Dioxidin: instructions for use, analogues and reviews, prices in Russian pharmacies. In what cases should Dioxidin be used and can it be used without a doctor’s prescription?

Any antibacterial agent shows its effectiveness only if the right approach to its storage and use. That is why you need to know how to store Dioxidin, a drug that has an impressive list of therapeutic properties.

This product can not only effectively combat inflammatory processes and inhibit the activity of common microorganisms. It can help with purulent infections, prevent possible complications after operations, resist pathogens that have become resistant to antibiotics and chemicals.

With all this, Dimexidine, if used incorrectly or uncontrolled, can cause the development of side effects. The same unpleasant consequences There is a risk of using a product that has been improperly stored after opening.

What is Dioxidin, and in what cases is it used?

Regardless of the release form (solution in ampoules or ointment), the drug Dioxidin acts on the DNA of the pathogenic bacterium, destroying it from the inside. Thanks to this, the process of suppressing inflammation is accelerated, and the affected tissues are rapidly restored.

The ampoule form of the product can be used for the following conditions:

  • Purulent-inflammatory pathological processes caused by bacterial activity (sepsis, peritonitis).
  • Inflammatory processes of the bladder.
  • Purulent meningitis, lung abscess.
  • Gum diseases (stomatitis) and skin lesions (abscesses, burns, bite sites, carbuncle, phlegmon).
  • Dioxidin is often used for otitis, in case of lack of effectiveness from traditional treatment. In this case, after ear canal will be cleared of sulfur and pus (in difficult cases), a solution is instilled into it or ointment is applied.
  • Rinsing the nasal passages with Dioxidin solution helps eliminate signs of complicated rhinitis, sinusitis, and prolonged runny nose. Despite its effectiveness, the product acts very gently without disturbing the integrity of the mucous membrane.

Dioxidin in the form of an ointment or solution from an ampoule can be used after operations to treat scars, wounds and sutures that cannot be provided with quality care and there is a risk of suppuration.

How to properly use and store the drug in ampoules?

The solution of the drug Dioxidin is available in two concentrations, and working with it depends on the percentage of the active substance indicated on the package. If it is 0.5%, then there is no need to dilute the product, it is ready for use. The 1% saturated product is pre-diluted with water for injection or hydrocortisone. You can do this yourself, you just need to maintain the proportions.

Advice: Despite the obvious effectiveness and mildness of the effect, Dioxidin, produced in ampoules, must be used only under the supervision of a doctor. Abuse of the product, especially with intravenous and intracavitary administration, can cause addiction, which is not at all easy to get rid of.

It is very easy to store Dioxidin in the form of closed ampoules; it is not too demanding on conditions. The shelf life of the product is 24 months. It is best to place it in a dark place, out of reach of children, where the temperature is maintained from 5 to 25ºC. Before using the product, the ampoule must be examined in the light; small crystals may form in the solution. In this case, it must be heated in a steam bath, holding it for as long as it takes to completely dissolve the particles.

It is better not to use the opened ampoule in the future. IN extreme cases(for example, if there is a shortage of product), it can be left for the next day, having previously hermetically closed the hole using sterile cotton wool. There is another convenient way to store an opened product - simply draw it into a syringe until next time.

How to store the composition in the form of an ointment?

The requirements for storing the ointment in a closed tube are exactly the same. Once the product is opened, it must be used within the stated therapy period. If the treatment is completed, and the composition still remains, it can be carefully closed and put away for further storage. Regardless of how much time passes after this, before the next use, Dioxidin should be checked for changes in color, texture, and the appearance of a specific odor. If any of the above is detected, it is better not to use the product in the future.

Side effects from using an expired product

Negative consequences can be very different, but most often these are the same reactions that are identified by specialists as side effects from therapy. For intravenous and intracavitary administration it is:

  • Headache accompanied by chills.
  • Dyspeptic disorders in the form of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Feverish conditions.
  • The appearance of convulsive twitching of individual muscles or entire groups.
  • Formation on skin pigment spots as a result direct impact ultraviolet.
  • Various allergic reactions.

