Remedies for precancerous diseases and cancer, antitumor herbs. Herbs against cancer

Today, surgical, radiation and chemotherapy are officially considered the main methods of oncology treatment. About each method there is sufficient quantity information and only herbs for cancer in our time remain little studied.

It should be noted that the most effective chemotherapeutic agents are plant-based. Herbal medicine has been used since ancient times to treat various ailments and including cancer. Unfortunately, many old recipes have not survived to this day. The use of natural extracts and tinctures makes it possible to prevent the development of precancerous conditions, and in the early period of the malignant process, herbal medicines can stabilize tumor growth, improve metabolism, and normalize the saturation of the body with vitamins and minerals.

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Modern pharmaceuticals that include anti-cancer herbs

Today, in oncology, they are widely used, which include herbs and plants.

  • "Vinblastine"

Pharmaceutical preparation based on Vinca rosea. The herb of this plant includes a large number of alkaloids (biologically active substances that have the ability to destroy cancer cells). The plant grows in tropical forests and on the Black Sea coast. Indications for taking this drug are sarcomas and lymphosarcoma. A characteristic feature of the drug is considered to be a high therapeutic effect even with stages 3-4 of cancer.

  • "Vincristine"

Mainly used in complex therapy of acute leukemia and breast cancer. To make the drug, the root bulbs of Colchicum splendidus, which grows in the mountainous regions of the Caucasus, are used.

  • “Kolhamin”

The action of this is aimed at stopping mitosis (division) of pathological cells and their destruction. In tablet form, colchamine is used in anticancer therapy of the digestive system. This product is made from Podophyllum thyroid, a perennial herbal plant that contains a highly active resin.

  • Padophylline”

Padophylline is also actively used in the treatment of benign neoplasms and in particular papillomas and candylomas.

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Treatment of cancer with herbs used in folk medicine

For a long time, conservative medicine did not recognize the effect of such medicines as lily of the valley, foxglove, cudweed, etc., which were often used in folk medicine. But today the majority pharmaceuticals include these herbs in their composition. Herbalists are well aware that most herbal remedies have both beneficial properties and toxic effects. This must be taken into account during the treatment of cancer tumors.

  • Althaea officinalis.

This plant has been used since ancient times to treat oncology. This is a perennial plant from the mallow family. Marshmallow roots that have reached two years of age have a therapeutic effect. Indications for the use of the drug are inflammatory, destructive, and processes of the stomach and respiratory system.

  • Air.

Calamus was first used for medicinal purposes in India. This plant also helped fight cholera, typhoid, purulent and ulcerative lesions of the skin.

For anticancer therapy, the root system of the plant is used, which includes a large amount of tannins, ascorbic acid and resins. This combination of ingredients increases appetite and promotes quality digestion in cancer patients.

  • Hemlock grass.

Hemlock herb, used for cancer is to stimulate the body's defenses. Indications for the use of this plant are cancer diseases at the stage of metastasis. Due to its powerful immunostimulating effect, hemlock grass is able to block the occurrence of secondary mutation foci.

  • Common barberry.

This is a bushy plant with a thick root system covered with yellowish bark. In cancer therapy, herbalists harvest barberry roots. The plant has an astringent and hemostatic effect, which is actively used in the postoperative period for cancerous lesions of the gynecological organs and oncology of the gastrointestinal system.

  • Sandy immortal and common lingonberry.

This herbs,treating cancer biologically active ingredients. In the patient’s body, these plant complexes help reduce cholesterol levels, improve metabolic processes, and eliminate free radicals.

  • Black elderberry.

An interesting and not fully understood feature of this botanical species is that its small flowers do not produce nectar, which is formed at the base of the leaves. Plants picked during the flowering period have therapeutic properties. Dried raw materials contain a large amount of biologically active substances and organic acids. Black elderberry is considered a powerful diaphoretic. One of the healing abilities of elderberry preparations is the anti-cancer effect. Besides this, this plant has anti-inflammatory, choleretic and diuretic properties.

For treatment of malignant tumors Doctors around the world widely use chemotherapy and radiotherapy, but much attention is also paid to the search for medicinal herbs that help treat this disease.
If you have been given an alarming diagnosis, most importantly, do not despair, do not give up, take care of your health, take all measures to overcome the illness. In the morning, prepare yourself with prayer for kindness and patience. Create an atmosphere of love, joy, peace, and tolerance for each other in your family. Don't get irritated over trifles. Quarrels weaken the biofield. Traditional medicine has accumulated extensive material from which valuable observations and information can and should be drawn. More than 400 cytostatic plants with antitumor effects have been identified. In the Tyumen region, hemlock, aconite, celandine, fly agaric, henbane, peony root, bedstraw, and belozor are very famous.
Braking tumor growth alfalfa seed extract ( active substance- oncolyzan), red beets (allantoin, betaine). The study of individual plants and herbs used by experts shows that much more often the action of plant components is multifaceted, although indirect, helping all organs cope with pathology and correct failures in defense mechanisms.
It is useful to consume more vegetables and fruits, especially pumpkin, onions, garlic, carrots, cabbage, beets, as well as buckwheat and millet porridge. Any fruits and berries (except sea buckthorn) contribute tumor treatment.
In 1989, B.C. Gorodinskaya described the case of the famous English traveler F. Chichester, who was in a mountain hut locked by a snowfall and was forced to eat onions and garlic, and this circumstance completely cured him of a malignant tumor.
Garlic, due to its high antimicrobial and phytoncidal activity, will help overcome the tendency to a number of diseases. This tonic. Be careful not to eat foods containing aspartame (not to be confused with asparkame). It stimulates tumor growth, and the brain stops producing serotonin, and the body does not feel full and the feeling of thirst does not disappear. Therefore, drinks such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola do not quench your thirst.

The carcinogenic effect of additives is indicated on labels with the following symbols:
E -131, -142, -153, -211, -213, -219, -280, -281, -283, -330.

From food additives preference can be given to those that contain silicon, since it has been established that with tumors there is a severe deficiency of this microelement. At a norm of 4.7 mg%, its content drops more than 3 times - to 1.3 mg%. In addition, its low content has been noted in diseases such as stroke, heart attack, diabetes, arthrosis, anemia, hair loss, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis.
Probably due to fears of overdoses, careless use of medicinal plants with poisonous properties Modern Herbalists usually do not indicate methods for preparing infusions, tinctures and decoctions, which gives rise to dangerous amateur activities.


Hemlock, above-ground mass and roots, as well as aconite roots are used to prepare a 30% tincture. For oncological diseases of different localizations, these tinctures are used in alternation with fly agaric powder (0.2 g each), as well as with other preparations of other plants described below.

At laryngeal oncology, oral cavity, tongue, lips, all cytostatics are used only after meals, keeping them in the oral cavity for some time. Drink 1 - 2 tbsp. burdock leaf juice, viburnum juice, beets, carrots, no more than 1/2 cup per day. Comfrey or burdock root with honey 1:1, take 1 tsp. after eating, slowly dissolving.
Coniferous resin has a healing effect on ulcers; it is absorbed and swallowed after eating.

At lip cancer you need to apply resin or propolis externally, or plastic of fresh red beets. They also use a paste of chamomile flowers, potatoes, calendula, burdock leaves, sea buckthorn, comfrey, and celandine oil.

At lung oncology herbs with bronchodilator action are used: buds, pine needles, spruce, fir, lungwort, mint, lemon balm, mallow, wild rosemary, plantain, calendula, 1 tsp each. with water, or decoctions of these plants. It is very useful to chew and eat 1 g of coniferous resin 3 times a day or drink alcohol tincture(20% rosin, a teaspoon 2 times a day before meals). Fly agaric tincture is drunk in alternation with other poisons. You should constantly drink chaga. Starting in spring, drink burdock leaf juice, 1 tbsp. 2 times a day. Eat more red beets. Its juice is first kept in the refrigerator, you can acidify it with lemon, drink 1/2 cup a day. Comfrey with honey helps (1:2) - 1 tsp. 2 times a day before meals, or grated burdock root with butter and yolk chicken egg. For 100 g of root take 100 g of butter and 1 yolk. Take 1 tbsp. 1 time per day.

At bowel cancer Care should be taken to avoid constipation. In addition to the plant poisons listed above, teas include calamus root, burdock
Experience in the treatment of severe oncological diseases shows that hemlock works most effectively on recovery in combination with other plant poisons - aconite and fly agaric and special herbal mixtures that have an antitumor and immunogenic effect. Larisa Vasilievna B., born in 1949, was initially treated in a hospital due to ovarian cystoma, tumor growth into the small intestine. In 1994, she underwent surgery on her uterus to remove part of the omentum and small intestine. At first she was given the 2nd disability group, and then in 1996 - the first. After 30 sessions radiation therapy and one course of chemotherapy, she refused further treatment with chemotherapy in the hospital and turned to herbal medicine for help. She began treatment with herbs in the fall of 1995. She regularly took hemlock and fly agaric. I drank teas made from antitumor herbs. Due to an improvement in her health, in January 1999 she was transferred to disability group 3, and currently she continues to regularly use medicinal herbs.

Hemlock, despite its rather harmless appearance, is one of the most poisonous plants, the deadly properties of which were known in ancient times. And the proof is the fact that in Ancient Greece, criminals sentenced to death were given its juice to drink.

However, the healing properties of this plant have long been known, which was widely used to treat a variety of diseases by the great physicians of the past: Hippocrates (460-377 BC), Galen (130-200 AD), Avicenna (980-200 AD), 1037 AD) etc. For the first time healing effect hemlock has been found in relation to female and nervous diseases, but his main merit is considered to be the treatment of certain forms of cancer, in particular breast, prostate and stomach.

