Dermatomycosis symptoms in humans. Factors contributing to the disease

In medicine, they refer to a large group of infectious skin lesions, the appearance of which is provoked by various types of pathogenic dermatophyte fungi. Similar lesions can be observed in both adults and children, but in any case you will need to see a doctor and carry out full treatment. Of course, there are many traditional methods treatment of dermatomycosis, and quite often they are effective. But the “secret” is that the relief effect in the treatment of dermatomycosis is short-term, then all the symptoms of the disease “flare up” with greater intensity. That is why doctors insist on competent drug treatment.

Table of contents:

Antifungal systemic agents in the treatment of dermatomycosis

Because antifungal agents They have a toxic effect and cannot be taken on their own, much less adjust the dosage without the advice of a specialist. Below are drugs in tablet form taken for dermatomycosis.


Analogues – Itrazol, Rumikoz, Kanditral, Irunin

This is a synthetic antifungal drug that has wide range actions against dermatophytes. This drug should be taken for at least 2-4 weeks and only after that it will be possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment.

Itraconazole has contraindications for use:

  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • severe lung diseases;
  • hearing impairment;
  • liver failure.

This antifungal drug is prescribed with extreme caution to pediatric and elderly patients.

And this is only a part of the possibilities side effects! Often patients taking this drug complain of rashes, itching and burning in certain parts of the body, and problems with sexual desire. Women may also experience urinary incontinence.


Analogs – Mikoflucan, Mikomax, Flucostat

This antifungal drug has a highly specific effect, as it suppresses the activity of pathogens of dermatomycosis, disrupts their growth and spread.

Contraindications for use:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • simultaneous use of Terfenadine and Astemizole.

This antifungal drug should be taken with extreme caution by people with organic diseases heart and liver failure.

Contraindications to the use of Griseofulvin:

  • children under 2 years of age;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • the period of bearing a child and feeding him;
  • diagnosed malignant tumors;
  • lupus-like syndrome;
  • organic pathologies of the liver and kidneys;
  • porphyria;
  • systemic blood diseases.

The occurrence of side effects during treatment with the drug in question is, in principle, a common fact. The entire body suffers under the toxic effects of the drug, so the following changes in the functioning of the systems are possible:

  • digestive system - nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, candidal origin;
  • nervous system - and, impaired coordination of movement and confusion, disorientation and headache;
  • hematopoietic system – granulocytopenia, agranulocytosis, leukopenia.

In addition, allergies are often observed during treatment with Griseofulvin - lupus-like syndrome, exudative erythema, toxic epidermal necrolysis.

The drug in question should be taken with or immediately after meals, and if the patient is on a low-fat diet, then each Griseofulvin tablet should be taken with a tablespoon of vegetable oil.

Please note:treatment of dermatomycosis indicated antifungal drugs it is strictly forbidden to combine with the use alcoholic drinks. You cannot start treatment with these medications without a doctor’s prescription, or change the dosage or duration of the course of therapy without permission - this is fraught with the development of complications of the disease.

The use of local remedies in the treatment of dermatomycosis

Local remedies play a role in the treatment of dermatomycosis important role, because they can quickly reduce the level of unpleasant/discomfortable sensations in the affected skin areas. In addition, all drugs local action have anti-inflammatory, anti-edema effects, and can relieve the patient from itching.

Before using antifungal ointments, creams and sprays, you need to visit a doctor and clarify the diagnosis. It is on the basis of such data that the specialist will be able to prescribe competent treatment an effective drug.

Pimafurkot (cream, ointment)

This combination drug, which has antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects. It is effective not only in the treatment of “classic” dermatomycosis, but also in the case of a bacterial infection attached to the underlying disease.

The use of Pimafurkot (cream, ointment) is strictly contraindicated if open wounds on the skin in places where the product is intended to be applied and when viral infections skin.

