How to prepare for gastroscopy of the stomach in the first place. Proper preparation for EGD: recommendations and tips

The availability of modern instrumental methods for diagnosing diseases of the digestive tract makes it possible to identify disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract using an instrument called a gastroscope. This technique is a visual examination of the esophagus, the stomach cavity and the upper part of the small intestine, that is, the duodenum. Prepare for gastroscopy of the stomach , A few important recommendations given by your doctor will help.

The patient needs to know how to begin preparing for this examination and how long it lasts. The technique allows not only to diagnose diseases of the body’s digestive system, but also to carry out some therapeutic measures.

What to remember for proper gastroscopy

Any instrumental examination of the body requires certain preparation. Gastric endoscopy is no exception. The psychological attitude of the patient plays an important role in the successful implementation of the procedure. The doctor’s task is to mentally prepare the patient for the study and follow all recommendations for proper preparation for endoscopic examination.

The procedure is painless, but unpleasant, causing stress in some patients. Therefore, the psychological attitude towards endoscopy plays an important role. Depending on the emotional background, gastroscopy in adults can be done without the use of sedatives, with their use or under general anesthesia. Children are examined after six years of age and under general anesthesia.

The test procedure can be done in a hospital or on an outpatient basis. Before an examination is scheduled, certain activities must be completed:

  • consultation with a gastroenterologist, including the collection of medical history, patient complaints and objective data, laboratory tests, information about the presence of chronic diseases of internal organs, heart and blood vessels, allergic reactions of the body, and in women - information about existing pregnancy;
  • signing documents on consent to conduct an examination of the stomach and duodenum using gastroscopy;
  • explanations are given on how to properly prepare for the examination, which must already begin at home, a few days before the day of the examination of the gastric organ.

In order for the endoscopic examination to proceed calmly and without any problems, preparation for it must be carried out, starting with the patient’s nutrition.

Basic principles of preparation

Two to three days before the FGDS, it is necessary to adjust the diet in the diet. Foods you can eat to prepare for the procedure:

  • slimy porridge made from oatmeal or buckwheat;
  • pureed soups in vegetable or fish broth with pureed vegetables;
  • dietary chicken, boiled or steamed;
  • compotes from dry or fresh fruits, oatmeal jelly, weak tea.

A doctor may prescribe a gastroscopy in the morning or afternoon.

Important! During these two to three days before the procedure, strictly follow the diet, do not overload the stomach, using fractional meals 5-6 times a day. Proper preparation of the digestive organ for gastroscopy is the key to a successful instrumental examination.

Preparation for gastroscopy begins at home, a few hours before the procedure. , with the requirement to fulfill certain conditions:

  • exclusion from eating spicy, fatty, meat and fish foods, confectionery and alcohol for three days before the examination;
  • stop taking A medications that thin the blood;
  • refusal to take various traditional medicines, that is, you should not even drink light herbal teas.

Morning procedure

Preparation in the morning for fibrogastroscopy , prescribed the next morning, requires compliance with certain rules:

  • Brushing your teeth before the procedure is prohibited, since the ingredients included in toothpastes can enhance the emetic effect and affect the secretion of gastric juice;
  • stop smoking two to three hours before gastroendoscopy;
  • Avoid taking medications that reduce stomach acidity;
  • the last meal and water at dinner should be no later than 22:00;
  • prepare the oral cavity for the procedure, that is, remove dentures, as well as glasses or lenses;
  • before the procedure, emptying the bladder is indicated;
  • The patient must come to the examination in loose clothing, with other shoes and a personal towel.

Gastroscopy in the afternoon

If the FGS procedure is scheduled in the afternoon, then in the morning, before six o’clock, you can take a light breakfast consisting of 100 grams of yogurt or kefir, a small piece of bread. The water regime must also be observed, that is, it is allowed to drink mineral water without gas, no more than half a glass and no less than three to four hours before the procedure.

If the patient suffers from diabetes mellitus of the first or second type, hypertension, when medication is necessary, the tablets are taken 3-4 hours before the procedure and washed down with a small amount of water. The next medication intake occurs after the end of the manipulations.