The popularity of hemlock was so great that in the medical treatise of Odo of Mena “On the Properties of Herbs,” written in the 11th century, an entire chapter “Hemlock” (as hemlock was called in the past) is dedicated to it. The ability of this plant to defeat cancer has been questioned throughout its use in medical practice. An example of this is the desperate debate that broke out in the 18th century between the two court doctors of the Austrian Archduchess Maria Theresa, Sterk and Gaen, which divided the entire scientific world into two warring camps: supporters and opponents of hemlock as a means of treating cancer patients. Despite the many arguments presented and the unshakable confidence in their own rightness, neither Sterk nor Gaen were able to prove the inconsistency of their opponent’s point of view, and the parties each remained with their own opinion.

Thus, the author of the ancient medical book G. Buhan quotes the words of Sterk, who calls hemlock “the most glorious of all medicines for cancer” and “the most effective cure for cancer, no matter what type it is.” As proof, the Austrian doctor cites the results of his medical practice: “I passed on several hundred pounds of hemlock without harming the temperament in the least and often with deliberate benefit.”

Hemlock was used both internally and externally, alone or in combination with plant (budra, henbane, calendula, string, carrots, etc.) or mineral (zinc chloride, iron oxide, arsenic, etc.) components.

Not a single folk herbalist could do without a chapter devoted to hemlock, which indicated its extreme effectiveness and popularity. Here are excerpts from some of them: “Omeg, steamed in hot water or boiled in milk, applied in bags in the form of cataplasm, very well tames Antonov fire, as well as scirrhosic hardening of the nuclei and prostate gland, and even uterine cancer.” “Village men cure open cancer by applying omega leaves smeared with honey to the ulcer. They also successfully used facial cancer by boiling omega leaves in lime water and soaking it more often.”

Hemlock is not yet used in modern official medicine, although many oncologists do not deny its healing properties and hope that its use in anti-cancer drugs is a matter of the near future.

Interest in hemlock lately caused primarily by the discovery of the powerful immunostimulating effect of the plant, which activates and strengthens the body's defenses. That is why it was recommended to add it to herbal teas to treat almost all diseases.

Hemlock is a biennial herbaceous plant of the Umbrella family, with a spindle-shaped tap root and a branched, hollow, grooved stem of a gray color, the lower part of which is covered with reddish-brown spots. In the first year of life, it develops a tuft of basal leaves very similar to parsley leaves. Moreover, not only the leaves of the one-year-old plant look like parsley, but also its root. This circumstance was often the cause of hemlock poisoning. And only in the second year does the plant develop a highly branched stem with arched internodes. Children sometimes make whistles from it, which is very dangerous, since hemlock is poisonous.

The leaves of the plant are large, glabrous, vaginal, thrice or four times pinnately dissected, with oblong incised lobes. Small white flowers are collected in a complex umbrella. Small two-seeded fruits have an oblong ovoid shape and a surface dissected by five wavy ribs. The height of the plant ranges from 60 to 180 cm, and individual specimens can reach 250 cm. Hemlock has a characteristic mouse odor due to the presence of pyridine group alkaloids in its composition: coniine, conhydrin, N-methylconiine, gamma-coniceine, etc. They smell especially unpleasant fruits of the plant crushed with fingers.

The full name of the plant is speckled or spotted hemlock. However, in most regions of the Russian Federation it is known as spotted hemlock, headweed, stinkweed, stinkweed, stinkgrass (Saratov region), poisonous omega (Tambov region), poisonous stemweed (Pskov region), as well as hollow, mudnik, bugela, buglav, blekotina , blekota, tar grass, parsley, wild parsley, pig louse, angelica, horny head. In addition, in Ukraine it is called hemlock, svistulina and svistulnik.

Hemlock grows in wastelands, landfills, along fences and buildings, in thickets of bushes, in gardens, parks, on forest edges and wooded slopes, in flooded meadows, and also as a weed in fields sown with wheat, rye, oats, etc. According to some reports, it prefers geopathogenic zones. The plant is quite widespread. It can be found throughout almost the entire European territory of Russia, Western Siberia, Central Asia and the Caucasus.

Hemlock blooms in June-July. It is at this time that it contains the maximum amount of useful substances, so the period of its collection falls on these same months. The stems, leaves and flowers of the plant are used to prepare medicinal preparations. The latter are collected together with immature seeds, which, after drying, easily fall out of the umbrellas.

Chemical composition and medicinal properties of hemlock

In folk medicine, hemlock is used to treat cancer. various localizations, benign tumors, goiter, polyps of the stomach, intestines, bladder, epilepsy, chorea, paralysis, paresis, neuralgia, headache, atherosclerosis, nervous disorders, loss of strength, general exhaustion and weakness in the elderly and chronically ill, impotence, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, mastopathy, uterine fibroids, mucosal hyperplasia uterus, endometriosis, polyps of the body and cervix, cervical erosion, inflammation of the ovaries, uterus, ovarian cysts, infertility, menstrual irregularities, leucorrhoea, as well as diseases of the respiratory system, circulatory system, digestion, cataracts, thrombophlebitis, lupus erythematosus, etc.

Hemlock contains a large amount of toxic alkaloids - 0.4-1%, and there are especially many of them in the fruits. In addition, the plant contains fatty oil, consisting of glycerides of netroselinic and netroselidic acids. In addition to alkaloids, the leaves and stems contain essential oil and caffeic acid, the flowers contain quercetin and kaempferol, and the fruits contain essential oil, caffeic acid, carotene (provitamin A) and vitamin C. A small amount of tannins was found in the plant juice .

The most toxic of all the alkaloids that make up hemlock is coniine, the effect of which on the human body is similar to the effect of nicotine and curare. It is a strong poison that is part of the group of nerve toxins. Small doses of coniine increase blood pressure and stimulate the heart muscle, and an overdose first causes agitation and then respiratory arrest.

The use of hemlock to treat cancer is based on its amazing ability to slow down the process of cell division. And he does it more gently than others chemicals plant origin, for example, colchicum alkaloids - colchicine and aconitine, and does not damage healthy cells.

The direction of action of hemlock tincture exclusively on cancer cells is due to the fact that the number of actively dividing cells in tumor tissue is much higher than in healthy tissues of the body. Moreover, cancer cells, unlike healthy ones, are very sensitive to low concentrations of cytostatic substances.

Hemlock is such a powerful immunostimulant that recently articles have appeared in the literature, the authors of which call for annually taking hemlock tincture as a means of preventing cancer. Official medicine warns particularly active advocates of hemlock treatment against being overzealous. The fact is that uncontrolled passion for this plant can cause a so-called secondary immune response, the consequences of which can be the most unpredictable. In addition, as a result of prolonged exposure to hemlock, some malignant cells may become resistant and resistant to stimulation, cytostatic drugs, and antitumor antibiotics.

Let's consider chemical processes, occurring in the human body under the influence of hemlock tincture. Its main component, coniine, is an antigen, that is, a substance foreign to the human body. Getting into the blood, it provokes certain immune reactions, during which the formation of special proteins (antibodies) that make up immunoglobulins occurs. Antibodies, trying to destroy the antigen, simultaneously destroy cancer cells throughout the body, and most effectively - free cells characteristic of leukemia and metastatic tumors. This is why doctors recommend taking hemlock tincture during metastatic stages of cancer.

When taking hemlock tincture, special attention should be paid to your diet. The fact is that the process of antibody synthesis is accompanied by numerous biochemical reactions that require the intake of complete protein into the body. In this regard, the patient’s diet should include lean meat, fish, cereals, vegetable fats, dairy products and baked goods, as well as vegetables and fruits, which contain pectins. The latter absorb poisons and decay products of tumor cells and remove them from the body naturally. It is necessary to completely exclude alcohol, fatty, smoked and fried foods from the diet.

So, in a few words, the process of antibody formation is as follows. As soon as the coniine antigen enters the human body, it immediately encounters macrophages, which “scan” it and, with the help of thymus-dependent lymphocytes, transmit information about the “intruder” to thymus-independent lymphocytes. The latter then combine with thymus-dependent lymphocytes and macrophages and produce plasma cells that form antibodies.

Interaction with macrophages increases the strength of the antigen several hundred times, which explains the high effectiveness of even very small doses of hemlock tincture (tincture 1:10 diluted in a ratio of 1:2000). Macrophages in the human body play the role of guardians of the immune system, therefore, if coniine were non-toxic, they would destroy it. The largest number of macrophages accumulates on the inner walls blood vessels. From there, it is most convenient for them to “catch” cell breakdown products, harmful bacteria and other “garbage” from the bloodstream and destroy them.

The place of formation of thymus-dependent and thymus-independent lymphocytes is the bone marrow, which explains the fact of transplantation of immunocompatible bone marrow from close relatives to a cancer patient. The transplanted bone marrow begins to produce thymus-independent lymphocytes and immature thymus-dependent lymphocytes, the maturation of which occurs in the process of their migration along the lymphatic flows of the thymus - thymus. After some time, lymphocytes that have gained strength eliminate “problems” in their work immune system, and she resumes uninterrupted operation.

Treatment and prevention of cancer

Most often, hemlock is turned to as an effective remedy that can save a person from the most terrible disease today - cancer. Below we will describe several of the most popular methods of treating cancer patients with the help of this plant. But first of all, let’s focus on the preparation of a healing alcohol extract, which underlies each of these methods.

One of the peculiarities of hemlock is that during the flowering period the plant simultaneously contains flowers, unopened buds, and immature seeds. They all have the same healing power and can be used as a raw material for the preparation of alcohol extract.

The process of collecting hemlock in in this case differs from the collection of any other medicinal plant and is carried out according to special technique, which is not recommended to be violated. You need to take 2 glass jars with a volume of 0.5 l and 3 l. The crushed plant material is first collected in a smaller jar, and when it is half full, it is poured into a larger one, where 0.5 liters of vodka is immediately added. Shake the large jar so that all the raw materials are saturated with vodka. The procedure is repeated whenever the smaller jar is half full. It is possible that you will need to add vodka to a large jar so that there is enough to wet all the collected raw materials. The pouring procedure is necessary in order to avoid a reaction that begins in a jar filled to the top, during which heat is released that is harmful to the plant material.

