What is a scab? Surface of the wound. Wound infection

After cauterization of erosion, discharge depends on the type of treatment, and can last up to four weeks.

Hardware treatment of cervical erosion is carried out only when conservative treatment did not bring results. Cauterization of the erosion zone destroys the pathological epithelium and mobilizes the body to restore the epithelial coating or to form a scar.

Types of cauterization

Cauterization (this concept includes multiple methods of influencing the cervical mucosa) is carried out after conservative treatment has not brought the desired results.

Indications for it are:

  • false cervical erosion or ectopia;
  • leukoplakia (keratinization of the cervical epithelium);
  • erythroplakia (cervical pathology, the sign of which is areas that have completely lost the epithelium, or in which it is preserved in a minimal layer).

If the doctor decides that cauterization is necessary, preparation for it includes a smear control and a clinical blood test. When inflammatory processes are identified and the causative agent (bacteria, fungus or virus) is identified, appropriate treatment is prescribed. At the time of intervention, there should be no inflammatory processes in the vagina, cervical canal and external genital organs. For control, the doctor prescribes:

  • determination of vaginal flora (smear);
  • smear examination using chain reaction polymerases for determining infection with sexually transmitted infections;
  • general clinical blood test;
  • blood chemistry;
  • blood test for HIV, syphilis, blood group, hepatitis;
  • histological examination of tissues taken from the erosion zone.

To carry out the procedure, select suitable period- the second or third day after the complete cessation of menstrual flow. This choice serves two purposes:

  • optimal healing of the area where the intervention was performed;
  • reducing the risk of developing cervical pathologies.

The choice of technology by which cauterization will be carried out is influenced by:

  • woman's age;
  • whether she had a previous history of childbirth;
  • equipment available in the clinic;
  • the presence of a specialist who can work with equipment;
  • the question of the cost of the service if a woman goes to a paid clinic.

Many doctors offer a woman the procedure without good reason.
To decide on consent to treatment, it is advisable to undergo additional consultation with a doctor with good reviews.

Cauterization methods

For cauterization, several methods are used, which differ:

  • technological complexity;
  • the shape and depth of the burn caused to the uterine mucosa;
  • wound healing method;
  • rehabilitation method after hardware treatment.

Some cauterization methods are technically and technologically outdated, but continue to be used due to the low cost and widespread use of equipment (electric cauterization).

Existing methods of such treatment:

  • electrical (thermal) coagulation;
  • exposure to nitrogen (cryodestruction, or freezing);
  • laser burning (laser vaporization);
  • exposure to radio waves (wave coagulation);
  • plasma exposure (argon plasma ablation);
  • exposure to ultrasound;
  • medicinal cauterization.

In some cases, after treatment, erosion is detected again. The reasons are: incorrect selection of methods for stopping erosion or the patient’s non-compliance with the doctor’s prescriptions.

Discharge after cauterization

The presence of vaginal discharge, its appearance, quantity and smell are control indicators of the condition of the mucous membranes. It is considered normal for healthy woman, there should be no discharge. Their appearance, transparent or white, indicates changes in the woman’s vagina.

The release of abundant yellow masses indicates infection, a greenish-yellow color and an unpleasant odor indicate the addition of a purulent infection.

Changes in the mucosa after the procedure

Cauterization creates a lesion area (burn) on the mucous membrane, which provokes the formation of a superficial crust, swelling and redness of the mucous membrane.

A film of accumulation of dead cells forms over the burn, covering the affected area with a soft crust.

Leukocytes and other cells begin to flock to the affected area to accelerate healing, dead cells are replaced by new ones, new epithelium begins to form under the scab, which provokes a discharge that removes dead epithelium and maintains a favorable environment for healing.

The healing process depends on the type of cauterization - the most traumatic method, diathermocoagulation, will require two weeks of rehabilitation.

During this period, discharge should normally be clear, watery and not have a strong odor. The crust, separated from the renewed mucosa, comes out on its own, without pain, with vaginal leucorrhoea.

In some cases, changes in discharge may indicate separation of the scab:

  • slight discomfort appears in the lower abdomen;
  • can be point pain in the cervical area;
  • spotting appears - normally it lasts for a day.

If bleeding after cauterization of erosion continues for more than two or three days, you should consult a doctor.

Women should know how to behave after treatment for erosion and what kind of discharge there should be - rehabilitation depends on this.

Discharge after electric cauterization

The method involves applying current through an electrode to the affected area of ​​the epithelium. The affected area is deep, since the method does not allow the size of the lesion to be adjusted with great accuracy.

The burn on the mucous membrane heals within 14 days, and during this time discharge is observed after cauterization of cervical erosion. This method is characterized by bloody discharge with blood clots (due to deep damage). If after cauterization the erosion bleeds for more than three to four days, then it is necessary drug treatment to stop bleeding.

To do this, the woman is prescribed the medicine Tranex (or another hemostatic drug), which should be taken as prescribed by the doctor, most often in a tablet (250 mg of the substance) during the day.

If after treatment the discharge changes color and smell, the doctor, after examining the smear, will prescribe antibiotic therapy. To prevent inflammatory processes, the doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory suppositories, as well as suppositories that promote the healing of affected tissues (sea buckthorn).

Diathermocoagulation is the only cauterization method that is performed before menstruation, so if erosion bleeds after treatment, this can be caused by menstruation and means the woman is entering a new physiological cycle.

The method of current destruction is the most traumatic and difficult for a woman to perceive. To relieve pain, the drugs Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Nimesulide are used. If the erosion bleeds after cauterization, the pain is accompanied by chills and high fever - these are signs of bleeding. This condition requires medical correction.

Discharge during laser cauterization

The laser vaporization method allows the procedure to be carried out with high precision, minimally damaging the surrounding tissues with the light beam. The process of renewing the epithelial coating lasts for a month, which reduces the risk of cervical complications.

The procedure may cause the woman to have a slightly bloody or clear, watery discharge. To prevent inflammatory processes, the doctor prescribes suppositories - anti-inflammatory or healing, relieving inflammation. A peculiarity of discharge during the laser correction method is its pungent odor.

Discharge during the radiomethod

This treatment method is considered the newest and most modern, with the least trauma. A scab does not form over the affected area, but a light thin film appears. The method is non-contact, preventing infection from entering the woman’s genital tract during the procedure, which minimizes the risk of inflammation.

As a result of the correction, bloody discharge appears after cauterization of the erosion; this is considered normal. They should disappear in a few days, and soreness and cramping should go away with them. This treatment method produces minimal relapses.

Discharge using the freezing method

The freezing method is considered more gentle than electric cauterization. A characteristic feature of the method is the formation of copious watery discharge throughout the healing process.

