Pediculosis: treatment and prevention measures. Remedies for head lice (effective, modern, inexpensive) - classification and characteristics, list, rules of use, reviews and price, photo

Like any other anti-pediculosis agents (aimed at combating lice and nits), sprays have pros and cons.

Among the advantages of using this tool are the following:

  • the spray contains substances that kill lice very quickly and at the same time practically do not harm humans;
  • the method of using the product is simple and easy to apply;
  • the spray has very few contraindications;
  • It is almost impossible to allow the dose of the drug to be exceeded.
Although lice and nit treatments come in different forms, sprays various reasons are the most popular among them

A significant drawback of the spray is that it is quite problematic to properly treat the entire skin on the head, so at least two procedures will be required.

The listed characteristics of sprays are not mandatory for all varieties this drug. Before using each separate means you need to carefully study the instructions.

As for the effectiveness of the drug compared to shampoo, the latter must be used at least three times, and its components are more dangerous for humans. In addition, such a detergent is more problematic to use than a spray.

If at least one family member is diagnosed with lice, all household members need to undergo preventive treatment

The listed features of the drug determine that it is more suitable means and for the treatment of pregnant, nursing mothers and children.

Important to remember! It is necessary to treat pediculosis during pregnancy, since constant itching causes nervous disorders in the woman, which also affects the child.

Anti-lice medications during pregnancy should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Review of popular drugs with ratings

There are many effective sprays against lice and nits, each of which has its own positive qualities and features of use.

Lavinal (rating 5 out of 5)

Spray Lavinal is based on original composition essential oils

Lavinal kills both the lice themselves and the nits. It can be used by adults and children from the age of two. Additionally, the kit includes a fine metal comb that allows you to easily remove dead insects from your hair.

A 100 ml bottle of product is enough for 2-time treatment from one to four people (depending on the thickness and length of the hair).

Paranit (rating 5 out of 5)

Spray Pediculen will easily help cope with pediculosis in advanced stage

Before the procedure, be sure to conduct a test for allergic reaction, and carry out the processing itself in a well-ventilated area. The exposure time of the drug is half an hour. The product should not be used by pregnant, nursing mothers or those who have diseases of the scalp and hair.

Paranix (rating 4.2 out of 5)

Paranix spray does not leave such a greasy shine on the hair as other products, and, in addition, has a pleasant aroma

Paranix can be recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers after consultation with a doctor, but it should not be used by children under 2 years of age. The exposure time is 15 minutes, after which the product is washed off with shampoo. Hair needs to be processed detergent twice. If necessary, the procedure is repeated after a week. After using the spray, side effects may occur such as:

  • itching of the skin around the eyes;
  • redness of the ears, neck and head;
  • exfoliation of the scalp.

Full Marks (rating 4 out of 5)

Spray solution Full Marks allows you to get rid of lice and nits in just two weeks

Nyuda (rating 3.8 out of 5)

Nuda is one of the most popular lice remedies, which is facilitated by its minimal toxicity. This spray, based on the substance dimethicone, is suitable for adults and children over 3 years old. Pregnant and lactating women are not recommended to use it. In theory, Nyuda kills both lice and nits. In fact, a certain percentage of them remain alive, so it is advisable to carry out two or even three treatments.

Nuda spray is rubbed into dry hair until it is completely moisturized.

After spraying with the spray, lice and nits are covered with an oil film, causing them to suffocate. The product does not have any unpleasant or strong smell. It contains jojoba oil, which moisturizes the hair. Exposure time is 45 minutes. Treatment should be done at weekly intervals. The drug should not be used if you have scalp diseases or sensitivity to certain components.

Permethrin (rated 3.3 out of 5)

Permethrin spray - effective disposal against lice without side effects

Permethrin spray helps against head and pubic lice. It can be used by adults and children over two years of age. During pregnancy and lactation, the use of this drug is undesirable. The exposure time of the drug is 40 minutes, after this time the hair is washed well with shampoo and combed out with a comb.