Returning home, you need to add vodka to a large jar filled to the brim with hemlock, close the container with a plastic lid and place it in a cool, dark place out of reach of children and animals. After 2 weeks, the tincture will be ready for use. The required amount can be poured into a glass container, cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator.

If there are contraindications to the use of alcohol-containing drugs or the patient has an individual intolerance to alcohol, the alcohol tincture can be replaced with an aqueous infusion of hemlock. To prepare it, you need to take the leaves and flowers of the plant, chop them and mix thoroughly. Pour a teaspoon of the resulting mixture into a preheated thermos, add 200 ml of hot water (approximately 70 °C) and leave until the morning. In the morning, strain the infusion and put it in the refrigerator. The shelf life of the infusion is no more than 5 days.

Take the infusion orally 3 times a day 1 hour before meals according to the following scheme: 15 days, 1 teaspoon, 15 days, 1 dessert spoon, and 15 days, 1 tablespoon, until the tincture runs out. Take the infusion with spring or boiled water (100 ml).

Preparing a cancer patient for hemlock treatment

For hemlock treatment to be as effective as possible, the patient must be properly prepared.

At the first stage of preparation, the liver is cleansed. For this purpose the patient is transferred to vegetarian food, for 3 days do enemas (1 tablespoon of salt and apple cider vinegar, which can be replaced with lemon juice, per 1.5–2 liters of water) and evening baths.

On the morning of the fourth day, the patient is given an enema. Lunch is served light. Throughout the day, the patient is given freshly squeezed juice made from sour apples.

On the evening of the fourth day at 19.00 they begin the actual cleaning. To do this, pour 150–200 g of vegetable oil (preferably olive) into one glass, and 150–200 g of freshly squeezed lemon juice into another. The patient should drink 2-3 sips of oil and wash them down with the same amount of juice. After 15 minutes, the procedure is repeated, and so on until the glasses are empty. If the patient feels nauseous, you can immediately after taking the juice let him smell the garlic, and increase the interval between doses from 15 to 20–25 minutes. If after this the nausea does not go away, it is necessary to reduce the amount of oil and juice to 100 g.

After the patient drinks the oil and juice, he should place a hot heating pad wrapped in a towel on the liver area. Then you should lay the patient on his right side and make sure that he bends his knees and presses them to his stomach. He should remain in this position until 23.00, after which the heating pad should be removed. If all procedures have been performed correctly, bowel cleansing will begin at night. The next morning the patient needs to do an enema (to clean water).

The human liver consists of four lobes. During one such cleaning, only one of them is cleaned. Therefore, the patient needs to undergo three more procedures. The best time for this is the second or fourth phase of the moon (full moon and new moon).

After cleansing, it is recommended to introduce pumpkin or pumpkin juice, in unlimited quantities, and fruit and vegetable salad into the patient’s daily diet. To prepare it, you need to take large carrots, medium-sized beets (dark burgundy) and two sour green apples. Grate vegetables and fruits on a fine grater or mince them, add kefir, cream, sour cream or vegetable oil (to the patient’s taste).

With cholelithiasis, there is a risk of blockage of the duct with large stones. Therefore, before you begin cleansing the liver, the stones must be completely crushed using a decoction of corn silk.

If the patient has undergone chemotherapy, radiation and has taken a large number of medications, then he needs to cleanse the body with a decoction of flax seeds within 2-3 weeks. To prepare a decoction, you need to take 1 cup of seeds, pour 3 liters of boiling water over them and place in a water bath for 2 hours. Cool the finished broth to 40 °C and take throughout the day, starting from 12.00 to 22.00 in an amount of approximately 1 liter.

For an additional therapeutic effect, it is recommended to accompany the intake of hemlock with a decoction of oregano, pine and spruce needles, rose hips, as well as antitumor preparations. Oregano helps restore the blood formula, and pine needles and rose hips normalize the functioning of the vascular system and remove poisons and radionuclides from the body.

Cancer treatment methods

The effectiveness of hemlock tincture, used to treat cancer, is explained not only by suppressing the development of cancer cells, but also by stimulating the work of hematopoietic organs, which improves the condition of the vascular system.

Below are methods developed by Simferopol oncophytotherapist V.V. Tishchenko, who has been using them for the treatment of cancer patients for a number of years.

Method No. 1 prescribes taking the tincture in the morning 1 hour before meals according to the following scheme: 1st day - 1 drop of tincture per 100 ml of water, 2nd day - 2 drops, 3rd day - 3 drops, etc. for 40 days . Then the scheme is repeated in reverse order: 41st day - 39 drops, 42nd day - 38 drops, etc. for another 40 days. Thus, the first course of treatment is 80 days.

The amount of water in which hemlock tincture is dissolved during the first course of treatment also changes. The fact is that the lower the concentration of poison, the softer it is perceived by the body. Therefore, for 13 drops take 100 ml of water, for 14–26 drops – 150 ml, and for 27–40 drops – 200 ml. As the number of drops of tincture taken decreases, the amount of water decreases accordingly.

I would like to say something special about the quality of water. It is best to use spring water, and in the absence of it, protium water, which is easy to prepare at home. To do this, you need to take an enamel bowl, pour regular tap water and put it in the freezer. As soon as a thin ice crust forms on the surface of the water, remove the container with water, make a small hole in the crust, pour the water through it into another, but also enameled container, which is again placed in the freezer for several hours. From time to time the water must be checked so as not to miss the moment of formation of a water bubble in the forming ice. If a bubble appears, you must immediately remove the container from the freezer, break through the ice with a knitting needle and drain the water from the bubble into the sink, as it contains harmful substances found in tap water. To be sure, you can pour a small amount of boiling water into the hole to remove any remaining dirt. Next, the ice should be melted, resulting in the formation of protium water, the structure of which is similar to the structure of intracellular fluid.

When taking hemlock tincture, you need to carefully monitor your well-being. The fact is that after 30 days from the start of treatment, signs of mild poisoning may appear (nausea, vomiting, weakness, dizziness, etc.). In this case, you should not increase daily dose medication, but start reducing it drop by drop and still complete the course to the end, that is, to 1 drop. If the patient’s condition sharply worsens after taking a 30-drop dose, hemlock intake should be stopped and given a weak solution of potassium permanganate in milk for 3 days. And only after this can you resume taking it and begin reducing the daily dose to 1 drop.

Immediately after completing the first course of treatment, it is recommended to start the second and then the third course. They exactly repeat the previous one - from 1 to 40 drops and from 40 drops again to one. Upon reaching positive result after 6–8 months it is recommended to repeat 1–2 courses. And so on until full recovery. At the same time, one must be aware that hemlock is a poison, and not increase the daily dose of the drug in order to speed up the recovery process. Cells overloaded with poison are unable to fight the disease, which creates favorable conditions for the development of cancer.

Method No. 2 used to treat weakened patients. Hemlock tincture is taken once a day in the morning 1 hour before meals. Start with 1 drop and, adding 1 drop every day, bring the daily dose to 15–18 drops, which are taken until the patient’s condition noticeably improves. If at the maximum dose (18 drops) the patient shows signs of overdose (weakness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, etc.), the number of drops should be reduced to 5 in order to again reach the maximum of 18 drops drop by drop. They must be taken until the condition clearly improves. After this, you can move on to the first method and take the drug until complete recovery.

One of the main advantages this method treatment is that it not only allows you to switch to method No. 1, the use of which allows the cancer patient to completely get rid of a serious illness, but also prevents the formation of new cancer cells in a weakened body.

In the case of recurrent cancer, which sometimes occurs 1.5–2 years after surgery, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the patient’s body is extremely weakened. In this regard, the maximum daily dose of hemlock tincture should not exceed 20–30 drops. Moreover, already from 15 drops it is necessary to carefully monitor changes in the patient’s condition. If, after taking 20 drops, it has improved so much that the patient began to get up and move independently, then increasing the dose is no longer required. Further treatment will be carried out with daily intake of exactly this amount of the drug.

If a patient uses poison as a medicinal drug, then he must be prepared for the fact that at a certain stage of treatment he may develop a sharp aversion to the drug. This condition is explained by the fact that an excess amount of it has accumulated in the cells and they need to be unloaded. To do this, you should gradually, by decreasing 1 drop per day, reduce the daily dose of the drug to 1 drop. After the patient’s condition has stabilized, it is necessary to gradually increase the dose again to the permissible maximum or switch to another poison.

Method No. 3 It is also used to treat weakened patients and for relapses, but unlike the previous one, it allows you to reach the maximum permissible daily dose of the drug much faster.

As can be seen from table. 1, the maximum daily dose according to this method is 20 drops, although 16 is often sufficient. The “ceiling” is determined by the person being treated, assessing the condition of his own body. As a rule, the dose at which the patient noticed an improvement in his health is decisive and should be stopped at. After some time, it can be slightly increased, but this must be done extremely carefully.

Table 1
Method No. 3

Method No. 4 used much less frequently than the previous three. Its essence lies in the fact that the maximum dose of the drug is 50 drops or a little more. It is recommended only for those patients who, with 40 drops, did not feel any negative changes in their health.

Cancer is a rather insidious disease, which is fraught with relapse even in the case of a successful operation. That is why, even if the patient feels completely healthy after treatment, for preventive purposes he should take hemlock tincture daily (10-15 drops per 100 ml of water). It should be noted that this plant can only be taken by patients who have not undergone chemotherapy treatment. It is recommended to take 5-10 drops of hemlock tincture for women who have been diagnosed with mastopathy.

Treatment with aconite

In the mythology of different peoples, there are several legends associated with the origin of aconite. According to one of them, Hercules, in order to earn immortality, had to complete 12 labors. The most recent of them involved the pacification of the ever-watchful guardian of the underworld, Cerberus, a huge three-headed dog with an ominous mane of many poisonous snakes. Constantly at the gates of Hades, this terrible animal closely watched to ensure that not a single inhabitant of the underworld left its boundaries. That's why Hercules, in order to emerge unharmed from kingdom of the dead, it was necessary to defeat his fierce guard.