A positive attitude towards esogastroduodenoscopy and strict implementation of all doctor’s recommendations is the key to a successful and quick procedure.

Diagnostic examination

The examination is carried out by probing using a special hose. It is equipped with a fiber optic system, at the end of which there is a video camera. The doctor looks through the eyepiece, examining the walls of the stomach and duodenum. , and the image is displayed on the monitor screen.

This procedure is popularly called “swallowing a light bulb.” Before the procedure, to reduce sensitivity and eliminate the gag reflex, the patient is prescribed gargling with an anesthetic solution. After the patient’s mouth and throat become numb, the doctor begins the procedure. The most important and unpleasant process of the entire examination is the time when you need to swallow the tube.

It is important to prepare psychologically for this moment. The doctor gives appropriate instructions when calm, relaxation and one deep sip are necessary so that the probe passes into the esophagus and further into the stomach. The procedure itself lasts no more than a quarter of an hour and after its completion, the doctor can give an opinion on the result of the examination. When carrying out therapeutic measures, the duration of the examination increases to half an hour.

Sometimes, gas is injected into the stomach cavity to straighten the folds of the stomach, as well as to take material for a biopsy from problem areas of the gastric organ.

By following the algorithm for preparing for gastroscopy and following all the recommendations of the diagnostic doctor, the procedure will be carried out quickly and professionally. Clarifying the diagnosis of the disease after FGS allows for high-quality and effective treatment aimed at restoring the function of the digestive system.

FGDS, or fibrogastroscopy, is an endoscopic examination of the esophagus, stomach and upper part of the duodenum. The procedure involves examining the digestive tract using an endoscopic probe with optical equipment. In addition to a visual examination of the organ cavity, during FGDS it is possible to collect material for research. The diagnostic procedure requires special training. Preparation for gastroscopy of the stomach in the morning and the day before involves observing dietary restrictions.

Gastroscopy allows early diagnosis of a number of pathologies of the upper gastrointestinal tract

Indications for the study

When is FGDS required? Indications for the procedure are:

  1. Abdominal pain associated with a period of abstinence from eating for more than 6 hours is the so-called hunger pain.
  2. Loss of appetite is an unexplained lack of appetite.
  3. Unpleasant sensations and pain in the stomach after eating.
  4. Suspicion of a perforated ulcer and/or gastric bleeding.
  5. Swallowing problems associated with subtle narrowing of the esophagus.
  6. Uncontrollable vomiting.
  7. Frequent occurrence of symptoms such as belching, flatulence, heartburn, nausea.
  8. Critical weight loss for no apparent reason.

In addition, FGS or FGDS may be prescribed in preparation for surgical interventions on other organs.

FGDS results

What can be seen during an endoscopic examination? When carrying out a diagnostic procedure, the following signs of diseases can be identified:

  1. Polyps in the stomach.
  2. Signs of reflux esophagitis.
  3. Dilatation of the veins of the esophagus.
  4. Malignant neoplasms of the stomach.
  5. Impaired motor function of the digestive tract.
  6. Peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach.
  7. Erosion of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

Based on the detected violations, the endoscopist makes a preliminary diagnosis. The attending doctor, having assessed the data from the study and laboratory tests, will make a final conclusion and prescribe the necessary therapy.

Preparation for gastroscopy

How to prepare for gastroscopy of the stomach so that the diagnosis is accurate and reliable? First of all, dietary restrictions should be introduced for several days before the FGDS.

Meals before the study

You must come for the test on an empty stomach.

Preparation for EGD of the stomach does not require adherence to a particularly strict diet. It is enough to simply exclude difficult-to-digest foods. Such foods include:

  • smoked sausages, frankfurters, sausages, bacon, lard;
  • legumes, mushrooms;
  • mayonnaise, fatty sauces;
  • pickled dishes;
  • unpeeled fresh vegetables;
  • nuts, pumpkin seeds;
  • chocolate;
  • sweets with caramel fillings, rolls.