How to choose the right product

The choice of lice spray depends on several factors:

  1. Lice treatment is carried out in a well-ventilated room.
  2. When using the spray, do not smoke, and do not use it near an open fire.
  3. Before treatment, a person infected with lice is checked for a possible allergic reaction. To do this, spray the product on the bend of the elbow and leave for half an hour. After this, the substance is washed off and checked for redness, itching and other unpleasant sensations.
  4. If the patient wears contact lenses, they are removed or wrapped around the forehead with a protective bandage made of a towel or cloth.
  5. Processing is carried out in gauze bandage and rubber gloves.
  6. The spray is applied to the scalp using rubbing movements and the dry hair is pulled apart in different directions.
  7. After applying the product, put a special polyethylene cap on your head or a regular one. cellophane bag, hiding all the hair there.
  8. The drug is left for the time specified in the instructions (usually 15–40 minutes).
  9. Dead lice and nits are combed out with a special comb.
  10. The hair is thoroughly washed with shampoo, getting rid of the product.

Important to remember! If the chemical accidentally gets into your nose or eyes, you should immediately rinse the affected area with running water. If a burning sensation occurs, you should consult a doctor.

To finally get rid of lice, you need to thoroughly vacuum all the rooms, throw out old trash, wash all bedding and things, and then iron them

Contraindications and possible side effects

Among general contraindications lice sprays can only be described as an individual allergic reaction to any of their components. Some chemicals should not be used if you are ill bronchial asthma and in the presence of microcracks on the scalp. In every special case You need to carefully study the instructions for use.

As a side effect of using the spray for allergies, a reaction may occur in the form of itching, redness, etc. In case of other side effects, wash off the product immediately and consult a doctor.

Many parents face the problem of lice. They are trying to cope with problems in various ways. It is important to know that lice do not only appear in children from disadvantaged families. In fact, infection can occur completely unexpectedly. What folk and store remedies are most effective?

Types of anti-pediculosis drugs

Chemical, physical and folk remedies. Good medicinechemicals. They are the most effective. Insecticides quickly and reliably remove lice.


The remedy for head lice for children should be chosen correctly. Many creams are not suitable, despite the fact that their method of application is very simple - it is rubbed into the scalp. The most popular means of this type are listed below.


Perhaps the best remedy is emulsion concentrates. They contain powerful chemicals. The drug can only be used in diluted form. The most popular concentrates are presented in three types.

An effective remedy is shampoo. The method of application is very simple. Moreover, the drug is inexpensive. You can buy shampoos in special stores or at a pharmacy. The most effective means presented in two types.

  • « ». Production – Bulgaria. The shampoo is effective and has a pleasant aroma. The product is not suitable for children under five years of age. Shampoo should not be used by people with injuries or skin diseases.
  • "Pedilin." Recommended for use by children and adults. The shampoo contains low-toxic insecticides - tetramethrin and malathion. The peculiarity of the product is that it does not paralyze insects, but destroys them.

Mechanical removal

The most the right decision when removing lice from older children, use a mechanical method. It is quite difficult to apply the method in young children. Proceed according to the instructions:

  • examine the child's head;
  • cut your hair if it is long;
  • wash your hair with shampoo-rinse;
  • comb your hair with a special comb;
  • after combing, boil the comb for 10 minutes;
  • Brushing should be done daily.

To make the job easier, use mousse "Nit Free." It is able to dissolve the glue with which nits are attached to the hair.

  • "LiceGuard". Made in USA. The result is excellent, since the set includes 3 products - a comb with fine teeth, rare teeth, strand distributor.
  • "Antiv." Enjoys in great demand. Often used by those consumers who, for health reasons or other reasons, cannot use other drugs.

Traditional methods

  • Oil mask. Apply at night olive oil or Vaseline. The top of the head is wrapped in polyethylene. In the morning, remove the mask and comb out the lice.
  • Vinegar. A couple of spoons of product are required for glasses of water. The solution is applied to the head. The nits should be combed out. Vinegar dissolves the substance with which nits are attached to the hair.
  • Vodka compress. Vodka is sprayed onto the hair using a spray bottle. It is important to rub the product into the roots. Polyethylene is placed on top of the head, and then a towel. After half an hour, the compress should be washed off, and the nits should be removed with a comb. The product is effective, but not suitable for small children.
  • You can use these traditional methods, like m aslo tea tree, wormwood decoction or mint juice.
  • Gasoline or kerosene. You should not use these substances, as they are very strong. The consequences can be dire, ranging from skin burns to hair loss.
  • Cranberry juice. Take 3 handfuls of berries and rub into the roots of your hair. The remainder is applied to the hair lengthwise. A plastic cap is put on top. You have to wait 3 hours. Then wash your hair and comb it out.