The forces of the opponents were approximately equal, but in the end the hero managed to grab the dog by the throat and force him to submit. The defeated beast was chained with diamond chains and brought to the surface of the earth. Blinded by the bright sunlight, Cerberus began to howl and bark. Poisonous saliva flowed from all its mouths and flooded everything around. In those places where it fell, they immediately grew tall plants with beautiful blue flowers, reminiscent of warriors’ helmets, collected in large clusters. The place where Hercules emerged from the kingdom of the dead was located in the vicinity of the city of Akone, and an amazingly beautiful flower born from the poisonous saliva of Cerberus was named in his honor.

According to another legend, the sorceress Medea, daughter of the Colchian king Aeta and wife of Aegeus, plotting to kill Aegeus’ son Theseus, sent him a cup of wine poisoned with aconite at a feast.

The ancient Germans called aconite the helmet of the god of thunder, storms and fertility Thor and the wolf root, since, according to legend, Thor fought the wolf with its help.

The poisonous properties of aconite have been known since ancient times. The Gauls and Germans lubricated the tips of arrows and spears with its juice when hunting wolves, panthers and other predators. This fact explains the origin of some folk names aconite - wolfsbane, wolf root, as well as dog death and dog potion among the Slavs.

Many tribes used the juice of the plant to lubricate the blades of swords and arrowheads, thereby turning them into terrible weapons that brought inevitable death to enemies who encroached on their independence. The fact is that the action of the alkaloids that make up aconite is similar to the action of the poison curare, which was widely used by the Indian tribes that inhabited South America.

In Ancient Greece, aconite juice served the same role as hemlock juice (as hemlock was then called), that is, it served as an official poison, which was given to a criminal sentenced to death to drink. Most known victim, who died from hemlock poison, was the famous Socrates, accused of corrupting youth and shaking the foundations of the state.

The Ionians who lived on Chios, one of the islands of the Greek archipelago, for a long time there was a cruel custom according to which citizens who did not bring benefit to the state due to their advanced age or physical weakness had to take a deadly poison, one of the components of which was aconite.

In ancient Rome, for a long time, aconite was a favorite decoration of gardens due to the bright color of its flowers. However, in 117, Emperor Trajan, concerned about the number of mysterious deaths due to poisoning, issued a decree prohibiting the breeding and cultivation of this plant.

Plutarch described in detail the poisoning of Mark Antony’s soldiers with aconite: the soldiers lost their memory and turned over stones along the entire route, as if they were looking for something extremely important. They ended up vomiting bile violently.

According to legend, it was aconite that poisoned the famous Khan Timur - he put on a skullcap soaked in the juice of this plant.

In some European countries, a person in whose house aconite was found was declared a state criminal and punishable by death.

There is an opinion that this plant was one of the main components of the flying ointment, or witches’ ointment, with which representatives of evil spirits were rubbed. In ancient times, people believed that a potion made from poisonous plants freed the human soul from bodily shackles, and, breaking free, it traveled through parallel worlds, coming into contact with their inhabitants - the spirits and souls of the dead.

If for any reason the soul did not find its way back to the body, then death occurred. That is why only magicians of the highest level were allowed to travel to other worlds. Students were prohibited from such travel.

The fact that aconite had the property of liberating the soul made it possible to use this plant as a talisman that developed the ability to clairvoyance and divination, as well as to penetrate into the essence of any phenomenon or object.

In addition, for a long time people believed that aconite could act as an invisibility cap. It was believed that if a person constantly carried with him the seeds of a plant wrapped in dried lizard skin, then at any time, at will, he could become invisible to others.

However, most often aconite served as a talisman against evil forces. For example, almost all Tibetan healers wore amulet with various herbs around their necks, and this plant was the main one. When “the root crumbled into dust,” the incense was renewed, but the composition of the herbs in it remained unchanged. And the root “crumbled” if the herbs from the amulet did not scare away evil spirits, but contained them within themselves, turning into dust.

In order to awaken the magical powers of the plant, which can cure even the most terrible ailments, it was necessary to perform a simple magical ritual. A clay bowl was placed on the altar and crushed parts of aconite were poured into it. On both sides of the bowl, candlesticks with candles were placed, the color of which corresponded to the disease. The candles were lit, the fingers were dipped into a bowl of grass and, stirring the contents, they created a feeling of energy flowing from the tips of the fingers, which was absorbed by the herbal paste. When the sensation became real, the healer mentally evoked the image of the patient and peered at him closely for some time.

Aconite has been used as a powerful anti-cancer agent for as long as its deadly properties. His healing power most fully described in the Tibetan treatise “Chzhud-shi” (“Four Books”), the oral version of which dates back to the 7th century AD. e. It follows from it that Tibetan doctors used aconite to treat all types of tumors and chronic pathologies, and were used for various purposes different types plants that are also listed in the treatise:

– Bongnga dkar-po, multi-leaved fighter, the most poisonous of all aconites; roots and herbs were used in folk medicine;

– Bongnga dmar, the red wrestler, or wolf-strangler wrestler, was mentioned in the legends about the Scandinavian god Thor; only roots were used;

– Bongnga ser, yellow wrestler; roots were used;

– Bongnga sngonpo, blue fighter, a collective species that united all blue aconites;

– Bi-cha nag-po, a black, poisonous fighter, used to smear the tips of arrows and spears; roots were used.

Even earlier, the Roman writer and scientist Pliny the Elder, in his Natural History, mentioned aconite as a popular remedy that helps get rid of most eye diseases. But at the same time, he called for extreme caution when treating with this plant, calling it “plant arsenic.”

In the 18th century, the famous physician of the Old Viennese School, Anton Sterk (1731–1803), carried out in-depth research on aconite, rightly believing that it was an effective remedy in the fight against cancerous tumors. The goal of most of the experiments undertaken by the physician was to determine the maximum dose of a toxic drug permissible for the human body.

The first printed message about the healing properties of aconite dates back to 1869, when in English medical journal The Lancet published an article about homeopathic preparations based on this plant. The article described amazing cases curing seriously ill patients, as a result of which homeopathic medicine from aconite was recognized as the most important among other medicinal forms.

The famous collector of folklore, the compiler of “ Explanatory dictionary» Vladimir Dal. Being a doctor in his main profession, he highly valued the healing properties of aconite. In a letter to Odoevsky “On Homeopathy,” which was published in the 12th issue of the Sovremennik magazine in 1838, he described in detail the results of treating a patient with pneumonia with aconite: “The first dose brought significant relief in half an hour, but after two days there was no there was still a trace of the disease: the sick Bashkir was already sitting on a horse and singing songs.” Dahl's faith in the healing powers of aconite was so strong that when his son fell ill with croup, he treated him with this plant.

In the history of Soviet medicine, the work of T.V. Zakaurtseva, who first developed a method for using aconite tincture for the treatment of cancer patients, is of great interest. The technique worked so well that positive results were achieved even in late stages of cancer. In total, her methodology was tested over a period of 35 years, from 1953 to 1988.

The peculiarity of T.V. Zakaurtseva’s use of aconite for cancer patients was that she combined treatment with fighter tincture with surgery according to the following scheme: first, a long course of treatment with aconite, as a result of which the tumor was localized, which made it possible to successfully carry out a radical operation. After it, to consolidate the achieved effect, a course of treatment with a wrestler was again carried out.

However, at present, the attitude of official medicine towards aconite cannot be called unambiguous.

Currently only in Bulgaria, India, China and some countries Western Europe it is included in the list of medicines used by official medicine.

Chemical composition and medicinal properties of aconite

The composition of aconite includes a large amount of aconitine and atisine alkaloids (in root tubers - 0.69%, in the aboveground part - 0.14%, in stems - 0.29%, in leaves - 0.49%, in flowers - 1.23 %). The aconitine group includes aconitine, hypoaconitine, mesaconitine and icaconitine. Aconitine is an alkaloid that is insoluble in water, poorly soluble in ether and highly soluble in chloroform. Upon hydrolysis, it forms low-toxic aconine, acetic and benzoic acids, hypoaconitine - hypoaconine, mesaconitine - mesaconine, and isaconitin - aconine. The amount of atyzine alkaloids in the plant is insignificant; they are basically a 5-7-ring structure and a methoxy group and are mono- and diesters of acetic and benzoic acids with an alkaloid. As a result of hydrolysis, they are converted into organic acids and arucanine.

In addition to alkaloids, daucosterol, a large amount of sugar (9%), mesoinosidol (0.05%), transaconitic, benzoic, fumaric, citric, myristic, palmitic, stearic, oleic and linoleic acids were found in aconite root tubers. Tubers also contain flavones, saponins, resins, starch and coumarins (0.3%). The composition of the leaves and stems, in addition to the alkaloid aconitine, includes inositol, tannins, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, microelements (over 20 types) and other biologically active compounds. Moreover, aconite does not yet contain known to science a substance that has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle.

Recently, the attention of Siberian scientists has been attracted by Chekanovsky's aconite. In the wild, it is found exclusively in Eastern Siberia. Diterpene alkaloids were found in this plant - such as zongorin, napelline, mesaconitine and hypaconitine, as well as flavonoids (glycosides of bikaempferol, biquercetin, quercetin and kaempferol). The researchers conducted a number of experiments on animals, as a result of which the anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, hypolipidemic, sedative, anticonvulsant, antitumor, and antiulcer properties of drugs prepared from various parts of Chekanovsky’s aconite were established. In folk medicine, this plant has been used for a long time and has proven itself in the treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases, infectious and purulent diseases, epilepsy, toothache and cancer.

The more toxic alkaloids are aconitine alkaloids, while the toxicity of atizine alkaloids is practically zero. If you smear an area of ​​skin with aconite, you will first experience a burning sensation and itching, and then the skin will lose its sensitivity. This is explained by the fact that aconitine, being a strong neurotoxic substance, first irritates and excites the nerve endings, and then paralyzes them.

