The biggest dog in the world. The largest dogs in the world

When choosing the largest dog breeds, you should take into account the general impression of the appearance of their typical representatives, which combines several parameters - height, bones, muscles, weight. And even in this case, the choice will be very difficult.

The breed, which combines the genes of mastiffs and great Danes, took first place in the ranking thanks to two giants - Aikama Zorba (Great Britain) and Hercules (USA).

Zorba, listed in the Guinness Book of Records in 1989 as the “largest dog in the world,” weighed almost 156 kg with a height of 94 cm, and Hercules (with a meter neck diameter and weight 123 kg) joined the company of record holders in 2001.

In the 11th century, hunters exchanged one mastiff for a pack of 20 hounds and greyhounds - the dog’s fighting skills were so highly valued.

The “reconstruction” of the breed began in 1872, creating the Club of Lovers of the Old English Mastiff (this is a more accurate name for the dogs), and a year later the ancestor of the modern mastiff, Taura, appeared before the public.

Now this is the heaviest breed with impressive dimensions: the average weight of a male is from 75 kg, of a female - from 70 kg.

The second largest dog breed. This fact was confirmed by Zorba’s contemporary - a St. Bernard named Benedict, who made the scales jump to almost 140 kg.

Their ancestors are considered to be Tibetan (according to one version) or Roman fighting mastiffs (according to another). Saint Bernards are not only large, but also powerful dogs: in 1987, an 80-kilogram male moved and dragged a load 4.5 m, pulling 3000 kg.

Saint Bernards are loyal, friendly and obedient. They are extremely gentle with small children and loyal to adults. There is a minus - they don't like miniature dogs. There is only one way out - raise the puppies together. Another drawback is excessive drooling in the heat.

They live, on average, a short time - about eight years.

Great Dane

The list of the largest breeds of domestic dogs includes Great Danes and Irish Wolfhounds, which are superior to St. Bernards and Mastiffs not in weight, but in height.

From Arizona (USA), named Giant George, he entered the Book of Records due to his height at the withers (110 cm) and weight (111 kg). The dog died three years ago, a month shy of his eighth birthday.

After the death of George, the record holder's laurels passed to a resident of the state of Michigan - Zeus, who was significantly inferior to the Arizonan in weight, but was one (!) centimeter ahead of him in height.

The blue Great Dane Zeus lived peacefully with his owner's cat, but for long journeys he required a separate minibus. Zeus lived less than George (only five years), going to his canine forefathers in the fall of 2014.

Great Danes are calm and friendly: if they knock you down, take it as a sign of sympathy. Dogs simply do not know how to calculate their strength.

Irish Wolfhound

The breed, which originated from the Irish greyhounds, almost disappeared at the end of the 17th century. But in 1885, the Irish Wolfhound Club appeared, which became concerned with its reconstruction. And 12 years later, the breed was registered by the American Kennel Club.

A sheep at home, a lion on the hunt: this is a characteristic of the Irish Wolfhound, known throughout the world. The dogs supported the hunters by chasing wolves and deer. A modern representative of the breed will become your easy companion during your morning/evening jog.

These are muscular and very tall dogs: males grow up to 79 cm and above, females - up to 71 cm and more. Irish Wolfhounds captivate with their harmonious appearance and peaceful disposition.

A descendant of fighting dogs that fought in the arenas of Ancient Rome. The dogs were known as excellent watchdogs, so they lived in the yards of ordinary people, who almost did not engage in their targeted breeding.

The Mastino Napoletano standard was adopted only in 1949. Now these are dogs of impressive size with a strong skeleton and powerful muscles. Males stretch up to 75 cm (at the withers) with a weight of 70 kg, females - up to 68 cm with a weight of 60 kg.

Mastinos have not lost their guard skills and protect the territory well. Sociable and affectionate to the owner. The second quality can easily develop into jealousy, which will manifest itself as aggression. They do not get along well with other pets, and are not recommended for families with children under 12 years of age.


He is also an Asian, a Turkmen wolfhound or a Central Asian shepherd dog. Dog handlers are confident that this is not only the oldest breed (which arose from 3 to 6 thousand years ago), but also the least spoiled by selection.