Topical application of expired Dioxidine usually leads to itching or the development of dermatitis on the treated surface. In case of development of at least one of listed conditions, even if the manifestations are mild and well tolerated by the patient, you must immediately consult a doctor for advice.

R No. 003349/01

Trade name drug: Dioxidin ®

Dosage form:

ointment for external use

100 g ointment contains:
Active substance: hydroxymethylquinoxylin dioxide (dioxidine) in terms of 100% substance - 5.0 g;
excipients: methyl parahydroxybenzoate (nipagin), propyl parahydroxybenzoate (nipazole), distilled monoglycerides, macrogol-1500 (polyethylene oxide-1500), macrogol-400 (polyethylene oxide-400) - up to 100 g.

The ointment is greenish - yellow. During storage, liquefaction of the top layer is allowed.

Pharmacotherapeutic group
Antimicrobial agent - quinoxaline

ATX Code: D08AH

Pharmacological properties

Antibacterial bactericidal drug wide spectrum of action. Active against Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Friedlander's bacillus, Escherichia coli, Shigella dysenteria, Shigella flexneri, Shigella boydii, Shigella sonnei, Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., pathogenic anaerobes (Clostridium perfringens). Acts on strains of bacteria resistant to other antibacterial drugs, including antibiotics. Does not have a local irritant effect. Possible development drug resistance bacteria. Treatment of burns and purulent-necrotic wounds contributes to more quick cleansing wound surface, stimulates reparative regeneration and marginal epithelization and has a beneficial effect on the course of wound process. Experimental studies have demonstrated the presence of teratogenic, embryotoxic and mutagenic effects.

At local application partially absorbed from the wound or burn surface. It penetrates well and quickly into all organs and tissues and is excreted by the kidneys. Does not accumulate.

Indications for use
Wound and burn infection - superficial and deep purulent wounds various localizations(including the presence of deep purulent cavities - soft tissue abscesses, pelvic cellulitis, postoperative wounds urinary and biliary tract, purulent mastitis), long-term non-healing wounds and trophic ulcers, soft tissue phlegmon, infected burns, purulent wounds with osteomyelitis, pustular diseases skin.

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, adrenal insufficiency, including a history.

With caution
Kidney failure.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Directions for use and doses
Externally, locally. Dioxidin ® ointment 5%, apply a thin layer to the affected area; pre-cleaned from purulent-necrotic masses, or pre-lubricate the napkins with a layer 2-3 mm thick. Tampons soaked in ointment are inserted into the purulent cavities. Depending on the condition of the wound and the course of the wound process, bandages with dioxidine ointment are changed daily or every other day. The maximum daily dose is 2.5 g. Duration of treatment is up to 3 weeks.

Side effect
Local allergic reactions and periwound dermatitis are possible.

Special instructions
For chronic renal failure the dose is reduced. Prescribed only when other antimicrobial agents are ineffective.

Release form
Ointment for external use 5%. 30 and 40 g in aluminum tubes. Each tube along with instructions for medical use The drug is placed in a cardboard pack.

Best before date
3 years. Do not use the drug after the expiration date.

Storage conditions
List B. Store in a dry place, protected from light and out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 20°C.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies
According to the recipe.

Consumer complaints should be sent to:
603950, Nizhny Novgorod GSP-459, st. Salganskaya, 7

Instructions for use:

Dioxidin is an antibacterial drug from the group of quinoxaline derivatives. Has wide range actions, providing an antibacterial, bactericidal effect on various pathogens - staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, pathogenic anaerobes, and on some strains of bacteria that are resistant to other antibiotics.

