An oral abscess is an acute purulent inflammation. How to treat an abscess in the mouth

An abscess is a limited accumulation of pus in tissues that occurs during inflammation.

Pathogenesis of oral abscess:

The development of an abscess can lead to pus leaking out or into the oral cavity. The discharge of pus relieves acute symptoms, pain subsides or disappears, normal contours of the face or oral mucosa are restored, and general well-being is stabilized. This outcome should not be reassuring, since the process continues, but already in chronic stage. In the future, it may worsen, and this is pus from the fistula tract With unpleasant smell from the mouth, sensitization of the body with toxic decay products.

Symptoms of Oral Abscess:

An abscess is usually preceded by toothache, characteristic of periodontitis. It appears in the area of ​​a certain tooth, biting on which causes increased pain. Soon a swelling of the soft tissues and a thickening appear, painful when touched. If an abscess develops under the oral mucosa, bulging and redness are visible upon examination. When the abscess is located closer to the skin (face and submandibular region), the picture is similar. Progression purulent process accompanied by deterioration general condition, increased body temperature, impaired appetite, sleep. To remove the source of infection from a diseased tooth, and most importantly to prevent its spread to the surrounding tissue and area, it is necessary to promptly open the abscess by a doctor. Otherwise, the possibility of limited inflammation developing into diffuse inflammation with its transition to phlegmon cannot be ruled out.

Treatment of Oral Abscess:

The rapidity of development of the process gives reason to strongly recommend not to delay contacting the dentist. Before this, as relief measures, you can use painkillers, warm mouth rinse, and a thermal bandage. Taking antibiotics and others strong means not recommended without prescription. Below are the features of process recognition depending on the place of its occurrence and the most common localizations.

There are many health problems that can be dealt with modern man constantly encounters throughout life. Purulent inflammation in this series is by no means a rare occurrence. And if suppuration on the skin may not entail much negative consequences, then, for example, an abscess in the mouth that is not treated in time threatens to develop into more complex diseases that carry serious complications.

An oral abscess is wound surface soft tissues that have become infected. Over time, it begins to develop, the level of leukocytes in the body increases, aimed at fighting harmful bacteria, as a result of which the body’s immune system, as it were, drives the infection into a limited space, where it begins to diligently destroy it. The result of such a struggle is the formation of pus, consisting of dead tissue, bacteria and blood serum.

Thanks to this process, the abscess oral cavity takes the final form of pronounced inflammation round shape with clearly defined boundaries. Most often, an abscess in the mouth forms due to problems with teeth, but boils in the mouth can also be a source of infection. maxillofacial area, and mechanical damage to the oral mucosa, and streptococci with staphylococci, causing sore throat. Let's look at the most common cases of inflammation.

Tongue abscess

Perhaps one of the most dangerous is an abscess of the tongue, as it develops rapidly, causing a sharp increase in the size of the tongue, which can lead to a lack of oxygen and suffocation. When infection gets into microcracks and an abscess forms in the thickness of the tongue, the patient begins to experience severe pain. The tongue swells, swallowing and chewing becomes difficult; these symptoms are especially pronounced in the presence of an abscess of the root of the tongue. The closer the source is to the nasopharynx, the sooner the patient is indicated for hospitalization and surgical intervention by a doctor.

In addition to dislocation at the root, the development of a sublingual abscess is possible. Although it is less dangerous for breathing, it also needs to be opened as soon as possible in order to avoid breakthrough and purulent intoxication of the body.

When this type of inflammation occurs, the patient usually experiences pain while eating and talking. In any case, an abscess of the tongue, no matter in what area it forms, is a very dangerous thing, since all nearby soft tissues, organs and, first of all, the brain are at risk. The first signs of inflammation:

  • painful sensations;
  • headaches;
  • hyperemia;
  • loss of sleep and appetite;
  • general malaise.