The above products are poorly digested in the stomach and remain in the digestive tract for a long time. To speed up the evacuation of food and reduce gas formation, the day before the test, the doctor may prescribe enterosorbents and drugs that improve the motility of the digestive tract.


In order to improve motor skills before the study, doctors may prescribe Motilak. The medicine contains Domperidone as an active ingredient. The drug accelerates the process of gastric emptying, reduces the feeling of nausea, without affecting gastric secretion. Motilak helps to more quickly release the digestive organs from food stagnation. To do this, adults are prescribed two tablets 3 times a day. The drug should be washed down with plain water and taken before meals.

A drug that stimulates gastrointestinal motility

Activated carbon is a “classical” enterosorbent, which is often used to prepare for various studies of the gastrointestinal tract and other abdominal organs.

Activated carbon should be started three days before gastroscopy. Coal is taken at the rate of one tablet per 10 kg of body weight per dose. That is, a patient weighing 70 kg is prescribed 7 tablets of the drug per dose. Enterosorbent is taken three to four times a day. Taking medication can reduce the risk of developing flatulence.

In addition to activated carbon, Espumisan (simethicone) copes well with flatulence. The drug destroys gas bubbles in the intestines, the accumulation of which causes bloating. For adults, Espumisan is prescribed in capsule form. The medicine is taken 2 capsules three times a day.

If the patient does not have digestive problems or symptoms of dyspepsia, medications are not prescribed before FGDS.

Basic rules for preparing for research

So, we are preparing for FGDS without the use of medications. Basic rules of preparation:

  • We exclude from the diet the indigestible foods described above.
  • If the procedure is scheduled for the morning, then the last meal should be no later than 19:00.
  • Dinner should be easily digestible. You should give preference to low-fat protein foods (chicken, veal, river or lake fish), stewed vegetables (except cabbage and legumes), cereals (buckwheat), and low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt).

  • The drinking regime, as a rule, does not require correction. However, the consumption of carbonated and alcoholic drinks is unacceptable. You can drink black tea, weak coffee (no more than twice a day), berry fruit drinks, herbal teas (chamomile, mint). Herbal drinks will reduce the risk of flatulence, soothe the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines (in case of inflammation), and relieve spasms of the digestive canal.
  • In the morning before the diagnosis, you should not smoke or brush your teeth. This may trigger a gag reflex. To maintain hygiene, simply rinse your mouth with clean water without using balms or elixirs for the oral cavity.
  • On the day of the study, you are prohibited from eating any food. You can drink water or weak tea. The last fluid intake before gastroscopy should be no later than two hours before the procedure.

What to take with you to FGDS?

What do you need to take with you to the gastroscopy office? As a rule, at a doctor’s appointment, a nurse explains in detail the procedure for undergoing diagnostics and issues a leaflet. For gastroscopy you need to take:

  • passport;
  • medical insurance policy if the study is carried out as part of compulsory health insurance (free);
  • medical card;

An outpatient card will be required for the study.

  • referral for gastroscopy;
  • sheet and diaper;
  • shoe covers.

If you have any allergic reactions to medications, you must tell your doctor before the test.

Since local anesthesia is indicated before insertion of the endoscopic probe, and this can lead to hypersensitivity reactions.

Gastroscopy cannot be prescribed for all patients. The study is contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. The patient's serious condition associated with a somatic or infectious disease.
  2. Diseases of the blood system.
  3. Surgical operations on the larynx.
  4. Exacerbation of bronchial asthma.
  5. Mental illness in the acute stage.
  6. Hypertensive crisis.
  7. Pre-infarction condition.
  8. Stroke.

In some cases, gastroscopy cannot be done

In each individual case, the question of the possibility of gastroscopy is decided by the doctor individually. Sometimes a study is the only available way to diagnose acute pathology of the digestive canal. In such situations, FGDS is carried out taking into account the risk of possible complications.

Gastroscopy is an endoscopic examination, which is carried out to study in detail the condition of the esophagus, duodenum and stomach, and to detect their pathological changes.

The procedure is carried out using a gastroscope (a flexible thin tube with a fiber-optic system inside), which is inserted inside through the mouth into the stomach cavity. In addition, a gastroscope can be used to perform other therapeutic functions, such as collecting material for biopsy.

