Pityriasis versicolor. Causes, symptoms, signs, diagnosis and treatment of pathology

Tinea versicolor (also called pityriasis versicolor) may appear as multi-colored spots different sizes on the skin. The disease is fungal in nature.

The causative agent is considered to be the skin fungus pityrosporum oval, which lives on the skin of almost every person. The fungus affects the stratum corneum of the skin and the cuticle of the hair.

The age of patients suffering from the disease usually ranges from 7 to 40 years.

When immune system person is weakened, this fungus becomes more active and begins to manifest itself aggressively. It is especially dangerous with a certain chemical composition of sweat, with increased sweating and disruption of basic physiological processes skin.

Sometimes the causes of tinea versicolor may be disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, the functioning of the autonomic and central nervous systems.

Other causes of lichen are hormonal imbalances, in particular due to the use of oral contraceptives.

There is an opinion that tinea versicolor can occur against the background of tuberculosis, asthma and other chronic pulmonary diseases.

Characteristics of the disease

The disease is not dangerous to human life, but there is little aesthetics in it. In the sun, light spots appear. And if the skin is hidden under clothing, the spots will be red or brownish. Over time they expand and merge.

Pityriasis versicolor can have 2 forms:

  • Erythematosquamous (non-inflammatory spots appear from brown to a café au lait shade).
  • Follicular (papules with ulcers appear).

Usually the spots appear asymmetrically on the chest and back. They occur less frequently on other parts of the body. But if they do, it’s on the arms, neck, and stomach.


It is extremely rare that pityriasis versicolor spots appear on the face. The spots show peeling skin, similar to flour.

Tinea versicolor does not cause unpleasant itching, at least in its most common form. But if the disease is not treated, the spots will darken and increase in size.

There are cases of damage to the scalp under the hair. The hair itself does not suffer at all. This type of lichen is extremely poorly diagnosed and treated, and relapses are often observed after treatment.

Tinea versicolor - contagious or not?

The disease is not contagious. As mentioned above, the causative fungus lives quietly on healthy skin in normal condition.

Symptoms occur only if the immune system is weakened and there are serious malfunctions in the functioning of any body system.

Treatment process

It is important to make a diagnosis before treatment. The easiest way is to cover the skin alcohol solution Yoda. The affected areas will be the most brightly colored.

Special ointments against ringworm:

In addition, Lamisil spray is used, sulfur ointment, salicylic alcohol and other drugs.

All medications must be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication can be harmful.

Ointments are applied to the skin 2 times a day for a two-week course. To enhance the effect of medications, shampoo with selenium is also applied to the spots (if the disease has affected the scalp). The medicated shampoo is used at night and washed off with water in the morning. You can try ketokenazole or nizoral as medicated shampoos.

Among the effective tablet preparations are terbizil or rumicosis, which have fungicidal properties.

Traditional methods of treatment

There are quite a few traditional methods of treating this disease. The simplest one is wiping. You can, for example, wipe the affected skin with juice onions And burdock oil 3 times a day.

Celandine is an excellent folk remedy for healing skin diseases:

After a month, you can start taking the medicine 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. The medicine must be stored in the refrigerator.

Highly effective folk remedies include garlic, tar, apple cider vinegar, cranberry juice.

Pine baths are effective for skin fungus. Pine needles can be used with tansy flowers. Number of needles and tansy per 1 bath – 1 each liter jar. You can add another 1 kg sea ​​salt. The course of treatment is also designed for 2 weeks. Baths should be taken right before bed.


As is known, best way treatment is prevention. To avoid illness, you must carefully and constantly follow the rules of hygiene. It is especially important to monitor sweating and not wear synthetic underwear and clothing.

But the main thing is to strengthen the immune system. To do this, you need to monitor your diet: eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, drink more water.

An excellent way to prevent tinea versicolor is natural tanning in the sun. To protect yourself from skin diseases, it is better not to sunbathe with wet skin and use sunscreen.