This drug can be used to treat dermatomycosis in children from birth, but until the age of 1 year you should be careful and use the cream/ointment under the supervision of a doctor.

Afloderm (cream, ointment)

The drug is classified as a non-halogenated synthetic glucocorticoid and is actively used to treat various types dermatomycosis. There are analogues of Afloderm, but this particular drug can be used in the face and genital area.

You can use this local drug from the age of six months in infants; it is not prohibited to apply Afloderm to affected areas of the skin and for nursing women, but you should avoid getting the product on the mammary glands.

Akriderm (cream, ointment)

This is a fairly fast-acting drug from the group of glucocorticoids. Its use is strictly prohibited for children under 6 months of age and for women who are breastfeeding. Pregnant women are, in principle, allowed to use Akriderm for the treatment of ringworm, but in low doses and short courses.

Sinaflan (ointment)

This is a long-known topical drug that has the ability to penetrate the skin and accumulate in its stratum corneum. The drug Sinaflan (ointment) is detected in the skin even 15 days after the last moment of its use.

Please note:since the drug in question penetrates the blood and has toxic effect on the entire body, it categorically cannot be used to treat foci of dermatomycosis on thin skin faces. For the same reason, Sinaflan is not applied under bandages.

Sinaflan ointment or cream is allowed to be used by pregnant women, but with caution and not in the first trimester of pregnancy. Women who are in the lactation period can use Sinaflan, but only for a short time and on limited areas of the skin. In general, the type of drug in question is used to treat pregnant and lactating women only in exceptional cases when other treatment methods do not provide a positive effect.

Advantan (emulsion, cream, ointment)

A modern glucocorticoid that differs high efficiency. Advantan is practically not absorbed into the blood and can be used to treat fungal diseases with lesions on the face and in the external genital area.

Children can be prescribed Advantan from the age of four months; during pregnancy and breastfeeding women, as a rule, this drug is not prescribed, or its use is under the supervision of a doctor.

Important! The doctor selects a treatment regimen for dermatomycosis on a strictly individual basis. But it necessarily includes immunomodulators, vitamin-mineral complexes and antiseptic solutions. and immunomodulators strengthen the body of a sick person and help it fight fungal infections. And antiseptic solutions are used to treat wet areas of the skin, these include boric acid, chlorhexidine.

Dermatomycosis is a fungal infection that affects smooth skin torso, scalp heads, nails, groin area, feet, facial skin. In typical cases, the disease manifests itself in the form of red circles with a pronounced center. In the surrounding world, fungi can be found everywhere, but a person can become infected with dermatomycosis either from a sick person, or from a cat, dog or other animal. There is a category of people suffering from dampness in the groin area who are predisposed to this disease only because of their sweating characteristics.

Causes of ringworm

The main cause of the disease is direct contact with a sick person or contaminated objects: shoes, bath mats, towels. The main pathogens are various species of Microsporum, Trichophyton and some species of Epidermophyton.

Morphological identification of the main pathogens is very difficult and therefore requires isolating a pure culture, but in the rarest cases the lesion is provoked by various types of Candida. Most pathogens are very common in nature and therefore widespread infection occurs.

Dermatomycosis is often observed in hot countries with a humid climate. But if we look at age groups, it is noted that children are more often susceptible to infection. Dermatomycosis occurs after direct contact with the lesion.

Ringworm symptoms

Ringworm varies depending on the form of the disease, as well as the location of the skin lesion. appearance, as well as the duration of existence.

Dermatomycosis and symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in damage to adjacent tissues. In the affected areas, round, itchy, bright red spots appear, with clearly defined scaly plaques, up to 5 cm in diameter, which are located singly or in groups.

The causative agents of dermatomycosis multiply in the skin and appendages. The disease is not life-threatening, but it does create cosmetic problems.

Dermatomycosis of the scalp heads is characteristic mainly of children and is manifested by the appearance of small, as well as increasingly spreading papules. Boil-like nodes appear at the site of inflammation, and the hair becomes brittle.