An excellent example of a smart, wayward and independent Alabai lives in the Stavropol region. The bulldozer (that’s the dog’s name) is 12 years old, he has long been retired and, despite the diet, weighs 130 kg. He was recognized as the largest dog in the CIS and confirmed his title with numerous awards and titles.

Asians are kind to their owners, but do not trust strangers. They will protect everything that is dear to their breadwinner to the last drop of blood: home, relatives and children.

Tibetan Mastiff

He has a wide muzzle, straight back and well-developed shoulders, as well as tall height (up to 71 cm) and impressive weight - up to 100 kg.

This is not only a selectively large dog, but also the most expensive dog on the planet. In the Celestial Empire, they did not spare $1.5 million for a red Tibetan mastiff puppy.

They are similar in intelligence to Great Danes. These mastiffs are calm and reserved towards both humans and other animals.

In order to unconditionally obey the owner, they require absolute leadership and understanding of dog psychology.

Scottish Deerhound

The middle name is Reindeer Greyhound. This hunting breed appeared in the sixteenth century, but gained official status later - in 1892. The Deerhound is classified as the largest dog due to its considerable height (up to 72 cm) and weight (up to 46 kg).

Dogs have a balanced character: they rarely get angry and almost never bark. They have developed empathy, responding to the owner’s mood. They love and take care of children. A priori, they trust strangers, which makes them practically unsuitable for protection.

They take their name from the island of the same name. In Canada they were considered working dogs, changing their “specialty” in Russia, where they are more often called divers (possibly due to the membranes between their toes).

Cynologists have not yet decided on a single theory of the origin of these majestic dogs with thick (brown/black) fur. One thing is clear - the breed completely lacks the hunting instinct. These dogs are able to inspire respect with their respectable dimensions: males grow up to 71 cm (gaining 68 kg), females - up to 66 cm.

The Newfoundland is not just an intelligent dog: in an emergency, it will make an independent and error-free decision.

Russian greyhound

Until the 17th century, the Russian canine was called the Circassian greyhound, receiving its current name from the “dog” (wavy, silky coat) that distinguishes the dogs from other greyhounds.

The breed is characterized by high growth (75-86 cm), restrained muscularity, narrow build, and grace. The dog is indispensable for hunting: it sees perfectly, runs quickly (especially over short distances), and smells the animal.

At home, he demonstrates an easy-going character. The favorite dog of painters, poets and sculptors.

People make four-legged friends often without even thinking about what the dog’s character is, what he loves and why this or that breed was bred. The following is presented for informational purposes only. ten the largest and most powerful dogs.

The English Mastiff is characterized by:

  • powerful muscles;
  • sad eyes;
  • weight up to 86 kg;
  • height at the withers – 76 cm.
This heavyweight looks very proportionate and many dog ​​lovers choose the English Mastiff not only for protection, but also for children.

Despite its rather stern appearance, this largest and most powerful dog in the world loves its owners infinitely. She will never offend a child, but it is difficult for children to play with such a pet due to its excessive massiveness.

Of course, this breed needs regular care and training.

Important! It’s difficult to call the English Mastiff the smartest and most flexible dog, but he will definitely learn the basic lessons.

This heavyweight eats a lot, but should not be overfed. Nutrition should be balanced and limited to 2-3 meals per day.

The birthplace of this giant is Extremadura(Spain).
Initially, Spanish mastiffs, like their ancestors, were used as livestock guards. Such dogs were presented special requirements: they had to be balanced so as not to scare away the cattle, confident and independent, because at night they had to guard the herd without a person.

In addition, they had to be strong and brave to protect against attacks on livestock.

And the Spanish mastiff combines all these qualities - they are able to herd a herd for several days in a row, even without food, and will not allow themselves to kill the cattle. Spanish Mastiff Growth– 77-90 cm, weight – 80-120 kg.

This noble heavyweight will become a wonderful friend for all family members and a devoted guard of the house and territory. It will be inconvenient to keep such a pet in an apartment, but in a private house he will feel comfortable in an enclosure.