How to use lice spray (video)

Features of choosing a product for children

Folk remedies for lice are not recommended for children. It is better to purchase store-bought drugs with instructions.

Folk or other remedies for lice for a child should be selected wisely. If the baby is susceptible to allergies, preference should be given to drugs containing minimum quantity active substances. If the child is over 5 years old, it is recommended to purchase a comb.

Use of drugs for the purpose of prevention

Prevention against lice is carried out in the following ways.

How to rid a child of lice (video)

Among the many different treatments for head lice, there are good options for which you don’t have to pay a lot. You may have to carry out 2-3 treatments, depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations, but you won’t have to pay about 1000 rubles. for such a product. Let's give 5 most effective inexpensive means against lice, which eliminate the problem no worse than expensive drugs. Among them there are liquid options - concentrates, lotions, shampoos or emulsions. There are ointments, creams, and there are convenient ones - in the form of sprays, which evenly spray the product over all strands of hair.

Medifox – concentrate

  • Product Manufacturer – Russian company LLC "Fox and Co."
  • Product form – concentrated liquid (5%).
  • Container volumes – in ampoules of 2 ml, in bottles of 0.5 l and 24 ml.
  • The active composition is permethrin (5 g), castor oil (7.5 g), butyl acetate (0.25 g) and ethanol (87.25 g or 96% of the total composition).
  • Toxicity is average. Cannot be used by children under one year old.
  • In mind high content Ethanol should not come into contact with the eyes and mouth.
  • How to use - dilute the concentrate in a proportion of 8 ml per 100 ml of water.
  • Consumption – one 24 ml bottle is enough for 3 treatments.
  • Can be stored 3 years.
  • The approximate cost of the drug in ampoules is 1,484 rubles. per packaging, in a 0.5 l bottle – 904 rubles, in a 24 ml bottle – 120 rubles.

Doctor's review of Medifox:

Review of Medifox:

Angelina Yuryevna, 43 years old, Voronezh. When I found lice on my now adult daughter, I was almost stunned. How is this possible?! Usually children suffer from such a scourge. And here the child is almost 16 years old, and there are lice?! Well, there’s nothing to do, I took out Medifox from the first aid kit, which was left over from the last time when I treated the youngest (from children's boarding house brought). The girl has long hair, almost waist-length. It was hard to handle, especially combing, but we managed. All nits and lice died completely only after 2-1 treatments. The procedures were done with a break of 3 days. Everything is fine now. but, unfortunately, we were never able to understand where this nasty thing came from to our daughter’s house. I treated my son in the summer, but now it’s January.

Foxylon – lotion

  • Made in Russia - Fox & Co.
  • Form of substance – lotion (20%).
  • Bottle volume – 50 ml.
  • Active components – benzyl benzoate (20%), additives.
  • Medium toxic product. Children under 5 years of age are prohibited from using.
  • Directions for use: no need to dilute, the drug is in finished form Rub 10 ml into the scalp and leave for 10 minutes. Then everything is washed off with regular shampoo, and then with a 4.5% vinegar solution.
  • The consumption of one bottle is enough for 10 treatments.
  • Average price – 180 rubles.

Review of Foxilon:

Oksana, Rostov-on-Don. Excellent product! It even helped us the first time. My son brought lice from school. The children are first-graders; there are several children in the class from not very prosperous families, so I was not very surprised. I bought Foxilon at the pharmacy, and it was even cheaper than what is written here - 145 rubles.


  • The product produces France.
  • The form of the blend is shampoo (0.2%) and comb.
  • Active composition – phenothrin (2 mg).
  • Toxicity is average. Cannot be used by children under 2.5 years old.
  • Use as follows - treat the head 2 times with an interval of 22-24 hours. Keep the shampoo on your hair for 5 minutes, then rinse off. After a week, he recommends repeating the procedure. For prevention, use this shampoo once a week.
  • Shelf life – 2 years.
  • Approximate price – 180-260 rub..

Review of “Parasidosis”:

Anastasia, Omsk. I think Parasidosis in a great way to get rid of lice and nits. Everything is destroyed quickly and the price is reasonable. I bought it at the pharmacy for 185 rubles. The name on the package is written in Latin letters. The box included a comb, which immediately helped out. I treated my head 2 times. Then I had to comb it for too long, but nothing can be done.