Vaginal discharge with other methods of destruction does not differ significantly from those described above. The doctor conducts follow-up examinations every 10 days, the last one on days 45-50 after the treatment procedure.

Discharge during the wound healing stage

What discharge after cauterization of erosion is considered normal? By their nature and color, you can determine the stage of wound healing after the intervention and the condition of the mucous membranes of the cervix.

Typically, discharge without associated pathology lasts for 3 weeks. During the first 7-9 days, a watery, clear liquid is released. In the case of cauterization by electric current, there may be bloody discharge after cauterization of the erosion. The color of the fluid discharged from the vagina becomes pink, the consistency of the discharge becomes thicker. Their hue can be emphasized by streaks of blood.

Then, on days 10-14, the discharge becomes thicker and pasty, the color of the discharge becomes darker, even brown. The discharge may contain pieces of tissue from a peeling scab.

After the crust falls off, minor bleeding may be observed in the intervention area, which quickly stops on its own. Any bleeding after erosion should not be profuse, but should at most resemble menstruation in intensity.

To relieve pathological (too abundant) bleeding The doctor performs a cauterization procedure for the affected vessel.

Painful discharge

After cauterization of the erosion, the woman is at home and must independently study the discharge to monitor the healing of the wound.

A woman's attention should be drawn to the smallest disturbances in the volume, color, smell and consistency of the discharge.

To prevent bleeding and increased discharge, an infected woman must adhere to a number of rules; the doctor must inform about this after cauterization. General period rehabilitation after treatment is at least 90 days. Throughout this period, a woman needs:

  • lead a measured lifestyle with a mandatory eight-hour sleep;
  • exclude from the diet spicy, fried, heavy foods that would cause blood flow to the pelvis;
  • give up alcohol and tobacco;
  • include in the daily schedule physical exercise and walks 10-15 days after cauterization;
  • do not swim in open waters, rivers and pools;
  • exclude hot bath and a bath;
  • do not lift objects, total weight which exceed 3 kilograms.

A woman should avoid sexual intercourse until the erosion zone is completely healed and a full-fledged epithelium appears.

The doctor performs cauterization after treating the infection, but:

  • violation of hygiene;
  • weak immune system;
  • non-compliance with doctor's recommendations;

leads to re-infection and the need for additional treatment.

When restoring menstruation, it is necessary to use only external sanitary pads, changing them as they become dirty, but at least every 2 hours. Tampons are prohibited.

If inflammatory processes are detected in the scab area, they are prescribed vaginal products Polygynax - active against fungi and Terzhinan (a complex drug against all vaginal infections).

Cauterization of the cervix is ​​an effective treatment procedure, however, it has its consequences. After surgery, damaged tissue is restored, which is accompanied by a number of symptoms. The first thing a woman encounters is discharge after cauterization. They can be of different nature, which will help determine whether this is the norm or a deviation.

How does the healing process occur after cauterization of cervical erosion

After the procedure, the first step is inflammation. This phase is mild and the woman does not have to suffer from specific symptoms. Collagen production is also stimulated at this stage. Fibroblasts and leukocytes flock to the damaged area, which eliminate decay products.

Reference! The first time after surgery there is a high risk of infectious agents entering, so it is important to follow the doctor’s recommendations to prevent complications.

The inflammation stage is followed by proliferation. At this time, granulation tissue grows and blood vessels begin to grow into it. At the end of the stage, the epithelium appears and the scab disappears. This process lasts 10-20 days, depending on the size of the wound and the level of reactivity of the body.

The last stage of healing is epithelialization. After surgery, scarring may occur, but this is only if the electrocoagulation method was used. When is cauterization performed? in modern ways, the wound surface is insignificant and there are no scars.

Normal discharge after cauterization of cervical erosion

After the cauterization procedure, the scab fixes the vessels well, so no bleeding is observed. The first day there will be clear, watery discharge, which will be the norm.

Signs of normal healing will be the following discharge characteristics:

  • transparent, without impurities;
  • last no more than 10 days;
  • sparse;
  • gradually thicken;
  • after 10 days they darken and turn brown;
  • Bleeding is observed on days 10-20, which stops after a few hours.

When the scab leaves, the discharge becomes bloody, which is associated with vascular damage. Normally, bleeding stops after 1-3 hours. If the process does not stop, you need to urgently tell a specialist about it.

The discharge is transparent and may have a pink or brown tint. They stop after healing. The entire recovery process can last up to 3 weeks. Normally, patients do not experience itching, burning, or pain. What is important is that they have no selection. If the nature of the mucus differs from the norm, we can talk about complications. This could be infection, vascular damage, the appearance of cysts, or relapse.

The nature of pathological discharge after cauterization

Pathologically altered exudate will have a characteristic color. It also differs in smell and abundance. At the same time, one can observe a deterioration in the woman’s well-being.

What is the difference pathological discharge after cauterization:

  1. Impurities of blood in the exudate.
  2. The smell.
  3. Color.
  4. Associated unpleasant symptoms.

Blood impurities

The appearance of blood on the first day after the procedure indicates damage to the vessel. You won’t be able to cope with this problem on your own; you need to immediately visit your gynecologist, who will carry out hemostatic measures. This problem can be dealt with by coagulation or bandaging. The choice of treatment method will be determined by the doctor depending on the abundance of discharge.

Appearance blood clots after 1-2 weeks indicates the removal of the scab. But it is important to distinguish this phenomenon from a pathological one. If the bleeding stops on its own after a few hours, then everything is in order and the healing was successful.

There are situations when blood begins to be released after menstruation, which depends on the period of cauterization. Sexual intercourse, as well as the use of tampons, can provoke minor bleeding, which is contraindicated in the early stages. recovery period. But most often, bleeding is the result of cysts. What complicates the situation is that the disease does not have specific manifestations.

Bleeding is also possible if the operation was performed using liquid nitrogen or by cryodestruction. In this case, the scab covers the glands, interfering with the normal discharge of mucus, causing cystic enlargements to appear. At mechanical damage(for example, during sexual intercourse) they burst, which causes a slight release of blood.

If it starts to smear before menstruation, this indicates endometriosis. This phenomenon occurs if menstruation begins before complete tissue healing occurs. In this case, there is a risk of the formation of cysts that are filled with bloody contents.


During the healing process, the discharge has no odor. Its appearance may indicate a recovery failure. The addition of infection and the spread of pathogenic microflora become factors in the occurrence of bacterial vaginosis. Pathogenic flora releases volatile amines, which give a pronounced unpleasant aroma.

A dangerous signal will be the appearance putrid smell. In this case, there is a possibility purulent inflammation, which requires immediate treatment. An indication for an urgent visit to a gynecologist will be a combination of a putrid odor with.

Associated symptoms

The development of complications after surgery may be accompanied by a number of manifestations:

  • soreness;
  • temperature increase;
  • discomfort lower abdomen.