The word “lichen” itself, known to medicine since the time ancient Greece, means absolutely various diseases skin, main feature which is the formation of flaky spots. Pityriasis versicolor, or versicolor versicolor - fungal disease, caused by a fungus from the genus of yeast – Malassezia furfur.

Malassezia furfur can also cause a disease such as.

Distinctive feature infection is practically complete absence inflammation and extremely low contagiousness. This is due to the fact that the growth of the microorganism occurs only in the most superficial layers of the skin.


The fungus that causes pityriasis versicolor, is ours natural companion and is constantly located on human skin. However, the disease occurs only under certain conditions. Two factors matter: gender(young men or adolescents during puberty are more likely to get sick) and increased sweating (therefore, the disease is usually found in countries with hot climates, as well as in vagotonic people).

Helps reduce protective properties skin (and, consequently, penetration of the fungus) any immunodeficiencies, incl. with diabetes, taking corticosteroids, poisoning, radiation, HIV infection, etc.

Symptoms of pityriasis versicolor in humans

The disease is localized mainly on the back and chest, less often on the neck, outer surface shoulders and scalp. The main symptom is the appearance of small spots of various shades of brown (hence the name - multi-colored). The spots increase in size over time and merge with each other; the resulting lesions have a finely scalloped outline. There is barely noticeable peeling on the surface of the spots, so appearance Lichen is very similar to the surface of bran.

Interestingly, during its life, the fungus purposefully inhibits the ability of cells to produce the black pigment melatonin, which is always formed when ultraviolet rays act on the skin. Therefore, the areas of the epidermis affected by lichen do not change color during tanning, and in the summer they stand out against the general tanned background as white spots.

Is pityriasis versicolor contagious?

No. Fungi that cause lichen are already present on everyone's skin healthy person, located in sebaceous glands Oh. The reason for the occurrence of pityriasis versicolor is a decrease in the protective properties of the skin due to the reasons mentioned above.

How to treat pityriasis versicolor in humans

Currently, the main method of treating pityriasis versicolor (varicolored) in humans is therapy with local local antifungal drugs in the form of ointments, sprays, and shampoos. Very rarely, but still sometimes there is a need to use systemic tablets.

Since the causative agent of lichen is a yeast-like fungus, antimycotics that are effective against yeast are used to treat this disease.

This includes funds from several chemical groups(given current name drug and its brand name):


  • Ketoconazole = Nizoral
  • Bifonazole = Mycospor
  • Clotrimazole = Canesten
  • Isoconazole = Travogen
  • Econazole = Pevaril
  • Miconazole = Mycozolon
  • Oxiconazole = Mifungar


  • Intraconazole = Orungal
  • Fluconazole = Diflucan


  • Terbinafine = Lamisil
  • Naftifine = Exoderil

Selenium sulfide:

  • Selenium persulfide = Sulsen

How to treat pityriasis versicolor in a person is decided by the attending physician, but the greatest effectiveness is with fewer side effects demonstrate imidazole derivatives. It should be said that if pityriasis versicolor occurs on smooth skin, then, as a rule, therapy only with external agents is effective. If vellus hair is involved in the process, and even more so long hair a combination of general antimycotics and local action. This is due to the fact that the fungus, localized in hair follicles, very poorly susceptible to local influence antimicrobials. Systemic antimycotics are also used for pityriasis versicolor that is difficult to treat locally.

When carrying out therapy, it is possible to use drugs of different chemical groups, for example, Nizoral or Sulsen shampoo in combination with Diflucan or Orungal capsules. Among external agents, preference is given to lotions and sprays, the application of which is technically simpler and more effective than the application of ointments and creams with which pityriasis versicolor is treated.