Exciting the central nervous system and peripheral nerves, aconitine and related alkaloids have a particularly strong effect on the respiratory center. That is why death, which occurs as a result of depression and paralysis of the central nervous system, is accompanied by symptoms of respiratory paralysis.

The toxicity of aconite directly depends on the amount of alkaloids it contains. This is taken into account in the manufacture of medicines, because only small doses of plant alkaloids are able to activate tissue metabolism, which underlies the healing process.

Small doses of aconitine increase the heartbeat, stimulate contraction of the heart muscle, and in large doses, on the contrary, prevent the contraction of the ventricles until their work stops completely. Heart rhythm disturbances occur as a result of the influence of the alkaloid on the muscles of the ventricles.

Medicines based on aconite reduce blood pressure, regulate breathing rate, stimulate the heart muscle, and in case of overdose lead to severe arrhythmia, incompatible with life.

Large doses of aconite alkaloids sharply reduce respiratory rate as a result of depression respiratory center, which inevitably leads to suffocation.

When aconite alkaloids are ingested, increased salivation is observed, caused by stimulation of the parasympathetic nerve as a result of irritation of the oral mucosa.

Aconitine helps lower body temperature even in a person with normal temperature. This property of the drug cannot yet be solved, since serious scientific research on aconite has only just begun.

Medicines prepared on the basis of aconite and not containing aconitine alkaloids stimulate the functioning of the cardiovascular system, significantly improving blood circulation. Moreover, the cardiotonic effect of drugs is more noticeable in a diseased heart than in a healthy one.

The therapeutic effect of aconite preparations begins to manifest itself only after the accumulation of a certain amount of the substance in the body. Therefore, with a single dose, noticeable changes in the patient’s condition are practically not observed.

As a result of the experiments, scientists found that the degree of toxicity of a particular dosage form of aconite depends on the method of its preparation. For example, an infusion of wrestler is twice as toxic as a decoction obtained by boiling. Change in toxicity level under exposure high temperature occurs according to the following scheme: its greatest decrease is observed in the first 5 hours of boiling, over the next 12 hours it decreases slightly, and after 12 hours it practically does not change.

Basic principles of herbal medicine for cancer

Treatment of tumors with herbs differs greatly from other methods of treatment. Therefore, in order for the treatment to be effective and result in a complete recovery of the patient, it is necessary to understand its features and strictly adhere to certain rules. Knowledge of the main directions and ways of their implementation in herbal medicine of cancer allows us to clearly determine the place of aconite in the system of treatment of this most serious illness.

So, the main areas of herbal treatment for oncological diseases include the following.

Direct effect on the tumor. As traditional herbal cytostatics, speckled hemlock, Knyazhik Okhotsk, autumn crocus, pink periwinkle, comfrey, common blackroot, Russian gorichnik, knotty nosy, common cocklebur, marsh cinquefoil, evasive peony, or marin root, marshweed, etc. are used.

Restoring the body's defenses. In other words, this area of ​​herbal medicine can be called immunostimulation, or immunomodulation. In order to restore immunity, a large number of herbs are used, the most effective of which are some types of aconite, greater celandine, Pallas's spurge, elecampane, duckweed, aloe vera, etc.

Sometimes plant adaptogens are used as immunostimulants. However, they must be used with extreme caution. The fact is that their ability to total stimulation can lead to the unplanned development of tumor tissue. When treating cancer, the use of all representatives of the sedum family (except for Rhodiola rosea, or golden root, and Rhodiola quadrifidum) is excluded.

Restoring normal hormonal levels. This direction is especially relevant in the treatment of tumors of the genital area (prostate, ovarian and testicular cancer), as well as the thyroid gland and other endocrine organs, which make up about 40% of all cancers.

Good results in the treatment of malignant and benign tumors in the genital area are given by medicines from the common grasshopper, sparrow, comfrey, angelica, meadow lumbago, horehound, woodruff, common wormwood, black cohosh, and fly agaric.

Normalize hormonal background at oncological diseases The thyroid gland can be treated with the help of blackhead, string tripartite, foxtail, tenacious and common bedstraw, common cocklebur, knotweed, etc.

Binding and removal of exo- and endotoxins. This area includes binding toxins and stimulating the functioning of the organs that remove them from the body - the liver, kidneys, lungs and skin. In addition, it ensures the normal functioning of these organs, especially the liver and kidneys, since they bear the main burden associated with both the disease itself and the consequences of chemotherapy.

The best binders for toxins are yellow and variegated aconite, the roots of angelica, angelica, licorice, the herb of sweet clover, sage, etc.

Poisonous and red aconite, sandy immortelle, milk thistle, dandelion, trefoil watch, common tansy, wormwood, etc. are good at restoring liver function.

The best means for normalizing kidney function are preparations made from aconite, burdock, lingonberry leaf, goldenrod herb, horsetail, knotweed, etc.

Linden cordate, common raspberry, black currant, fragrant woodruff, black elderberry, etc. contribute to the restoration of skin functions.

The buds and leaves of birch, black elderberry flowers, knotweed, wild rosemary, thyme, Icelandic cetraria, etc. have a good effect on the functioning of the lungs.

If the function of the large intestine is impaired, St. John's wort and spotted St. John's wort, chamomile, cypress spurge, Icelandic cetraria, knotweed, horse sorrel, laxative joster, brittle buckthorn, etc. help.

Metabolic restoration. This direction has something in common with the previous one, since improving the activity of organs that remove harmful substances from the body is one of the main conditions for normalizing metabolism. However, there are a number of plants that directly influence the course of biochemical reactions: wild strawberry, common blueberry, speedwell, sweet woodruff, stinging nettle, tripartite string, bedstraw, etc.

Normalization of blood microcirculation and tissue respiration. For this purpose, plant adaptogens and antihypoxants are widely used, the most effective of which are aconite red and anthora, Eleutherococcus senticosus, Aralia Manchurian, Leuzea safroliformes, or maral root, bergenia and Pacific bergenia, Rhodiola rosea, etc.

Restoration of impaired functions. This area includes restoring immunity, binding and removing toxins, as well as normalizing metabolism. But we must not forget about restoring the normal functioning of such vital organs as the heart, spleen, pancreas and gallbladder. For these purposes, a great variety of herbs are used, the most important among which is rightfully occupied by aconite.

Removal pain syndrome . If we talk about quality of life or increasing the body’s resistance to disease, then this direction seems to be one of the most important. In this regard, it is impossible not to mention the special place that aconite occupies in terms of the implementation of this direction. There is a number of scientifically confirmed data that as a result of regular intake of aconite tincture in patients, the intensity of the pain syndrome is significantly reduced. Its absence or even a slight manifestation makes it possible to reduce the daily dose of narcotic analgesics, in some cases to cancel them completely or not to resort to them at all.

As an analgesic, in addition to aconite, you can use other herbal preparations prepared from hemlock, stinking datura, belladonna, black nightshade, chamomile, common groundsel, licorice, etc.

Removal depressive states, fear, normalization of sleep. This direction echoes the previous ones and pursues similar goals. As a sedative and sleeping pills Blue cyanosis, Baikal skullcap, fireweed, common hop, motherwort five-lobed, valerian officinalis, St. John's wort, speedwell, common horehound, sandman, etc. are widely used.

The leading role in the implementation of this direction is given to aconite. It was already mentioned above that the alkaloids of this plant include zongorin and its analogues. Their peculiarity is that, unlike other alkaloids, they act primarily on the central nervous system. That is why, in terms of its pharmacological properties, zongorin is somewhere between psychostimulants and antidepressants.

The antidepressant effect, which is expressed primarily in increased performance, improved mood, and the disappearance of feelings of fear, was observed at the beginning of the second month of treatment with aconite tincture in cancer patients with stage III–IV disease.

Normalization and restoration of biological rhythms. Since time immemorial, this direction has been included in the mandatory complex of treatment in Indian and Chinese medicine and invariably leads to positive results. In the West, scientific justification for this direction was given quite recently, and big role The work of Russian professor V.G. Pashinsky, who described the use of medicinal herbs to restore disturbed biological rhythms, played a role in this.

In short, the essence of this method is to stimulate the function of all internal organs in accordance with the time of their maximum physiological activity. For example, the peak activity of the large intestine occurs during morning hours(5–7), which means that it is necessary to take herbal preparations, the action of which is aimed at stimulating its motor skills, so that the beginning of their action coincides with the beginning of the activity of this organ.

In conclusion, I would like to say about a group of plants that have been successfully used since ancient times as antitumor agents, but the mechanism of their action has not yet been studied by science. That is why it is not yet possible to attribute them to one of the above areas. We are talking about such plants as marsh cinquefoil, large burdock, sweet clover, chickweed, or biting midge, agrimony, late clove, etc.

Treatment of cancer patients

The use of aconite for the treatment of cancer patients, proven by centuries of practice, makes it one of the most effective means alternative oncology that can provide healthy competition modern means classical chemotherapy. Firstly, aconite prevents the formation of metastases and significantly slows down the development of existing ones. Secondly, to achieve a positive result, a small amount of the drug is required, which does not create additional stress on the internal organs. Thirdly, if the prescribed dosage is strictly followed, aconite has virtually no side effects. Fourthly, the wrestler has a wide spectrum of action, both pathogenetic and symptomatic (analgesic, antidepressant, detoxification and other effects), which makes it possible to use it for the treatment of elderly people and those weakened by disease or long-term use chemotherapeutic agents for patients.

For the treatment of cancer patients, a 10% alcohol tincture of root tubers or aconite herb (turnip or red) is used, which is taken orally 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals or 2 hours after meals according to an individual regimen.

Dosing is best done using an insulin syringe with a U-40 scale. Its volume is 1 ml, or 40 drops of 0.025 ml. The use of eye droppers can lead to overdose because they are not calibrated and the drop from such a dropper may be twice the volume prescribed.

Before use, the required number of drops must be dissolved in 50–60 ml of boiled water at room temperature.

Tinctures of aconite with a low content of alkaloids (for example, Chekanovsky's aconite) are so weakly poisonous that they must be dosed not in drops, but in milliliters.