Pharmacological action

The active ingredient is hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide. Dioxidin is used in the treatment of various purulent-inflammatory processes caused by Salmonella, Klebsiella, staphylococci, Proteus vulgaris, dysentery bacillus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, streptococci, pathogenic anaerobes. Promotes rapid cleansing and healing wound surfaces. Also stimulates reparative regeneration. Widely used in pediatrics in the treatment of rhinitis of various origins.

Release form

The drug Dioxidin is produced in the form of a solution and ointment for external use.

  • Dioxidine in ampoules of 0.5% and 1% solution. For local and intracavitary use. 10 ml and 20 ml in an ampoule. 10 pieces per pack;
  • Ointment for external use 5%. In tubes of 25 mg, 30 mg, 30 mg, 50 mg, 60 mg, 100 mg.

Indications for use of Dioxidin

Dioxidin is used in the treatment purulent diseases caused by various bacterial infections.

Externally used for:

  • Infected burns;
  • Non-healing wounds and trophic ulcers ah, as well as for the healing of deep and superficial wounds of various locations;
  • Soft tissue phlegmon;
  • Purulent wounds with osteomyelitis.

Intracavitary administration of Dioxidin in ampoules is used for:

  • Purulent processes in the chest and abdominal cavity;
  • Lung abscesses;
  • Peritonitis;
  • At purulent pleurisy and empyema of the pleura;
  • Cystitis;
  • Wounds with deep purulent cavities. These may be pelvic cellulitis, soft tissue abscesses, purulent mastitis, postoperative wounds of the urinary and biliary tract.


According to the instructions, Dioxidin is contraindicated in hypersensitivity to the active substance - hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide, and for adrenal insufficiency.

The drug is not used during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in childhood.

Dioxidin is prescribed with caution according to the instructions for renal failure. If necessary, the dose of the drug can be reduced.

In pediatrics, nasal drops with Dioxidin are often used in the treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis. Being an antibiotic, the drug successfully treats these diseases of almost any origin, providing anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and decongestant effects. To use Dioxidin in the nose, use a 0.5% solution of the drug and instill it into each nostril 4-5 times. Before use, you should consult an ENT doctor.

Instructions for use of Dioxidin

Dioxidin is most often used in inpatient conditions. A 1% solution of the drug is usually not used for intravenous injections(due to the instability of the drug when stored at low temperatures). Use 0.1-1% solutions, for which the drug is diluted with water for injection or sodium chloride solution.

External use of Dioxidin:

  • For the treatment of deep purulent wounds with osteomyelitis - in the form of baths with a 0.5-1% solution. Less often, special treatment of the wound is carried out by injecting the drug for 15-20 minutes, then a bandage is applied with a 1% solution of Dioxidine. If the drug is well tolerated, treatment can be carried out daily for 1.5-2 months;
  • When treating superficial infected purulent wounds, wipes soaked in a 0.5-1% Dioxidine solution are applied to the wound. When treating deep wounds, they are loosely tamponed with tampons pre-moistened in a 1% solution. If there is a drainage tube, a 0.5% solution, from 20 to 100 ml, is injected into the cavity;
  • To prevent infections after operations, Dioxidin is used in the form of a 0.1-0.5% solution.

For intracavitary administration use a catheter, syringe or drainage tube. IN purulent cavity a 1% solution of the drug is administered, the dose depends on the size of the cavity, usually 10-15 ml per day. Usually the drug is administered once a day. The maximum daily dose is 70 ml. Treatment can be continued for three weeks or more if indicated and well tolerated.

Side effects

With intracavitary administration of Dioxidin, the following may occur:

  • Increase in temperature;
  • Chills;
  • Headache;
  • Convulsive muscle contractions;
  • Vomiting or nausea;
  • Allergic reactions.

When used externally, periwound dermatitis may develop.

Also, sometimes when using Dioxidin, you may experience age spots on the skin. In these cases, the time of administration of a single dose is increased, the dose of the drug is reduced, and antiallergic drugs are prescribed. In cases where this prevention does not bring results, the drug is discontinued.