Such symptoms can accompany many complications, and sometimes they will be completely normal. Therefore, you need to seek help in any case if additional manifestations appear. It is better to take preventive measures in time than to carry out long-term and unpleasant treatment which will harm the body after undergone surgery.

Pain after cauterization of cervical erosion may be the result of the development of an inflammatory process. When the infection enters the body of the uterus through the cervical canal, an exacerbation occurs. This condition is characterized by nagging pain that gradually intensifies.

As the temperature rises we're talking about about inflammation. In this case, antibiotic treatment cannot be avoided, and only the attending physician can prescribe them after identifying the causative agent.

Black discharge

The secretion of the cervical canal turns black when particles of blood appear. This indicates the beginning of menstruation. After surgery, it is characterized by brown-black discharge. However, normally they are not abundant. When there is a lot of secretion, this indicates a complication that arose as a result of non-compliance with recommendations during recovery.

Black discharge is the result of scab getting into it. But it should be remembered that in most cases they will be a sign of gynecological diseases. Without a doubt, you need to consult a gynecologist if black exudate occurs after sexual intercourse, and if you are worried about pain, dry mucous membranes, fever, burning.

Yellow discharge

The appearance of yellowish discharge may indicate disorders such as:

  1. Bacterial infection - infection could occur both during and after the procedure. Copious yellow secretions are a sign of gonorrhea and trichomoniasis. You should pay attention to the foaming greenish exudate with unpleasant smell, which also indicates serious illness.
  2. Inflammatory changes in the uterus fallopian tubes, ovaries - yellow-green mucus with an unpleasant aroma appears. It has a thick consistency.
  3. Relapse of erosion - occurs in the case of incomplete treatment of the pathological focus, which is possible due to incorrect diagnosis or the choice of the wrong treatment tactics. The risk of relapse also increases if injured during radio wave cauterization.

Yellow exudate usually appears a few days after treatment. It has a persistent unpleasant odor. Only a doctor after an examination will be able to tell the exact reason.

Brown discharge

It comes out on the first day and 8-10 days after the intervention, which will be the norm. When is there copious discharge with an unpleasant odor, this may be a sign of endometrial inflammation. When tissue grows, blood vessels rupture, and therefore the mucus is colored brown color.

Thick, plentiful brown slime appears in case of infectious inflammation. This is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, deterioration of health, increased temperature, and general malaise.


Transparent pink discharge– the norm in the first days after surgery. The bright color already indicates the presence large quantity blood. It will be normal if it lasts no more than 3 hours. Over time, the pink tint of the discharge gives way to white, but the intensity of the secretion only increases. The cervical mucus then turns brown. Afterwards it thickens and comes out in smaller quantities.

To identify an anomaly, it is important to know the normal sequence:

  1. Transparent pink discharge.
  2. Intense pink slime.
  3. Brown thick secretion.
  4. Scanty whitish discharge.

At any stage of recovery after cauterization, elements of a scab may be observed in the cervical mucus, which is normal. What is typical is that as soon as the scab comes out, the intensity of the discharge increases, then sharply decreases.

In any case, healing does not pass without a trace. The woman is worried about mild pain, reminiscent of menstrual pain. When severe pain and copious secretion are a concern, this is a deviation that requires an immediate visit to a gynecologist.

If there is no discharge

The nature of the secretion after surgery allows the doctor to evaluate the healing process and recognize deviations in time. It also happens that secretion during the recovery period is very weak or absent altogether.

Complete absence discharge is not entirely normal, and you need to check with your doctor about the reasons for this phenomenon. But not abundant secretion without accompanying symptoms will be the norm. It is much worse if there is bleeding or intense discharge.

How long does the discharge last?

Normally, the discharge completely stops after 21 days. Gradually they change color, then become whitish, after which menstruation occurs. The first 10 days they are transparent, pinkish, the next 10 days - brown, with a red tint.

Reference! If complications occur, the duration of the release of pathological exudate will depend on the quality of the treatment and the cause of the underlying disease.

Recovery after treatment of cervical erosion

The use of modern options for treating erosion eliminates many complications. However, no one is safe from them, and after cauterization, a number of preventive measures must be followed.

During rehabilitation, every woman must adhere to the following rules:

  • from water procedures use only showers, refusing baths, swimming pools, saunas, baths;
  • for 21 days do not lift more than 3 kg, reduce the level of physical activity;
  • until complete healing, refrain from sexual intercourse;
  • do not change the usual climatic conditions;
  • stop using tampons during the first menstruation after cauterization;
  • do not douche without a doctor’s prescription;
  • pass routine inspection at the gynecologist;
  • Consult a doctor if alarming symptoms occur.

Procedure in case of occurrence warning signs:

  1. The appearance of copious cervical mucus a few days after the event - urgent appeal to a gynecologist to stop bleeding.
  2. Appearance after sexual intercourse several weeks after cauterization - make an appointment with a gynecologist.
  3. The secretion acquires a putrid odor, unpleasant sensations appear in the lower abdomen, a burning sensation, rash, high temperature are disturbing - take a painkiller (it is best to take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) and make an appointment with a doctor.

Of great importance proper preparation to cauterization. It's important to choose the right time cycle so that there is no menstruation during the recovery period. Before the procedure, it is necessary to take it to exclude an infectious process. If there is inflammation or gynecological disease caused by bacteria, appropriate therapy is first carried out and only then cauterization is prescribed.

In order to prevent complications, even before treating cervical erosion, the doctor may prescribe local remedies as vaginal suppositories and tablets. When fungal infection antifungal treatment is carried out, including suppositories Pimafucin or Clotrimazole. The drug Fluconazole can be prescribed orally.

In case of bacterial vaginosis or dysbiosis, appropriate treatment is carried out. There are often cases when erosion is combined with other diseases, including HPV, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, and ureaplasmosis. Such diseases will be factors of relapse, therefore their timely elimination is an important measure to prevent the consequences after cauterization.

To speed up healing after the procedure, the following measures are taken:

  • healing suppositories are prescribed sea ​​buckthorn oil, Betadine, Genferon;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs are used - Paracetamol, Diclofenac, Naiz;
  • antibacterial vaginal tablets are prescribed.

Self-treatment of complications is dangerous. Application of methods alternative medicine, choosing medications without consulting a doctor can become factors that worsen the condition, then eliminating it will be more difficult as it becomes a chronic process. Douching is also contraindicated unless prescribed by a gynecologist.

Washing out normal microflora will disrupt recovery and become a factor of dysbiosis. Concerning folk remedies, they are acceptable, but only as an auxiliary treatment for general health. Douching using such recipes is contraindicated.