With a standard treatment regimen, it is recommended to carry out 3 courses of 39 days, taking a two-week break after each cycle. Thus, the entire treatment takes 145 days, after which the drug should either be stopped completely or resumed after a break, the duration of which is determined individually depending on the patient’s condition and the results of treatment.

In accordance with the standard treatment regimen, on the first day the patient takes 1 drop 3 times a day, on the second day - 2, on the third - 3, etc. until the 20th day, when the daily dose of the drug in 3 doses is 60 drops. Starting from the 21st day, the number of drops per dose is reduced by one so that by the 39th day the daily dose is 3 drops (Table 2).

Table 2
Standard regimen for taking aconite tincture in the treatment of cancer

Let us emphasize once again that the given treatment regimen with aconite tincture is standard. The patient “customizes” it to suit himself, depending on age, severity of the disease, individual tolerance to the drug, as well as the type of aconite, the amount of alkaloids in the starting material and the concentration of the drug.

As an example, let's take a 10% tincture of Djungarian aconite roots. It contains about 0.08% alkaloids, the predominant of which are aconitines, which makes the drug very strong. In this regard, the norm for a cancer patient whose internal organs are working intermittently should not exceed 10 drops per dose. Consequently, one course of treatment is not 39 days, as with the standard regimen, but only 19. Experienced oncophytotherapists give preference to less concentrated drugs - 2.5-5%, which will allow you to increase the dose of the medication gradually, acting gently on the body, but no less effective.

If a patient, in order to speed up the recovery process, deliberately increases the prescribed dose of the drug, then he may experience severe poisoning with aconite. In this case, taking the tincture must be stopped immediately and urgent measures must be taken to remove the poison from the body.

Signs of poisoning may also appear when the patient strictly adheres to the required dosage. This is explained primarily by the individual reaction of the body to medicinal product. Therefore, if a patient experiences nausea, dizziness, general weakness, interruptions in heart function, numbness and tingling in the fingertips, around the mouth and burning of the tongue, the single dose of aconite tincture should be reduced by 3 drops.

So, if the first signs of oversaturation appeared with 15 drops per dose, then the next day the single dose should be reduced to 12 drops and not changed until the patient’s condition improves. Then you need to return to the given schedule and increase the single dose of the drug by 1 drop every day. If the patient’s signs of oversaturation do not go away, then treatment should be stopped and it should be started again, that is, with 1 drop, after 2 weeks.

According to available data, with a standard regimen of taking a 10% tincture of Djungarian aconite, designed for 39 days, signs of poisoning caused by oversaturation of the body are observed in only 5% of patients. A less concentrated - 5% - tincture of northern aconite practically does not cause negative effects, even with a maximum single dose of 30 drops.

In order for the treatment process with aconite to take place with minimal losses for the patient, a softer (but no less effective) technique can be used. According to it, a decrease in the maximum dose by 1 drop does not occur after 20 drops per dose, but immediately after the first sign of oversaturation and continues according to a given pattern until 1 drop. The break between courses in this case does not last 2 weeks, as with the standard regimen, but as many days as there were drops in the maximum single dose of the medicine. So, for example, if the first signs of oversaturation appeared on the 15th day, when single dose The drug consisted of 15 drops, then the break between the first and second treatment course will be 15 days.

If we compare these two methods, the standard scheme seems to be the simplest and most suitable for independent use, when the patient can do without constant monitoring specialist As for the gentle technique, which takes into account the individual tolerance of the drug to cancer patients, it is, as a rule, used only under the supervision of a doctor. In fact, most often these two methods are combined: the patient begins to take the drug according to a standard regimen, which, due to known circumstances, can be replaced by a gentle one.

However, regardless of the chosen regimen, the patient must remember one thing: any break in taking aconite tincture inevitably leads to a loss of the therapeutic effect.

As for further tactics for treating cancer, official medicine recommends taking a long break after three 39-day courses. The duration of this break is determined by the patient’s condition and ranges from three months to one year. Traditional medicine advises continuing treatment courses with a two-week break until complete recovery.

For preventive purposes (for example, for mastopathy), you can limit yourself to 1-2 courses with a two-week break.

In addition to the alcohol extract, for the treatment of cancer, an aqueous decoction of aconite root tubers is used (3 medium-sized root tubers per 1.5 liters of water), which is taken in a fixed dose (60 ml) 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Before use, the decoction must be slightly warmed.

The disadvantage of this dosage form is that it does not allow for precise dosing, and therefore, control of the treatment process. In addition, substances formed during heating from aconitine group alkaloids lose some of the healing properties of the original product.

At skin cancer Medicinal preparations based on aconite are used externally. In this case, it is necessary to be especially careful in choosing the concentration of the solution for applications, as well as in determining the ratio of the dose of the drug taken orally and the dose used externally when they are prescribed simultaneously. The fact is that aconitines are easily absorbed, so carelessness in determining the amount of the drug can lead to an overdose.

At tumors of the rectum and large intestine administration of the medicinal drug in an amount determined by the main treatment regimen is carried out in the form of enemas, although a greater effect is achieved by the use of anal suppositories or an ointment form introduced into the rectum through a catheter. The high effectiveness of these dosage forms is due to two reasons. Firstly, the active substance is as close as possible to the site of the disease, and secondly, it acts much longer by slowing down its absorption from the base, thereby reducing the frequency of administration. But these dosage forms have one significant drawback: they do not allow you to regulate the dose of the drug.

Very effective for cancer patients is alternating medicinal plants with similar properties. For example, in between courses of treatment with aconite, it is recommended to take tinctures of hemlock, vekha and fly agaric.

Basic rules for treatment with drugs from poisonous plants

The use of poisonous plants for the treatment of cancer requires the strictest discipline from the patient and his relatives in observing certain rules. By themselves they are quite simple, but since we're talking about about an unusual medicine, then the requirements must be strictly followed.

Firstly, treatment with poisons has a positive effect at any stage of the disease, so it can be started regardless of the “length” of the disease. It goes without saying that treatment carried out at an early stage of the disease is more effective and in most cases leads to complete recovery. If you start treatment in the later stages, then lack of time may prevent you from defeating the disease. But even in the case when medicine turns out to be powerless, drugs based on plant poisons will ease the suffering of the patient, relieving him of the severe torment that, as a rule, accompanies cancer.

Secondly, cytostatic poisons, which inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells, also inhibit the development of all other cells in the body. Therefore, the main task is to choose a method of treatment with poisons in which the main blow would be inflicted on cancer cells, and the damage to other cells would be reversible. The best option from this point of view is the method of treatment with plant poisons according to a cyclic scheme (from small to large doses, and then from large to small, etc.).

Thirdly, it is necessary to choose the shortest path along which the medicine reaches the diseased organ. For example, for cancer of the rectum or nearby organs, the drug must be administered rectally in an amount of 1/8-1/10 of the largest dose taken orally. Thus, if the highest dose of hemlock taken orally is 40 drops, then 5 drops should be administered rectally to the patient, having first dissolved them in 40 ml of water.

Fourthly, the operation the patient has undergone is not an obstacle to treatment with herbal poisons. Whatever the outcome of surgery, poison can lead the patient to recovery or save him from relapse. After chemotherapy or radiotherapy, you can begin treatment with herbal poisons only after a two-week course of cleansing the body.

As a rule, cancer patients who take drugs based on herbal poisons feel better after some time, which is expressed primarily in the absence of pain and in the weakening of the main symptoms of the disease. But for a complete recovery, one course of treatment is not enough. The patient needs to prepare for a long period of treatment over several months, and sometimes years.

The difficulty in treating cancer patients is that most cancer cells sooner or later get used to plant poisons and stop responding to them. That is why at a certain stage of treatment it is necessary to change the poison in order to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect. In this regard, two points should be noted.

Firstly, you cannot use two or three poisons at the same time. Cancer cells may develop insensitivity to drugs based on them, and it will be difficult to find an equivalent replacement to continue treatment.

Secondly, you cannot use the same poison for a long time. Practice has shown that the optimal period for taking one poison is 3 months, after which it must be changed. After 3 months, you can return to the poison with which treatment began.

Basic rules of treatment...

For cancer patients, along with speckled hemlock, herbalists recommend using aconite and colchicum.

Treatment of cancer with drugs based on Colchicum

In folk medicine, two types of plants are used: autumn crocus and magnificent crocus.

This is a perennial herbaceous bulbous plant of the lily family. Other names are colchicum, wild saffron, autumn flower.

Colchicum has a large corm with a diameter of up to 4 cm, colored dark brown. In the spring, a short stem grows from it, on which 4 long, wide, oblong-shaped leaves are formed over time.

The flowers are large, up to 6 cm in length, funnel-shaped, bell-shaped, pinkish-purple or soft lilac in color. There can be from one to three of them on one plant. The fruit has the shape of an oblong-rounded capsule up to 5 cm long, which contains a large number of seeds. Colchicum blooms in autumn, in September-October, when its leaves have already fallen. The fertilized ovary overwinters and develops underground, and in the spring the fruit appears along with the leaves. The seeds ripen in June, after which the leaves of the plant die. In summer, daughter corms are formed.

Colchicum grows in the Caucasus Mountains on the forest edges of the northern and southern slopes at an altitude of 1800–3000 m.

For medicinal purposes, the corms of the plant are used, which are harvested during the flowering of the colchicum from late August to mid-October. To prepare medicinal preparations, take fresh corms, cleared of soil, flower shoots and buds.

A healthy corm is dense, with a dark brown filmy skin, and has an oblong shape. Its length is 6–7 cm, and its width is about 6 cm. On one side it is flatter, with a longitudinal groove. On a cross section, the surface of the corm is white, with small yellowish dots. The smell of the pulp is weak and unpleasant.

Store fresh corms, laid out in one layer on racks, in a cool place for no more than 3 months.

