What drug helps with cough. How to treat a cough? Cough medicines

Cough is a common symptom of viral and allergic pathologies, the appearance of which seriously affects a person’s quality of life. It interferes with normal sleep, eating, and work. To cope with this condition, you need to contact a specialist who will select inexpensive but effective cough medicines.

Medicines to combat cough can be different. The main categories include the following:

Drugs that inhibit cough receptors. This group contains substances that act on cough centers. They are found in the human brain. Cough suppressants can also affect the nerves and receptors present in the respiratory system. Some substances affect the mucous membranes of the respiratory system. They cope with coughs thanks to their local anesthetic effect.

It is important to consider that such drugs have many contraindications and side effects. In addition, they are prescribed exclusively for dry coughs that are not accompanied by the formation of sputum.

Medicines that have a bronchodilator effect. They help relax the smooth muscles of the bronchi and eliminate spasms. Due to this effect, a coughing attack is eliminated. Such drugs are usually used for bronchitis and other pathologies that are accompanied by spasm of the respiratory tract.

Mucolytic agents. These substances dilute mucus, which greatly facilitates its removal from the lungs. Such drugs are prescribed when a viscous secretion forms, which is removed with great difficulty.

Expectorants. Such medications help remove secretions from the respiratory system. Medications from this group contribute to irritation of the mucous membranes and lead to coughing, which activates the process of cleansing the respiratory system.

Anti-inflammatory drugs. Such substances help eliminate inflammatory damage to the mucous membranes, which often causes coughing.

Combined substances. These medications act in several directions at once, which helps solve various problems.

Features of choosing an effective drug

To choose the right cough medicine, you should consider several important features:

  • First of all, you need to determine the type of cough - dry or wet. For different types of this symptom, different medications must be used.
  • Each drug has a number of side effects and contraindications. This is why it is so important to study the instructions in detail.
  • Only a doctor can choose the right medicine, taking into account the clinical picture of the disease. Therefore, any self-medication options are unacceptable.

When purchasing a cough medicine, it is recommended to give preference to well-known manufacturers. At the same time, medicines from foreign companies are much more expensive compared to domestic ones. To choose a more affordable analogue, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

The cost of the drug is also important. The price directly depends on the pricing policy of the pharmacy and the manufacturer of the drug.

Inexpensive and effective medicines for dry cough

Dry cough is a barking and painful cough, in which the removal of sputum is significantly impaired. For adult patients, inexpensive but effective cough medications are prescribed in the form of capsules and tablets. They can be aimed at suppressing this symptom or improving sputum removal.

If the cough is advanced, the doctor can choose an inexpensive remedy for dry cough in the form of injections. Antitussives or expectorants are also often prescribed in combination with antibacterial substances.

It is important to consider that with intramuscular or intravenous administration you can obtain the desired effect much faster. In simpler cases, syrups are prescribed to treat the symptom.

So, the most effective remedies that help with dry cough include the following:

  1. Libexin. This remedy has a triple effect - it reduces the sensitivity of nerve receptors, relaxes the bronchi and reduces the reaction to irritation. The drug can be used to combat severe dry cough. The desired effect is achieved literally 4 hours after application. Side effects include allergic reactions, increased fatigue, dizziness. Approximate price 520 rubles.
  2. . The characteristics of this substance are similar to menthol, as it leads to a feeling of freshness in the mouth. The drug does not dry out mucous membranes. In this case, the desired effect is achieved after the first dose. These inexpensive cough tablets have virtually no side effects or contraindications. The only exceptions are allergic reactions. Approximate price 250 rubles.
  3. . This syrup has antitussive and antibacterial effects. With its help, it is possible to increase the volume of sputum and make it less viscous. The presence of vitamin C in the medicine helps strengthen the immune system. In addition, the substance forms a special film on the mucous membrane, reducing irritation and stopping inflammation. The product has virtually no contraindications. Approximate price 340 rubles. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with cheaper analogues of Gerbion.
  4. . This drug helps achieve the desired effect literally 30 minutes after use. With its help, the viscosity of sputum is reduced and irritation of the mucous membranes is relieved. However, the drug should not be used during pregnancy or pathologies of the digestive system. Approximate price 120 rubles.
  5. . This drug is of natural origin and is available in various dosage forms. You can find tablets and syrup on sale. The product has a combined effect, reduces excitability without depressing breathing. It is important to consider that the drug can provoke addiction, so it should not be used for a long time. Approximate price 135 rubles.
  6. . The drug can be used for laryngitis, bronchial pathologies, and sinusitis. It is also often prescribed to combat complications of surgical interventions. The product has a pronounced effect. Approximate price 220 rubles.
  7. . These cheap cough drops have a combined effect, providing a mucolytic and antitussive effect. The medicine is actively used to eliminate dry and unproductive cough. Approximate price 240 rubles.

Cheap drugs for wet cough

This type of cough is characterized by a large amount of viscous sputum in the respiratory organs. To remove this substance, expectorants and thinners are used. Adult patients are prescribed various substances - syrups, tablets, capsules, suspensions.

Prices for inexpensive, effective cough medicines may vary. Your doctor will help you choose the appropriate option. It is important to consider that you should not use the medicine for a long time, since there is a risk of addiction, which will reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

The most effective remedies that are suitable for combating wet cough include the following:

  1. . This medicine is of plant origin and effectively copes with respiratory pathologies. With its help you can get rid of bronchitis, rhinitis, and viral pathologies. The drug is produced in the form of lollipops, tablets, and syrups. You can also find pencils, ointments and lozenges on sale. Price from 140 to 220 rubles depending on the form of the drug (tablets/syrup/lozenges).
  2. ACC and its cheap analogues. This drug helps thin sputum and increases cough productivity. Thanks to this, you can achieve relief literally in the first day. In addition, the product has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antioxidant characteristics. It is important to note that it cannot be combined with paracetamol and other cough medicines. The substance is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. Price from 140 rubles.
  3. . The drug can be used for bronchial pathologies, which are accompanied by the formation of viscous sputum. The product is well tolerated and combines well with antibacterial substances. During therapy, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids and refrain from performing hazardous work and driving. Price from 25 rubles.
  4. . This substance has an expectorant effect and successfully copes with inflammation. It can be used to prevent respiratory infections. The product is produced in the form of a syrup with a pleasant taste and aroma. It quickly helps to cope with bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia and perfectly eliminates cough. Price from 45 rubles.
  5. . This drug suppresses the cough center without depressing breathing. With its help, you can remove mucus and eliminate swelling of the mucous membranes. Side effects include allergic reactions, increased heart rate, and increased blood pressure. Price from 50 rubles.
  6. . This natural substance copes well with wet coughs and removes viscous secretions that impair breathing. Thanks to the use of the medicine, you can get the desired result within 2 days after starting therapy. Contraindications include diseases of the digestive system, allergic reactions, and diabetes. The undoubted advantage of the product is that it is not addictive. Price from 20 rubles.
  7. . This product has thinning and expectorant properties. With its help, you can speed up the outflow of mucus from the bronchi and neutralize the affected molecules. The effect is achieved literally 30 minutes after application and lasts for 10 hours. You can find tablets and syrups on sale. There are also solutions for injections and inhalations. Price from 140 rubles.