– the heaviest among the largest and most powerful dog breeds. The usual weight of these giants is 75-90 kg. However, you can meet a St. Bernard weighing 120 kg.

Did you know? In 1978, a representative of this breed became a real record holder, moving a load of three tons to a distance of 4.5 meters. It took him 1.5 minutes to do this.

Distinctive features of St. Bernard representatives:

  • wise eyes;
  • friendliness;
  • stability of character;
  • playfulness.
Saint Bernards love winter very much - not a single dog misses the opportunity to play in the snow.
At a young age, St. Bernards are stubborn and refuse to follow commands or requests, which causes inconvenience to their owners.

In such cases, you should communicate more with your pet and give him time for quality rest, and spend more time with him outside.

If you and your family are discreet about snoring, drooling and fur, then such a dog will become your best and most loyal friend.

Important! They begin to train the St. Bernard from the time he appears in the house.

Representatives of this breed were given fourth place. They come from Aragon (Spain).
Initially, Asian traders used Pyrenean mastiffs in South-West Europe as shepherds.

These heavyweights quite large– 77-81 cm at the withers. Average weight – 70-81 kg. Although, there are also representatives weighing 100 kg.

By character Pyrenean Mastiffs– loyal, reliable pets who express their readiness to communicate with small children, which is why they are often entrusted with the role of a nanny. They understand perfectly well what is wanted from them, but may not follow commands if they do not recognize the person’s authority.

Pyrenean Mastiffs are prized for their intelligence and reliability. Today, thanks to their powers of observation, endurance and calmness, they are actively used as bodyguards and security guards. Like all large dogs, Pyrenean Mastiffs are best kept in a private home. If they are kept in an apartment, such pets need to be walked for a long time 2 or 3 times a day, giving a load to the muscles. In addition, Pyrenean mastiffs must often be taken out into nature, where they can frolic to their heart's content.

If you like large dog breeds, this beauty is what you need.
Great Danes were bred at the end of the 19th century in Germany. The height at the withers is 70 cm, although a record figure was recorded - above 1 meter. The weight of the Great Dane is 55-90 kg.

– an excellent guard who, if necessary, can become a devoted companion. They are infinitely devoted to their owner, are not prone to aggression and love children very much. They treat strangers with distrust.

Although Great Danes rarely bark, this does not stop them from guarding their territory.

Important! Such pets are suitable for those who already have some experience with dogs, since they can be wayward and stubborn. Early socialization is important for them.

Great Danes will require a fair amount of attention and some sacrifices from the owner. Therefore, those who do not have enough time are not recommended to have such a pet.

This breed is known to many by the mane around its head.
Initially, Tibetan mastiffs were used to protect temples. The largest heavyweight of this breed weighed 120 kg. Average weight Tibetan mastiff– 82 kg, height – 85 cm.

Unfortunately, this heavyweight is only available to people with high incomes (the price for a puppy is 2-10 thousand euros).

Did you know? According to legend, the Tibetan Mastiff is the oldest dog that belonged to the Buddha himself.

Thanks to their thick undercoat and luxurious coat, Tibetan mastiffs can easily withstand any weather, and their power and strength allow them to overcome long distances along rocky trails.

Distinctive Features:

  • powerful bones and muscles;
  • endurance;
  • calm;
  • durability;
  • cleanliness;
  • restraint;
  • excellent health;
  • longevity (average 16 years).

Newfoundland ranks seventh place among the largest dogs. This popular breed was initially used only in Canada as a labor force.
Newfoundlands may have light spots on their paws and chest. In post-Soviet territory, these dogs are called divers.

Did you know? Newfoundland dogs have webbed feet.

The standard weight for males is 70 kg with a height of 74 cm.

Newfoundland is a very affectionate dog, whose kindness can be compared to a Labrador. Representatives of this breed are friendly and treat all family members with warmth. Moreover, the Newfoundland is friendly not only to children, but also to strangers.
The character of these dogs fully corresponds to their purpose - saving people. They love water very much and tolerate any temperature well.