Dermatomycosis of the nails develops from the tip of one or more toenails, but on the hands it begins much less often.

Dermatomycosis of nails leads to their thickening, curvature, and color change. A mass of dead cells can accumulate under the nails themselves, which can ultimately lead to nail destruction.

Dermatomycosis of the scalp is characterized by hair loss, peeling in the affected areas, as well as purulent melting on the hair follicles.

Dermatomycosis of smooth skin It is localized in various areas of the skin, on which flat, dry formations with scales or moist formations that are covered with crusts appear. Next, the centers of the spots are cleaned and give a classic picture in shape, reminiscent of circles.

Tinea pedis occurs due to lamellar peeling of the skin, as well as the appearance of blisters between the fingers. In severe cases, infection can lead to inflammation of the entire foot with signs of severe itching and pain when walking.

photo of tinea pedis

Inguinal ringworm characterized by pustular rashes, areas of desquamation, pyoderma in the legs, as well as the genitals, groin and perineum. The main pathogens are Candida species, Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Epidermophyton floccosum.

Inguinal dermatomycosis is accompanied by the appearance of reddish ring-shaped rashes, rarely with small blisters in the groin area, as well as the inner surfaces of the thighs. The rash is itchy and even painful. Relapses often occur due to the persistence of the fungi. Often, inguinal dermatomycosis is characteristic of men, due to wearing tight trousers, tight underwear and compression of the scrotum in connection with this.

Dermatomycosis of the skin characterized by foci of desquamation, pustular rashes, as well as erythema and pyoderma. The main pathogens are Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Microsporum canis.

Pathogens of dermatomycosis

There are such epidemically significant groups of pathogens. Geophilic dermatophytes that live in the soil. Infection occurs after contact with contaminated soil.

Zoophilic dermatophytes that live on the skin of domestic animals: dogs, cats, cattle. Infection occurs through stroking animals.

Infecting agents are fragments of hyphae and conidia that have entered keratin-containing tissue. In weakened people, the virulence of dermatophytes on the stratum corneum of the skin, nails, and hair is high.

All pathogens destroy and utilize keratin. According to their type, pathogens are divided into two groups: endothrix, which grow from the skin into the follicles and then into the hair, but without going beyond the border of the hair shaft; ectothrix, which grow from the hair follicle into the hair itself.

Ringworm in children occurs due to the use of other people's combs, hats, and brushes. Pediatric dermatomycosis has the peculiarity of occurring to a greater extent only in children. As already described above, dermatomycosis in children infects the scalp of the baby. Symptoms appear as small, spreading papules. Places of inflammation are covered with boil-like nodules, and the hair is characterized by fragility. By self-medicating, parents aggravate the situation, so do not hesitate, because only a pediatrician together with a dermatologist will help your baby.

photo of dermatomycosis of the skin

Dermatomycosis treatment

Diagnosis of the disease includes: external examination, as well as a survey, culture of exudate, blood test, smear microscopy.

The pathogens that cause ringworm usually respond to topical medications. These include antifungal agents: ointment Ketoconazole, Bifonazole, Isoconazole, Griseofulvin, Itraconazole, Clotrimazole, Miconazole, Natamycin, Oxiconazole, Naftifine, Sangviritrin, Fluconazole, Chlornitrophenol, Cyclopirox, Econazole. For the successful disappearance of dermatomycosis, it is necessary to adhere to the treatment regimen for two weeks, even after the symptoms have subsided.

How else to treat dermatomycosis? Ringworm in humans can also be successfully treated with oral medications such as Fulvicin. The effectiveness of the drug is high when dermatomycosis of the scalp, smooth skin, and nails is observed. Iodine solution is used locally in treatment, salicylic acid, ointment with sulfur.

Maintenance treatment is aimed at using moist open dressings, removing crusty scales, loosening the top layer of skin with keratolytic agents that remove layers from the heels and soles.