Inexpensive cough medicines for children - syrups and tablets

Children's cough medications are prescribed depending on the patient's age. Antitussives and expectorants are used to treat dry and wet coughs. Moreover, the age of the child affects not only the dosage, but also the form of the drug. Thus, cough medicines for children over 3 years of age are produced in the form of suspensions or syrups. Patients over 6 years of age can already be given tablets.

The most effective mucolytic agents that can be given to children include the following:

Which cough medicines should I choose for children? – Doctor Komarovsky

In some cases, when a cough occurs, expectorants must be used. Such substances help to cope with cough by removing phlegm from the lungs. This occurs due to the liquefaction of the secretion and the normalization of the ciliated epithelium. Such drugs are prescribed for acute and chronic inflammation of the respiratory system. Most often, doctors prescribe herbal substances:

Currently, there are quite a few effective medications to combat various types of cough. To choose a truly effective drug, you need to consult a doctor in time. The specialist will prescribe the optimal remedy based on clinical symptoms and diagnostic test results.

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Cough is a reflex act aimed at cleansing the surface of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system from accumulated particles of mucus, pus and dead cells. In other words, coughing is a way of cleansing the mucous membranes of the bronchi, trachea, lungs and throat from accumulated and irritating particles. Since the respiratory organs are constantly in contact with the environment, they are often exposed to various irritating substances and pathogenic microorganisms that cause a cough reflex. This is why cough is the most common symptom for which people visit their GP or pharmacist.

Currently, there is a wide range of different medications, which in everyday consciousness are combined into one large group called “cough”. However, this group is heterogeneous from the point of view of pharmacology and doctors, since it includes drugs that suppress the cough reflex, and facilitate the discharge of sputum, and dilute secretions, etc. In principle, all of these drugs affect cough in one way or another, but this does not mean that any of them can be taken in all cases. The choice of cough medicine, which will be effective in this particular case, depends on the type of cough and the underlying disease that provoked the symptom. To do this you need to know the varieties cough medicines and features of their action.

Cough tablets - classification, brief characteristics, international names of active ingredients

Depending on the mechanism and features of action, all cough medications, including tablets, are divided into three large groups:
1. Antitussives;
2. Mucolytic agents;
3. Expectorants.

Antitussives are agents that inhibit the cough reflex itself at the level of the nervous system. As a result of the action of drugs of this group, a person simply turns off the cough reflex in the brain or at the nerve level, and he stops coughing.

Mucolytic agents are drugs that thin out thick and viscous mucus, facilitating its removal from various organs of the respiratory system.

Expectorant drugs with resorptive action are now used quite rarely, since a wide selection of highly effective and safe reflex agents containing natural herbs has appeared. It is the expectorant drugs of reflex action that represent the majority of cough remedies displayed in pharmacy windows.

In addition to the listed groups, there are also combined cough preparations, among which the following varieties are distinguished:

  • Antitussives with expectorant effect - Tussin, Stoptussin, Protiazin;
  • Antitussives with anti-inflammatory effect - Bronholitin;
  • Mucolytics with expectorant effect - Bromhexine, Ambroxol, Ascoril;
  • Expectorants with anti-inflammatory effect - Chest collection 1, 2 and 4, Sinupret, Pulmotin, licorice root syrup, Glyciram;
  • Expectorants with an antibacterial effect - Gelomirtol, Prospan, Eukabal;
  • Expectorants with a bronchodilator effect - Gedelix;
  • Expectorants with mucolytic and anti-inflammatory effects - Suprima-Broncho.
The above classifications indicate the international names of all cough medications available on the domestic pharmaceutical market, regardless of their release form. Among these drugs there are tablets, syrups, drops, and chewable lozenges. In the future, we will give names and consider only those drugs that are available in tablet form.

Cough tablets - names

Here are the commercial and international names of cough tablets from various groups (antitussives, mucolytics and expectorants). In this case, we will indicate first the international name of the active substance, and in brackets next to it are the commercial names of the finished drugs available on the pharmaceutical market.

Antitussive tablets include the following medications:

  • Codeine (Quintalgin, Caffetin, Codelac, Codelmixt, Codterpin, Nurofen Plus, Parcocet, Pentabufen, Prohodol forte, Tercodin, Tepinkod, Tedein);
  • Glaucine (Glauvent, Bromhexine, Ascoril, Solvin, Bronholitin);
  • Oxeladine (Paxeladin, Tusuprex);
  • Ethylmorphine (Ethylmorphine hydrochloride);
  • Dextromethorphan (Alex Plus, Grippex, Gripend, Caffetin Cold, Padevix, Toff Plus);
  • Butamirat (Codelac Neo, Omnitus, Panatus);
  • Prenoxdiazine (Libexin).
All of the above tablets have the property of stopping painful, hysterical, dry coughs of various origins.

Tablets with mucolytic action include the following:

  • Acetylcysteine ​​(ACC, Acestin, Vicks Active ExpectoMed, N-AC-ratiopharm, Fluimucil, Mukobene);
  • Carbocisteine ​​(Mucodin, Carbocisteine, Mucopront, Mukosol);
  • Bromhexine (Ascoril, Solvin, Bromhexine, Phlegamine);
  • Ambroxol (Lazolangin, Lazolvan, Deflegmin, Suprima-Kof, Mucobron, Ambrobene, Ambrohexal, Ambrolan, Ambrotard 75).
All of the listed mucolytic tablets thin the mucus and facilitate its passage. The drugs relieve a severe and strained cough, which produces a small amount of viscous, dense and sticky sputum.

Cough tablets with expectorant action include the following:

  • Potassium iodide (Amtersol);
  • Sodium bicarbonate (Sodium bicarbonate 0.25 g);
  • Guaifenesin (Stoptussin, Ascoril);
  • Thermopsis (cough tablets, Thermopsol, Thermopsis grass tablets 0.1 g, Codelac Broncho);
  • Marshmallow root (Mukaltin);
  • Licorice (Doctor MOM, Linkas Lor, Travisil, Fitolor);
  • Thyme (Gelomirtol, Bronchicum S, Bronchipret).
Expectorants are rarely available in tablet form, since this is relatively technologically difficult. Since most of the drugs in this group are extracts and other variants of extracts from medicinal plants, it is more convenient to produce liquid dosage forms, such as syrups, solutions, granules or powders for preparing solutions, etc.