Forecast and prevention of relapses

The reverse development of spots occurs quite quickly, but it is quite difficult to eradicate the pathogen itself - it continues to live in the follicles of the hair and sebaceous glands. Therefore, pityriasis versicolor is prone to relapses, especially in the hot season. To prevent this from happening, two conditions must be met:

  1. Do not self-medicate and undergo an adequate course of therapy under the supervision of a dermatologist. Many patients stop using antimycotics as soon as they receive the first cosmetic effect. This treatment is not radical: most likely, the lichen recurs.
  2. Carry out a series preventive measures, preventing the development of fungus.

These include:

  • Daily change and ironing of clothes
  • Periodic disinfection of clothing and hats, as well as bed linen in a 2% soap-soda solution
  • Avoiding wearing synthetic clothing (causes more sweating)
  • In the hot season - use antimicrobial drugs every 2-3 weeks on the area where lichen has occurred, or daily wipe the skin with weakly acidic solutions (vinegar, lemon juice), salicylic alcohol
  • Avoid stress and excessive sun exposure

Treatment at home with folk remedies

Treatment is based on the use of various herbal remedies that have slightly acidic properties (stop the growth of fungus) or direct antifungal activity (destroy fungus on the skin). How to treat pityriasis versicolor at home is up to you.

These include:

  • Oxalum ointment: prepared from a mixture of sour cream or cream with sorrel gruel. Treatment period – at least 10 days
  • Rue ointment or from St. John's wort: in fat base(vaseline, butter) add crushed dried herbs or gruel from fresh plants. When mixed, an ointment is obtained, which is used to lubricate the area where lichen spreads.

It is also possible to use ointments on the bases of calendula, hellebore, celandine, string - plants with pronounced antiseptic properties. During treatment, all the above hygienic preventive rules are observed.

Ringworm - skin lesion fungal in nature, manifested by spots on the body. The disease is also called solar fungus or pityriasis versicolor.

The risk group includes men and women with reduced immunity and a predisposition to the disease.

Problem Definition

A dermatologist diagnoses lichen versicolor based on the characteristics of the spots.

He looks different: formations can be located on any part of the body, but are most often localized on the sides of the torso, chest and shoulders. The duration of treatment may be delayed due to the ability of fungi to form protection against the medications used.

The main causes and diseases that provoke the appearance of colored spots:

Since spotted lichen provokes heavy sweating, it is common in people suffering from hyperhidrosis. In this case, the spots are located in areas of active sweat production.

A person’s individual predisposition to a fungus of the genus Pityrpsporum orbiculare, combined with the peculiarities of the body’s functioning, can provoke the occurrence of lichen. The disease is promoted by the special chemical composition of sweat, disruption of the functioning of epidermal cells, and general weakening of the body by various problems and neuroses.

Additional factors, leading to the development versicolor :

In case of contact infection incubation period The illness can last from two weeks to six months.

Signs of the disease (symptoms)

The presence of fungus can only be determined by a specialist. However, to assume the appearance fungal infection can be determined by the presence of pink, brown or yellowish spots on the skin. The formations have uneven edges and an asymmetrical shape.

For each individual patient, the location, volume of the lesion, and color of the spots will be different. Spot size in initial stage can be up to one centimeter in diameter. As the disease spreads, the spots begin to increase in size and merge into one.

The shape of the spots also changes: it becomes oval or diamond-shaped, with active peeling in the center.

Most often the spots are located on chest, shoulders, neck and stomach. In adolescents, lichen florida can be found on the legs and arms.

With tinea versicolor, spots appear on the body in a chaotic manner. So as not to confuse the spots solar lichen with pink, the diagnosis should be carried out by a specialist. Often these types of fungal infections are similar due to the same symptoms - in some cases, the spots of tinea versicolor have a pink tint.

What does tinea versicolor look like: photo

To accurately determine the type of disease, a specialist applies a five percent iodine tincture to healthy and infected areas of the body. Fungi of the genus Pityposporum are stained more strongly than in the healthy zone.