Treatment with Dioxidin begins after a tolerance test is carried out - in the absence of side effects, within 3-6 hours after introducing 10 ml of a 1% solution into the cavity.

Dioxidin is prescribed when others are ineffective antibacterial drugs(carbapenems, cephalosporins of II-IV generations or fluoroquinolones).

Storage conditions

Dioxidin is available by prescription. Shelf life – 2 years. Should be stored at a temperature between 18° and 25°C. If crystals fall out during storage of the drug active substance, the ampoules are heated in a water bath and shaken until completely dissolved. If, as it cools to 36-38°C, crystals do not fall out, then the drug can be used.

The drug of choice in the treatment of purulent and long-term non-healing wounds Dioxidin is becoming increasingly common. It is actively prescribed by otolaryngologists and pediatricians, despite contraindications for use in the treatment of children and the recommendation to prescribe it in an inpatient setting.

Such popularity was immediately reflected in the price medicine(LS), quickly increased, according to buyers, several times. If there is a need to understand what is actually hidden behind the name Dioxidin, the instructions for use will help you figure it out.

Instructions for use of the medicine

The official instructions for any medication, including Dioxidin, give comprehensive information about the drug and its scope of application. The information provided by the instructions is verified, is confirmed by the registration of the medicine and therefore has the right to be considered the only reliable one.

Composition of the drug

The basis of the drug is hydroxymethylquinoxylin dioxide, which belongs to pharmacological group antimicrobial agents. An additional ingredient in liquid dosage forms of Dioxidin is water for injection.

The medication can be purchased with a prescription. Approximate view recipe in Latin:

Rp.: Sol. Dioxydini 0.5% – 10.0

D.t.d. No. 10 in amp.

S. For washing the tonsils.

The composition of other dosage forms of Dioxidin will be discussed additionally.

Is this an antibiotic or not?

Considering the bactericidal property of the drug and its belonging to the pharmacotherapeutic groups of antimicrobial agents and antibacterial drugs, many confidently call Dioxidin an antibiotic. To find out whether Dioxidin is an antibiotic or not, you should understand the difference between synthetic antibacterial agents and antibiotics. Antibiotics are substances natural origin, having bactericidal (killing bacteria) or bacteriostatic (suppressing their growth and reproduction) activity.

Synthetic antibacterial agents, unlike antibiotics, are obtained by synthesis chemical compounds, therefore in medical literature are not called antibiotics.

Dioxidin is a synthetic antibacterial agents, so it should not be called an antibiotic.
  • pathogenic anaerobes (including gas gangrene pathogens);
  • strepto-and;
  • salmonella;
  • Proteus vulgaris and other microorganisms, including those resistant to antibiotics.

Dioxidin is ineffective against viruses and cannot be used for prophylactic purposes.


The instructions for the drug Dioxidin list several indications for use. The list is preceded by a disclaimer that Dioxidin is recommended if antibacterial or other therapy is insufficiently effective.

The scope of application of Dioxidin is varied: it is indispensable for intravenous and intracavitary manipulations, for washing wounds, festering ulcers and burns. Lists of administration options are given in the table according to what the drug will be used for.

Table 1. Indications for use and options for administration of Dioxidin

Release formMethod of administrationIndications
Solution 5 mg/mlIntravenousHeavy purulent inflammation for generalized bacterial infections, meningitis, sepsis, incl. in the treatment of burns, etc.
Solution 10 mg/lIntracavitary and externalIntracavitary – wounds with large purulent cavities, treatment of peritonitis, pulmonary abscess, empyema of the pulmonary pleura, elimination of other foci of suppuration.
Externally - for cleaning festering wounds, infected burns, trophic ulcers and other poorly healing wounds.
OintmentExternalFestering wounds and burns, surgical wounds on bile and urinary tract, phlegmon, abscesses and other suppurations.