Pediculen-Ultra – spray conditioner

  • Country of manufacture – Russia.
  • Release form: liquid, insecticide in a spray dispenser.
  • Capacity volume – 150 ml.
  • Active components of herbal cosmetic origin.
  • Low toxicity.
  • How to use - you just need to spray it over the strands and scalp, then leave for 5-10 minutes and rinse with shampoo.
  • Approximate prices for spray – 500-590 rub.. All sprays and aerosols are always more expensive on the market than concentrates or shampoos. But this drug among sprays is considered today the cheapest among effective means.

Introductory video about the product:

Review of Pedilen-Ultra:

Sergei Ivanovich. I never thought that a spray could remove lice. I helped my granddaughter remove lice and together we picked out medications at the pharmacy. Her hair is long, so applying poison from harmful insects with a spray is the most convenient way. Then they washed their hair, rinsed it with a vinegar solution and combed it out with a comb. True, they combed it for 3-4 days. But everything that was combed out was already lifeless. Pediculen Ultra helps! So I recommend it to everyone!

Veda-2 – shampoo

  • Manufacturer - Russia.
  • Available in the form thick shampoo.
  • Bottle volume – 100 ml.
  • The active ingredient is permethrin (0.5%).
  • Toxicity is low. Can be used for children from 2-3 months. Pregnant and nursing mothers should use shampoo with caution.
  • How to use - apply 1 or 3 tablespoons of shampoo and rub over the head, rubbing into the scalp. Leave to act for 10 minutes, then rinse and rinse with vinegar solution. Do the procedure 2-3 times with breaks of 24 hours.
  • Should be stored no longer than 1.5 years.
  • Approximate price – 175-220 rub..

Modern treatment of pediculosis:

Review of "Veda-2":

Darina, 25 years old, Moscow region. I already thought that all the lice in kindergartens had long since disappeared and that my children would not have to face such a problem. But no! Recently my daughter started scratching her head a lot. I checked - lice! The pharmacy advised me to buy Veda-2, an updated drug. We washed our hair with it, combed it out with a comb and didn’t re-treat it again because it was enough the first time. Veda helped!

Remedies for lice and nits for children and adults are available in the form of:

  • aerosols;
  • lotions;
  • tablets.

Used at home different shapes release. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.


Before treating head lice, in order to avoid allergies, it is necessary to test the selected drug. Small quantity the product is applied to the skin and the condition is monitored for 2-3 hours skin and general well-being.

Shampoos for the treatment of pediculosis

Pharmacy products in the form of shampoos are easy to use. When purchasing, you should pay attention to their functions. Some are used for prevention, others to destroy lice and nits.

How to use

The procedure consists of several stages:

  • comb your hair well;
  • apply shampoo to the head, distributing the foam along the entire length of the strands, paying special attention to the occipital and temporal parts;
  • cover with polyethylene and wait for the time specified in the instructions;
  • rinse off the shampoo a large number warm water;
  • rinse to destroy the adhesive substance by which nits are attached to the hair;
  • comb out adults, larvae, and nits using a fine-toothed comb;
  • Wash your hair with your usual detergent.

Shampoo rating

Determine which the best means from lice and nits in the form of shampoos, the following review will help:

Anti-lice sprays are no less popular than shampoos. The treatment process is quite simple: the product is sprayed onto the hair, left for a certain period of time specified in the instructions, then the nits are washed off, and adult insects are mechanically combed out.

Sprays and aerosols against lice and nits should not be used by people suffering from bronchial asthma.

Effective means:

Review of lotions and liquids for the treatment of head lice

Manufacturers call everything that does not spray or foam either lotion, or concentrate, or simply a product:

How much do drugs for the treatment of head lice cost?

The price of each product for lice and nits is clearly displayed in the table:

Release formDrug namePrice, in rubles
Paranit400 –1040 depending on the volume of the bottle
Veda 2170-200
Tar shampoo95-300 depending on the manufacturer
Nit fries1090
Knicksfrom 700
SprayCouple Plusfrom 700
Pediculen Ultra480
LotionMedilis bio350
SolutionFull Marks650
LiquidHandicap plus95
Solution, ointmentNittifor170-280

Lice tablets

Contraindications for taking tablets for lice:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • acute gastrointestinal diseases;
  • heart failure;
  • diseases of the excretory system.

