How to use Oral B dental floss correctly. Oral B dental floss - high quality at an affordable price

One of the important attributes of ideal hygiene oral cavity is Oral-B dental floss. We'll tell you about its advantages, how to use such a product, and reviews from those who have been using floss from this company on an ongoing basis for a long time.

A person who is attentive to the condition of his teeth notices that regular brushing with paste and brush is not enough. Bacteria and food debris still accumulate between the teeth and lead to the formation of tartar, caries and periodontal disease. Therefore, additional devices are needed for high-quality cleansing of the entire oral cavity.

About the manufacturer

Procter & Gambel created a separate brand back in 1950, which is positioned on the market as a company focused on caring for teeth and surrounding tissues. All its products are presented the best views various brushes, pastes, rinses, etc. And since 1995, it has also been producing dental floss, otherwise called floss.

By 1998, Oral-B had provided the world with a wide variety of product options suitable for cleaning even problematic rows with large or too narrow spacing. Today, this company remains a leader among similar manufacturers of dental products.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the latest models from Oral-B, dental floss consists of 144 incredibly thin nylon (or silk) fibers that are intertwined in a special way. Each of them is additionally coated with a special polymer, and sometimes with wax, which makes sliding and penetration convenient even into the most hard to reach places.

Due to the complex structure and high-quality coating, the optimal size and width of the thread is achieved, as well as its high strength and elasticity. Let us list the main advantages that distinguish dental floss of this brand from all other manufacturers:

  • product strength, resistance to tearing and delamination;
  • elasticity of the material;
  • high-quality cleansing of all interdental spaces;
  • careful attitude towards the mucous membrane when touching;
  • ease of use;
  • compact and airtight packaging that keeps unused thread clean;
  • The kit includes a special knife that easily cuts off the required edge;
  • variety of products makes it possible to choose the most suitable shape threads specifically for your needs (for cracks and gaps, crowded teeth, reversal of the crown, etc.);
  • some tapes are made in a special way, due to which a large amount of surface is cleaned;
  • individual products swell under the influence of saliva, which increases the quality of treatment of the gingival and cervical area;
  • are also intended for cleaning various orthodontic structures and fixed dentures;
  • polymer coating reduces friction and increases the ease of sliding of the floss along the tooth surface;
  • Among the range of products there are products with a pleasant smell of cool mint, which additionally helps to freshen your breath after the procedure;
  • special fiber surface treatment antiseptic solutions warns various diseases teeth and gums.

Oral-B thread has no disadvantages as such. Some buyers only complain about the relatively high price of the products, but it is fully justified by the good quality and reliability of use.

Varieties of threads from Oral Bee

The product line is presented in separate options, which are selected depending on the specific problems of the person who will use them. At the same time, the products differ in the presence different coatings. First time buyers of dental floss may be wondering, waxed or unwaxed, which is better? There is no clear answer here. Eg:

  • the first, due to its coating, has high sliding properties, easy penetration into any gaps, increased strength and a gentle effect on the mucous membrane;
  • the second one is different high level friction, which makes it possible to clean even complex plaque with the highest quality possible, and when individual fibers break, it helps to remove excess bacteria from a larger area.

Other varieties include:

  • flat floss - for the narrowest spaces, works well with high crowding of units;
  • round – for sufficient space between teeth;
  • special ones with a large width - designed for people with trema, diastema, noticeable gaps in the row.

Satin Floss

Presented in the form of a very thin and flat thread that can reach the narrowest places. Cleans the surface of the tooth and gums even with high crowding. The manufacturer highlights the following features:

  • natural silk fibers facilitate good cleaning and easy wrapping on fingers;
  • The softness of the material is suitable for people with sensitive gums prone to and;
  • even with active use the threads do not break or get stuck between the teeth;
  • the structure of the product uses a two-layer base, which has the best effect on cleaning results;
  • mint impregnation additionally freshens breath;
  • the polymer shell prevents the thread from slipping in your hands, which increases the ease of use;
  • Due to the softness and naturalness of silk, it is gentle on the enamel, mucous membranes and skin of the fingers.