This article will discuss how to properly prepare for gastroscopy of the stomach, what you need to take with you to the procedure, as well as what pain relief techniques doctors can use.

How to properly prepare for gastroscopy of the stomach

It is no secret that the gastroscopy procedure must be accompanied by preliminary preparation. The patient is warned about this when scheduling the procedure.

  1. Complete exclusion two days before the procedure from your menu of the following products:
    • chocolate (black, white, milk);
    • seeds;
    • nuts (in any form);
    • spicy food;
    • alcohol and all its derivatives.
  2. The last time you can eat before diagnosis is no later than 18:00 the previous day. You need to have a hearty dinner, but it should not be difficult to digest.
  3. Immediately one day before gastroscopy, the following foods are excluded from the diet:
    • rich in fiber;
    • heavy meals;
    • salads with mayonnaise of any fat content;
    • bread;
    • meat (fatty types);
    • fish (fatty types);
    • various types of cheeses;
    • pearl barley;
    • legumes
  4. It is recommended to have the following foods for dinner:
    • green salad, chicken (its white part);
    • chicken cutlets, always steamed;
    • buckwheat;
    • cottage cheese (low-fat only);
    • mashed potatoes;
    • broccoli, always steamed.

It is very important not to ignore the recommendations listed, as there may be unpleasant consequences.

How to properly prepare for gastroscopy of the stomach on the day of the procedure

On the day of the manipulation, you must completely avoid breakfast and all kinds of drinks. You are allowed to drink some water, but no later than 3 hours before the start of the procedure.

This is explained by the fact that gastroscopy is accompanied by strong gag reflexes, and therefore recently eaten food can stain clothes or end up in the upper respiratory tract during inhalation and regurgitation. Also, those drugs that are drunk before the procedure increase the secretion of gastric juice. You will also have to give up smoking for a while for the same reasons.

The patient must notify the doctor if he has allergic reactions to any drugs. Before starting the procedure, the doctor performs premedication (anesthesia of the tongue at the root and pharynx with a special aerosol). This reduces pain and reduces the gag reflex to some extent.

What to take with you

First of all, it is necessary to take the results of past manipulations (if any), X-rays, tests and other materials from previous diagnostics of the duodenum and stomach. You will also need wet wipes during the procedure to clean yourself up after the procedure.

Gastroscopy is a very unpleasant procedure and in most cases leaves behind a lot of negative emotions in patients. Preparation for gastroscopy should begin with the right internal attitude. And before starting the procedure, it is better to come early to be able to relax and tune in as much as possible.

The entire alarming process will take about 10 minutes, so you shouldn’t worry too much. You need to wear loose clothing so that you can lie comfortably in it without feeling tight or uncomfortable. During the examination, all existing belts are unfastened or loosened, dentures (if any) are also removed.

Diseases of the digestive system are a large group of pathologies in which the functioning of one or more segments of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted with a predominant inflammation of the mucous membranes and mucous membranes of the digestive organs. The most dangerous prognosis is observed in diseases accompanied by ulceration of the mucous membranes. The rate of regeneration of ulcers and erosions depends not only on the patient’s age, but also on his hormonal levels, the state of the somatic and autonomic nervous systems and other factors that can affect the production of epithelial cells.

To diagnose disorders in the digestive tract, laboratory, hardware and instrumental methods are used. The most informative way to diagnose diseases of the stomach, esophagus, and initial parts of the intestine is gastroscopy. This is a type of endoscopic examination in which the surface of these organs is examined using a gastroscope - a thin long tube with an optical device at the end. The accuracy of the data obtained, as well as the safety of the procedure, depends on proper preparation, so patients who are indicated for this type of examination need to know how to prepare for gastroscopy of the stomach.

