X-ray options. Radiography is a current informative study

Modern medicine uses a variety of diagnostic methods. One of the most informative and common is x-ray or x-ray examination. Its rational use provides fairly accurate, fast and informative recognition of the disease, especially when it comes to pathologies of bones and joints.

Just over a century ago, the main diagnostic tools of any practicing physician were vision, experience and intuition. The situation changed dramatically on November 8, 1895.

This day is officially considered the birthday of radiology, because it was then that the German physics professor V. K. Roentgen accidentally discovered new radiation, which was later named “X-ray” in his honor.

Many pundits later admitted that they, too, had previously noticed signs of the existence of a hitherto unknown phenomenon, but did not bother to analyze and comprehensively study them. The historical merit of V. Roentgen lies precisely in the fact that he did not ignore the fact that he accidentally noticed, but analyzed it. Thus, the scientist “cut a window” into a new era of medicine – the era of radiation diagnostics.

Nowadays, radiation (x-ray) diagnostics is a whole science of using radiation to study human anatomy and timely recognition of diseases.

The diagnostic tool of radiology is the so-called x-ray radiation. Invisible to the naked eye, it consists of electromagnetic waves of a certain spectrum, generated by a ray tube and moving at high speed.

Encountering an obstacle in the form of a human body on its way and easily penetrating through soft tissue, the rays are delayed by the bones of the skeleton, which is projected onto a special film, forming an image - an x-ray. This is precisely what the medical technique of X-ray scanning is based on.

At first, X-rays were used in medicine only to obtain images of the skeleton: detection or other pathologies. Subsequently, methods for similar study of internal organs were proposed. At the same time, large-scale studies were carried out on the biological effects of X-rays on the human body: this was the beginning of radiation therapy for oncological tumors.

Types of diagnostics using x-rays

Currently, X-ray radiation is widely used in medical practice in the form of the following diagnostic methods:

Impact of X-ray radiation on the human body

X-rays are not harmless - everyone knows that. Its biological effect on the body is as follows:

  1. Under the influence of X-ray radiation, a large number of so-called free radicals appear in living tissues, which destabilize the normal functioning of cells.
  2. In most cells, the process of vital biochemical reactions is disrupted. Particularly affected are those cells that were in the phase of active growth or division at the time of exposure to X-ray radiation. That is why the potential harm of X-rays for pregnant women and children is much higher than for an adult - because in a growing body, cell division occurs much more actively.
  3. Cells can lose their viability or even mutate under the influence of X-ray radiation. This risk factor is more dangerous the higher the radiation dose.
  4. X-ray radiation can cause disruption in the functioning of many body systems. The hematopoietic, lymphatic and reproductive systems are especially susceptible to its negative effects.
  5. Large doses of X-ray can cause skin burns.

There is an opinion among ordinary people that X-ray irradiation leads to rapid aging, cataracts, cancer and an increase in the number of hereditary diseases in offspring.

All these terrible consequences of x-rays at the present stage of development of medicine should not frighten anyone. The doses of X-ray radiation received by patients during standard diagnostic procedures (fluorography, radiography, etc.) are negligible, and these studies cannot cause serious harm to health. For example, radiation exposure during radiography of the spine is comparable to the amount of similar natural radiation exposure over six months. And an x-ray of the bones of the arms or legs is similar to the dose of natural radiation in 1 day.

Provided that the X-ray examination is carried out according to strict indications and not too often, the risk of possible harm to health is extremely small, or does not exist at all.

An X-ray of the spine makes it possible to clarify the cause of the so-called vertebrogenic pain syndrome and identify its causes - various pathologies and injuries of the spinal column, in particular:

  • congenital anatomical anomalies;
  • posture disorders;
  • pathologies of intervertebral discs;
  • An X-ray examination of the spine involves taking pictures, usually of two types - in frontal and lateral projections. This is necessary in order to study the structure of the spinal column in as much detail as possible and identify all sorts of signs of disease. Pictures are taken in a lying or standing position, less often - standing in an inclined position.

    Before the examination, the patient must undress to the waist and get rid of jewelry (including piercings). Do not neglect the use of a lead apron: the x-ray technician will tell you how and where to put it.

    You cannot move during the procedure itself, but this will not last long: it will take a few seconds to take one photo.

    As a rule, not the entire spine is removed, but some of its sections. Some features of the study depend on this.

    1. X-rays of the cervical spine may sometimes be taken through the mouth. No special preparation is required for the study.
    2. Chest X-ray also does not require any preparatory procedures.
    3. X-rays of the lumbosacral spine should be performed with the patient's gastrointestinal tract empty. The study is carried out on an empty stomach and after an enema.

    Joint diagnostics

    X-ray is the main tool of a diagnostician when there is a suspicion of injury or deformation of the joints. If a dislocation or fracture is suspected, an x-ray of the damaged part of the body is required.