The case contains a thread 25 meters long, and the price varies about 200 rubles, depending on the specific supplier.

Super Floss

Designed not only for cleaning teeth, but also various orthodontic structures - braces, dentures. Sold immediately in the form of ready-to-use pieces. The thread itself consists of three elements:

  1. Solid fiber in the form of a rigid tip, which helps to penetrate into any gaps between the teeth and artificial products.
  2. The spongy part that removes plaque and food debris from the orthodontic structure itself.
  3. Regular floss section for standard cleaning interdental space.

It is thanks to this structure that it is possible to achieve maximum quality hygiene care for teeth even with installed braces or dentures. The package is supposed to contain 50 ready-made threads at a price of about 300-350 rubles.

Essential Floss

It can be either in a waxed version or without this coating, at the client’s choice. But this product line offers the following advantages:

  • nylon threads in an amount of more than 100 pieces are coated with a polymer composition and reliably woven into one piece;
  • There are options with or without a pleasant mint flavor;
  • The case contains a thread 50 meters long, which will ensure long-term use.

One package sells for 200-260 rubles.


An effective thread for maximum removal of plaque and stuck food particles, even in hard-to-reach places. It significantly improves the quality of cleaning after using a regular toothbrush. It differs from others in the following characteristics:

  • due to thin thread can penetrate even the narrowest spaces;
  • is able to thoroughly clean the gums and adjacent tissues;
  • the high strength of the product prevents the risk of fiber rupture or delamination during use;
  • fits well in the hands;
  • easy sliding minimizes damage to the mucous membrane;
  • a pleasant aroma will freshen your breath.

One package contains 25 meters of dental floss at a price of 140-240 rubles, depending on the point of sale.

How to use it correctly?

Constant use of floss along with a toothbrush and toothpaste will provide the oral cavity with proper care and prevent many diseases. This thread can improve the condition of the gums, eliminate all pathogenic bacteria from surfaces, prevent caries and inflammatory processes, and also neutralize harmful acids. In order for this product to bring maximum benefit, you need to carefully read the instructions:

  1. Before opening the lid of the package, wash your hands thoroughly and dry them.
  2. Then pull the thread and cut a piece of approximately 20-40 cm.
  3. Wind on index fingers so that there is at least 5 cm of ready-to-use section between them.
  4. Gently insert the fibers between the teeth, reaching the gum itself, but do not press on the mucous membrane.
  5. Using sweeping movements, clean the surface, moving from the soft tissues to the cutting edge of the crown.
  6. This is done in each interdental area, moving the contaminated section of the thread further and using only a clean section.

Good afternoon, evening, or whatever is on your watch right now, dear readers. Today I will tell you how Oral B floss helps improve oral hygiene and protect our teeth. No, I am not trying to write an ode to the manufacturer and will not claim that all others are worse or do not meet any requirements. I personally just came across specific products and decided to try them.

Dental floss Oral-B - how to choose the best one for yourself

About dental floss

Once, while watching another toothbrush advertisement, I thought about what the “dentist” was saying in the video. According to him, this device will remove almost all plaque and food debris. But is this possible? I am a very skeptical person by nature. My friends jokingly nicknamed me Doubting Thomas because I tend to test any statements.

I also often heard from various friends that floss is harmful to the gums and can even cause teeth to become loose.

It just so happened that in a few days I had a visit to the dentist. It was to him that I asked this simple question. The answer destroyed all advertising theses. The doctor told me that the only way to remove food debris from between teeth is by using dental floss. No toothpicks, much less pins or anything else. Such dental abuse is traumatic. Rumors about the harm of threads have no basis. They are recommended by the world's leading dental experts.