This diagnostic called Balzer breakdown and helps doctors make a diagnosis without scraping.

In the lesions for tinea versicolor no itching and painful sensations . Ringworm can be identified by the peeling of the skin on the affected areas after wetting them with water.

To further check, a dermatologist may examine the spots under a special lamp. Under the light of a Wood's lamp, the tinea versicolor spots will have a yellowish tint.

Wood's lamp in action when detecting lichen

The most effective way to determine the disease is by scraping.

To do this, skin flakes are scraped off at the spots where the spots are located, which are then sent for microscopic examination. Having confirmed a person's symptoms, treatment begins immediately.

Additional symptoms tinea versicolor:

  • increased sweating is observed in the affected area;
  • due to disruption of melanin synthesis, areas with spots do not tan;
  • peeling changes intensity from weak to strong;
  • spots lighten under ultraviolet light and darken in cold period year;
  • Lichen formations merge with the skin, rarely protruding above the surface.

Consequences of the disease

The presence of tinea versicolor does not lead to dangerous complications and is not harmful to health. Other types of fungus can affect and negatively affect internal organs and human systems.

The only trouble that can be caused by lichen– scratching the spots can cause inflammation and suppuration of the skin.

If you constantly touch the spots, wet them with water, or damage the skin in the inflamed area, this can cause seborrheic eczema and other similar diseases epidermis.

After the patient has managed to cure tinea versicolor, they remain on the skin for a long time. age spots white. They gradually compare with the skin tone under the influence ultraviolet radiation.


In addition to disturbing the aesthetic appearance of the skin, tinea versicolor can lead to social problems. Stress and fear of appearing in public places lead to neuroses, insomnia, and loss of ability to work. If you don't think about how to treat lichen, it can cause a relapse.

Methods for treating ringworm

Treatment of formations is carried out at home. Exceptions are rare cases the development of complications when the fungus is attached bacterial infection.

A set of measures aimed at combating ringworm includes local and systemic drugs(ointments and tablets). One ointment for lichen will not work in to the fullest, since the external agent cannot penetrate deep into the skin and destroy the main causative agent of the disease.

In addition to taking medications and treating the infected area of ​​skin, to destroy the fungus you need:

  • follow a diet that excludes the consumption of fried and fatty foods, alcoholic drinks, yeast bread, sweet dishes and kvass;
  • sunbathing (provided that the treatment takes place in the warm season);
  • carefully observe body hygiene;
  • disinfect the apartment, clothes, bed sheets and household items of the patient.

For tinea versicolor moderate severity the doctor prescribes systemic antimycotics that prevent relapse and shorten the treatment period as much as possible. The drugs need to be taken for several days.

These medications include:

The advanced form of the disease is difficult to treat and often provokes relapse. Therefore, measures in this case will be more stringent; you will need the medicine Neotigason, which normalizes the functioning of epidermal cells.

If the spots strike large area skin, strong pigmentation cannot be avoided. In this case, after basic course treatment, the dermatologist will prescribe a drug that will regulate the synthesis of skin pigments and restore color.

Since in most cases, fungal infection is caused by a decrease in immunity, in parallel with the main treatment, the doctor may prescribe drugs to increase the body's resistance. This is echinacea tincture, Immunal, Leuzea and various complexes of vitamins and minerals.

External treatment affected areas is carried out regularly for two to three weeks:

  • wiping and applying the area with fungus with salicylic alcohol;
  • covering areas with sulfur ointment;
  • treating the area affected by lichen with antifungal agents in the form of solutions, lotions, sprays;
  • replacing regular shampoo during treatment with Nizoral shampoo for body hygiene.

External use of the products is indicated until the elements of lichen completely disappear.

Traditional methods of treatment

Additionally, treatment with proven folk remedies :

Strictly following the doctor’s instructions will help you quickly get rid of spots on your body and forget about tinea versicolor forever. For preventive purposes it is recommended to use medicated shampoos or antifungal lotions once a week. To preventive measures it is worth adding sweating control and timely body hygiene.