Cough tablets - what types are there?

Currently, cough tablets, depending on their physical properties and features of use, are divided into the following types:
  • Coated tablets. These tablets must be swallowed whole, without chewing, and washed down with a sufficient amount of water (at least half a glass);
  • Effervescent cough tablets. These tablets are intended for the preparation of solutions for oral administration. Effervescent tablets are either mucolytic drugs or expectorants;
  • Sucking (chewable) cough tablets. These tablets are intended to be slowly dissolved or chewed in the mouth. Chewable tablets are mucolytic or expectorant drugs with a distracting effect.

Effervescent cough tablets

Effervescent cough tablets available on the domestic market are ACC and Mukobene. Moreover, both drugs - ACC and Mukobene - are mucolytics, that is, they thin out mucus and facilitate its passage. In terms of the severity of their clinical effects, effervescent mucolytic tablets do not have any advantage over conventional film-coated tablets. However, when using effervescent tablets, the clinical effect occurs much faster, therefore, if cough with thick sputum is subjectively severe, it is recommended to use this dosage form. In other situations, you can use those cough tablets that a person likes best for some subjective reason.

Cough lozenges

Sucking cough tablets that have the most pronounced clinical effect are Alex Plus and Doctor MOM lozenges. Moreover, Doctor MOM lozenges are classified as expectorants, and Alex Plus are mucolytic. In addition to these drugs, there is a wide range of different sucking lozenges, sold in pharmacies not as medicines, but as over-the-counter symptomatic remedies, and also related to cough tablets. An example of such cough drops is Halls et al.

In principle, lozenge cough tablets have the same clinical effects as film-coated tablets. However, lozenges contain components that have a distracting effect due to a cooling effect in the oral cavity, which subjectively allows a person to feel much better.

In addition, cough lozenges are effective against irritation of the upper respiratory tract that occurs due to inhalation of various harmful substances, dust particles, etc. In such cases, the effect of sucking tablets is similar to antitussives of peripheral action, that is, they suppress cough and relieve a person of a painful symptom. Currently, there is a wide selection of similar cough lozenges, which contain extracts of honey, cherry, menthol, eucalyptus, licorice, acacia, linden and glycerin.

Cough tablets - use (rules for selection depending on the type of cough)

The choice of cough tablets should be made individually, taking into account all the characteristics of the current disease and this particular person. To select medications, the following main factors must be taken into account:
  • Type of cough (dry, wet, productive with viscous sputum);
  • Presence and type of sputum (thick, liquid, large or small amount, etc.);
  • Possible provoking factor for cough (for example, acute respiratory infections, ARVI, chronic bronchitis, allergic cough, etc.).
Only after clarifying the above factors can you begin to select cough tablets. The general rule for choosing tablets can be formulated as follows:
  • For dry, debilitating cough without sputum discharge, antitussive drugs are indicated. Moreover, it is recommended to use either central non-narcotic antitussives (Glaucin, Bromhexine, Ascoril, Solvin, Paxeladin, Tusuprex, Padevix, Caffetin Cold, Panatus, Codelac Neo) or peripherally acting drugs (Prenoxdiazine, Libexin). Narcotic antitussive drugs of central action (Codeine, Codelac, Codterpine, etc.) are recommended to be used only as prescribed by a doctor, since they can cause severe side effects (constipation, hallucinations, etc.) and addiction to them quickly develops;
  • For severe cough with the discharge of a small amount of viscous, sticky and thick sputum, it is necessary to use mucolytic agents, such as ACC, Acestin, Mukobene, Fluimucil, Carbocysteine, Mucosol, Solvin, Flegamine, Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Ambrobene, etc. These drugs thin out the mucus, peel it off surfaces of the respiratory tract and facilitate coughing. Mucolytics are the preferred drugs for severe bronchospasm because they do not increase mucus production;
  • For productive cough with copious sputum discharge, expectorant drugs are indicated, such as Amtersol, sodium bicarbonate, Stoptussin, Ascoril, Thermopsis, Thermopsol, Mucaltin, Travisil, Bronchipret, Gelomirtol, etc. These drugs accelerate the removal of sputum from the respiratory tract, eliminating its stagnation and secondary infection.
Antitussives used for bronchospasm, allergic inflammation, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, tracheobronchitis, bronchopneumonia, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pleurisy or emphysema, accompanied by a dry, painful, debilitating cough. In addition, antitussive drugs can be used in the initial stages of colds, when there is no sputum production yet, and a painful cough does not allow you to rest. Antitussives, with the exception of Bromhexine and lozenges, are allowed to be used only by adults and children over 7 to 10 years of age.

Mucolytic drugs used for acute laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis or pneumonia to dilute viscous sputum. These drugs are indicated for use in the first days of the disease in combination with moisturizing steam inhalations.

Expectorants should be used when a productive cough appears with the discharge of a large amount of sputum. This must be done so that sputum does not stagnate in the respiratory tract, provoking secondary infection and the spread of the inflammatory process to neighboring organs and tissues. In addition, timely removal of sputum is necessary so that decay products are not absorbed into the bloodstream, causing intoxication.

Important! Antitussives, mucolytics and expectorants cannot be used simultaneously, assuming that they are all “cough pills”. You can combine mucolytic and expectorant drugs, gradually switching to taking only expectorant tablets. You cannot combine antitussives with expectorants or mucolytics under any circumstances, since they have multidirectional effects. As a result of the use of mucolytics or expectorants in combination with antitussives, aspiration of sputum and mucus may occur, followed by asphyxia.

Tablets for various types of cough

Let's look at what types of tablets should be used for different types of cough.

Dry cough tablets

If a dry cough appears against the background of a cold, then it is recommended to use drugs from the group of mucolytics, such as ACC, Acestine, Mukobene, Fluimucil, Kabocysteine, Mucosol, Solvin, Flegamine, Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Ambrobene, etc. Mucolytics thin out thick and viscous mucus, which is very poorly and difficult to separate from the surface of the respiratory organs, and therefore provokes a strained, painful and dry cough. When the cough becomes productive with sputum discharge, it is recommended to switch to expectorants.