After the visit to the doctor, I went home, where I immediately started searching on the Internet different types dental floss. I rummaged through forums, websites, read reviews and comments. Oh, how many hidden advertisements I came across during the process. As it turned out, this product is produced by everyone who is not too lazy. These are Lacalut, Sensodyne, Rich, Jordan, Oral-B, R.O.C.S and many more brands unknown to me personally.

My “firstborn” was Satin floss with mint flavor. The manufacturer was not important to me then. Therefore, I simply chose a thread that was recommended on one forum, which seemed not fake to me. The result is that I had 25 meters of material for testing.

The first experience was not as easy as I thought. All because I didn't have any flossing skills. It seemed to me that you just need to slide a piece of material between your teeth and that’s it. It is naive to believe that you know everything without asking a specialist. But going to the dentist with such a question was stupid. That's why I decided to torture the search engine again. As a result, I found a quite intelligible video on Youtube, where three dimensional man showed me how to do everything.

It turns out that it was necessary to turn the thread at an angle, clean out the remaining food that got there from under the gums, and many other tricks. At first I was scared to do as they showed. The thread penetrated too deeply under soft fabrics.

Oral-B Satin Floss - photo

In general, the presence of mint flavor in the thread is a big plus. Because the feeling of an “object” in your mouth is not very pleasant. And so no particular discomfort. Another plus of the model I chose is convenience. It is soft and does not put pressure on the fingers and gums.

Video - Oral-B dental floss

Superman among dental floss

Having dealt with “satin”, I decided to try other products. The first thing I did was go through the line from Oral-B.

My child is correcting his bite and brushing his teeth is a whole problem for him. I bought him a special one. Now it's time for dental floss for braces. What was needed was a specialized one, suitable for removing plaque and food debris with dental corrective structures installed. Among what I saw on sale, I liked two or three based on the description. All that remained was to choose a worthy candidate among them.

I found a suitable thread by accident when I was running to the pharmacy for vitamins. Everything coincided - suitable price, having the required amount in your wallet is a real need. In general, when I saw the Super floss model, I became curious what was so super about it and how convenient and effective it would be.

  1. One of the advantages is the presence of a holder. This is where I felt the convenience to the fullest.
  2. The second advantage is that it is inexpensive, relative to what you can buy.
  3. Also suitable for people who have had bridge-type dentures.

In general, when choosing orthodontic hygiene products, it is better not to skimp. Health is always more valuable.

I immediately went to YouTube, where I quickly found a funny video of a middle-aged black lady showing how to floss if you wear braces. She showed it quite clearly why she deserves respect.

If you want to watch it in person, find her channel. It is signed there BRACES4AQUARIOUSCHIC. She has a lot of useful things for braces owners

And in general, there are a lot of videos about “Super floss” on the Internet. I can confirm from myself – it works, it’s convenient, it’s simple. Plus a nice price, for a good one trademark, famous all over the world.

Professional expert - “experiment No. 3”

There are two types of people. Some people choose a product, use it constantly, praise it, and don’t even look at others. Like Apple owners. I prefer to try different things, compare, evaluate. Therefore, having an iPhone in my pocket, I am happy to test various equipment from other manufacturers. For this very reason, having not yet “finished” 25 meters of my “satin”, I decided to buy a new thread.

The new guinea pig was a thread from the same Oral B called Pro Expert. After reading the inscriptions on the packaging, I learned that the “Pro Expert Clinic Line” model with mint should have increased strength and not flake. The manufacturer also promised ease of movement and protection from gum injuries.

To make the product, we used reliable monofilament with the name palytetrafluaroe thylenetype, which is unreadable to me personally. I didn’t bother to find out what it was.

Practice has shown - effective thing. It really doesn’t flake and is very comfortable in itself. The mint flavor is noticeable. YouTube no longer bothered me, because you need to use it just like any other thread. I did not find any difficulties during operation.

Now I use “expert” and “satin” in turn. I personally like this option. Both flosses do their job well. In general, I am pleased with the feeling of lightness and cleanliness in my mouth. When I only used brushes, I didn’t feel anything like this. Still, there is so much debris stuck between the teeth that you shouldn’t be surprised why caries begins to form there.