Traditional methods of treatment: video

Tinea versicolor - has several variant names, such as pityriasis versicolor versicolor; in everyday life it is also called sun fungus. Why sunny? Because it is believed that this skin disease most often appears in residents of countries with hot, humid climates and it manifests itself after exposure to the sun. In Russia, tinea versicolor, according to some statistics, affects only 5-10% of the population.

Pityriasis versicolor affects a certain group of people prone to dermatomycosis, and has the peculiarity of occurring in waves - with periods of subsidence and with periods of relapse during the hot season. solar time year. This is not dangerous disease, which does not pose a threat to human health, is easy to treat, but can cause a person psychological discomfort and a feeling of aesthetic disadvantage or defect.

Pityriasis versicolor - causes of appearance in humans

Pityriasis versicolor (colored) is a fungal disease caused by Malassezia furfur and Pityrpsporum orbiculare, which multiply in the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Upon microscopic examination of the infected layer of skin, these fungi are located in the epidermis in clusters in the form of thick, curved threads.

How is tinea versicolor transmitted? Many believe that this disease is associated with internal reasons imbalance in the body and that pityriasis versicolor is not contagious.

However, dermatologists say that infection from person to person with this type of fungal skin infection is possible. Tinea versicolor is considered a conditionally contagious disease, since when infected, not every person develops clinical manifestations diseases.

The vast majority of the population is infected with many types of fungus, but the progression of mycoses occurs only in weakened people suffering from chronic diseases, with reduced immunity. Therefore, infection with tinea versicolor is possible when:

  • Personal contacts, most often it is a family disease
  • Personal and hygiene items used by an infected person - washcloths, clothing, towels
  • Public changing rooms, fitting booths in stores

Its incubation period ranges from 14 days to several months and for a long time A person does not notice any symptoms of dermatomycosis, however, if provoking factors occur, it can lead to the proliferation of the fungus and the development of tinea versicolor. The reasons for the appearance of pityriasis versicolor in humans are as follows:

Signs of tinea versicolor

Some signs of this skin disease are similar to the symptoms: depriving Zhiber - when pink spots on the skin they take on an elongated or diamond-shaped shape and peel off in the center; with syphilitic roseola - when spots pink color disappear upon palpation and do not peel off; and with diseases such as Vitiligo. Therefore, it is imperative to consult a qualified dermatologist to differentiate the diagnosis and carry out appropriate treatment. Signs of lichen versicolor include:

  • Asymmetrical spots of various shades appear on the skin in places where the fungus multiplies - yellow, pink, brown, and over time they merge into large lesions with uneven edges.
  • From tanning, the color of the spots may change, become lighter, discolored, and in winter time on the contrary, it acquires a dark brown tint, this feature was the basis for the name lichen - multi-colored.
  • Most often, lichen is localized on the back, less often on the neck, shoulders, abdomen, sometimes it affects scalp head, without any changes in the hair.
  • Despite therapy and clinical cure, the disease can recur periodically and last for years.

How to treat pityriasis versicolor

First of all, you should contact a dermatologist: firstly, to establish accurate diagnosis diseases, secondly, only a doctor can determine correct course complex treatment Tinea versicolor. Some patients try to self-medicate and take various antifungal drugs on their own without consulting a dermatologist. This is completely unacceptable; the choice of antifungal therapy regimen should be made only by a specialist and directly depends on the type of lichen, which can only be determined after a thorough diagnosis.

