, we strongly advise you to purchase it and learn how to use it.

Since the use of such a floss ensures proper cleaning and prevents the development of tartar. Dental floss should be used every time after meals or at least once a day.

For many people, the problem of fresh breath comes first. It happens that rinses and chewing gum They only remove the unpleasant odor for a while, and then it returns again.

If for some reason you are still putting off going to the doctor, and the problem of breathing is urgent for you, we recommend that you e-book “Fresh breath. How to get rid of bad breath without drugs" . It will help you quickly overcome this difficulty and no longer remember your problem.


First you need to include in your schedule preventive examinations at the dentist. It is recommended to do such examinations at least once every six months.

It is not at all necessary that you need dental treatment. The doctor can carry out preventive measures against plaque and tartar, and also whiten your teeth.

Besides, important prevention diseases of the oral cavity is the refusal bad habits and balanced, which involves limiting or avoiding foods rich in sugar and starch.

All these measures are not that difficult to implement, and as a result you will get a gorgeous smile!

Tell us how often do you brush or floss? Are you afraid to visit the dentist, as many people are? What personal prevention measures do you follow?

Thank you for your attention! And we are already starting to write for you new article! The topic will be of interest to many, we promise! Subscribe to blog updates so you don't miss out. See you soon.

Best regards, Irina and Igor

How to brush your teeth correctly

The traditional and usual way is to clean with a toothbrush. oral cavity from microorganisms and plaque.

Cleaning the side surfaces of teeth from the outside and inside:

  1. place the bristles at the base of the gum under acute angle, approximately 45 degrees;
  2. move towards the tooth and sweep away deposits from the gums and enamel, while moving, turn the handle so that the bristles on the chewing surface of the tooth are at right angles to the side surface;
  3. Without touching the side surface of the teeth and gums, move the bristles to the base of the gums;
  4. repeat at least 10 times.

The movements should be sweeping, in the vertical direction - when moving along the side of the dentition perpendicular to the interdental spaces, plaque moves between the teeth.

Cleaning the chewing surface:

  • position the bristles perpendicularly;
  • move back and forth parallel to the outer and inner lateral surfaces of the teeth;
  • When finished, remove plaque from the gaps with dental floss.

In the beginning hygiene procedure rinse your mouth, rinse the stubble with clean hands, apply a little paste, combine the movements described above into a certain pattern, for example:

  • The outer surface on the left - the front teeth - the right outer side.
  • Inner surface on the right - front teeth - left inner side.
  • The chewing surface is on the left, then on the right.

Brush the teeth of the other jaw in the same way.

Cleaning the oral cavity according to this scheme takes about 4 minutes, teeth are brushed in the morning and evening.

How to store a toothbrush

To avoid dental diseases and inflammation of the mucous membrane, after oral hygiene, wash the bristles with warm water and soap, lather and leave until next use.

The bathroom is a convenient, but not the best place to store a toothbrush. Humidity, heat, darkness - favorable conditions for the reproduction of microorganisms.

Between uses, the bristles should be kept dry and free from dust and insects. It is permissible to store a toothbrush in a plastic case only when traveling.

Modern portable toothbrush sterilizers are battery-powered; an ultraviolet ozone lamp destroys most bacteria on the bristles.

Once every few days, disinfect the bristles by briefly immersing them in a pile of alcohol, mouth rinse, 3%.

Store the brush in vertical position Handle down - this way the bristles dry faster. To prevent the spread of pathogenic bacteria, use an individual cup or holder.

How to choose a toothbrush

For proper oral hygiene and prevention of mucosal diseases, it is necessary to choose the right toothbrush.

Stubble from artificial fiber meets all hygienic requirements, better than natural, there is no channel inside the villi, the surface is smooth, the end is rounded.

One of the main parameters is the stiffness of the bristles, there are only five degrees: very hard, hard, medium, soft, very soft.

If there are no oral diseases, medium-hard brushes are suitable for most adults.

Children's toothbrushes have soft and very soft bristles.

Very stiff bristles are used to clean the enamel of smokers' teeth.