Treatment of a fungal infection should, of course, only be carried out by a dermatologist, but for limited rashes you can use it yourself folk remedies. To do this, mix 20 ml of ginseng juice, or golden mustache, calendula, aloe, with 7 grams of methenamine tablets, 20 ml of glycerin and 50 ml of vinegar solution. Apply this mixture to the skin for one week, and to avoid relapses and prevent ringworm, treat the lesions once a month.

Inguinal ringworm treatment

Use the following treatment regimen for inguinal dermatomycosis: for seven days you should take two tablets (morning-evening) “Irunin” and two tablets (morning-evening) Calcium Gluconate, and treat the affected area (morning-evening) salicylic alcohol, then apply Triderm ointment. Every other day, give one injection of Cycloferon, a course of 10 times. Wear loose clothing during treatment.

In addition, you should adhere to the following rules: bed linen, underwear, must undergo daily boiling and treatment in soapy solution, preferably daily ironing. IN acute period strict adherence to body hygiene and daily examination of family members to identify new lesions.

According to the classification accepted in the medical field, dermatomycosis is divided into:

  • dermatophytosis;
  • keratomycosis;
  • deep skin mycoses.

The causative agents of a large number of lesions, which are included in the number of dermatomycosis, belong to dermatophytes. Namely, to fungi that have the ability to process kerotene.

These tiny organisms feed on the skin, destroying the integument and causing wounds, pain and itching, and may also cause blood infections.

Fungal diseases skin are provoked by microorganisms from the genus Malassezia, which are often the root cause of multi-colored and pityriasis versicolor, as well as seborrheic dermatitis, pityriasis versicolor. Diseases caused by fungi of this type are referred to as keratomycosis. In this case, only the very top layer of the skin is affected. Deeper layers and internal organs while remaining untouched.

Photo of dermatomycosis in humans:

Superficial dermatomycosis can be caused by infection with yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. These microorganisms are often the root cause of the development of cutaneous candidiasis in the external part of the genital organs, oral mucosa and skin. In children, cutaneous candidiasis is not a common occurrence; candidiasis is more common oral cavity, in other words, thrush.

Ringworm can affect almost any part of the body, feet, face, scalp, hands or torso.

Dermatophytosis, keratomycosis and candidiasis are superficial diseases that do not affect internal organs human body, as well as tissues that are located under the skin.

Dermatomycosis of smooth skin: photo

Ringworm, or candidiasis of smooth skin, appears as scaly, round patches that can be dry or moist. They can occur on any area of ​​the skin that is not covered with hair.

Symptoms of skin candidiasis:

  • Redness with swelling and elements of a rash;
  • The exposed areas form;
  • The surface of the erosions is smooth and shiny, with a whitish coating;
  • Most often it occurs in the groin, between the buttocks, armpits, and under the mammary glands.

For the treatment of cutaneous candidiasis, synthetic antimycotics are prescribed for internal or local application. Mycosis of the skin is treated using special ointments(Clotrimazole, Econazole and Naftifine), which should be applied to fungal affected areas two to four times for fourteen days.

You should not start treatment on your own, since when choosing a remedy, you should take into account large number factors, including individual characteristics human body.

The main goal Treatment of dermatophytosis consists of eliminating the fungus from areas affected by the disease. If the fungus has affected only the skin without affecting the hair, then you can be cured using only external preparations (ointments, gels and special creams).

Photo of inguinal dermatomycosis:

Ointments containing miconazole, ketoconazole and clotrimazole will help against inguinal dermatophytosis. In the case of this type of disease, women have some features that must be taken into account when carrying out treatment. To exclude the transition of dermatomycosis of the groin area to vaginal mycosis, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist before starting treatment.

Candida fungus on the skin in the groin can be eliminated with Mikozolon and Triderm ointments. Data medicines You can buy it at a pharmacy only after a doctor’s prescription. These ointments help eliminate the disease without its recurrence. To ensure that treatment does not take much time, you must consult a doctor on time and not self-medicate.