Treatment of head lice with tablets is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Sprays against lice and nits are very popular among patients with head lice. The reason for this is the convenient method of applying the product and good effect treatment, although somewhat inferior to treatment with shampoos for nits and lice.

Having virtually no contraindications, the aerosol can be used in the treatment of lice for children and pregnant women. Sprays are applied not only in treatment, but also for the prevention of lice and nits.

Almost every modern anti-lice spray has approximately the same effectiveness in treating head lice as the average medicated shampoo. Moreover, according to some indicators, lice spray is even more preferable, mainly due to ease of use and high safety.

If we compare sprays against lice and nits with shampoos and emulsions intended for the same purposes, the advantages of the former over the latter are as follows:

Pediculosis can be treated with a wide variety of sprays, which differ from each other not only in price, but also in composition. Many drugs come under different names trade names, but have a common composition for all with very slight changes relative to each other.

So, most often in sprays that can destroy louses and their eggs (nits), the following active ingredients (the main components of the drug) are used:

  • anise oil (a means Pediculen and others);
  • permethrin (medicine) Para Plus, Permethrin spray and others);
  • biphasic dimethicone ( aerosol Nyuda and others);
  • mineral oil Clearol ( aerosol Paranit-spray and others).

The described active ingredients are almost equally effective against pubic lice and scalp lice. Moreover, they have a weak therapeutic effect and in relation to others skin diseases head, in particular demodicosis and seborrheic dermatitis.

Research has not been conducted on which active ingredients are better. Moreover, each product, regardless of the active ingredient, costs approximately the same.

List of lice sprays

Of all the variety of sprays against pubic lice and scalp lice, only individual drugs, which are in great demand and have the most reasonable prices (without sacrificing quality).

We are talking about the following medicinal products:

  1. Aerosol Pediculen Ultra. It is used not only for mild and moderate types of pediculosis, but also for severe forms diseases. Requires one-time use. Cost – 450 rubles (150 milliliters).
  2. Aerosol Para Plus. The drug has a small and non-critical toxic effect. Also among the disadvantages is the absence of a lice comb included with the medicine. Cost – 400 rubles (90 milliliters).
  3. Aerosol Nuda. One of the best drugs for the treatment of head lice in children. It has no toxic effects, but requires a long course of therapy (up to 14 days). Cost – 350 rubles (50 milliliters).
  4. Aerosol Paranit. A non-toxic drug for the treatment of lice in adults and children (from three years old), which, meanwhile, is ineffective against lice eggs (nits). Cost – 600 rubles (100 milliliters).
  5. Aerosol LiceGuard. The best drug for treating children, since even infants can be treated with it. In addition, it can be used during treatment with other means (not only sprays) against lice. Cost – 600 rubles (147 milliliters).

Who prescribes the spray and can it be used independently?

Sprays, unlike emulsions or shampoos, can be used independently, but this is not recommended. Only a doctor can assess the need for use special means and including selecting the specific, most effective in in this case, a remedy for pediculosis.

You should seek advice on this matter from a general practitioner, trichologist or dermatologist. In some cases, a mycologist (specializing in fungal infections) can write a prescription for a specific remedy.

Consultation with a pediatrician is required if it is necessary to use sprays against head lice in a child, even if the spray manufacturer positions its product as being as safe as possible.

Directions for use and precautions

Aerosols against lice and nits must be used following certain instructions. Namely:

  • Under no circumstances should the aerosol be allowed to come into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes or oral cavity, if the product gets in, a thorough and long-term (10-15 minutes) rinsing of the mucous membranes with running water is required;
  • if you are allergic to active ingredients spray - cancel treatment, even if the allergy is minimally expressed and manifests itself in the form of irritation or itching of the skin;
  • it is possible to combine other types of remedies for head lice with a spray, but only after consultation with a doctor and his approval of such actions;
  • If there are other people with head lice in the patient’s environment, all infected people need to start treatment at the same time, otherwise reinfection will occur.

Spray against lice and nits NYUDA (video)

Use for prevention

Unlike shampoos, most sprays are approved for use for the prevention of head lice after the main treatment. In addition, they can be used for prevention for those people who are forced to come into contact with sick people.

Prevention consists of one application of the spray during the period during which the treatment of those infected people with whom the person carrying out the prevention comes into contact. The essence of the mechanism is simple: a single use of the spray will provide lasting protection for the period during which patients from the environment will undergo treatment for pediculosis.