An important factor During the rehabilitation period there will be a stable psycho-emotional state. Should be excluded stressful situations, if necessary, take sedatives. If the activity involves physical labor, you will have to give it up for a while. After the tissue has healed, you can return to your usual lifestyle.

Why is there a delay after cauterization of cervical erosion?

Conization is the surgical removal of part of the cervix and cervical canal in the form of a cone.

It is used for treatment (see “indications”) and diagnostics, that is, for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes.

For diagnostic purposes, the removed cone is sent to the pathology laboratory for histological analysis to identify cancer cells and the degree of the tumor process.

In what phase of the cycle is cauterization performed?

The purpose of cauterization depends on the phase of the cycle and the urgency of the procedure. There are 3 types of procedures:

Diathermocoagulation is carried out urgently when there is a high probability of rapid growth of polyps and their degeneration into malignant tumor A biopsy of the cervix is ​​also often taken to rule out cancer.

Laser radio wave therapy as a low-traumatic method for fast healing The wound is performed on days 5-7 of the menstrual cycle, so that the cervix will heal before the next menstruation arrives.

It is better when moxibustion is performed between days 3 and 9 of the cycle. This is the time when the muscle tissue of the uterus is in a softer, relaxed state, and its cervix is ​​slightly open.

It is easier for the gynecologist to view the entire cavity and carry out the conization procedure in order to complete removal modified affected epithelial tissue without leaving any particles behind. In addition, the doctor will not affect healthy nearby areas during the operation, which means that the healing process will be faster in the future.

Conization is performed at the beginning of the cycle, on days 5-10, in order to ensure healing of the cervix in the next cycle.

The process of conization and its types

There are several types of conization, the most common are the following:

  • loop electroconization;
  • radio wave type of conization;
  • laser type of biopsy;
  • knife type surgical intervention.

The knife type of surgical intervention is used very rarely due to the high likelihood of complications after its use.

The laser type of intervention is high-tech and the most expensive. Loop conization is a method that has a small percentage of complications and a relatively low cost of the intervention.

The optimal time for the operation is the period immediately after the end of menstruation. This period is preferable due to the fact that it completely eliminates the possibility of pregnancy and leaves enough a long period in order for the cervix to heal at the site of the surgical field.

Carrying out loop conization consists of several stages. The main stages are the following:

  1. Insertion of a plastic speculum into the vagina of a woman lying in a gynecological chair.
  2. Removing vaginal discharge.
  3. Treatment of the surgical field using Lugol's solution.
  4. Anesthesia with injections of an anesthetic composition consisting of 1% lidocaine solution with adrenaline. Adrenaline is necessary to reduce bleeding.
  5. The electrode loop is installed at a distance of 3-5 mm from the boundary of the transformation zone. By passing high-frequency alternating current, the transformation zone is cut out to a depth of 5 mm.
  6. The cut section of tissue is removed using tweezers and sent for examination.
  7. At the last stage, coagulation of bleeding points on the surgical field is carried out.

The procedure takes about 15 minutes.

  • after conization it is more difficult to get pregnant;
  • the barrier function of the uterus decreases along the way inflammatory diseases, which in themselves negatively affect the possibility of pregnancy and healthy childbirth;
  • birth by cesarean section;
  • Reproductologists often refuse IVF to women with conization of the cervix due to a history of dysplasia.

Unlike conization, PDT is non-traumatic therapeutic method. It targets neoplasia in two directions at once:

  1. destroys tumor and virus-infected cells,
  1. destroys the papilloma virus in the mucous membranes of the cervix and cervical canal.

By using PDT for treatment, we preserve the integrity of the cervix and uterus and restore immunity at the organ level. A healthy cervix reliably protects itself and the uterus from infections, it is ready for conception, for full independent pregnancy and childbirth.

The human papillomavirus in the mucous membrane is completely destroyed, which serves as a reliable lifelong prevention precancerous diseases cervix.

Prognosis after PDT treatment

What to do after conization to reduce the likelihood of relapse to zero?

If you do choose conization, in order to prevent relapse, I recommend performing one photodynamic therapy procedure to get rid of HPV and reliably protect yourself.

For full recovery Usually one session is enough.

After treatment with PDT over a seven-year period, no relapse is observed in 95% of cases. All patients stay in touch with me - modern technologies allow it to be maintained

The effectiveness of PDT treatment is assessed according to the international algorithm:

  1. colposcopy (vidocolposcopy)
  1. cytological screening (scraping from the cervix for cytology).

Screening after PDT is carried out 1, 4 and 7 months after the procedure, then once a year.

Postoperative period

After surgery, a woman may feel slight discomfort and nagging pain in the lower abdomen. A woman’s menstruation after the procedure can significantly intensify and become longer than before the surgical procedure.

In addition, after conization of the cervix, formation is observed brown discharge, which are the norm in this condition female body. If this type of discharge occurs, there is no need to worry.

Regardless of the type of operation chosen, a wound surface is formed on the cervix. During the process of conization, the top layer is destroyed under the influence of laser, electricity or radio waves. In place of the damaged cells, a scab forms, which comes off over time.

Women who are faced with the need to undergo conization of the cervix are worried. They are interested in how the operation itself is performed and how the postoperative period goes. Doctors warn that you should not rely on the experience of other women. The sensations will depend on the following factors:

  • pain threshold;
  • cervical conditions;
  • size of the remote area;
  • individual reaction to anesthesia;
  • features of the operation;
  • the amount of scab formed and the intensity of its discharge.

Patients who underwent conventional knife conization often complained of intense bleeding and severe pain after surgery. The removal of the scab was often accompanied by bleeding.

After the knife method, an inelastic scar may remain on the cervix. It does not bother a woman, but can cause problems during pregnancy and childbirth. Sometimes scars remain after electroloop conization. And laser and radio wave procedures, as a rule, do not leave traces.

For many, healing occurs in 4-6 weeks. But in some cases, the process lasts up to 4 months - the duration depends on the individual ability of the body to regenerate tissue.

If there were no problems during conization, and the woman adheres to the doctor’s recommendations, then the likelihood of complications occurring is minimal. Many patients do not even have blood in the first month, they only have copious watery discharge. Blood or spotting may appear only when the scab is removed.

In the postoperative period, women face the following problems:

  • bleeding within 2-3 weeks after surgery;
  • painful sensations in the lower abdomen, in intensity reminiscent of pain during menstruation;
  • increase in volume bloody discharge when the scab leaves;
  • unpleasant vaginal discharge.

Pain and increased volume of discharge may indicate damage to the tissue of the cervix and the onset of bleeding. An unpleasant odor appears when the damaged area is affected by pathogenic microorganisms.

Within a week after surgery, most patients begin to lose the scab. This may significantly increase the volume of discharge. For many, they become not only more abundant, but also darker.

The conization procedure occupies a special place in the lives of nulliparous women.