If a dry cough appears against the background of chronic respiratory diseases, for example, obstructive bronchitis, pleurisy, emphysema, tracheitis and others, then it is recommended to take peripheral or centrally acting antitussives. Moreover, for long-term diseases, peripheral antitussives are recommended, such as Prenoxdiazine, Libexin, etc., since they act gently without provoking additional bronchospasm. For acute diseases with a dry cough, it is recommended to take non-narcotic antitussives with central action, such as Glaucine, Bromhexine, Ascoril, Solvin, Paxeladin, Tusuprex, Padevix, Caffetin Cold, Panatus, Codelac Neo. These medications can be taken until symptoms subside.

Only with a painful and debilitating dry cough, characteristic of pleurisy, whooping cough or heart disease, is it necessary to use centrally acting narcotic antitussives, such as Codeine, Quintalgin, Caffetin, Codelac, Codelmixt, Codterpin, Tercodin, Tepinkod, Tedeine. Codeine preparations can only be taken for 5 to 7 days in a row, as addiction occurs with longer use.

Wet cough tablets

Tablets for wet cough must be taken to ensure the removal of all mucus from the lumen of the respiratory organs. If a small amount of sputum is released when coughing, it is recommended to take mucolytic drugs (for example, ACC, Carbocysteine, Fluimucil, Ambroxol, etc.) or combined drugs with mucolytic and expectorant effects, for example, Bromhexine, Ambroxol, Ascoril, Suprima-Broncho. After a large amount of sputum appears, you should switch to expectorant medications.

If a sufficiently large amount of sputum is released when coughing, then it is necessary to take expectorants (Amtersol, sodium bicarbonate, Stoptussin, Ascoril, Thermopsis, Thermopsol, Mucaltin, Travisil, Bronchipret, Gelomirtol), which will improve, accelerate and facilitate its removal from everyone, even the most small bronchi. Expectorants are necessary to prevent sputum from stagnating and causing secondary infection of nearby organs.

Among expectorants, it is recommended to use Bronchipret, Stoptussin, Thermopsis, Mucaltin and other tablets that contain thermopsis herb, guaifenesin or herbal ingredients. Tablets containing sodium bicarbonate or iodides (for example, Amtersol) may have an unpleasant taste and cause painful side effects such as diarrhea, constipation, etc.

Allergic cough tablets

Allergic cough tablets can only be used as emergency remedies, since this condition requires the systematic use of medications. So, if a person has an attack of an allergic cough provoked by any irritating factors, then he needs to take narcotic antitussive tablets of central action based on codeine (for example, Codeine, Quintalgin, Caffetin, Codelac, Codelmixt, Codterpin, Tercodin, Tepinkod, Tedeine). If it is not possible to take a drug with codeine (they are sold only by prescription), then you can use a non-narcotic antitussive agent of central action, for example, Glaucine, Ascoril, Solvin, Paxeladin, Tusuprex, Padevix, Caffetin Cold, Panatus, etc.

In addition, for an allergic cough, it is necessary to additionally take some antihistamine, for example, Erius, Telfast, Zyrtec, Cetirizine, Fenistil, Suprastin, etc., which will eliminate spasm and swelling of the soft tissues of the respiratory tract, and also stop the production of mucus.

Cough tablets for bronchitis

Cough tablets for bronchitis must be taken depending on the stage and form of the pathological process. Thus, for chronic bronchitis, accompanied by a dry and unproductive cough, it is recommended to use mucolytic drugs (ACC, Carbocisteine, Fluimucil, Ambroxol) or peripheral antitussives (Libexin). During periods of exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, it is necessary to use mucolytics and expectorants (Amtersol, sodium bicarbonate, Stoptussin, Ascoril, Thermopsis, Thermopsol, Mucaltin, Travisil, Bronchipret, Gelomirtol).

In acute bronchitis in the initial stages, when the cough is dry and unproductive, it is necessary to use peripheral antitussives and mucolytics. Then, if a cough with phlegm appears, you should switch to taking expectorant tablets. Moreover, expectorant tablets must be taken until the cough stops completely.

Cough tablets for children

The rules for choosing and using cough tablets in children are generally the same as for adults. However, due to the structure and physiology of the respiratory tract in children, there are some peculiarities in the use and selection of cough tablets. Let us consider these features of the use of cough suppressants in children.

Firstly, centrally acting antitussive drugs based on codeine (Quintalgin, Caffetin, Codelac, Codelmixt, Codterpin, Nurofen Plus, Parcocet, Pentabufen, Prohodol forte, Tercodin, Tepinkod, Tedein, etc.), which are narcotic, are not used in children apply. These funds are used only by doctors in specialized hospitals in critical situations.

The main direction of treatment of cough in children is its transformation from dry and obsessive to wet and productive with sputum discharge. This tactic is due to the fact that in children, cough is mainly associated with the formation of viscous and thick sputum, which is difficult to separate from the walls of the respiratory organs. Therefore, when a dry, straining cough appears in a child under 7 years of age, he needs to be given mucolytics, such as Bromhexine, Ambroxol, Dornase Alpha, ACC, Carbocysteine, Stoptussin, Guaifenesin. And in a child over 7 years old, antihistamines (Erius, Telfast, Suprastin, etc.) should be added to these medications to relieve bronchospasm. Mucolytics only thin the sputum without increasing its volume, so there is no risk of aspiration into the lungs when used. In principle, mucolytics are the drugs of choice for the treatment of cough in children. The only situation when mucolytics cannot be used in children is a cough due to bronchial asthma.

When a wet cough with sputum appears, children should be given expectorants to remove all mucus from the respiratory system. Most expectorants are made from medicinal plants, but this does not mean that all of them are safe for children; on the contrary, many are quite dangerous. Thus, a child should not be given expectorant tablets containing ipecac and thermopsis, as they increase the gag reflex, which can provoke aspiration of mucus into the lungs. If a child has diarrhea due to a cough, then tablets containing licorice, oregano and anise should not be given, as they have a laxative effect. Tablets with iodide are not tolerated by children, since the therapeutic dose is too high and can cause poisoning. Thus, for a wet cough, a child can be given expectorant tablets containing guaifenesin (Stoptussin, Ascoril), marshmallow (Mukaltin) or thyme (Bronchipret, Gelomirtol, etc.).

Antitussives are used very rarely in children, only for very severe coughing with vomiting, which exhausts the child and prevents him from sleeping. In such situations, you can give the child peripherally acting antitussives, for example, Glaucine, Paxeladine, Tusuprex.

Cough tablets during pregnancy

Pregnant women can use tablets containing dextromethorphan as the active substance to relieve dry cough. This substance does not pass through the placenta and does not affect the growth and development of the fetus.