Colchicum contains more than 20 alkaloids, the most valuable of which are colchicine (the highest content in the seeds - up to 1.2%) and colchamine. In addition, the flavone apigenin, aromatic acids, sugars, etc. were found in the plant.

Ready-made dosage forms based on colchicum are available for sale: 0.002 g kolchamine (omaine) tablets and 0.5% kolchamine (omaine) ointment.

Kolkhamin has proven itself as one of the components of complex treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia, skin cancer, respiratory tract papillomas, as well as relapses of breast cancer, malignant tumors of the esophagus, stomach and rectum. In these cases, it is taken orally in the form of tablets of 0.006-0.01 g 2-3 times a day, every other day for 4-5 weeks. Thus, for the entire course the patient should take 0.05-0.11 g of the drug. After 1–2 months, the course of treatment is repeated. If the patient is very weakened, the daily dose of the medicine must be reduced.

Colchamine ointment is a thick, yellowish mass with a specific odor. In addition to colhamin, its composition includes an emulsifier, syntomycin, which prevents secondary infection, and water. It is sold in tightly closed jars of 25 and 100 g.

Colchamine ointment is used to treat exophytic and endophytic forms of skin cancer of stages I and II. To do this, apply 1.5 g of the drug with a spatula to the affected area of ​​the skin, covering approximately 1 cm around, place a gauze pad on top and secure it with an adhesive plaster. The procedure is repeated daily for 18–25 days, and if necessary for another week. During the next dressing, the affected area of ​​the skin must be carefully treated, removing any remaining ointment, exfoliated tumor tissue and fibrinous deposits.

The healing effect of the ointment appears already on the 2-3rd day from the start of using the drug, and most clearly after 10-12 days. Final cure of recurrent tumors after radiation therapy occurs, as a rule, after 4 weeks. After treatment with colhamine ointment, aseptic dressings must be applied to the affected area of ​​the skin for 10–12 days. As a result, epithelization of the skin occurs with a good cosmetic effect. TO side effects symptoms that may accompany treatment with colhamine ointment include leukopenia, the presence of protein in the urine and diarrhea. If these symptoms appear, the use of the ointment should be stopped immediately and, as directed by the doctor, a number of measures should be taken to eliminate the consequences side effect drug.

Colchamine ointment should not be used for stage III and IV skin cancer, especially when the ulcer is localized in close proximity to the mucous membranes of the eyelids, oral cavity and rectum. Otherwise, absorption of the drug into the blood cannot be avoided, which can lead to negative consequences for the patient.

Basic rules of treatment...

Additional products for the treatment of cancer

Along with the main remedies aimed at treating cancer, traditional healers recommend using additional ones, among which the most popular are marsh cinquefoil, chaga, bergenia, white mistletoe, golden mustache and flax seed. Preparations based on these medicinal plants pave the way for the main drug to reach the cancer cell, destroying the barrier around it, and also neutralize the toxins of cancer cells. As a result, the patient’s rehabilitation process after surgery, X-ray and chemotherapy is much faster.

Tinctures cinquefoil And golden mustache It is recommended to take it on the 5th day from the start of treatment with hemlock, aconite or other plant poisons. These drugs are powerful immunomodulators that can increase the body's defenses several times.

Golden mustache tincture is taken 3 times a day, 20 drops per 50 ml of water, and cinquefoil tincture - 20-30 ml 3 times a day, washed down with 100 ml of chaga infusion.

Chaga is a tinder fungus, which includes a complex organic complex of aromatic nature, as well as agaricic and oxalic acids, resins, flavones, polysaccharides and a large set of microelements: potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, zinc, etc. In this regard, chaga is a wonderful biostimulant that has a beneficial effect on the activity of the central nervous system, metabolism and increases the body's resistance infectious diseases. Moreover, the fungus activates the production of cells that are able to fight young cancer cells.

Chaga is harvested in February-March. At this time, it is most useful, because the amount of biologically active substances present in it reaches its maximum. The growth of chaga is cut off with an axe, the internal loose part is thoroughly cleaned of any remaining bark and wood, then the mushroom is chopped into narrow strips approximately 5–7 cm long and dried in the oven at a temperature of no more than 50 °C. To prepare anti-cancer drugs, it is best to use the top black layer of chaga, which crumbles easily.

Infusions and extracts prepared from chaga are taken orally to treat gastric ulcers and duodenum, gastritis, gastrointestinal dyskinesia, nervous system disorders, insomnia, and also as a tonic for decreased performance. Taking drugs by cancer patients significantly improves their condition, especially in cases where there are contraindications to radiation therapy and surgery. Oncophytotherapists recommend taking biocalcium one powder at night or 2 hours after breakfast throughout the entire treatment. Instead, you can use powder prepared at home from eggshells quenched with lemon juice. This powder is taken 0.5 teaspoon 2 times a day or added to food.

Cancer is a rather dangerous disease, in which healthy cells are damaged by patients at a fairly high rate. Along with medications, it is possible to use non-traditional methods to treat oncology. These include decoctions and mixtures of various plants that have medicinal properties in the fight against illness, and certain creams and ointments can also be prepared from the components.

Traditional medicine against cancer includes huge variety recommendations and recipes that use exclusively the healing properties of drugs. The plants that are used in this case can reduce the formation, destroy some of the cancer cells, and promote the growth of healthy ones. Thanks to traditional medicine, it is possible to stop malfunctions of the protective system, however, they must be used in conjunction with medicines and only after the approval of the attending physician.

Complex cancer treatment

This treatment method includes certain procedures through which you can see improvements. This method is based on the theory that cancer is a disease caused by Trichomonas, and a tumor is a colony formed by these bacteria.

Treatment includes:

  • It is necessary to include iodine in the diet, you should use seaweed or cabbage, or you can take a teaspoon of this element daily;
  • use decoctions of various plants, among them are burdock, birch, dogwood, elderberry and chaga;
  • eat 7 apricot kernels raw daily;
  • every morning rinse your mouth with flaxseed oil for about 20 minutes;
  • it is necessary to take calcium complexes with magnesium in ionic form; a high content of these substances is observed in turnips;
  • give up dairy products for a certain time.

This treatment is effective only if all recommendations and the sequence of taking the substances are followed.

Treatment of cancer with unconventional means

In recent years, quite a number of people diagnosed with oncology are convinced that traditional methods of treating cancer are quite effective and have a beneficial effect on health.

Today, there are many methods and recipes that are used to get rid of this terrible disease.

Recipes with propolis

Propolis is used to treat neoplasms. They can be treated even after irradiation with cobalt. This substance destroys diseased cells and helps healthy ones grow. Thanks to propolis, the body's immunity is strengthened and the growth of diseased cells is inhibited.

It can be used in pure form. To do this, you need 5-7 grams 3-5 times daily. Chew before eating.

Propolis is also used in the form of oil. To make it, you need to take a kilogram of unsalted butter from the cream, melt it in an enamel pan, wait until it boils. Add 160 g to the resulting mixture. Propolis, passed through a meat grinder, mix the components thoroughly until the mixture is cold. Be sure to take the drug in a large spoon 3-5 times daily before meals.

You can also prepare an ointment from propolis, which perfectly fights cancer tumors. For this you need 10 grams. chopped Veselka mushroom mixed with 100 gr. melted propolis oil. After the composition is cold, it must be used as a compress.

Hemlock against cancer

It can be used and it will be quite effective. The healing properties of this plant help people even with the most severe form of this disease - stage 4 cancer. Treatment with folk remedies, in particular hemlock, on the second round of use gives good results.

The most important thing is to observe the correct proportion for use, since an overdose can lead to disastrous results.

To receive necessary means you need to take a 3 liter jar, pour a couple of glasses of vodka into it, it is needed so that the hemlock does not lose its usefulness after cutting. After this, crush this plant, fill a third of the container with it, then fill everything with vodka to the very top. Then close the jar tightly and put it in a cool place for 14-18 days.

You need to consume this tincture in certain portions every day. First you need to mix a drop of tincture with a glass of water in the morning before meals and drink until the bottom. On the second day you should add 2 drops, on the next day - 3 and so you should get 40 drops. Then start counting down, decreasing the number by a drop each time, until you reach one, this will be a cycle. You need to do three such cycles; there is no need to take a break between them.

Chaga in the treatment of cancer

Alternative treatment for cancer may involve the use of a mushroom such as. It is quite useful for patients who cannot undergo surgery.

Infusions are used to treat cancer. To cook this medicine, you should take chaga and pass it through a grater. After this process, mix one part of the mushroom with 5 parts of water and leave it alone for two days. You need to treat 3 times, ½ cup a day before meals, ½ hour. The product should be stored in a cool place for no more than 4 days.

The drug "Monastic 16 herbs"

Everyone knows that treating cancer with herbs brings positive effects. The use of a special herbal collection, which is called “Monastic 16 Herbs,” is very popular; with its help, a certain number of people who refused traditional medical treatment were cured.

Need to collect:

  • Sage leaves (35 gr.);
  • Nettle leaves (25 gr.);
  • Wormwood leaves (15 gr.);
  • Rosehip, immortelle, bearberry, string (20 g each);
  • Yarrow, chamomile flowers and leaves, calendula leaves, thyme, buckthorn bark, birch buds, linden flowers, cudweed, motherwort leaves (10 g each).

The components must be crushed, then measure out 26 grams. raw materials and fill it with 2.5 liters. just boiled water in an enamel bowl, after which the mixture is put on low heat, the boiling temperature must be kept around 95 degrees. Boil for approximately 180 minutes until the contents are reduced by half, the next step is to cool the broth, pass through cheesecloth, pour into a container , seal tightly and refrigerate. You should drink a large spoon three times a day 60 minutes before eating.

Drink this decoction for the treatment of cancerous tumors you need for 70 days, then rest for 15 days. If the disease is advanced, then you need to use this remedy for more than a year.

Beetroot and cabbage against cancer

If traditional medicine is used, cancer treatment can be carried out using beets and cabbage.

To do this, you need to make juice from cabbage or beets. The properties of these juices can prevent further development of affected cells, help the growth of healthy ones, and also have a beneficial effect on the protective functions of the body.