This is a procedure in which a cone-shaped fragment is removed from the cervix. After this, it is sent for histological examination.

There are contraindications for cervical conization:

  • diseases of the female reproductive system that are inflammatory or infectious in nature,
  • invasive cervical cancer, which is confirmed by the results of histological examination.

Indications for conization of the cervix

Conization is a widely used procedure in gynecology. The purpose of the operation is to remove the following elements:

  • neoplasms in the uterine cavity;
  • erosive areas;
  • malignant tumors;
  • tumor-like fragments of unknown etiology.

Conization is often performed to reduce the risk of developing cancer. During the procedure, a biopsy of the cervix is ​​often taken to examine the tissue for histology.

Conization of the cervix is ​​prescribed in the following cases:

  • detection of pathological areas in the cervical canal of the cervix;
  • dysplasia 2-3 degrees;
  • according to the results of histological examination;
  • if the development of cancer is suspected, when a cervical biopsy is necessary.

A similar operation is carried out using a loop, laser or radio wave. Almost any of the methods used to cauterize erosion leads to a delay in menstruation. The procedure is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • in inflammatory processes;
  • for infectious diseases in the genital tract;
  • for invasive cervical cancer.

In general, conization takes no more than 20 minutes and does not cause pain due to the absence of nerve endings in the cervix. No anesthesia is required.

Removal of pathological tissue is carried out by applying alternating current to the loop and cauterizing the erosion. To prevent complications and infection of the uterine cavity in the future, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment for women. antibacterial drugs and vitamins to support immunity.

During the surgical procedure, the specialist removes a small cone-shaped area of ​​the surface of the cervical canal and part of the cervix. Very often, conization of the cervix is ​​carried out not so much for the purpose of treatment, but in order to conduct a histological examination of the tissue fragment obtained as a result of the operation.

As a result of histological analysis, the presence or absence of cells capable of degenerating into cancer in the tissue sample being studied is determined. Tissue that has signs of a pathological nature is removed through one surgical intervention, which is an advantage.

After surgery and the end of the healing period of the surgical field on the surface of the cervix, you need to visit a doctor and undergo a cytological examination. Very rarely, but a repeat biopsy may still be required if suspicious cells appear.

There are a number of indications and contraindications for cervical conization. The main indications for surgical intervention are the following:

  • identification of pathological tissue areas on the mucous membrane of the cervical canal;
  • development of grade 2-3 dysplasia if the diagnosis is confirmed by histological analysis;
  • upon receiving negative results from a Pap test, which is a test of a smear from the cervix.

A contraindication to conization is the presence of invasive cervical cancer in a woman’s body; in addition, conization cannot be used if infectious diseases of the pelvic organs develop in the body.

  • cervical dysplasia grades 2 and 3,
  • multiple polyps and cysts of the cervical canal,
  • severe scar deformities,
  • initial forms of cancer - superficial cancer in situ and stage 1A cancer. Conization is not used to treat more severe stages of cervical cancer.

The decision as to whether conization is indicated in a particular case is made on the basis of the unsatisfactory condition of the cervix according to extended colposcopy and the presence of atypical cells in cytological analysis.

After the procedure, I closely monitor the patient for 7 months and regularly - 1, 4 and 7 months after PDT - I perform colposcopy and a cytogram of scrapings from the cervix.

This observation tactics makes it possible, at the slightest shift in analysis, to make a decision in favor of repeat procedure PDT, and in favor of loop conization to clarify the diagnosis (I perform loop conization of the cervix only for diagnostic purposes).

Dangerous complications

In most cases, after conization of the cervix, the scab comes off painlessly. But some women say that this period is accompanied by the following:

  • pain appears in the lower abdomen;
  • there is discomfort in the cervical area;
  • the amount of bleeding increases.

Patients claim that the pain is similar in nature to menstrual pain. They can be pulling and aching. If necessary, you can take Ibuprofen or Ketonal to alleviate the condition. If a cutting appears, sharp pain, you should consult your doctor.

An examination by a gynecologist is necessary if a woman’s scab comes off and the following is recorded:

  • temperature rises;
  • intense discharge began, reminiscent of bleeding;
  • severe itching bothers me.

Dead tissue does not always begin to come off painlessly. Cutting pains, accompanied by the appearance of heavy bleeding, may indicate damage to the tissue of the cervix. In this case, the gynecologist must treat the damaged area to stop the bleeding. This way the scab should not come off. Women are also prescribed antibiotic therapy to prevent complications.

Some people feel great discomfort as the scab comes off. Patients complain of weakness, drowsiness, chills, and slight dizziness.

Many people are interested in how exactly the scab comes off after conization of the cervix. You can understand that the process of its rejection has begun if you look at the discharge. In them, women may notice dried blood in the form of crusts.

For most women, the postoperative period passes without complications. But sometimes special hemostatic drugs are required. If indicated, the doctor may prescribe:

  • water pepper tincture;
  • "Dicynon";
  • "Tranexam."

You cannot start taking hemostatic drugs on your own without a doctor’s examination. Perhaps while the scab was coming off, the vessel was damaged. Only coagulation can cope with bleeding.

In the standard time frame after conization, women begin menstruation. In the first and second cycles after surgery, periods are more abundant and may last longer than usual. But as a rule, by the 3rd cycle the situation returns to normal.

Some women cannot understand the nature of the discharge: it can be difficult to understand whether the scab is coming off or menstruation has begun. If conization was done on days 5-7, then the crust comes off on days 10-17 of the cycle. It's too early for your period to start.

Judging by the reviews of patients, it is possible to understand that dead cells are rejected by the nature of the bleeding. Usually in the morning the intensity of discharge is greater, and in the evening it practically stops.

It is considered normal if serous-bloody discharge occurs within 10-20 days after conization. From time to time they may intensify, resembling menstrual ones in character and intensity.

You should immediately consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • bleeding is heavier than normal menstruation,
  • copious discharge or a lot of clots,
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen,
  • increased body temperature,
  • discharge with an unpleasant odor continues for more than three weeks after the procedure.
  1. Low efficiency of the method. Conization as a treatment method severe cervical dysplasia and cancer prevention is effective only in 30-50% of cases. These are official statistics.
  1. Relapse. Conization does not protect against recurrence of the underlying disease.
  1. Disease progression. In 50-70% of cases, within 6-24 months the course of the disease follows a pessimistic scenario and enters a more severe stage.

Dysplasia of the second degree passes into the third, dysplasia of the third degree and leukoplakia - into non-invasive cancer cervix.

  1. Conization does not cure HPV. Human papillomavirus(HPV) remains in the epithelium of the cervix, remains active and in 50-70% of cases after treatment causes relapse.

Standard immunocorrection programs strengthen the immune system, but do not get rid of HPV, the cause of precancerous diseases of the uterus.

