The cat's body is trembling. The cat is shaking - a complete list of reasons from the veterinarian

After surgical intervention Complications may develop and your pet may feel different than usual. Therefore, many owners become concerned as soon as they notice that their cat is trembling after sterilization. What could this be connected with? Should I immediately go to the vet? What should you do if your cat is shaking after sterilization?

First, let's look at what causes trembling in cats.


Cats are warm-blooded animals, and just like their owners, they get cold. A comfortable temperature for pets in the house is +18 - +20 degrees. But if the room gets sharply cold or there is a draft, then the animal can poke at you.

Trembling increases if the cat's fur is wet (after bathing). Therefore, be sure to water procedures Wipe your pet's fur dry before letting it into the room (and especially outside).


Yes, if the cat is scared, nervous, angry, or has slight tremors (tremors). Usually the fur also stands on end, the tail is like a pipe. In general, recognize a cat in nervous tension not that difficult. As soon as the animal calms down, the trembling disappears.

Lack of vitamin B, magnesium or calcium

It happens that due to a lack of vitamins, calcium or magnesium, the animal begins to tremble slightly. There may be seizures. It is enough to add vitamin and mineral supplements to the diet (a course of 10 days), and the improvements will be noticeable.

Fatigue after exercise

If the cat has been running for a long time, the muscles may begin to tremble slightly. Think about yourself after running, how your legs can shake. But once you rest a little, it all goes away. Observe your pet if tremors persist long time, then the reason is probably not the active pastime of the mustache.

Why does a cat shake after sterilization?

So why does a cat shake after sterilization?


If you notice trembling almost immediately after you brought it home, and the animal has recovered from anesthesia, then most likely the pet is cold. Many veterinarians give advice to owners even in the veterinary clinic: do not place the cat high (on sofas, chairs) so that it does not fall, but be sure to place its bed closer to the heat (a radiator, you can put a heating pad nearby). This is necessary because the animal is cool (the thermoregulation center “turns off” during anesthesia), and warming up will help it come to its senses more easily.

The blanket is in the way

Sometimes a cat shakes after sterilization if she is wearing a blanket or bandage. This is how the animal tries to “shake off” a foreign object.

Inflammatory process

If the trembling appeared after the pet had recovered from anesthesia (a day or more later, for example), then it is necessary to measure the temperature. The cat may have a fever caused by the onset of inflammatory process in the body.

Look at the stitches to see if there are any strange discharges (ichor, pus), swelling, redness, or pain. Has your cat's appetite changed or is there vomiting?

In general, if you notice that your mustache has symptoms of illness (other than trembling) after sterilization, contact your veterinarian immediately. veterinary clinic to a specialist whom you trust and whose qualifications you do not doubt. After an in-person examination of your beauty, he will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment (antibiotic therapy is possible).

Trembling is a natural reaction of an animal's body in response to changes in air temperature. The cat is shaking various reasons, often just wanting to stay warm in anticipation of catching prey. However, a good half possible reasons comes down to the presence of infections of various etiologies. Then it is important to be able to distinguish normal tremors from serious ones internal problems, dangerous convulsive conditions. Let's try to figure out together in what cases you should immediately run for help.

Causes of body tremors

The tremor effect is caused by strong muscle tension animal. The cat may be stressed and scared. The desire to quietly get close to a sparrow sitting nearby causes muscle tension and a silent gait. But after capturing the desired victim, relaxation sets in, and characteristic muscle tremors are observed.

During sleep When the temperature drops, the cat may experience discomfort, a desire to stay warm, and shivering stimulates heat production. An uncomfortable position also causes shaking. Another source is the period of puberty, the rut. The cat is trembling from a powerful release of hormones, anticipating a quick meeting with the female. This condition is absolutely normal and no help is required.

If periodic trembling of the limbs is observed, it is worth turning close attention on the animal's diet. Perhaps there is a banal weakness due to a lack of nutrients, malnutrition. Small kittens may suffer from rickets, bowed legs, trembling becomes evidence of weak bones, weakened muscle tone.

When the cat shakes, unsuccessfully trying to return to the optimal position, you should start sounding the alarm. The condition is atypical, plus convulsions, vomiting, fever are mixed in - there is definitely some kind of disease. The most dangerous thing for a cat’s life is rhinotracheitis. A disease that affects the respiratory, visual system, can quickly lead to paralysis respiratory center, death of an animal.

If the cat is trembling all over, experiencing obvious difficulties in moving, or other signs of illness are observed, it is worth contacting veterinary care. The veterinarian will examine the cat, assess its internal and external condition, and prescribe qualified treatment. In the other described cases, it is enough to provide the cat with additional heat, eliminate drafts, and balance the diet.

Attentive cat owners always notice if something wrong happens to their pets. But changes can be both normal and beyond the norm. In what cases is it necessary to contact a veterinarian, and in what cases should you not?

Consider the phenomenon of a cat shaking. What causes this symptom, and how can you help the animal?

Causes of trembling

If your cat is trembling, you will definitely notice it. Even if it is a fairly minor trembling, which you may not notice visually under the fur, you will feel it when you touch the pet and stroke it or pick it up. The symptom may manifest itself more intensely. At this time, your pet's paws may twitch a little. It is impossible to confuse the symptom with others, but often the owners do not know that similar cases needs to be done.

There is no need to panic when trembling occurs, but this situation cannot be ignored. If this phenomenon causes you concern, since it occurs frequently and is accompanied by other symptoms, it is still better to show your pet to a veterinarian. But every owner of a cat should still know what reasons can cause trembling. Sometimes finding out the cause and eliminating it successfully eliminates trembling. But in any case, you need to consult a doctor.

Cats are not only very brave and daring, but also very timid. They are afraid of many things. Trembling may occur due to the fact that the animal has been exposed to some kind of stress. For example, circumstances in his usual life have changed. Some pets cope with change and stress more calmly. For others, adapting to something new is much more difficult. Therefore, they can tremble even because you changed their food for another one or a stranger came to visit, who for some reason causes fear or mistrust in your pet. As a result of fear, trembling begins.

You need to understand what exactly caused this reaction in your pet and eliminate its cause. After this, try to calm the animal as quickly as possible. Pick it up, stroke it, try to distract it. Such tremors are best treated with good emotions.

If you do not pay attention to this behavior, then in the future it may affect changes in the pet’s behavior, which may become annoying for you. Therefore, paying attention to caring for your pet and taking care of its emotional state is very important.

This is the most harmless reason, which may cause your pet to tremble. But even ordinary cold may not have the most harmless consequences.

Hypothermia of your pet's body can lead to a cold. And this is already a cause for concern. It is very important to observe when keeping cats temperature regime. This applies most of all to purebred animals with short hair, as well as those who have no hair at all. In winter, such animals need heating. If you see that the animal is trembling, and the temperature in the room is really low, try changing the conditions in which the pet is kept and observe the changes. Perhaps the house just needs better heating.

You can arrange a place for your pet in the warmest place in the house, where he will happily spend time in the winter. If necessary, dress your pet in special clothes. Such clothes do not have to be bought in stores for a lot of money. You can make it yourself using advice from a magazine or the Internet.

If a cat starts shivering while walking on a cold day, most likely the pet is simply cold. Therefore, it is better to stop walking. If your pet does not tolerate the cold well, then it is best to take walks only in warm weather.

Joyful emotions
Trembling can also occur for the exact opposite reason. That is, because of the joyful emotions that the animal experiences. For example, you were not at home all day, and the animal was bored alone. When you come home and he has the opportunity to lie on your lap, this is a real delight for the cat. When a pet finds itself next to its owner after being bored, it may well even tremble with joy. Researchers believe that a cat can tremble even after eating. But not because he rejoices in being full. When the stomach is full, the muscles of the body contract.

Another reason is sexual arousal
The symptom also appears at the time of sexual arousal. During this period, all their sensations are more acute, they react to everything more strongly. If this feeling is not satisfied, this also leads to stress. If you do not want to specifically breed your pets, it is recommended to spay or neuter them.

When do you need a veterinarian?

The veterinarian will examine the animal and prescribe necessary tests. As a result, it may turn out that the pet has diseased kidneys. Along with trembling, the pet becomes more aggressive and its behavior changes.

There is another reason why trembling may begin. And she's pretty serious. This is rhinotracheitis. This disease can affect both an adult animal and a kitten. It can develop in representatives of any breed. With this disease, the pet's respiratory system is affected.

In order to identify a disease in your pet as early as possible and begin to treat it, it is better to show it to the veterinarian as soon as you become suspicious and concerned. If your suspicions are not confirmed, you can calm down, and if they are confirmed, you will have a better chance that your pet will recover faster, and this will not affect his health.

Domestic animals (particularly cats), like people, sometimes experience tremor (shaking). There are many reasons for its occurrence. Before helping your pet, you need to figure out why the cat is trembling.

Situations that do not cause concern

Tremor is not always the cause of the disease. There are a number of reasons when this phenomenon does not cause much concern.


The most common factor that causes trembling in an animal's body is cold. No one is immune from hypothermia - and cats are no exception. If she is cold, she can tremble in different ways: large (this is visible to the naked eye) or small (it is easy to notice the trembling by placing your palm on the pet’s body).

Cold tremor itself should not cause concern. However, it should be remembered that from too low temperatures the cat may get sick. Therefore, you need to do everything possible to ensure that she does not become overcooled and does not tremble from this (properly heat the room, use clothes for animals).

Emotional excitement

The cause of your pet's periodic trembling can be certain emotional states. For example, strong fear, discomfort from the appearance of strangers in the house, aggression. Tremor in in this case explained by the tension engulfing the cat. The animal is like a stretched string that is about to snap, and this is why it begins to tremble.

Not only negative emotions capable of causing this condition. A cat experiencing bliss may also tremble periodically. Many owners notice that when they return from work in the evening and a bored cat rushes towards them, rubs against their legs and purrs contentedly, it literally shakes with joy. This is fine. You shouldn’t leave your pet alone for a long time if she has such a hard time with separation..

Sex hormones

A very common reason for a cat to tremble is hormonal storms. They shock the animal's body when it needs mating. During such periods, the male frantically marks everything around him, screams heart-rendingly, demanding a bride, and suffers from a tremor that covers his entire body - from the ears to the tip of the tail.

The same goes for cats. During estrus, they also often tremble. It is better not to allow the animal to suffer in such a way. If kittens are not in your plans, sterilize your pet or at least buy pills that reduce libido.

"Sleepy" tremor

Sometimes owners notice that the cat trembles when it lies with its eyes closed. The tremor in this case is not constant. Rather, we can talk about periodic shuddering of the body or its individual parts (for example, paws).

There's no need to worry. If there are no other symptoms, such trembling only indicates that the animal is as relaxed as possible and receives true pleasure from rest. True, sometimes the cat trembles from nightmare, in which, for example, she is being chased huge dog, or the coveted sausage was taken away. It's not scary. The animal will wake up and everything will be fine. IN as a last resort, you can wake up.

Trembling as a warning sign

There are many various pathologies, in which the cat trembles. The most common:

In search of an answer to the question of why a cat trembles like an aspen leaf, you should analyze all the factors and take a closer look at the pet. Are there other symptoms and, if so, what are they? Is it stable? emotional state animal; does it want to “walk”; trembling occurs when the pet is sleeping or awake; etc.

All this is of great importance. If time goes by, but the situation is not normalized or there are accompanying warning signs, the cat should be shown to a specialist as soon as possible.