Essential toothpick

Yep, that’s exactly how Google translated the name Essential Floss to me. I don’t know what the people who came up with this name had in mind. But I’ll say right away - Oral-B Essential Floss will not spoil your nerves. The product is very smart.

Pros I found:

  • does not exfoliate;
  • convenient packaging that opens so you can see how much thread is left;
  • high-quality cutting knife;
  • well thought out design. It has a normal hole for the thread, nothing gets tangled or stuck;
  • pleasant fresh taste and aroma. Personally, I chose mint. It's marked with a green stripe and Mint, so you can't go wrong.
  • The thread is thin, therefore suitable for the narrowest interdental spaces;
  • special wax coating.

Try, experiment, choose the thread that suits you until you find one or more options that would completely suit you.

And remember - without this simple and convenient device, complete teeth cleaning is impossible. If you don’t believe me, ask any dentist, he will confirm this to you.

Have I tried other brands of dental floss? Yes, I came across several different ones. They weren't that much worse, but they were inferior in convenience. In some the thread got stuck, in others there was a dull knife to cut it off. In general, I simply chose the options that received 5 out of 5 points on most points. Yes, there are cheaper ones, I don’t argue. But the quality of such products is not always satisfactory.

Now I’m used to Oral b and buy Satin floss for myself and orthodontic “Super floss” for my child. Personally, I am satisfied with everything in terms of price, quality and comfort of use. That rare case, when I can even recommend such a purchase to other people without fear that I will be scolded for such advice.

Instructions for using floss

Let's give a short step by step instructions on the use of dental floss.

Note! If the thread is used for the first time, the gums, unaccustomed to such treatment, may bleed as plaque is removed. If so, continue to floss - this problem should soon disappear. Your gums, in turn, will become healthier.

If bleeding does not stop for several days, you should consult a doctor. But before that, it is advisable to check whether you are using dental floss correctly.

This is where my story ends. If anything else appears on this topic, I will definitely write. It is quite possible that you will get your hands on a couple more threads from this or some other manufacturer. Therefore, subscribe to updates. Don't forget to leave your comments!

Video - How to floss

Most often, for oral hygiene you use only a brush and toothpaste. But with such a standard set it is not always possible to reach hard-to-reach areas and thoroughly clean all teeth. From our article you will learn how to use dental floss correctly, why dental floss is needed, what is the difference between waxed and unwaxed products, and what is better for braces.

Dental floss can be used as an additional hygiene product. By properly cleaning the interdental space with a special fiber, you prevent the occurrence of caries and other diseases of the jaw system. Dental floss can be made from silk particles or artificial polymers.

Besides, this device helps a lot with oral hygiene for people with established orthodontic systems, since you need to use dental floss with braces mandatory. Without dental floss, it is very difficult to clean the space under these systems and between the elements, so you will certainly hear from your orthodontist recommendations on what dental floss to use to care for your braces.

Types of dental floss and selection rules

There are two types of dental floss: waxed and unwaxed. What are the features of each of them? Waxed dental floss is suitable for those people who have never used this hygiene product before. It will not harm the gums and mucous membranes. The advantage of unwaxed dental floss is that it cleans teeth much more effectively because it consists of several parts, which better ensures contact with the dirty surface. Looking at the photo you can see an example of unwaxed Oral B floss.

Before purchasing floss for cleaning your teeth, you should pay attention to the size of their cross-section. We will also tell you how to choose dental floss depending on the location of your teeth and their condition.