  1. Any surgical intervention is a provoking factor.

Firstly, it provokes infection - it becomes more resistant (resistant) to any treatment methods. Secondly, in the presence of tumor cells, any surgical intervention makes the tumor cells more aggressive - it activates tumor growth and the process of metastasis.

Video of loop conization of the cervix

  1. Often re-conization is not possible. Each woman has an individual anatomy of the cervix, and not everyone can undergo a second conization after the first conization, even if there are indications. In this case, classical medicine can only offer amputation of the cervix or the entire uterus.

Young women come to see me every day, often having not even partially fulfilled their reproductive function, “wrung up” about the outcome of the disease, with a strong recommendation from their attending physicians to immediately remove the uterus.

My dears, dysplasia and others precancerous conditions cervix and uterus are successfully treated using photodynamic therapy. Unfortunately, not all specialists are competent enough and strictly adhere to work regulations in the process of preparing and performing PDT.

Therefore, before planning treatment, I have to engage in psychotherapy and restore a method discredited by colleagues.

The only immediate complication can be considered intense bleeding after conization, inflammation (temperatures above 37.5° C require consultation with a doctor) and narrowing of the cervical canal (stenosis) during the healing process, which can be completely resolved in outpatient setting. But long-term complications much more serious.

The epithelium, the size of the cervix and the cervical plug are a powerful part of the local immunity inherent in nature.

After conization, the anatomy of the organ and vagina changes, and the cervix shortens. Short neck and changes in the composition of the secretion of the plug in the cervical canal cannot fully function as a barrier between the external environment and the uterus. Increased risk of developing infectious diseases uterus and appendages. And the higher the operation is performed, the higher the risks.

The causes of bleeding after removal of uterine erosion may be different, so you need to consult a gynecologist who performed the cauterization procedure. He will be able to carry out the necessary diagnostics and find out why blood appears after cauterization of uterine erosion.

To reduce bleeding, doctors usually perform this procedure after five days after regulation. But if there is still significant blood loss, it is recommended to stop the bleeding using various hemostatic drugs.

Types of pathology

This cervical disease does not necessarily appear in women who have given birth; it is a fairly common pathology in young girls.

The disease can occur:

  • in the lungs;
  • in the middle;
  • to a severe extent.

IN medical practice The following manifestations of pathology occur:

Erosion in medicine is called cell replacement mucous epithelium columnar epithelial cells. Thus, uterine erosion itself is not dangerous, but in rare cases it can cause a serious illness.

Experts identify three types of erosion that must be distinguished:

  1. Pseudo-erosion - characterized by a red color of the surface, has no definite shape, can be small (a few millimeters) or sufficient in volume up to several centimeters). Appears, as a rule, as a result of infection or inflammatory process. In some cases, purulent discharge can be observed on its surface. This type of erosion is dangerous because it can later cause cervical cancer. Requires treatment.
  2. Congenital erosion - can be detected either in childhood or in adolescence as a result of colposcopy. Characterized by displacement columnar epithelium and, as a rule, goes away after childbirth. It is not particularly dangerous and therefore does not require treatment.
  3. True erosion or actual erosion of the cervix is ​​observed either in the area of ​​the posterior or anterior pharynx of the cervix, or in the area of ​​the lip of the cervix. This is a small red area that may bleed. The disease develops from ten to fourteen days, and then the cells of the old epithelium are replaced by cells of the new one. Pseudo-erosion can then turn into true erosion. It needs treatment and is often quite difficult to treat, because the affected areas can provoke bleeding.


The appearance of blood after cauterization of erosion for two to three weeks is normal, and the nature of the discharge changes as the wound heals. What are the symptoms of normal discharge?

Here are the main ones:

  • Bloody mucus appears in the patient in the first days after cauterization of the erosion. Normally, they go away in two to ten days. As a rule, they contain bloody spots, and sometimes they themselves take on the character of bloody discharge. There is no need to be alarmed by this, as everything is within normal limits.
  • Pink (can be copious or thick) discharge - at first quite liquid, but towards the end it becomes thick and you can even see blood clots in it. They are also the norm.
  • Brown, scanty or thick discharge– last no longer than a week and along with them any discharge associated with this operation ends.

It is also normal if small blood clots come out along with the discharge - these are the remains of a scab. You should know that on the 8th or 21st day after the operation, a woman may suddenly start bleeding, but it lasts no more than two hours.

If bleeding continues longer in women, it means that when the scab fell off, a large one burst. blood vessel, which needs to be either bandaged or cauterized.

If, after the cauterization procedure, a woman observes heavy bleeding, fever, chills and severe abdominal pain, then it is necessary to urgently call ambulance, since in this case it will be necessary to perform surgical intervention.

It should be remembered that if bloody discharge coincides with the regulations, then this is not the norm. In this case, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of pregnancy, and then diagnose the cause of this pathology.

This may be a problem with reproductive function women or incorrectly performed cauterization of erosion.

It is worth considering that when performing a laser operation, blood flows on the first day and is not a pathology - in this case there is no need to see a doctor.

Diagnosis and treatment methods

Before treating uterine erosion, it is necessary to pass all the necessary tests and undergo mandatory diagnostics so that the specialist can correctly prescribe therapy for the woman.

The doctor sends for research:

  • The woman needs to pass HIV blood test, syphilis and hepatitis.
  • Flora smear.
  • Get a speculum examination from a gynecologist.
  • Colposcopy – performed special device, which increases the infected surface by thirty times.
  • A biopsy is done if a woman is suspected of having a malignant neoplasm.
  • PCR, which detects presence of herpes virus in the blood or papillomas.
  • Mandatory cytological examination.

With the help of tests, the doctor can answer the question: how to treat the disease. Because depending on the size and nature of the spread of cervical erosion, treatment methods or necessary medications are selected.

Before treating erosion, you need to make sure that the diagnosis is correct and undergo some tests. And only after that proceed directly to treatment. This includes:

  • general inspection on mirrors;
  • taking a smear for vaginal microflora;
  • oncocytological smear type PAP test;
  • colposcopy - performed using a special optical device with a magnification of 30 times;
  • examination for possible sexually transmitted infections;
  • PCR diagnostics for papillomavirus with mandatory genotyping of the virus;
  • a biopsy procedure from an eroded area of ​​the cervix, immediately before cauterization.

Before treatment, examination and diagnosis are prescribed

Treatment methods

On this moment Experts offer several methods for treating this disease. Their choice depends on the woman’s condition, the stage of the disease, and the size of the lesion.

The main goal of treatment is to eliminate the changed tissue. If an inflammatory process has joined the disease, then, first of all, the infection must be eliminated.

For this, specialists usually prescribe a course of antibiotics. After completing this course, drugs are prescribed that restore the organ lining.