Currently, the following antitussive tablets containing dextromethorphan are available on the domestic market and are approved for use in pregnant women:

  • Padevix;
  • Tussin plus.
In the instructions for use, manufacturers may indicate that dextromethorphan is contraindicated for use in the first trimester of pregnancy. However, this information is inaccurate and outdated, since clinical trials have been conducted over the past 1–2 years that have shown the harmlessness of dextromethorphan at any stage of pregnancy. However, the bureaucratic machine is slow, and therefore it takes a lot of time to register any changes in the instructions for use of drugs due to careful checks of the submitted scientific data. And therefore, in any instructions for a medicine with dextromethorphan, “the first trimester of pregnancy” is indicated in the contraindication column. But women should know that the drug has been tested and is safe for pregnant women at any stage.

Dextromethorphan is the best drug for eliminating dry cough in pregnant women. However, many drugs, along with dextromethorphan, also contain other active ingredients that should not be used by pregnant women.

In the presence of a wet cough with sputum production, expectorants and mucolytic drugs are indicated, most of which are based on medicinal herbs. Cough tablets often contain herbal components, many of which should not be taken by pregnant women, as they can negatively affect the course of pregnancy, causing increased uterine tone and other adverse effects. Pregnant women can take cough drops containing linden, ivy, or citrus peel ingredients. Among the herbal tablets with antitussive and expectorant effects, pregnant women can use the following:

  • Bronchicum S – lozenges;
  • Bronchipret - coated tablets.
The instructions for use of these drugs may indicate that use during pregnancy is undesirable. This phrase means that the drug was tested on animals, and in experimental models no negative effects on the fetus or pregnancy were detected. But in order to indicate in the instructions that the drug is safe for pregnant women, animal experiments are not enough; tests should be carried out on pregnant women. For obvious reasons, such studies are not conducted. Therefore, drug manufacturers, based on data on the safety of the drug obtained from experiments on animals, but without the results of tests on pregnant women, indicate in the instructions that “the drug is not advisable to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.” Therefore, this phrase does not mean that the drug is potentially dangerous for a pregnant woman and fetus.

In addition, for a wet cough, pregnant women can take medications containing bromhexine as the active substance. Currently, the following drugs containing bromhexine are available on the domestic market:

  • Bromhexine syrup, tablets, capsules;
  • Solvin solution and tablets.
All of the above cough tablets can be used at any stage of pregnancy. In addition, there are also drugs that can be taken starting from the second trimester, which include drugs containing antitussive components codeine and libexin, for example, Stoptussin, Coldrex Knight, Falimint, Libexin, etc.

In general, the simplest and most accessible rule for choosing cough medications for a pregnant woman is the following - she can take those medications that are approved for children under 3 years of age.

Good cough tablets

In medical practice, there is no such thing as “good” or “best”, since the drugs available on the market are created for different situations. This means that each specific medicine, including cough tablets, has clear indications and contraindications, which include conditions for which the drug is most effective. This means that in each specific situation, those cough tablets that are indicated in this case will be good. And such drugs are called optimal, not best or good.

For example, for a dry cough, tablets with antitussive components - codeine, dextromethorphan, glaucine, oxeladin, butamirate, prenoxdiazine or levodronpropizine - would be good. Among those listed, the most dangerous are tablets containing codeine, while products with other antitussive components are safe.

For a wet cough with a small amount of sputum, mucolytics are good remedies, among which the safest, most effective, well tolerated and rarely causing side effects are tablets containing guaifenesin, bromhexine, ambroxol, acetylcysteine ​​or carbocysteine ​​as active ingredients.

For a wet cough with a lot of sputum, expectorant tablets containing herbal ingredients as active ingredients, for example, Mucaltin, Bronchipret, Gelomirtol, Thermopsis, etc., will be good.

Cheap cough tablets

The cheapest cough tablets are:
  • Expectorants - Sodium bicarbonate 0.25 g tablets, Potassium iodide, Thermopsis grass tablets 0.1 g, Cough tablets, Thermopsol, Mucaltin, Travisil, Stoptussin;
  • Mucolytic drugs – Stoptussin, Bromhexine, Ambrohexal, N-AC-ratiopharm, Mucosol;
  • Antitussives - Codterpin, Glauvent, Tusuprex, Ethylmorphine hydrochloride.
Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Cough is an unconditional reflex reaction of the body that occurs in response to mechanical, chemical or organic irritants. Helps cleanse the respiratory tract of foreign bodies and sputum caused by inflammatory reactions. The list of cough medications is extensive. The selection of a suitable medication is carried out by the doctor, taking into account a number of factors: the type of cough: productive (with sputum) or unproductive (dry), the patient’s age, the individual characteristics of his body, and the concomitant use of any other groups of medications.


Cough tablets are classified according to their pharmacological properties into separate groups:

    Antitussive medications help suppress dry cough. In turn, they are classified into drugs with central or peripheral action.

    Mucolytics have an anti-inflammatory, decongestant, thinning effect, affecting the peptide bonds of protein molecules.

In pharmacies you can find different types of cough tablets: soluble (effervescent), coated preparations intended for oral (internal) administration, lozenges, lozenges and lozenges for resorption.

Excellent video on Youtube from Dr. Komarovsky:

Use of antitussives

Antitussive drugs are classified into drugs with central and peripheral action. Centrally acting drugs include:

    Narcotic drugs based on codeine (Codterpine), dextromethorphan (Glycodin, Caffetin Cold, Tussin-plus). These are drugs that suppress cough reflexes by inhibiting the cough center located in the medulla oblongata. Long-term use provokes addiction. Possible respiratory depression and stool disturbances.

    Non-narcotic drugs based on glaucine (Broncholitin, Glauvent, Bronchoton).

The centrally acting drug is Libexin (prenokdiazine).

Effective products with a combined composition help not only reduce the cough reflex, but also provide anti-inflammatory and mild bronchodilator effects. The doctor may recommend taking Stoptussin, Libexin-Muco.


The drug Libexin is an effective remedy, the effect of which is due to its ability to:

    Have a bronchodilator effect and suppress stretch receptors involved in the formation of the cough reflex.

    Reduce the activity of the respiratory center (without suppressing breathing).

    Provide a local anesthetic effect that helps reduce the irritability of cough receptors.

The drug is used for non-productive cough of any origin. The active substance of Libexin is equal in degree of effectiveness to drugs based on Codeine. In the treatment of chronic bronchitis, the drug demonstrates anti-inflammatory effects.

    Diseases accompanied by copious sputum production.

    Individual intolerance to the active or auxiliary substances.

    Conditions that occur after inhalation anesthesia.

    Galactose intolerance.

Average dosage for adult patients: 1 tablet up to 4 times a day. In severe cases of the disease, the single dose is increased to 200-300 mg by prior agreement with the doctor.

Codelac Neo

The instructions for use indicate that each Codelac Neo tablet contains 50 mg of the active substance - butamirate citrate. The drug is used in accordance with the following indications:

    For dry cough caused by influenza, whooping cough, and colds.