When choosing a toothbrush, you should pay attention to the frequency of the tufts; the optimal distance between the tufts is 2.5mm. Excessively frequent placement makes maintenance and hygienic treatment difficult and does not allow cleaning hard-to-reach surfaces. As a rule, each beam has a cone-shaped shape, which facilitates penetration into the interdental spaces.

A classic brush - with tufts of the same length, which are located in parallel. This design copes well with and does not injure the gums.

The head on which the tufts of villi are attached should not be excessively long. The small head makes it easier to clean the oral cavity; its area allows you to avoid making additional movements.

The optimal size of a toothbrush head for adults is 7-11mm wide, up to 30mm long, for children – 17-25mm long.

The toothbrush is replaced with a new one once a month. Some models are equipped with a special indicator - colored fibers; at the end of the period they discolor to the middle. Over a month of use, a maximum of microorganisms accumulate in the bristles - the hygiene product becomes a breeding ground for infection. The toothbrush also requires replacement if the bristles begin to fall out, lose their shape, or become shorter.

After past illness oral mucosa - to prevent re-infection - it is worth replacing even an almost new brush.

Some people use an electric toothbrush. According to modern research, this device has no special advantages.

A certain convenience lies in the quick mechanical execution of the number of movements necessary for hygiene. Also, an electric toothbrush helps children and the elderly perform precise coordinated movements.

Choosing a toothpaste

Hygienic. This group contains children's varieties; they do not contain medicinal substances, they are intended exclusively for oral hygiene.

Children's pastes are characterized by reduced abrasiveness and the concentration of various additives. After six years, a child can use adult toothpastes - if they do not cause discomfort.

Therapeutic and prophylactic. Toothpastes of this variety clean and provide healing effect. To prevent caries, they contain fluoride compounds. In its pure form, the element is poisonous, but in small quantities necessary for bone tissue.

  1. Rinse your mouth for a long time with a warm decoction of sage and yarrow - hold the liquid in your mouth for several minutes.
  2. A piece of camphor attached to a diseased tooth with chewing gum helps.

Recipe for caries:

  • mix 2 parts of oregano, 2 parts of St. John's wort, 4 parts.
  • Brew 300 ml of boiling water 3 tbsp. mixture, simmer over low heat for 2 minutes, leave for 2 hours, strain.

Use for oral hygiene and elimination of bad odor 2-3 times a day.

Remedies for stomatitis:

  • Rinse your mouth with a seven-day infusion.
  • Wash fresh herb, chop, 2 tbsp. pour a glass sea ​​buckthorn oil, leave in a cool, dark place for two days, strain.

Lubricate the oral mucosa several times a day.

  • Brew 1 tsp. St. John's wort and 1 tbsp. chamomile in a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain.

Rinse the mouth in case of diseases of the mucous membrane.

It is useful to chew fresh parsley - it is a wonderful antiseptic and promotes wound healing. Take orally a mixture of parsley, fresh and potato juices (2 tablespoons four times a day), as well as a mixture of parsley, carrot and potato juices (3 tablespoons once a day).

Eliminating bad breath:

  • rinse your mouth with 3% hydrogen peroxide 3-4 times a day.
  • Wash and peel 50g of horseradish root, mince, add a glass of vodka, leave for 3 days, strain.

Add a few drops to a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth.

Folk remedies for antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects in diseases of the oral mucosa:

  • Grind fresh horseradish root in a blender and squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth.

Add to warm water and rinse your mouth several times a day.

  • chop 3 tbsp. leaves, 1 tsp. calendula flowers, brew with two glasses of boiling water, simmer for 10 minutes in a water bath, let cool, strain.

Use for rinsing.

  • rinse your mouth with fresh cabbage juice diluted with the same amount of warm water.

Treatment of gingivitis, periodontitis:

  • massage the gums with fir oil;
  • mix 3 parts oak bark, 2 parts linden color, brew 1 tbsp. mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain.

Use for rinsing.

Folk remedies for healing wounds and ulcers in diseases of the oral cavity:

  • Brew 2 tbsp. crushed leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain.

Rinse your mouth with warm infusion.

  • Brew 1 tsp. marsh cudweed herb with a glass of boiling water, leave for 45 minutes, strain.

Rinse your mouth to heal the mucous membrane.

Modified: 11/27/2018