Gastroscopy (esophagogastroduodenoscopy) is a study of the initial parts of the digestive tract, prescribed only for strict medical reasons. In some cases, respiratory complications may occur during the examination. In elderly patients, there is a slight (no more than 1.9%) risk of developing acute heart failure, so gastroscopy should be prescribed only if there are symptoms that are likely to be clinical manifestations of inflammatory processes in the stomach or esophagus. The absolute indications for gastroscopic examination in patients of any age are:

  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach against the background of normal, decreased or increased secretion of gastric juice and hydrochloric acid (gastritis);
  • inflammation of the esophagus (esophagitis);
  • inflammation of the inner lining of the initial section of the small intestine, located immediately after the pylorus (duodenitis);
  • suspicion of internal gastric bleeding;
  • signs of malignant processes of the esophagus, stomach or duodenum;
  • suspicion of polyposis.

Pay attention! In some cases, gastroscopy is prescribed to the patient as an auxiliary examination for other diseases and pathologies, for example, neurological disorders or allergies. If the patient properly prepares for the procedure, the risk of possible complications and negative consequences will be minimal.

How is the procedure performed?

Esophagogastroduodenoscopy is a short but very unpleasant procedure. In the absence of complications and the need for additional manipulations (for example, stopping internal bleeding), the duration of the examination rarely exceeds 2-4 minutes. Local anesthesia may be used before the procedure begins. It is necessary to immobilize the root of the tongue and its receptors, irritation of which leads to the appearance of the gag reflex.

The drug of choice for local anesthesia is usually Lidocaine (in the form of a spray or aerosol). Lidocaine is not only a local anesthetic, but also a cardiac depressant, and therefore may be contraindicated in some diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Often, when using Lidocaine, the patient experiences severe allergic reactions: in this case, Novocaine or Ultracaine can be used for pain relief.

The procedure is then carried out in four stages:

  • the patient is placed on the couch on his side, and a special mouthpiece is placed in his mouth, which must be held tightly between the teeth;
  • A gastroscope is inserted into the oral cavity through a mouthpiece (to reduce pain and gagging, the throat must be relaxed);
  • the doctor examines the organs of the initial segment of the digestive tract and carries out the necessary manipulations (administration of medications, collection of biological material for biopsy, removal of polyps);
  • The endoscopic device is slowly removed from the stomach and esophageal tube.

If necessary, during the examination, the doctor can perform an intragastric acidity measurement, which is called endoscopic pH-metry. Such a study is necessary when signs of gastritis are detected to determine the type of acidity and choose treatment tactics. If necessary, during gastroscopy, the doctor can take a photograph and also conduct a video recording - this is necessary so that specialized specialists have a complete clinical picture of the condition of the initial sections of the gastrointestinal tract.

Important! Some patients have a strong fear of FEGDS and other types of gastroscopy due to bad experiences with the procedure in the past. Before the examination, such patients are necessarily prescribed medications with a sedative effect (“Valerian extract”, “Moonwort extract”). In severe cases, general anesthesia may be used.

How to properly prepare for the procedure?

The most important stage of preparation for gastroscopy is diet. It must be observed for three days before the procedure. It is necessary to completely exclude from the diet any foods that could negatively affect the diagnostic results and complicate the video review. All foods that patients should avoid are listed in the table below.

Foods that should not be eaten 72 hours before FEGDS

ProductsImageWhy can't you eat?
Cucumbers, all types of cabbage, whole grains, legumes (peas, beans, lentils) They contain a lot of puric acid and cause increased gas formation, flatulence and bloating. Obstruct your view during the procedure
Fried foods, hot spices, fatty sauces, smoked foods with added flavorings, marinades with vinegar Irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive organs and can “blur” the clinical picture of existing diseases
Increase the risk of complications from the cardiovascular system, increase the likelihood of internal bleeding and respiratory failure during the procedure
Chocolate, cocoa beans, cocoa butter, confectionery, margarine, confectionery fat Cause fermentation and putrefaction processes in the small intestine and can provoke vomiting during the procedure
May cause constipation and provoke involuntary passage of stool during gastroscopy
Contain many chemical additives that negatively affect the condition of mucous membranes

For drinks, preference should be given to herbal teas and infusions, green tea, dried fruit compotes without added sugar. Three days before gastroscopy, you should avoid drinks with a tonic and stimulating effect: strong black tea, coffee. High caffeine content can negatively affect the patient's morale before the examination, so it is better to choose neutral drinks without stimulants.