The doctor determines the possibility of prescribing Dioxidin for cases not covered by the instructions, but corresponding to the symptomatic picture of the indications. This is used quite widely in therapeutic practice.

How is it used?

Methods for using Dioxidin vary depending on the therapeutic purpose and form of release of the drug.

Considering the features intravenous administration, this method of application is practiced only for hospitalized patients. This is also stated in the annotation to Dioxidin. Injection into a vein is carried out by drip, diluted with a solution of NaCl (0.9%) or dextrose (5%).

The daily dosage of Dioxidin administration correlates with the location and depth of the focus of suppuration.

If a doctor prescribes Dioxidin for treatment outside a hospital, he must instruct the patient how to use this antiseptic.

In hospital mode, ampoule Dioxidin is diluted to 0.1-0.2% concentration with water for injection or saline solution (NaCl). Epithelial wounds are treated with wipes soaked in the resulting composition, after which a bandage is applied to the treated area.

For cleaning deep wounds, packing is preferred. This requires 1% Dioxidine, as well as tampons or drainage tubes to deliver the medication.

For baths and specific procedures, a solution of 0.5-1% concentration is required.

When using ointment, squeeze it onto a napkin and apply it to the damaged area, which has been cleared of pus in advance. You can lubricate the damaged area with ointment, which has also been previously cleaned. Tampons are used to deliver the ointment into the cavities. The duration of treatment is usually 21 days or less.

Is it necessary to breed?

Most of the dosage forms of Dioxidin are recommended for use in hospital settings, therefore, questions of methods of application and rules for diluting liquid formulations should be dealt with by medical specialists.

When is Dioxidin prescribed by a doctor for home use, the specialist must describe how and with what to dilute concentrated solutions. For external procedures, Dioxidin must be diluted to 0.1, 0.2 or 0.5% concentration. Water for injection or saline solution is used as a dilution.

Basic principles for diluting liquid dosage forms of Dioxidin:

  • to obtain a 0.1% solution, add 90 ml of sodium chloride solution to 10 ml of one percent Dioxidin;
  • for dilution to a concentration of 0.2% - 40 ml of saline solution is required;
  • to obtain a 0.5% concentration, dilute with 10 milliliters of saline solution.

If Dioxidin is 0.5%, you can get 0.1% from it by adding 40 ml of NaCl solution, and 0.2% by adding 15 ml of saline solution.

How to store?

To preserve the pharmacotherapeutic properties of the drug, it should be stored under the conditions specified in the instructions.

Dioxidine belongs to the medications included in the so-called list B. This means that the mode of drug preservation requires +18-25 degrees in a dark place.

Review Reviews

Analysis of patients' impressions of treatment with Dioxidin makes it possible to verify that this medicine has a powerful bactericidal effect and perfectly suppresses the development of pyogenic bacteria in situations where treatment with other antibacterial medications has not produced a therapeutic result.

Another generalizing factor in reviews of Dioxidin is that they were all written by respondents who used the medicine as prescribed by a doctor.

Disadvantages of the drug Dioxidin are named high price and bitter taste.

Release forms

The forms of release of the drug Dioxidin offered by the pharmacy chain have already been discussed above - liquid substances and ointment. They have their own features and instructions.

Externally and locally festering areas are irrigated or cleaned once a day or every other day - the procedure regimen is determined by the doctor.

In solution for intracavitary and external use 10 mg/ml

Ampoules with 1% Dioxidin 10 mg/ml are intended for irrigation, wound cleaning, tamponing, baths and other antiseptic procedures. In accordance with the degree of damage, 1% or 0.1% solutions are chosen; the substances for dilution are saline solution or water for injection.

Large purulent wounds are washed using a syringe, drainage tube or catheter. Maximum quantity 1% solution for injection into the cavity - 70 ml per day.