  1. If your specialty is large gaps between teeth, then it is better to purchase a product with a round cross-section, for example, the “Dental Floss” model from Splat.
  2. Accordingly, for closely spaced and crowded teeth, dental floss with a flat cross-section should be selected. For example, Oral B Essential Floss is a good choice.
  3. In case of periodontal disease, it is better to buy bulk floss for dental care, since during use it tends to swell slightly. This makes it possible to more effectively clean bare necks and roots. Bulk threads are widely represented by different manufacturing companies: Splat, Oral Bee, Sensodyne and others.
  4. When wearing orthodontic appliances, it is better to use the so-called superfloss. In other words – combined dental fiber. Superfloss has sections with variable diameters, ensuring that flossing with braces will be carried out with the highest quality. Superflosses are also produced by Oral Bee and other well-known brands on the market.

Dental floss is sometimes impregnated with various compounds. For example, fluoride helps prevent caries. Impregnation antiseptic has a therapeutic effect. Sometimes aromatic substances are added to the composition, which refreshes the oral cavity and makes the cleaning process very pleasant. However, such threads cannot be used permanently.

How to properly brush your teeth with floss?

Many people wonder how to use dental floss for the best results. effective hygiene. In addition, people are concerned about how often they need to resort to help of this product. The main rule is to use threads regularly. It is ideal if you brush your teeth with them after every meal. But nightly treatment followed by thorough rinsing of the mouth is also allowed. We invite you to learn in detail how to brush your teeth with dental floss.

  1. Before the procedure, you should wash your hands well using antibacterial soap.
  2. For cleaning you will need from 20 to 40 cm of thread.
  3. Wrap the torn piece around your index fingers. There should be 3 to 5 cm in the gap.
  4. How to use floss correctly? Carefully insert the floss into the interdental space and carefully begin to move it like a saw. Do not press on your gums while doing this.
  5. After cleaning one section, it is recommended to discard the used thread and prepare a new section. According to dentists, this is the most the right approach, and it is true. The problem is that it is very uneconomical. You can focus on the condition of the piece of thread you are using and change it as needed, but do not get carried away with saving.
  6. Using this principle, you should go over all contact surfaces of the teeth. As you can see, the instructions for use are very easy.

If the fiber breaks the moment you pull it out of the interdental space, you probably got a low-quality product. Either you have carious cavity or chip, which should not be ignored. If such difficulties arise, it is better for you to make an appointment with a dentist. For a more in-depth understanding of the process, watch this video that demonstrates in detail how to floss.

Popular brands of dental floss

Available on store shelves big variety dental floss. Various marketing videos advertise a product of a particular brand. Among such abundance it is very easy to get confused. How much does this product cost on average? There are cheap models, up to about 100 rubles. There are also more expensive ones that will cost you 250-300 rubles. Let's look at a few popular brands so you can understand the differences between them.

  1. Oral B Super Floss. Suitable for people wearing braces and other orthodontic devices, it has a non-standard structure. In addition to regular thread, the product is equipped with sponge fiber and a rigid holder that secures the floss. Oral Bee products are produced in pre-measured pieces, which is very convenient for the buyer when cleaning their teeth.
  2. Sensodyne Floss Total Care. This model has bulk fiber, sodium fluoride, fragrance and wax impregnation. The voluminous fiber fills the interdental space, effectively clearing it of food debris.
  3. Splat Dental Floss. The manufacturer produces these threads with various aromatic additives: bergamot, lime, strawberry. There is a thread with silver fibers that have an antibacterial effect on the surface being cleaned.

When choosing a thread for daily use You don’t need to pay attention only to the manufacturer. Take into account the peculiarities of the structure and location of your teeth, pay attention to the presence of gaps between them or, conversely, to excessive crowding. You can contact your dentist or orthodontist for advice.

From our article you learned why dental floss is needed and what benefits it has. In conclusion, we invite you to watch a video about the use of this hygiene product. The charismatic presenter will talk about many aspects of modern flossing. The video shows how to use thread, how to choose it correctly, and also discusses the most popular models on the market.

The Oral-B company has gained fame in the global market for manufacturers of hygiene products for oral care. The products of this company are not limited to toothpastes, brushes and rinses; their product range also includes floss. They are designed to thoroughly clean hard-to-reach areas between teeth. The quality of Oral-B products meets international standards, so all products are popular among the population. If you are not sure about the effectiveness that Oral B (dental floss) provides, the photos and information below will help dispel all doubts.