    In order to suppress cough that occurs during the period before and after surgery, during bronchoscopy.

Tablets are taken 1 pc. with an interval of 8-12 hours. If after 5 days of treatment no clinical improvement is observed, you should consult your doctor again.

It is possible to develop adverse reactions in the form of dizziness, nausea, vomiting, allergic reactions, and drowsiness.


The instructions for use of Paxeladin cough tablets say that the drug has an antitussive effect by inhibiting the cough center. If you use the medicine in the dosage recommended by your doctor, the drug does not suppress the respiratory center or cause respiratory depression. Achievement of maximum concentration in blood plasma is observed after 1-6 hours. The therapeutic effect lasts for 4 hours.

Adults are recommended to take 1 capsule. up to 3 times a day, regardless of food. The duration of treatment is no more than 72 hours. Piaxledin is well tolerated, but in some cases allergic reactions have been reported.


Stoptussin is a combined effective tablet based on butamirate and guaifenesin, which acts comprehensively and contributes not only to antitussive, but also mucolytic and expectorant effects. Thanks to butamirate, a local anesthetic effect is observed on nerve endings localized in the bronchioles and small bronchi.

Stoptussin is indicated for:

    Elimination of conditions accompanied by a dry, debilitating cough caused by infectious and inflammatory diseases, bronchial asthma, pneumoconiosis.

    Relief of cough that occurs during surgery.

The dosage is selected depending on the patient’s body weight. The tablets are taken after meals without chewing.


Falimint is a lozenge that is used for unproductive, irritating coughs by smokers, lecturers, athletes, pilots and people with infectious and inflammatory diseases affecting the respiratory system. The active substance promotes irritation of nerve endings and provides a moderate analgesic, antiemetic and antiseptic effect.

Dragees can be used 1-2 pcs. up to 5 times a day: keep in mouth until the drug is completely dissolved. It is recommended to refrain from using Falimint when treating patients under 4 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, as well as people with fructose intolerance.


Expectorants are prescribed for acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory system: bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, tracheitis. Medicines with an expectorant effect are used as an auxiliary element of treatment, since they do not affect the main cause of the development of the pathological condition.

Expectorants are classified into drugs with:

    Reflex action– such drugs help to have an irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the stomach, thereby irritating the vomiting and cough receptors localized in the medulla oblongata. After this, the production of bronchial secretions increases and a cough appears. Medicines from this group are distinguished by a short period of pharmacological activity. Increasing the dose of medications that contain licorice root, sodium benzoate, eucalyptus essential oil, or terpenes may contribute to the development of nausea and vomiting.

    Resorptive action. Medicines based on potassium and sodium iodide, sodium bicarbonate, ammonium chloride help to increase the production of bronchial secretions, dilute sputum and facilitate its elimination. It is possible to develop adverse reactions in the form of nasal congestion and increased lacrimation.

Active substance

Drug names

Possible side effects

Common thyme herb extract

Tussamag, Bronchicum lozenges, Bronchoplant, Doctor Theiss Bronchosept

Patients with hypersensitivity may experience allergic reactions

Ivy Leaf Extract

Prospan Forte effervescent tablets and lozenges

Eucalyptus oil

Gedelix Eucaps

Essential oils of menthol and eucalyptus


Licorice root in combination with other herbs and substances (ginger, Emblica officinalis, levomenthol, etc.)

Doctor Mom lozenges, Travisil, Linkus Lore

Injury of Thermopsis lanceolata in combination with sodium bicarbonate

Cough tablets, Thermopsol cough tablets

Development of vomiting; when used in high doses, drugs first stimulate breathing and then inhibit it (especially in patients of younger age groups)

When using drugs with expectorant action, it is recommended:

    Increase the daily amount of fluid consumed.

    Avoid using medications that have diuretic or laxative effects.

    Expectorant medications should not be combined with medications that inhibit the cough reflex (based on codeine, glaucine, dextromethorphan).

Expectorant drugs with a reflex action stimulate gastric secretion, so it is recommended that patients with impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract should refrain from using them.


Prospan is a medicine based on dry extract of ivy leaves, which helps reduce the viscosity of mucus and facilitate its discharge. This is an effective medicine, for ease of use it is presented in several dosage forms: effervescent cough tablets, lozenges, syrup, solution, drops.

    Effervescent tablets are prescribed for the treatment of patients over 12 years of age, 1 pc. twice a day. The medicine is used after dissolving in 100-150 ml of hot or cold water.

The average duration of treatment is 7 days. In order to achieve a better therapeutic effect, the drug is used for several days after the patient’s well-being has improved.

Linkus Lore

Linkas Lor - lozenges with lemon-honey, mint or orange flavor. The instructions say that the lozenges contain dry extracts of licorice roots, long pepper, fragrant violet flowers, adhatoda and hyssop leaves, and alpinia rhizomes. The multicomponent phytocomposition helps to provide expectorant, mucolytic, antitussive, and bactericidal effects. The medicine is used in the treatment of diseases accompanied by the formation of difficult to separate sputum.

Adults are recommended to hold the lozenges in their mouth until completely dissolved: 1 pc. every few hours. The drug should not be used for more than 1 week. Linkas Lor is contraindicated in patients under 18 years of age and people with intolerance to the active components.


Bronchipret is a phytomedicine based on dry extracts of thyme and primrose roots. Promotes anti-inflammatory, expectorant, bronchodilator, secretolytic effects. Tablets are prescribed as part of the complex treatment of inflammatory diseases accompanied by cough with sputum.

Adults and patients over 12 years of age are recommended to take 1 tablet. three times a day for 1-2 weeks. If after 1 week no clinical improvement is observed, you should consult your doctor again. In case of overdose, side effects may develop in the form of pain in the stomach, stool disorders, and vomiting.

Gedelix Eucaps

The active component of the drug is eucalyptol, which enhances bronchial secretion and thins mucus, helps to provide expectorant, antispasmodic and mild sedative effects. Indicated for lesions of the upper respiratory tract, accompanied by difficulty in removing sputum. Adults are recommended to take 1 capsule. up to 3 times a day for 1-2 weeks.

The capsules contain eucalyptus oil, which can help reduce the effectiveness of medications with antiepileptic, hypnotic, and analgesic effects. Adverse reactions may develop in the form of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Mucolytic drugs

The list of mucolytic (secretolytic) drugs is divided into drugs with direct action, which quickly affect the composition of bronchial mucus and thin it, as well as mucoregulators (drugs of indirect action) - drugs that help provide an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect.