Antiseptic ointment based on hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide is used locally and externally. Auxiliary ingredients of the composition are food additives(macrogol, distilled monoglycerides, etc.). Tampons are inserted into certain time into festering cavities, then removed and replaced with new ones. The duration of therapy when using Dioxidin ointment is usually 21 days.

What is it used for?

As already noted, Dioxidin is widely used in medical practice for conditions not listed in the instructions, but having a specific symptomatic picture.

For sinusitis

Rinsing the nasal sinuses with 5-10 ml of a 1% solution of Dioxidin or delivering it to the sinuses using a puncture procedure is practiced for sinusitis. Otolaryngologists noticed that microorganisms causing inflammation in the paranasal sinuses, are increasingly showing resistance to the action of this powerful antiseptic, so for these procedures they try to use antiseptics that “specialize” on gram-positive bacteria.

For sore throat

Purulent sore throats cannot be cured only with the help of medications that act locally, so rinsing alone is not enough to treat severe forms. Typically, antiseptic gargles for throat infections are used as additional therapeutic measures on the background. For this case, a 1% solution of Dioxidin is recommended. The frequency and duration of rinsing is determined by the doctor.

For adenoids

The opinion of otolaryngologists regarding the use of Dioxidin is difficult to call unambiguous. Some experts continue to prescribe a solution for instillation into the nose in combination with vasoconstrictor drops, but most doctors consider this absolutely useless. And even dangerous when applied to young children, who are most prone to.

Dioxidin is prohibited for use by children under 12 years of age, and this must be remembered when selecting a medication.

In situations where treatment with other medications is ineffective for purulent and purulent cases, the use of Dioxidin as a powerful antibacterial drug is allowed. Suitable for rinsing the nasal passages, for instillation into the nose or irrigation with a spray liquid forms medicines. The recommended concentration of the composition for nasal instillation for adults is 0.5%, frequency is 3-5 times a day, duration of therapy is no more than 10 days.

With Dioxidin, it may be useful in cases where no other medicines have worked as expected. therapeutic effect. Treatment with this medication should be carried out strictly under the guidance or as prescribed by a doctor. The instructions recommend that this be done before starting treatment. practice test for tolerability and only in the absence negative reaction start using Dioxidin.

Despite the fairly frequent prescription of Dioxidin drops for purulent rhinitis in pediatric practice, we should not forget about the toxic and strong antibacterial action this LS.

Age restrictions are not specified only in the instructions for Dioxidin ointment; the instructions prohibit the use of the drug in the form of a solution in children under 18 years of age.

Whether inhalations with Dioxidin are useful for diseases of the respiratory tract is a controversial issue. Many experts consider the inhalation use of Dioxidin useless. The instructions also do not consider similar method use of the drug. If the treatment of foci purulent infection in the throat requires application antibacterial therapy, inhalation irrigation with Dioxidin is prescribed as an adjuvant. For nebulizers, use a 0.5% solution in the amount specified in the instructions for the device.

Is it possible during pregnancy?

The issue of nasal instillation during pregnancy or other use of Dioxidin by pregnant women should be resolved strictly according to the instructions. Experimental observations (as discussed in the abstract) showed several negative influences of this bactericide on intrauterine development:

  • teratogenic (potentiating congenital deformities);
  • mutagenic (damaging) hereditary apparatus genes and chromosomes up to changes in the genotype of the offspring);
  • embryotoxic (negatively affecting the zygote, leading to defects intrauterine development and pregnancy failure).

Despite the fact that when instilled into the nose, a small part of the drug enters the general bloodstream, all forms of release of Dioxidin according to the instructions are prohibited during pregnancy.

Side effects

The use of a medication contrary to contraindications may provoke pronounced unwanted reactions. Side effects When Dioxidine is introduced into the cavities, the following appear:

  • low-grade fever, fever;
  • headache;
  • convulsions;
  • allergic reactions;
  • development of photosensitivity (uneven skin pigmentation under ultraviolet rays).

External use potentiates such side effects such as wound dermatitis, allergic reactions on the skin.