This breed was developed in the 17th century Africa. Its representatives have excellent security qualities.

– a powerful, hardy dog ​​with good plasticity and reaction. The height of such a dog– 64-70 cm, weight– 70-90 kg.
These dogs require constant care and attention: training, physical activity, affection. Most pets consider themselves family members and suffer without their owners. Moreover, without communication, they can become destructive.

Boerboels have a very developed protective instinct and are considered the best guards. With proper upbringing, pets are calm towards strangers, although they act aloof.

Without socialization, these dogs become aggressive and hypervigilant. Protecting their territory or their owner, Boerboels prefer to intimidate the victim, but are also ready to use force.
Such a pet will never allow harm to the owner or family member, and is always ready to give his life for them.

Anyone who is interested in large breeds of dogs and has looked at their photos with names is fascinated by the Moscow Watchdog. This heavyweight was bred in the 50s of the 20th century by hybridizing the St. Bernard, the Caucasian Shepherd and the Russian Pinto Hound.
The standard height of this heavyweight is 77-78 cm, weight is 45-60 kg.

Moscow watchmen– balanced, self-confident dogs. Among the family, Moscow watchdogs are affectionate and kind bears that children love to play with.

However, they have excellent security and guard qualities. These dogs are fearless and never back down.

The Moscow watchdog needs movement, although it can also be taught the manners of a city dweller. This dog never barks for no reason.

Important! The Moscow Watchdog should not be owned by older people, teenagers or those who are used to coddling animals. Without proper training, a dog will lose its best qualities and grow up to be cowardly or overly aggressive.

The owner of the Moscow watchdog should become for her real authority, to whom she will obey unquestioningly.

This breed was bred in Germany and named after the German city of Leonberg, whose mayor was fond of breeding and crossed the Landseer, St. Bernard and Pyrenean mountain dog.
Leonbergers have a calm character and temperament. Perfect for the role of a security guard.

Leonberger standard height– 70 cm, weight – 80 kg.

Thanks to its lush and long coat Leonberger looks simply huge. Although, despite their massiveness, these dogs are very dexterous.

Thanks to its easy-going nature, this dog can become an excellent nanny for children. In addition, they can serve as police officers and help rescue people from snow slides and water.

Of course, a large dog requires not only a lot of time, but also money. Anyone who is going to adopt such a pet must raise it correctly so that the dog becomes a reliable protector and not an uneducated danger to the family.

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Dog is different from dog! There are tiny mini dogs that society ladies carry in their purses, and there are real giants, not much inferior in size to small horses.

1. Hulk - pit bull

Hulk is the largest pit bull in the world, he will blow your mind with his charm! Despite some prejudices, as well as their menacing appearance, pit bulls are very friendly creatures. Proof of this is a big dog with a huge heart - the Hulk. It’s not for nothing that he was nicknamed that; you must admit, the nickname suits him very well, because whatever one may say, the Hulk is the largest pit bull in the world. The four-legged record holder is not even three years old yet, and he already weighs 79 kg,
Don't let its appearance fool you. The dog's owners Marlon and Lisa are professional dog breeders, so Hulk is incredibly calm and disciplined, he knows his place and is ready to sacrifice his life to protect his owner. In addition, this giant is very playful and friendly, you will not be able to resist his charm.

2. Aikama Zorba

This was the name of a dog living in Great Britain, listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest dog in the world. In November 1989, when Zorba stepped on the scales, the shooter fell just short of 156 kg; this rare representative of the Mastiff breed also reached an impressive 94 cm in height. At the same time as Zorba, the St. Bernard Benedict, who had fattened up to 146 kg, also lived on the globe. By the way, it is St. Bernards and mastiffs that are recognized as the largest dog breeds. Not in weight, but in height they are still superior to Great Danes; Irish wolfhounds were also considered the largest in the world.

3. Great Dane named Zeus

A three-year-old Great Dane named Zeus from Otsego, Michigan, was listed in the new 2013 Guinness Book of World Records as the largest dog ever recorded. Its height is 111.8 cm from leg to withers. The Great Dane reaches 2.2 m in height while standing on its hind legs. A giant dog from Michigan in the US eats a 14kg bag of food every day and weighs 70kg. Zeus can easily reach the kitchen faucet to drink water.
The largest dog of 2013 is taller than any of its owners.