    Preparations based on ambroxol and bromhexine are classified as mucoregulators that help increase pulmonary surfactant.

    Cysteine ​​derivatives based on acetylcysteine ​​and carbocysteine ​​quickly thin mucus due to their ability to break down the bonds between proteins that make up the mucus.

    The use of proteolytic enzymes (based on trypsin, chymotrypsin, ribonuclease) promotes the destruction of peptide bonds, reduces the viscosity and elasticity of sputum. During treatment, there is a possibility of developing allergic reactions and bronchospasms.

Active substance


Features of application

Direct acting mucolytic


ACC (100, 200, Long), Acestin, Mukobene, Fluimucil, Espa-Nats, N-Ats-ratiopharm.

While taking mucolytics, patients may experience “imaginary deterioration.”


Ambrobene, Lazolvan, Lazongin, Flavamed, Thoraxol, Ambroxol-retard, Mucobron, Ambrolor, Remebrox.

Preparations based on ambroxol and bromhexidine have acidic properties; it is recommended to wash them down with fruit juice.

Indirect action (mucoregulator)


Bromhexine Berlin-Chemie, Solvin, Phlegamine, Flecoxin, Bronchotil

The tablets should not be used in the treatment of pregnant women, patients with severe liver dysfunction, or children under 3 years of age.

Direct acting mucolytic


Fluditec, Bronchobos, Libexin Muco, Mucosol, Bronkatar

The drugs are suitable for the treatment of patients diagnosed with bronchial asthma. Unlike drugs based on acetylcysteine, they do not provoke bronchospasms.

Indirect action (mucoregulator)

Sodium bicarbonate

Sodium bicarbonate, Sodium bicarbonate

Achievement of the therapeutic effect is observed after 5-7 days.

Direct acting mucolytic


Mucolytics should not be used in the treatment of bedridden patients due to the “flooding effect” that occurs.


ACC - effervescent cough tablets help provide a mucolytic effect, i.e. thinning thick and sticky sputum. The medicine demonstrates effectiveness against purulent sputum and is indicated for use in:

    Acute and chronic bronchitis.

    Obstructive bronchitis.




    Lung abscess.


    Bronchial asthma.

    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


    Cystic fibrosis.

For adults and patients over 14 years of age, a daily dosage of 600 mg is recommended, which can be taken once or divided into several doses. The drug is contraindicated in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women, patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers, hemoptysis, and pulmonary hemorrhages.


Lazolvan tablets based on ambroxol effectively eliminate cough accompanied by viscous sputum. Used in the complex treatment of pneumonia, acute and chronic bronchitis, COPD, bronchial asthma. Tablets are taken 1 pc. three times a day, regardless of food. In severe cases of the disease, the dosage can be doubled on the recommendation of a doctor.

The most inexpensive but effective

Among the budgetary but effective remedies are the following cough medications:

    Mukaltin- cheap cough tablets that help provide an expectorant effect. The active component is marshmallow herb extract. Cost from 12 to 40 rubles, depending on the number of tablets (10-50 pcs.).

    Cough tablets– trade name of the drug based on thermopsis herb and sodium bicarbonate. The tablets are inexpensive: their cost ranges from 30 to 60 rubles. The instructions for use of cough tablets indicate that the drug is intended for internal use: 1 pc. three times a day. Allergic reactions may develop if the dosage recommended by the doctor and manufacturer is not followed - vomiting.

    Pectussin They are produced in the form of lozenges, the cost of which is 45-40 rubles. for 10 pcs. The drug is used in the treatment of laryngitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis and other diseases affecting the upper respiratory tract. It is recommended to use 1 tablet. up to 4 times a day: keep in the mouth until completely dissolved. Patients with bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, stenosing laryngitis, spasmophilia, children under 7 years of age, as well as people with hypersensitivity to the active ingredients of the drug (metol, eucalyptus malo) should refrain from using Pectussin.

Cough is not an independent disease. When prescribing a suitable cough medicine, the causes of the symptom are first taken into account: smoking, infectious diseases, allergies, the presence of tumors in the respiratory tract, exposure to irritating chemical factors, disorders of the cardiovascular system, etc. Before using any tablets, regardless of whether they are cheap or expensive, you should consult with a qualified specialist.

Then you can read the material on Wikipedia about antitussives.

Cough is one of the most common symptoms of colds and causes a lot of inconvenience. There are more than enough medications to treat coughs, most of which are sold without a prescription. It is worth noting that the choice of medication is determined by a number of nuances, the main one of which is what type of cough you have, dry or wet. In our recommendation material, you can familiarize yourself with the TOP 12 of the best and most effective antitussives, their pharmacological properties, pros and cons.

A dry cough (in medical terms, unproductive) is accompanied by systematic painful attacks and a sore throat and is treated with antitussive drugs.

A wet cough (productive in medical parlance) during which sputum is expelled. In cases where sputum is not discharged well, it is recommended to use expectorants that increase its production or mucolytics, which accompany less viscous sputum, diluting it.

From a number of mucolytic agents, widely used during productive cough and colds of the respiratory tract. Ambroxol promotes the removal of sputum and treats chronic and acute bronchitis. This medicine is combined with a number of other medications, increasing the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy. The drug is very safe, so it is also prescribed to children.

Positive sides:

  • No narcotic effect;
  • Availability;
  • Fast reaction.

Negative sides:

  • Allergic reactions.

An effective drug in the treatment of wet, productive cough. The drug is available in the form of a mixture and in tablets and causes an expectorant and mucolytic process. The medicine reduces the viscosity of sputum, and also increases its volume and softens its discharge. The medicinal effect usually appears within two to five days from the start of use. Bromhexine is used during wet cough, chronic and acute bronchopulmonary diseases, including trachebronchitis, pulmonary emphysema. The medicine is contraindicated in children under 6 years of age and pregnant women during the first trimester. If absolutely necessary, the drug can be used for up to four weeks without interruption.

Positive sides:

  • Provides comprehensive treatment;
  • Strengthens the expectorant effect;
  • It has virtually no contraindications.

Negative sides:

  • Strictly contraindicated for people suffering from gastric ulcers.
  • You should not use it simultaneously with medications that contain codeine.

A medicinal syrup that dilates the bronchi and has a deep antitussive and anti-inflammatory effect. The combined drug is considered safe and quickly alleviates the condition, it is also used in pediatrics, to treat children from 3 years old, basil oil in the syrup has an antispasmodic and antimicrobial effect, ephedrine stimulates breathing, dilating the bronchi. Bronholitin is not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Positive sides:

  • Convenient measuring cup available;
  • High antitussive effect;
  • Based on medicinal herbs;
  • Availability.