It is worth noting that during this treatment, pain may radiate to the stomach. This phenomenon is quite normal.

However, physiosurgical methods are considered to be the most effective treatment methods. These include:

  • Electrocoagulation.
  • Cryotherapy.
  • Laser coagulation.
  • Radio wave surgery.

Laser cauterization is one of the most effective methods treatment. This is due to the fact that laser cauterization allows you to treat the affected area with maximum precision.

Besides, laser exposure eliminates inflammation and acts as one of the safest.

The cauterization method is the leading method of treating an eroded cervix, which most women can easily tolerate.

Cauterization methods

Today, there are several ways to cauterize erosion, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages:

  • diathermocoagulation;
  • cryodestruction;
  • laser therapy
  • chemical coagulation.

Features of the procedure

After the cauterization procedure, erosion is formed in its place. small wound, for the successful healing of which it is necessary to create special conditions.

It is important to ensure a state of functional rest and help restore the microflora of the cervix, and you must follow all the advice of a specialist. After cauterization it is important:

  • completely eliminate sexual contact, which will help prevent the possibility of infection of the resulting wound;
  • avoid lifting heavy objects and strenuous physical activity;
  • It is prohibited to take a bath or swim in the pool, only showers are allowed.

Several methods can be used to remove erosion from the cervical surface. Each of the cauterization options provides good results, but only with the correct choice and compliance with the indications for the procedure. Typically used:

  • cryodestruction (freezing out pathology with liquid nitrogen);
  • cauterization with Surgitron (radio wave therapy);
  • cauterization with a laser beam (vaporization).

Diathermocoagulation is used rarely and according to strict indications. Cauterization with electricity is one of the methods with the most complications and unpleasant consequences.

Radio wave exposure is one of the best techniques surgical removal erosions on the cervix. Surgitron can treat almost all types of cervical pathology, with the exception of precancerous processes.

Cryodestruction and laser therapy help with small pathologies. After cauterization of the cervix, the following immediate results are possible:.

  • recovery;
  • incomplete healing of the defect on the cervix;
  • relapse of erosion.

Modern gynecology offers several methods for physically eliminating pathology:

  1. 1. Diathermocoagulation - current therapy.
  2. 2. Cryodestruction eliminates pathological process with the help of nitrogen. This therapy is considered more gentle. It is based on freezing pathological cells.
  3. 3. Laser vaporization. This therapy method is highly effective.
  4. 4. Radio wave therapy is a promising treatment for erosion.
  5. 5. Argon plasma ablation. Erosion is cauterized with argon, which undergoes ionization with high frequency currents.
  6. 6. Electroconization can be done for severe dysplasia. This method of therapy promotes the rapid elimination of atypical cells and deep pathological epithelial layers.
  7. 7. Cauterization with ultrasound.
  8. 8. Drug or chemical therapy. You can cauterize the erosion with the drug Solkovagin. It provokes tissue necrosis, which contributes to the formation of a scab.

The consequences after cauterization of erosion can be varied and depend on the treatment method. Most often, a woman begins to be bothered by discharge from the genital tract, which is formed as a result of the reaction of body tissues to irritation.

Most often, such discharge begins to bother the patient 10-12 days after the procedure, since it is at this time that the scab is rejected.

Unpleasant consequences after cauterization of erosion can be expressed in the unpleasant odor of the discharge, as well as its coloring in a yellow-green color. Most often, this signals the development of an inflammatory process in the genital organs, so you should consult a specialist as soon as possible.

After applying electric current to the wound, a scab appears at this place. To prevent bleeding, you need to soften it.

Treatment consists of the doctor prescribing suppositories and tampons, on which medicinal ointments. They are used internally, in the vagina.

Treatment with vaginal suppositories promotes regeneration and disinfects the cervix. All this leads to rapid healing of the wound, which is especially important for any surgical intervention.

Effective drugs are Genferon suppositories, Levomekol ointment, Depantol suppositories, Methyluracil suppositories, etc.

If cauterization of erosion was carried out radio wave method, suppositories are prescribed to prevent inflammatory processes.

After cauterization, erosion may occur for about a month. transparent discharge from the vagina, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back is possible.

It is extremely undesirable for a scar to form, especially if the woman has not yet given birth. Such women are treated with liquid nitrogen, which is a gentler procedure that does not cause pain during the recovery period, and there is virtually no scar, but the cervix may swell or shorten.

The procedure using liquid nitrogen is carried out by a doctor under ultrasound supervision, but this does not guarantee that all damaged epithelium will be captured.

After a week, the scab comes off, forming a yellowish discharge. The wound heals quite quickly (about three weeks).

Cauterization with liquid nitrogen does not cure erosion the first time if the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the cervix of the reproductive organ is deeply damaged. Most often, another cauterization procedure is required after a certain time.

Treatment of cervical erosion with radio waves will be much more effective. In this case, a scar does not form at the site of damage to the mucous membrane, the mucous membrane heals well, and the rehabilitation period itself passes quite quickly and painlessly.

After using this method of eliminating the pathology, additional treatment is not necessary. During the recovery period, you just need to follow the recommendations given above.

If we compare cauterization with nitrogen, which is highly not recommended for women who have not yet given birth, with radio waves, then the advantages in favor of the latter are obvious, because this method does not have serious consequences.

There is no direct contact between the epithelium and erosion; when using liquid nitrogen, treatment of the epithelium is contact. Radio waves, unlike liquid nitrogen, do not leave scars.

The choice of treatment method for cervical erosion is made by the doctor so that the consequences of the procedure are minimal and the woman recovers as quickly as possible.

Experts distinguish between conservative, non-traditional and surgical methods treatment of cervical erosion.

Alternative medicine:

  • It should be noted that to unconventional methods Doctors are wary, but do not prohibit the use of physiotherapy or acupuncture. At the same time monitoring the patient's condition.

Conservative methods:

  • TO conservative methods include treatment aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease. This may be taking antibiotics, immunomodulators or various anti-inflammatory drugs. This treatment is suitable for young nulliparous girls and is prescribed to avoid the need for surgery.

Surgical intervention:

In order to continue treatment, it is necessary to know which cauterization method was used to eliminate the erosion. In order for the scabs to heal and become covered with mucous membrane, the doctor prescribes various suppositories, ointments or creams.

If you observe normal discharge mixed with blood, but there is nothing wrong with it, it means that everything in your body is within normal limits. But, if the discharge is heavy and you are losing a lot of blood, this is a signal that you need to see a doctor. What determines the choice of treatment in this case?

Recovery period after the procedure

The choice of treatment depends on the initial cauterization procedure, that is, how exactly it was performed, by what method and what its consequences are after the immediate procedure.

As a rule, after removal of the affected patient, special drug treatment is prescribed, which helps restore the mucous membrane.