  • IN summer time For therapy, it is recommended to sunbathe, this helps to destroy the fungus; when tanning, discolored spots still persist for several months, this process is called pseudoleukoderma.
  • To treat tinea versicolor, various external local antimycotic agents are used, in the form of creams, ointments, solutions and sprays - Bifonazole (Mikospor, Bifosin), salicylic lotion with chamomile, salicylic gel and shampoo, Clotrimazole cream, solution, Terbinafine cream. Local remedies apply 2 times a day for a course of 14 days.
  • With large areas of damage and long term A dermatologist can prescribe systemic diseases, such as: Ketoconazole- analogues Oronazole, Nizoral, Mycozoral, Fungavis; Clotrimazole; Itraconazole– analogs of Kanditral, Itrazol, Orungal, Orunit, Rumikoz, Fluconazole- Mikosist, Flucostat, Diflucan.
  • During treatment and for prevention after therapy, daily wet cleaning should be carried out with disinfectants in the room where the patient lives. It is also advisable to wash bed linen, underwear and towels at a temperature of 95-100C. Clothes should be ironed thoroughly on both sides, and it is better to throw away the old washcloth.

After tinea versicolor is cured, a person should pay attention to the reasons that caused it and try to eliminate them. Strengthening the immune system, hardening, rational nutrition- will reduce the risk of return of skin pigmentation and relapse of pityriasis versicolor, the treatment of which causes unnecessary trouble for a person and is sometimes expensive.

Lichen versicolor is a fungal disease that belongs to dermatomycosis and is a lesion of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Due to manifestations of this disease aesthetic problems arise, the quality of human life decreases, so it is necessary to use special means for his treatment.

History of the discovery and research of versicolor

Pityriasis versicolor on the body was first described by G. Robin in 1853. He discovered a yeast fungus in the skin scales of the patient, which he named Microsporum Furfur.

In order to distinguish this microorganism from the genus Microsporum (dermatophytes), in 1889 Dr. Bayon proposed a different name for the fungus - Malassezia Furfur. The genus was named after the botanist L. Malasse from France, who described oval and round cells budding in the stratum corneum of the skin. The problem of the pathogenesis of the disease remains relevant to this day. There are various reasons versicolor.

Risk factors

Climatic conditions

High air humidity and hot climate contribute to the occurrence of lichen on the human body and frequent exacerbations of the disease.

Age and gender

Typically, tinea versicolor and dandruff can be found in young people, adolescents and patients mature age. Males are at greatest risk.

Hereditary predisposition

Familial forms of the disease are known.

Skin Features

Increasing sebum secretion and changing it chemical composition during the period of hormonal changes provoke the development of the disease.

Excessive sweating

According to statistics, most patients experience increased sweating, the causes of which are vegetative-vascular disorders, prolonged use of antipyretic drugs, wearing too warm clothes, frequent exercise, excessive physical activity etc.

Weakened immunity

An organism weakened by diets, diseases, stress, and vitamin deficiency is susceptible to activation of fungal flora.

Hormonal imbalances

Long-term use of contraceptives hormonal drugs increases the risk of symptoms.

Concomitant diseases

TO specific reasons The occurrence of multicolored lichen includes neoplasms, tuberculosis, AIDS, diabetes mellitus, systemic pathologies, neurotic and digestive disorders, chronic kidney diseases, lungs, chronic tonsillitis, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

The mechanism of development of pityriasis versicolor

Under the influence of provoking factors, vital activity is activated yeast fungus, which is the causative agent of lichen versicolor. The microorganism actively multiplies in the mouths of the sebaceous hair follicles, forming entire colonies in the affected area that look like tiny yellow-brown dots. Due to the fungus, the production of melanin, which is responsible for the color of the skin in the affected areas, is disrupted. This leads to discoloration and spots on the human body. Tinea versicolor is a conditionally contagious disease.

Tests to diagnose lichen versicolor

● Dermatological examination, detection of typical signs of the disease.
● Detection of fine-plate peeling of spots when scraped (Besnier's symptom).
● Balzer test (smearing of spots and areas healthy skin 5% iodine solution) More intense staining is observed on the affected areas.
● Inspection skin under a Wood's lamp revealing a brown or yellow glow in the affected areas.
Microscopic examination scales from scraping for the presence of yeast fungi.
●Identification concomitant diseases(tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, systemic pathologies, neoplasms, AIDS), which reduce immunity and provoke the occurrence of lichen.