Negative sides:

  • Contraindicated for long-term use;
  • Side effects: insomnia

A very effective medicinal product, which contains only one active ingredient - medicinal marshmallow extract containing polysaccharides. In the treatment of wet productive cough, one of the most common drugs. Mucaltin enhances bronchial secretion and has an anti-inflammatory effect. On average, the allowed course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

Side effects: an allergic reaction is possible. Mucaltin tablets can be washed down or dissolved in a small amount of water, which is considered more effective.

Positive sides:

  • Availability;
  • Natural drug;
  • Practicality;
  • Has no contraindications;
  • Has a pleasant taste;

Negative sides:

  • Contraindicated in diabetes mellitus;
  • Contraindicated in case of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.

The best liquid cough remedy. A combined syrup with caramel flavor for wet and dry coughs has a complex effect: it promotes the transition of a dry cough into a wet one, promotes the removal of phlegm, reduces inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane. No side effects of this drug have been identified; it can be safely combined with other medications. Stodal can be used by both adults and children of any age.

Positive sides:

  • Safety;
  • Pleasant taste;
  • Convenient to dose;
  • Can be used by pregnant women (as directed by a doctor)

Negative sides:

  • Ethyl alcohol content;
  • High price;
  • There is no selection of homeopathic remedies.

A medicinal product, a productive remedy against dry cough, suitable for adults and children. The drug provides mucus dilution and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The use of Libexin helps suppress the cough reflex and reduce the sensitivity of the cough receptor. The drug should be used with extreme caution in young children.

Positive sides:

  • Relieves chronic and painful cough;
  • Not addictive;
  • Removes phlegm;
  • Effective for the treatment of respiratory tract diseases, regardless of their stage.

Negative sides:

  • Contains sucrose;
  • Accompanied by allergies and bronchospasm;
  • Contraindicated for long-term use.

A combined drug that has a mucolytic effect and prevents the cough reflex. A very popular and very effective remedy for unproductive, dry and irritating cough, however, before choosing this drug as treatment, you should thoroughly study the contraindications and side effects. The drug Stoptussin is suitable for intensive treatment, it is contraindicated for pregnant women in the first trimester, and in the second and third trimesters strictly as prescribed by the doctor, you should ensure that the drug is safe for the fetus. Side effects: diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, drowsiness, skin rash, decreased appetite, dizziness and headache.

Positive sides:

  • Significantly facilitates coughing;
  • Relieves dry cough.

Negative sides:

  • Contraindicated for prolonged and chronic cough.

3. Faliminitis

An antiseptic, antitussive remedy eliminates unproductive, reflex cough, thins mucus, and relieves irritation. Tablets can be dissolved up to ten times a day; faliminitis is contraindicated in children under 4 years of age, nursing mothers and pregnant women. After using Faliminit, you should refrain from eating and drinking. The antiseptic drug faliminit is not intended for long-term use.

Positive sides:

  • Highly effective for non-productive cough;
  • Has a disinfectant effect;
  • Safe drug;

Negative sides:

  • Not for use by small children;
  • Strictly prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The Doctor Mom line of herbal preparations has an excellent expectorant effect and phlegm removal. This medicine contains: basil, ginger, aloe, elecampane, licorice, etc.

  • Doctor Mom herbal lozenges are effective during cough and tickling. A unique combination of medicinal herbs helps relieve inflammation and pain when coughing. The composition of herbal lozenges includes: ginger extract, licorice extract and emblica. It is recommended to dissolve 1 lozenge every 2 hours, so the daily dose is a maximum of 10 lozenges. They can be used from 14 years of age.
  • Doctor Mom herbal syrup has a complex effect: it removes mucus, cleanses the bronchi, and is also a preventive drug. The syrup contains 10 medicinal herbs and is suitable for treating small children from 3 years old.
  • Warming ointment Doctor Mom is recommended to be applied to the back or chest. The warming effect that the ointment has helps in the fight against both dry and wet coughs. The main active ingredients of the drug are eucalyptus oil and menthol. Thanks to its composition, the ointment is absolutely safe for children. Doctor Mom ointment is strictly contraindicated at high temperatures.

Positive sides:

  • Softens cough;
  • Pleasant to the taste;
  • It is a prophylactic drug;
  • Long-term use possible;
  • Accessible.

Negative sides:

  • Possible allergic reaction;
  • Not particularly effective for severe coughs.

1. ACC

The abundant mucolytic effect that this drug has on the body allows it to be considered one of the best remedies in the fight against wet cough. ACC is effective and safe in the treatment of diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, oral cavity, and nasopharynx. It also has antitussive and anti-inflammatory effects. The drug, which helps to thin sputum, mucopurulent and purulent sputum, can be granulated (100/200 mg) with orange flavor for the preparation of syrup and comes in ACC Long effervescent tablets.
ACC is contraindicated for pregnant women, especially in early pregnancy; nursing mothers should use it with caution. To avoid congestion of the respiratory tract, ACC is not combined with paracetamol or other antitussive medications.

Positive sides:

  • Effectively removes phlegm;
  • Pleasant taste;
  • Relieves cough;
  • Practical packaging;
  • Helps with a huge number of diseases of the respiratory system.

Negative sides:

  • Possible development of allergies;
  • Many contraindications;
  • Contraindicated during breastfeeding and pregnancy.

Folk remedies for treating cough

We should not forget about the folk remedies that our great-grandmothers used to combat cough. The most common natural remedy is black radish with honey. Black radish juice has a positive effect on coughs, and sweet and healthy honey in combination with black radish juice is an ideal remedy for colds. These components are natural antibiotics and have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antitussive effects.

Positive sides:

  • Natural antibiotic;
  • Natural;
  • Pleasant to the taste;
  • Accessible;
  • No side effects.

Negative sides:

  • Contraindicated for people allergic to honey;
  • Not recommended for use for ulcers and diabetes.

The best cough medicines for children

The best cough medicines for children are

  • overslept,
  • gedelix.

Made from thermopsis, marshmallow, essential oils and licorice. These substances promote rapid contraction of the bronchi and make the bronchial mucus more liquid, and also increase the amount of mucus.

The best remedy for dry cough for children is inhalation, steam and moisturizing aerosols. Steam inhalations with essential oils or herbal decoctions provide antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. This range is also complemented by alkaline mineral water and natural milk.

Treatment of cough should be comprehensive, for this purpose it is recommended to influence the problem from different sides: do inhalations, gargle, etc. For an effective effect, the choice of cough medicine should be taken responsibly, strictly following the dosage and instructions for use, understanding which drug to use what age category is preferable, and also take care of proper storage of medications. And do not forget to consult a doctor, since self-medication does not always promise a positive result. Take care of your health!!!