4. Newfoundland

The popular giant dog breed originates from the northeast coast of Canada. They were originally used as working dogs for fishermen due to their webbed feet, water-repellent coat, and innate swimming abilities. These dogs are natural rescuers, they usually weigh 60-70 kg, some members of the breed have been known to weigh up to 90 kg. The largest Newfoundland weighed 120 kg, they are known for their gigantic size, enormous strength and easy-going nature. In addition, they have high intelligence and the ability to make independent decisions. As for enormous strength, this is not an exaggeration - the strongest dog in proportion to its own weight is a Newfoundland named Barbara Alens weighing 44 kg, which dragged 2289 kg on a concrete surface.

5. Irish Wolfhound

One of the tallest dogs in the world. The Irish Wolfhound has the longest history full of greatness, the Celts used their ancestors for hunting, the outstanding size, strength and speed of the Irish Wolfhounds marked the beginning of massive demonstrative baiting of animals with their help. Unfortunately, this also led to a reduction in the breed's population to a critical level. By the beginning of the 19th century, it had practically disappeared and only thanks to an enthusiast named Richardson, who traveled the length and breadth of the British Isles in search of an old-type female Irish Wolfhound, today we can acquire these muscular, curly-haired dogs.

6. Leonberger

This beautiful breed will not leave anyone indifferent. This breed was developed in 1940 in Germany. The breeder wanted to breed dogs that would look like a lion, so she had to cross a long-haired St. Bernard and a Newfoundland. The result was a very strong and powerful dog weighing 60-70 kg. Dogs of this breed are distinguished by their mobility combined with balance. By the way, Leonbergers often work as water rescuers. Very gentle character, obedience and goodwill, these are the reasons why some people are simply in love with the breed. They love their family, adore children - playing with them, calmly react to every word of the owner, but along with this good nature the dog has serious watchdog qualities and abilities.

7. Caucasian Shepherd

A very large shepherd dog of the Caucasian breed, it is the oldest breed of dog, it is more than 3000 years old. It was bred in the Caucasus, which is why it got its name. Their height is usually from 70 cm at the withers, and they usually weigh up to 70 kg. They were bred specifically to protect flocks of sheep, which is why the dog has a very dense undercoat and thick, long hair. thanks to it, the dog can stay in the cold for a very long time; usually they merged with the herd of sheep, which they protected due to the fact that from afar they had a vague resemblance to a lamb and thus protected the herd from attacks by marauders or wolves. This breed has excellent fighting and guard qualities. endurance, courage and strength.

8. Anatolian Shepherd

A brave shepherd originally from Turkey, distinguished by his lightning-fast reaction and vigilance. He has a distrustful, but very balanced character. This breed weighs up to 68 kg, and their height is up to 79 cm. Although they are most often described as herding dogs, they are actually guard dogs, protecting herds from jackals and wolves, even bears.

9. Tibetan Mastiff

A very ancient breed of dog, and the first written mentions of them date back to 1000 BC. This working dog breed, bred in Tibet for herding and guarding domestic animals, is considered one of the most expensive dogs in the world. The weight of an adult Tibetan Mastiff is from 45 to 72 kg, and the height is from 60 to 77 cm.

10. Freddie is the biggest dog in the world

A Great Dane named Freddy loves chicken and peanut butter, but is also not averse to chewing on the sofa; he has quite a few of them on his conscience. A four-year-old dog lives with his owner - this Great Dane is a Guinness Book of Records record holder, weighing 92 kg. The owner maintains the dog together with her sister; they spend more than $18,000 a year. This dog is 2.28 m tall when he stands on his hind legs. One look at him is enough to understand that he is simply a huge beast. Owners Freddie Claire and her sister Fleur are absolutely devoted to this unique creation. He set a Guinness record for the largest dog in the world! In Claire's case, this love of pets meant that she had no time for her personal life; she had another Great Dane. although not a record holder, it also requires attention and care.