Clinical picture of lichen versicolor

The primary location of the fungus is the mouth of the pilosebaceous follicles. It is here that it multiplies and forms colonies in the form of yellowish-brown dots. Due to peripheral growth, the initial elements turn into sharply defined round spots with a diameter of up to 1 cm. Merging, they represent large lesions larger than the palm of the hand, with characteristic scalloped outlines.

Isolated spots scatter along the periphery. As a rule, yellowish rashes have different color saturation. Color can vary from cream to dark brown. The affected skin of the human body is covered with pityriasis-like scales, which arise as a result of loosening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis by the fungus. The most common locations are the back, chest, and axillary fossae. From there the lichen spreads to side surfaces torso, shoulders, stomach. Less common are lichen versicolor on the face, arms, neck, legs, genitals, and scalp; the feet and hands are not affected.

Treatment of versicolor

How to treat lichen versicolor: modern methods of therapy.

Fungal infection of the skin is a consequence of the transformation of a saprophyte into a pathogenic form, which occurs in the presence of unfavorable conditions. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to identify provoking factors and eliminate them. The treatment regimen for lichen versicolor in humans depends on the location and size of the affected areas of the body. In modern therapeutic practice, local antifungal agents with active ingredients from the azoles group.

Patients with an advanced form of the disease who do not respond to local therapy, and also if available frequent relapses appoint systemic treatment– courses of antifungal drugs. To accumulate a therapeutically significant concentration of the drug in the skin within 12 hours after local treatment It is recommended to refrain from swimming. Answering the question of how to get rid of versicolor for a long time, some experts recommend changing not only underwear, but also clothes every day.

Preparations for the treatment of multicolored lichen

The disease affects the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Therefore, to cure lichen versicolor, it is necessary to use external remedies. By type active substance they are divided into the following groups:

● fungicidal;
● keratolytic;
● products with zinc pyrithioneate;
● combined.

Enough an effective drug for multicolored lichen is NIZORAL ® cream, which contains ketoconazole (2%) - a component with mycostatic or fungicidal activity. The action of this substance helps eliminate skin itching, caused by dermatophytes, yeasts and yeast fungi Pityrosporum sp. It is necessary to treat lichen versicolor for the period prescribed by the doctor.

Prevention measures

To prevent the recurrence of the disease after a course of treatment antifungal drugs, you must carefully adhere to the basic rules of personal hygiene. To disinfect underwear and bedding, they should be disinfected. People suffering from lichen versicolor are advised to wear clothes made from natural, preferably cotton, fabrics. Patients predisposed to fungal skin infections and suffering from hyperhidrosis ( increased sweating), in hot weather it is recommended to wipe the skin with a weak solution salicylic alcohol or acidified water. Also, in order to cure the disease, you should constantly strengthen your immune system, eat rationally, exercise regularly, and, if possible, get rid of stress and excessive physical activity.

Use of NIZORAL ® products for versicolor versicolor

When treating lichen versicolor, NIZORAL ® shampoo is applied to the affected areas for 3–5 minutes, then washed off with water. The procedure must be repeated once a day for five days.

NIZORAL ® cream is a remedy for pityriasis versicolor that restores health to the skin when used 1-2 times a day. The cream is applied to the affected area of ​​the body and the immediate surrounding area for two to three weeks.

It is important that treatment of pityriasis versicolor in a person continues for a significant period of time - at least for several days after the symptoms of pityriasis versicolor have disappeared. If after four weeks of treatment there is no therapeutic effect, therapeutic tactics needs to be reconsidered. In addition to taking medications for lichen versicolor, to control sources of reinfection and infection, general hygiene requirements should be strictly observed.