    X-ray examination methods are informative for various joint diseases, such as arthritis, osteochondropathy, Hoffa's disease, etc.

    X-rays are of great importance in diagnosing children. In this case, an X-ray examination allows you to detect this disease and reveal the degree of existing pathology in the structure of the joint.

    No preliminary preparation is required for joint x-rays.

    During the procedure, several photographs of the joint with the adjacent bones are taken in different projections: frontal, lateral, etc. If necessary, photographs of several joints can be taken in one session. Processing of the results by a radiologist does not take long: within half an hour.

    Based on the data obtained, the attending physician in most cases can already make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

    From its inception to the present day, X-ray diagnostics has been one of the leading methods of medical research. But there is no need to overestimate its capabilities. After all, it is almost impossible to make a correct diagnosis only on the basis of an x-ray, without relying on the study of the medical history and its symptoms. So a doctor’s main tools should still remain observation, knowledge and experience. And for such a highly qualified specialist, x-ray examination is truly an invaluable diagnostic method.

    Watch the video to see how x-rays are performed.

    I regularly go to the dentist, where they constantly take x-rays of the oral cavity. But a gynecologist can’t do without an ultrasound... How dangerous are these studies and what are they needed for?

    I. Krysova, Izhevsk


    On one side of the person there is a source of X-ray radiation, on the other there is photographic film, which displays how the rays pass through different tissues and organs.

    When to use. For determining bone fractures, lung diseases, in dentistry and neurology. X-ray machines are used during heart surgery to monitor the process in real time.


    It is also based on X-rays.

    When to use. For breast examination. There are mammograms for screening - preventive examinations. And diagnostic mammographs are used if there is already a suspicion of breast cancer. Such a device can immediately take a sample of the tumor to determine its malignancy - do a biopsy. Modern devices with microdose characteristics reduce the level of radiation exposure by 2 times.


    This is also a type of x-ray, but pictures of the body are taken from different angles. The computer produces three-dimensional images of a body part or internal organ. A detailed image of the entire body can be obtained in one procedure. A modern spectral tomograph will independently determine the types of tissues and show them in different colors.

    When to use. In case of injuries - to comprehensively assess the extent of damage. In oncology - to find tumors and metastases.


    Ultrasound waves are reflected differently by muscles, joints, and blood vessels. The computer converts the signal into a two-dimensional or three-dimensional image.

    When to use. For diagnosis in cardiology, oncology, obstetrics and gynecology. The device shows internal organs in real time. This is the safest method.


    Creates an electromagnetic field, detects the saturation of tissues with hydrogen and transmits this data to the screen. Unlike CT, MRI does not have radiation, but it also produces three-dimensional images in 3D. MRI visualizes soft tissue well.

    When to use. If you need to examine the brain, spine, abdominal cavity, joints (including operations under MRI control, so as not to affect important areas of the brain - for example, those responsible for speech).

    Expert opinions

    Ilya Gipp, Ph.D., Head of MRI-guided therapy:

    Many of these devices can be used for treatment. For example, a special installation is attached to an MRI machine. It focuses ultrasound waves inside the body, increasing the temperature in a targeted manner, and burns out tumors - for example, uterine fibroids.

    Kirill Shalyaev, director of the largest Dutch manufacturer of medical equipment:

    What seemed impossible yesterday is reality today. Previously, during CT scans, a drug was administered to slow down the heart. The latest computed tomography scanners make 4 revolutions per second - thanks to this there is no need to slow down the heart.

    What radiation doses do we receive*
    Action Dose in mSv** Over what period of time will we receive this radiation in nature?
    X-ray of a hand 0,001 Less than 1 day
    X-ray of a hand using the very first machine in 1896. 1,5 5 months
    Fluorography 0,06 30 days
    Mammography 0,6 2 months
    Mammography with MicroDose characteristic 0,03 3 days
    Whole body CT scan 10 3 years
    Live in a brick or concrete house for a year 0,08 40 days
    Annual norm from all natural radiation sources 2,4 1 year
    Dose received by liquidators of the Chernobyl accident 200 60 years old
    Acute radiation sickness 1000 300 years
    Epicenter of a nuclear explosion, death on the spot 50 000 15 thousand years
    *According to Philips
    ** Microsievert (mSv) is a unit of measurement of ionizing radiation. One sievert is the amount of energy absorbed by a kilogram of biological tissue.

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    Radiography is one of the most effective methods for diagnosing various diseases of tissues and organs of the human body. In this case, research is based on the unique properties of X-rays, which easily pass through a dense opaque medium and are absorbed by it to varying degrees.

    Thus, our organs, which differ in density and chemical composition, absorb X-rays with different intensities, which affects the natural contrasts of the resulting images.