To eliminate excessive sweating groin area, you can wash this area with a decoction of burdock, chamomile and oak bark.

In addition to the above remedies, the doctor, after consultation, may prescribe antihistamines, as well as Burov compresses and treatment alcohol solution Yoda.

Dermatophyta of the scalp

Most often, candidiasis of the scalp occurs in young children. It appears on the scalp, and the hair thins and becomes brittle.

Damage to the scalp is treated with Terbinafine and Ketoconazole. Medicines should be used only after visiting a specialist and in full accordance with the instructions.. You can also treat the area affected by the fungus with a five percent iodine solution or sulfur ointment.

Dermatophyta of the hands and mycosis of the feet

This manifestation of the disease is characterized by the appearance of lamellar peeling and blisters between the fingers. If left unchecked, all this can lead to open wounds and infection.

In this case, you can get rid of it with the help of ointments containing antibiotics. Such drugs are Lamisil, Diflucan, Forkan and Sporonox.

In addition, mycoses and candidiasis of the skin of the feet and hands can be treated using salicylic ointment (ten percent), Arabian Arievich ointment, and collodion tinctures. Treatment of candidiasis of the skin of the surface of the feet is carried out using amphotericin or nystatin ointment.

To reduce swelling of the skin, as well as allergic manifestations, in addition to the treatment described above, you can use lotions with Ethacridine or Tannin. If severe inflammation can be applied to affected skin combined agents, such as Travocort and Triderm.

Medicines produced in the form of sprays have shown greater effectiveness in the treatment of dermatomycosis. One of these is Lamisil spray. This drug is applied to the skin, forming a film of equal thickness. Thus, the source of inflammation is isolated and further spread of infection is limited.

After applying the spray, the inflamed areas dry out and turn pale. It also relieves itching and painful sensations. Lamisil cream and gel of the same brand are often prescribed for fungal infections of skin folds. For example, in case of defeat armpits or groin area.

There are about a hundred drugs that can eliminate the fungi that cause dermatomycosis. The appropriate treatment is selected based on the type of disease, the stage of its development, the characteristics of the patient’s body and many other factors. In any case, the drug should be selected by a doctor, having previously determined the type of disease and prescribed everything necessary to determine current state human research. Self-medication is simply dangerous, since it can result in infection not only of other parts of the body, but also of loved ones.

More details about dermatomycosis in the video:

Dermatomycosis is a condition related to large group fungal diseases that affect the skin, nails, folds of the body, and internal organs.

Incidence and routes of spread of infection

Fungal infections occur in more than 20% of the adult population. They especially often affect older people, half of whom suffer from dermatomycosis. Older people are a reservoir of infection, spreading it among their family members. This is how up to a third of young people and children become infected with dermatomycosis.

The development of infection in a particular person is facilitated by primary or acquired immunodeficiency (HIV infection, use of glucocorticoids, cytostatics, immunosuppressants), unfavorable environmental background, chronic stress, leading to depletion of the body's defenses.

Mycoses often affect certain occupational groups. These diseases are common among miners, metallurgists, military personnel, and athletes. This is due to isolation production premises, use of common locker rooms and showers, wearing clothing impermeable to air and moisture, and closed shoes.

The most common disease from this group is tinea pedis. It affects at least a fifth of the adult population. Up to a third of patients became infected in public swimming pools, saunas, and gyms.

Classification of dermatomycosis

A complete classification that meets all the needs of practice has not yet been created. This is due to the variety of infectious agents and the variety of symptoms they cause. According to the course, acute and chronic dermatomycosis are distinguished, according to the depth of the lesion - superficial and deep, according to limitation - local and widespread forms.