You can use them every day in unlimited quantities. You just need to keep the cabbage juice in the refrigerator for a while before drinking, so all the substances that cause vomiting will come out of it.

Oil with vodka against cancer

Can be used to get rid of cancerous tumors sunflower oil with vodka.

To prepare the product, you need to take 35 ml of vodka and 35 ml of unrefined sunflower seed oil, beat the components until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. This remedy needs to be prepared only before taking it, take it three times a day, do not eat anything, drink anything, or eat anything before taking it.

You need to be treated in this way for 10 days, then stop taking it for 5 days. It is advised to repeat 3 courses, then rest for three weeks. During this treatment, drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited; in addition to the alcohol that is in the recipe, meat must be present in the diet; it cannot be abandoned even during fasting.

For small tumors, treatment requires 2 months, and if the disease is in an advanced state, then the course is six months.

Elderberry against cancer

The use of elderberry is another folk treatment for cancer.

For treatment, you should sprinkle black elderberries 1 cm thick and cover with sugar and sand. After this, make another layer of elderberry and again granulated sugar. And so on to the top of a deep glass bowl. Leave this product for 90 days. After time, the berries form juice, which must be drunk 3 times daily, one large spoonful for 45 days.

Garlic in the fight against cancer

Garlic is a fairly popular remedy in the fight against diseases such as cancer. It can be used for varying degrees of severity.

Define several cooking methods:

  • Can be treated with pure garlic. To do this, you need to take it drop by drop, starting with 10 drops. Each of 5 days, after that 20 drops for the next five days, and so you should add 10 drops every five days until you get a large spoon, use once a day, then after ½ hour eat a little honey, about 30 grams. After reaching the required amount drops of garlic, reduce the dosage until 10 drops remain.
  • 200 gr. Boil garlic in a steam bath, chop and mix with 300 gr. walnuts, which need to be chopped, 200 gr. hazel, 50 gr. crushed dill seeds, 25 grams each. St. John's wort, licorice seeds and ginger powder. Mix all ingredients with a kilogram of honey. Must be consumed this mixture Take a large spoon before any meal. This composition not only treats cancer, but also strengthens the body’s immunity; it is also recommended for use in preventive methods against cancer.

Informative video: Dr. Pryanishnikova about treating cancer with folk remedies


As a preface, I would like to remind you that the following emotions are very harmful to a person suffering from this illness - panic, fear, sadness, passive resignation - since the body's resistance sharply decreases. Medical statistics provide data on tens of thousands of cures from cancer (including self-healing). therefore, there should always be faith and hope in recovery - you need to try to maintain interest in life, and personal hygiene, physical activity, positive emotions will contribute to a favorable course of the disease

In nature, there are many products of plant and animal origin that have antitumor activity. These include wholemeal flour with bran, onion, garlic, radish, horseradish, sea buckthorn, dill, parsley, celery, sorrel, green tea, birch sap, lemon, carrots, beets, royal jelly of bees, seaweed, wheat bran or Fungiology (Fungology, Mycotherapy).

When treating with herbs, first basic therapy is carried out from complex herbal mixtures, then against its background, preparations from plants that have antitumor activity (hemlock, celandine, peony, sedum, chaga, etc.) are used. basic therapy is necessary to increase the overall resistance of the body. These collections include plants that regulate the functioning of the nervous system (reducing fear, depression), strengthen the blood vessels - the cardiac system, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, enhance the functioning of the kidneys, restore the composition of the blood and stimulate the adrenal glands. Complex herbal infusions are also nutrition for a weakened body, because... contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements. Drugs with antitumor activity are prescribed against the background of basic therapy, which reduces their toxic effect on other organs (hemlock, celandine, etc.)

For collections for oncological diseases, calamus rhizomes, hawthorn flowers, immortelle flowers, calendula flowers, burdock, wormwood, bedstraw, plantain, cudweed, horsetail, sage, Chernobyl, birch leaf, nettle, saffron, buckthorn, elecampane, etc. Medicinal plants slow down tumor growth, improve blood composition, increase the body's resistance, and reduce many clinical symptoms.

Due to the body’s adaptation to any drug, it is advisable to alternate them by month (for example: celandine infusion, peony infusion, sedum infusion, pine needle decoction, chaga infusion) phytotyrapy can be used simultaneously with surgical, chemotherapy and by radiation methods treatment. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of an oncologist and a herbalist.

Medicinal plants for cancer of various organs:

✔ Liver tumor: budra ivy, chicory, chaga, Chernobyl.

✔ Tumor of the nasopharynx: rinsing with mint, boiled in apple cider vinegar, lovage infusion, horseradish juice (diluted with water 1/10), horse sorrel, plantain.

✔ Tumor of the mammary gland: lotions from iris, wild violet, celandine. Inside: viburnum juice with honey, infusions of burnet, calendula, St. John's wort.

✔ Tumor of the female genital area: peony, speckled hemlock, Chernobyl, celandine, oregano, calendula, tartar.

✔ Rectal tumor: enemas with celandine, Chernobyl, carrot juice, oak bark, valerian, wormwood.

✔ Malignant skin lesions: celandine juice, garlic, hops, sedum, lingonberries, horseradish, elm, tartar, birch buds.

✔ Stomach tumor: plantain, cudweed, calendula, Chernobyl, celandine, chaga, St. John's wort, centaury, wormwood, chicory, marsh whiteweed, carrot juice, beetroot.

✔ When radiation sickness: aloe, chaga, nettle, green tea, cabbage, birch sap, rowan, licorice, sweet clover, corn, strawberries, carrots, beets.

The most effective plants at home are the following:

Contains over 20 alkaloids (including chelidonine, sanguinarine, chelerythrine), vitamins A, C, bitterness, organic acids, saponins, flafonoids and other substances. The drug celandine causes a delay in the growth of malignant tumors, reduces pain, calms the central and autonomic nervous system, tones the muscles of the uterus, and enhances intestinal motility. It has an antimicrobial, choleretic, laxative effect.

Application: 4 tablespoons of herbs pour 1 liter. Boiling water, leave in a thermos overnight. Apply externally as compresses on the tumor or internally, 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals.

Chaga infusions have long been used to treat cancer and leukemia. The mushroom contains organic acids, polysaccharides, lignin, fiber, petherins, phenol, microelements (potassium, magnesium, calcium, manganese, iron, copper, zinc, silicon, etc.) It has antitumor activity, improves well-being, regulates the gastrointestinal tract .

Application: soak the mushroom in water for 4 hours, pass through a meat grinder and add 5 parts of boiled water. No higher than 50 degrees. Leave for 2 days, strain, add water to which. The mushroom was soaked. The infusion is stored for 4 days. Take 100 ml. 3 r. per day.

✿ Peony evasive (Maryin root)

Has a strong bactericidal effect. Contains iron, strontium, lead, chromium, copper, nickel, titanium, etc. It is recommended for use in the treatment of uterine cancer, liver disease, malaria, and neuroses.

Application: 1 teaspoon dry. leave the root in 3 cups of boiling water for 3 hours. Drink 1 tbsp. 3 r. a day before meals.Peony tincture - approx. 1 teaspoon 3 rubles. per day before meals, diluted at 50 mil. Water.

Used for stomach and female genital cancer. Calm the nervous system, improve digestion, stimulate the immune system, and delay tumor growth.

Application: 1 tbsp. Brew 300 ml herbs. Infuse boiling water in a thermos overnight. Use 100 ml. 3 r. per day throughout the night. Or another option: 1 tbsp. boil the roots for 10 minutes. In 0.5 l. White grape wine. Leave for 2 hours. Use 1 tbsp. 3 r. a day before meals.

Aloe tree contains biogenic stimulants that increase the body's defenses. Increases appetite, relaxes the intestines, promotes the healing of wounds, ulcers, radiation burns, increases hemoglobin, increases the number of red blood cells. Aloe contraindications during pregnancy, hemorrhoids, severe liver damage. Aloe syrup with iron is recommended for malignant neoplasms of various etiologies, radiation sickness.

Application: 1 tsp. 3 r. per day after meals

Calendula officinalis

Has anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect, calms the nervous system, enhances the contractile function of the myocardium, reduces high blood pressure, and has antitumor activity. Used for liver disease, stomach, intestines, heart failure, neurosis, scrofula, rickets, ulcers, wounds, trichomoniasis, conjunctivitis, tumors.

Application: a) calendula tincture - 20 drops 3 r. a day before meals B) tincture of calendula flowers - 1 tbsp. l. Pour 300 ml of flowers. Leave boiling water in a thermos overnight and apply 100 ml. 3 r. a day before meals.

✿ Rosehip, motherwort, plantain, horsetail (3 parts each), sage, Chernobyl, oregano (1 part each), string, nettle (2 parts each), chamomile (5 parts), buckthorn (about.5 parts). Application: 2 tbsp. l. 0.7 boiling water, leave. Use 100 ml. 3 r. a day before meals

✿ St. John's wort, plantain, chamomile, yarrow, calendula, nettle (2 parts each). Application: 2 tbsp. l. 0.7 boiling water, leave. Use 100 ml. 3 r. a day before meals

✿ Mint, calamus, celandine, trifol (1 part each), tansy, wormwood (0.5 part each). Application: 2 tbsp. l. 0.7 boiling water, leave. Use 100 ml. 3 r. a day before meals

✿ Chernobyl, nettle, oats, dried cucumber, elderberry (4 parts each), mantle, burdock root, dandelion leaf, blueberry leaf, flax seed (2 parts each), elecampane (1 part). Application: 2 tbsp. l. 0.7 boiling water, leave. Use 100 ml. 3 r. a day before meals

✿ Tansy, plantain (1 part), St. John's wort (4 parts), motherwort, yarrow, rose hips (2 parts each), Chernobyl (3 parts). Application: 2 tbsp. l. 0.7 boiling water, leave. Use 100 ml. 3 r. a day before meals.