    It is thanks to these features of X-rays and the human body that it is possible to conduct radiographic examination of various organs without special preparatory work. Any type of x-ray requires a qualified interpretation. Therefore, only specialist radiologists are able to correctly “read” the received images and make the correct diagnosis.

    Type of radiography

    Currently, the following types of radiography are distinguished:

    • : carried out to detect diseases such as tuberculosis and malignant tumors;
    • X-ray of the stomach: detection of ulcers, polyps, various malignant neoplasms; urography: examine the kidneys and urinary tract;
    • irrigoscopy: diagnosis of the colon;
    • Mammography: detection of breast diseases;
    • radiography of cranial bones (temporal); and other bones of the human skeleton, as well as joints; X-ray of the jaw bone (teeth), including panoramic ones (using an orthopantomograph);
    • X-ray of the paranasal sinuses: detection of sinusitis.

    You can make an appointment to have an x-ray done. The resulting images are given to patients personally on the day of treatment.


    Some types of x-rays require special training to be most effective. For: three days before the examination, you must strictly follow a diet (exclude all gas-forming foods), and on the day of the procedure, do a cleansing enema. At the same time, be sure to eat porridge for breakfast.

    Urography is performed only after consultation with a radiologist. 15 minutes before the procedure, you need to drink a large amount of water (if the patient wishes, the doctor can introduce a special substance).

    Mammography should be performed from days 6 to 12 of the menstrual cycle.

    On the day of the stomach x-ray, you should not eat anything, since the procedure is performed on an empty stomach.

    - (a. radiography, roentgenography; n. Rontgenographie; f. radiographie aux rayons X; i. roentgenografia) - a method for studying minerals, rocks, ores and their technological products. processing, based on the phenomenon of crystalline X-ray diffraction. Mountain encyclopedia

  • radiography - -i, g. Study of the internal structure of opaque bodies by shining them with X-rays and recording the transmitted rays on photographic film. [From the word x-ray and Greek. γράφω - writing] Small academic dictionary
  • radiography - RADIOGRAPHY, radiographic. research, with special Using photographic film, X-rays are used to obtain a negative image of the object under study - an x-ray. R., along with fluoroscopy, is one of the main. X-ray diagnostic methods. For... Veterinary encyclopedic dictionary
  • radiography - X-ray/o/graph/i/ya [y/a]. Morphemic-spelling dictionary
  • radiography - X-ray, radiography, radiography, radiography, radiography, radiography, radiography, radiography, radiography, radiography, radiography, radiography, radiography Zaliznyak's Grammar Dictionary
  • radiography - orf. radiography, and Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  • RADIOGRAPHY - RADIOGRAPHY, the use of X-RAYS to record in the form of photographs the internal structure of opaque bodies. Industrial X-ray photographs reveal installation errors and defects in the CRYSTAL structure of metals. Scientific and technical dictionary
  • radiography - RADIOGRAPHY is a set of methods for studying the structure of crystalline materials. and amorphous substances based on the study of X-ray diffraction. In R. they use mainly. characteristic X-ray radiation (see X-ray spectroscopy); diffraction Chemical encyclopedia
  • radiography - X-RAY, radiography, many. no, female (med., physical.). Photographing the internal structure of opaque objects using x-rays. Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • radiography - [from the word x-ray< гр. пишу] – физ. 1) наука о методах изучения вещества при помощи рентгеновских лучей;. 2) фотографирование посредством рентгеновских лучей. Large dictionary of foreign words
  • RADIOGRAPHY - RADIOGRAPHY - in medicine (skiagraphy) - a method of X-ray diagnostics, which consists in obtaining a fixed X-ray image of an object on photographic material. Large encyclopedic dictionary
  • radiography - noun, number of synonyms: 10 hysterosalpingography 3 craniography 1 microradiography 1 pneumoperidurography 1 radioradiography 1 renovasography 1 skiagraphy 1 teleradiography 1 uterosalpingography 2 electroradiography 2 Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  • Radiography - In medicine, x-ray photography, skiagraphy, an x-ray examination in which an x-ray image of an Object (x-ray (See X-ray)) is obtained on photographic film; one of the main methods of X-ray diagnostics (See X-ray diagnostics). Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  • radiography - RADIOGRAPHY -i; and. [from the word X-ray and Greek graphō - writing] Study of the internal structure of opaque bodies by shining them with X-rays and recording the transmitted rays on photographic film. ◁ X-ray, -aya, -oh. R-th study. R. center Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • radiography - radiography g. A method of x-ray examination, which consists of obtaining an image on a special film or plate using x-rays. Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  • radiography - RADIOGRAPHY [ng], and, g. Photographing the internal structure of opaque objects using x-rays. | adj. radiographic, oh, oh. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary