The dog won't let you clean his ears. How and how to clean a dog’s ears at home: step-by-step algorithm of actions, necessary means and tools

It is not uncommon for people to have problems with their ears. This is especially true for dachshunds, basset hounds and other breeds with long ears. To keep animals healthy, their owners need to take a set of preventive measures. A very important place in this series is occupied by cleaning the dog's ears. Owners of their pets should do this 1-2 times a week.

Caring for your dog's ears

Is it possible to clean dogs' ears? This question will not even arise among people who have these animals at home. Caring for your dog's ears is very important point. Their owners pay serious attention to this. This includes not only cleaning, but also examining the dog’s ears.

The condition of the animal's ears should be normal. To do this, dog owners should regularly check their pets' ears. This will allow you to remove the accumulated dirt in a timely manner and prevent the development of diseases. If your dog's ears turn red, it means inflammatory process, and the animal must be treated.
Your dog's ears need to be cleaned regularly. The frequency of this process depends on the size auricle animal. For some dog owners, it is enough to clean their pet’s ears once a week, while others have to do it twice as often. Everything here is individual.

However, it is important to understand that dog ear cleaning should not be done too often. You cannot overdo it in this matter.

How to clean a dog's ears at home

Every dog ​​owner has to clean his dog's ears at home. This procedure is not particularly difficult. It is very important that the dog feels comfortable. Its owners should create a favorable stop for this. Cleaning dogs' ears should be done carefully.

Used as tools for caring for animal ears cotton swabs and disks. The sticks must be strong and long. We can't let them break. Therefore, the choice of sticks must be taken seriously.

To clean a dog's ears, its owner needs to have a clear view of the animal's ear canal. To do this, you can use a mirror or a small flashlight. The auditory canal in dogs is quite complex and tortuous. You can also clean your dog's ears using special ointment or gel. For these purposes also green will do tea or herbal infusion because they have an anti-inflammatory effect. An infusion of marshmallow, chamomile and calendula works well.

In order for the dog to perceive ear cleaning positively, it is better to give the animal some kind of treat after the procedure. Your pet will get used to this state of affairs and will be more willing to allow its ears to be cleaned. Treats will be a good motivator for your dog.

Dogs, like human ears, need to be periodically cleaned of dirt and wax. If this is not done, deposit accumulation may cause inflammatory diseases ear canals.

Dogs cannot get rid of wax on their own, so this problem should only be solved by him. close person- master.

Long-eared dogs should be groomed twice a week, short-eared dogs should be groomed 1-2 times a week. A small amount of dark brown sulfur is normal for healthy dogs. They lubricate the ear, protecting it from dirt and damage.

How often?

For timely detection of pathologies, the ears must be examined daily. If you feel it coming from your ears bad smell or pus flows - this speaks of development infectious disease and the need to immediately show the animal to a veterinarian.

Cleaning itself should not be done more than a couple of times a week. Moreover, daily cleaning of the ears will only do harm, since sebum and wax in small quantities protect the dog's ears from temperature changes, dirt and dust.

Reference! Before cleaning your dog's ears, make sure it is really necessary.

Short-haired dogs with erect ears do not need frequent ear cleaning. while long-haired dogs with floppy ears require regular hygiene procedures, as their ears are poorly ventilated and constantly sweat.

Much depends on the age of the animal - The older the dog, the more often it becomes necessary to clean the ear canals from serous deposits..

The pet’s lifestyle also plays a role - if he spends most of his time at home and walks only when necessary, his ears will hardly get dirty. If the dog spends a lot of time on the street and is a frequent companion of the owner on trips out of town, more time should be devoted to the ears.

How to clean your pet's ears?

  • Drops- in addition to cleaning functions, the drops protect the ears from inflammation, have a healing effect on wounds and destroy harmful bacteria that multiply in sebum. Before using the drops, the ears should be cleaned with a cotton swab.

Important! Do not use ear drops without consulting a veterinarian, as some components may cause an allergic reaction.

  • Hygienic lotions soften and dissolve earwax, which the dog can then remove by shaking it off, or the owner can remove it through massage.

What else will you need?

  • Cotton swabs or cosmetic discs. Experts do not recommend the use of cotton swabs for inexperienced dog owners, as they must be used very carefully, trying not to damage the ear canal and thin blood vessels. Cotton pads are much safer in this regard - you can gently clean the dog’s ear without fear for its health.

Pay attention! It is better not to use gauze or cotton wool to clean dog ears, as small lint or threads can remain inside the ear canal and cause a lot of discomfort to the pet.

  • Sanitary napkins for dogs- can be purchased in almost any branch. pharmacy. They are small woven patches impregnated with a special hypoallergenic composition that dissolves dirt without irritating sensitive skin ears.
  • Powder Widely used to care for long ears. Absorbs excess moisture and dirt, which is a beneficial environment for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.

Can I clean with hydrogen peroxide?

Although many dog ​​owners use this product for... home cleaning ears, This is strictly forbidden, since hydrogen peroxide can cause damage to the animal’s ears. chemical burn . Not best option use lotions or tonics intended for humans - they often contain cosmetic fragrances that can cause an allergic reaction.

Can I clean with chlorhexidine?

Chlorhexidine may only be relevant for ear cleaning if you notice alarming symptoms inflammatory disease - redness of the skin, unpleasant odor, discharge, etc. You need to drop a few drops of the solution into your ears and massage gently. This will make your dog feel better before visiting the veterinarian.

Otherwise, chlorhexidine is not the best remedy for hygiene procedures. It is better to give preference to special drops or lotion.

Cleaning procedure

Before the procedure, prepare cotton swabs or cosmetic pads, as well as the product with which you will treat the ears. Take everything with reserve, as several discs may not be enough to remove all the dirt. Soak it in lotion and start cleaning.

How to clean it yourself?

Ear cleaning should be done in a calm environment, without making sudden movements, trying not to frighten the dog or cause discomfort to it. The procedure must be carried out in the following order of actions:

  • Securing the dog on its side. Before cleaning the ears, the dog should be calm - there is no need to run after it around the house, try to catch it or forcefully squeeze it. These actions will cause her stress and bad associations with the procedure. Pet your pet, gently lay it on its side and gently lift its ear (if it is hanging).
  • Examination of the ears. Start by inspecting your ears - if the wax is hardened, apply a solution or oil to soften it. Throughout the entire procedure, stroke the dog, praise it, calm it down - the pet must understand that it is safe.
  • Massage your ear- this will facilitate the removal of dirt and sulfur.
  • Removing contaminants- cleaning sinks using a disk or stick.

Reference! Often the dog begins to shake its head right during the procedure - there is no need to stop it. This way the pet gets rid of excess cleaning lotion that gets into the ear canal.

How to prepare your dog for an ear cleaning at the vet?

It is necessary to prepare your dog for ear cleaning from puppyhood.- It should be habitual for an animal that a person touches its ears. You can start with simple stroking and scratching behind the ear. The dog must be taught to sit without moving, gradually increasing the interval from 5 to 10, and then to 15 minutes. In this case, the pet does not need to be released immediately, at the first request - calm it down, give it a treat, and then release it from the hug.

It is also necessary to show and let your pet sniff ear cleaning items so that he is not frightened by unknown smells and incomprehensible actions. Each visit to the veterinarian should be accompanied by praise, soothing strokes and treats after the procedures - the dog should develop a pleasant association with the trip to the clinic.

Which dog breeds require more frequent ear care?

The breeds most susceptible to ear infections are lop-eared dogs, such as dachshunds, spaniels, basset hounds, beagles, and some varieties of poodles. The ears of such animals are not ventilated, and dirt accumulates, especially if there is a long or curly coat. This can cause the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

Reference! If your pet long wool and floppy ears - ask the groomer to trim the hairs in the ear area or periodically do it yourself.

Regular ear hygiene in such breeds is the key to health and wellness pet. Supplement your care with special powder - it will remove excess sweat and moisture from skin folds ears.

Regularly monitor the condition of your pet’s ears and promptly remove dirt - this will help avoid the development of inflammatory diseases and improve the pet’s well-being. Look for grooming products designed specifically for dog ears, as they can liquefy earwax without irritating the skin.

Any dog ​​owner knows that their ears need to be cleaned periodically. Regular ear cleaning for dogs will help prevent the development of all kinds, protect the dog from and. But few people know how often and how correctly this procedure should be carried out. Some dog breeds need to have their ears cleaned almost every day, while for others it is rare. preventative measure and too frequent cleaning can only lead to the loss of natural protective microflora in the ears.

Your dog's ears should be examined daily.. This will allow timely detection various pathologies– swelling, redness, excessive discharge, unpleasant odor from the ears. Such signs usually indicate the development of an ear canal infection and require immediate attention to a veterinarian.

The very same cleaning should not be done too often, especially in dogs with short ears. Daily ear scraping pet can only cause harm - sebum and sulfur in small quantities are necessary for the dog to protect against external factors such as dirt, dust, temperature changes, etc. Therefore, you need to make sure that cleaning is really necessary.

Short-haired dogs Cleaning should be done less frequently, especially if their ears are erect. If the dog long wool, and the ears droop, they are poorly ventilated, they sweat more, wax, dirt and sebum accumulate in them more actively, which means that such dogs’ ears should be cleaned much more often, preferably every other day.

Much depends on state of the animal: the older the dog, the more often the need for these procedures arises. The same applies to pet's lifestyle– if a dog spends all the time at home, its ears will become much less dirty than those who enjoy daily street walks.

You can find out when it’s time for your dog’s ears to be cleaned using simple test: Use a cotton swab dipped in water to lightly rub your ear in the area of ​​the ear canal. If the stick is coated with a light gray or slightly yellow substance, cleaning is not required. And if pieces of sulfur are stuck to the cotton wool, then it’s time to take care of your pet.

How to clean a dog's ears at home

Before you begin cleaning your pet's ears, you need to prepare the materials and tools necessary for this procedure. Most commonly used for cleaning dogs' ears the following means are used:

  • Cotton swabs or disks. Some experts do not recommend using ear cleaning sticks, especially for inexperienced dog owners. If you use them, be very careful not to damage the ear canal. It is much safer to use cotton pads - with their help you can very carefully remove dirt and wax without fear of damaging anything inside the animal’s ear. It is better not to use gauze for cleaning ears, as it can leave strings inside the dog's ear.
  • Sanitary napkins for dogs. They can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacy. These wipes are specially designed for cleaning dogs' ears and are already impregnated with special compounds that dissolve dirt deposits and do not irritate the ear.
  • Hygienic lotions. Lotions for dog ears have the ability to dissolve dirt and earwax, which can then be removed with a massage or by shaking the dog.
  • If your dog has long ears, you can use special powder, which dries the ears, improves air penetration and reduces the accumulation of wet dirt, which is an ideal environment for the development of fungi and pathogens.
  • Hydrogen peroxide or vinegar, which are often used by people for this procedure, it is better not to use. They can cause serious burns to your dog's ears. Soap or baby lotions are also not the best option for caring for dog ears. They often contain additives that can cause diarrhea in dogs. Special oils are used only if a lot of dried mud deposits have accumulated in the ears and it is impossible to remove them without first softening them.

How to clean your dog's ears at home

Ear cleaning should be done with extreme caution so as not to cause discomfort or discomfort to your pet. painful sensations. The procedure is carried out in the following order:

  1. Fix the dog. Optimal time for cleaning the ears - immediately after washing the animal, when it is in a calm state. It is not advisable to catch the dog throughout the house or hold it tightly if it tries to escape - such actions can cause stress and unpleasant associations in the dog, which will make it more difficult to carry out these procedures each time. It is recommended to pet the dog, gently lay it on its side and lift its ear if it is in a hanging position.
  2. Clean your ear. Throughout the entire ear cleaning procedure, you should speak kindly to the dog, stroke it and praise it. Ear cleansing should begin with an external examination. If the dirt is dry, you need to use special oils to soften it. Then you will need to carefully treat your ears with a cotton pad or swab dipped in lotion to dissolve the wax.
  3. Massage your ear. After applying the product, you need to knead the dog’s ear with gentle movements - this will dissolve the dirt much faster. In addition, the massage will bring pleasure to the dog, and it will behave calmer.
  4. Remove wax and dirt. After the massage, you need to clean and dry your pet's ear canal using a cotton swab. Sometimes the dog itself begins to shake its head during the procedure. There is no need to prevent her from doing this - this is how the animal gets rid of excess lotion inside the ears.

At large sizes dogs It will be quite difficult to clean her ears with cotton pads or swabs. In this case, you can simply wrap your finger in gauze, dip it in lotion and clean it with it.

Some dog breeds, such as schnauzers or poodles, need special ear cleaning. They have very long hair, which can accumulate in the ear openings. It should be removed regularly to prevent dirt and moisture from accumulating on it, which can contribute to the development of ear diseases. You can cut this coat yourself using blunt scissors, or you can ask a specialist to cut it during grooming.

Some dogs are extremely impatient with cleaning their ears, so you should accustom your animal to this procedure with early age, regularly examining his ears, teeth, eyes. The puppy needs to get used to it to the fact that the master's hands bring him only pleasure and benefit.

An adult dog can also be trained to clean their ears. In this case, eye contact with the owner is very important. At first, you should simply call the dog to you, stroke its head, touching its ears, and then let it go. Every day you will need to pay more and more attention to the animal’s ears - touch them, lift them, massage them. Some stubborn breeds, such as terriers, will take significantly longer to get used to than others.

Video about cleaning dogs ears

In this video professional veterinarians they tell about cleaning dog ears. You will learn when this procedure is necessary, how to properly prepare your pet for it, and what products are best to use.

Some dogs are almost impossible to get to sit still while their ears are being cleaned. Have you encountered a similar problem? How did you teach your dog regular hygiene procedures? Share your story in the comments.

For members of the canine family, the hearing organs are extremely important, so every owner should know how to clean a dog’s ears correctly. The animal cannot carry out hygiene on its own ear canals, but dog ears, just like those of humans, produce special wax, which can accumulate, causing discomfort and provoking diseases.

In addition, dust, dirt, water, and insects regularly enter the dog’s ears. This is why maintaining dog ear hygiene is extremely important. Today we will tell you how to accustom your pet to such a procedure as ear cleaning, how to carry out the manipulation correctly and with what frequency, we will consider special pet products with which you can carry out cleansing and hygiene.

Let us note right away that not in every situation an animal needs to undergo a procedure such as ear cleansing. The fact is that the sulfur and fat (sebum) produced in some quantities are necessary to protect the delicate skin inside the dog’s ear, to protect it from temperature changes, insect bites, and dust. Therefore, by removing the beneficial layer, the owner can only make things worse for the pet. The same applies to the excessive frequency of the procedure - if you literally clean your pet’s ear every day until it squeaks, soon inflammation and microtrauma will appear on the surface of the skin, where bacteria and fungus will immediately settle.

Accordingly, you need to know when to stop and make sure that there is really a need for the cleaning procedure. Thus, long-haired dogs with floppy ears are the most “problematic” in terms of ears, since the ear flap, lowered down, prevents air circulation, and dirt, dust often accumulates inside, and excessive wax is formed. In addition, the dog looks normal in appearance, but if you lift the floppy ear, you will find that the time for hygiene has long come.

Breeds with erect, open ears, on the other hand, are less prone to ear canal problems. Such ears do not sweat, are well ventilated, dirt does not stick there, sebaceous ducts do not become clogged, and dirt is immediately visible. Many dogs with erect ears may not require thorough cleaning at all; the most the owner should do is inspect the ear every couple of weeks, and, if necessary, remove dirt with a damp cotton swab.

The general condition of the dog is also a factor on which the need for ear cleaning depends. Young, healthy dogs practically do not need this procedure, while older dogs require more care. Accordingly, small miniature dogs walking with their owner in the park and asphalt paths get dirty much less and slower than hunting or working pets who spend a lot of time in nature.

To find out if your dog's ears need to be cleaned right now, you can do a little testing. Simply swipe a damp cotton swab or cotton swab inside the ear. If there are no traces left on the white cotton wool, or a slight gray or yellowish coating is visible, you can postpone cleaning for a while. If dirt or lumps of sulfur are visible, then the dog needs to spend some time to remove the dirt.

However, if an animal does not need to clean its ears, this does not mean that you can not pay attention to them at all. At least once a week, a responsible owner should look into the pet's ear. Swelling or redness, dirt or active discharge of any color, and a repulsive odor should alert you.

How to train a dog to clean its ears?

Like any other manipulation (brushing teeth, trimming nails), ear hygiene is unlikely to please a dog that is not accustomed to this procedure. Accordingly, training should begin from puppyhood, when the baby first appeared in the house. Of course, you shouldn't clean your puppy's ears unless necessary. It is enough to examine the ears from time to time, praise the puppy for his patience, and ensure that he reacts favorably and calmly to all kinds of palpating and touching the ear.

The algorithm of actions should be as follows: they call the puppy, begin to pet it, and talk to it in a gentle voice. In the process, you need to feel the ears, gently massage them, knead them with your fingers, praise the puppy again, and you can treat him with a treat. So the baby will soon understand that the owner can be trusted and the person will not cause him any unpleasant feelings.

You should never shout at a puppy or force him to examine him. This way, the small dog will remember that any manipulations that a person is going to perform are associated with fear and discomfort. At the same time, cleaning the ears does not cause any unpleasant sensations to a healthy dog, so if the dog trusts the owner, it goes away. hygiene procedure quickly and comfortably.

In addition, a dog accustomed to ear cleaning will calmly allow a course of therapy if it falls ill with any ailment in this area, for example, otitis media. The disease itself will not best time in order to accustom the dog to cleaning the ears, because the dog will experience discomfort without that, which means it will connect them with the procedure.

Step by step process for cleaning dog ears

As we have already mentioned, the main thing is that the owner shows patience and gentleness, and also consistently follows all the instructions listed below. First of all, you need to prepare the accessories that may be needed for manipulation: cotton pads and swabs, bandages, special wet wipes, ear lotion. When everything is ready, you can gently call your pet.

Before starting the procedure, the dog must be secured. Large breeds sit next to the owner, so that access to the ears is free. You can pick up a small pet, or ask for help from a second person who could hold the dog. You can combine ear cleaning with bathing or brushing.

Next, you need to examine the ears, determining how severe the contamination is. If the ear looks almost clean and healthy, you can lightly remove the coating of dust and wax with a damp cotton pad or a piece of bandage. If there is a lot of dirt, but there is no inflammation or irritation, the contents of the ear are soaked with zoo lotion, and then cleaned and wax and other dirt are removed.

We recommend following the instructions that come with any product. As a rule, manufacturers advise applying a few drops of lotion inside the ear, then gently massaging the ears for a minute, and then begin cleaning. A cotton swab or bandage should also be wetted with the product used.

It is convenient to clean the ear of large dogs by wrapping a finger with gauze or a bandage. For small pets it is convenient to use a cotton pad rolled into a cone or special safe ones. ear sticks, sold in departments for small children.

Important point! A different cleaning material should be used for each ear. That is, you cannot clean with just a cotton pad. left ear, and then use the same disk to clean the right one. This way you can transfer bacteria, germs or fungus from one ear to another.

Rules for painless ear cleaning

It is important that not only the owner, but also the dog remains in a calm state. It is advisable to choose a time when the pet is relaxed, most often in the evening, after a walk and feeding. If the dog is excited, then there is no need to forcefully clean it; it’s easier to choose another moment. It is also worth taking into account the following recommendations:

  1. You need to act gently, do not scratch or pull the animal’s ears. Movements must be careful. Mechanical cleaning deep into the ear canal– lotion, which is instilled into the ear, can cleanse this area.
  2. If there is a lot of dirt, and the dog begins to resist, you need to praise it, treat it with a treat and let it go. It is better to continue the procedure the next day, when the animal has rested from the manipulation.
  3. It is very important that there is no moisture left in the ear. After all the wax and dirt have been removed, the inner surface of the ear is wiped dry; you can even use a soft paper napkin or toilet paper for this finishing stage.

How often should you clean your dog's ears?

On average, healthy dog Needs ear cleaning every two to three months. But there are some nuances:

  1. If the dog behaves calmly, does not scratch its ears or shake its head, but a lot of sulfur accumulates, it is removed as it becomes dirty, once a week if necessary.
  2. If the ears are clean, then there is no need to injure them again. skin and carry out the procedure. Cleaning is carried out only when there is something to clean.
  3. Contaminants that are difficult to wash off with water require cleaning with a special solution or lotion - it is better to consult a veterinarian about purchasing it.
  4. If on inner surface black plaque has accumulated in the ears, an unpleasant odor emanates from the ear, cleaning is carried out with a solution of “Chlorhexidine” or “Miramistin”. If signs recur after a short period of time, the animal should be shown to a veterinarian.
  5. If, when examining the auricle, blood, pus, crusts, inflammation are visible, or the dog whines, shakes its head or constantly scratches its ears, you should not self-medicate. The pet must be taken to veterinary clinic to receive qualified help and recommendations.

Pet-friendly dog ​​ear cleaners

A healthy dog ​​does not need any special ear care products. Minor stains can be easily removed even with a dry cotton pad; you can also moisten it with boiled warm water. If inside the ear there is large number sulfur, dirt and dust, it is better to use specialized products. Some of them are cosmetic, some are medicinal. The latter must be appointed veterinarian However, the hygiene products that we will consider in the table can be purchased without a doctor’s recommendation.

Table 1. Drops, lotions and solutions for dog ears

NameFeatures, recommendationsApproximate cost

Hygienic lotion that dissolves wax deposits and gently removes dirt from the surface of the ear.About 300 rubles for a package of 118 milliliters.

Relieves itching, soothes inflammation, reduces the risk of various diseases ear, is used as an adjuvant in the treatment of otitis media.About 120 rubles for a package of 50 milliliters.

Softens the skin inside the ear, due to silver ions it has anti-inflammatory, disinfecting and disinfecting properties. Regenerates, soothes, copes well with waxy ear discharge.About 200 rubles for a package of 50 milliliters.

An antiseptic solution that dissolves sulfur formations and removes dirt. Soothes and disinfects the skin of the ears. Neutralizes unpleasant odor, reduces inflammation, does not irritate.About 500 rubles for a package of 50 milliliters.

Contains malic acid and chlorhexidine, due to which it heals irritations, eliminates inflammation, normalizes the pH of the ear canals, and has an analgesic and antiseptic effect.About 200 rubles for a package of 50 milliliters.

Removes excess earwax, dust and other contaminants. Does not contain dyes or flavors, safe for small puppies, pregnant and lactating bitches.About 650 rubles for a package of 75 milliliters.

Quickly and carefully removes wax accumulations from the auricle and is a preventive anti-inflammatory agent. Can be used weekly and does not dry out the skin.About 800 rubles for a package of 250 milliliters.

It contains lanolin and aloe extract, thanks to which it not only cleanses the skin of the auricle, but also protects and cares for it. Relieves itching and irritation, softens earwax and dirt well.About 400 rubles for a package of 118 milliliters.

It has a strong disinfectant effect. Quickly softens sulfur and other secretions, facilitates cleansing, and prevents subsequent contamination.About 160 rubles for a package of 20 milliliters.

Has a bactericidal, soothing, antibacterial effect. The composition includes a decoction of chamomile flowers and twenty other different herbs, thanks to which the lotion is effective not only for cleansing, but also for healing microtraumas.About 100 rubles for a package of 30 grams.

A lotion that effectively removes wax and inflammatory products from the ear canals. Good for primary processing before using medications.About 220 rubles for a package of 30 grams.

Cosmetic wipes impregnated with a special hypoallergenic composition are also suitable for cleansing the eyes. Relieves inflammation and removes impurities.About 360 rubles per pack of 80 pieces.

What not to do when cleaning your dog's ears?

First of all, it is important to choose a solution that cleans your pet’s ears. Under no circumstances should hydrogen peroxide or alcohol tinctures- they will cause a burn in the dog, which will be invisible to humans, but very noticeable to the dog. In addition, the dry, delicate skin of the ears will become an excellent “soil” for the proliferation of bacteria and fungi.

You cannot reach inside the auricle with a cotton swab - this way the sulfur is pushed inside, which provokes the formation of a plug, otitis media, inflammation and hearing loss. The point is that sulfur plugs will not allow moisture to leave the ear, so a humid environment will form inside.

It is forbidden to use cotton wool in its pure form, as its fibers may stick to the ear and remain there. Also, you should not wash your dog’s ears with all kinds of sponges, rags and other reusable materials. Cleaning should only be done with products that are used once and then thrown away.

Important point! Attention and respect for your dog's hearing organs will help keep your pet in good health. old age. All that is required from the owner is to regularly examine the pet’s ears and, if necessary, take proportionate and adequate measures.

Video - How to properly clean a dog's ears?

It is known that the shape of the ears is determined based on the breed of the dog. In some animals they are long and hanging, in others they are docked. No matter what characteristics the breed has, the ear canal must be treated regularly. Inspection is carried out by the owner 5-6 times a week, cleaning less often. To perform the procedure correctly, you must have basic knowledge. Let's consider important aspects in order.

  1. Carefully inspect the passage for the presence of abundant purulent discharge, dirt, redness, swelling, unpleasant odor. To determine whether an infection has become or is spreading, inspect your pet's ears daily.
  2. When it comes to cleaning a dog's ears, the procedure is performed less frequently than an examination. It all depends on the size of the ear, the breed of the pet and the structure of the ear. As a rule, hygiene is performed several times a week as it gets dirty.
  3. The inside of an animal's ear is covered with "fuzz" - small hairs that prevent dirt and wax from entering the ear canal. There is no need to clean the sulfur again; it does protective function. As mentioned earlier, ears are cleaned as they become dirty. For some dog breeds, hygiene performed once every 15 days is sufficient.
  4. In addition to short hairs, long hair often grows in the auricle. After a certain period of time, it falls out (dies) and penetrates into the canal, forming stagnation. For this reason, it is recommended to pluck long hair with tweezers as it grows. The procedure is not particularly difficult and is painless. The pet will only be a little ticklish.
  5. While bathing, water may leak into your dog's ears. To prevent this, pre-treat the sink with a special powder that prevents moisture penetration. If desired, it can be replaced with baby talc without fragrance or with chamomile.

In cases where the dog shakes its head intensely, scratches its ears on different surfaces(carpet, sofa upholstery, etc.), which means something went wrong. Try to touch the animal's ears; if the pet starts to squeal, try to inspect the passage. There are basic tips on how to perform hygiene without harming your pet. Let's look at them in order.

For the procedure to be successful and painless, you must adhere to simple rules. Stick to it step by step instructions, proceed carefully.

  1. First of all, you need to secure the animal. Do not force train your dog; you do not need to catch it specifically for cleaning. If possible, combine the procedure with stroking or regular examination. Fixation is carried out in supine position, place your pet on its side and bend its ear up. Such manipulations will help to better examine the existing contaminants.
  2. Then you can start cleaning. Throughout, you need to talk to your pet in a gentle voice and praise him. If there is no inflammation in the ear canal, but only dirt has accumulated, it must be dissolved and brought to the surface. Use a special lotion, soak cotton swabs or napkins in it, and if desired, pour the composition directly into ear canal.
  3. If you dropped lotion, massage your dog's ear with outside. This step will help the composition penetrate deeper and dissolve the sulfur, and then remove it from the passage. In most cases, the procedure is carried out with pleasure for the dog, and the pet does not experience pain.
  4. When the dirt softens, it needs to be removed from the auricle. Do not stop the animal from shaking its head, it will do you good. The pet will remove the tumor on its own; all you have to do is wipe the sink with ear swabs or cotton pads.
  5. If you need to remove wax and dirt from the ear big dog, ear sticks will not help. In this case, fold the gauze into a tube, soak it in lotion and squeeze it out. Then carefully remove the wax, replacing the dirty cloth with a clean one.

How to get your dog used to ear cleaning

Not all dogs are comfortable with ear cleaning. As a rule, such behavior is characteristic of animals that rarely undergo hygiene. The pet cannot perceive actions as necessary, so it resists in every possible way.

  1. The ideal option is to accustom the puppy to a different list of procedures at the same time. Every day, “casually” examine the animal’s claws, teeth, ears and fur several times. At the same time, talk to the dog kindly, do not raise your voice. Give a treat after each inspection.
  2. Even adult dog Can be trained to clean. The main thing is to let your pet know that your actions do not cause harm. Give your dog a treat after each brushing. tasty stick or a pad with filling. Also give the animal a chance to leave if the pet is struggling violently.
  3. If your dog starts snapping while cleaning his ears, avoid eye contact. When a person looks into the eyes of an animal, the latter becomes even more irritated. If you don’t pay attention to the dog, it will calm down instantly.
  4. Do not try to immediately look into the animal's ears. To begin, call him over and stroke his neck, back, and gently lift his ears for a few seconds. Gradually increase the time. As practice shows, service dogs They get used to it faster than capricious miniature breeds.

The condition of the dog’s ears must be monitored in order to eliminate them in time. possible inflammation. Pet store shelves are overflowing with ear cleaning products. There are both universal formulations and preparations designed specifically for dogs. The composition helps to disinfect the ear canal and remove wax in a matter of minutes.

Video: how to clean a dog's ears