The main advantages of floss thread

For those who only use toothbrush, it will be useful to know that after such a procedure there are still pieces of food left in the interdental spaces. But the use of floss allows you to achieve greater cleanliness in the oral cavity. Therefore, it is recommended by dentists and the Oral Bee company. It cleans the interdental spaces, gum line and surface of the teeth.

The latest developments by Oral-B specialists are as follows: the structure of the floss consists of one and a half hundred of the finest nylon fibers enclosed in a polymer shell. These fibers are woven together, thereby achieving a monostructural product. The unity of the fiber makes flossing easier. The product does not delaminate, does not cling in the interdental spaces, and does not tear during cleaning.

"Oral bi" (dental floss) has increased elasticity. This quality helps to easily penetrate into places inaccessible to the brush and completely rid the teeth of food debris.

Polymerization of the fiber facilitates the process of brushing teeth. The thread does not slip in your hands during the process, which makes the procedure quick and convenient thanks to improvements from Oral Bee.

Dental floss is impregnated with a special composition that prevents the occurrence of caries, and also protects tooth enamel and helps strengthen it. Mint flavor medicinal composition guarantees freshness in the oral cavity for some time after using the floss.

The compact packaging is very convenient and allows you to carry the thread with you. The case prevents contamination of the product, and the thread trimmer makes it easy to separate the required amount of floss.

The price of the product is affordable, which allows people of all income levels to use floss for oral care and teeth cleaning.

Variety of types and features of Oral Bee products

Dental floss is available in a wide range. Species diversity allows anyone to choose the optimal type of product, taking into account the individual wishes of each person.

When purchasing Oral-B floss for interdental cleaning for the first time, you should pay attention to waxed floss. His distinctive features provide maximum ease of use:

  1. The thread easily penetrates into all hard-to-reach places and glides during cleaning without any difficulty.
  2. Increased strength avoids thread breakage.
  3. The effect on the gums is gentler than when using unwaxed floss.

The wax coating of the thread allows it to be used by those people whose teeth are located close to each other. The sliding surface of the floss facilitates penetration into all hard-to-reach areas between the teeth.

But floss without a wax coating is more effective at removing plaque from teeth and cleaning the gum line. This is due to its increased friction against tooth enamel.

Flosses can also be selected according to such parameters as their cross-section. The individual location of teeth in the oral cavity requires the use of threads of different thicknesses:

  • if there are very narrow spaces between the teeth, then it is necessary to use a thread with a flat cross-section;
  • The round cross-section of the floss allows you to effectively clean large interdental spaces;
  • people who have too large a gap between their teeth (diastema) can use a special tape with an increased section width.

In order for a person to choose a product that meets his needs, we will consider in more detail some types of threads of the Oral Bee brand.

"Satin floss" and its purpose

The product "Oral Bee" - dental floss "Satin floss", is presented in an assortment, has a flat section like a ribbon. With its help, it is possible to clean hard-to-reach narrow interdental spaces. Thanks to this, the tooth surface will be clean, as well as the entire oral cavity.

Features of the thread "Satin floss"

What are the features of this type of floss? To answer this question, we should consider in detail the structure of the thread and the materials used:

  • This type The thread is made from natural silk fibers. It is this material that ensures the unhindered sliding of the floss between the teeth, which helps keep the oral cavity clean. The thread is easy to use: it is easy to wind it around your fingers.
  • The material of the thread is quite soft, which allows you to use Satin floss for painful and bleeding gums.
  • The thread is firmly woven and does not break, it does not become shaggy during the cleaning procedure, and does not cause discomfort.
  • The two-layer nature of the product increases the efficiency of removing both soft plaque and hard food particles.
  • The thread is soaked in a solution with a pleasant mint smell. After the procedure, you will feel a fresh smell in your mouth.
  • The thread does not slip in your hands thanks to the polymer coating; the same coating protects the delicate skin of the gums and fingers from injury.

The thread is supplied with a packaging case. The length of the product is 25 m. The price of the thread with packaging is within 2 hundred rubles, which is not so much, considering quite high quality product.

Who is the Superfloss thread suitable for?

"Oral Bee" (dental floss "Superfloss") is intended for those people who have dentures and braces installed in their mouths. If the structure of a person’s jaws is such that there are wide spaces between the teeth, then the best option threads in in this case- "Superfloss".

The structure of the Superfloss thread, its characteristics

There is another option proposed by Oral Bee - dental floss for braces. It has a three-component fiber, which allows you to achieve best quality cleaning the oral cavity. Each component plays its role in the teeth cleaning process:

  • solid fibers of the thread are able to clean out food debris even under dentures;
  • the spongy structure of the fiber allows you to remove plaque that appears around the braces;
  • a regular thread allows you to remove plaque in places where there are no insert structures.

The polymer shell makes the thread convenient to use and does not cause discomfort when cleaning. The mint flavor freshens breath and enhances the feeling of cleanliness in the mouth.

The package of Superfloss thread includes 50 pieces, ready for use. The price in pharmacies and on store shelves fluctuates around 300 rubles.

Using thread

Cleaning your teeth with floss is the prevention of diseases such as caries. is not able to completely remove food debris from the spaces between the teeth. Food begins to decompose, which causes damage to the enamel and the appearance of caries soon. The thread is good remedy, allowing you to clean the oral cavity more effectively. Food that gets under the gums causes bleeding and leads to periodontal disease. Dental floss prevents this. The condition of your gums noticeably improves after regular flossing.

Well-groomed teeth and healthy gums have great importance for humans both in an aesthetic and functional sense. People with special attention choose oral care products - toothbrushes, toothpastes, rinses. One of irreplaceable means Oral Bi dental floss, which allows you to remove dirt in places inaccessible to a brush and toothpick, and get rid of plaque on your own.

What material are Oral-B threads made from?

Threads or floss have several types, this makes it possible to choose a product taking into account individual characteristics person. The following categories are distinguished:

  • Natural and artificial;
  • Waxed and unwaxed;
  • Tape and round;
  • Differing in thickness (diameter);
  • Different types of impregnation;
  • For use on teeth only and suitable for cleaning orthodontic appliances.

Natural products include silk products - classic version floss, to artificial ones - from nylon, acetate and nylon.

Waxed, i.e. impregnated with wax, more convenient for use by beginners. The smooth thread easily penetrates into the spaces between the teeth and is not capable of damaging the gums. Unwaxed models are more difficult to get used to; their use requires certain skills, the mastery of which is necessary to maintain the integrity of the soft tissues of the oral mucosa.

Dental floss has contraindications. For example, Oral Bee, like other brands of dental floss, are not intended for use by children under eight years of age. Children over eight are recommended to use the product only in the presence of adults.

All people have different distances between their teeth, so everyone chooses the most suitable floss thickness for themselves. So, for tightly set teeth, a super-thin thread is suitable, and for rare teeth, using a thicker thread will be more effective.

The most popular impregnations for Oral Bee floss are:

  1. Menthol, breath freshening;
  2. With sodium fluoride, protecting against caries and enamel destruction;
  3. Anti-inflammatory impregnations with chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide.

Thus, dental floss not only cleans, but also takes care of fresh breath and prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, strengthen enamel, destroy harmful bacteria.

Floss Oral Bee has a polymer shell that can fight plaque much more effectively than products from other manufacturers.

Why choose this brand, and what are its features?

Oral Bee is a time-tested and user-tested brand. It is recommended not only by patients, but also professional dentists, based on successful statistics on the effectiveness and efficiency of using the products of this brand.

Oral Bee is one of the few manufacturers that cares about people who are forced to wear braces or dentures. Everyone knows that they need daily careful care to avoid infection, inflammatory processes and other possible complications.