IN Russian Federation traditionally use the classification created in 1976 by N.D. Shcheklakov. She divides the diseases of this group depending on the fungus that caused them, with the corresponding localization of the lesion. According to it, all dermatomycosis belongs to one of the following groups:

  • keratomycosis ( pityriasis versicolor, nodular microsporia);
  • dermatophytosis ( athlete's foot inguinal, rubrophytosis, athlete's foot, trichophytosis, favus, microsporia, imbricate mycosis);
  • candidiasis (superficial, chronic generalized, visceral);
  • deep mycoses (histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, sporotrichosis, aspergillosis and others);
  • pseudomycosis (erythrasma, actinomycosis, axillary trichomycosis and others).

The International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision (ICD-10) proposes to divide dermatomycosis depending on the location of the lesion. This is convenient, but does not always take into account the cause of the disease on which the treatment depends. This classification highlights following forms ringworm:

- dermatophytosis;

  • a) head and beard (trichophytosis and microsporia of the scalp, beard and mustache area);
  • b) nails (dermatophytic onychomycosis), hands (rubrophytosis of the palms), feet (athlete's foot and rubrophytosis of the feet);
  • c) torso (dermatophytosis of smooth skin, including the face);
  • d) inguinal (inguinal epidermophytosis and rubrophytosis);
  • e) tiled;

- other and unspecified dermatophytosis (including deep forms).

Causes and mechanism of development

The causative agents of dermatomycosis belong to three genera:

  • Trichophyton;
  • Microsporum;
  • Epidermophyton.

These fungi are widespread in nature - in the ground, sand, coastal pebbles, on trees and wood products. They can be stored in environment more than two years.

Fungi produce aggressive enzymes that destroy keratin, a dense protein that makes up the surface layers of the skin. The infection penetrates much better into initially damaged areas of the skin.

When the patient's susceptibility to infection is reduced, the fungus does not penetrate the skin for quite a long time, but spreads to its surface. Such a person is not sick, but is a carrier of dermatomycosis. It has been established that the body produces protective antifungal factors that are released onto the surface of the skin and prevent the development of the disease. Any suppression of the immune system causes a weakening of the protective skin barrier, penetration of fungus into tissues.

Types of dermatomycosis

Let us briefly describe the main forms according to the ICD-10 classification.

Dermatophytosis inguinalis

This infection affects large folds (most often the groin) and adjacent areas of the skin. Inguinal ringworm accounts for 10% of all fungal infections. The disease primarily affects men with increased weight body, heavy sweating, sick diabetes mellitus. The infection is transmitted through contact with a sick person, but more often through household means - when using common sports equipment(rugs, mats in the gym), bed linen or by ship in hospitals. The disease first affects the inguinal folds, then spreads to inner surface thighs, perineum, area around the anus, intergluteal fold. When self-infected, the areas under the mammary glands, elbow bends and any other areas of the skin can suffer.

Primary foci of dermatomycosis look like small round ones pink spots with clear boundaries. Their surface is smooth, slightly swollen. With the enlargement and merging of spots, a continuous focus with uneven edges is formed, prone to peripheral growth. Bubbles, scales, and crusts form along the edge of the lesion. The patient complains of very severe itching. Peeling gradually appears, inflammation subsides, especially if the increased moisture in the skin is eliminated.

Mycoses of the feet

These diseases are very common. They predominantly affect young men. First, the fungus is localized in the interdigital folds, where slight peeling and cracks occur. These symptoms do not bother the patient. Subsequently, one of the more severe clinical forms dermatomycosis of the feet.

The squamous form is accompanied by the appearance of scales and peeling on the lateral surfaces of the feet. The hyperkeratotic form is accompanied by the formation of dry rashes and plaques on the feet. Merging, they form large foci covered with light scales. There is a pronounced skin peeling stop, itching, dryness, soreness of the skin.

The intertriginous form resembles diaper rash: cracks and erosions appear in the interdigital folds, the skin swells, becomes wet and turns red. Disturbing itching, burning, soreness. With the dyshidrotic form, numerous blisters form on the arches of the feet, soles, and toes. After the bubbles open, erosions appear.