Periodontal abscess

The causes of gum abscess (periodontal) are most often the gaps between the gum and teeth, the so-called periodontal pockets, into which the infection gets. Externally, the source of infection resembles a small red ball, painful when touched. Pockets may form due to various reasons, in particular due to diseases of the oral cavity, permanent injury from incorrectly installed dentures or fillings, mechanical damage (trauma, bruises, burns).

A gingival abscess that is not drained in a timely manner can damage one or even several teeth, which subsequently leads to their loss. Among other things, periodontal inflammation grows quite quickly and can increase to the size walnut, which not only deforms the jaw and oval of the face, but also leads to severe intoxication of the body.

Treatment for this type of inflammation is standard: the abscess is opened with a scalpel, the pus is drained out, the cavity is drained and cleaned. Sutures are rarely used during such operations, since the size of the incision is usually quite small. However, if the tumor has reached an impressive size before the operation, the process of drainage and further recovery may be delayed. In some cases, doctors prescribe a number of physiotherapeutic procedures to speedy recovery patient.

Cheek abscess

The main danger of a cheek abscess is that it can spread to neighboring organs and parts of the face. Such an abscess can appear both on the outside and on the inside cheeks. In addition to redness and hyperemia of the inflamed area, the swelling can be expressed by moderate pain, which intensifies when opening the mouth.

When formed on the inner mucous membrane of the cheek, such inflammation, in case of spontaneous opening, can infect the oral cavity in the presence of microcracks. In any case, you should not delay visiting a doctor, since even an open abscess can lead to many negative consequences.

Self-medication in similar cases dangerous, but before visiting a specialist, rinsing will help relieve pain and stop the development of inflammation antiseptic solutions, herbal decoctions room temperature, as well as applying a cold bandage to the inflamed area. It is important not to overheat the source of infection to avoid its further spread.

Abscess of the palate

Another type of inflammation in the oral cavity is a palatal abscess. Most often it is a consequence of periodontitis of the maxillary teeth (premolars, canines and incisors). This type of inflammation begins with redness and painful sensations in the area of ​​the hard palate. As the focus of inflammation increases, the pain intensifies, making it difficult to chew food. If the abscess spontaneously opens, the risk of infection spreading to the entire area of ​​the hard palate increases, as well as the development of osteomyelitis.

According to the source of formation, it can be divided this type tumors into two subtypes: inflammation of the hard palate and soft palate:

Abscess of the hard palate

  • The patient complains of a palpable throbbing pain in the palate ( upper jaw), which intensifies when talking and trying to chew food;
  • foci of infection - periodontal pockets of the maxillary teeth, wounds on the mucous membrane of the hard palate;
  • possible spread in the absence timely treatment on the soft palate and peripharyngeal space.

Abscess of the soft palate

  • complaints of painful swallowing, sore throat, aggravated by talking. The affected area greatly increases in size;
  • sources of infection - damaged lacunae of the tonsils during chronic tonsillitis, microcracks in the mucous membrane of the soft palate, places where local anesthesia was administered;
  • further spread leads to damage to the peritonsillar and peripharyngeal space.

When faced with the problems described above, it is important to remember that timely consultation with a doctor will not only keep you healthy, but will also allow you to avoid a lot of complications.

The topic of today's article is extremely unappetizing, because it will talk about abscesses in the oral cavity.

To put it quite simply, an abscess is the accumulation of pus in an organic space, which is associated with the body’s fight against a point infection in a specific place.

This accumulation is not, to put it mildly, good, so any abscess is dangerous for the entire body, primarily for the heart.

Below is a more detailed story about this type of mouth problem. Unfortunately, oral abscesses can come in several types depending on where the inflammation occurs.

If we recall the academic formulation used by specialists, then “an abscess is a limited accumulation of pus in tissues that occurs during various inflammations.” That is, it can develop in many places in the maxillofacial region in general and the oral cavity in particular.

Moreover, an abscess generally has free localization and is able to develop in any part of our body. In this case, the tissues seem to “melt”, forming a capsule with pus.

Encapsulation of the abscess is one of the most radical reactions of the body to the infectious-inflammatory process, which is why it is said about “limited accumulation of pus in the tissues.”