Superfloss dental floss was developed by Oral Bee specifically for this purpose. Externally, it differs from the ordinary one in that it is presented in the form of separate segments, which along their length have different thickness and density.

Dental floss cannot fully replace a toothbrush. The brush fights bacteria much more effectively and polishes tooth enamel better. It is more effective to use the products in tandem: first brush with Oral Bee floss, then brush your teeth traditionally with a brush and toothpaste, preferably from the same company.

Each spool is sold in a special container that prevents the unused portion of the floss from becoming contaminated. Its small size makes possible use products anywhere and anytime, the reel is convenient to carry with you even in your pocket.

The highest quality and customer care make Oral Bee unrivaled in the oral care industry.

Varieties of products presented by the manufacturer

Oral B tries to provide for everything possible features client related to the hygiene of teeth and nearby mucous membranes. Therefore, the flosses produced by the company have various characteristics, various purposes and functionality, differ in shape and impregnation.

Before trying this or that type of dental floss for the first time, it is worth consulting with a dentist, who will suggest a product in accordance with the distance between the teeth and other features of the patient’s dentofacial apparatus.

Super Floss

Oral-B Super Floss is aimed at caring for the dental system of people with braces or other orthodontic structures, as well as for interdental spaces that are very wide compared to the standard.

Super Floss Oral Bee is sold in the form of ready-made pieces that can be used immediately after purchasing the product. The appearance and structure of the thread differ significantly from other types of similar products of this brand. All segments are represented by three departments, each of which has its own purpose:

  • The pointed elastic tip, denser than the rest of the segment, allows the floss to reach the most inaccessible areas, for example, under the bracket arch;
  • The main part (regular floss) is intended for classic cleaning of teeth in the interdental spaces and directly near the gums;
  • The thicker sponge part is able to clean the braces from the smallest food debris and plaque.

This structure helps to achieve the maximum expected effect. Oral Bee Super Floss dental floss, like other types of this brand, is coated with a polymer film that makes it easier to fight plaque and tartar. Typically, mint flavoring is used for impregnation.

Essential Floss

Oral-B Essential Floss comes in two variations - waxed (waxed) and waxed (unwaxed). Both have nylon fibers covered with a polymer sheath. The thread is so strong and reliable that it does not break when in contact with the narrowest spaces between the teeth. Varieties with and without mint impregnation are presented. The approximate length of each skein is about 50 meters in one reel.

Pro-Expert (Pro Expert)

Oral bi Pro Expert dental floss is used primarily to remove plaque in hard-to-reach places. Its unique thinness allows it to penetrate into the narrowest crevices and remove dirt in places as close as possible to the gum pocket. The thread is strong enough and safe to use (not capable of injuring soft tissue). The length of one coil is about 25 meters.

Satin Floss

Oral-B Satin Floss is a strip-type floss whose flat shape allows for penetration into the narrowest interdental spaces. The product is so strong and flexible that the likelihood of rupture is reduced to zero. This type of product has the following features:

  • The floss is made from natural silk;
  • The softness and naturalness of the thread is optimal for gums with increased sensitivity;
  • During operation, the model does not delaminate;
  • Mint impregnation freshens breath.

Oral Bee Satin Floss dental floss, thanks to its classic polymer coating, does not slip from your hands and is convenient for wrapping around your fingers. Winding length 25 meters.

How to properly use Oral-B dental floss?

The use of Oral Bi dental floss helps preserve minerals in tooth tissue and reduces the level of acidity in the mouth. Regular flossing can prevent tooth decay and improve gum health.

There are recommended instructions for using dental floss, following which guarantees excellent results. Firstly, before you start using floss, you should consult with your dentist, who will help you choose the most suitable floss model. Secondly, if you have gum or dental diseases, you should first undergo their treatment. Finally, when using this product, do not forget about personal hygiene; you must wash your hands thoroughly before the procedure.