Today we will talk about the ten tallest dog breeds in the world. So…

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog – 65–72 cm

The rating opens with the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, a large breed of dog native to the Swiss Alps. This is a large, heavy dog ​​with incredible physical strength. They are sociable, active and calm, rarely bark for no reason. Male weight 50–64 kg, female 48–54 kg. Their lifespan is approximately 11 years.

Caucasian Shepherd – 68–75 cm.

The Caucasian Shepherd is one of the largest dog breeds in the world and is also one of the oldest - at least the breed is more than two thousand years old. The first mention of them dates back to 1121 BC. e. These dogs have a persistent, courageous and decisive character. Distrustful of strangers. The minimum weight of an adult male is 50 kg, females 45 kg. Average life expectancy is 10–12 years.

Hungarian Kuvasz – 70–76 cm.

Eighth place in the list of the tallest dog breeds is occupied by the “Hungarian Kuvasz” - an ancient breed of dog bred in Hungary for hunting and guarding livestock. This is a fairly large dog with thick white hair, which is distinguished by courage and fearlessness. They are absolutely not demanding in terms of content. Males usually weigh 48-62 kg, females 37-50 kg. with a height of 66-70 cm. Their life expectancy is 10–12 years.

Deerhound - min. 76 cm

The Deerhound is a breed of hunting greyhound dog bred for hunting deer. These dogs are born hunters, have lightning-fast reactions and amazing sense of smell. They are very active, extremely hardy, rarely show aggression and practically do not bark. They are easy to train. They are very trusting of strangers. Male weight is about 45.5 kg, female 36.5 kg. Average life expectancy is 8–9 years.

Anatolian Shepherd – 74–81 cm

The Anatolian Shepherd is an ancient dog breed originating from the Anatolian Plateau, Türkiye. It is a robust, large and very strong dog with excellent eyesight and hearing, bred to protect livestock from wolves. Anatolian Shepherds are smart, brave, stubborn dogs that are loyal to their people. They train very well. Their lifespan is 13–15 years. Male weight 50–65 kg, female 40–55 kg.

Russian Greyhound – 75–85 cm

The Russian Greyhound is a breed of hunting dog originating from Russia. The first descriptions of the breed date back to the 17th century. The Russian Greyhound has good eyesight, is capable of developing high speed over short distances, is aggressive towards other animals, and very rarely barks. This is a confident dog with a calm temperament. Male weight 34–48 kg, female 25–41 kg. Their average lifespan is 9–13 years.

English Mastiff – min. 75 cm

The English Mastiff is an ancient English breed of dog, the largest of the mastiffs. Mainly used as a guard dog. These dogs are endowed with enormous physical strength and a calm and gentle character. They are very loyal and faithful to their owner. Their average lifespan is 6-10 years. The weight of an adult male English mastiff reaches 75–110 kg, females 50–75 kg.

St. Bernard – 70–90 cm

An honorable third place in the list of tallest dogs is occupied by the St. Bernard, a large breed of working dog from the Swiss Alps and northern Italy. This is a very large and strong dog, endowed with a calm and patient character. Very loyal and obedient. They don't like small dogs. The average lifespan of a St. Bernard is 8 years, weight is 65–120 kg.

Great Dane – min. 80 cm

the largest dog breed in the world. It was bred in Germany as a guard dog, bodyguard and companion. Known for her huge body and tall height. They have a friendly personality and generally get along well with other dogs and animals. The Great Dane is often referred to as the "gentle giant". Their average life expectancy is 8 years. Male weight 80–100 kg, female 50–80 kg. The breed is the official state symbol of Pennsylvania.

Irish Wolfhound – min. 79 cm

The Irish Wolfhound is the tallest breed of dog bred for hunting and guarding. This is an ancient breed that existed in Ireland back in the 4th century. They are absolutely not aggressive, are quiet and calm by nature, and are relatively easy to train. However, unlike many other breeds, they are noted for their individualism. Male weight 55–80 kg, female 40–65 kg. Their lifespan is from 6 to 10 years, with an average of 7 years.