For this purpose they most often use various ointments, aerosols, suppositories and vaginal creams.

If after cauterization there is normal discharge mixed with blood, then special treatment may not be required. Most often, such consequences are not dangerous. Discharge can be alarming if it is too abundant, when the blood flows quite strongly.

pain after cauterization

This bleeding may be accompanied by an unpleasant odor. In such cases, they usually resort to repeated cauterization and coagulation of blood vessels.

In addition to all this, special medications, the action of which is aimed at seducing bloody discharge. As a rule, such therapy takes up to a month, and blood flows all this time.

Heavy bleeding may also be the cause of serious gynecological diseases. The reasons may be problems with blood vessels and low blood clotting.

If cauterization is carried out two weeks before menstruation, then the presence of bleeding may coincide with menstruation, so in such situations, additional examination and regular consultation during the healing period are simply necessary.

This is because the blood flow can be so strong that such a loss will seriously affect the general condition health.

Consequences of treatment

Quite often, after treatment with this method, women may experience discharge or other unpleasant phenomena for several weeks. Some of them are safe, while others may require urgent consultation with a gynecologist.


As a rule, the period from 2 to 10 days after the procedure is characterized by the appearance of small liquid discharge. Depending on the condition and characteristics of the body, bleeding may occur.

After this period, the amount of secretion increases. In addition, it turns pink.

Initially, the secretion is quite liquid, but later it can become more viscous. It may contain blood impurities.

After this, light, thick, white discharge appears. Such discharge is observed from 2 to 10 days.

Cauterization of pathological uterine cells does not prevent subsequent pregnancy. Gynecologists advise starting pregnancy 2 months after the procedure. Modern cauterization methods do not affect birth process. But there is a risk of relapse if:

  • introduce an aggressive sexually transmitted infection;
  • douche with inappropriate solutions;
  • be injured after childbirth or during an abortion;
  • The doctor made the wrong diagnosis.

Sexual activity depends on the therapy technique used. If complete cryodestruction has been carried out, you can begin sex life in 6 weeks. With laser vaporization, this period lasts 2 months. After radio wave surgery intimate life is postponed for 1.5 months.

The longest period of abstinence from sex is typical for diathermocoagulation - 2.5 months. If the cervix was treated with Solkovagin, it is recommended to abstain from sex for 3 weeks.

What complications can occur if cauterization was performed for cervical erosion? It is important to know the signs and characteristics of such complications in order to recognize them in a timely manner. Signs of complications are:

Endometriosis after cauterization of erosion does not develop “from scratch.” But the existing one may develop more actively if it was not promptly detected and treated before intervention.

Why does erosion not heal after cauterization? This may be due to the characteristics of the body or poorly carried out manipulation. In any case, if you suspect this process, you should immediately visit a specialist.

The appearance of discharge after cauterization of erosion is both the norm and evidence of pathology.

If the bleeding does not go away within a week and it is quite profuse and accompanied by severe pain, then this indicates the presence of complications when the healing of scabs does not go well enough.

It is necessary to inform your doctor about this; perhaps this is a consequence of advanced gynecological diseases.

Experts recommend that women, after cauterization of erosion, carefully monitor their health and prevent infection from entering the cervix. It is imperative to undergo an examination and examination, which is prescribed by the doctor, and then the healing of the scabs will be successful.

There are cases when a woman, after cauterization, heals normally, but there is heavy bleeding. This is a sign of colpitis. There is no need to do repeated cauterization, and in this case the specialist will prescribe complex treatment for this disease.

Discharge after cauterization of erosion may indicate not only normal healing, but also the presence of some complications.

If the burning procedure was successful, and painful sensations and heavy bleeding does not stop for a week, you should consult a doctor.

Such signs may indicate that healing is not going well and problems are evident. In such cases, treatment is necessary, after special diagnostics and re-examination.

As a rule, such disorders after cauterization can be the causes of diseases that have not been treated for a long time.

The main thing is to undergo a timely examination and be observed by a doctor so that there are no serious violations during the rehabilitation period.

There are cases when bloody disorders are present in a healthy woman, while the examination diagnoses colpitis. In this case local treatment will be inappropriate, and even ineffective, because in this case it is assigned full course treatment with all auxiliary drugs.

Therefore, in this case, cauterization would be inappropriate. What is most interesting is that with such detections, cauterization at the base cannot be the cause of bleeding, so a global and more accurate examination is needed here.

Although medicine has made great strides in terms of treating erosion, an ideal procedure that would not have any consequences for the woman’s body has not been found. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is so important to not only right choice regarding the cauterization method, but also find a qualified specialist.

After cauterization of cervical erosion, a woman may experience discharge of various types for 2–3 weeks. Moreover, the nature of the discharge depends on the healing phase of the wound formed at the site of destroyed pathological erosion tissues.

As a rule, during the first 2 to 10 days after cauterization, women notice light, watery, transparent, uncolored discharge. In some cases, the discharge may be bloody. Then the discharge becomes abundant and colored in various shades Pink colour– from pale to bright. Pinkish discharge is observed for a maximum of 2 to 10 days, after which it is replaced by thin, whitish and thick mucous in consistency. Pink discharge at the very beginning of its appearance is semi-liquid, but as it ends it becomes more and more dense. However, pink discharge may remain of a liquid consistency, the same as the watery one that preceded it. Both pink and transparent watery discharge may contain an admixture of blood, which is released from burst vessels.

Pink discharge is replaced by brownish, scanty and rather thick in appearance, similar to daub. Such brown discharge does not last long - no longer than a week. After the brown discharge ends, no other discharge normally begins. And it is on them that any discharge observed after cauterization of cervical erosion ends.

Thus, after cauterization of cervical erosion, a woman may notice discharge of the following nature, successively replacing each other:

  • Watery, uncolored liquid discharge, possibly mixed with blood;

  • Pink, light, relatively thick discharge;

  • Brown, scanty, thick discharge.
In any type of discharge, a woman can see small dark pieces that are parts of a falling scab.

In addition, after the scab falls off, which occurs 8–21 days after cauterization, the woman may experience light bleeding. If such bleeding stops on its own within 2 hours, then there is no need to worry, since this was a normal physiological reaction to the scab coming off. If the bleeding lasts longer than 2 hours, you should consult a doctor, as this means that the scab has burst when it falls off. large vessel, which must either be cauterized or bandaged. The normal amount of discharge after cauterization of cervical erosion should not exceed the volume of menstrual blood that a given woman usually loses.

All vaginal discharge after cauterization of cervical erosion can be combined with pain in the abdomen or perineum. The pain is similar to menstrual pain, as a rule, goes away on its own, is not highly intense, and therefore does not bother the woman and does not require special treatment. If the pain still bothers the woman, it is recommended to take a pill