But today we will only talk about the oral cavity.

What are the causes of an abscess in the mouth? This may be the banal presence of a slight wound on the mucous membrane, where the infection enters.

There is also a more exotic option - the introduction of bacteria, fungi or other microorganisms during injections for pain relief.

The second case is not as rare as it might seem. But it's always in my mouth huge amount microflora, which, even with a sterile injection, can get from the surface of the mucous membrane under it.

The third way of abscess formation is a purely consequence internal problems. For example, in case of a tooth root abscess or other similar infections (sore throat, boils), when the infection is carried with blood or lymph from the source of inflammation to a completely different place.

Variety of abscesses

The classification of oral abscesses is quite clear and depends on where exactly the source of inflammation has formed. Therefore, everything here is simple and unambiguous, especially in cases of initial abscess.

In this regard, the typification of abscesses in the area under consideration is as follows (a partial list of the main types and a brief description).

Abscess of the floor of the mouth

The sublingual area turns red and thickens. The latter is extremely painful when touched, including when eating and swallowing movements.

Gradually, the mobility of the tongue is limited; it is constantly in an elevated state due to the presence of a volumetric compaction under it, which also becomes larger.

The general condition becomes unimportant, to put it mildly. When the abscess is fully “ripe,” it can burst, after which the patient’s condition improves.

But poisonous pus does not bring anything good to the pharynx, esophagus and stomach. Therefore, such spontaneous opening should not be allowed - you must consult a doctor.

Abscess of the upper or soft palate

It is almost always an infectious continuation of periodontitis of one or more teeth of the upper jaw. The first manifestations are soreness of the palate, redness of the mucous membrane. Eating becomes painful. Spontaneous opening carries the same dangers as those described earlier.

Cheek abscess

We can talk about external and internal lesions, which depends on its location closer to the skin or closer to the mucous membrane. Pain syndrome weaker than in previous cases, but significantly intensifies when opening the mouth and especially when yawning.

There is a very high risk of the abscess spreading beyond the cheek. Nothing new can be said about the danger of an independent breakthrough, because it has already been said.

Tongue abscess

The lesion is located directly on the tongue, as a result of which the tongue swells quite noticeably, becomes less mobile and raised.

The pain is strong and reaches a particular peak when swallowing. Eating food is practically impossible - it is martyrdom, only drinking is possible.

One of the most dangerous species abscess, which is characterized by maximum speed development. In the most severe cases, there may even be signs of suffocation, because the trachea may be almost completely blocked.

A feature of a lingual abscess is panic excitement and severe fear of the patient. The intervention of specialists must be extremely prompt.

Abscesses periodontal and in the root zone of teeth

They are dangerous because they can destroy gum tissue and lead to the loss of one or more teeth. A periodontal abscess is the most clearly localized of all types and appears as a small, painful ball under the skin of the gums. Occurs when the crevice space between the tooth and the soft tissues covering the gum becomes infected.

An abscess of the root zone of a tooth is a consequence of a long-term disease of the tooth and its local destruction to the internal core - the pulp. Gradually, the inflammation moves to the very base of the tooth.

A very interesting fact is that our smaller brothers - dogs - have abscesses in the oral cavity almost the same as in humans. However, this disease manifests itself equally in all higher animals.

Treatment and prevention

There is only one thing that can be said about the treatment: it is extremely easy. surgery. It consists of opening the capsule, pumping out the pus and washing the cavity (drainage) - the procedure is well established and is not difficult for the doctor.

As soon as maxillofacial surgeon finishes its work, relief immediately sets in and all syndromes, including general feeling unwell, temperature and sleep disturbances disappear.

Exactly the same thing happens when a lesion spontaneously opens, but the consequences can be extremely unpleasant. The unwashed capsule continues to fester little by little, and through the fistula it all constantly enters the esophagus and stomach.

The pleasure is not the most pleasant, and if you add bad breath, then it’s not good at all. In addition, if the surgeon does not intervene, complications such as phlegmon, extensive inflammation, and even general infection blood.