Mycosis of the feet is characterized by a long-term course. In the elderly, “dry” mycoses predominate; in young people, exacerbations and inflammatory phenomena are more typical.

In some cases, as a result of a high allergic mood (sensitization) to fungi, acute mycosis occurs: the lesion quickly spreads to the feet and legs with the formation of bursting blisters. Fever appears and inguinal lymphadenitis develops. The patient's general well-being suffers.

Dermatophytosis of the hands

The disease develops slowly. When located on the back of the hands, it resembles dermatophytosis of smooth skin. If the palms are affected, the disease resembles tinea pedis. At the same time, it often develops. At the same time, patients in many cases do not notice their illness, believing that thick, flaky skin on the palms is a consequence of physical labor.

Dermatophytosis of smooth skin

Dermatomycosis of smooth skin is more often observed in warm countries. Epidemics have been observed among athletes involved in wrestling. At classic form a ring-shaped lesion is formed containing small bubbles, with peeling along the edges. It gradually spreads over a large area and is accompanied by moderate itching.

Dermatophytosis of the scalp

Dermatomycosis of the scalp is manifested mainly by brittle hair in the affected area. Damage to the beard and mustache area in men is accompanied by the appearance of blisters and inflammation hair follicles, accession secondary infection, swelling and bloody crusts. The patient is concerned about pain and a pronounced cosmetic defect.

Laboratory diagnostics

Recognition of the disease takes into account the symptoms of dermatomycosis, microscopic examination tissues and the isolation of pathogens from them.

Microbiological diagnosis of dermatomycosis is carried out either by direct examination of the pathogen under a microscope (microsporia), or after cultivation on nutrient media. Even in favorable conditions fungi grow slowly. After colonies are obtained, they are examined under a microscope and based on characteristic external signs establish the type of pathogen.

Treatment of ringworm

Antimycotic drugs are used to treat these diseases. Without their use, it is impossible to cure mycosis. The dermatologist determines how to treat the disease, because there are more than 200 types of antifungal drugs for both topical and internal use. Terbinafine (Lamisil) has proven itself to be the most effective. It can be used both to treat and prevent infection.

Treatment for tinea groin includes the use of creams, ointments, or sprays containing ketoconazole and terbinafine. If there is no effect, fluconazole is prescribed orally for 2 weeks. At the same time, antihistamines and powders that do not contain starch are used.

Mycosis of the feet with excessive weeping is first treated with lotions with potassium permanganate, chlorhexidine or boric acid, and then local antifungal, hormonal and antibacterial agents. With significant keratinization, keratolytic drugs are used first, and then fungicidal.

Dermatophytosis of smooth facial skin is treated with local antifungal agents. Onychomycosis requires the use of systemic medications.

How to treat ringworm at home?

You should strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene, change your underwear daily, dry your body after washing, use special talcum powder or powder to prevent sweating. It is recommended to wear loose shoes, use special expanders for the spaces between the toes, and use special foot powders.

What should you not eat if you have a fungal skin infection?

Ringworms include skin diseases, which are caused by several types of fungi, their classification depends on the affected area.

Symptoms of ringworm

Ringworm of the feet, or athlete's foot, is a fairly common pathology that occurs more often in the warm season. It is caused by the fungus trichophyton or epidermophyton, which lives in moist, warm places between the toes. Signs fungal infection slight peeling may occur even in the absence of other symptoms, as well as pronounced peeling, accompanied by a painful, weeping rash, which is localized on the sides of the feet and in the areas between the toes. This may cause small bubbles to form. Fungal infection damages the skin on the feet, which can cause a bacterial infection, especially among older people and people with poor circulation in the legs.