Pay attention! Despite the fact that milk with honey is one of the best soothing drinks, it is better not to drink it before FEGDS. Milk can provoke the accumulation of gases in the intestines, and the sugar contained in honey can cause increased discomfort and pain during the procedure.

Sample menu for preparing for FEGDS

The menu below must be followed for 2-3 days before surgery. The composition of the dishes may vary depending on the individual taste preferences of the patient, but the general principle of nutrition during this period should remain unchanged.

Meal timeDishesImage
BreakfastSteam omelet with boiled shredded chicken and fresh herbs, rosehip infusion
DinnerBroccoli puree soup with low-fat (no more than 10%) cream and cheese, steamed meatballs with a side dish of mashed potatoes. You can serve dried apricot compote without sugar as a drink.
Afternoon snackCurdled milk and hard biscuits (2-3 pieces)
DinnerFish stewed in broth with vegetables, linden tea
Before bed

Important! Portion sizes before testing should be small. For an adult, the norm for one meal is 200-240 g (or 300 ml for first courses). The volume of the drink should not exceed 180 ml. It is better to reduce the amount of kefir you drink before bed to 100 ml - this is about half a glass.

Preparation for FEGDM and other types of gastroscopy includes not only a diet, but also a set of additional measures aimed at preventing complications during the procedure and increasing the reliability of the results obtained.

Refusal to eat 8 hours before the procedure

This is the most important rule, which should never be violated. If a patient comes for FEGDS with a full stomach, the likelihood of vomit being thrown into the respiratory tract will be very high. The optimal fasting period is considered to be 8-10 hours, but if the patient is prescribed gastroscopy using general anesthesia, this period increases to 10-12 hours.

You can drink 3-4 hours before the examination, but it is better to refrain from drinking liquids altogether. Drinking water (not mineral water) and weakly brewed green tea are allowed as drinks. The volume of liquid drunk should not exceed 120-150 ml.

Quitting smoking

People suffering from tobacco addiction will have to stop smoking 3 hours before the test. If the patient is able to withstand longer periods without a cigarette, it is better to increase this time to 8-10 hours.

Preparation in the office

If there are removable dentures in the oral cavity, they must also be removed. Before the examination, a person must sign informed consent for medical procedures, and also inform the doctor about possible pregnancy (for women) and any cases of allergies to medications (this information may be needed if the patient has to provide emergency care).

During gastroscopy, you cannot talk or swallow saliva. The patient must have a personal towel for drying.

Gastroscopy is an unpleasant, but very important and necessary diagnostic procedure. If the patient properly prepares for the examination, the likelihood of possible complications will be minimized, and discomfort during diagnosis will be insignificant.

Video - How to undergo gastroscopy correctly

Video - Gastroscopy

If examination of the upper parts of the stomach is necessary, one of the endoscopic methods is used. However, before a diagnosis is made, it is recommended to learn everything about preparing for gastroscopy of the stomach. It is this technique that is the most informative and is used to study the condition of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum.

Swallowing an intestine, tube, or hose is medically called gastroscopy and is performed only for certain indications. The examination is necessary for the differential diagnosis of stomach pathologies (chronic gastritis, tumors in the stomach, polyps, ulcerative lesions). It is necessary to prepare for gastroscopy of the stomach when investigating the causes of gastric bleeding, to confirm or exclude malignant neoplasms.

  • painful sensations in the epigastric region;
  • frequent heartburn and belching that has a sour taste;
  • vomiting mixed with blood;
  • nausea and vomiting of the food that was consumed the day before;
  • a feeling of heaviness and fullness that occurs in the stomach after eating food.

Severe respiratory failure, hypertensive crisis, and cardiac arrhythmia should be considered contraindications. Gastroscopy is not performed in case of myocardial infarction, cardiovascular failure and stroke (acute circulatory disorders in the brain area are also taken into account). The recovery period after a severe myocardial infarction or stroke, hypertensive crisis, serious mental disorders - all this complements the list of contraindications. Also, swallowing a gastric light bulb is not recommended for aneurysms of the aorta, heart, or carotid sinuses.