Analogues, what can be replaced

If Dioxidin is contraindicated or poorly tolerated, or the consumer is not satisfied with its price, the problem arises of how to replace this antiseptic. In the instructions for various dosage forms lists of analogues of this drug are given.

Table 2. Dioxidin analogs and substitutes

Release formDirect analoguesSimilar in pharmacotherapeutic propertiesComposition of indirect substitutes
Dioxidin for intravenous administration and external useImibact, ViumksidinBacteriophage (coli, coliproteus, staphylococcal, etc.)Sterile filtrate of phagolysates of pathogenic bacteria
ZyvoxLinezolid (oscazolidinone antibiotic)
Dioxidin for infusion and intracavitary administrationUrotravenol (for intravesical administration), Viumksidin Chlorophyllipt extract (antimicrobial agent of plant origin)
Imibact (ointment)

Both direct and non-structural analogues of Dioxidin are recommended to be used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Useful video

How dangerous is sinusitis and can it be prevented? See the following video for answers to these questions:


  1. Dioxidin is a synthetic antiseptic, a potent antibacterial drug with high antimicrobial activity.
  2. According to the instructions, Dioxidin is contraindicated for children under 18 years of age and pregnant women.
  3. Method of purchase: by prescription. The drug should not be used without a doctor's prescription, as this can lead to the formation of resistant populations of bacteria that pose a threat to life in the long term.

Local application. To bake superficial infected purulent wounds, apply napkins moistened with a 0.5-1% dioxidine solution to the wound. The dressings are changed daily or every other day. For purulent wounds in the area urinary system It is recommended to change the dressing twice a day. Deep wounds after treatment, loosely tampon with tampons moistened with a 1% dioxidine solution, and if there is a drainage tube, 20 to 100 ml of a 0.5% solution of the drug is injected into the cavity. Dressings are done once a day. For the treatment of deep purulent wounds with osteomyelitis (wounds of the hand, foot), 0.5-1% solutions of the drug are used in the form of baths, followed by the application of bandages with a 1% solution of dioxidine. For long-term washing of wounds, a 0.1% solution of the drug is used (wound drainage with a thin catheter, rinsing with rare drops for 3-4 hours once or twice a day, but no more than 400-500 ml of solution per rinse). For osteomyelitis, purulent wounds are washed with a 0.2% solution, 15-20 drops per minute. Within 1-2 hours, with severe forms- until 12 o'clock To obtain 0.1-0.2% solutions, ampoule solutions of the drug are diluted to the required concentration with sterile isotonic sodium chloride solution or water for injection. Dioxidin in the form of 0.1 -0.2% solutions is also used to prevent infection after surgery. Intracavitary administration. Before starting the course of treatment, test for drug tolerance by injecting 10 ml of a 1% solution into the cavities. In absence 3-6 hours side effects begin a course of treatment, otherwise the drug is not used. The drug is administered into the cavity through a drainage tube. Catheter or syringe - usually 10-50 ml of 1% solution 1-2 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 70 ml. The course of treatment usually lasts 3 weeks. or more, if necessary, after 1-1.5 months. conduct a repeat course. Intravenous administration. A 0.5% solution of dioxidine is injected into a vein by drop method, which is diluted with a 5% glucose solution or isotonic sodium chloride solution to a concentration of 0.1-0.2%. The daily dose of the drug (600-900 mg) is administered once or in two or three doses (fractional administration). A single dose of the drug is administered intravenously over 3-4 hours once a day at a dose of no more than 700 mg (375 ml of 0.2% solution). Fractional administration of the drug is used for severe septic conditions - 150 ml of 0.2% solution for each administration. The drug is administered at a rate of 60-80 drops per minute for 30 minutes. In very severe patients in the absence of reactions to dioxidine, the daily dose can be increased to 1200 mg, it is administered in 4 doses. Excess daily dose unacceptable.