The causative agents of ringworm that affects the groin area can be various types of fungi, even yeast. Men who live or stay for a long time in areas with a warm climate are more susceptible to this disease. The pathology appears in the form of ring-shaped elements of a red rash located along the inside thighs and groin all over. Small bubbles may form. The rash is accompanied by itching and pain. The disease is characterized frequent relapses even with the right and full complex treatment.

Lesions of the scalp are caused by the fungus microsporum or trichophyton. This type of dermatomycosis is very contagious, especially in childhood. Its manifestations are a red, scaly rash accompanied by mild itching; areas of baldness without signs of a rash can also form.

A fungal infection that affects the nail plates is called onychomycosis. In such cases, the trichophyton fungus affects the developing nail area. The affected nail thickens and becomes deformed, and may subsequently collapse, peel off, or separate from the finger. Onychomycosis is more common on the legs than on the arms.

With dermatomycosis of the skin, a pink or red rash is noted; characteristic round spots are often formed with a clearing area in the center. Any area of ​​smooth skin can be affected.

Fungal infection of the beard is quite rare. In most cases, diseases in this area are not fungal, but bacterial.

Causes of ringworm

The causative agents of dermatomycosis are united under the general name “dermatophytes”; this concept includes fungi of several genera, such as Microsporum, Epidermophyton and Trichophyton.

The most favorable temperature for the development of dermatophytes is below normal temperature body, approximately 26 - 30 degrees. They are more suitable for wet alkaline or neutral environment. Due to this, infection, as well as exacerbations, occur more often in the warm season.

Different types of dermatomycosis affect different populations of people, which is associated with the composition of sweat or the secretion of fatty glands, which differ from person to person. age groups. People who are at greatest risk of developing fungal infections are those who are deficient in vitamins, metabolic processes and hormonal balance, skin damage, increased sweating, as well as people who eat poorly.

Diagnosis of ringworm

Suspicion of dermatomycosis arises when symptoms characteristic of this disease appear. For a more accurate diagnosis, microscopic examination of the skin or nail plates for the presence of fungus is used. Additional measures include a blood test that detects antibodies to various types of fungi and allergy tests.

IN full list diagnostic measures includes:

  • survey;
  • external examination;
  • microscopy of a pre-stained smear;
  • dermatological examination;
  • culture of biopsy material or exudate.

Dermatomycosis treatment

In most cases, dermatomycosis is mild, with the only exception being damage to the nails and scalp. Most often, it is quite enough to use special antifungal creams, which are sold at any pharmacy without a prescription. Antifungal powders are much less effective. Active components drugs for the treatment of fungal infections are econazole, miconazole, ketoconazole and clotrimazole.

The selected cream should be applied twice a day. Treatment continues as long as the rash persists and for about 7 to 10 days after that. If you stop applying the cream earlier, a relapse may occur and the rash will appear again.

The effect of creams does not become noticeable immediately; it usually takes several days. During this period, you can also add corticosteroid ointments to the course of treatment to reduce pain and eliminate itching.

At severe course or persistent relapses of the disease, treatment often lasts several months. In such cases, other medications, such as Griseofulfin, may be used along with antifungal creams. This drug is taken orally and has a very effective action. However, when taking it, there are often observed side effects, such as stomach upset, rash, decreased white blood cell count, headache, swelling, etc. In addition, it is worth considering that stopping taking this drug may provoke a relapse of fungal diseases. There is another medicine - Ketoconazole. It is taken similarly to Griseofulvin and also has many serious side effects, including liver damage.

Keeping infected areas dry and clean promotes rapid healing and stops the growth and development of fungi. To do this, the affected areas should be washed with soap and then sprinkled with talcum powder. But it is better to avoid powders that contain starch, as they can cause even more fungal growth.

If the skin begins to get wet, it means that it may also join bacterial infection. To prevent this from happening, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, applied topically or orally.

Dermatomycosis photo

Inguinal ringworm photo

Dermatomycosis of smooth skin, photograph

Onychomycosis, photo

Photo of dermatomycosis of the scalp