How to prepare for gastroscopy of the stomach - what can you eat and drink?

Correct preparation for a stomach examination (gastroscopy) will allow you to obtain 100% reliable information and begin the appropriate decision. In this regard, nutrition deserves special attention. It is unacceptable to consume spicy food and alcohol, pickles and marinades, and mushrooms. 24 hours before the examination, exclude meat, flour products and whole grains from the diet. Mayonnaise, ketchup and similar sauces are also unacceptable to use before gastroscopy. Fast food, excessively hot or cold food, smoked items will only bring harm to the patient.

In general, the diet before gastroscopy of the stomach includes:

  • eating warm liquid or mushy food;
  • The greatest benefit comes from products that have been steamed;
  • the use of dairy products, fish, light soups, as well as vegetables and fruits;
  • exclusion of all products that irritate the mucous membrane, increase the acidity of the stomach and are difficult to digest by the body.

Please note that the last meal should take place approximately 10 hours before diagnosis. At the same time, preparation for gastroscopy in the afternoon is no different from the requirements for diagnostics carried out before lunch. You can drink water before gastroscopy of the stomach, but only in non-carbonated form and no more than 100 ml three hours before the procedure.

How is the procedure performed, does it hurt?

Before the examination begins, the specialist irrigates the patient’s throat with a local anesthetic mixture, which will eliminate painful sensations when swallowing. After this, an endoscope is passed through the mouthpiece (clamped in the mouth).

In order to avoid unpleasant sensations, you need to relax your throat and then take a sip, during which a device will be inserted into the esophagus.

After this, the endoscope supplies air, which has a positive effect on straightening the cavity of the upper gastrointestinal tract. During the diagnosis process, nothing aggravates breathing, and therefore there is no possibility of suffocation. The specialist carefully examines the inner surface of the stomach and, if necessary, takes a small part of the mucous membrane, which is subsequently examined. This procedure is also painless.

Video gastroscopy is another type of examination in which it is possible to record the process of studying the stomach; it is also painless. Transnasal gastroscopy does not cause any discomfort.

Decoding the results

Deciphering the results of gastroscopy is not difficult. Modern endoscopes boast detailed and extremely clear images from photo or video cameras. It is usually either transmitted to a TV screen (followed by a computer recording) or can be printed on a printer. The final conclusion must be made by a gastroenterologist: gastroscopy of the stomach shows that there are neoplasms or, conversely, the gastrointestinal tract is working without failures.

Frequently asked questions from readers

Here we decided to collect all the questions that most often arise from our readers. For example, is it possible to conduct an examination of the stomach without this technique, what is the alternative to gastroscopy of the stomach.

How can you check (examine) the stomach without gastroscopy?

The stomach can be examined without gastroscopy if for some reason this is unacceptable or impossible. Capsule and virtual endoscopy, barium radiography, and electrogastroenterography are performed. The latter method is usually used as an auxiliary method, namely to confirm an already made diagnosis. However, gastroscopy with or without anesthesia remains the most informative technique.

Is there a pediatric gastroscopy and how is it performed?

The concept of pediatric gastroscopy really exists. In this case, more gentle instruments are used, as well as specific painkillers. Gastroscopy with a flexible endoscope is somewhat simpler and less traumatic for the baby, and therefore rigid structures are used only when absolutely necessary. Before insertion, the end of the gastroscope is bent to create a shape that anatomically matches the curve of the oropharynx.

The requirements during the procedure must be strictly observed, for example, that the child must be under the supervision of a specialist until the effects of anesthesia or sedatives are completed. The procedure should take no more than 10 minutes.

How often can a gastroscopy be done?

The presented type of diagnosis is harmless if carried out by a specialist in compliance with all requirements. That is why the examination can be carried out as often as necessary according to indications. Gastroscopy of the stomach in a dream is a more specific procedure, and therefore it is recommended to perform it no more than once every two to three months.