And this, you understand, is a more serious problem. Chronic form The abscess ultimately seriously damages the heart muscle, without adding health to other organs and tissues. And if you also take into account that the brain is nearby, then... So joking with an abscess is more expensive for yourself.

As for prevention, there is not much to say. Required good immunity With normal operation protective systems body. How lucky is anyone: someone, for example, only theoretically knows that boils exist, while others suffer from them almost constantly. “Rotten blood,” as people say. Sharp, but accurate. All these general considerations also apply to abscesses in the oral cavity.

Abscess of the palate

Palate abscess is a limited accumulation of pus in the tissues of the soft and hard palate that occurs during inflammation.

It usually occurs as a complication of periodontitis of the teeth of the upper jaw. More often the cause is the second incisor, canine or second premolar. The disease begins with pain in the hard palate and redness of the mucous membrane. When it bulges, the pain becomes most intense.

Based on the site of formation, this type of tumor can be divided into two subtypes: inflammation of the hard palate and soft palate.

Abscess of the hard palate:

  • patient complaints of a noticeable throbbing pain in the palate (upper jaw), which intensifies when talking and trying to chew food;
  • foci of infection - periodontal pockets of the maxillary teeth, wounds on the mucous membrane of the hard palate;
  • may spread in the absence of timely treatment to the soft palate and peripharyngeal space.

Abscess of the soft palate:

  • complaints of painful swallowing, sore throat, aggravated by talking. The affected area greatly increases in size;
  • sources of infection - damaged lacunae of the tonsils in chronic tonsillitis, microcracks in the mucous membrane of the soft palate, places where local anesthesia was administered;
  • further spread leads to damage to the peritonsillar and peripharyngeal space.


hard palate:

Complaints of severe throbbing pain in the upper jaw (palate), aggravated by eating and talking.

Objectively: in the area of ​​the hard palate there is a swelling or protrusion with clear contours. The mucous membrane over the source of inflammation is hyperemic, palpation causes pain. Fluctuation may be detected.

Characteristic local signs abscess soft palate:

Complaints of sore throat, worsening when swallowing or talking.

Objectively: asymmetry of the pharynx with displacement of the uvula of the palate in healthy side. The affected part of the soft palate is increased in volume due to inflammatory infiltration its tissues, the mucous membrane covering it is hyperemic. Pressure on the infiltrate (with an instrument, during palpation) increases pain.



Abscess treatment hard palate:

1. Pain relief. When the abscess is localized in anterior section local hard palate infiltration anesthesia in combination with conduction anesthesia at the greater palatine foramen; when the abscess is localized in posterior section hard palate - local infiltration anesthesia in combination with conduction anesthesia at the round opening according to S.N. Weisblat, or subtemporal anesthesia according to A.V. Vishnevsky against the background of premedication.

2. An incision in the mucous membrane of the hard palate through the inflammatory infiltrate along its entire length parallel to the course of the vascular bundle of the palate.

3. Opening of the purulent focus and evacuation of pus by spreading the edges of the wound using a hemostatic clamp.

4. Excision of a strip of mucous membrane 2-3 mm wide along the edge of the wound to ensure good constant outflow of inflammatory exudate without introducing drainage into the wound. Hemostasis.

Abscess treatment soft palate:

1. Anesthesia - local infiltration anesthesia (preliminary application anesthesia with a 1% dicaine solution can be performed) against the background of premedication.

2. An incision in the mucous membrane through the top of the inflammatory infiltrate (swelling) along its entire length parallel to the palatine arch.

3. Separating the edges of the wound and moving towards the center of the purulent-inflammatory focus by tissue separation using a hemostatic clamp, evacuation of pus.

4. Since drainage in the wound of the soft palate is poorly maintained, in order to prevent premature adhesion of the edges of the wound, you can excise a strip of thinned mucous membrane along the edge of the wound 2-4 mm wide, or periodically spread the edges of the wound.